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光敏核不育水稻的花粉育性,可依种植地区与种植季节而变化。同一品系既可用作不育系而制杂交稻种子,又可自交繁殖而省去保持系。为水稻杂种优势利用改“三系法”为“二系法”开辟了新途径。光敏核不育材料育性可转换是该材料的宝贵之处。同时,这种可转换特性,特别是温度参预育性转换的调控引起的育性波动,给生产利用带来了一定困难。这种困难同其他科学研究中所遇到的困难一样,有待于进一步研究,加以 相似文献
在杭州男单通过分期播种,比较了两个籼稻光温敏核不育系的育性及其转换特性。结果表明,光照长度对浙大247S和培矮64S两不育系育性表达的影响小,温度起主导作用,均属温敏型不育系,且日最低温度对不育系育性效应显著高于日平均温度和日最高温度。不育系浙大247S和培矮64S的温度敏感期分析是抽穗前3-18和6-21d,育性转换的临界日期为9月19日和9月25日,转换临界温度为25.28和25.66℃,与培矮64S相比,浙大247S不育期败育较彻底,可育期较长且自交结实率高,在杭州田间可以繁种。 相似文献
上位性对光敏核不育水稻不育性不稳定性的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
以来源于农垦58S的籼型光敏核不育水稻(Oryza satiwa L.)培矮64S(长日低温下不育性稳定)和8902S(长日低温下不育性不稳定)及其人F1、F2群体为材料,通过长日低温和不同长日生态条件的7种处理,并结合RFLP分子标准记,研究了影响光敏核不育基因的育性不稳定性的遗传及其基因定位和基因互作对其育性不稳定性的影响。结果表明:影响光敏核不育基因的育性不稳定性表现为微效基因的作用,定位了 相似文献
光周期对光敏核不育水稻RNA水平上诱导效应的初步研究 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2
本文以PGMR农垦58为材料,在PGMR育性转换临界期进行不同光周期处理,分析了叶片总RNA的含量和电泳特征。结果表明:叶片总RNA含量在长日照处理下明显减少,光周期对PGMR育性转换和表达在转录水平上可能有一定的调控作用,似乎属于阻遏调控类型。在育性转换期,长日照处理有1个特异的小分子和大分子RNA组份,这些特异RNA组份是否为PGMR的特异阻遏产物还有待进一步研究。 相似文献
低温敏核不育水稻go543S育性对温、光的反应 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
以新型光温敏核不育(PTGMS,Photo-thermo sensitive genic male sterile)水稻go543S为材料,通过自然生态条件下和人工温、光处理条件下的育性观察,对其育性转换与温度和光周期的关系进行了研究。结果表明:go543S育性主要受温度控制,表现为低温条件下不育,高温条件下可育,育性转换的不育临界温度值为29.5℃,对温度传感的部位是幼穗,敏感时期为花粉母细胞形成致减数分裂,对应的剑叶叶枕距变化范围为-12.2-+0.7cm;育性敏感期在人工恒温28.0℃条件下,无论长日(14-16h)或短日(10-12h)处理均表现不育,其不育性不受光周期影响,在人工恒温31.5℃条件下,无论长日还是短日处理均表现可育,但短日可明显提高其可育性。 相似文献
光敏核不育水稻遗传研究方法的思考 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
从光敏核不育水稻"农垦585"幼穗分化至二次枝梗期开始,在每天的短日照光期(10h日光)结束、暗期开始时(EOD)进行15d的远红光(FR)照射实验,以比较开花、育性转变过程对短暂的远红光(FR)或红光(R)的反应。EODFR明显抑制水稻植株开花(穗分化),导致"农垦585"和原种"农垦58"的抽穗期均比短日照下推退7d,表现为长日照效应,而"农垦58S"的结实率与原种相比却无显著变化。这暗示诱导农垦58S开花、育性转变过程的光反应可能有差异,前者不仅与光周期有关,且受EODFR的剧烈影响,而育性主要受光周期(临界暗期)控制,基本上不受EODFR的调控。 相似文献
光温条件对短光低温不育水稻育性转换的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
短光低温不育水稻是一类与长光高温不育水稻育性转换特性相反的新种质,通过对分期播种材料自然条件下的育性及人工短光处理后的育性比较分析表明,宜DIS的光敏期为第一苞分化期至第二次枝梗原基和小穗原基分化期(幼穗分化I-III期),在常温下光敏期的短日处理可使育性趋于不育,但在高温下光敏期短日不育效应被削弱,宜DIS的花粉育性在高,低温作用下育性的均出现下降,根据高,低温影响育性的资料分析得到的敏感期基本一致,即花粉母细胞形成期至花粉内容物充实期(幼穗分化V-Ⅶ期)。 相似文献
Wang Wei 《Journal of plant research》1998,111(4):591-593
The rice photoperiod-sensitive genic male-sterile mutant (PGMR) is sterile under long days, but fertile in short days. Phytochrome
is involved in the photoperiod-induced male-sterile process. To investigate the mechanisms, of phytochrome action in PGMR,
end-of-day (EOD) experiments were carried out. Flowering in PGMR was delayed considerably by EOD far-red light exposures following
a short day of 10 hr, whereas its fertility decreased to the same extent as the original line. This result suggests that photoperiod
response mediating fertility alteration in PGMR somewhat differed from that in flowering,i.e., fertility alteration and flowering might be under the separate phytochrome signaling control. 相似文献
Calcium distribution in fertile and sterile anthers of a photoperiod-sensitive genic male-sterile rice 总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22
Potassium antimonate was used to locate Ca2+ in fertile and sterile anthers of a photoperiod-sensitive genic male-sterile rice (Oryza sativa L. japonica). During the development of fertile anthers, abundant calcium precipitates accumulated in the anther walls and on the surface
of pollen grains and Ubish bodies at the late developmental stage of the microspore, but not in the cytoplasm of pollen grains.
