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Smooth muscle contraction is controlled in part by the state of phosphorylation of myosin. A recently discovered actin and calmodulin-binding protein, named caldesmon, may also be involved in regulation of smooth muscle contraction. Caldesmon cross-links actin filaments and also inhibits actin-activated ATP hydrolysis by myosin, particularly in the presence of tropomyosin. We have studied the effect of caldesmon on the rate of hydrolysis of ATP by skeletal muscle myosin subfragment-1, a system in which phosphorylation of the myosin is not important in regulation. Caldesmon is a very effective inhibitor of ATP hydrolysis giving up to 95% inhibition. At low ionic strength (approximately 20 mM) this effect does not require smooth muscle tropomyosin, whereas at high ionic strength (approximately 120 mM) tropomyosin enhances the inhibitory activity of caldesmon at low caldesmon concentrations. Cross-linking of actin is not essential for inhibition of ATP hydrolysis to occur since at high ionic strength there is very little cross-linking as determined by a low speed sedimentation assay. Under all conditions examined, the decrease in the rate of ATP hydrolysis is accompanied by a decrease in the binding of myosin subfragment-1 to actin. Furthermore, caldesmon weakens the equilibrium binding of myosin subfragment-1 to actin in the presence of pyrophosphate. We conclude that caldesmon has a general weakening effect on the binding of skeletal muscle myosin subfragment-1 to actin and that this weakening in binding may be responsible for inhibition of ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

A new fluorescent ribose-modified ATP analogue, 2'(3')-O-[6-(N-(7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl)amino)hexanoic]-ATP (NBD-ATP), was synthesized and its interaction with skeletal muscle myosin subfragment-1 (S-1) was studied. NBD-ATP was hydrolysed by S-1 at a rate and with divalent cation-dependence similar to those in the case of regular ATP. Skeletal HMM supported actin translocation using NBD-ATP and the velocity was slightly higher than that in the case of regular ATP. The addition of S1 to NBD-ATP resulted in quenching of NBD fluorescence. Recovery of the fluorescence intensity was noted after complete hydrolysis of NBD-ATP to NBD-ADP. The quenching of NBD-ATP fluorescence was accompanied by enhancement of intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence. These results suggested that the quenching of NBD-ATP fluorescence reflected the formation of transient states of ATPase. The formation of S-1.NBD-ADP.BeF(n) and S-1.NBD-ADP.AlF(4)(-) complexes was monitored by following changes in NBD fluorescence. The time-course of the formation fitted an exponential profile yielding rate constants of 7.38 x 10(-2) s(-1) for BeF(n) and 1.1 x 10(-3) s(-1) for AlF(4)(-). These values were similar to those estimated from the intrinsic fluorescence enhancement of trp due to the formation of S-1.ADP.BeF(n) or AlF(4)(-) reported previously by our group. Our novel ATP analogue seems to be applicable to kinetic studies on myosin.  相似文献   

Two different subfragment-1 preparations were obtained from either skeletal or cardiac myosin. They were identical in the heavy chain and light chain compositions but different in the pH dependence of the Ca-ATPase activity and in the relationship with "reactive lysine residues" (RLR).  相似文献   

