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城市污水土地处理专家系统研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
在进行污水土地处理适宜性调查和研究基础上,应用TurboProlog和C程序语言建立了污水土地处理专家系统(LTES).通过测试表明,该系统能对土地处理系统的进水水质、场地适宜性、出水目标等指标进行快速准确的判断和预测,解决了污水土地处理的选址、处理工艺类型选择等问题,是科学设置污水生态工程的重要工具.  相似文献   

研究了沈阳西部城市污水慢速渗滤土地处理系统中优先有机污染物的迁移和残留情况,结果表明,土地处理系统和当地传统污灌区耕作层土壤、地下水中的优先有机污染物的总含量分别高于对照区(清水灌区)1倍和4倍以上;系统出水、地下水和传统污灌区地下水中的优先有机污染物的浓度有相似的分布、说明污灌水中的有机污染物对土壤和地下水产生一定程度的影响,但土地处理系统和当地传统污灌区生产的大米中,优先有机污染物含量与对照区相比未见显著差异.  相似文献   

慢速渗滤土地处理系统对沈阳西部城市污...   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  

土地系统动态模拟方法研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
土地系统动态模拟对土地利用规划、国土资源管理具有重要指导价值.基于经验统计的方法、多智能主体分析的方法、栅格邻域关系分析的方法以及近年来发展起来的土地系统动态模拟系统(DLS)方法是当前开展土地系统动态模拟的主要手段.本文综述了上述4种方法的原理、特点与应用案例,概括了相关方法在理论依据和推广应用等方面的优点与不足,展望了DLS在土地系统动态模拟方面的广阔应用前景.  相似文献   

本文研究了慢速渗滤土地处理系统对沈阳西部城市污水中有机污染物的净化效果和有机污染物在土地处理系统土壤中的残留情况。结果表明,在试验条件下,系统对有机污染物具有良好的净化效果,大多数有机污染物在系统输出水中未被检出,少数重点有机污染物在系统输出水中的浓度也明显降低,其中苯、氯苯、1,2-和1,4-二氯苯、苯酚,邻苯二甲酸二丁酯、γ-666等的含量已明显低于地面水水质标准建议值。系统对绝大多数重点有机污染物的去除率达95—100%,而不同重点有机污染物在土壤中的残留率为0—3%。  相似文献   

城市污水生态工程土地处理系统是一个多功能、多目标的净化污水,保护水体实现废水资源化的适用技术系列。如果条件合适,设计合理,科学运行和管理得当,它能对发展经济和保护环境起到积极的作用。应当指出,优先有机污染物及其生态环境问题可能成为推广应用生态工程土地处理系统的一个限制因素。本文从理论与实践的结合上论述净化功能、生态效应和生态风险评价等一系列复杂的基本性问题,主要目的是为制定生态工程土地处理系统优先有机污染物的调控对策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

污水土地生态处理脱氮技术的中型试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地沟式污水土地生态处理工艺,是自然生态净化与人工工艺相结合的小规模污水处理回用技术。它是采用土壤毛细管浸润扩散原理的浅型土壤处理技术,在人工可控条件下,将污水科学、合理地投配到设计定型的装置内,利用污水的能量,把其所携带的污染物,通过人工基质(土壤、砂、碎石等,填料-水-微生物-植物系统)的物质循环和能量流动,逐级降解;在不同的污染负荷、水力负荷下,完成一系列物理、化学、物理化学和微生物化学、生物化学的反应。通过以贵州典型的黄壤土为主配比的人工土作为处理系统填料的现场中型试验,探讨地沟式污水土地处理系统的脱氮效果及其影响因素。地沟式污水土地生态系统对氨氮和总氮去除效果良好,去除率分别达到84 .7%和70 .7% ,出水氨氮(14 .0 mg/L )和总氮(2 4 .7mg/L ) ,达到建设部颁发的生活杂用水水质标准。对处理系统微生物数量及分布的研究表明:处理系统中氮转化细菌丰富,氨化细菌为10 3~10 6 cfu MPN/g(土壤) (cfu:形成菌落数:MPN:最大可能数量) ,亚硝化菌为10 3~10 6 MPN/g(土壤) ,硝化菌10 4~10 6 MPN/g(土壤) ,反硝化细菌为10 3~10 6 MPN/g(土壤)。由硝化/反硝化实现生物脱氮是土地生态处理系统去除总氮的主要途径;建立土壤、土壤微生物、土壤植被环境以促进硝化作用是提高总  相似文献   

为了科学、定量地评价污水土地处理生态工程的综合效益,运用层次分析法(AHP),提出了评价指标体系、指标权重和综合效益计算方法.应用此方法对霍林河森林型慢速渗滤土地处理工程的综合效益进行了分析与评价.结果表明,霍林河森林型慢速渗滤土地处理工程的综合效益值CE=0.64,属于中级生态经济系统,而且具有良好的环境效益和社会效益  相似文献   

