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Rotifers are bilateral symmetric animals belonging to Protostomia. The ultrastructure of the rotiferan trophi suggests that they belong to the Gnathifera, and ultrastructural similarities between the integuments and spermatozoa as well as molecular evidence strongly suggest that rotifers and the parasitic acanthocephalans are closely related and form the clade Syndermata. Here we discuss the phylogenetic position of rotifers with regard to the gnathiferan groups. Originally, Gnathifera only included the hermaphroditic Gnathostomulida and the Syndermata. The synapomorphy supporting Gnathifera is the presence of pharyngeal hard parts such as jaws and trophi with similar ultrastructure. The newly discovered Micrognathozoa possesses such jaws and is a strong candidate for inclusion in Gnathifera because their cellular integument also has an apical intracytoplasmic lamina as in Syndermata. But Gnathifera might include other taxa. Potential candidates include the commensalistic Myzostomida and Cycliophora. Traditionally, Myzostomida has been included in the annelids but recent studies regard them either as sister group to the Acanthocephala or Cycliophora. Whether Cycliophora belongs to Gnathifera is still uncertain. Some analyses based on molecular data or total evidence point towards a close relationship between Cycliophora and Syndermata. Other cladistic studies using molecular data, morphological characters or total evidence suggest a sister group relationship between Cycliophora and Entoprocta. More molecular and morphological data and an improved sampling of taxa are obviously needed to elucidate the phylogenetic position of the rotifers and identify which phyla belong to Gnathifera.  相似文献   

Triploblastic relationships were examined in the light of molecular and morphological evidence. Representatives for all triploblastic "phyla" (except Loricifera) were represented by both sources of phylogenetic data. The 18S ribosomal (rDNA) sequence data for 145 terminal taxa and 276 morphological characters coded for 36 supraspecific taxa were combined in a total evidence regime to determine the most consistent picture of triploblastic relationships for these data. Only triploblastic taxa are used to avoid rooting with distant outgroups, which seems to happen because of the extreme distance that separates diploblastic from triploblastic taxa according to the 18S rDNA data. Multiple phylogenetic analyses performed with variable analysis parameters yield largely inconsistent results for certain groups such as Chaetognatha, Acoela, and Nemertodermatida. A normalized incongruence length metric is used to assay the relative merit of the multiple analyses. The combined analysis having the least character incongruence yields the following scheme of relationships of four main clades: (1) Deuterostomia [((Echinodermata + Enteropneusta) (Cephalochordata (Urochordata + Vertebrata)))]; (2) Ecdysozoa [(((Priapulida + Kinorhyncha) (Nematoda + Nematomorpha)) ((Onychophora + Tardigrada) Arthropoda))]; (3) Trochozoa [((Phoronida + Brachiopoda) (Entoprocta (Nemertea (Sipuncula (Mollusca (Pogonophora (Echiura + Annelida)))))))]; and (4) Platyzoa [((Gnathostomulida (Cycliophora + Syndermata)) (Gastrotricha + Plathelminthes))]. Chaetognatha, Nemertodermatida, and Bryozoa cannot be assigned to any one of these four groups. For the first time, a data analysis recognizes a clade of acoelomates, the Platyzoa (sensu Cavalier-Smith, Biol. Rev. 73:203-266, 1998). Other relationships that corroborate some morphological analyses are the existence of a clade that groups Gnathostomulida + Syndermata (= Gnathifera), which is expanded to include the enigmatic phylum Cycliophora, as sister group to Syndermata.  相似文献   

