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The plant functional group approach has the potential to clarify ecological patterns and is of particular importance in simplifying the application of ecological models in high biodiversity ecosystems. Six functional groups (pasture grass, pasture sapling, top-canopy tree, top-canopy liana, mid canopy tree, and understory tree) were established a priori based on ecosystem inhabited, life form, and position within the forest canopy profile on eastern Amazonian region. Ecophysiological traits related to photosynthetic gas exchange were then used to characterize such groups. The ecophysiological traits evaluated showed considerable variations among groups. The pasture grass functional group (a C4 photosynthetic pathway species) showed high instantaneous water use efficiency (A max/g s@A max), high photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (A max/N area), and high ratio of A max to dark respiration (A max/R d). Among the species with the C3 photosynthetic pathway, the top-canopy liana group showed the highest mean of A max/g s@A max, statistically distinct from the lowest average presented by the understory tree group. Furthermore, the pasture sapling group showed the lowest average of A max/R d, statistically distinct from the high average observed for the understory tree group. Welch-ANOVAs followed by Games–Howell post hoc tests applied to ecophysiological traits produced reasonable distinctions among functional groups, although no significant distinction was detected between the groups top-canopy tree and pasture sapling. Species distribution within the functional groups was accurately reproduced by discriminant analyses based on species averages of ecophysiological traits. The present work convincingly shows that the functional groups identified have distinct ecophysiological characteristics, with the potential to respond differently to environmental factors. Such information is of great importance in modeling efforts that evaluate the effects of dynamic changes in tropical plant communities over ecosystem primary productivity.  相似文献   

Stomach contents of Simulium perflavum Roubaud larvae were analyzed and compared with plankton and periphyton collected in five streams, in Central Amazonia (Manaus and Presidente Figueiredo counties), in Sep./Oct.1996 (dry season) and Feb./Mar. 1997 (rainy season). A total of 1,400 last-instar larvae were dissected; the stomach contents were analyzed using different methods: fresh and after oxidation. A total of 87 taxa (algae, diatoms and rotifers) were found in the stomach contents. In each stream, qualitative samples of plankton and periphyton were collected; these were mounted between slides and cover slips. A total of 94 taxa of plankton and 54 taxa of periphyton were collected. One species of Rotifera was present in the stomach contents, plankton and periphyton. Cluster analysis based on species composition of the organisms present in the stomach contents grouped the streams into two major groups, each belonging to a different drainage area. Correlations based on presence/absence of species of microalgae in the stomach contents, plankton and periphyton indicated significant associations (p<0.05) between stomach contents and plankton and between plankton and periphyton (z test); the Sorensen coefficient and cluster analysis corroborate the same associations.  相似文献   

Sand flies were collected in the central region of the state of Rond?nia (W 64 degrees 30' to 63 degrees 00' and S 10 degrees 00'to 11 degrees 00') using Shannon and CDC light traps from October 1997 to August 2000. A total of 85,850 specimens representing 78 named species were captured. Of these 14 were new records for Rond?nia. The proportion of males/females was 1/1.131. Trypanosomatids, that are presently being identified, were detected in 11 species. Leishmania (Viannia) naiffi was recorded from Psychodopygus davisi and P. hirsutus. In the present study the dominant species was P. davisi (39.6%) followed by Lutzomyia whitmani (13.1%), P. carrerai (11.6%), and P. hirsutus (10.2%). The importance of P. davisi as a vector of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis is discussed.  相似文献   

