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Clostridium perfringens in Meat and Meat Products   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A total of 262 specimens of meat and meat dishes were examined for the presence of Clostridium perfringens. Of this total, 161 were raw, unprocessed beef, veal, lamb, pork, or chicken; 101 were processed meats and meat dishes. C. perfringens was isolated from 113 (43.1%) of these specimens. The highest percentage of contamination (82%) was found in veal cuts, and the lowest (4.7%) in sliced sandwich meats and spreads. Only 2 of the 113 isolates were shown to produce heat-resistant spores, which indicates a very low incidence (0.8%) of contamination. These findings indicate that outbreaks of C. perfringens food-borne disease in the Cincinnati area are caused principally by the contamination of the food with vegetative cells or spores of the organism after cooking. Studies of the effects of various holding temperatures on the growth of C. perfringens indicated that, in the range of 5 to 15 C, no multiplication would occur, but that viable cells would still be present at the end of a 5-day holding period. Extremely rapid growth occurred at temperatures around 45 C, and complete inhibition of growth was accomplished between 49 and 52 C.  相似文献   

Clostridium perfringens is a leading cause of bacterial food-borne illness in countries where consumption of meat and poultry is high. For example, each year in the United States, this organism is the second or third most common cause of confirmed cases of food-borne illness. Surveys of the incidence of this organism in retail foods were done in the 1960s without regard to whether isolates were enterotoxigenic. It is now known that not all strains of this organism possess the enterotoxin gene responsible for illness. We examined the incidence of this organism in 131 food samples from retail food stores in an area of the northeastern United States. Forty isolates were obtained by using the iron milk method at 45°C, with confirmation by use of motility nitrate and lactose gelatin media. The presence of the C. perfringens enterotoxin (cpe) and alpha toxin (cpa) genes was determined by PCR using previously published primer sequences. All isolates possessed cpa. None of the isolates were identified as carrying the cpe gene by this method or by another method using a digoxigenin-labeled gene probe. Consistent with these results, none of the sporulating-cell extracts contained enterotoxin as determined by reverse passive latex hemagglutination. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis was used to determine the genetic relatedness of the isolates. About 5% of the isolates were considered to be closely related (2- to 3-band difference). The others were considered to be unrelated to one another. The results demonstrate the rarity of cpe+ strains in retail foods and the genetic diversity among nonoutbreak strains.  相似文献   

Chicken products are suspected as a source of extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC), which causes diseases in humans. The zoonotic risk to humans from chicken-source E. coli is not fully elucidated. To clarify the zoonotic risk posed by ExPEC in chicken products and to fill existing knowledge gaps regarding ExPEC zoonosis, we evaluated the prevalence of ExPEC on shell eggs and compared virulence-associated phenotypes between ExPEC and non-ExPEC isolates from both chicken meat and eggs. The prevalence of ExPEC among egg-source isolates was low, i.e., 5/108 (4.7%). Based on combined genotypic and phenotypic screening results, multiple human and avian pathotypes were represented among the chicken-source ExPEC isolates, including avian-pathogenic E. coli (APEC), uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC), neonatal meningitis E. coli (NMEC), and sepsis-associated E. coli (SEPEC), as well as an undefined ExPEC group, which included isolates with fewer virulence factors than the APEC, UPEC, and NMEC isolates. These findings document a substantial prevalence of human-pathogenic ExPEC-associated genes and phenotypes among E. coli isolates from retail chicken products and identify key virulence traits that could be used for screening.  相似文献   