Cladistic analysis of traditional (i.e. morphological, developmental, ultrastructural) and molecular (18S rDNA) data sets (276+501 informative characters) provides a hypothesis about relationships of all meta-zoan higher taxa. Monophyly of Metazoa, Epith-eliozoa (= -03non-Porifera), Triploblastica, Mesozoa, Eutriploblastica (=Rhabditophora+Catenulida+“higher triploblasts”=Neotriploblastica, including Xeno- turbellida and Gnathostomulida), Rhabditophora, Syndermata (=“Rotifera”+Acanthocephala), Neotrichozoa (=Gastrotricha+Gnathostomulida), Nematozoa (=Nematoda+Nematomorpha), Panarthropoda (=Onychophora+Tardigrada+ Arthropoda), Cephalorhyncha, Deuterostomia, Ambulacralia (=Hemichordata+Echinodermata), Chordata, Phoronozoa (=Phoronida+“Brachiopoda”), Bryozoa, Trochozoa (=Eutrochozoa+Entoprocta+ Cycliophora), Eutrochozoa, and Chaetifera (=Annelida+ Pogonophora+Echiura) is strongly supported. Cnidaria (including Myxozoa), Ecdysozoa (=Cepha- lorhyncha + Nematozoa + Chaetognatha + Panarthropoda), Eucoelomata (=Bryozoa+Phoronozoa+Deuterostomia+Trochozoa, possibly including also Xenoturbellida), and Deuterostomia+Phoronozoa probably are monophyletic. Most traditional “phyla” are monophyletic, except for Porifera, Cnidaria (excluding Myxozoa), Platyhelminthes, Brachiopoda, and Rotifera. Three “hot” regions of the tree remain quite unresolved: basal Epitheliozoa, basal Triploblastica, and basal Neotriploblastica. A new phylogenetic classification of the Metazoa including 35 formally recognized phyla (Silicispongea, Calcispongea, Placozoa, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Acoela, Nemertodermatida, Orthonecta, Rhombozoa, Rhabditophora, Catenulida, Syndermata, Gnathostomulida, Gastrotricha, Cephalorhyncha, Chaetognatha, Nematoda, Nematomorpha, Onychophora, Tardigrada, Arthropoda, Echinodermata, Hemichordata, Chordata, Phoronozoa, Bryozoa s. str., Xenoturbellida, Entoprocta, Cycliophora, Nemertea, Mollusca, Sipuncula, Echiura, Pogonophora, and Annelida) and few i ncertae sedis g roups (e.g. Myzostomida and Lobatocerebromorpha) is proposed.  相似文献   

Lophotrochozoa is a protostome clade that includes disparate animals such as molluscs, annelids, bryozoans, and flatworms, giving it the distinction of including the most body plans of any of the three major clades of Bilateria. This extreme morphological disparity has prompted numerous conflicting phylogenetic hypotheses about relationships among lophotrochozoan phyla. Here, I review the current understanding of lophotrochozoan phylogeny with emphasis on recent insights gained through approaches taking advantage of high-throughput DNA sequencing (phylogenomics). Of significance, Platyzoa, a hypothesized clade of mostly small-bodied animals, appears to be an artifact of long-branch attraction. Recent studies recovered Gnathifera (Syndermata, Gnathostomulida, and Micrognathozoa) sister to all other lophotrochozoans and a clade called Rouphozoa (Platyhelminthes and Gastrotricha) sister to the remaining non-gnathiferan lophotrochozoans. Although Bryozoa was traditionally grouped with Brachiopoda and Phoronida (Lophophorata), most molecular studies have supported a clade including Entoprocta, Cycliophora, and Bryozoa (Polyzoa). However, recent phylogenomic work has shown that entoprocts and bryozoans have compositionally heterogeneous genomes that may cause systematic artifacts affecting their phylogenetic placement. Lastly, relationships within Trochozoa (Mollusca, Annelida, and relatives) largely remain ambiguous. Recent work has shown that phylogenomic studies must identify and reduce sources of systematic error, such as amino acid compositional heterogeneity and long-branch attraction. Still, other approaches such as the analysis of rare genomic changes may be needed to overcome challenges to standard phylogenomic approaches. Resolving lophotrochozoan phylogeny will provide important insight into how these complex and diverse body plans evolved and provide a much-needed framework for comparative studies.  相似文献   

