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Nucleosome formation and positioning, which play important roles in a number of biological processes, are thought to be related to the distinctive periodic dinucleotide patterns observed in the DNA sequence wrapped around the protein octamer. Previous research shows that flexibility is a key structural property of a nucleosomal DNA sequence. However, the relationship between the flexibility and the periodic dinucleotide patterns has received little attention in research in the past. In this study, we propose the use of three different models to measure the flexibility of yeast DNA sequences. Although the three models involve different parameters, they deliver consistent results showing that yeast nucleosomal DNA sequences are more flexible than non-nucleosomal ones. In contrast to random flexibility values along non-nucleosomal DNA sequences, the flexibility of nucleosomal DNA sequences shows a clear periodicity of 10.14 base pairs, which is consistent with the periodicity of dinucleotide distributions. We also demonstrate that there is a strong relationship between the peak positions of the flexibility and the dinucleotide frequencies. Correlation between the flexibility and the dinucleotide patterns of CA/TG, CG, GC, GG/CC, AG/CT, AC/GT and GA/TC are positive with an average value of 0.5946. The highest correlation is shown by CA/TG with a value of 0.7438 and the lowest correlation is shown by AA/TT with a value of −0.7424. The source codes and data sets are available for downloading on http://www.hy8.com/bioinformatics.htm.  相似文献   

Multiple alignment of 118 nucleosomal DNA sequences by maximizing simultaneously match of AA dinucleotides and match of TT dinucleotides results in a pattern of the dinucleotide distributions which is characteristic of the nucleosomal DNA sequences. The AA dinucleotides are found to be distributed symmetrically relative to the TT dinucleotide distribution, around the middle point of the nucleosomal DNA sequence. The distances between major peaks of the distributions are multiples of about 10.4 bases. The peaks of the TT distribution are shifted by 6 bases downstream from the peaks of the AA distribution.  相似文献   

DNA sequence is an important determinant of the positioning, stability, and activity of nucleosomes, yet the molecular basis of these effects remains elusive. A "consensus DNA sequence" for nucleosome positioning has not been reported and, while certain DNA sequence preferences or motifs for nucleosome positioning have been discovered, how they function is not known. Here, we report that an unexpected observation concerning the reassembly of nucleosomes during salt gradient dialysis has allowed a breakthrough in our efforts to identify the nucleosomal locations of the DNA sequence motifs that dominate histone-DNA interactions and nucleosome positioning. We conclude that a previous selection experiment for high-affinity, nucleosome-forming DNA sequences exerted selective pressure chiefly on the central stretch of the nucleosomal DNA. This observation implies that algorithms for aligning the selected DNA sequences should seek to optimize the alignment over much less than the full 147 bp of nucleosomal DNA. A new alignment calculation implemented these ideas and successfully aligned 19 of the 41 sequences in a non-redundant database of selected high-affinity, nucleosome-positioning sequences. The resulting alignment reveals strong conservation of several stretches within a central 71 bp of the nucleosomal DNA. The alignment further reveals an inherent palindromic symmetry in the selected DNAs; it makes testable predictions of nucleosome positioning on the aligned sequences and for the creation of new positioning sequences, both of which are upheld experimentally; and it suggests new signals that may be important in translational nucleosome positioning.  相似文献   


It has been shown that the frequency versus size distribution of A and T overlapping and non- overlapping homopolymer tracts of N>5 in D. discoideum gene flanking and intron regions are significantly greater than in coding regions(1). In the present report we demonstrate, that a spatial periodicity exists in long A and T tracts (N> 10) in long flanking sequences by scored alignments of those tracts (N> 10) with the nucleosomal repeat. A tract spacing was found at 185–190 bp that corresponds to a maximum alignment score. This is exactly the average spacing of D. discoideum nucleosomes determined experimentally. A majority of A and T tracts in flanking sequences are often spaced by short DNA stretches and the total length of adjacent A and T tracts plus the interrupting short DNA stretch corresponds closely to the average experimentally measured nucleosomal linker DNA size in D. discoideum-42 bp. These data suggest a model which has A and T runs of N> 10 bp in flanking DNA of D. discoideum organized in a regular phase with nonhomopolymer sequences along the DNA. This model has functional implications for A and T tracts, suggesting that they are found in nucleosomal linker DNA regions of chromatin during some necessary portion(s) of the life of the cell.  相似文献   

