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《热带亚热带植物学报》2004年10月-2005年5月审稿人按姓氏汉语拼音排序如下,谨致谢意 如有遗漏或错误.请与编辑部联系蔡联炳,曹美莲,常杰,陈邦余,陈清潮,陈如凯,陈润政,陈维伦,陈晓英,陈锡沐,陈贻竹,陈章和, 陈志谊,陈忠毅,陈祖铿,邓秀新,邓云吃,J烟扬,黄鸣,董什勇,东秀珠,高贤明,高云超,葛颂, 耿世磊,胡迪琴,胡晗华,何生根,何之常,何关描,胡英杰,胡新文,胡正海,黄学林,黄彰欣,黄凤宽 姜慧芳,蒋高明,蒋跃明,靖元孝,季作梁,康文星,赖小平,李斌,李秉滔,李立家,李良材,李良壁, 李鸣光,李瑞声,李绍华,李锡文,李用华,李志安,梁峥,廖柏寒,廖景平…  相似文献   

《热带亚热带植物学报》2006年6月-2007年5月审稿人按姓氏汉语拼音排序如下,谨致谢意。如有遗漏或错误,请与编辑部联系。白克智,鲍锦库,宾金华,曹洪麟,曹同,常杰,陈步峰,陈凡,陈飞鹏,陈清潮,陈如凯,陈晓英,陈维信,陈章和,陈志谊,陈祖铿,戴好富,邓云飞,丁立生,丁毅,董仕勇,方萍,  相似文献   

2019年,《遗传》共收稿388篇,正式刊出稿件107篇,共有55位编委和260位专家参与本年度的审稿工作。谨向所有参加审稿的编委和专家表示衷心的感谢!向所有的作者表示衷心的感谢!2019年度审理稿件的编委:包其郁,岑山,陈德富,陈雁,储成才,方向东,高彩霞,高绍荣,谷峰,胡松年,胡炜,蒋思文,赖江华,李辉,李明洲,刘宝,刘峰,刘钢,卢大儒,苗龙,任军,史岸冰,史庆华,宋旭,孙玉洁,王晓群,吴东东,吴强,吴志英,夏昆,夏先春,谢建平,谢小冬,邢永忠,徐湘民,许琪,许执恒,严建兵,杨焕明,杨永华,杨昭庆,杨中州,袁慧军,张博,张飞雄,张根发,张红生,张天宇,张宪省,张勇,赵方庆,赵彦艳,赵要风,周钢桥,朱卫国。  相似文献   

桉树人工林,210 不定根,1055巴西固氮螺菌,1070 不对称体细胞杂交,1121菝葜属,618,620 部分纯铬铁蛋白,1337靶位点,756 采后腐烂,1330白粉病,872 采前应用,1330白粉病抗性,750 蚕豆,1300白骨壤,522,532 糙隐子草,45白藜芦醇,954 查尔酮合酶,19白皮松组,179 查尔酮合酶基因,594百合科,618,620 差不嘎蒿,293柏科,1082 差示筛选,370半日烷型二萜双聚体,164长春花,939半乳聚糖,1001 长江口,1031半月苔,19 长微舟藻,792瓣蕊唐松草,170 长颖壳突变体,456孢粉记录,667 超表达,229孢囊,1031 …  相似文献   