Of the three major bilaterian clades, Lophotrochozoa has the greatest diversity and disparity of body forms and is the least understood in terms of phylogenetic history. Within this clade, small nuclear ribosomal subunit (SSU or 18S) studies have failed to provide resolution and other molecular markers have insufficient taxon sampling. To examine relationships within Lophotrochozoa, we collected and complied complete SSU data and nearly complete (>90%) large nuclear ribosomal subunit (LSU or 28S) data totaling approximately 5kb per taxon, for 36 lophotrochozoans. Results of LSU and combined SSU+LSU likelihood analyses provide topologies more consistent with morphological data than analyses of SSU data alone. Namely, most phyla recognized on morphological grounds are recovered as monophyletic entities when the LSU data is considered (contra SSU data alone). These new data show with significant support that "Lophophorata" (traditionally recognized to include Brachiopoda, Phoronida, and Bryozoa) is not a monophyletic entity. Further, the data suggest that Platyzoa is real and may be derived within lophotrochozans rather than a basal or sister taxon. The recently discovered Cycliophora are allied to entoprocts, consistent with their initial placement based on morphology. Additional evidence for Syndermata (i.e., Rotifera+Acanthocephala) is also found. Although relationships among groups with trochophore-like larvae could not be resolved and nodal support values are generally low, the addition of LSU data is a considerable advance in our understanding of lophotrochozoan phylogeny from the molecular perspective.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of selected members of the phylum Rotifera is examined based on analyses under parsimony direct optimization and Bayesian inference of phylogeny. Species of the higher metazoan lineages Acanthocephala, Micrognathozoa, Cycliophora, and potential outgroups are included to test rotiferan monophyly. The data include 74 morphological characters combined with DNA sequence data from four molecular loci, including the nuclear 18S rRNA, 28S rRNA, histone H3, and the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I. The combined molecular and total evidence analyses support the inclusion of Acanthocephala as a rotiferan ingroup, but do not support the inclusion of Micrognathozoa and Cycliophora. Within Rotifera, the monophyletic Monogononta is sister group to a clade consisting of Acanthocephala, Seisonidea, and Bdelloidea-for which we propose the name Hemirotifera. We also formally propose the inclusion of Acanthocephala within Rotifera, but maintaining the name Rotifera for the new expanded phylum. Within Monogononta, Gnesiotrocha and Ploima are also supported by the data. The relationships within Ploima remain unstable to parameter variation or to the method of phylogeny reconstruction and poorly supported, and the analyses showed that monophyly was questionable for the families Dicranophoridae, Notommatidae, and Brachionidae, and for the genus Proales. Otherwise, monophyly was generally supported for the represented ploimid families and genera.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships within Syndermata (Acanthocephala + Rotifera) are still unresolved. Cladistic morphological analyses support monophyly of Rotifera and Eurotatoria (Bdelloidea + Monogononta), while molecular phylogenies of 18S, 28S, COI, hsp82 and EST propose different topologies, with at least six contrasting scenarios. All these phylogenies are characterized by poor taxon sampling; thus, our aim is to solve the relationships within Syndermata sampling as many sequences as possible from one single locus. We reconstructed phylogenetic relationship using more than 1000 sequences of COI. We performed Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic reconstructions on amino acid alignments, using either Gnathostomulida or Platyhelminthes as an outgroup, and then we performed SH tests to provide confidence on the best phylogenetic hypotheses. All four major clades (Acanthocephala, Bdelloidea, Monogononta and Seisonidea) are always highly supported. The basal relationship among the four clades is not consistently resolved by any of the phylogenetic reconstructions; nevertheless, there is a strong support for a clade of Acanthocephala + Bdelloidea from the SH tests, in agreement with other phylogenies from ribosomal genes and EST analyses.  相似文献   

Gastrotricha and metazoan phylogeny   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The phylogenetic position of the Gastrotricha within Bilateria and relationships among gastrotrich subgroups are reanalysed using morphological, developmental, nonsequence molecular, and ecological characters, together with the conserved regions of small-subunit ribosomal RNA genes (SSU rDNA). The analysis shows that traditional 'Macrodasyida' is a paraphyletic stemline of Chaetonotida, with Dactylopodolida, Redudasys , and Turbanellida as the basalmost gastrotrich groups. The 'Cycloneuralia hypothesis', which assumes sister group relationships between Gastrotricha and Ecdysozoa is supported. The sensitivity analysis of the combined dataset yields the following scheme of relationships of the main bilaterian clades: (1) Acoelomorpha is a basalmost bilaterian clade; (2) both Deuterostomia and Protostomia (less Acoelomorpha) are monophyletic; (3) the phylogenetic position of Ectoprocta, Brachiopoda + Phoronida, and Cycloneuralia within Protostomia is unstable; (4) Trochozoa (incl. Entoprocta, Nemertea, Lobatocerebrum , and possibly Jennaria ), Platyhelminthes s.s ., and Gnathifera-Myzostomida form a clade ('Spiralia'); (5) Cycliophora and possibly also Chaetognatha may be close to the gnathiferans. Evolution of metazoan ciliation and cycloneuralian cuticle is discussed. It is concluded that cycloneuralian and gastrotrich ancestors were multiciliate and had epidermal cilia covered by cuticular sheaths.  相似文献   