Recently, by treating the head portion of skeletal myosin subfragment-1 (S1) with the bifunctional agent dibromobimane, we introduced an intramolecular covalent cross-link which resulted in the stabilisation of an internal loop in the heavy chain structure of the head [Mornet et al. (1984) Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 82, 1658-1662]. In order to define the functional properties of this new S1 conformational state, we have first determined the experimental conditions for the optimum modification of S1 by dibromobimane. We finally settled on a 60% yield of cross-linked S1. Because the modification occurs between the 50-kDa and the 20-kDa tryptic heavy chain fragments which have been postulated to be involved in the interaction of native S1 with actin, we have investigated the association of dibromobimane-treated S1 with actin, using chemical cross-linking of their rigor complex with 1-ethyl-3-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl] carbodiimide. The cross-linked species obtained were analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and compared with those known for unmodified S1. The carbodiimide-catalyzed linkage between actin and dibromobimane-modified S1 led to a singlet protein band migrating with an apparent molecular mass of 155 kDa, in contrast to the usual doublet bands of 175 kDa and 185 kDa produced with native S1. This result suggests that a change has occurred at the actin interface on the dibromobimane-treated S1 heavy chain. The covalent complex generated by carbodiimide cross-linking between actin and dibromobimane-modified S1 (27-kDa + 50-kDa + 20-kDa fragments) was submitted to chemical hydrolysis with hydroxylamine. The nature of the products identified is consistent with the conclusion that the internal freezing of the heavy chain structure by dibromobimane induces the loss of the ability to cross-linkage of the actin site on the 20-kDa domain but does not affect the conformation of the second site on the 50-kDa segment, which becomes the unique actin region cross-linkable by actin.  相似文献   

C-protein is a component of thick filaments of skeletal muscle myofibrils. It is bound to the assembly of myosin tails that forms the filament backbone. We report here that C-protein can also bind to F-actin, with a limiting stoichiometry of approximately one C-protein molecule per 3 to 5 actin subunits and a dissociation constant in the micromolar range at ionic strength 0·07. The binding is not significantly affected by ATP, calcium ions or temperature, or by the presence of tropomyosin on the actin, but it is weakened by increasing ionic strength. Myosin subfragment-1 (S-1) competes with C-protein for binding to actin. In the absence of ATP, S-1 displaces nearly all bound C-protein from actin, while in the presence of ATP, C-protein inhibits the actin activation of S-1 ATPase. Although there is no direct evidence that interaction of C-protein with actin is physiologically significant, the lenght of the C-protein molecule is sufficient so that it could make contact with the thin filaments in muscle while remaining attached to the thick filaments.  相似文献   

T Tao  M Lamkin 《FEBS letters》1984,168(1):169-173
Rabbit skeletal tropomyosin was labeled with the bifunctional photoactivatable crosslinker N-succinimidyl-6- (4'-azido-2'-nitrophenylamino)hexanoate. After irradiating the rigor complex composed of myosin subfragment-1, crosslinker-labeled tropomyosin, and F-actin, a crosslinked product was formed. This product was identified as a 1:1 adduct of tropomyosin and subfragment-1. This finding is in support of recent structural studies which suggest that tropomyosin and subfragment-1 are in close proximity to each other, and may be relevant to the mechanism of thin filament regulation.  相似文献   

Dependence of the rate of ATP hydrolysis with subfragment-I and temperature of SF-I, denaturation on the concentration of heavy water in solution was studied. The value of kinetic isotope effect V/Vx linearly increases with the rise of the volume portion of heavy water in solution and at X-1 it equals 1.9. The temperature of protein denaturacticn increases with X rise, the pattern of this relationship looking as an arched curve. The results differ from those earlier obtained on myosin which points to the absence of essential contribution of structural dynamic changes to enzymic hydrolysis of ATP by subfragment-I.  相似文献   

To determine the reason why the Mg2+-ATPase activity of subfragment-1 prepared with chymotrypsin was activated more by actin than that of subfragment-1 prepared with trypsin was and the reason why the former could enhance the polymerization of actin and the latter could not, we digested subfragment-1, prepared with chymotrypsin, with trypsin and examined the actin activated Mg2+-ATPase activity and the ability to polymerize actin. It was found that cleavage of the heavy chain decreased the actin activated Mg2+-ATPase activity of subfragment-1 prepared with chymotrypsin but did not affect its ability to polymerize actin. Trypsin attacked the subfragment-1 heavy chain at two sites and produced 26 K, 50 K, and 21 K fragments. From the comparison of the time course of tryptic digestion with that of the decrease in actin activation, it was deduced that cleavage of the 50 K-21 K junction was mainly responsible for the decrease in actin activation. We also measured the length and the amount of F-actin polymerized by the addition of different amounts of subfragment-1. It was found that the amount of F-actin increased with the increase in the amount of subfragment-1 added and that the length of F-actin also increased though slightly. We concluded from the results that subfragment-1 enhanced the polymerization not only by facilitating the nucleus formation but also by strengthening the bond between actin monomers in forming F-actin.  相似文献   

