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Myers' elegant and powerful bit-parallel dynamic programming algorithm for approximate string matching has a restriction that the query length should be within the word size of the computer, typically 64. We propose a modification of Myers' algorithm, in which the modification has a restriction not on the query length but on the maximum number of mismatches (substitutions, insertions, or deletions), which should be less than half of the word size. The time complexity is O(m log |Σ|), where m is the query length and |Σ| is the size of the alphabet Σ. Thus, it is particularly suited for sequences on a small alphabet such as DNA sequences. In particular, it is useful in quickly extending a large number of seed alignments against a reference genome for high-throughput short-read data produced by next-generation DNA sequencers.  相似文献   



Covariance models (CMs) are probabilistic models of RNA secondary structure, analogous to profile hidden Markov models of linear sequence. The dynamic programming algorithm for aligning a CM to an RNA sequence of length N is O(N 3) in memory. This is only practical for small RNAs.  相似文献   

We have developed a fast heuristic algorithm for multiple sequence alignment which provides near-to-optimal results for sufficiently homologous sequences. The algorithm makes use of the standard dynamic programming procedure by applying it to all pairs of sequences. The resulting score matrices for pair-wise alignment give rise to secondary matrices containing the additional charges imposed by forcing the alignment path to run through a particular vertex. Such a constraint corresponds to slicing the sequences at the positions defining that vertex, and aligning the remaining pairs of prefix and suffix sequences separately. From these secondary matrices, one can compute - for any given family of sequences - suitable positions for cutting all of these sequences simultaneously, thus reducing the problem of aligning a family of n sequences of average length l in a Divide and Conquer fashion to aligning two families of n sequences of approximately half that length.In this paper, we explain the method for the case of 3 sequences in detail, and we demonstrate its potential and its limits by discussing its behaviour for several test families. A generalization for aligning more than 3 sequences is lined out, and some actual alignments constructed by our algorithm for various user-defined parameters are presented.  相似文献   

STRUCTFAST is a novel profile-profile alignment algorithm capable of detecting weak similarities between protein sequences. The increased sensitivity and accuracy of the STRUCTFAST method are achieved through several unique features. First, the algorithm utilizes a novel dynamic programming engine capable of incorporating important information from a structural family directly into the alignment process. Second, the algorithm employs a rigorous analytical formula for profile-profile scoring to overcome the limitations of ad hoc scoring functions that require adjustable parameter training. Third, the algorithm employs Convergent Island Statistics (CIS) to compute the statistical significance of alignment scores independently for each pair of sequences. STRUCTFAST routinely produces alignments that meet or exceed the quality obtained by an expert human homology modeler, as evidenced by its performance in the latest CAFASP4 and CASP6 blind prediction benchmark experiments.  相似文献   

Automatic identification of sub-structures in multi-aligned sequences is of great importance for effective and objective structural/functional domain annotation, phylogenetic treeing and other molecular analyses. We present a segmentation algorithm that optimally partitions a given multi-alignment into a set of potentially biologically significant blocks, or segments. This algorithm applies dynamic programming and progressive optimization to the statistical profile of a multi-alignment in order to optimally demarcate relatively homogenous sub-regions. Using this algorithm, a large multi-alignment of eukaryotic 16S rRNA was analyzed. Three types of sequence patterns were identified automatically and efficiently: shared conserved domain; shared variable motif; and rare signature sequence. Results were consistent with the patterns identified through independent phylogenetic and structural approaches. This algorithm facilitates the automation of sequence-based molecular structural and evolutionary analyses through statistical modeling and high performance computation.  相似文献   