In the present study, we determined the complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Oncicola luehei (14,281bp), the first archiacanthocephalan representative and the second complete sequence from the phylum Acanthocephala. The complete genome contains 36 genes including 12 protein coding genes, 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes and 2 ribosomal RNA genes (rrnL and rrnS) as reported for other syndermatan species. All genes are encoded on the same strand. The overall nucleotide composition of O. luehei mtDNA is 37.7% T, 29.6% G, 22.5% A, and 10.2% C. The overall A+T content (60.2%) is much lower, compared to other syndermatan species reported so far, due to the high frequency (18.3%) of valine encoded by GTN in its protein-coding genes. Results from phylogenetic analyses of amino acid sequences for 10 protein-coding genes from 41 representatives of major metazoan groups including O. luehei supported monophyly of the phylum Acanthocephala and of the clade Syndermata (Acanthocephala+Rotifera), and the paraphyly of the clade Eurotatoria (classes Bdelloidea+Monogononta from phylum Rotifera). Considering the position of the acanthocephalan species within Syndermata, it is inferred that obligatory parasitism characteristic of acanthocephalans was acquired after the common ancestor of acanthocephalans diverged from its sister group, Bdelloidea. Additional comparison of complete mtDNA sequences from unsampled acanthocephalan lineages, especially classes Polyacanthocephala and Eoacanthocephala, is required to test if mtDNA provides reliable information for the evolutionary relationships and pattern of life history diversification found in the syndermatan groups.  相似文献   

The phylum Gastrotricha includes about 700 species. They are small worm‐like organisms abundant among marine and freshwater meiobenthos. In spite of their ubiquity, diversity and relative abundance, phylogenetic relationships of these animals remain enigmatic due to the conflicting results of morphological and molecular cladistic analyses. Also unclear are the alliances within the phylum. In order to best estimate the position of Gastrotricha among the Metazoa and to shed some light on the ingroup phylogenetic relationships, small subunit (SSU) ribosomal DNA (rDNA) from 15 species of Chaetonotida (eight genera) and 28 species of Macrodasyida (26 genera) were included in an alignment of 50 metazoan taxa representing 26 phyla. Of the gastrotrich SSU rDNA sequences, eight are new and, along with published sequences represent eight families, including the five marine most speciose. Gastrotricha were resolved within a monophyletic Lophotrochozoa as part of a clade including Micrognathozoa, Rotifera and Cycliophora. The Gnathostomulida were sister to this clade. Nodal support was low for all of these relationships except the grouping of the Micrognathozoa, Rotifera and Cycliophora. Bayesian inference resolved the Gastrotricha as monophyletic with weak nodal support; the Macrodasyida were resolved as paraphyletic with many basal nodes poorly supported. Within the Chaetonotida, the monotypic Multitubulatina Neodasys was found in alliance with the macrodasyidan Urodasys while all the Paucitubulatina were found to form a single, well‐supported clade, with Musellifer as the most basal member. Among the more densely sampled Macrodasyida the Lepidodasyidae and Macrodasyidae were each found to be polyphyletic while monophyly was well supported for the Turbanellidae and Thaumastodermatidae. The congruence of our results with those of the cladistic analysis based on morphological traits provides confidence about the value of each dataset, and calls for widening of the research to include additional taxa of particular phylogenetic significance such as the Dactylopodolidae, Diuronotus, Heteroxenotrichula and Draculiciteria. The study highlights the problems in working with small species, the need for voucher specimens and the confused taxonomic status and membership of various gastrotrich families.  相似文献   