中国锦鸡儿属植物资源研究—分布及分种描述   总被引:48,自引:5,他引:43  
记录了锦鸡儿属(Cargana Fabr.)植物的资源分布,并对该属66种植物(小叶锦鸡儿,柠条锦鸡儿,中间锦鸡儿,树锦鸡儿,黄刺条,锦鸡儿,红花锦鸡儿,密叶锦鸡儿,鬼箭锦鸡儿,毛掌叶锦鸡儿,白毛锦鸡儿,甘蒙锦鸡儿,矮锦鸡儿,繁花锦鸡儿,矮脚锦鸡儿,狭叶锦鸡儿,毛刺锦鸡儿,柄荚锦鸡儿,秦晋锦鸡儿,北京锦鸡儿,南口锦鸡儿,五台锦鸡儿,昆仑锦鸡儿,库车锦鸡儿,短叶锦鸡儿,变色锦鸡儿,二色锦鸡儿,白皮锦鸡儿,青甘锦鸡儿,川西锦鸡儿,云南锦鸡儿,猫耳锦鸡儿,陕西锦鸡儿,长爪锦鸡儿,甘肃锦鸡儿,扁刺锦鸡儿,青海锦鸡儿,二连锦鸡儿,弯枝锦鸡儿,昌都锦鸡儿,楔翼锦鸡儿,高山锦鸡儿,藏北锦鸡儿,尼泊尔锦鸡儿,沦江锦鸡儿,吉降职一锦鸡儿,文县锦鸡儿,粗刺锦鸡儿,西藏锦鸡儿,刺锦鸡儿,粉刺锦鸡儿,草原锦鸡儿,阿拉套锦鸡儿,伊犁锦鸡儿,阿尔泰锦鸡儿,镰叶锦鸡儿,中亚锦鸡儿,邦卡锦鸡儿,绢毛锦鸡儿,白刺锦鸡儿,多叶锦鸡儿,新疆锦鸡儿,刺叶锦鸡儿,粗毛锦鸡儿,准噶尔锦鸡儿,吉尔吉斯锦鸡儿)的特征,习性及分布进行了详细描述。  相似文献   

四川卫矛属植物的资科   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张泽荣 《植物研究》1985,5(1):81-90
常绿直立灌木,高约2米,当年生小枝谈绿色,圆柱形,有时微具4棱角,无毛,一年生枝棕褐色,多年生枝灰黑色;芽卵形,较小,具尖头,长约1.5毫米,直径约1毫米,褐色。叶对生,革质,倒卵形或倒卵状椭圆形,稀宽椭圆形,长8-14厘米,宽2-5厘米,顶端尾状渐尖,尖尾长达2厘米,有时钝形,基部楔形、边缘中部以上疏生钝锯齿,上面微微具光泽,绿色,下面干燥后黄绿色,两面无毛,侧脉4-6对,近边缘分叉而互相网结,与中脉在两面均明显隆起,网脉明显或不明显,叶柄长6-9毫米,具翅,下面圆形。  相似文献   

张泽荣 《植物研究》1983,3(4):132-138
攀援灌木;幼枝干燥后紫红色,散生少数小刚毛和褐色绒毛,老枝紫黑色;皮孔椭圆形或圆形,褐色。叶纸质,卵形,长6-11厘米,宽3.5-6厘米,顶端渐尖或急尖,基部圆形,边缘具睫毛状小锯齿,上面鲜绿色,干燥后褐色,沿中脉和侧脉散生少数小刚毛,下面灰绿色,沿中脉和侧脉具短绒毛,并中脉上散生小刚毛,其余无毛,侧脉7-9对,上面稍明显,下面显著隆起;叶柄长2-6.5厘米,微具绒毛。聚伞花序具3-5花;总花梗纤细,长1-1.6厘米,具绒毛,花梗长0.5-1厘米,具绒毛,苞片小,线状披针形,长2-4毫米,具绒毛;萼片5,卵形,直径4毫米,顶端圆形,外面密被褐色短绒毛;花瓣5,倒卵形,长6毫米,宽4毫米,顶端圆形,雄蕊10,花丝长1.8毫米,花药黄色,卵形,长1.6.毫米,顶端钝形,基部心形,子房球形,花柱单一,直立,长8毫米。  相似文献   