Following the accumulation of starch grains in pollen, calcium precipitates on pollen walls diminished and increased in parenchymatous
cells of the connective tissue. In sterile anthers, calcium precipitates were abundant in the middle layer and endothecium,
but not in the tapetum, as was found in fertile anthers. A special cell wall was observed between the tapetum and middle layer
of sterile anthers that appeared to relate to distinctive calcium accumulation patterns and poor pollen wall formation in
the loculi. The formation of different patterns of antimonate-induced calcium precipitates in the anthers of photoperiod-sensitive
genic male-sterile rice indicates that anomalies in the distribution of calcium accumulation correlate with the failure of
pollen development and pollen abortion.
Received: 30 May 1997 / Accepted: 5 July 1997 相似文献
温度对菜蛾绒茧蜂功能反应的影响 总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3
在室内15℃、20℃、25℃、30℃、32.5℃下测定了菜蛾绒茧蜂寄生数量随寄主密度的变化情况.结果表明,在15~32.5℃范围内的各个温度下的功能反应均能用Holing圆盘方程很好地拟合,但各温度间功能反应的参数存在着显著差异.25℃、30℃、32.5℃下的瞬时攻击率比15℃、20℃下显著要高,而处理时间则随温度升高而缩短.各温度下在供寄主的5h内,均有部分雌蜂不产卵寄生小菜蛾幼虫.产卵寄生的雌蜂百分率随温度升高和寄主密度增加而增加 相似文献
Molecular mapping of the reverse thermo-sensitive genic male-sterile gene (rtms1) in rice 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
J. H. Jia D. S. Zhang C. Y. Li X. P. Qu S. W. Wang V. Chamarerk H. T. Nguyen B. Wang 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》2001,103(4):607-612
TGMS (thermo-sensitive genic male-sterile) rice is widely used in hybrid rice production. Because of a specific temperature
requirement, it can be used only in a narrow rice-growing zone in Asia. A newly discovered reverse thermo-sensitive genic
male-sterile line, J207S, has an opposite phynotype compared to the normal TGMS lines. J207S is completely sterile when the
temperature is lower than 31°C. Thus, it can be widely used in a larger area. Genetic analysis indicated that the sterility
of J207S was controlled by a single recessive gene which was first named as rtms1. An F2 population from the cross between J207S and E921 was developed and used for molecular mapping of the rtms1 gene. The AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) technique, combined with BSA (bulked segregant analysis), was used
to screen markers linked to the target gene, and eight polymorphic AFLP loci were identified. Co-segregating analysis using
the F2 population showed that two of them, Rev1 and Rev7, were closely linked to the target gene with a recombinant rate of 3.8%
and 7.7%, respectively. Both Rev1 and Rev7 were found to be single-copy sequences through Southern analysis. Rev1 was subsequently
mapped on chromosome 10 with a doubled-haploid mapping populations derived from the cross CT9993 × IR62266 available at Texas
Tech University. RM222 and RG257 were linked to Rev1 at a distance of 11.8 cM and 4.6 cM, respectively. Additional SSR markers
from the rice map of Cornell University, RFLP markers from the map of RGP in Japan and the map of Texas Tech University were
selected from the region surrounding Rev1 on chromosome 10 to conduct the fine-mapping of the rtms1 gene. Presently, rtms1 was mapped between RM239 and RG257 with genetic distance of 3.6 cM and 4.0 cM, respectively. The most-closely linked AFLP
marker, Rev1, 4.2 cM from the rtms1 gene, was sequenced and converted into a SCAR (sequence characterized amplified region) marker which could facilitate marker-assisted
selection of the rtms1 gene.
