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Linkage analysis has been carried out in a family with severe congenital sensorineural deafness with a structural abnormality of the inner ear. Recombinations show the gene responsible for deafness in this family to lie between the loci DXS255 (Xp11.22) and DXS94 (Xq22). Close linkage was found to locus DXS159 (cpX289) in Xq12, with a LOD score of 3.155 and 0 recombination. This location is consistent with other linkage studies of X-linked deafness.  相似文献   

Molecular linkage analysis was undertaken on a large Mauritian kindred with X-linked mixed deafness, stapes fixation, and perilymphatic gusher (X-LDSF). DNA probe pDP34 (DXYS1) was tightly linked to the disorder, with a lod score of 6.32 at zero recombination. This observation indicates that the gene for this form of deafness maps to the Xq13-q21.1 region and has important implications for carrier screening and antenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

The study of contiguous gene deletion syndromes by using reverse genetic techniques provides a powerful tool for precisely defining the map location of the genes involved. We have made use of individuals with overlapping deletions producing choroideremia as part of a complex phenotype, to define the boundaries on the X chromosome for this gene, as well as for X-linked mixed deafness with perilymphatic gusher (DFN3). Two patients with deletions and choroideremia are affected by an X-linked mixed conductive/sensorineural deafness; one patient, XL-62, was confirmed at surgery to have DFN3, while the other patient, XL-45, is suspected clinically to have the same disorder. A third choroideremia deletion patient, MBU, has normal hearing. Patient XL-62 has a cytogenetically detectable deletion that was measured to be 7.7% of the X chromosome by dual laser flow cytometry; the other patient, XL-45, has a cytogenetically undetectable deletion that measures only 3.3% of the X chromosome. We have produced a physical map of the X-chromosome region containing choroideremia and DFN3 by using routine Southern blotting, chromosome walking and jumping techniques, and long-range restriction mapping to generate and link anonymous DNA sequences in this region. DXS232 and DXS233 are located within 450 kb of each other on the same SfiI and MluI fragments and share partial SalI fragments of 750 and greater than 1,000 kb but are separated by at least one SalI site. In addition, DXS232, which lies outside the MBU deletion, detects the proximal breakpoint of this deletion. We have isolated two new anonymous DNA sequences by chromosome jumping from DXS233; one of these detects a new SfiI fragment distal to DXS233 in the direction of the choroideremia gene, while the other jump clone is proximal to DXS233 and detects a new polymorphism. These data refine the map around the loci for choroideremia and for mixed deafness with stapes fixation and will provide points from which to isolate candidate gene sequences for these disorders.  相似文献   

A locus for X-linked nonsyndromic deafness has previously been allocated to the Xq13-q21 region based on linkage studies in two separate pedigrees. This has been substantiated by the observation of deafness as a clinical feature of male patients with cytogenetically detectable deletions across this region. The question of a second locus for deafness in this chromosomal region has been raised by the audiologically distinct nature of the deafness in some of the deleted patients compared to that observed in those patients upon whom the linkage data are based. We have performed detailed clinical evaluation and linkage studies on seven pedigrees with nonsyndromic X-linked deafness and conclude that there is evidence for at least two loci for this form of deafness, including one in the Xq13-q21 region. We have observed different radiological features among the pedigrees which map to Xq13-q21, suggesting that even among these pedigrees the deafness is due to different pathological processes. Given these findings, we suggest that the classification of nonsyndromic X-linked deafness based solely on audiological criteria may need to be reviewed.  相似文献   

Summary A large kindred with the X-linked dominant form of peroneal muscular atrophy (Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease) was analyzed for individual variation in the length of DNA fragments after restriction endonuclease digestion. A systematic search was performed for linkage with a series of cloned single-copy DNA sequences of known regional assignment to the human X chromosome. Close linkage was found with the pDP34 probe (DXYS1 locus, Xq13-q21), suggesting that the gene responsible for the disease is located on the proximal long arm of the X chromosome.  相似文献   

X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) (McKusick 30040; IMD4) is a disease of unknown pathogenesis characterized by severe and persistent infections from early in life that are due to absence of both cellular and humoral immune function. Although the disease has been provisionally mapped to proximal Xq, high lethality and lack of a carrier test have limited the number of scorable meioses. We performed linkage analysis in six new kindreds with X-linked SCID, using a random pattern of T-cell X inactivation to rule out the carrier state in at-risk women. Our linkage results, combined with analysis of Xq interstitial deletions, confirmed the regional assignment of X-linked SCID, narrowed the boundaries within which this locus lies to Xq13.1-q21.1, and established the locus order DXS159-(PGK1, SCID)-DXS72-DXS3, defining flanking markers for prenatal diagnosis and carrier testing.  相似文献   