Over the past several decades, the conversion of native forest to agricultural land uses has accelerated across the Amazon Basin. Despite a growing body of research on nutrient dynamics in Amazonian primary forest and forest-derived land uses, the effects of widespread land-use change on nutrient contents and cycles in soil and vegetation are not well understood. We reviewed over 100 studies conducted in Amazônia over the past 40 years on nutrient dynamics in natural forests and forest-derived land uses (pasture, shifting cultivation, and tree plantations). Our objectives were to compare soil data from land uses across Amazônia and identify any gaps in our present knowledge that might offer direction for future research. Specifically, by analyzing data we tested the following five widely cited hypotheses concerning the effects of land-use change on soil properties compiled from 39 studies in multifactorial ANOVA models; (a) soil pH, effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC), and exchangeable calcium (Ca) concentrations rise and remain elevated following the slash-and-burn conversion of forest to pasture or crop fields; (b) soil contents of total carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and inorganic readily extractable (that is, Bray, Mehlich I, or resin) phosphorus (Pi) decline following forest-to-pasture conversion; (c) soil concentrations of total C, N, and Pi increase in secondary forests with time since abandonment of agricultural activities; (d) soil nutrient conditions under all tree-dominated land-use systems (natural or not) remain the same; and (e) higher efficiencies of nutrient utilization occur where soil nutrient pools are lower. Following the conversion of Amazonian forest to pasture or slash-and-burn agriculture, we found a significant and lasting effect on soil pH, bulk density, and exchangeable Ca concentrations. Unlike the other three land uses studied, concentrations of extractable soil Pi were equally low in both forest and pastures of all age classes, which demonstrates that postburning pulses in soil Pi concentration following a slash-and-burn decrease rapidly after forest-to-pasture conversion, perhaps due to accumulation in organic P fractions. Neither the concentrations nor the contents of total C and N appeared to change greatly on a regionwide basis as a result of forest-to-pasture conversion, but surface soil C:N ratios in 5-year-old pastures were significantly higher than those in older pastures, suggesting changes in the soil concentrations of at least one of these elements with time after pasture creation. Pasture soils did have higher total C and N concentrations than land uses such as annual cropping and secondary forest fallow, indicating that soil C and N maintenance and/or accumulation following forest conversion may be greater in pastures than in these other two land uses. The low concentrations of C and N in shifting cultivation soils appear to persist for many years in secondary forests regenerating from abandoned crop fields, suggesting that the recuperation of soil losses of C and N resulting during no-input annual cropping is slower than previously thought. Soil C, N and P concentrations were strongly related to clay content. Across all land uses, efficiencies of N, P, and Ca use (estimated as the inverse of litterfall N, P, and Ca contents) were not related to the sizes of their soil pools. More work is needed to test and standardize P extraction procedures that more accurately reflect plant availability. Few studies have been conducted to determine the role of organic P fractions and dissolved organic N (DON) in the elemental cycles of both natural and managed systems in this region. In general, we recommend further study of annual and perennial cropping systems, as well as more detailed examination of managed pastures and fallows, and secondary forests originating from various disturbances, since the intensity of previous land use likely determines the degree of soil degradation and the rate of subsequent secondary regrowth.  相似文献   

Tabanus pseudonebulosus, new species, is described based on 217 female specimens and 5 males collected in Venezuela (Guarico, Aguaio, Santa Elena, and Palmarito) and in Brazil (Parcí: Santana do Araguaia, Serra das Andorinhas in S?o Geraldo do Araguaia, Serra Norte Carajás and Gorotire; Amazonas: Canutama; Mato Grosso do Sul: Corumbá), mostly in open vegetation, scrub forest and in rocky environments. Observed intraspecific variation in the specimens is presented and related to collection localities, and morphological differences are diagnosed in relation to the similar species Tabanus nebulosus DeGeer 1776 and T. importunus Wiedemann 1828. Morphometrical data and indices for specimens in different localities are provided. Drawings and photo of the new species are presented.  相似文献   

Number of larval instars, age structure and environmental effects on these parameters represent basic information in the study of insect population biology. When species have economic importance, this information is essential in order to choose the best period to apply different control methods and to determine the stages of the life cycle of the insect that are most susceptible to each treatment. The family Simuliidae has many species of medical/veterinary importance in the world, and some studies in the temperate region have suggested that the number of larval instars and the larval size can vary according to the season, gender and some environmental factors, such as temperature and diet. This study, with the zoophilic species Simulium perflavum Roubaud, is the first in the Neotropics observing some of these factors and will serve as a template for other species of medical importance in the region. S. perflavum larvae were collected in five streams in Central Amaz?nia (Manaus and Presidente Figueiredo counties, State of Amazonas), in Sept./Oct. 1996 (dry season) and Feb./Mar. 1997 (rainy season). These larvae were measured (lateral length of head capsule and width of cephalic apodema) to determine the number of larval instars (n=3985), to compare the larval size between seasons and genders (last and penultimate larval instars, n=200). Seven larval instars were determined for this species using frequency distributions, t-tests and Crosbys growth rule. Significant differences were not detected (t-test, p>0.05) in larval size between seasons and genders. Our results differ from some found in temperate regions suggesting that in the Neotropical region the larval size in different seasons and different genders remains constant, although some environmental parameters, such as diet, change depending on the season.  相似文献   

