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Gangning Liang 《Epigenetics》2017,12(6):416-432
DNA methylation aberrancies are hallmarks of human cancers and are characterized by global DNA hypomethylation of repetitive elements and non-CpG rich regions concomitant with locus-specific DNA hypermethylation. DNA methylation changes may result in altered gene expression profiles, most notably the silencing of tumor suppressors, microRNAs, endogenous retorviruses and tumor antigens due to promoter DNA hypermethylation, as well as oncogene upregulation due to gene-body DNA hypermethylation. Here, we review DNA methylation aberrancies in human cancers, their use in cancer surveillance and the interplay between DNA methylation and histone modifications in gene regulation. We also summarize DNA methylation inhibitors and their therapeutic effects in cancer treatment. In this context, we describe the integration of DNA methylation inhibitors with conventional chemotherapies, DNA repair inhibitors and immune-based therapies, to bring the epigenome closer to its normal state and increase sensitivity to other therapeutic agents to improve patient outcome and survival.  相似文献   

DNA甲基化和去甲基化的研究现状及思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓大君 《遗传》2014,36(5):403-410
DNA甲基化通过调节基因转录、印记、X染色体灭活和防御外源性遗传物质入侵等, 在细胞分化、胚胎发育、环境适应和疾病发生发展上发挥重要作用, 是当前表观遗传学研究的热点领域之一。文章介绍了在过去几年中TET介导的DNA羟甲基化及其在早期胚胎发育中的作用, DNA主动去甲基化及其与被动去甲基化的关系, DNA甲基化建立及其与组蛋白修饰、染色质构象、多梳蛋白和非编码RNA结合等关系方面的重要研究进展和存在的问题以及DNA甲基化的转化应用前景。  相似文献   

DNA methylation is dynamically remodelled during the mammalian life cycle through distinct phases of reprogramming and de novo methylation. These events enable the acquisition of cellular potential followed by the maintenance of lineage-restricted cell identity, respectively, a process that defines the life cycle through successive generations. DNA methylation contributes to the epigenetic regulation of many key developmental processes including genomic imprinting, X-inactivation, genome stability and gene regulation. Emerging sequencing technologies have led to recent insights into the dynamic distribution of DNA methylation during development and the role of this epigenetic mark within distinct genomic contexts, such as at promoters, exons or imprinted control regions. Additionally, there is a better understanding of the mechanistic basis of DNA demethylation during epigenetic reprogramming in primordial germ cells and during pre-implantation development. Here, we discuss our current understanding of the developmental roles and dynamics of this key epigenetic system.  相似文献   

We report a series of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of up to a microsecond combined simulation time designed to probe epigenetically modified DNA sequences. More specifically, by monitoring the effects of methylation and hydroxymethylation of cytosine in different DNA sequences, we show, for the first time, that DNA epigenetic modifications change the molecule''s dynamical landscape, increasing the propensity of DNA toward different values of twist and/or roll/tilt angles (in relation to the unmodified DNA) at the modification sites. Moreover, both the extent and position of different modifications have significant effects on the amount of structural variation observed. We propose that these conformational differences, which are dependent on the sequence environment, can provide specificity for protein binding.  相似文献   

We report a series of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of up to a microsecond combined simulation time designed to probe epigenetically modified DNA sequences. More specifically, by monitoring the effects of methylation and hydroxymethylation of cytosine in different DNA sequences, we show, for the first time, that DNA epigenetic modifications change the molecule's dynamical landscape, increasing the propensity of DNA toward different values of twist and/or roll/tilt angles (in relation to the unmodified DNA) at the modification sites. Moreover, both the extent and position of different modifications have significant effects on the amount of structural variation observed. We propose that these conformational differences, which are dependent on the sequence environment, can provide specificity for protein binding.  相似文献   

DNA methylation can regulate gene expression and has been shown to modulate cancer cell biology and chemotherapy resistance. Therapeutic radiation results in a biological response to counter the subsequent DNA damage and genomic stress in order to avoid cell death. In this study, we analyzed DNA methylation changes at >450,000 loci to determine a potential epigenetic response to ionizing radiation in MDA-MB-231 cells. Cells were irradiated at 2 and 6 Gy and analyzed at 7 time points from 1–72 h. Significantly differentially methylated genes were enriched in gene ontology categories relating to cell cycle, DNA repair, and apoptosis pathways. The degree of differential methylation of these pathways varied with radiation dose and time post-irradiation in a manner consistent with classical biological responses to radiation. A cell cycle arrest was observed 24 h post-irradiation and DNA damage, as measured by γH2AX, resolved at 24 h. In addition, cells showed low levels of apoptosis 2–48 h post-6 Gy and cellular senescence became significant at 72 h post-irradiation. These DNA methylation changes suggest an epigenetic role in the cellular response to radiation.  相似文献   

