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Dinitrogen (15N2) fixation of four free-livingRhizobium strains ranged from 0.8 to 2.3 μmol/mg biomass N. Parallel-grown cultures liberated 4–8 μmol hydrogen and reduced 12–23 μmol acetylene, giving a mean ratio of reduced acetylene-to-fixed15N2 of 12. This ratio contrasts with lower values others have observed for asymbiotic diazotrophs.  相似文献   

Aquaspirillum magnetotacticum strain MS-1 and two nonmagnetic mutants derived from it reduced C2H2 microaerobically but not anaerobically even with NO3 ?. This organism apparently is not capable of NO3 ?-dependent nitrogen fixation. Cells ofA. magnetotacticum reduced C2H2 at rates comparable to those ofAzospirillum lipoferum grown under similar conditions, but much lower than that ofAzotobacter vinelandii grown aerobically. Cells ofA. magnetotacticum in anaerobic cultures lacking NO3 ? did not reduce C2H2 until O2 was introduced. Optimum rates of C2H2 reduction byA. magnetotacticum were obtained at 200 Pa O2. C2H2 reduction was inhibited by more than 1 kPa O2 or 0.2 mM NO3 ? or NH4 +. These results suggest thatA. magnetotacticum fixes N2 only under microaerobic, N-limited conditions.  相似文献   

Using selective media containing galactitol, over 130 Enterobacteriaceae have been isolated from paper mill process waters collected from different localities. These bacteria were extensively characterized and tested for acetylene-reducing (nitrogen-fixing) activity under anaerobic conditions. High activity was found in representatives of Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter aerogenes, Enterobacter cloacae, Erwinia herbicola, Citrobacter freundii, Citrobacter intermedius, and Escherichia coli. Under argon, nitrogenase synthesis was generally not repressed by 5 mM l-glutamate, l-aspartate, l-leucine or Casamino Acids (0.5 g/liter). In many strains, both the specific activities (nanomoles of C(2)H(4) per minute per milligram of protein) and the activities (nanomoles of C(2)H(4) per minute) had considerably declined after 24 h. In three selected strains, activity in intact cells grown under nitrogen was unaffected by the presence during assay of 10 mM l-amino acids or ammonium acetate. All of the strains examined were tolerant towards inactivation of nitrogen-fixing activity by 1.8% (vol/vol) oxygen during assay, and inactivation by up to 10% oxygen was partly reversible. Representatives of the six taxa synthesized nitrogenase in stirred aerobic cultures, though the protein concentrations attained were lower than under anaerobic conditions. It seems reasonable to suggest that under natural conditions, nitrogen fixation is able to contribute significantly to the nitrogen economy of the cells.  相似文献   

A mass spectrometer with a membrane-covered inlet was used to measure nitrogen fixation by following changes in the concentration of dissolved N(2) in a stirred suspension of the cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis in an open system. The results showed a good fit to Michaelis-Menten kinetics with a K(m) for N(2) of 65 muM at 35 degrees C, corresponding to 0.121 atmosphere of N(2). Corresponding values for the K(m) for acetylene reduction were 385 muM (0.011 atmosphere at 35 degrees C). Comparison of the values of V(max) for N(2) uptake with those for the acetylene reduction assay under similar conditions gave an average value of 3.8 for the conversion factor between N(2) and C(2)H(2) reduction. Reduction of protons to hydrogen was completely inhibited at sufficiently high concentrations of C(2)H(2), but even at saturating N(2) concentrations, 1 mol of H(2) was produced for every mole of N(2) reduced. This explains the finding that the observed C(2)H(2)/N(2) ratio is higher than the value of 3 expected from the requirement for two electrons for acetylene reduction and six for nitrogen reduction. The results correlate well with a mechanism for N(2) reduction involving the equation: N(2) + 8H + 8e --> 2NH(3) + H(2) which gives a conversion factor between C(2)H(2) and N(2) of 4. It is proposed that, in general, 4 is a more appropriate value than 3 for the conversion factor.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) on a coral reef   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Nitrogen fixation rates associated with various substrates on a fringing reef at Eilat, Red Sea, were estimated by in situ acetylene reduction. High rates of acctylene reduction were associated with bare substrates, such as sand and dead coral skeletons. Low rates of acetylene reduction were associated with substrates covered by macroalgae or living coral tissue. Estimates of nitrogen fixation in various reef zones, based on these measurements, indicate that the sand-covered lagoon is responsible for more than 70% of the fixation in the reef. Consequently, the lagoon may serve as an important source of nitrogen for the coral reef community.  相似文献   