Rabbit skeletal muscle myosin subfragment-1 (S-1) was reacted with dimethyl(2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl)sulfonium bromide (DHNBS) resulting in modification of 0.8 tryptophan residues per S-1. In order to assign the most reactive tryptophan of the 5 S-1 tryptophans, antibodies were raised in rabbits against bovine serum albumin modified with DHNBS. The antibodies reacted with the 27 kDa tryptic fragment of DHNBS-treated S-1, indicating that the reactive tryptophan resides on this domain. The 27 kDa fragment was isolated from DHNBS-treated S-1 and was further cleaved at a single cysteine residue by 2-nitro-5-thiocyanobenzoic acid. This cleavage resulted in two peptides, each of them containing one tryptophan. The antibodies reacted with the smaller peptide consisting of residues 122-204. The only tryptophan residing on this peptide is Trp130, and this is therefore the most reactive tryptophan of S-1.  相似文献   

1. Tryptic cleavage of fish myosin subfragment-1 (S-1) revealed its similar substructure of heavy chain to that of rabbit S-1. 2. The structural stability of fish S-1 was studied by thermal denaturation method, and a rapid polymerization of inactivated fish S-1, detected by turbidity increase, was characteristic. 3. The light-chain release and tryptic susceptibility increase upon heating were significant with fish S-1.  相似文献   

The rate constant for the binding of myosin subfragment-1 (S-1) with F-actin in the absence of nucleotide, k1, and that for dissociation of the F-actin-myosin subfragment-1 complex (acto-S-1), k-1, were measured independently. The rate of S-1 binding with F-actin was measured from the time course of the change in the light scattering intensity after mixing S-1 with various concentrations of F-actin and k1 was found to be 2.55 X 10(6) M-1 X S-1 at 20 degrees C. The dissociation rate of acto-S-1 was determined using F-actin labeled with pyrenyl iodoacetamide (Pyr-FA). Pyr-FA, with its fluorescence decreased by binding with S-1, was mixed with acto-S-1 complex and the rate of displacement of F-actin by Pyr-FA was measured from the decrease in the Pyr-FA fluorescence intensity. The k-1 value was calculated to be 8.5 X 10(-3) S-1 (or 0.51 min-1). The value of the dissociation constant of S-1 from acto-S-1 complex, Kd, was calculated from Kd = k-1/k1 to be 3.3 X 10(-9) M at 20 degrees C. Kd was also measured at various temperatures (0-30 degrees C), and the thermodynamic parameters, delta G degree, delta H degree, and delta S degree, were estimated from the temperature dependence of Kd to be -11.3 kcal/mol, +2.5 kcal/mol, and +47 cal/deg . mol, respectively. Thus, the binding of the myosin head with F-actin was shown to be endothermic and entropy-driven.  相似文献   

