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三化螟危害损失与防治指标的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
陈惠祥  陈小波 《昆虫知识》1999,36(6):322-325
2代三化螟平均每块卵为害 11.25个枯心丛,34.75个枯心株; 3代每块卵平均为害 7.95个白穗丛,14.55个白穗株。模拟为害与水稻产量损失的关系:2代Y=s8060.5-2181.5X,Y-水稻产量(kg/hm2),X-枯心株率,水稻耐害补偿作用明显,枯心株率与产量损失率之比1:0.27;3代Y=7654.2-3902.2X,Y-水稻产量(kg/hm2),X-白穗株率,水稻表现一定的耐害补偿能力,白穗株率与产量损失率之比1:0.51。三化螟危害允许水平1.28%。防治指标:2代卵块4875万块/hm2,3代卵块6519块/hm2。  相似文献   

三化螟种群动态分析及防治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蓝学明  杨凤  梁葵珍 《昆虫知识》2002,39(2):113-115
分析了 1 980~ 2 0 0 0年三化螟种群数量变动情况 ,发现年度间的变动不一致 ,有明显间歇性。认为冬春气候 (气温、雨量 )、耕作制度、天敌因素等与三化螟为害密切相关 ,并提出科学实用的防治方法  相似文献   

三化螟数量与入侵时间对水稻受害的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张文庆  古德祥 《昆虫知识》1991,28(5):264-266
基于三化螟为害水稻的特性,建立非线性的为害函数,然后引入一个反映水稻对螟害敏感性程度的加权因子,研究三化螟数量和入侵时间对水稻受害的影响。  相似文献   

研究结果表明:①南美斑潜蝇为害大棚芹菜和芸豆,其虫道面积和产量呈负相关,与产量损失率呈正相关;②曲线回归方程为:Y(大棚芹菜产量)=4.233/(1+0.2669e0.0281X),Y(大棚芸豆产量)=500950.702/(1+39262,76541e^0.0103X),Y(大棚芹菜产量损失率)=68.075/(1+23.1517e^-0.071X),Y(大棚芹菜产量损失率)=71.765/(1+4.26245e^-0.0305X);③经济阈值模型为:X(大棚芹菜)=14.0845ln[23.1575L/(68.075-L)],X(大棚芸豆)=27.3973ln[4.26245L/(71.765-l)]。  相似文献   

三化螟幼虫的田间分布型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王华弟  张志昌 《昆虫知识》1994,31(3):132-135
通过采用聚集度指标的方法,对三化螟幼虫在稻田的空间格局进行了系统的研究。测定了幼虫个体群大小、分析聚集原因,为田间抽样、《查定》、及防治提供了依据。  相似文献   

水稻苗期稻黑蝽经济阈值的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叶昌富  朱奕泉 《昆虫知识》1999,36(3):132-134
稻黑蝽Scotinopharalurida(Burmeister)在广东佛山1年发生2代,以成虫为害早晚稻本田苗期所造成的损失最为严重,部分稻区局部田块受害造成枯心,已超过螟害,且有进一步扩散蔓延的趋势[1]。为能合理有效地指导防治,我们于1992~1993年进行了水稻苗期稻黑蝽为害损失率测定及其防治指标的研究。1试验材料和方法1.1盆栽试验早稻采用杂交稻汕优63,晚稻采用常规稻粳釉89。用直径33cm的瓦盆,每盆栽3丛。于插植后2大每盆分别接成虫1、2、3、4头,以不接虫为对照,共5个处理,1…  相似文献   

1984—1988年,在广东省四会县以生命表方法,进行了三化螟自然种群动态的研究,共获9个生命表.从生命表看出,各世代均以初孵幼虫入侵死亡率为最高,中后期幼以初孵幼虫入侵死亡率(k5)为最大,冲后期幼虫转株死亡率(k9)次之,但经图解法和回归法分析结果证实,中后期幼虫转株死亡率是影响三化螟种群数量变动的第1关键因素,而初孵幼虫入侵死亡率乃是第2关键因素.  相似文献   