The past decade has seen the application of DNA sequence data to phylogenetic investigations of Rotifera, both expanding and challenging our understanding of the evolution of the phylum. Evidence that Acanthocephala, long regarded as a separate but closely related phylum, is a highly derived class of Rotifera demonstrates the potential of molecular analyses to suggest relationships not obvious from morphological analysis. Phylogenies based on the sequence of the gene for the small ribosomal RNA suggest that rotifers and acanthocephalans are associated with Platyhelminthes and Gastrotricha, perhaps in a clade with Gnathostomula and Cycliophora; at present, this group lacks a clear morphological synapomorphy. A more complete resolution of the molecular phylogeny of Rotifera will require surveying multiple genes and several species from each clade under investigation.  相似文献   



The metazoan taxon Syndermata comprising Rotifera (in the classical sense of Monogononta+Bdelloidea+Seisonidea) and Acanthocephala has raised several hypotheses connected to the phylogeny of these animal groups and the included subtaxa. While the monophyletic origin of Syndermata and Acanthocephala is well established based on morphological and molecular data, the phylogenetic position of Syndermata within Spiralia, the monophyletic origin of Monogononta, Bdelloidea, and Seisonidea and the acanthocephalan sister group are still a matter of debate. The comparison of the alternative hypotheses suggests that testing the phylogenetic validity of Eurotatoria (Monogononta+Bdelloidea) is the key to unravel the phylogenetic relations within Syndermata. The syndermatan phylogeny in turn is a prerequisite for reconstructing the evolution of the acanthocephalan endoparasitism.  相似文献   

The fossil record indicates that Myzostomida, an enigmatic group of marine worms, traditionally considered as annelids, have exhibited a symbiotic relationship with echinoderms, especially crinoids, for nearly 350 million years. All known extant myzostomids are associated with echinoderms and infest their integument, gonads, celom, or digestive system. Using nuclear (18S rDNA) and mitochondrial (16S and COI) DNA sequence data from 37 myzostomid species representing nine genera, we report here the first molecular phylogeny of the Myzostomida and investigate the evolution of their various symbiotic associations. Our analyses indicate that the two orders Proboscidea and Pharyngidea do not constitute natural groupings. Character reconstruction analyses strongly suggest that (1) the ancestor of all extant myzostomids was an ectocommensal that first infested crinoids, and then asteroids and ophiuroids, and (2) parasitism in myzostomids emerged multiple times independently.  相似文献   