X-linked hydrocephalus is a well-defined disorder which accounts for > or = 7% of hydrocephalus in males. Pathologically, the condition is characterized by stenosis or obliteration of the aqueduct of Sylvius. Previous genetic linkage studies have suggested the likelihood of genetic homogeneity for this condition, with close linkage to the DXS52 and F8C markers in Xq28. We have investigated a family with typical X-linked aqueductal stenosis, in which no linkage to these markers was present. In this family, close linkage was established to the DXS548 and FRAXA loci in Xq27.3. Our findings demonstrate that X-linked aqueductal stenosis may result from mutations at two different loci on the X chromosome. Caution is indicated in using linkage for the prenatal diagnosis of X-linked hydrocephalus.  相似文献   

We present a linkage analysis and a clinical update on a previously reported family with X-linked recessive panhypopituitarism, now in its fourth generation. Affected members exhibit variable degrees of hypopituitarism and mental retardation. The markers DXS737 and DXS1187 in the q25-q26 region of the X chromosome showed evidence for linkage with a peak LOD score (Zmax) of 4.12 at zero recombination fraction (theta(max) = 0). An apparent extra copy of the marker DXS102, observed in the region of the disease gene in affected males and heterozygous carrier females, suggests that a segment including this marker is duplicated. The gene causing this disorder appears to code for a dosage-sensitive protein central to development of the pituitary.  相似文献   

We report a three-generation family manifesting a previously undescribed X-linked mental retardation syndrome. Four of the six moderately retarded males have had episodes of manic-depressive psychosis. The phenotype also includes pyramidal signs, Parkinsonian features, and macroorchidism, but there are no characteristic dysmorphic facial features. Affected males do not show fragile sites at distal Xq on cytogenetic analysis, nor do they have expansions of the CGG repeats at the FRAXA, FRAXE, or FRAXF loci. Linkage analyses were undertaken, and a maximal LOD score of 3.311 at theta = .0 was observed with the microsatellite marker DXS1123 in Xq28. A recombination was detected in one of the affected males with DXS1691 (Xq28), which gives the proximal boundary of the localization. No distal recombination has been detected at any of the loci tested.  相似文献   

We here report linkage studies in a family suffering from a recently described hereditary muscle disease named X-linked myopathy with excessive autophagy (XMEA). Significant lod scores excluding linkage to the Duchenne-Becker muscular dystrophy locus were found. Several other loci on the short and long arms of the X chromosome produced negative lod scores, whereas probe DX13-7 defining locus DXS15 showed no recombinants and a lod score of z = 0.903 at theta = .0. Further studies should be done to determine whether the gene for XMEA is (1) located at Xq and (2) caused by a mutation of the Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy gene, which has been assigned to the same region.  相似文献   

X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (H.E.D.) is a disorder of abnormal morphogenesis of ectodermal structures and is of unknown pathogenesis. Neither relatively accurate carrier detection nor prenatal diagnosis has been available. Previous localization of the disorder by linkage analysis utilizing restriction-fragment polymorphisms, by our group and others, has placed the disorder in the general pericentromeric region. We have extended our previous study by analyzing 36 families by means of 10 DNA probes at nine marker loci and have localized the disorder to the region Xq11-Xq21.1, probably Xq12-Xq13. Three loci--DXS159 (theta = .01, z = 14.84), PGK1 (theta = .02, z = 13.44), and DXS72 (theta = .02, z = 11.38)--show very close linkage to the disorder, while five other pericentromeric loci (DXS146, DXS14, DXYS1, DXYS2, and DXS3) display significant but looser linkage. Analysis of the linkage data yields no significant evidence for nonallelic heterogeneity for the X-linked form of the disorder. Both multipoint analysis and examination of multiply informative meioses with known phase establish that the locus for H.E.D. is flanked on one side by the proximal long arm loci DXYS1, DXYS2, and DXS3 and on the other side by the short arm loci DXS146 and DXS14. Multipoint mapping could not resolve the order of H.E.D. and the three tightly linked loci. This order can be inferred from published data on physical mapping of marker loci in the pericentromeric region, which have utilized somatic cell hybrid lines established from a female with severe manifestations of H.E.D., and an X/9 translocation (breakpoint Xq13.1). If one assumes that the breakpoint of the translocation is within the locus for H.E.D. and that there has not been a rearrangement in the hybrid line, then DXS159 would be proximal to the disorder and PGK1 and DXS72 would be distal to the disorder. Both accurate carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis are now feasible in a majority of families at risk for the disorder.  相似文献   