李秉滔   《广西植物》1983,(3):167-170
<正> 灌木,通常高3米,枝条细,粗3—5毫米,树皮近灰色,具细条纹,小枝具翅,无毛。叶薄纸质,椭圆形至卵状长圆形,无毛;中脉细,两面凸起,侧脉纤细,5—7对,两面稍凸起,未达叶缘而网结,叶柄长不及2毫米,无毛;托叶挟三角形,长3—4毫米,基部扩大,近耳形,顶端急尖。花腋生,单朵或稀2朵簇生,萼片和花盘互生,无花辦。雄花:花梗丝状,长3—3.5厘米,基部被微柔毛;萼片4枚,覆瓦状排列,披针形,长4.5毫米,  相似文献   

广东冬青科一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
常绿乔木,高达8m;小枝圆柱形,具纵棱,无毛,叶痕阔倒三角形,稍隆起,皮孔不明显.叶生于当年生树上,叶片革质,长圆形至椭圆形,长9-14.5cm,宽4-5.2cm,顶端急尖,具长约6mm的尖壮举,基部楔形,边缘具腺齿,稍反卷,叶面绿色,有时疏具腺点,背面浅绿色,具黑褐腺点,两面无毛,主脉于叶面凹陷,背面隆起,并具棱,侧脉10-15对,与网脉于两面凸起;叶柄长8-14mm,腹面凹陷,无毛.  相似文献   

四川唐家河羚牛、鬣羚、斑羚春冬季生境选择比较研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
吴华  胡锦矗 《生态学报》2001,21(10):1627-1633
1998年3月-1999年2月,在四川省青川县唐家河自然保护区,运用逐步判别分析的方法,对羚牛,鬣羚,斑羚春冬季对生境的利用进行了对比研究,研究结果表明,虽然它们在生境选择上有部分重叠,但是其对生境的利用方式均有显著的差异,在春季,羚牛主要利用海拔较高,食物丰富度高,灌木较大,离灌木较远的生境,鬣羚和斑羚主要利用海拔较低,食物丰富度中等,灌木较小,离灌木较近的生境,在冬季,羚牛主要利用坡度适中,海拔适中,乔木较大,乔木较稀,离乔木较远的生境,鬣羚主要利用坡度较陡,海拔较高,乔木较小,乔木较稀,离乔木适蝇的生境;斑羚主要利用坡度较缓,海拔较低,乔木较小,乔木较密,离乔木较近的生境。  相似文献   

Shin C  Lee E  McCarty PL  Bae J 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(21):9860-9865
The effect of influent DO/COD (dissolved oxygen/chemical oxygen demand) ratio on the performance of an anaerobic fluidized bed reactor (AFBR) containing GAC was studied. A high influent DO concentration was found to have adverse impacts on organic removal efficiency, methane production, and effluent suspended solids (SS) concentration. These problems resulted with a DO/COD ratio of 0.12, but not at a lower ratio of 0.05. At first organic removal appeared satisfactory at the higher DO/COD ratio at a hydraulic retention time of 0.30 h, but soon a rapid growth of oxygen-consuming zoogloeal-like organisms resulted, eventually causing high effluent SS concentrations. The influent DO also had an inhibitory effect, resulting in a long recovery time for adequate methanogenic activity to return after influent DO removal began. With the growing interest in anaerobic treatment of low COD wastewaters, the increased possibility of similar adverse DO effects occurring needs consideration.  相似文献   

A submerged bio-film process was studied as a tertiary treatment to decrease the BOD of secondary effluent from a combined chemical-biological treatment of high-strength wastewater to below the permitted limit (30 mg/l) for waste facilities in Japan. The operational conditions to keep the final effluent below 30 mg/l of BOD were as follows: the influent BOD to the bio-film tank should be under 300 mg/l and a BOD-surface loading should be below 2 g/m2/d. The influent pH of 9.0–12.5 did not affect the treatment efficiency unfavorably. Acclimation is the compensating factor for variations of pH in this process. Removal rates of suspended solids were not influenced by BOD-surface loading. The calculated BOD removal coefficient was 2.57 × 10−5 when the influent BOD was below 300 mg/l.  相似文献   