Prevalence of Clostridium botulinum in Semipreserved Meat Products   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Samples of semipreserved meat products were taken, and 372 were examined for Clostridium botulinum. Five samples contained type A and one sample type B.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding the Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin receptor gene (CPE-R) was cloned from an expression library of enterotoxin-sensitive Vero cells. The nucleotide sequence of CPE-R showed that the enterotoxin receptor consists of 209 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 22,029 D. This receptor is highly hydrophobic, contains four putative transmembrane segments, and has significant similarity to the rat androgen withdrawal apoptosis protein RVP1 and the mouse oligodendrocyte specific protein, the functions of which are unknown. The expression of CPE-R was detected in the enterotoxin-sensitive Vero, Hep3B, and Intestine 407 cell lines, but not in the enterotoxin-insensitive K562 and JY cell lines. The CPE-R gene product expressed in enterotoxin-resistant L929 cells bound to enterotoxin specifically and directly and with high affinity and rendered the cells sensitive to the toxin, indicating that the cloned receptor is functional. Results showed that enterotoxin could not assemble into a complex with a defined structure unless it interacted with the receptor. From these results, it is proposed that the enterotoxin receptor is required for both target cell recognition and poreformation in the cell membrane.  相似文献   

There is a strain of Clostridium perfringens, W5052, which does not produce a known enterotoxin. We herein report that the strain W5052 expressed a homologue of the iota-like toxin components sa and sb of C. spiroforme, named Clostridium perfringens iota-like enterotoxin, CPILE-a and CPILE-b, respectively, based on the results of a genome sequencing analysis and a systematic protein screening. In the nicotinamide glyco-hydrolase (NADase) assay the hydrolysis activity was dose-dependently increased by the concentration of rCPILE-a, as judged by the mass spectrometry analysis. In addition, the actin monomer of the lysates of Vero and L929 cells were radiolabeled in the presence of [32P]NAD and rCPILE-a. These findings indicated that CPILE-a possesses ADP-ribosylation activity. The culture supernatant of W5052 facilitated the rounding and killing of Vero and L929 cells, but the rCPILE-a or a non-proteolyzed rCPILE-b did not. However, a trypsin-treated rCPILE-b did. Moreover, a mixture of rCPILE-a and the trypsin-treated rCPILE-b enhanced the cell rounding and killing activities, compared with that induced by the trypsin-treated rCPILE-b alone. The injection of the mixture of rCPILE-a and the trypsin-treated rCPILE-b into an ileum loop of rabbits evoked the swelling of the loop and accumulation of the fluid dose-dependently, suggesting that CPILE possesses enterotoxic activity. The evidence presented in this communication will facilitate the epidemiological, etiological, and toxicological studies of C. perfringens food poisoning, and also stimulate studies on the transfer of the toxins’ gene(s) among the Genus Clostridium.  相似文献   

Chemostat-cultured Clostridium perfringens ATCC 3624 and NCTC 10240, and a nonsporulating mutant strain, 8-5, produced enterotoxin in the absence of sporulation when cultured in a chemically defined medium at a 0.084-h-1 dilution rate at 37 degrees C. The enterotoxin was detected by serological and biological assays. Examination of the chemostat cultures by electron microscopy did not reveal sporulation at any stage. The culture maintained enterotoxigenicity throughout cultivation in a continuous system. The enterotoxin was detected in batch cultures of each strain cultivated in fluid thioglycolate medium and a chemically defined medium. No heat-resistant or light-refractile spores were detected in batch cultures during the exponential growth.  相似文献   

Procedures were examined for labelling enterotoxin isolated from Clostridium perfringens type A. with 125I using chloramine T as the oxidizing agent. The iodination method was evaluated critically to establish the optimal conditions for the preparation of iodinated enterotoxin with a high specific radioactivity and without impairing the immunospecificity and biological activity. The use of 250 μg/ml of chloramine T in the reaction mixture. 500–1000 μCi of Na125I/10 μg of enterotoxin and a reaction time of 40 s at pH 7–0 produced 125I-enterotoxin of both high specific radioactivity and immunospecificity which retained its biological activity. No damage or aggregate formation due to the iodination process was observed. Enterotoxin labelled with high specific activity (135 μCi μg) showed extensive dissociation of 125I when stored at 4°C and—20°C. In contrast, toxin labelled with low specific activity (7 μgCi/μg) was stable for as long as two months. The immunoreactivity of all labelled preparations was essentially unchanged after storage for one month.  相似文献   