华北棉区第三代棉铃虫的经济阈值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1980—1982、1984—1985年在河北省饶阳县的不同土壤肥力水平、不同棉花品种上进行了模拟为害和自然为害试验,旨在确定第三代棉铃虫 Heliothis armigera(Hubner)虫口密度与棉花产量之间的关系.结果表明,棉花对于第三代棉铃虫为害的补偿能力较弱.较好的土壤肥力亦不能促使棉株完全补偿三代期间的受害损失.每亩皮棉减产斤数Y与第三代百株累计卵量E3的关系为:Y=-0.2801+0.0643E3.根据防治的直接收益与直接代价,算出了第三代棉铃虫的经济阈值为百株累计卵量35粒,这一阈值可适用于不同肥力水平的地块.  相似文献   

在室内采用稻茎浸渍法测定了广东省广州市和南雄市2个白背飞虱种群对吡虫啉、呋虫胺、烯啶虫胺、噻虫嗪、噻嗪酮、吡蚜酮等6种常用农药的敏感性。结果表明:不同白背飞虱种群对吡虫啉的敏感性最高,LC50值在0.0133-0.1538 mg/L之间;对噻嗪酮敏感性最低,LC50值在0.8806-1.6948 mg/L之间。不同白背飞虱种群对同一种杀虫剂的敏感性差异较大。  相似文献   

华北棉区第二代棉铃虫的经济阈值   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
盛承发 《昆虫学报》1985,(4):382-389
1980—1983年在河北省饶阳县及安徽省濉溪县的不同的土壤肥力类型、不同的棉花品种和不同的栽培管理条件下进行了模拟为害和自然为害的试验,旨在确定第二代棉铃虫Heliothis armigera(Hübner)数量与棉花Gossypium hirsutum L.产量和质量的关系。试验结果表明,棉花对于第二代棉铃虫为害的补偿力很强,这种补偿力随着土壤肥力的提高而增强。棉花品种、年份以及栽培管理方法对补偿力的影响属于次要。通过组建的一个静态模型,收进了二代棉铃虫防治的直接收益与代价以及间接收益与代价,算得高、低肥力地的第二代经济阈值,百株累计卵量分别为332粒和34粒。产量水平在80—90斤的中等偏低肥力地,其阈值可定为60粒。  相似文献   

4种农业措施对三化螟种群动态的控制作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国南方稻区是水稻三化螟主发生区。近年来,受农业机械化、产业结构调整、农田水利建设等影响,三化螟发生与为害呈现新的特点。本项研究分别在广东粤北、粤中和粤西,通过田间试验布局和调查,系统研究了隔离育秧、稻菜轮作、浸桩旋耕和烧桩4种农业措施对三化螟种群动态的控制作用。研究结果表明,隔离育秧、稻菜轮作和浸桩旋耕对于三化螟发生具有明显控制作用,而烧桩对三化螟控制效果不明显。隔离育秧与塑盘育秧、露地育秧这两种耕作方式相比,第2代本田白穗率、第4代白穗率、越冬虫口密度分别降低了43.4、53.7、14.0倍和14.4、11.0、4.7倍;稻菜轮作区与非稻菜轮作区比较,第2代本田白穗率、第4代白穗率和越冬虫口密度分别降低了24.4、43.3、152.3倍;浸桩旋耕与非浸桩旋耕区比较,第2代本田白穗率、第4代白穗率和越冬虫口密度分别降低了3.7、2.7、8.9倍;烧桩处理则仅比对照田三化螟存活率略低14.9%。轻简化和机械化将是未来水稻种植主流,本文对于指导生产实践中三化螟防治具有重要意义。  相似文献   

HuanJQ WeiZM 《Cell research》2001,11(2):149-155
Immature embryos of rice varieties "Xiushuill" and "Chunjiang 11" precultured for 4d were infected and transformed by Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA101/pExT7 (containing the spider insecticidal gene). The resistant calli were transferred onto the differentiation medium and plants were regenerated. The transformation frequency reached 56% approximately 72% measured as numbers of Geneticin (G418)-resistant calli produced and 36% approximately 60% measured as numbers of transgenic plants regenerated, respectively. PCR and Southern blot analysis of transgenic plants confirmed that the T-DNA had been integrated into the rice genome. Insect bioassays using T1 transgenic plants indicated that the mortality of the leaffolder (Cnaphalocrasis medinalis) after 7d of leaf feeding reached 38% approximately 61% and the corrected mortality of the striped stem borer (Chilo suppressalis) after 7d of leaf feeding reached 16% approximately 75%. The insect bioassay results demonstrated that the transgenic plants expressing the spider insecticidal protein conferred enhanced resistance to these pests.  相似文献   