We characterize the vegetation types of the upper basin of the Madeira River in the Brazilan state of Rondônia, a biodiverse region with elevated rates of habitat loss. Vegetation and environmental parameters were recorded from 37 observation points distributed along and near a 160 km stretch of the Madeira River and representing the range of regional environments. Analysis of structure and floristic variables, as well as associated edaphic attributes and water table fluctuation, permitted recognition of five main vegetation types and seven subtypes. Open Ombrophilous Forest was the most frequently encountered vegetation type and occurred on well-drained, nutrient-poor soils, whereas Dense Ombrophilous Forest was seldom recorded. Alluvial Ombrophilous Forests (várzea) were found along a narrow strip of land along the banks of the Madeira River on the most fertile soils in the study area. Semideciduous Forests were found on small areas of rocky outcrops with shallow soils and reduced water availability during the dry season. Campinaranas, which range from open savanna physiognomies to closed canopy forests, were found to be a key environment in the lowlands south of the Madeira River on silty hydromorphic soils, where they harbor a peculiar flora tolerant of flooding during the rainy season. Our classification of the main vegetation types in the upper Madeira River illuminates a high degree of floristic and environmental heterogeneity in a highly threatened region. Our results will be useful for designing conservation strategies aimed at protecting the full range of floristic diversity present in the region.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of the conversion of tropical forest to pasture on soil organic matter (SOM) origin and quality along a chronosequence of sites, including a primary forest and six pastures. Bulk soil samples received a physical size-fractionation treatment to assess the contribution of each compartment to total SOM pool. Besides a general increase in total C and N stocks along the chronosequence, we observed a reduction of the relative contribution of the coarser fractions to total soil C content, and an increased concentration in the finer fractions. The origin of the C in each size fraction was established from measurements of13C abundance. After 80 years about 93% of the C in the least humified fraction of the top 10 cm of soil was of pasture origin, while in the most humified it was 82%. Chemical analyses indicated that the fine silt and coarse clay fractions contained the most refractory carbon.  相似文献   

A malaria control pilot project was developed in the Urupá agro-industrial farm that is situated in the State of Rond?nia (Western Amazon Region, Brazil). Around 180 inhabitants had been surveyed for the past five years. The control measures were based on (1) training a community agent to perform on the spot microscopical diagnosis of malaria and to treat the uncomplicated cases of malaria; (2) limiting the use of insecticides to a short period before the high transmission season. This resulted in a significant reduction in the time between the onset of clinical symptoms and specific chemotherapy which fell from 3.5 to 1.3 days. In relation to the previous three reference years the total number of malaria cases was reduced to 50% in the first year and to 25% in the second year. The introduction of these measures coincided with pronounced reduction in the frequency of Plasmodium falciparum infections but this was less marked for P. vivax infections. In the second year of the pilot experiment there was no P. falciparum transmission on the farm. During the last decade there was a general decrease in the endemicity of malaria in the State of Rond?nia. The linear regression coefficient values indicate that the decline was more pronounced in Urupá than in the general municipality and that the falciparum malaria API in Urupá farm is significantly lower than in the general municipality of Candeias were the farm is situated.  相似文献   

Despite their economic and ecological importance, Amazonian palms have been largely neglected by contemporary taxonomists. The resulting confusion at the specific level is a serious impediment to research efforts by specialists in other fields. To assess the state of systematic collections presently available in Amazônia, we conducted a survey of the palm specimens in three Brazilian herbaria (MG, IAN and INPA). Twelve criteria were utilized to measure the quality of the specimens. We found that most of the 897 specimens are reasonably complete in a physical sense, but a large proportion lack crucial information on their labels. Curating facilities are in serious need of improvement, as is evident from the significant (26%) percentage of specimens found to be in an unreasonable state of preservation. A checklist of the 232 currently recognized palm species in Brazilian Amazônia shows that 145 (62.5%) are not represented by identified specimens, and that the representation which does exist lacks depth. To improve the quality and representativeness of collections in regional herbaria, we suggest procedures for collecting and storing palms as well as policies designed to intensify collecting efforts in Amazônia.  相似文献   