The ability of Clostridium perfringens type A to produce an enterotoxin active in human food poisoning has been shown to be directly related to the ability of the organism to sporulate. Enterotoxin was produced only in a sporulation medium and not in a growth medium in which sporulation was repressed. Mutants with an altered ability to sporulate were isolated from an sp(+) ent(+) strain either as spontaneous mutants or after mutagenesis with acridine orange or nitrosoguanidine. All sp(0) (-) mutants were ent(-). Except for one isolate, these mutants were not disturbed in other toxic functions characteristic of the wild type and unrelated to sporulation. A total of four of seven osp(0) mutants retained the ability to produce detectable levels of enterotoxin. None of the ent(-) mutants produced gene products serologically homologous to enterotoxin. A total of three sp(-) mutants, blocked at intermediate stages of sporulation, produced enterotoxin. Of these mutants, one was blocked at stage III, one probably at late stage IV, and one probably at stage V. A total of three sp(+) revertants isolated from an sp(-) ent(-) mutant regained not only the ability to sporulate but also the ability to produce enterotoxin. The enterotoxin appears to be a sporulation-specific gene product; however, the function of the enterotoxin in sporulation is unknown.  相似文献   

Spices can present high microbial counts and Clostridium perfringens, Bacillus cereus, Salmonella and Shigella, among others have been isolated from spices. C. perfringens is an important pathogen agent causing, among other diseases, enteritis in humans caused by C. perfringens enterotoxin (CPE) which causes human food poisoning and enterotoxemia in domestic animals. The aims of the present work were (i) to establish the hygienic sanitary quality of some spices in San Luis, Argentina; (ii) to determine the presence of C. perfringens in these spices by means of the most probable number (MPN) and count on plate methods; (iii) to characterize the enterotoxigenic strains of C. perfringens by PCR and immunological methods such as reverse passive latex agglutination (RPLA) and (iv) to type by PCR C. perfringens strains isolated. A total of 115 samples of spices, 67 of which were purchased in local retail stores and 48 domestically collected were analysed. Total aerobe counts on tryptone glucose yeast extract agar medium of the 115 samples were between <10 and 10(6) CFU/g. The colifecal counts using Mac Conkey broth of the 115 samples were <4-10(3)CFU/g, with 28 samples (24.34%) exceeding the limit established by the Spanish Alimentary Code (10 CFU/g) while 2 samples (1.73%) had a sulfite reducing anaerobe load above standard limits. A total of 14 C. perfringens strains (12.17%) were isolated and characterized from 115 samples by the standard biochemical tests. Four of which (28.60%) turned out to be enterotoxigenic by PCR and RPLA. In order to type C. perfringens strains based on their main toxins, the 14 strains were analysed by PCR. All strains belonged to type A. All RPLA positive strains were cpe(+) by PCR. The percentage of enterotoxigenic strains was more elevated that those reported in other studies for this type of sample. These results indicate that sanitary conditions in different production stages of species must be improved to reduce health hazards. The high percentage (24.34%) of samples with colifecal values above standard limits is an indication of deficient sanitary conditions. These results suggest the need to provide legislation on the sanitary and hygienic quality of spices in our country.  相似文献   

Conditions for quantitation of Clostridium perfringens type A enterotoxin by electroimmunodiffusion are described. As little as 0.01 mug of enterotoxin could be detected. Electroimmunodiffusion was more sensitive than either single gel diffusion or quantitation based on erythemal activity of the toxin in guinea pig skin.  相似文献   

Chemostat-cultured Clostridium perfringens ATCC 3624 and NCTC 10240, and a nonsporulating mutant strain, 8-5, produced enterotoxin in the absence of sporulation when cultured in a chemically defined medium at a 0.084-h-1 dilution rate at 37 degrees C. The enterotoxin was detected by serological and biological assays. Examination of the chemostat cultures by electron microscopy did not reveal sporulation at any stage. The culture maintained enterotoxigenicity throughout cultivation in a continuous system. The enterotoxin was detected in batch cultures of each strain cultivated in fluid thioglycolate medium and a chemically defined medium. No heat-resistant or light-refractile spores were detected in batch cultures during the exponential growth.  相似文献   