Liu H  Wu J  Xie J  Yang X  Lu Z  Sun X 《Biophysical journal》2008,94(12):4597-4604
By analyzing dinucleotide position-frequency data of yeast nucleosome-bound DNA sequences, dinucleotide periodicities of core DNA sequences were investigated. Within frequency domains, weakly bound dinucleotides (AA, AT, and the combinations AA-TT-TA and AA-TT-TA-AT) present doublet peaks in a periodicity range of 10-11 bp, and strongly bound dinucleotides present a single peak. A time-frequency analysis, based on wavelet transformation, indicated that weakly bound dinucleotides of core DNA sequences were spaced smaller (∼10.3 bp) at the two ends, with larger (∼11.1 bp) spacing in the middle section. The finding was supported by DNA curvature and was prevalent in all core DNA sequences. Therefore, three approaches were developed to predict nucleosome positions. After analyzing a 2200-bp DNA sequence, results indicated that the predictions were feasible; areas near protein-DNA binding sites resulted in periodicity profiles with irregular signals. The effects of five dinucleotide patterns were evaluated, indicating that the AA-TT pattern exhibited better performance. A chromosome-scale prediction demonstrated that periodicity profiles perform better than previously described, with up to 59% accuracy. Based on predictions, nucleosome distributions near the beginning and end of open reading frames were analyzed. Results indicated that the majority of open reading frames’ start and end sites were occupied by nucleosomes.  相似文献   

An estimated 80% of genomic DNA in eukaryotes is packaged as nucleosomes, which, together with the remaining interstitial linker regions, generate higher order chromatin structures [1]. Nucleosome sequences isolated from diverse organisms exhibit ∼10 bp periodic variations in AA, TT and GC dinucleotide frequencies. These sequence elements generate intrinsically curved DNA and help establish the histone-DNA interface. We investigated an important unanswered question concerning the interplay between chromatin organization and genome evolution: do the DNA sequence preferences inherent to the highly conserved histone core exert detectable natural selection on genomic divergence and polymorphism? To address this hypothesis, we isolated nucleosomal DNA sequences from Drosophila melanogaster embryos and examined the underlying genomic variation within and between species. We found that divergence along the D. melanogaster lineage is periodic across nucleosome regions with base changes following preferred nucleotides, providing new evidence for systematic evolutionary forces in the generation and maintenance of nucleosome-associated dinucleotide periodicities. Further, Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) frequency spectra show striking periodicities across nucleosomal regions, paralleling divergence patterns. Preferred alleles occur at higher frequencies in natural populations, consistent with a central role for natural selection. These patterns are stronger for nucleosomes in introns than in intergenic regions, suggesting selection is stronger in transcribed regions where nucleosomes undergo more displacement, remodeling and functional modification. In addition, we observe a large-scale (∼180 bp) periodic enrichment of AA/TT dinucleotides associated with nucleosome occupancy, while GC dinucleotide frequency peaks in linker regions. Divergence and polymorphism data also support a role for natural selection in the generation and maintenance of these super-nucleosomal patterns. Our results demonstrate that nucleosome-associated sequence periodicities are under selective pressure, implying that structural interactions between nucleosomes and DNA sequence shape sequence evolution, particularly in introns.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA sequences contain a wealth of information about the bendability and curvature of the DNA molecule. For example, the well-known 10-11 bp periodicities within genomes can be attributed to supercoiled structures or wrapping around nucleosomes. Such periodic signals have previously been examined mainly based on mono- or dinucleotide correlations. In this study, we generalize this approach and analyze correlation functions of longer motifs such as tetramers or poly(A) sequences. Periodically placed motifs may indicate regular protein binding or curvature signals. We detected various periodic signals e.g. strong 10-11 bp oscillations of periodically placed poly(A), poly(T) or poly(W) stretches. These observations lead to a new view on the intensively studied 10-11 bp periodicities.  相似文献   



Periodic spacing of A-tracts (short runs of A or T) with the DNA helical period of ~10?C11?bp is characteristic of intrinsically bent DNA. In eukaryotes, the DNA bending is related to chromatin structure and nucleosome positioning. However, the physiological role of strong sequence periodicity detected in many prokaryotic genomes is not clear.


We developed measures of intensity and persistency of DNA curvature-related sequence periodicity and applied them to prokaryotic chromosomes and phages. The results indicate that strong periodic signals present in chromosomes are generally absent in phage genomes. Moreover, chromosomes containing prophages are less likely to possess a persistent periodic signal than chromosomes with no prophages.


Absence of DNA curvature-related sequence periodicity in phages could arise from constraints associated with DNA packaging in the viral capsid. Lack of prophages in chromosomes with persistent periodic signal suggests that the sequence periodicity and concomitant DNA curvature could play a role in protecting the chromosomes from integration of phage DNA.  相似文献   

Curved DNA   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
A priori considerations and the concept of the sequence-dependent local curving of the DNA axis. Experimental evidence: electric dichroism (relaxation time measurements); anomalous electrophoretic mobility and gel-filtration of some restriction fragments of DNA; one-sided binding of the nucleosomal DNA to the mica surface. Theoretical predictions concerning the nucleotide sequences of the curved DNA. Discovery of the dinucleotide periodicity in the chromatin DNA. The sequence periodicity as a tool for mapping of the nucleosomes along the sequences. Preferential binding of the histone octamers to the curved pieces of DNA--sequence analysis predictions and comparison with experiments: Theoretical and experimental estimates of the tilt and roll angles for different combinations of the neighboring base-pairs. Inherent sequence-dependent curvature and apparent persistence length of DNA.  相似文献   