Imprinting, i.e. parent-of-origin expression of alleles, plays an important role in regulating development in mammals and plants. DNA methylation catalyzed by DNA methyltransferases plays a pivotal role in regulating imprinting by silencing parental alleles. DEMETER (DME), a DNA glycosylase functioning in the base-excision DNA repair pathway, can excise 5-methylcytosine from DNA and regulate genomic imprinting in Arabidopsis. DME demethylates the maternal MEDEA (MEA) promoter in endosperm, resulting in expression of the maternal MEA allele. However, it is not known whether DME interacts with other proteins in regulating gene imprinting. Here we report the identification of histone H1.2 as a DME-interacting protein in a yeast two-hybrid screen, and confirmation of their interaction by the in vitro pull-down assay. Genetic analysis of the loss-of-function histone h1 mutant showed that the maternal histone H1 allele is required for DME regulation of MEA, FWA and FIS2 imprinting in Arabidopsis endosperm but the paternal allele is dispensable. Furthermore, we show that mutations in histone H1 result in an increase of DNA methylation in the maternal MEA and FWA promoter in endosperm. Our results suggest that histone H1 is involved in DME-mediated DNA methylation and gene regulation at imprinted loci.  相似文献   

In mammalian development, epigenetic modifications, including DNA methylation patterns, play a crucial role in defining cell fate but also represent epigenetic barriers that restrict developmental potential. At two points in the life cycle, DNA methylation marks are reprogrammed on a global scale, concomitant with restoration of developmental potency. DNA methylation patterns are subsequently re-established with the commitment towards a distinct cell fate. This reprogramming of DNA methylation takes place firstly on fertilization in the zygote, and secondly in primordial germ cells (PGCs), which are the direct progenitors of sperm or oocyte. In each reprogramming window, a unique set of mechanisms regulates DNA methylation erasure and re-establishment. Recent advances have uncovered roles for the TET3 hydroxylase and passive demethylation, together with base excision repair (BER) and the elongator complex, in methylation erasure from the zygote. Deamination by AID, BER and passive demethylation have been implicated in reprogramming in PGCs, but the process in its entirety is still poorly understood. In this review, we discuss the dynamics of DNA methylation reprogramming in PGCs and the zygote, the mechanisms involved and the biological significance of these events. Advances in our understanding of such natural epigenetic reprogramming are beginning to aid enhancement of experimental reprogramming in which the role of potential mechanisms can be investigated in vitro. Conversely, insights into in vitro reprogramming techniques may aid our understanding of epigenetic reprogramming in the germline and supply important clues in reprogramming for therapies in regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

Robin Holliday   《Mutation research》1987,181(2):215-217
It is frequently assumed that DNA-damaging agents are carcinogenic because they induce mutations. However, another strong possibility is that the damage leads to heritable changes in the methylation of cytosine in DNA. Considerable evidence exists that gene expression in mammalian cells is in part controlled by methylation of specific DNA sequences. Carcinogens may act by altering the normal epigenetic controls of gene activity in specialised cells, and thereby produce aberrant heritable phenotypes. It is known that agents which inhibit DNA methylation can be carcinogenic and that tumour cells are altered in DNA methylation.  相似文献   

Regulation and function of DNA methylation in plants and animals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
He XJ  Chen T  Zhu JK 《Cell research》2011,21(3):442-465

Recent mapping of nucleosome positioning on several long gene regions subject to DNA methylation has identified instances of nucleosome repositioning by this base modification. The evidence for an effect of CpG methylation on nucleosome formation and positioning in chromatin is reviewed here in the context of the complex sequence-structure requirements of DNA wrapping around the histone octamer and the role of this epigenetic mark in gene repression.  相似文献   

Patterns of DNA methylation, an important epigenetic modification involved in gene silencing and development, are disrupted in cancer cells. Understanding the functional significance of aberrant methylation in tumors remains challenging, due in part to the lack of suitable tools to actively modify methylation patterns. DNA demethylation caused by mammalian DNA methyltransferase inhibitors is transient and replication-dependent, whereas that induced by TET enzymes involves oxidized 5mC derivatives that perform poorly understood regulatory functions. Unlike animals, plants possess enzymes that directly excise unoxidized 5mC from DNA, allowing restoration of unmethylated C through base excision repair. Here, we show that expression of Arabidopsis 5mC DNA glycosylase DEMETER (DME) in colon cancer cells demethylates and reactivates hypermethylated silenced loci. Interestingly, DME expression causes genome-wide changes that include both DNA methylation losses and gains, and partially restores the methylation pattern observed in normal tissue. Furthermore, such methylome reprogramming is accompanied by altered cell cycle responses and increased sensibility to anti-tumor drugs, decreased ability to form colonospheres, and tumor growth impairment in vivo. Our study shows that it is possible to reprogram a human cancer DNA methylome by expression of a plant DNA demethylase.  相似文献   

