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Neural crest cells play many key roles in embryonic development, as demonstrated by the abnormalities that result from their specific absence or dysfunction. Unfortunately, these key cells are particularly sensitive to abnormalities in various intrinsic and extrinsic factors, such as genetic deletions or ethanol‐exposure that lead to morbidity and mortality for organisms. This review discusses the role identified for a segment of neural crest in regulating the morphogenesis of the heart and associated great vessels. The paradox is that their derivatives constitute a small proportion of cells to the cardiovascular system. Findings supporting that these cells impact early cardiac function raises the interesting possibility that they indirectly control cardiovascular development at least partially through regulating function. Making connections between insults to the neural crest, cardiac function, and morphogenesis is more approachable with technological advances. Expanding our understanding of early functional consequences could be useful in improving diagnosis and testing therapies. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 102:227–250, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Proper craniofacial development begins during gastrulation and requires the coordinated integration of each germ layer tissue (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm) and its derivatives in concert with the precise regulation of cell proliferation, migration, and differentiation. Neural crest cells, which are derived from ectoderm, are a migratory progenitor cell population that generates most of the cartilage, bone, and connective tissue of the head and face. Neural crest cell development is regulated by a combination of intrinsic cell autonomous signals acquired during their formation, balanced with extrinsic signals from tissues with which the neural crest cells interact during their migration and differentiation. Although craniofacial anomalies are typically attributed to defects in neural crest cell development, the cause may be intrinsic or extrinsic. Therefore, we performed a phenotype-driven ENU mutagenesis screen in mice with the aim of identifying novel alleles in an unbiased manner, that are critically required for early craniofacial development. Here we describe 10 new mutant lines, which exhibit phenotypes affecting frontonasal and pharyngeal arch patterning, neural and vascular development as well as sensory organ morphogenesis. Interestingly, our data imply that neural crest cells and endothelial cells may employ similar developmental programs and be interdependent during early embryogenesis, which collectively is critical for normal craniofacial morphogenesis. Furthermore our novel mutants that model human conditions such as exencephaly, craniorachischisis, DiGeorge, and Velocardiofacial sydnromes could be very useful in furthering our understanding of the complexities of specific human diseases.  相似文献   

The neural crest is the name given to the strip of cells at the junction between neural and epidermal ectoderm in neurula‐stage vertebrate embryos, which is later brought to the dorsal neural tube as the neural folds elevate. The neural crest is a heterogeneous and multipotent progenitor cell population whose cells undergo EMT then extensively and accurately migrate throughout the embryo. Neural crest cells contribute to nearly every organ system in the body, with derivatives of neuronal, glial, neuroendocrine, pigment, and also mesodermal lineages. This breadth of developmental capacity has led to the neural crest being termed the fourth germ layer. The neural crest has occupied a prominent place in developmental biology, due to its exaggerated migratory morphogenesis and its remarkably wide developmental potential. As such, neural crest cells have become an attractive model for developmental biologists for studying these processes. Problems in neural crest development cause a number of human syndromes and birth defects known collectively as neurocristopathies; these include Treacher Collins syndrome, Hirschsprung disease, and 22q11.2 deletion syndromes. Tumors in the neural crest lineage are also of clinical importance, including the aggressive melanoma and neuroblastoma types. These clinical aspects have drawn attention to the selection or creation of neural crest progenitor cells, particularly of human origin, for studying pathologies of the neural crest at the cellular level, and also for possible cell therapeutics. The versatility of the neural crest lends itself to interlinked research, spanning basic developmental biology, birth defect research, oncology, and stem/progenitor cell biology and therapy. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 102:275–298, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this review article I explore the suitability of human epidermal neural crest stem cells (hEPI‐NCSC) for translational medicine. hEPI‐NCSC are multipotent somatic stem cells that are derived from the embryonic neural crest. hEPI‐NCSC are located in the bulge of hair follicles where they persist postnatally and into adulthood. Because of their location in the hairy skin and their migratory behavior, hEPI‐NCSC can be easily isolated as a highly pure population of stem cells without the need for purification. Furthermore they can be expanded ex vivo into millions of stem cells, they do not form tumors in vivo, and they can undergo directed differentiation into crest and noncrest‐derived cell types of clinical relevance. Taken together, these characteristics make hEPI‐NCSC attractive candidates for cell‐based therapies, drug discovery, and disease modeling. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 102:221–226, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In vertebrate embryos, neural crest cells migrate extensively to defined sites where they differentiate into a complex array of derivatives, ranging from neurons to pigment cells. Neural crest cells emerge uniformly from the neural tube but their subsequent migratory pattern is segmented along much of the body axis. What factors control this segmental migration? At trunk levels, it is imposed by the intrinsic segmentation of the neighbouring somitic mesoderm, while in the head, intrinsic information within the neural tube as well as extrinsic influences from the ectoderm are involved. A variety of cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions are thought to influence initiation and movement of neural crest cells. This review summarizes recent progress from both experimental embryology and cell biology approaches in uncovering the mechanisms underlying neural crest cell migration.  相似文献   