Nucleosomes are the fundamental repeating unit of chromatin and comprise the structural building blocks of the living eukaryotic genome. Micrococcal nuclease (MNase) has long been used to delineate nucleosomal organization. Microarray-based nucleosome mapping experiments in yeast chromatin have revealed regularly-spaced translational phasing of nucleosomes. These data have been used to train computational models of sequence-directed nuclesosome positioning, which have identified ubiquitous strong intrinsic nucleosome positioning signals. Here, we successfully apply this approach to nucleosome positioning experiments from human chromatin. The predictions made by the human-trained and yeast-trained models are strongly correlated, suggesting a shared mechanism for sequence-based determination of nucleosome occupancy. In addition, we observed striking complementarity between classifiers trained on experimental data from weakly versus heavily digested MNase samples. In the former case, the resulting model accurately identifies nucleosome-forming sequences; in the latter, the classifier excels at identifying nucleosome-free regions. Using this model we are able to identify several characteristics of nucleosome-forming and nucleosome-disfavoring sequences. First, by combining results from each classifier applied de novo across the human ENCODE regions, the classifier reveals distinct sequence composition and periodicity features of nucleosome-forming and nucleosome-disfavoring sequences. Short runs of dinucleotide repeat appear as a hallmark of nucleosome-disfavoring sequences, while nucleosome-forming sequences contain short periodic runs of GC base pairs. Second, we show that nucleosome phasing is most frequently predicted flanking nucleosome-free regions. The results suggest that the major mechanism of nucleosome positioning in vivo is boundary-event-driven and affirm the classical statistical positioning theory of nucleosome organization.  相似文献   

H Lowman  M Bina 《Biopolymers》1990,30(9-10):861-876
Previous studies demonstrated 16 well-defined nucleosome locations (A-P) on a tandemly repeated prototype 234 base pair (bp) mouse satellite repeat unit. We have aligned the A-P fragments to search for DNA sequence elements that might contribute to nucleosome placement at these positions. Our results demonstrate a strikingly regular, uninterrupted, periodic pattern for the AA dinucleotide occurrences along the entire length of the aligned fragments. The periodicity of the AA occurrences is about 9.7 bp. The pattern exhibits a local minimum at position 74, near the nucleosome dyad axis of symmetry. Other dinucleotides--including AC: GT, CA: TG, and CC: GG--are also placed periodically, but their patterns of occurrence are less regular and less frequent than AA. The calculated spacings between consecutive preferred nucleosome locations on mouse satellite DNA are nearly identical, corresponding to multiples of 9.7 bp. The correlation between the periodicity of dinucleotide occurrences and the average spacing of nucleosome positions suggests that the preferred nucleosome locations recur at intervals that may correspond to the DNA helical repeat in the mouse satellite nucleosomes, and that the histone octamers sample (or slip along) the duplex in steps of 9.7 bp during nucleosome formation on mouse satellite DNA.  相似文献   

In competitive in vitro reconstitution experiments synthetic DNA composed of tandem repeats of the repetitive sequence (A/T)3NN(G/C)3NN, specifically the 20 bp 'TG sequence' (5'-TCGGTGTTAGAGCCTGTAAC-3'), was reported to associate with the histone octamer with an affinity higher than that of nucleosomally derived DNA. However, at least two groups have independently shown that tandem repeats of the TG sequence do not accommodate a stably positioned nucleosome in vivo. It was suggested that the anisotropic flexibility of the TG sequence, governed by a 10 bp sequence periodicity, is incompatible with the required underwinding of the DNA helix at the nucleosome pseudodyad while maintaining a bending preference that can be accommodated in the remainder of the nucleosome. Here we test this hypothesis directly by studying the in vivo nucleosomal structure of modified TG sequences designed to accommodate underwinding at the pseudodyad. We show that these modifications are not sufficient to allow stable incorporation of the TG sequence repeat into a nucleosome in vivo, but do note invasion from one end of the TG heptamer of a translationally random but rotationally constrained nucleosome. We discuss possible reasons for the absence of nucleosomes from the TG sequence in vivo.  相似文献   