Wastewater from a food-manufacturing plant with a low concentration of organic matter below 100 mg/l TOC was first treated at 37°C in an anaerobic fluidized-bed reactor (AFBR) or in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB). The TOC removal efficiency in both reactors decreased from 85% to 65% as the influent TOC concentration decreased from 100 to 35 mg/l at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 6 h. Treatment at an HRT of 4 h resulted in an effluent TOC concentration of 11 to 15 mg/l. The concentration of suspended solids in the effluent could be reduced to 20 mg/l, which corresponded to 7% of that of the influent. The effluent from both reactors was then treated anaerobically in a fixed-bed reactor system. The TOC concentration and optical density (OD) of the effluent from the aerobic treatment were reduced to 5 mg/l and 0.005, respectively, at an HRT of 2 h. When anaerobically or aerobically treated effluent was passed over an activated carbon column, the effluent TOC concentration was reduced to 2 to 3 mg/l. The conductivity of 1.3 mS/cm in raw wastewater, which was not removed through the above treatments, was reduced to 0.001 mS/cm on an ion-exchange resin column. An effluent quality corresponding to that of ultra-pure water for industrial use was finally attained by the treatment in this multi-step system.  相似文献   

Restoration of the Everglades requires reduction of total phosphorus (TP) in the influent run-off from the Everglades agricultural area (EAA). The Everglades nutrient removal project tested phosphorus (P) - removal efficiencies of several treatment wetland cells. The best TP reduction has occurred within the submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) - dominated treatment Cell 4. A significant proportion of the P reduction in Cell 4 over several years has been in the form of particulate P (PP). This study was conducted to (i) determine and compare the components of suspended solids in the Cell 4 influent and effluent waters, and (ii) investigate associations between PP and individual particulate components. Identification and quantification of components were accomplished using X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetry, scanning electron microscopy, and energy dispersive X-ray elemental analysis. The dominant particulate components in the Cell 4 water column are organic matter (OM), biogenic Si (predominantly diatom frustules), and calcite. Concentrations of PP, suspended solids, and particulate OM were greater at the Cell 4 inflow than at the outflow; consistent differences between particulate calcite in the influent vs. the effluent were not found. PP was positively correlated with particulate OM, but was not correlated with calcite. Data suggest that particulate OM, including microbial cells, plays an important role in P transport from the EAA. Possibly, a shift from planktonic to periphytic microbial distribution contributes to PP reduction. The importance of planktonic organisms as vectors of P in Everglades water warrants further study.  相似文献   

Rotating biological contactors (RBCs) constitute a very unique and superior alternative for biodegradable matter and nitrogen removal on account of their feasibility, simplicity of design and operation, short start-up, low land area requirement, low energy consumption, low operating and maintenance cost and treatment efficiency. The present review of RBCs focus on parameters that affect performance like rotational speed, organic and hydraulic loading rates, retention time, biofilm support media, staging, temperature, influent wastewater characteristics, biofilm characteristics, dissolved oxygen levels, effluent and solids recirculation, step-feeding and medium submergence. Some RBCs scale-up and design considerations, operational problems and comparison with other wastewater treatment systems are also reported.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the organic loading rate on the performance of an up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor treating olive mill effluent (OME), based on the following indicators: (i) chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency; and (ii) effluent variability (phenol, suspended solids, volatile fatty acids, and pH stability). The UASB reactor was operated under different operational conditions (OLRs between 0.45 and 32 kg COD/m3·day) for 477 days. The results demonstrated that the UASB reactor could tolerate high influent COD concentrations. Removal efficiencies for the studied pollution parameters were found to be as follows: COD, 47∼92%; total phenol, 34∼75%; color, 6∼46%; suspended solids, 34∼76%. The levels of VFAs in the influent varied between 310 and 1,750 mg/L. Our measurements of the VFA levels indicated that some of the effluent COD could be attributed to VFAs (principally acetate, butyrate, iso-butyrate, and propionate) in the effluent, which occurred at levels between 345 and 2,420 mg/L. As the OLRs were increased, more VFAs were measured in the effluent. A COD removal efficiency of 90% could be achieved as long as OLR was kept at a level of less than 10 kg COD/m3·day. However, a secondary treatment unit for polishing purposes is necessary to comply with discharge standards.  相似文献   