We have conducted the first comprehensive molecular phylogeny of the tribe Cichlasomatini including all valid genera as well as important species of questionable generic status. To recover the relationships among cichlasomatine genera and to test their monophyly we analyzed sequences from two mitochondrial (16S rRNA, cytochrome b) and one nuclear marker (first intron of S7 ribosomal gene) totalling 2236 bp. Our data suggest that all genera except Aequidens are monophyletic, but we found important disagreements between the traditional morphological relationships and the phylogeny based on our molecular data. Our analyses support the following conclusions: (a) Aequidens sensu stricto is paraphyletic, including also Cichlasoma (CA clade); (b) Krobia is not closely related to Bujurquina and includes also the Guyanan Aequidens species A. potaroensis and probably A. paloemeuensis (KA clade). (c) Bujurquina and Tahuantinsuyoa are sister groups, closely related to an undescribed genus formed by the 'Aequidens'pulcher-'Aequidens'rivulatus groups (BTA clade). (d) Nannacara (plus Ivanacara) and Cleithracara are found as sister groups (NIC clade). Acaronia is most probably the sister group of the BTA clade, and Laetacara may be the sister group of this clade. Estimation of divergence times suggests that the divergence of Cichlasomatini started around 44Mya with the vicariance between coastal rivers of the Guyanas (KA and NIC clades) and remaining cis-andean South America, followed by evolution of the Acaronia-Laetacara-BTA clade in Western Amazon, and the CA clade in the Eastern Amazon. Vicariant divergence has played importantly in evolution of cichlasomatine genera, with dispersal limited to later range extension of species within genera.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among Syndermata have been extensively debated, mainly because the sister-group of the Acanthocephala has not yet been clearly identified from analyses of morphological and molecular data. Here we conduct phylogenetic analyses on samples from the 4 classes of Acanthocephala (Archiacanthocephala, Eoacanthocephala, Polyacanthocephala, and Palaeacanthocephala) and the 3 Rotifera classes (Bdelloidea, Monogononta, and Seisonidea). We do so using small-subunit (SSU) and large-subunit (LSU) ribosomal DNA and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox 1) sequences. These nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences were obtained for 27 acanthocephalans, 9 rotifers, and representatives of 6 phyla that were used as outgroups. Maximum parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood (ML), and Bayesian analyses were conducted on the nuclear rDNA(SSU+LSU) and the combined sequence dataset(SSU+LSU+cox 1 genes). Phylogenetic analyses of the combined rDNA and cox 1 data uniformly provided strong support for a clade including rotifers plus acanthocephalans (Syndermata). Strong support was also found for monophyly of Acanthocephala in analyses of the combined dataset or rDNA sequences alone. Within the Acanthocephala the monophyletic grouping of the representatives of each class was strongly supported. Our results depicted Archiacanthocephala as the sister-group to the remaining acanthocephalans. Analyses of the combined dataset recovered a sister-group relationship between Acanthocephala and Bdelloidea by parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesian methods. Support for this clade was generally strong. Alternative topologies that depicted a different rotifer sister-group of Acanthocephala (or monophyly of Rotifera) were significantly worse. In this paraphyletic assemblage of rotifers, the relative positions of Seisonidea and Monogononta to the clade Bdelloidea+Acanthocephala were inconsistent among trees based on different inference methods. These results indicate that Bdelloidea is the free-living sister-group to acanthocephalans, which should prove key for comparative investigations of the morphological, molecular, and ecological changes accompanying the evolution of parasitism.  相似文献   

The infraorder Thalassinidea is a group of cryptic marine burrowing decapods of which the higher taxonomy is often contentious. The present analysis attempts to reconstruct phylogenetic relationship among 12 of the 13 currently recognized families using partial nuclear 18S, 28S rDNA and mitochondrial 16S rDNA sequences. The infraorder is divided into two distinct clades, with the first clade consisting of Thalassinidae, Laomediidae, Axianassidae and Upogebiidae, and the second clade including Axiidae, Calocarididae, Eiconaxiidae, Callianassidae, Ctenochelidae, Micheleidae, Strahlaxiidae and Callianideidae. Within the first clade, the Upogebiidae is the basal family. The Axianassidae shows low affinity to other laomediid genera indicating that it is a valid family. The interfamilial relationships are less well resolved in the second clade. The Axiidae is paraphyletic with respect to Calocarididae and Eiconaxiidae. Thus, the status of these two latter families is not supported if the currently defined Axiidae is maintained. All three families appear to be basal in the thalassinidean clade. The Micheleidae is closely related to the Callianideidae and they form a sister group to the Strahlaxiidae. The monophyletic Callianassidae aligns with the Micheleidae + Callianideidae + Strahlaxiidae clade. The relationship among the Axiidae + Calocarididae + Eiconaxiidae clade, Callianassidae + Micheleidae + Callianideidae + Strahlaxiidae clade and the Ctenochelidae cannot be resolved which might be due to a rapid radiation of the three lineages. Our results do not support the generally used classification scheme of Thalassinidea and suggest that the infraorder might be divided into two superfamilies instead of three as suggested based on larval morphology, second pereiopod morphology in adults and gastric mill structure. The two superfamilies are Thalassinoidea (i.e. Thalassinidae, Laomediidae, Upogebiidae and Axianassidae) and Callianassoidea (i.e. Axioidea + Callianassoidea, as defined in Martin and Davis (2001) but excluding Laomediidae and Upogebiidae). It also appears that gill‐cleaning adaptations are important in thalassinidean evolution while the presence of linea thalassinica is a result of parallel evolution.  相似文献   