The adult hair follicle: cradle for pluripotent neural crest stem cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This review focuses on the recent identification of two novel neural crest-derived cells in the adult mammalian hair follicle, pluripotent stem cells, and Merkel cells. Wnt1-cre/R26R compound transgenic mice, which in the periphery express beta-galactosidase in a neural crest-specific manner, were used to trace neural crest cells. Neural crest cells invade the facial epidermis as early as embryonic day 9.5. Neural crest-derived cells are present along the entire extent of the whisker follicle. This includes the bulge area, an epidermal niche for keratinocyte stem cells, as well as the matrix at the base of the hair follicle. We have determined by in vitro clonal analysis that the bulge area of the adult whisker follicle contains pluripotent neural crest stem cells. In culture, beta-galactosidase-positive cells emigrate from bulge explants, identifying them as neural crest-derived cells. When these cells are resuspended and grown in clonal culture, they give rise to colonies that contain multiple differentiated cell types, including neurons, Schwann cells, smooth muscle cells, pigment cells, chondrocytes, and possibly other types of cells. This result provides evidence for the pluripotentiality of the clone-forming cell. Serial cloning showed that bulge-derived neural crest cells undergo self-renewal, which identifies them as stem cells. Pluripotent neural crest cells are also localized in the back skin hair of adult mice. The bulge area of the whisker follicle is surrounded by numerous Merkel cells, which together with innervating nerve endings form slowly adapting mechanoreceptors that transduce steady skin indentation. Merkel cells express beta-galactosidase in double transgenic mice, which confirms their neural crest origin. Taken together, our data indicate that the epidermis of the adult hair follicle contains pluripotent neural crest stem cells, termed epidermal neural crest stem cells (eNCSCs), and one newly identified neural crest derivative, the Merkel cell. The intrinsic high degree of plasticity of eNCSCs and the fact that they are easily accessible in the skin make them attractive candidates for diverse autologous cell therapy strategies.  相似文献   

Previous analyses of single neural crest cell trajectories have suggested important roles for interactions between neural crest cells and the environment, and amongst neural crest cells. To test the relative contribution of intrinsic versus extrinsic information in guiding cells to their appropriate sites, we ablated subpopulations of premigratory chick hindbrain neural crest and followed the remaining neural crest cells over time using a new in ovo imaging technique. Neural crest cell migratory behaviors are dramatically different in ablated compared with unoperated embryos. Deviations from normal migration appear either shortly after cells emerge from the neural tube or en route to the branchial arches, areas where cell-cell interactions typically occur between neural crest cells in normal embryos. Unlike the persistent, directed trajectories in normal embryos, neural crest cells frequently change direction and move somewhat chaotically after ablation. In addition, the migration of neural crest cells in collective chains, commonly observed in normal embryos, was severely disrupted. Hindbrain neural crest cells have the capacity to reroute their migratory pathways and thus compensate for missing neural crest cells after ablation of neighboring populations. Because the alterations in neural crest cell migration are most dramatic in regions that would normally foster cell-cell interactions, the trajectories reported here argue that cell-cell interactions have a key role in the shaping of the neural crest migration.  相似文献   

Neural crest forms four major categories of derivatives: pigment cells, peripheral neurons, peripheral glia, and ectomesenchymal cells. Some early neural crest cells generate progeny of several fates. How specific cell fates become specified is still poorly understood. Here we show that zebrafish embryos with mutations in the colourless gene have severe defects in most crest-derived cell types, including pigment cells, neurons and specific glia. In contrast, craniofacial skeleton and medial fin mesenchyme are normal. These observations suggest that colourless has a key role in development of non-ectomesenchymal neural crest fates, but not in development of ectomesenchymal fates. Thus, the cls mutant phenotype reveals a segregation of ectomesenchymal and non-ectomesenchymal fates during zebrafish neural crest development. The combination of pigmentation and enteric nervous system defects makes colourless mutations a model for two human neurocristopathies, Waardenburg-Shah syndrome and Hirschsprung's disease.  相似文献   