The japonica rice variety Taipei 309 was cotransformed by particle bombardment of immature embryo-derived embryogenic calli with a modified δ-endotoxin gene cryIA(b) of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) under the control of the rice Actin1 promoter, and the hygromycin resistance gene, hph driven by the CaMV35S promoter. Selected transgenic rice plants showed enhanced insecticidal activity against yellow stem borer (Scirpophaga incertulas), with mortality rates reaching up to 100% in a bioassay with cut stems. Introduction and expression of the Actin1 promoter-Bt gene into rice provides japonica rice germplasm resistant to insect attack. Received: 21 March 1997 / Revision received: 23 June 1997 / Accepted: 5 July 1997  相似文献   

The role of the following colonising responses of Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in determining the resistance or susceptibility of seven sorghum cultivars was elucidated: (1) behavioural responses including (a) oviposition, (b) larval orientation in respect of arrest as well as attraction, (c) larval feeding, and (2) larval development. The cultivars studied were IS Nos. 18363 (Highly susceptible), 18463 and 2146 (moderately susceptible), 18520 (Serena) (tolerant), 4660 and 2205 (moderately resistant), 1044 (highly resistant). Certain responses of the insect to a cultivar were lower and others higher than those of another cultivar. Lower responses, reflecting non-preference in respect of behavioural responses and antibiosis in respect of development, would hamper colonisation of a cultivar and thus determine its resistance to the pest. On the contrary, higher responses would promote colonisation of a cultivar and render it susceptible. The net resistance or susceptibility of one cultivar, relative to another, would be determined by an interaction of the responses. In order to understand the patterns of such an interaction, a profile of all the responses for each cultivar has been developed. These profiles show that IS 1044 is the only one of the cultivars studied for which all the above responses are low, thus determining its high resistance. On the other hand, two of the responses to IS 18363 are very high and the remainder are medium thus rendering it highly susceptible. The profiles for the remaining cultivars fall between the above two extremes.Cette étude a mis en évidence l'importance des réactions suivantes de C. partellus Swinhoe (Lep.: Pyralidae) sur la résistance et la sensibilité de 7 cultivars de sorgho:
1)  réactions comportementales comprenant a) la ponte, b) l'orientation larvaire tant en ce qui concerne l'arrêt de l'attraction, c) la consommation larvaire;
2)  développement larvaire. Les cultivars suivants ont été examinés: IS Nos 18363 (très sensible), 18463 et 2146 (moyennement sensibles), 18520 (Serena) (tolérant), 4660 et 2205 (modérement résistants), 1044 (fortement résistant). Certaines réactions de l'insecte à un cultivar ont été plus faibles et d'autres plus importantes qu'à un autre cultivar. Les plus faibles réactions, traduisant l'absence de préférence comportementale, et l'antibiose, en ce qui concerne le développement, devraient gêner la colonisation du cultivar et ainsi déterminer sa résistance au ravageur. Au contraire, des réactions importantes devraient faciliter la colonisation du cultivar et le rendre sensible. La résistance ou la sensibilité relative d'un cultivar serait déterminée par la résultante de ces interactions. De façon à comprendre les aspects de ces interactions, un profil de l'ensemble des réactions à chaque cultivar a été établi. Ces profils ont montré que IS 1044 a été le seul cultivar dont toutes les réactions ont été faibles, déterminant ainsi sa résistance élevée. A l'opposé, 2 des réactions à IS 18363 ont été très fortes tandis que les autres on été moyennes, ce qui le rend très sensible. Les profils des autres cultivars ont été intermédiaires.