Summary An earlier hypothesis that blue-green algae in the nectar ofBanksia telmatiaea contribute to the nitrogen economy of the host by fixing N2 was tested. Field and laboratory experiments failed to demonstrate C2H4 production in C2H2-treated containers over extended periods. Soil N was not higher at the end of the flowering season and plants in which flower heads were removed prior to nectar production did not contain less N than the controls.  相似文献   

Diurnal variation in algal nitrogen fixation was studied in Lake Mendota, Wisconsin, during the summers of 1971 to 1973. Approximately two-thirds of the daily acetylene reduction in the surface decimeter occurred before noon. The decline in acetylene reduction (nmoles/liter·hr) near midday was partially because the algae relocated themselves at greater depths. However, acetylene reducing activity (nmoles per A663 unit chlorophyll a per hour) also decreased as midday approached. Occasionally algae would resurface near the end of the day. On average, acetylene reduction (nmoles per liter per hour) was maximum at about 0900 Central standard time in the top decimeter, and acetylene reduction between 0830 and 0930 Central standard time represented 13% of the total daily acetylene reduction. Furthermore, acetylene reduction in the top decimeter, on average, represented 3.6% of the total acetylene reduction in the column. Calculation of the contribution by nitrogen fixation to a lake's fixed nitrogen budget is discussed.  相似文献   

Acetylene-reducing activities (ARA) of strains ofEnterobacter agglomerans, Azospirillum brasilense, Azotobacter chroococcum, and Bacillus, isolated from temperate or tropical soils, were compared at different temperatures to study temperature adaptability. All Enterobacter strains and Bacillus strain C-11-25 reduced C2H2 at temperatures as low as 5°C. ARA by Enterobacter strains declined sharply above 30°C but ARA by Bacillus strain C-11-25 continued to increase with an increase in temperature.A. brasilense strain sp 245, isolated from wheat roots in Brazil, reduced more C2H2 at lower temperatures than strain Cd, isolated from a Californian soil. Similarly, the temperate strain ofA. chroococcum was a better N2 fixer than the tropicalA. chroococcum strain at lower temperatures. Tropical strains ofA. brasilense andA. chroococcum reduced more C2H2 than temperate strains at higher temperatures. Therefore, it appears that temperate and tropical N2-fixing organisms adapt themselves to their particular environment and should have more potential to benefit crops grown at the particular temperatures favorable to them. Only Bacillus strain C-11-25 has potential to benefit both temperate and tropical crops because it reduced significant acetylene over a wide temperature range.  相似文献   

Biological dinitrogen fixation in mangrove communities of the Tampa Bay region of South Florida was investigated using the acetylene reduction technique. Low rates of acetylene reduction (0.01 to 1.84 nmol of C(2)H(4)/g [wet weight] per h) were associated with plant-free sediments, while plant-associated sediments gave rise to slightly higher rates. Activity in sediments increased greatly upon the addition of various carbon sources, indicating an energy limitation for nitrogenase (C(2)H(2)) activity. In situ determinations of dinitrogen fixation in sediments also indicated low rates and exhibited a similar response to glucose amendment. Litter from the green macroalga, Ulva spp., mangrove leaves, and sea grass also gave rise to significant rates of acetylene reduction.Higher rates of nitrogenase activity (15 to 53 nmol of C(2)H(4)/g [wet weight] per h were associated with washed excised roots of three Florida mangrove species [Rhizophora mangle L., Avicennia germinans (L) Stern, and Laguncularia racemosa Gaertn.] as well as with isolated root systems of intact plants (11 to 58 mug of N/g [dry weight] per h). Following a short lag period, root-associated activity was linear and did not exhibit a marked response to glucose amendment. It appears that dinitrogen-fixing bacteria in the mangrove rhizoplane are able to use root exudates and/or sloughed cell debris as energy sources for dinitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