Whether it is due to a particular epigenetic signature, or some other component of an embryonic differentiation program, accumulating evidence indicates that the origins of a stem cell has a profound impact on the potential of a tissue to regenerate and repair. Here, we focus on Müller glia, long considered the stem cells of the retina, and their surprising derivation from the neural crest. Whether the multipotent properties of a subset of Müller glia is associated with their neural crest origin remains a tantalizing possibility. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 102:299–308, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells (NCCs) are vertebrate‐specific transient, multipotent, migratory stem cells that play a crucial role in many aspects of embryonic development. These cells emerge from the dorsal neural tube and subsequently migrate to different regions of the body, contributing to the formation of diverse cell lineages and structures, including much of the peripheral nervous system, craniofacial skeleton, smooth muscle, skin pigmentation, and multiple ocular and periocular structures. Indeed, abnormalities in neural crest development cause craniofacial defects and ocular anomalies, such as Axenfeld‐Rieger syndrome and primary congenital glaucoma. Thus, understanding the molecular regulation of neural crest development is important to enhance our knowledge of the basis for congenital eye diseases, reflecting the contributions of these progenitors to multiple cell lineages. Particularly, understanding the underpinnings of neural crest formation will help to discern the complexities of eye development, as these NCCs are involved in every aspect of this process. In this review, we summarize the role of ocular NCCs in eye development, particularly focusing on congenital eye diseases associated with anterior segment defects and the interplay between three prominent molecules, PITX2, CYP1B1, and retinoic acid, which act in concert to specify a population of neural crest‐derived mesenchymal progenitors for migration and differentiation, to give rise to distinct anterior segment tissues. We also describe recent findings implicating this stem cell population in ocular coloboma formation, and introduce recent evidence suggesting the involvement of NCCs in optic fissure closure and vascular development. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 105:87–95, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells, a population of proliferative, migratory, tissue-invasive stem cells, are a defining feature of vertebrate embryos. These cells arise at the neural plate border during a time in development when precursors of the central nervous system and the epidermis are responding to the extracellular signals that will ultimately dictate their fates. Neural crest progenitors, by contrast, must be maintained in a multipotent state until after neural tube closure. Although the molecular mechanisms governing this process have yet to be fully elucidated, recent work has suggested that Myc functions to prevent premature cell fate decisions in neural crest forming regions of the early ectoderm. Here, we show that the small HLH protein Id3 is a Myc target that plays an essential role in the formation and maintenance of neural crest stem cells. A morpholino-mediated 'knockdown' of Id3 protein results in embryos that lack neural crest. Moreover, forced expression of Id3 maintains the expression of markers of the neural crest progenitor state beyond the time when they would normally be downregulated and blocks the differentiation of neural crest derivatives. These results shed new light on the mechanisms governing the formation and maintenance of a developmentally and clinically important cell population.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells are remarkable in their extensive and stereotypic patterns of migration. The pathways of neural crest migration have been documented by cell marking techniques, including interspecific neural tube grafts, immunocytochemistry and Dil-labelling. In the trunk, neural crest cells migrate dorsally under the skin or ventrally through the somites, where they move in a segmental fashion through the rostral half of each sclerotome. The segmental migration of neural crest cells appears to be prescribed by the somites, perhaps by an inhibitory cue from the caudal half. Within the rostral sclerotome, neural crest cells fill the available space except for a region around the notochord, suggesting the notochord may inhibit neural crest cells in its vicinity. In the cranial region, antibody perturbation experiments suggest that multiple cell-matrix interactions are required for proper in vivo migration of neural crest cells. Neural crest cells utilize integrin receptors to bind to a number of extracellular matrix molecules. Substrate selective inhibition of neural crest cell attachment in vitro by integrin antibodies and antisense oligonucleotides has demonstrated that they possess at least three integrins, one being an α1β1 integrin which functions in the absence of divalent cations. Thus, neural crest cells utilize complex sets of interactions which may differ at different axial levels.  相似文献   