Gastrotrichs are meiobenthic free-living aquatic worms whose phylogenetic and intra-group relationships remain unclear despite some attempts to resolve them on the base of morphology or molecules. In this study we analysed complete sequences of the 18S rRNA gene of 15 taxa (8 new and 7 published) to test numerous hypotheses on gastrotrich phylogeny and to verify whether controversial interrelationships from previous molecular data could be due to the short region available for analysis and the poor taxa sampling. Data were analysed using both maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference. Results obtained suggest that gastrotrichs, together with Gnathostomulida, Plathelminthes, Syndermata (Rotifera + Acanthocephala), Nemertea and Lophotrochozoa, comprise a clade Spiralia. Statistical tests reject phylogenetic hypotheses regarding Gastrotricha as close relatives of Nematoda and other Ecdysozoa or placing them at the base of bilaterian tree close to acoels and nemertodermatides. Within Gastrotricha, Chaetonotida and Macrodasyida comprise two well supported clades. Our analysis confirmed the monophyly of the Chaetonotidae and Xenotrichulidae within Chaetonida as well as Turbanellidae and Thaumastodermatidae within Macrodasyida. Mesodasys is a sister group of the Turbanellidae, and Lepidodasyidae appears to be a polyphyletic group as Cephalodasys forms a separate lineage at the base of macrodasyids, whereas Lepidodasys groups with Neodasys between Thaumastodermatidae and Turbanellidae. To infer a more reliable Gastrotricha phylogeny many species and additional genes should be involved in future analyses.  相似文献   

DNA sequences were used to assess the monophyly and inter-relationships of Miscanthus, Saccharum and related genera in the Saccharum complex. Three DNA regions were sequenced, including the trnL intron and the trnL-F intergenic spacer of the plastid genome and the ITS region of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA). Because it was more variable, the ITS region proved most suitable for phylogenetic reconstruction at this level, and the results indicate that Miscanthus s.l. and Saccharum s.l. are polyphyletic. A set of species from Saccharum section Ripidium (clade a) do not group closely with any members of Saccharum s.l.. A number of Miscanthus species from eastern or south-eastern Asia represent a monophyletic group with a basic chromosome number of 19 (clade b), but the other species from Africa and the Himalayas are clearly excluded. There is support for a monophyletic Saccharum s.s. clade including S. officinarum and S. spontaneum that is sister to Miscanthus s.s (clade c). There is no evidence to support the division of some Saccharum s.l. into the genera currently known as Erianthus and Narenga. Saccharum contortum (=Erianthus contortus), S. narenga (=Narenga porphyrocoma) and Erianthus rockii, group more closely with Miscanthus fuscus, a species from the Himalayas and also with the African Miscanthus s.l. species (=Miscanthidium, clade d). Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Animals are evolutionarily related to fungi and to the predominantly unicellular protozoan phylum Choanozoa, together known as opisthokonts. To establish the sequence of events when animals evolved from unicellular ancestors, and understand those key evolutionary transitions, we need to establish which choanozoans are most closely related to animals and also the evolutionary position of each choanozoan group within the opisthokont phylogenetic tree. Here we focus on Ministeria vibrans, a minute bacteria-eating cell with slender radiating tentacles. Single-gene trees suggested that it is either the closest unicellular relative of animals or else sister to choanoflagellates, traditionally considered likely animal ancestors. Sequencing thousands of Ministeria protein genes now reveals about 14 with domains of key significance for animal cell biology, including several previously unknown from deeply diverging Choanozoa, e.g. domains involved in hedgehog, Notch and tyrosine kinase signaling or cell adhesion (cadherin). Phylogenetic trees using 78 proteins show that Ministeria is not sister to animals or choanoflagellates (themselves sisters to animals), but to Capsaspora, another protozoan with thread-like (filose) tentacles. The Ministeria/Capsaspora clade (new class Filasterea) is sister to animals and choanoflagellates, these three groups forming a novel clade (filozoa) whose ancestor presumably evolved filose tentacles well before they aggregated as a periciliary collar in the choanoflagellate/sponge common ancestor. Our trees show ichthyosporean choanozoans as sisters to filozoa; a fusion between ubiquitin and ribosomal small subunit S30 protein genes unifies all holozoa (filozoa plus Ichthyosporea), being absent in earlier branching eukaryotes. Thus, several successive evolutionary innovations occurred among their unicellular closest relatives prior to the origin of the multicellular body-plan of animals.  相似文献   

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