Received: 2 November 2000 / Accepted: 21 November 2000 相似文献
Comparative proteomics analysis reveals the mechanism of fertility alternation of thermosensitive genic male sterile rice lines under low temperature inducement 下载免费PDF全文
Liru Song Zhongqi Liu Jianhua Tong Langtao Xiao Hao Ma Haiqing Zhang 《Proteomics》2015,15(11):1884-1905
Thermosensitive genic male sterile (TGMS) rice line has made great economical contributions in rice production. However, the fertility of TGMS rice line during hybrid seed production is frequently influenced by low temperature, thus leading to its fertility/sterility alteration and hybrid seed production failure. To understand the mechanism of fertility alternation under low temperature inducement, the extracted proteins from young panicles of two TGMS rice lines at the fertility alternation sensitivity stage were analyzed by 2DE. Eighty‐three protein spots were found to be significantly changed in abundance, and identified by MALDI‐TOF‐TOF MS. The identified proteins were involved in 16 metabolic pathways and cellular processes. The young panicles of TGMS rice line Zhu 1S possessed the lower ROS‐scavenging, indole‐3‐acetic acid level, soluble protein, and sugar contents as well as the faster anther wall disintegration than those of TGMS rice line Zhun S. All these major differences might result in that the former is more stable in fertility than the latter. Based on the majority of the 83 identified proteins, together with microstructural, physiological, and biochemical results, a possible fertile alteration mechanism in the young panicles of TGMS rice line under low temperature inducement was proposed. Such a result will help us in breeding TGMS rice lines and production of hybrid seed. 相似文献
Genetic bases of instability of male sterility and fertility reversibility in photoperiod-sensitive genic male-sterile rice 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Y. Q. He J. Yang C. G. Xu Z.G. Zhang Q. Zhang 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1999,99(3-4):683-693
Photoperiod-sensitive genetic male-sterile (PSGMS) rice, with its male fertility regulated by photoperiod length, is very
useful for hybrid rice development. However, breeding for new PSGMS lines has faced two major difficulties – the stability
of male sterility and the reversibility of male fertility. In this study we assessed the genetic bases of stability of sterility
and fertility reversibility using a molecular marker-based approach. A cross was made between two newly bred PSGMS lines:
Peiai 64S, which has a stable sterility but is difficult to reverse to fertility, and 8902S, which has a unstable sterility
but is easy to reverse to fertility. The fertility of the parents and of the F1 and F2 populations was repeatedly examined under 11 different long-day and short-day conditions. The genetic effects were assayed
by interval mapping and two-way analyses of variance using the F2 data of 128 polymorphic loci representing all the 12 rice chromosomes. The analyses resolved a number of single-locus QTLs
and two-locus interactions under both long-day and short day conditions. The interactions involved a large number of loci,
most of which were not detectable on a single-locus basis. The results showed that the genetic bases of both stability of
sterility and reversibility of fertility are the joint effects of the additive effects of the QTLs and additive-by-additive
components of two-locus interactions. The implications of these findings in hybrid rice development are also discussed.
Received: 11 January 1999 / Accepted: 19 January 1999 相似文献
两种五倍子蚜虫冬寄主藓类植物的光合特性及其与光照、温度和植物体水分含量变化的关系 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
使用CI-301PS(CID Inc.USA)对生长于冬季和春季的大羽藓(Thuidium cymbifolium)与垂藓(Chrysocladium retrorsum)的净光合速率(Pn)及其与光照、温度和植物体水分含量的关系进行了研究.结果表明,大羽藓和垂藓的光合能力分别达到141和117μmolCO2kg-1·dw·s-1,光合能力从冬季到春季呈上升趋势.这两种藓类植物的光响应曲线比较相似,光饱和点高达800~900μmol·m-2s-1,光补偿点为40~50μmol·m-2s-1,光合作用最适温度在春季为25~36℃,而冬季为20~30℃.同时对于低温又具有很强的抗性,在冰点以下的温度条件下(-15~0℃)能够保持一定的净光合.净光合速率的水分响应曲线表明,这两种藓类的最适水分含量为200~300(400)%dw,水分含量降低到150%dw时光合作用开始受到抑制,在40%~50%dw时净光合降低到零或略变为负数.结果表明,大羽藓和垂藓都属于耐干旱、强阳性的藓类,但垂藓在这几个方面略逊于大羽藓. 相似文献