Linkage of the gene responsible for an X-linked early onset parkinsonism disorder with mental retardation (McKusick 311510) to DNA probes that detect restriction fragment length polymorphisms is described. The disease gene is linked to the F8C gene, and to DNA probes detecting polymorphic loci DXS52, DXS15, DXS134, and DXS374 with maximum lod scores at theta = 0 of 5.08, 5.19, 5.00, 5.03, and 4.46, respectively. Multipoint linkage analysis gives a maximum multipoint lod score of 6.75 at the F8C gene. This places the disease gene in chromosomal region Xq27.3-qter.  相似文献   

We undertook linkage analysis in four large North Carolina kindreds with X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets (HYP) using a newly defined polymorphic probe, derived from the 5' untranslated portion of the human glycine receptor (GLR). Two-point linkage analysis established linkage between GLR and HYP [Z(theta) = 7.91 at theta = 0.07] and confirmed linkage between HYP and DXS41 [Z(theta) = 8.31 at theta = 0.06] and DXS43 [Z(theta) = 5.94 at theta = 0.05]. Additionally, we found GLR tightly linked to DXS43 [Z(theta) = 5.40 at theta = 0.0]. Multipoint analysis indicated that GLR is on the telomeric side of HYP with a map order of Xpcen-DXS41-HYP-(GLR/DSX43).  相似文献   

We have characterized and genetically mapped new polymorphic DNA markers in the q27-q28 region of the X chromosome. New informative RFLPs have been found for DXS105, DXS115, and DXS152. In particular, heterozygosity at the DXS105 locus has been increased from 25% to 52%. We have shown that DXS105 and DXS152 are contained within a 40-kb region. A multipoint linkage analysis was performed in fragile-X families and in large normal families from the Centre d'Etudes du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH). This has allowed us to establish the order centromere-DXS144-DXS51-DXS102-F9-DXS105-FRAX A-(F8, DXS15, DXS52, DXS115). DXS102 is close to the hemophilia-B locus (z[theta] = 13.6 at theta = .02) and might thus be used as an alternative probe for diagnosis in Hemophila-B families not informative for intragenic RFLPs. DXS105 is 8% recombination closer to the fragile-X locus than F9 (z[theta] = 14.6 at theta = .08 for the F9-DXS105 linkage) and should thus be a better marker for analysis of fragile-X families. However, the DXS105 locus appears to be still loosely linked to the fragile-X locus in some families. The multipoint estimation for recombination between DXS105 and FRAXA is .16 in our set of data. Our data indicate that the region responsible for the heterogeneity in recombination between F9 and the fragile-X locus is within the DXS105-FRAXA interval.  相似文献   

Genomic Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (gDGGE) provides an alternative to the standard method of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis for identifying polymorphic sequence variation in genomic DNA. For gDGGE, genomic DNA is cleaved by restriction enzymes, separated in a polyacrylamide gel containing a gradient of DNA denaturants, and then transferred by electroblotting to nylon membranes. Unlike other applications of DGGE, gDGGE is not limited by the size of the probe and does not require probe sequence information. gDGGE can be used in conjunction with any unique DNA probe. Here we use gDGGE with probes from the proximal region of the long arm of human chromosome 21 to identify polymorphic DNA sequence variation in this segment of the chromosome. Our screening panel consisted of DNA from nine individuals, which was cleaved with five restriction enzymes and submitted to electrophoresis in two denaturing gradient conditions. We detected at least one potential polymorphism for nine of eleven probes that were tested. Two polymorphisms, one at D21S4 and one at D21S90, were characterized in detail. Our study demonstrates that gDGGE is a fast and efficient method for identifying polymorphisms that are useful for genetic linkage analysis.  相似文献   

We have characterized a complex chromosomal rearrangement in band Xq28, in an adrenoleukodystrophy patient who also has blue-cone monochromacy. A 130-kb region upstream from the color-vision pigment genes was isolated as yeast artificial chromosome or cosmid clones. Another Xq28 sequence, not included in the above region, was obtained by cloning a deletion breakpoint from the patient. Using probes derived from the cloned sequences, we have shown that the rearrangement affects the color-pigment genes and includes two deletions, most likely separated by a large (greater than 110-kb) inversion. One deletion encompasses part of the pigment gene cluster and 33 kb of upstream sequences and accounts for the patient's blue-cone monochromacy. If this rearrangement also caused ALD, the disease gene would be expected to lie within or close to one of the deletions. However, deletions were not detected in a 50-kb region upstream of the red-color-pigment gene in 81 other ALD patients. Two CpG islands were mapped, at 46 and 115 kb upstream from the pigment genes.  相似文献   

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