The leguminous tree mesquite (Prosopis spp) exists on millions of hectares of semi-arid regions of the world. No whole plant acetylene reductions for mesquite have been reported in the literature and nodulation has only been reported for three of the forty-four species. We report greenhouse studies in which 12Prosopis species representing African and North and South American germplasm (1) became nodulated when inoculated with rhizobia strain isolated from a North American mesquite, (2) grew on a nitrogen free nutrient media, (3) reduced acetylene to ethylene, and (4) had a positive significant correlation between the acetylene reduction rates and above ground dry matter. The capability of mesquite to fix nitrogen must now be considered firmly established.  相似文献   

The role of photosynthesis and transpiration in the desiccation-induced inhibition of acetylene reduction (nitrogen fixation) was investigated in soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr. var. Beeson) using an apparatus that permitted simultaneous measurements of acetylene reduction, net photosynthesis, and transpiration. The inhibition of acetylene reduction caused by low water potentials and their aftereffects could be reproduced by depriving shoots of atmospheric CO2 even though the soil remained at water potentials that should have favored rapid acetylene reduction. The inhibition of acetylene reduction at low water potentials could be partially reversed by exposing the shoots to high CO2 concentrations. When transpiration was varied independently of photosynthesis and dark respiration in plants having high water potentials, no effects on acetylene reduction could be observed. There was no correlation between transpiration and acetylene reduction in the CO2 experiments. Therefore, the correlation that was observed between transpiration and acetylene reduction during desiccation was fortuitous. We conclude that the inhibition of shoot photosynthesis accounted for the inhibition of nodule acetylene reduction at low water potentials.  相似文献   

The effects of drought stress on soybean nodule conductance and the maximum rate of acetylene reduction were studied with in situ experiments performed during two seasons and under differing field conditions. In both years drought resulted in decreased nodule conductances which could be detected as early as three days after water was withheld. The maximum rate of acetylene reduction was also decreased by drought and was highly correlated with nodule conductance (r = 0.95). Since nodule conductance is equal to the nodule surface area times the permeability, the relationship of these variables to both whole-plant and unit-nodule nitrogenase activity was explored. Drought stress resulted in a decrease in nodule gas permeability followed by decreases in nodule surface area when drought was prolonged. Under all conditions studied acetylene reduction on a unit-nodule surface area basis was highly correlated with nodule gas permeability (r = 0.92). A short-term oxygen enrichment study demonstrated nodule gas permeability may limit oxygen flux into both drought-stressed and well-watered nodules of these field-grown soybeans.  相似文献   

Abstract 23 Strains of diazotrophic root-associated bacteria isolated from various parts of Finland were tested for nitrogenase activity during growth at various temperatures. Nitrogenase activity was optimal at 20–37°C in cultures of Klebsiella pneumoniae , and at 14–20°C in cultures of Klebsiella terrigena and Enterobacter agglomerans . Strains of K. terrigena and E. agglomerans showed no activity at 37°C, and K. pneumoniae only minimal or no activity at 14°C. Azospirillum lipoferum exhibited high nitrogenase activity at both 28–37°C, but less than 25% of optimal activity at 20°C and no activity at 14°C. Pseudomonas sp. expressed nitrogenase activity at 14–28°C. None of the strains manifested nitrogenase activity at 4 or 42°C. There were only small local variations within a species between strains isolated at different locations.  相似文献   