The process of aging results in a host of changes at the cellular and molecular levels, which include senescence, telomere shortening, and changes in gene expression. Epigenetic patterns also change over the lifespan, suggesting that epigenetic changes may constitute an important component of the aging process. The epigenetic mark that has been most highly studied is DNA methylation, the presence of methyl groups at CpG dinucleotides. These dinucleotides are often located near gene promoters and associate with gene expression levels. Early studies indicated that global levels of DNA methylation increase over the first few years of life and then decrease beginning in late adulthood. Recently, with the advent of microarray and next‐generation sequencing technologies, increases in variability of DNA methylation with age have been observed, and a number of site‐specific patterns have been identified. It has also been shown that certain CpG sites are highly associated with age, to the extent that prediction models using a small number of these sites can accurately predict the chronological age of the donor. Together, these observations point to the existence of two phenomena that both contribute to age‐related DNA methylation changes: epigenetic drift and the epigenetic clock. In this review, we focus on healthy human aging throughout the lifetime and discuss the dynamics of DNA methylation as well as how interactions between the genome, environment, and the epigenome influence aging rates. We also discuss the impact of determining ‘epigenetic age’ for human health and outline some important caveats to existing and future studies.  相似文献   

Incongruence between conventional and molecular systematics has left the delineation of many species unresolved. Reef‐building corals are no exception, with phenotypic plasticity among the most plausible explanations for alternative morphospecies. As potential molecular signatures of phenotypic plasticity, epigenetic processes may contribute to our understanding of morphospecies. We compared genetic and epigenetic variation in Caribbean branching Porites spp., testing the hypothesis that epigenetics—specifically, differential patterns of DNA methylation—play a role in alternative morphotypes of a group whose taxonomic status has been questioned. We used reduced representation genome sequencing to analyse over 1,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms and CpG sites in 27 samples of Porites spp. exhibiting a range of morphotypes from a variety of habitats in Belize. We found stronger evidence for genetic rather than epigenetic structuring, identifying three well‐defined genetic groups. One of these groups exhibited significantly thicker branches, and branch thickness was a better predictor of genetic groups than depth, habitat or symbiont type. In contrast, no clear epigenetic patterns emerged with respect to phenotypic or habitat variables. While there was a weak positive correlation between pairwise genetic and epigenetic distance, two pairs of putative clones exhibited substantial epigenetic differences, suggesting a strong environmental effect. We speculate that epigenetic patterns are a complex mosaic reflecting diverse environmental histories superimposed over a relatively small heritable component. Given the role of genetics in branching Porites spp. morphospecies we were able to detect with genomewide sequencing, use of such techniques throughout the geographic range of these corals may help settle their phylogeny.  相似文献   

Osteosarcoma is the most common primary malignant bone tumor in children. Validated biological markers for disease prognosis available at diagnosis are lacking. No genome-wide DNA methylation studies linked to clinical outcomes have been reported in osteosarcoma to the best of our knowledge. To address this, we tested the methylome at over 1.1 million loci in 15 osteosarcoma biopsy samples obtained prior to the initiation of therapy and correlated these molecular data with disease outcomes. At more than 17% of the tested loci, samples obtained from patients who experienced disease relapse were more methylated than those from patients who did not have recurrence while patients who did not experience disease relapse had more DNA methylation at fewer than 1%. In samples from patients who went on to have recurrent disease, increased DNA methylation was found at gene bodies, intergenic regions and empirically-annotated candidate enhancers, whereas candidate gene promoters were unusual for a more balanced distribution of increased and decreased DNA methylation with 6.6% of gene promoter loci being more methylated and 2% of promoter loci being less methylated in patients with disease relapse. A locus at the TLR4 gene demonstrates one of strongest associations between DNA methylation and 5 y event-free survival (P-value = 1.7 × 10−6), with empirical annotation of this locus showing promoter characteristics. Our data indicate that DNA methylation information has the potential to be predictive of outcome in pediatric osteosarcoma, and that both promoters and non-promoter loci are potentially informative in DNA methylation studies.  相似文献   

Osteosarcoma is the most common primary malignant bone tumor in children. Validated biological markers for disease prognosis available at diagnosis are lacking. No genome-wide DNA methylation studies linked to clinical outcomes have been reported in osteosarcoma to the best of our knowledge. To address this, we tested the methylome at over 1.1 million loci in 15 osteosarcoma biopsy samples obtained prior to the initiation of therapy and correlated these molecular data with disease outcomes. At more than 17% of the tested loci, samples obtained from patients who experienced disease relapse were more methylated than those from patients who did not have recurrence while patients who did not experience disease relapse had more DNA methylation at fewer than 1%. In samples from patients who went on to have recurrent disease, increased DNA methylation was found at gene bodies, intergenic regions and empirically-annotated candidate enhancers, whereas candidate gene promoters were unusual for a more balanced distribution of increased and decreased DNA methylation with 6.6% of gene promoter loci being more methylated and 2% of promoter loci being less methylated in patients with disease relapse. A locus at the TLR4 gene demonstrates one of strongest associations between DNA methylation and 5 y event-free survival (P-value = 1.7 × 10?6), with empirical annotation of this locus showing promoter characteristics. Our data indicate that DNA methylation information has the potential to be predictive of outcome in pediatric osteosarcoma, and that both promoters and non-promoter loci are potentially informative in DNA methylation studies.  相似文献   

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