城市污水土地处理专家系统研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
在进行污水土地处理适宜性调查和研究基础上,应用TurboProlog和C程序语言建立了污水土地处理专家系统(LTES).通过测试表明,该系统能对土地处理系统的进水水质、场地适宜性、出水目标等指标进行快速准确的判断和预测,解决了污水土地处理的选址、处理工艺类型选择等问题,是科学设置污水生态工程的重要工具.  相似文献   

Two horizontal subsurface flow reed beds of 75 m(2) each, treating dairy parlor effluent and domestic sewage (about 6.5 m(3)/day), were set-up to determine the efficiency of this system in reducing the polluting load in an isolated mountain rural settlement.A total suspended solids value of about 0.70 g/l and chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biological oxygen demand (BOD(5)) values of about 1200 and 450 mg/l O(2), respectively, were characteristic of the influent waters. Removal of suspended solids and organic load constantly remained at levels above 90%, while those of the nutrients N and P were about 50% and 60%, respectively. The total number of coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli was reduced by more than 99%, and faecal streptococci by more than 98%. Nitrates, chlorides, sulfates, anionic and non-ionic surface-active agents and heavy metals were detected only in low concentrations. Concentration and localization of metals was also quantified in Phragmites tissues by microanalysis.Results demonstrated the use of reed beds as an appropriate treatment to reduce pollutants in wastewater from rural activities to values acceptable for discharge into surface waters.  相似文献   

A two-stage anaerobic treatment pilot plant was tested for the treatment of raw domestic wastewater under temperatures ranging from 21 to 14 degrees C. The plant consisted of a hydrolytic upflow sludge bed (HUSB) digester (25.5m3) followed by an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) digester (20.36m3). The hydraulic retention time (HRT) varied from 5.7 to 2.8h for the first stage (HUSB digester) and from 13.9 to 6.5h for the second stage (UASB digester). Total suspended solids (TSS), total chemical oxygen demand (TCOD), and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) removals ranged from 76% to 89%, from 49% to 65%, and from 50% to 77%, respectively, for the overall system. The percentage of influent COD converted to methane was 36.1%, the hydrolysis of influent volatile suspended solids (VSS) reached 59.7% and excess biomass was 21.6% of the incoming VSS. Plant performance was influenced by the wastewater concentration and temperature, yet better results were obtained for influent COD higher than 250mg/l.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of a 20 l lab scale anaerobic hybrid reactor (AHR) combining sludge blanket in the lower part and filter in the upper part under varying organic loading rates (OLRs) in order to study biodegradation of olive mill effluent (OME). For this purpose, some parameters, such as total phenols, effluent chemical oxygen demand (COD), suspended solids (SS), volatile fatty acids (VFAs), and pH in the influent and effluent, and removal efficiencies for those parameters (except pH) were continuously monitored throughout the experimental period of 477 days. Eleven different organic loadings between 0.45 and 32 kg COD m−3 day−1 were imposed by either varying influent COD or hydraulic retention time (HRT). The results demonstrated that the AHR reactor could tolerate high influent COD concentrations. Removal efficiencies for the studied pollution parameters were found to be as follows: COD, 50–94%; total phenol, 39–80%; color, 0–54%; and suspended solids, 19–87%. The levels of VFAs in the effluent, which was principally acetate, butyrate, iso-butyrate, and propionate, varied between 10 and 2005 mg l−1 depending upon OLRs. A COD removal efficiency of 90% could be achieved as long as OLR is kept at a level of less than 10 kg COD m−3 day−1. However, a secondary treatment unit for polishing purposes is necessary to comply with receiving media discharge standards.  相似文献   

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