A mannose-binding lectin found in vegetative tissues of peanut, Arachis hypogaea, was compared with mannose-binding lectin from pea, Pisum sativum, for toxic effects on larvae of the stem borer Chilo partellus (Swinhoe). After 10 days, the mortality of larvae fed on artificial diet containing 0.5% (m/m) peanut lectin was 46.2%. The mortality of larvae fed on 1.0% peanut lectin was similar (48.1%) but insects were significantly smaller than those of the 0.5% treatment. Larvae of both lectin treatments stopped feeding within three days. Larval size and mortality was not significantly reduced by 0.1% peanut lectin and 1% heat-treated lectin did not show toxic effects. The mannose-binding lectin from pea was not toxic to C. partellus at concentrations up to 1%. Peanut lectin bound to the apical membranes of columnar epithelial cells in the mid-gut of C. partellus. This suggests that peanut lectin has an antinutritive action and that it may protect vegetative tissues of peanut against insect pests.  相似文献   

稻纵卷叶螟为害损失率测定及动态经济阈值模型研究初报   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
室内饲养观察稻纵卷叶螟(Cnaphalocrocis medinalis)5龄幼虫食量最大,第1、2代占总食叶量的68.42%和71.60%,4龄次之,第2、3代分别占总食叶量的18.30%和15.78%。因此,幼虫消灭在3龄以前可控制为害。对不同为害程度与水稻产量损失量关系进行了测定和分析,结果表明,第2代为害主要可使千粒重降低,同时对每穗粒数和空壳率也有较大影响。第3代为害主要表现在空壳率的上升和千粒重下降。第2代主要为害倒4、5叶,少量为害有一定的增产作用;而第3代主要为害剑叶和倒2叶,产量损失明显地大于第2代,是防治的关键世代。根据研究结果可得出不同世代、不同虫龄盛发期的动态经济阈值模型。  相似文献   

施氮水平对两种水稻产量影响的动态模拟及施肥优化分析   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
杨京平  姜宁  陈杰 《应用生态学报》2003,14(10):1654-1660
借助水稻生长模型ORYZA-0和氮肥管理模块,通过田间和水槽的水稻氮肥试验,对水稻模型和N素动态模块进行了验证。结果表明,模型模拟的不同N素水平水稻生物量、产量同实际测定值明显呈正相关。其中,氮肥用量160kg·hm-2为最佳经济施氮量,通过获得的水稻参数和氮肥应用曲线模拟的氮肥运筹结果表明:1)在低N(N<100kg·hm-2)水平下,氮肥应在移栽后35d内全部施入;2)当施氮量为100~200kg·hm-2时,N应在移栽后45d内全部施入;3)当施氮量N>200kg·hm-2时,氮肥应在移栽后60d内全部施入;4)随着施氮量的增加,后期施肥比重可略为增加。总体来看,模型不仅能较准确地模拟水稻生长动态,而且可以模拟水稻N吸收和积累的行为动态,从大田晚稻的氮肥运筹模拟结果可看出,氮肥应用次数越多,越接近施氮应用积累曲线的连续施氮产量模拟值(6199kg·hm-2),但是在实际生产中这会增加农民的用工量和生产成本,难以让农民接受。因而在生产实际中既能让生产者接受,又不致较多地影响产量和收入,在160kg·hm-2(纯N)施用量下的最佳施肥方案为N素化肥分4次按0.2:0.3:0.3:0.2的比例,分别于移栽后5、20、30和40d施入,可获得5916kg·hm-2的产量。  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(3):101968
Stem and root borer Neoplocaederus ferrugineus (Linnaeus) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) is a severe pest of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L), which affects the cashew tree heavily. The larvae are tissue borers that remain concealed inside the tree and are very difficult to detect at the initial stage of infestation. Adult attractants are not identified, and manual checking of each tree in a plantation is not feasible and laborious. Acoustic technologies have been developed for the non-invasive and early detection of wood borers. The present study was conducted to characterize the acoustic sounds of various larval instars, tissues and field evaluation of the commercially available acoustic device. Burst analysis of different larval instars in cashew logs shows that there are no significant differences between the number of bursts and various larval instars. A relatively less number of bursts are found when the larvae are in the sapwood region than the cambium region. The empty cashew log and healthy trees do not produce any significant noise. The number of burst counts and impulses are used to predict the likelihood of infestation. The detection performance of the acoustic device under field conditions shows that infested trees are correctly detected with 91% accuracy. The possibility of not detecting healthy trees is 85%. This is the first report on the acoustic behaviour of cashew stem and root borer. The results of the study will help in better understanding the acoustic behaviour of the hidden pest and also be useful in the timely identification of stem and root borer-affected trees in cashew plantations.  相似文献   

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