A multiple alignment methodology that can produce high-qualityalignment is extremely important for predicting the structureof unknown proteins. Nearly all the methodologies developedso far have employed two-way alignment only. Although thesemethods are fast, the alignments they produce lose reliabilityas the similarity of sequences reduces. We developed the MASCOTmultiple alignment system. MASCOT can sustain the reliabilityof alignment even when the similarity of sequences is low. MASCOTachieves high-quality alignment by employing three-way alignmentin addition to two-way alignment. The resultant alignments arerefined by simulated annealing to higher quality. We also usea cluster analysis of sequences to produce highly reliable alignments.  相似文献   

Nicholas HB  Ropelewski AJ  Deerfield DW 《BioTechniques》2002,32(3):572-4, 576, 578 passim
We present an overview of multiple sequence alignments to outline the practical consequences for the choices among different techniques and parameters. We begin with a discussion of the scoring methods for quantifying the quality of a multiple sequence alignment, followed by a discussion of the algorithms implemented within a variety of multiple sequence alignment programs. We also discuss additional alignment details such as gap penalty and distance metrics. The paper concludes with a discussion on how to improve alignment quality and the limitations of the techniques described in this paper  相似文献   



A profile-comparison method with position-specific scoring matrix (PSSM) is among the most accurate alignment methods. Currently, cosine similarity and correlation coefficients are used as scoring functions of dynamic programming to calculate similarity between PSSMs. However, it is unclear whether these functions are optimal for profile alignment methods. By definition, these functions cannot capture nonlinear relationships between profiles. Therefore, we attempted to discover a novel scoring function, which was more suitable for the profile-comparison method than existing functions, using neural networks.


Although neural networks required derivative-of-cost functions, the problem being addressed in this study lacked them. Therefore, we implemented a novel derivative-free neural network by combining a conventional neural network with an evolutionary strategy optimization method used as a solver. Using this novel neural network system, we optimized the scoring function to align remote sequence pairs. Our results showed that the pairwise-profile aligner using the novel scoring function significantly improved both alignment sensitivity and precision relative to aligners using existing functions.


We developed and implemented a novel derivative-free neural network and aligner (Nepal) for optimizing sequence alignments. Nepal improved alignment quality by adapting to remote sequence alignments and increasing the expressiveness of similarity scores. Additionally, this novel scoring function can be realized using a simple matrix operation and easily incorporated into other aligners. Moreover our scoring function could potentially improve the performance of homology detection and/or multiple-sequence alignment of remote homologous sequences. The goal of the study was to provide a novel scoring function for profile alignment method and develop a novel learning system capable of addressing derivative-free problems. Our system is capable of optimizing the performance of other sophisticated methods and solving problems without derivative-of-cost functions, which do not always exist in practical problems. Our results demonstrated the usefulness of this optimization method for derivative-free problems.



The performance of alignment programs is traditionally tested on sets of protein sequences, of which a reference alignment is known. Conclusions drawn from such protein benchmarks do not necessarily hold for the RNA alignment problem, as was demonstrated in the first RNA alignment benchmark published so far. For example, the twilight zone – the similarity range where alignment quality drops drastically – starts at 60 % for RNAs in comparison to 20 % for proteins. In this study we enhance the previous benchmark.  相似文献   

The traditional approach to bioinformatics analyses relies onindependent task-specific services and applications, using differentinput and output formats, often idiosyncratic, and frequentlynot designed to inter-operate. In general, such analyses wereperformed by experts who manually verified the results obtainedat each step in the process. Today, the amount of bioinformaticsinformation continuously being produced means that handlingthe various applications used to study this information presentsa major data management and analysis challenge to researchers.It is now impossible to manually analyse all this informationand new approaches are needed that are capable of processingthe large-scale heterogeneous data in order to extract the pertinentinformation. We review the recent use of integrated expert systemsaimed at providing more efficient knowledge extraction for bioinformaticsresearch. A general methodology for building knowledge-basedexpert systems is described, focusing on the unstructured informationmanagement architecture, UIMA, which provides facilities forboth data and process management. A case study involving a multiplealignment expert system prototype called AlexSys is also presented.   相似文献   