Fluorescence energey transfer in myosin subfragment-1   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
D J Marsh  S Lowey 《Biochemistry》1980,19(4):774-784
Fluorescent probes have been selectively introduced into skeletal muscle myosin subfragment-1 and the fluorescence emission characteristics of the labeled products studied. The fluorophores employed were the thiol-specific reagents N-[[(iodoacetyl)aminolethyl-5-naphthylamine-1-sulfonic acid and 5-(iodoacetamido)fluorescein, the spectral properties of which render them a particularly effective donor-acceptor pair in F?rster energy-transfer studies. Alkali 1 light chain, labeled at a single cysteine with either of these probes, was incorporated into chymotryptic subfragment-1 by the exchange procedure of Wagner & Weeds [Wagner, P.D., & Weeds, A.G. (1977) J. Mol. Biol. 109, 455-473]. The resultant, fluorescently labeled subfragment-1 was isolated by ion-exchange chromatography. Determination of the extent of incorporation by extinction and fluorescence indicated that greater than 80% of the subfragment-1 population possessed a fluorescently labeled alkali 1 light chain. The introduction of labeled alkali 1 did not perturb the K+-, Ca2+-, or actin-activated adenosine triphosphatases of subfragment-1. The addition of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), liganded by various cations, to this singly labeled subfragment-1 induced a 6-10% decrease in the fluorescence intensity of the extrinsic chromophore. An intensity decrease of approximately 4% was obtained when the hydrolysis of ATP was complete, and also upon direct addition of adenosine diphosphate. The ATP analogue adenylyl imidodiphosphate induced a decrease of approximately 7% in intensity. The addition of F-actin to the subfragment-1 in the presence of MgATP elicited no further fluorescence intensity change. A second, appropriate fluorophore was introduced into the singly labeled subfragment-1 at the SH1 thiol on the heavy chain. F?rster energy transfer was observed between this labeled site and the fluorophore previously introduced on the alkali 1 light chain. The measured efficiency of energy transfer indicated that the two fluorophores were approximately 40 A apart. The same value was obtained upon reversal of the donor and acceptor attachment sites, suggesting that the uncertainty in the calculated distance introduced by the choice of orientation factor is probably less than 20%. Steady-state observations did not reveal any obvious change in this distance upon the addition of MgATP and then F-actin to the doubly labeled subfragment-1.  相似文献   

Antibody was prepared against the 25,000-dalton tryptic fragment of subfragment-1 from skeletal muscle myosin. The antibody was found to inhibit the Mg2+-ATPase activity and the initial P1-burst of the ATPase. The antibody suppressed the ATP-induced fluorescence enhancement of S-1, though it did not suppress the binding of ATP to S-1. The acto-S-1 ATPase activity was also inhibited by the antibody. These results suggest that there is a site in the 25K fragment region responsible for the transition of the myosin-ATP complex to another high energy complex.  相似文献   

Binding of magnesium to myosin subfragment-1 ATPase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tyr 180 of chicken breast muscle alkali light chain A1 was nitrated with tetranitromethane. The nitroA1 was incorporated into chicken breast muscle subfragment-1 (S-1) by exchange with the intrinsic alkali light chain. In the presence of adenylylimidodiphosphate (AMPPNP) or ADP, the S-1 containing nitroA1 showed a difference visible absorption spectrum by Mg2+ or Ca2+. The difference spectrum has a trough around 435 nm, indicating a blue shift of the absorption spectrum due to the nitrophenol chromophore of the modified A1. The plot of delta A at 435 nm versus concentration of free Mg2+ fitted a single binding curve, independent of the total concentration of AMPPNP. These results reveal that free Mg2+ binds to the active site of S-1 ATPase, but not as Mg-AMPPNP complex. The dissociation constants of magnesium from S-1 complex were different with the two nucleotides and were 1.25 X 10(-8) M and 1.24 X 10(-7) with AMPPNP and ADP, respectively. The difference spectrum was also obtained in the presence of ATP. The delta epsilon value after adding ATP changed with the ATPase reaction. The steady state rate of S-1 ATPase was measured at various concentrations of free Mg2+. The dissociation constant of magnesium from the steady state complex, EPADP(a), was estimated as 6 X 10(-8) M. These results suggest that the affinity of magnesium at the active site of ATPase changes with the intermediate states of ATPase reaction. The affinity of calcium was lower than that of magnesium.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of limited trypsin digestion of chymotryptic myosin Subfragment-1 (S-1) on its kinetic properties. We find that Vmax (i.e., the extrapolated maximal ATPase activity at infinite actin) remains approximately constant, independent of the period of digestion. We also find that the apparent actin activation constant, KATPase, and the apparent dissociation constant, Kbinding, are both significantly weakened by trypsin digestion of S-1, and that these kinetic parameters change in concert. In addition, we investigated the effect of limited trypsin digestion on the initial phosphate burst. We find that trypsin digestion has no effect on the rate of the tryptophan fluorescence enhancement that occurs after ATP binds to digested S-1, but that the magnitude of the fluorescence enhancement falls approximately 40% with digestion. Digested S-1 also showed anomalous behavior in that the fluorescence magnitude increased and the fluorescence rate dropped in the presence of actin. Trypsin digestion also decreased the magnitude of the chemically measured Pi burst approximately 35%, but this magnitude was essentially unaffected by actin. A possible explanation for this behavior is discussed.  相似文献   

