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John D. Mitchell 《Brittonia》1994,46(3):225-227
Botanical exploration of the vicinity of Saül, French Guiana, with the goal of producing a manual of the vascular plant flora, has yielded a new species ofSmilax. A diagnostic characteristic that differentiates this new species from all other species ofSmilax known from the Guianas and the Amazonian region is the admedial ramified branching pattern of the tertiary leaf veins.  相似文献   

A new species in theEpidendrum difforme complex is described and illustrated,E. oldemanii. Closely related toE. amapense, E. oldemanii is distinguished by the absence of a midlobe to the labellum.  相似文献   

Eric Ythier 《ZooKeys》2015,(539):97-109
A new species of scorpion belonging to the genus Auyantepuia González-Sponga, 1978 (family Chactidae Pocock, 1893) is described on the basis of three specimens collected in a rainforest formation located in Saut Sabbat, South of Mana, French Guiana. This is the tenth species of the Guiano-Amazonian genus Auyantepuia, and the fifth reported from French Guiana.  相似文献   

Arthur Cronquist 《Brittonia》1985,37(3):237-242
Eupatorium godfreyanum is described as a stable triploid apomict linkingE. sessilifolium L. withE. rotundifolium L. The nameE. vaseyi Porter, which has often been used for this plant, does not properly apply, inasmuch as the type collection is a different apomict, linkingE. sessilifolium withE. album L.  相似文献   

Qualea amapaËnsis, the second species of sect. Polytrias Stafleu is described. It differs from its close relative, Q. cymulosa, principally in its entirely glabrous leaves and more profusely branched cymes. The two species add a new pair to the growing list of taxa disjunct between eastern Panama/Colombia and the Guianas.  相似文献   

A new species of humicolous buthid scorpion is described on the basis of a single male specimen collected in a rainforest in French Guiana. The collection was performed by extraction with the use of Winkler methods. New considerations about the ecology and biogeography of micro-scorpions of the 'Ananteris group' (sensu subfamily Ananterinae Pocock, 1900), are proposed in relation to their possible evolution from endogeous to epygean environments.  相似文献   

A new species,Senecio chipauquilensis, from the Meseta de Somuncurá in the province of Rio Negro (Argentina), is described and illustrated. The new species resemblesSenecio subpanduratus, but it is clearly different by its sessile basal leaves, strongly auriculate and amplexicaul cauline leaves, and less number of phyllaries in the head, dorsally 1–2 veined.  相似文献   

Vochysia palmirana is described and illustrated as a new species. It is a member of sect.Vochysiella subsect.Decorticantes. It grows in sandy Cerrados of the Central Brazilian Plateau and is similar toV. sessilifolia. A key to the species ofVochysia sect.Vochysiella subsect.Decorticantes is provided.  相似文献   

Pinguicula rotundiflora (Lentibulariaceae), a new species from southern Mexico related toP. parvifolia Robinson is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Dahlia spectabilis (Asteraceae, Coreopsideae), a new species from San Luis Potosí, Mexico, is described and illustrated. The plant is distinguished by its large habit, big flowering heads, and overall lack of trichomes. It occurs within the natural range for the genus and is known from only one location where it is under heavy grazing pressure.
Resumen   Dahlia spectabilis (Asteraceae, Coreopsideae), una especie nueva del estado de San Luis Potosí, México, es descrita e ilustrada. Se distingue por su hábito más grande, su grandes inflorescencias y la falta de tricomas. Ocuriendo dento del rango natural del género, conocida solo por un poblacón, la cual está sufriendo por presión de ganado.

A new species of Compositae, Calea dalyi (of section Meyeria), from eastern Bolivia is described and illustrated. Its closest congener is C. purpurea from westernmost Bahia, Brazil. A key to the members of the C. teucriifolia complex is provided.  相似文献   


A new endemic species of Hieracium is described from the Madonie Mountains (northern Sicily). Named Hieracium madoniense, this new taxon is confined to the Rocca di Mele, along the borders of Fagus sylvatica woods, on carbonate substrate. Relationships with the closest taxa are discussed.  相似文献   

Symplocos saxatilis from Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, is newly described and illustrated on the basis of field and herbarium studies. It appears to be restricted to “campo rupestre” (rocky field) habitats. This new species is characterized by its 1- to 3-flowered pedunculate inflorescence, 11 to 14 staminodes of the pistillate flowers, and 0.7–1.5 mm thick endocarp.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):184-191

Arvernella microclada Hugonnot & Hedenäs is described from several localities in the Massif Central of France (Auvergne). This diminutive, autoicous, pleurocarpous moss has strongly prorate distal ends of the leaf lamina cells and straight and erect inner perichaetial leaves. It bears a superficial resemblance to small Heterocladium Bruch & Schimp. species, especially H. flaccidum (Schimp.) A.J.E.Sm. or weak phenotypes of H. wulfsbergii I.Hagen. Other small confervoid species, like Platydictya jungermannioides (Brid.) H.A.Crum or Serpoleskea confervoides (Brid.) Loeske differ in several respects, most notably in the absence of abaxial leaf lamina cell prorations, but also in rhizoid topography (Platydictya) and leaf orientation and leaf margin denticulation (Serpoleskea). Arvernella microclada grows in subalpine tall-herb communities and Fagus sylvatica L. mountain woods on small lava blocks on cold, unstable, and steep scree slopes. The restricted known geographical distribution may be of conservation concern.  相似文献   

A new species of camaenid land snail, Satsuma jinlunensis n. sp., from southeastern Taiwan is established. This species inhabits the lowland forests with a narrow geographical distribution insofar as we know. The species is characterised by having a sinistral shell, a rounded periphery, an oblique columellar lip joining the basal lip smoothly, an open umbilicus, a coiled flagellum, an absent or weakly developed penial caecum, a hemispherical verge internally, and a pedunculus of the bursa copulatrix expanded medially. The new species is distinguishable from congeners by a combination of its sinistral and conical shell, and coiling of the flagellum and part of the epiphallus. The characteristics of male genitalia and species biodiversity of terrestrial snails in southern Taiwan are discussed.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:96F3118C-09B9-4ED4-AAB7-2DBEE978459F  相似文献   

Nereis garwoodi n. sp. is described on the basis of eight syntype specimens (six atokous and two heteronereis) collected in Bahía Chetumal, Mexican Caribbean coast, and the variability in the paragnath numbers in the pharynx is established using 180 specimens; paragnath numbers are I:10(SD = 1.9); II:30 (SD = 2.6); III:41 (SD = 5.2); IV:29 (SD = 3.5), V:1, VI:4, VII-VIII: > 30. Its eyes are big and its longest tentacular cirri reaches setiger 11. A revised key to species of Nereis recorded from the Grand Caribbean Sea is included.  相似文献   

Alex Lasseigne 《Brittonia》1981,33(4):512-514
Cassia aurantia Benth. sensu auct. is not the species to which Bentham referred, but is an undescribed entity herein namedSenna barnebyana.  相似文献   

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