Within the great expanse of the Brazilian Amazon Basin,Sphagnum has been greatly overlooked, in part because of its scarcity and in part because of the paucity of trained bryological collectors in the area. During a Projeto Flora Amazônica expedition in 1979, seven specimens ofSphagnum were collected, representing six species, five of which are newly described:S. amazonicum, S. dimorphophyllum, andS. subsecundoides in sectionSphagnum;S. curicuriariense andS. ripense in sect.Subsecunda. Also discussed areS. negrense Mitt. andS. sanguinale Warnst.  相似文献   

Summary Six polymorphic restriction enzyme sites in the beta-globin gene cluster were investigated in Yanomama Indians from the Amazon region of Brazil, using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. Four haplotypes were identified; the haplotype frequency distribution is similar to those reported for Polynesians, Micronesians and most Asian populations.  相似文献   

Trichomycete fungi are associated with digestive tract of black fly larvae. These fungi have not been studied in Brazil, knowing them and their relationship with black flies could be an alternative to control vector populations. The objectives of this study were to survey the Trichomycete fungi associated with larvae of Simulium goeldii and S. ulyssesi, and to determine if there is specificity and/or difference in the infection rates in these species. Black flies were collected in Central Amaz?nia, Brazil. Three genera of Trichomycetes were found: Harpella, Genistellospora and Smittium. All these fungi were common to both black fly species.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s the Brazilian Amazon has received over 1 million migrant farm households from other regions of the country, many of whom were attracted to government-sponsored frontier settlement programs that offered free tropical forest land. As a result, pressures on tropical forests have intensified along several settlement corridors throughout the region. Despite their importance as agents of landscape change, surprisingly little is known about the land use practices of these farmers. This paper briefly reviews the research literature on smallholder land use patterns in Amazonia, describes the recent history of one important agricultural land settlement program in the western Brazilian Amazon state of Rondônia, and, based on 240 household surveys conducted in three separate settlement locations in the state, highlights key differences in land use patterns among the rural population. Typologies of farming systems are presented on the basis of cluster analysis of land use data and ANOVA tests. The findings indicate considerable complexity and heterogeneity in smallholder farming systems. Spatial variations in farming system types may be due to geographic differences in soil regimes, the social histories of specific communities, and site-specific responses to exogenous variables.  相似文献   

Since around 1723, on the occasion of its initial colonization by Europeans, Rondonia has received successive waves of immigrants. This has been further swelled by individuals from northeastern Brazil, who began entering at the beginning of the twentieth century. The ethnic composition varies across the state according to the various sites of settlement of each wave of immigrants. We analyzed the frequency of the CCR5Δ32 allele of the CCR5 chemokine receptor, which is considered a Caucasian marker, in five sample sets from the population. Four were collected in Porto Velho, the state capital and the site of several waves of migration. Of these, two, from the Hospital de Base were comprised of HB Mothers and HB Newborns presenting allele frequencies of 3.5% and 3.1%, respectively, a third from the peri-urban neighborhoods of Candelária/Bate-Estaca (1.8%), whereas a fourth, from the Research Center on Tropical Medicine/CEPEM (0.6%), was composed of malaria patients under treament. The fifth sample (3.4%) came from the inland Quilombola village of Pedras Negras. Two homozygous individuals (CCR5Δ32/CCR5Δ32) were detected among the HB Mother samples. The frequency of this allele was heterogeneous and higher where the European inflow was more pronounced. The presence of the allele in Pedras Negras revealed European miscegenation in a community largely comprising Quilombolas.  相似文献   

The present work analyses a 25-year timeseries of radar and satellite images, andidentifies areas with losses and gains ofvegetation coverage along 166 km of Para'scoastline (North Brazil) and in the innerparts of the Bragança peninsula. Thegeomorphology of this region hassignificantly changed in recent years. Aresult of these changes has been a retreatof the mangrove vegetation along thecoastline, mainly due to landward sandmigration, which covers the mudflat andasphyxiates the vegetation. Image analysissuggests that the loss of vegetationcoverage has been the dominating process inthe last 25 years, occurring on 42% ofthe Bragança coastline and adjacentareas. Vegetation has remained stable along 39% of the coastline, while mudsedimentation has allowed mangrovedevelopment along 19% of it. On the otherhand, during this period of time, mangroveshave invaded 3.4 km2 ( 38%) of theelevated herbaceous flats in the highestsectors of the Bragança peninsula.Despite other possible causes for mangrovedeath along the coastline, such as littoraldrift currents or cyclical changes incoastal sediment dynamics, the invasion ofmangrove into herbaceous elevated flats inthe central peninsula cannot be attributedto these factors. The current dynamics ofvegetation coverage change seem to becompatible with a long-term trend relatedto the predicted rates of sea-level rise.  相似文献   