The exact lengths of linker DNAs connecting adjacent nucleosomes specify the intrinsic three-dimensional structures of eukaryotic chromatin fibers. Some studies suggest that linker DNA lengths preferentially occur at certain quantized values, differing one from another by integral multiples of the DNA helical repeat, approximately 10 bp; however, studies in the literature are inconsistent. Here, we investigate linker DNA length distributions in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome, using two novel methods: a Fourier analysis of genomic dinucleotide periodicities adjacent to experimentally mapped nucleosomes and a duration hidden Markov model applied to experimentally defined dinucleosomes. Both methods reveal that linker DNA lengths in yeast are preferentially periodic at the DNA helical repeat ( approximately 10 bp), obeying the forms 10n+5 bp (integer n). This 10 bp periodicity implies an ordered superhelical intrinsic structure for the average chromatin fiber in yeast.  相似文献   

The information decomposition (ID) method has been used for searching dinucleotide periodicities, including latent ones, in plant genomes. In nucleotide sequences of genomes of various plants from the GenBank database, 14766 sequences with a periodicity of two nucleotides have been found. Classification of the periodicity matrices of the detected DNA sequences has yielded 141 classes of dinucleotide periodicity. Since ID does not detect periodicities with nucleotide deletions or insertions, modified profile analysis (MPA) has been applied to the obtained classes to reveal DNA sequences with dinucleotide periodicities containing nucleotide deletions and insertions. Combined use of ID and MPA has permitted the detection of 80 396 DNA sequences with dinucleotide periodicities in the genomes of various plants. The biological role of dinucleotide periodicity in the detected sequences is discussed.  相似文献   

Telomeric chromatin has different features with respect to bulk chromatin, since nucleosomal repeat along the chain is unusually short. We studied the role of telomeric DNA sequences on nucleosomal spacing in a model system. Nucleosomal arrays, assembled on a 1500-bp-long human telomeric DNA and on a DNA fragment containing 8 copies of the 601 strong nucleosome positioning sequence, have been studied at the single molecule level, by atomic force microscopy imaging. Random nucleosome positioning was found in the case of human telomeric DNA. On the contrary, nucleosome positioning on 601 DNA is characterized by preferential positions of nucleosome dyad axis each 200 bp. The AFM-derived nucleosome organization is in satisfactory agreement with that predicted by theoretical modeling, based on sequence-dependent DNA curvature and flexibility. The reported results show that DNA sequence has a main role, not only in mononucleosome thermodynamic stability, but also in the organization of nucleosomal arrays.  相似文献   

No simple model exists that accurately describes the melting behavior and breathing dynamics of double-stranded DNA as a function of nucleotide sequence. This is especially true for homogenous and periodic DNA sequences, which exhibit large deviations in melting temperature from predictions made by additive thermodynamic contributions. Currently, no method exists for analysis of the DNA breathing dynamics of repeats and of highly G/C- or A/T-rich regions, even though such sequences are widespread in vertebrate genomes. Here, we extend the nonlinear Peyrard–Bishop–Dauxois (PBD) model of DNA to include a sequence-dependent stacking term, resulting in a model that can accurately describe the melting behavior of homogenous and periodic sequences. We collect melting data for several DNA oligos, and apply Monte Carlo simulations to establish force constants for the 10 dinucleotide steps (CG, CA, GC, AT, AG, AA, AC, TA, GG, TC). The experiments and numerical simulations confirm that the GG/CC dinucleotide stacking is remarkably unstable, compared with the stacking in GC/CG and CG/GC dinucleotide steps. The extended PBD model will facilitate thermodynamic and dynamic simulations of important genomic regions such as CpG islands and disease-related repeats.  相似文献   

The information decomposition (ID) method has been used for searching dinucleotide periodicities, including latent ones, in plant genomes. In nucleotide sequences of genomes of various plants from the Gen-Bank database, 14 766 sequences with a periodicity of two nucleotides have been found at a high level of statistical significance. Classification of the periodicity matrices of the detected DNA sequences has yielded 141 classes of dinucleotide periodicity. Since ID does not detect periodicities with nucleotide deletions or insertions, modified profile analysis (MPA) has been applied to the obtained classes to reveal DNA sequences with dinucleotide periodicities containing nucleotide deletions and insertions. Combined use of ID and MPA has permitted the detection of 80 396 DNA sequences with dinucleotide periodicities in the genomes of various plants. The biological role of dinucleotide periodicity in the detected sequences is discussed.  相似文献   

Wang DD  Yan H 《Physical biology》2011,8(6):066004
Nucleosomes, which contain DNA and proteins, are the basic unit of eukaryotic chromatins. Polymers such as DNA and proteins are dynamic, and their conformational changes can lead to functional changes. Periodic dinucleotide patterns exist in nucleosomal DNA chains and play an important role in the nucleosome structure. In this paper, we use normal mode analysis to detect significant structural deformations of nucleosomal DNA and investigate the relationship between periodic dinucleotides and DNA motions. We have found that periodic dinucleotides are usually located at the peaks or valleys of DNA and protein motions, revealing that they dominate the nucleosome dynamics. Also, a specific dinucleotide pattern CA/TG appears most frequently.  相似文献   

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