During a part of the hydrolytic cycle, myosin head (S1) carries no nucleotide and binds strongly to an actin filament forming a rigor bond. At saturating concentration of S1 in rigor, S1 is well known to form 1:1 complex with actin. However, we have provided evidence that under certain conditions S1 could also form a complex with 2 actin monomers in a filament (Andreev, O.A. & Borejdo, J. (1991) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 177, 350-356). This view was recently challenged by Carlier & Didry (Carlier, M-F. & Didry, D. (1992) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 183, 970-974) who interpreted our data by suggesting that F-actin underwent a simple depolymerization and implied that, when only actin in the F-form was scored, the real stoichiometry in our experiments was 1:1. We show here that under conditions of our experiments less than 8% of actin was depolymerized. Moreover, we have repeated the experiments in the presence of phalloidin and show that under these conditions too, when S1 was added slowly to a fixed concentration of F-actin, it formed a different complex with F-actin than when it was added quickly. This confirms our original conclusion that S1 can bind actin in two different ways and shows that depolymerization of F-actin is not responsible for this finding.  相似文献   

A new method for producing myosin subfragment-1   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Bundling of myosin subfragment-1-decorated actin filaments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have reported previously that rabbit skeletal myosin subfragment-1 (S-1) assembles actin filaments into bundles. The rate of this reaction can be estimated roughly from the initial rate (Vo) of the accompanying turbidity increase ("super-opalescence") of the acto-S-1 solution. Vo is a function of the molar ratio (r) of S-1 to actin, with a peak at r = 1/6 to 1/7 and minimum around r = 1. In the present paper we report a different type of opalescence (we call it "hyper-opalescence") of acto-S-1 solutions, which also resulted from bundle formation. Adjacent filaments in the bundles had a distance of approximately 180 A. Hyper-opalescence occurred at r approximately equal to 1 when KCOOCH3 was used instead of KCl. By comparing the effects of ADP, epsilon-ADP, tropomyosin or ionic strength upon the super- and hyper-opalescence, we concluded that the two types of S-1-induced actin bundling had different molecular mechanisms. The hyper-opalescence type of bundling seemed to be induced by S-1, which was not complexed with actin in the manner of conventional rigor binding. The presence of the regulatory light chain did not affect hyper-opalescence (or super-opalescence), since there were no significant differences between papain S-1 and chymotryptic S-1 with respect to these phenomena.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated previously that urea inhibits the activity and alters the tertiary structure of skeletal muscle myosin in a biphasic manner. This was attributed to differential effects on its globular and filamentous portion. The inhibition of catalytic activity was counteracted by methylamines. With the aim of comprehending the effects of urea on the catalytic (globular) portion of myosin, this study examines the effects of urea and the countereffects of betaine on the catalytic activity and structure of myosin subfragment-1. It is shown that urea inactivates subfragment-1 in parallel with its ability to induce exposure of the enzyme hydrophobic domains, as assessed using intrinsic and extrinsic fluorescence. Both effects are counteracted by betaine, which alone does not significantly affect subfragment-1. Urea also enhances the accessibility of thiol groups, promotes aggregation and decreases the alpha-helix content of S1, effects that are also counteracted by betaine. We conclude that urea-induced inactivation of the enzyme is caused by partial unfolding of the myosin catalytic domain.  相似文献   

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