Multiple sequence alignment   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
A method has been developed for aligning segments of several sequences at once. The number of search steps depends only polynomially on the number of sequences, instead of exponentially, because most alignments are rejected without being evaluated explicitly. A data structure herein called the "heap" facilitates this process. For a set of n sequence segments, the overall similarity is taken to be the sum of all the constituent segment pair similarities, which are in turn sums of corresponding residue similarity scores from a Table. The statistical models that test alignments for significance make it possible to group sequences objectively, even when most or all of the interrelationships are weak. These tests are very sensitive, while remaining quite conservative, and discourage the addition of "misfit" sequences to an existing set. The new techniques are applied to a set of five DNA-binding proteins, to a group of three enzymes that employ the coenzyme FAD, and to a control set. The alignment previously proposed for the DNA-binding proteins on the basis of structural comparisons and inspection of sequences is supported quite dramatically, and a highly significant alignment is found for the FAD-binding proteins.  相似文献   

Contact-based sequence alignment   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper introduces the novel method of contact-based protein sequence alignment, where structural information in the form of contact mutation probabilities is incorporated into an alignment routine using contact-mutation matrices (CAO: Contact Accepted mutatiOn). The contact-based alignment routine optimizes the score of matched contacts, which involves four (two per contact) instead of two residues per match in pairwise alignments. The first contact refers to a real side-chain contact in a template sequence with known structure, and the second contact is the equivalent putative contact of a homologous query sequence with unknown structure. An algorithm has been devised to perform a pairwise sequence alignment based on contact information. The contact scores were combined with PAM-type (Point Accepted Mutation) substitution scores after parameterization of gap penalties and score weights by means of a genetic algorithm. We show that owing to the structural information contained in the CAO matrices, significantly improved alignments of distantly related sequences can be obtained. This has allowed us to annotate eight putative Drosophila IGF sequences. Contact-based sequence alignment should therefore prove useful in comparative modelling and fold recognition.  相似文献   



Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is a robust platform for the profiling of certain classes of small molecules in biological samples. When multiple samples are profiled, including replicates of the same sample and/or different sample states, one needs to account for retention time drifts between experiments. This can be achieved either by the alignment of chromatographic profiles prior to peak detection, or by matching signal peaks after they have been extracted from chromatogram data matrices. Automated retention time correction is particularly important in non-targeted profiling studies.  相似文献   

Multiple sequence alignments are an essential tool for protein structure and function prediction, phylogeny inference and other common tasks in sequence analysis. Recently developed systems have advanced the state of the art with respect to accuracy, ability to scale to thousands of proteins and flexibility in comparing proteins that do not share the same domain architecture. New multiple alignment benchmark databases include PREFAB, SABMARK, OXBENCH and IRMBASE. Although CLUSTALW is still the most popular alignment tool to date, recent methods offer significantly better alignment quality and, in some cases, reduced computational cost.  相似文献   

This paper presents a dynamic programming algorithm for aligning two sequeces when the alignment is constrained to lie between two arbitrary boundary lines in the dynamic programming matrix. For affine gap penalties, the algorithm requires onlyO(F) computation time andO(M+N) space, whereF is the area of the feasible region andM andN are the sequence lengths. The result extends to concave gap penalties, with somewhat increased time and space bounds. K.-M. C. and W. M. were supported in part by grant R01 LM05110 from the National Library of Medicine. R. C. H. was supported by PHS grant R01 DK27635.  相似文献   

Homology-extended sequence alignment   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
We present a profile–profile multiple alignment strategy that uses database searching to collect homologues for each sequence in a given set, in order to enrich their available evolutionary information for the alignment. For each of the alignment sequences, the putative homologous sequences that score above a pre-defined threshold are incorporated into a position-specific pre-alignment profile. The enriched position-specific profile is used for standard progressive alignment, thereby more accurately describing the characteristic features of the given sequence set. We show that owing to the incorporation of the pre-alignment information into a standard progressive multiple alignment routine, the alignment quality between distant sequences increases significantly and outperforms state-of-the-art methods, such as T-COFFEE and MUSCLE. We also show that although entirely sequence-based, our novel strategy is better at aligning distant sequences when compared with a recent contact-based alignment method. Therefore, our pre-alignment profile strategy should be advantageous for applications that rely on high alignment accuracy such as local structure prediction, comparative modelling and threading.  相似文献   

