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In neutralizing heparin with intravenous protamine sulfate, hypotension may be prevented by administering the drug intraarterially. Forty patients underwent cardiac surgery with extracorporeal circulation in our hospital; each received a rapid injection of nondiluted protamine sulfate in the aortic root to reverse the effects of heparin. To maintain the blood volume at a constant level, volume expanders and inotropic drugs were avoided. The intraaortic injections ranged in duration from 0.2 min to 2.8 min, with a mean of 1.1 min. The mean systolic pressure only dropped from 92 mm Hg (SD +/- 21) before protamine injection to 85 mm Hg (SD +/- 23) after injection (p < 0.0001). In seven patients (18%), no hypotension was evident; in the remaining patients, the systolic pressure returned to preinjection values within a mean of 2.2 min. Coagulation was observed within 3 to 4 min (mean = 2.2 min) after the initiation of injection. This study indicates that intraaortic administration of protamine is a rapid and safe technique for heparin reversal after cardiopulmonary bypass.  相似文献   

FH (Factor H) with 20 SCR (short complement regulator) domains is a major serum regulator of complement, and genetic defects in this are associated with inflammatory diseases. Heparan sulfate is a cell-surface glycosaminoglycan composed of sulfated S-domains and unsulfated NA-domains. To elucidate the molecular mechanism of binding of FH to glycosaminoglycans, we performed ultracentrifugation, X-ray scattering and surface plasmon resonance with FH and glycosaminoglycan fragments. Ultracentrifugation showed that FH formed up to 63% of well-defined oligomers with purified heparin fragments (equivalent to S-domains), and indicated a dissociation constant K(d) of approximately 0.5 μM. Unchanged FH structures that are bivalently cross-linked at SCR-7 and SCR-20 with heparin explained the sedimentation coefficients of the FH-heparin oligomers. The X-ray radius of gyration, R(G), of FH in the presence of heparin fragments 18-36 monosaccharide units long increased significantly from 10.4 to 11.7 nm, and the maximum lengths of FH increased from 35 to 40 nm, confirming that large compact oligomers had formed. Surface plasmon resonance of immobilized heparin with full-length FH gave K(d) values of 1-3 μM, and similar but weaker K(d) values of 4-20 μM for the SCR-6/8 and SCR-16/20 fragments, confirming co-operativity between the two binding sites. The use of minimally-sulfated heparan sulfate fragments that correspond largely to NA-domains showed much weaker binding, proving the importance of S-domains for this interaction. This bivalent and co-operative model of FH binding to heparan sulfate provides novel insights on the immune function of FH at host cell surfaces.  相似文献   

δ9-THC, 11-OH-δ9-THC or placebo was administered to casual marihuana smokers in a double-blind, crossover study. δ9-THC and 11-OH-δ9-THC produced marked pharmacologic and psychologic effects (tachycardia, increased symptom score and psychologic high). In contrast to effects produced by many other centrally acting drugs, the acute administration of these cannabinoids was devoid of any significant effect on prolactin secretion as determined by monitoring changes in serum prolactin levels.  相似文献   

The absorption of inorganic sulfate after ingestion was investigated in rats. After oral administration of Na235SO4, 35S radioactivity was measurable in plasma already after 15 min and its plasma concentration reached a peak after about 1.5--2 h. The 35S-radioactivity excreted in urine during 24 h after ingestion of Na235SO4 together with varying amounts of unlabelled Na2SO4 (0.25--5.0 mmol Na2SO4 per rat) indicated an almost complete absorption of inorganic sulfate from the gastrointestinal tract. Determination of the inorganic sulfate concentration in rat serum 2 h after oral administration of 5.0 mmol Na2SO4 revealed a three-fold increase in serum sulfate concentration. The data suggest a rapid and almost complete absorption of inorganic sulfate after oral administration in the rat. Its importance in relation to the sulfate availability for sulfate conjugation of drugs is discussed.  相似文献   

Total serum haemolytic complement (HC) activity has been determined in 130 young bulls of the Norwegian Red Cattle Breed (NRF). A highly significant sire effect (p less than 0.01) on HC with a corresponding heritability of about 0.75 was estimated. Evidence of any simple mode of inheritance is not produced but the distribution patterns of HC indicate influences of relatively few genes.  相似文献   

Total serum haemolytic complement (HC) activity has been determined in 130 young bulls of the Norwegian Red Cattle Breed (NRF). A highly significant sire effect (p < 0.01) on HC with a corresponding heritability of about 0.75 was estimated. Evidence of any simple mode of inheritance is not produced but the distribution patterns of HC indicate influences of relatively few genes.  相似文献   

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