为了科学、定量地评价污水土地处理生态工程的综合效益,运用层次分析法(AHP),提出了评价指标体系、指标权重和综合效益计算方法。应用此方法对霍林河森林型慢速渗滤土地处理工程的综合效益进行了分析与评价。结果表明,霍林河森林型慢速渗滤土地处理工程的综合效益值CE=0.64,属于中级生态经济系统,而且具有良好的环境效益和社会效益.  相似文献   

The treatment of high strength sewage was investigated in a one-stage upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor and a UASB-digester system. The one-stage UASB reactor was operated in Palestine at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 10h and at ambient air temperature for a period of more than a year in order to asses the system response to the Mediterranean climatic seasonal temperature fluctuation. Afterwards, the one-stage UASB reactor was modified to a UASB-digester system by incorporating a digester operated at 35 degrees C. The achieved removal efficiencies in the one-stage UASB reactor for total, suspended, colloidal, dissolved and VFA COD were 54, 71, 34, 23%, and -7%, respectively during the first warm six months of the year, and achieved only 32% removal efficiency for COD total over the following cold six months of the year. The modification of the one-stage UASB reactor to a UASB-digester system had remarkably improved the UASB reactor performance as the UASB-digester achieved removal efficiencies for total, suspended, colloidal, dissolved and VFA COD of 72, 74, 74, 62 and 70%. Therefore, the anaerobic treatment of high strength sewage during the hot period in Palestine in a UASB-digester system is very promising.  相似文献   

Maintaining growth through intensification in the New Zealand dairy industry is a challenge for various reasons, in particular sustainably managing the large volumes of effluent. Dairy farm effluents have traditionally been treated using two-pond systems that are effective in the removal of carbon and suspended solids, however limited in their ability to remove nutrients. In the past these nutrient-rich two-pond treated effluents were disposed of in surface waters. Current environmental concerns associated with the direct discharge of these effluents to surface waters has prompted in developing technologies to either minimise the nutrient content of the effluent or apply effluents to land. Here, we discuss various approaches and methods of treatment that enable producers to sustainably manage farm effluents, including advanced pond treatment systems, stripping techniques to reduce nutrient concentration, land application strategies involving nutrient budgeting models to minimise environmental degradation and enhance fodder quality. We also discuss alternative uses of farm effluents to produce energy and animal feed.  相似文献   

To improve the performance of an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor treating raw domestic wastewater under temperate climates conditions, the addition of a sludge digester to the process was investigated. With the decrease in temperature, the COD removal decreased from 78% at 28 °C to 42% at 10 °C for the UASB reactor operating alone at a hydraulic retention time of 6 h. The decrease was attributed to low hydrolytic activity at lower temperatures that reduced suspended matter degradation and resulted in solids accumulation in the top of the sludge blanket. Solids removed from the upper part of the UASB sludge were treated in an anaerobic digester. Based on sludge degradation kinetics at 30 °C, a digester of 0.66 l per liter of UASB reactor was design operating at a 3.20 days retention time. Methane produced by the sludge digester is sufficient to maintain the temperature at 30 °C.  相似文献   

We investigated the concentrations of particulate Al, Si, P, S, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, and Fe at various areas of Lake Biwa, such as the limnetic zone in the northern basin, the offshore zone, the dredged area and Akanoi Bay in the southern basin, and reed community areas in the shore. In the wide and deep northern basin, the density of suspended solids was low, and substantial fractions of particulate Si, P, S, and Ca were biogenic matter produced by phytoplankton. In the offshore zone in the narrow and shallow southern basin, the concentration ratios of particulate Si, K, Ca, Ti, and Fe against particulate Al were almost constant throughout the year and were similar to those found in crusts. Therefore, these elements are most likely derived from terrigenous clay matter. In the dredged area where the hypolimnion became anoxic during the stratification period, the concentrations of particulate Fe, Mn, P, S, and Ca increased because of the formation of hydrous Fe and Mn oxides and Fe sulfide. In Akanoi Bay, the ratios of Mn/Al and Fe/Al were high because of the stirring of sediments enriched with Mn and Fe oxides. In the reed community areas, the concentration of suspended solids correlated well with particulate Fe and P, but not with Al or chlorophyll a; therefore these areas seem to be rich in humic organic matter enriched with P and Fe due to microbial activity. Thus, the elemental composition of suspended solids reflects the chemical, biological, and physical processes in the lake and gives us useful indices of the characteristics of the water. Received: February 5, 2001 / Accepted: August 28, 2001  相似文献   

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