The epidemiological features of rotavirus A (RVA) infection differ between children from developing and developed countries which could result in differences in vaccine efficacy around the world. To evaluate the impact of Rotarix? on RVA prevalence, we monitored RVA genotypes circulating in Goiania by monitoring virus in faecal samples from children that had or had not been previously vaccinated. From February-November of 2008, 220 faecal samples were collected from children in seven day-care centres. RVA detection was performed by two methodologies and the results were confirmed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. From the 220 samples, eight were RVA-positive (3.6%) and five were from children that had received either one or two doses of the vaccine. All positive samples were collected from children with diarrhoea during August and September. Genotyping of the RVA characterised five of the viral samples as genotype G2P[4] and one as G8P[4], suggesting that G2P[4] was the predominant circulating genotype in Goiania during the study. The fact that vaccinated children were also infected by RVA suggests that the vaccine does not fully protect against infection by the G2[P4] RVA genotype.  相似文献   

Drawing on first-hand ethnographical data from the Xang"ô, an Afro-Brazilian Cult in Recife (Brazil), I defend that learning possession means in the first place to learn to identify and react to specific emotional states in accordance with cultural representations and expectations. This emotional learning would take place through two potential processes during ritual activity. On the one hand a powerful coupling process linking “uncanny” body arousals to mythological imagination captured by the highly evocative content of songs, invocations, objects and substances during ritual activity. Ritual features such as archetypality, rigidity, regularity, redundancy and spatial and temporal delimitation are propitious for eliciting and “boosting” this coupling process. On the other hand, a social referencing process through which emotional and behavioral reactions towards possessed persons act for novices as reliable indicators of how to recognize, interpret and regulate their own emotional states associated with possession. With growing familiarity with possession's conceptual and experiential background, their emotional reactions might evolve from largely undifferentiated arousal states to “orixa´-specific” somatic signature and novices might become more active towards their own possession. They also demonstrate an increasing sensitivity to isolated emotional elicitors of possession as well as a better control over their emotional reaction.  相似文献   

This study estimated the prevalence and distribution of human papillomavirus (HPV) types among women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grade III and invasive cervical cancer from Goi s (Brazil Central Region). Seventy-four cases were analyzed and consisted of 18 CIN III, 48 squamous cell carcinomas, 4 adenocarcinomas, 1 adenosquamous carcinoma and 3 undifferentiated carcinomas. HPV-DNA sequences were examined in formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissues using primers from L1 region GP5+/GP6+. Polymerase chain reaction products were typed with dot blot hybridization using probes for HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 54, 6/11, 42/43/44, 51/52, 56/58. The prevalence of HPV was estimated to be 76% (56/74). HPV 16 was the most frequently found type, followed by HPV 33, 18 and 31. The prevalence of untyped HPV was 6%; 79% percent of the squamous cell carcinoma cases and 61% percent of the CIN III were positive for HPV and the prevalence rate of HPV types was the same for the total number of cases. According to other studies, HPV type 16 is the most prevalent virus in all Brazilian regions, but there is variation regarding to other types. Type 18 is the second most prevalent HPV in North, Southeast and South Brazil regions and types 31 and 33 are the second most prevalent HPV in Northeast and Central Brazil, respectively.  相似文献   

Soil CO2 evolution rates, soil temperatures and moisture were measured during the dry season in two forest-to-pasture chronosequences in Rondônia, Brazil. The study included pastures ranging from 3 to 80 years-old. Mean dry-season CO2 evolution from the forest in chronosequence 1, 88.8 mg CO2-C m–2h–1 was lower than from the pastures which ranged from 111 to 158 mg CO2-C m–2h–1. We found that temperature was not a good predictor of CO2 emissions from pasture but that there was a significant relationship (r = 0.72,p < 0.05) between soil moisture and pasture emissions. The 13C of the soil CO2 emissions also was measured on chronosequence I; 13C of the CO2 emitted from the C3 forest was –29.43%. Pasture13CO2 values increased from –17.91%. in the 3 year-old pasture to –12.86% in the 80 year-old, reflecting the increasing C4 inputs with pasture age. Even in the youngest (3 year-old) pasture, 70 percent of the CO2 evolved originated from C4 pasture-derived carbon.  相似文献   

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