Gap costs for multiple sequence alignment   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Standard methods for aligning pairs of biological sequences charge for the most common mutations, which are substitutions, deletions and insertions. Because a single mutation may insert or delete several nucleotides, gap costs that are not directly proportional to gap length are usually the most effective. How to extend such gap costs to alignments of three or more sequences is not immediately obvious, and a variety of approaches have been taken. This paper argues that, since gap and substitution costs together specify optimal alignments, they should be defined using a common rationale. Specifically, a new definition of gap costs for multiple alignments is proposed and compared with previous ones. Since the new definition links a multiple alignment's cost to that of its pairwise projections, it allows knowledge gained about two-sequence alignments to bear on the multiple alignment problem. Also, such linkage is a key element of recent algorithms that have rendered practical the simultaneous alignment of as many as six sequences.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic alignment differs from other forms of multiple sequence alignment because it must align homologous features. Therefore, the goal of the alignment procedure should be to identify the events associated with the homologies, so that the aligned sequences accurately reflect those events. That is, an alignment is a set of hypotheses about historical events rather than about residues, and any alignment algorithm must be designed to identify and align such events. Some events (e.g., substitution) involve single residues, and our current algorithms can successfully align those events when sequence similarity is great enough. However, the other common events (such as duplication, translocation, deletion, insertion and inversion) can create complex sequence patterns that defeat such algorithms. There is therefore currently no computerized algorithm that can successfully align molecular sequences for phylogenetic analysis, except under restricted circumstances. Manual re-alignment of a preliminary alignment is thus the only feasible contemporary methodology, although it should be possible to automate such a procedure.  相似文献   



The analysis of RNA sequences, once a small niche field for a small collection of scientists whose primary emphasis was the structure and function of a few RNA molecules, has grown most significantly with the realizations that 1) RNA is implicated in many more functions within the cell, and 2) the analysis of ribosomal RNA sequences is revealing more about the microbial ecology within all biological and environmental systems. The accurate and rapid alignment of these RNA sequences is essential to decipher the maximum amount of information from this data.


Two computer systems that utilize the Gutell lab's RNA Comparative Analysis Database (rCAD) were developed to align sequences to an existing template alignment available at the Gutell lab's Comparative RNA Web (CRW) Site. Multiple dimensions of cross-indexed information are contained within the relational database - rCAD, including sequence alignments, the NCBI phylogenetic tree, and comparative secondary structure information for each aligned sequence. The first program, CRWAlign-1 creates a phylogenetic-based sequence profile for each column in the alignment. The second program, CRWAlign-2 creates a profile based on phylogenetic, secondary structure, and sequence information. Both programs utilize their profiles to align new sequences into the template alignment.


The accuracies of the two CRWAlign programs were compared with the best template-based rRNA alignment programs and the best de-novo alignment programs. We have compared our programs with a total of eight alternative alignment methods on different sets of 16S rRNA alignments with sequence percent identities ranging from 50% to 100%. Both CRWAlign programs were superior to these other programs in accuracy and speed.


Both CRWAlign programs can be used to align the very extensive amount of RNA sequencing that is generated due to the rapid next-generation sequencing technology. This latter technology is augmenting the new paradigm that RNA is intimately implicated in a significant number of functions within the cell. In addition, the use of bacterial 16S rRNA sequencing in the identification of the microbiome in many different environmental systems creates a need for rapid and highly accurate alignment of bacterial 16S rRNA sequences.

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