Neural crest progenitor cells are the main contributors to craniofacial cartilage and connective tissue of the vertebrate head. These progenitor cells also give rise to the pigment, neuronal and glial cell lineages. To study the molecular basis of neural crest differentiation, we have cloned the gene disrupted in the mont blanc (mob(m610)) mutation, which affects all neural crest derivatives. Using a positional candidate cloning approach we identified an A to G transition within the 3' splice site of the sixth intron of the tfap2a gene that abolishes the last exon encoding the crucial protein dimerization and DNA-binding domains. Neural crest induction and specification are not hindered in mob(m610) mutant embryos, as revealed by normal expression of early neural crest specific genes such as snail2, foxd3 and sox10. In addition, the initial stages of cranial neural crest migration appear undisturbed, while at a later phase the craniofacial primordia in pharyngeal arches two to seven fail to express their typical set of genes (sox9a, wnt5a, dlx2, hoxa2/b2). In mob(m610) mutant embryos, the cell number of neuronal and glial derivatives of neural crest is greatly reduced, suggesting that tfap2a is required for their normal development. By tracing the fate of neural crest progenitors in live mont blanc (mob(m610)) embryos, we found that at 24 hpf neural crest cells migrate normally in the first pharyngeal arch while the preotic and postotic neural crest cells begin migration but fail to descend to the pharyngeal region of the head. TUNEL assay and Acridine Orange staining revealed that in the absence of tfap2a a subset of neural crest cells are unable to undergo terminal differentiation and die by apoptosis. Furthermore, surviving neural crest cells in tfap2a/mob(m610) mutant embryos proliferate normally and later differentiate to individual derivatives. Our results indicate that tfap2a is essential to turn on the normal developmental program in arches 2-7 and in trunk neural crest. Thus, tfap2a does not appear to be involved in early specification and cell proliferation of neural crest, but it is a key regulator of an early differentiation phase and is required for cell survival in neural crest derived cell lineages.  相似文献   

The cardiac neural crest cells (CNCCs) have played an important role in the evolution and development of the vertebrate cardiovascular system: from reinforcement of the developing aortic arch arteries early in vertebrate evolution, to later orchestration of aortic arch artery remodeling into the great arteries of the heart, and finally outflow tract septation in amniotes. A critical element necessary for the evolutionary advent of outflow tract septation was the co‐evolution of the cardiac neural crest cells with the second heart field. This review highlights the major transitions in vertebrate circulatory evolution, explores the evolutionary developmental origins of the CNCCs from the third stream cranial neural crest, and explores candidate signaling pathways in CNCC and outflow tract evolution drawn from our knowledge of DiGeorge Syndrome. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 102:309–323, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Han J  Ito Y  Yeo JY  Sucov HM  Maas R  Chai Y 《Developmental biology》2003,261(1):183-196
Neural crest cells are multipotential progenitors that contribute to various cell and tissue types during embryogenesis. Here, we have investigated the molecular and cellular mechanism by which the fate of neural crest cell is regulated during tooth development. Using a two- component genetic system for indelibly marking the progeny of neural crest cells, we provide in vivo evidence of a deficiency of CNC-derived dental mesenchyme in Msx1 null mutant mouse embryos. The deficiency of the CNC results from an elevated CDK inhibitor p19(INK4d) activity and the disruption of cell proliferation. Interestingly, in the absence of Msx1, the CNC-derived dental mesenchyme misdifferentiates and possesses properties consistent with a neuronal fate, possibly through a default mechanism. Attenuation of p19(INK4d) in Msx1 null mutant mandibular explants restores mitotic activity in the dental mesenchyme, demonstrating the functional significance of Msx1-mediated p19(INK4d) expression in regulating CNC cell proliferation during odontogenesis. Collectively, our results demonstrate that homeobox gene Msx1 regulates the fate of CNC cells by controlling the progression of the cell cycle. Genetic mutation of Msx1 may alternatively instruct the fate of these progenitor cells during craniofacial development.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells are highly migratory cells that give rise to many derivatives including peripheral ganglia, craniofacial structures and melanocytes. Neural crest cells migrate along defined pathways to their target sites, interacting with each other and their environment as they migrate. Cell adhesion molecules are critical during this process. In this review we discuss the expression and function of cell adhesion molecules during the process of neural crest migration, in particular cadherins, integrins, members of the immunoglobulin superfamily of cell adhesion molecules, and the proteolytic enzymes that cleave these cell adhesion molecules. The expression and function of these cell adhesion molecules and proteases are compared across neural crest emigrating from different axial levels, and across different species of vertebrates.  相似文献   

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