In the United States and Europe, food poisoning due to Clostridium perfringens type A is predominantly caused by C. perfringens isolates carrying a chromosomal enterotoxin gene (cpe). Neither the reservoir for these isolates nor the point in the food chain where these bacteria contaminate foods is currently understood. Therefore, the current study investigated whether type A isolates carrying a chromosomal cpe gene are present in two potential reservoirs, i.e., soil and home kitchen surfaces. No C. perfringens isolates were recovered from home kitchen surfaces, but most surveyed soil samples contained C. perfringens. The recovered soil isolates were predominantly type A, but some type C, D, and E soil isolates were also identified. All cpe-positive isolates recovered from soil were genotyped as type A, with their cpe genes on cpe plasmids rather than the chromosome. However, two cpe-positive soil isolates did not carry a classical cpe plasmid. Both of those atypical cpe-positive soil isolates were sporulation capable yet failed to produce C. perfringens enterotoxin, possibly because of differences in their upstream promoter regions. Collectively these results suggest that neither soil nor home kitchen surfaces represent major reservoirs for type A isolates with chromosomal cpe that cause food poisoning, although soil does appear to be a reservoir for cpe-positive isolates causing non-food-borne gastrointestinal diseases.  相似文献   

Purification of Clostridium perfringens type A enterotoxin from sporulated cells was simplified. The method consisted of precipitation of the enterotoxin from the extract of sonically treated cells at 40% saturation of ammonium sulfate at pH 7, differential solubilization in 0.02 M phosphate buffer, pH 6.7, and repeated gel filtration on Sephadex G-200. The purified enterotoxin was at least 98% pure in ultracentrifugation, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and agar gel double diffusion. Recovery was over 74% from the sporulated cell extract. The toxin had biological activities of at least 4,700 mouse intravenous minimal lethal doses/mg of N, 3,900 capillary permeability-increasing U/mg of N in the guinea pig skin, and 210 rabbit intestinal loop distension U/mg of N. The toxin, containing no hexose, lipid, or nucleic acid, appeared to be identical in sedimentation constant, isoelectric point, and ultraviolet absorption spectrum to the toxin purified previously by different procedures.  相似文献   

Use of Dogs as an Assay for Clostridium perfringens Enterotoxin   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Three techniques for using the dog as an assay organism for Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin are described. These are believed to be more convenient than ligated ileal-loop procedures.  相似文献   

Fractionation of highly purified Cl. perfringens type A enterotoxin by scanning isoelectric focusing (SIF) and isotachophoresis (IT) in polyacrylamide gels is described for the first time. The use of 2% ampholytes pH 3–6 allowed the separation of enterotoxin into 2 species. The major component had an isoelectric point of 4·5 and possessed antigenic as well as functional activity. The minor component of enterotoxin, at equivalent concentrations, was devoid of any demonstrable biological activity had an isoelectric point of 4·6 and appeared to represent approximately 15% of the purified enterotoxin. With ampholytes pH 3·5–10 the minor and major components were focused at different times than when ampholine pH 3–6 was employed. Electrofocusing of enterotoxin in the presence of 6 M-urea did not alter the SIF pattern. During IT the major component of enterotoxin migrated ahead of the minor component. The 2 proteins were completely separated. Isotachophoretic separations required 0·023 M-phosphate pH 6·0 as the leading ion, 0·079 M-Tris as the counter-ion, 0·2 M-glycine (in Tris pH 8·1) as the terminating ion, 30 γ carrier ampholytes pH 3·5–10, 263 μg enterotoxin, 4% acrylamide and a current of 5 mA per gel column.  相似文献   

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