The effects of several fixed nitrogen compounds on acetylene reduction activity (nitrogen fixation) of surface sediments from a Delaware salt marsh were studied. Ammonia addition caused little decrease in activity early in the summer but resulted in a considerable decrease (85–95%) in activity late in the summer and early in the fall. Nitrate caused a near complete suppression of activity at all times. Other compounds such as glutamate, urea, and yeast extract caused a slight increase in activity in tallSpartina sediments and caused more than a 2.5-fold increase in shortSpartina sediments. There was a lag period (1–2 days) before the commencement of in vitro acetylene reduction activity during the spring and early summer, but this lag period was not present in the late summer. The addition of chloramphenicol to samples from a shortSpartina zone caused decreases in activity similar to those obtained with ammonia, whereas chlorate amendments yielded results which, when compared on an electron basis, were comparable to those obtained with nitrate. These results indicated that the observed lag period may be the result of a physiological response to the in situ levels of ammonia and/or nitrate. It is suggested here that in situ nitrogenase activity may be controlled by two processes: (a) repression and derepression of nitrogenase synthesis mediated by the levels of ammonia, and (b) competition for reducing power (electrons) and energy (ATP) between the processes of nitrate reduction and nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

Root segments and root-soil cores (6.5-cm diameter) from fields and nurseries of winter wheat and sorghum were tested for N2 fixation by using the acetylene reduction assay. Wheat samples (approximately 1,200) from 109 sites generally had low or no activity (0 to 3.1 nmol of C2H4 produced per h per g [dry weight] of root segments), even after 24 h of incubation. However, a commercial field of Scout 66, located in western Nebraska, exhibited appreciable activity (290 nmol of C2H4 produced per h per g [dry weight] of root segments). Of 400 sorghum lines and crosses, grain sorghums (i.e., CK-60A, Wheatland A, B517, and NP-16) generally exhibited higher nitrogenase activity than forage sorghums or winter wheats. CK-60A, a male sterile grain sorghum, was sampled at four locations and had the most consistent activity of 24 to 1,100 nmol of C2H4 produced per h per core. The maximum rate extrapolated to 2.5 g of N per hectare per day. Numerous N2-fixing bacterial isolates were obtained from wheat and sorghum roots that exhibited high nitrogenase activity. Most isolates were members of the Enterobacteriacae, i.e., Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter cloacae, and Erwinia herbicola.  相似文献   

A perfusion method for assaying nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction) in marine sediments was developed. The method was used to assay sediment cores from Spartina alterniflora (salt marsh), Zostera marina (sea grass), and Thalassia testudinum (sea grass) communities, and the results were compared with those of conventional sealed-flask assays. Rates of ethylene production increased progressively with time in the perfusion assays, reaching plateau values of 2 to 3 nmol . g of dry sediment . h by 10 to 20 h. Depletion of interstitial NH(4) was implicated in this stimulation of nitrogenase activity. Initial acetylene reduction rates determined by the perfusion assay of cores from the Spartina community ranged from 0.15 to 0.60 nmol of C(2)H(4) . g of dry sediment . h. These rates were similar to those for sediments assayed in sealed flasks without seawater when determined over linear periods of C(2)H(4) production. Initial values obtained by using the perfusion method were 0.66 nmol of C(2)H(4) . g of dry sediment . h for sediments from Zostera communities and 0.70 nmol of C(2)H(4) . g of dry sediment . h for sediments from Thalassia communities. In all cases, rates determined by simultaneous slurry assays were lower than those determined by the perfusion method.  相似文献   

Summary A system for employing open-ended root chambers to measurein situ acetylene reduction rates under field conditions is described. Gas mixtures containing about 2 mbar acetylene were continuously flowed through the chambers providing a continuous record of acetylene reduction. These chambers have been used to measure acetylene reduction rates of soybeans during three growing seasons. The system has proved to be reliable with a high degree of precision. The large amount of plant-to-plant variability observed in N2 fixation research has been confirmed by the data collected with this system. However, such variability in physiological studies can be reduced by using a non-destructive system to compare the response of an individual plant with its rates before treatment.  相似文献   

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