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Reliable automated NOE assignment and structure calculation on the basis of a largely complete, assigned input chemical shift list and a list of unassigned NOESY cross peaks has recently become feasible for routine NMR protein structure calculation and has been shown to yield results that are equivalent to those of the conventional, manual approach. However, these algorithms rely on the availability of a virtually complete list of the chemical shifts. This paper investigates the influence of incomplete chemical shift assignments on the reliability of NMR structures obtained with automated NOESY cross peak assignment. The program CYANA was used for combined automated NOESY assignment with the CANDID algorithm and structure calculations with torsion angle dynamics at various degrees of completeness of the chemical shift assignment which was simulated by random omission of entries in the experimental 1H chemical shift lists that had been used for the earlier, conventional structure determinations of two proteins. Sets of structure calculations were performed choosing the omitted chemical shifts randomly among all assigned hydrogen atoms, or among aromatic hydrogen atoms. For comparison, automated NOESY assignment and structure calculations were performed with the complete experimental chemical shift but under random omission of NOESY cross peaks. When heteronuclear-resolved three-dimensional NOESY spectra are available the current CANDID algorithm yields in the absence of up to about 10% of the experimental 1H chemical shifts reliable NOE assignments and three-dimensional structures that deviate by less than 2 Å from the reference structure obtained using all experimental chemical shift assignments. In contrast, the algorithm can accommodate the omission of up to 50% of the cross peaks in heteronuclear- resolved NOESY spectra without producing structures with a RMSD of more than 2 Å to the reference structure. When only homonuclear NOESY spectra are available, the algorithm is slightly more susceptible to missing data and can tolerate the absence of up to about 7% of the experimental 1H chemical shifts or of up to 30% of the NOESY peaks.Abbreviations: BmPBPA – Bombyx mori pheromone binding protein form A; CYANA – combined assignment and dynamics algorithm for NMR applications; NMR – nuclear magnetic resonance; NOE – nuclear Overhauser effect; NOESY – NOE spectroscopy; RMSD – root-mean-square deviation; WmKT – Williopsis mrakii killer toxin  相似文献   

A procedure for automated protein structure determination is presented that is based on an iterative procedure during which the NOESY peak list assignment and the structure calculation are performed simultaneously. The input consists of a list of NOESY peak positions and a list of chemical shifts as obtained from sequence-specific resonance assignment. For the present applications of this approach the previously introduced NOAH routine was implemented in the distance geometry program DIANA. As an illustration, experimental 2D and 3D NOESY cross-peak lists of six proteins have been analyzed, for which complete sequence-specific 1H assignments are available for the polypeptide backbone and the amino acid side chains. The automated method assigned 70–90% of all NOESY cross peaks, which is on average 10% less than with the interactive approach, and only between 0.8% and 2.4% of the automatically assigned peaks had a different assignment than in the corresponding manually assigned peak lists. The structures obtained with NOAH/DIANA are in close agreement with those from manually assigned peak lists, and with both approaches the residual constraint violations correspond to high-quality NMR structure determinations. Systematic comparisons of the bundles of conformers that represent corresponding automatically and interactively determined structures document the absence of significant bias in either approach, indicating that an important step has been made towards automation of structure determination from NMR spectra.  相似文献   

The quality of protein structures determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is contingent on the number and quality of experimentally-derived resonance assignments, distance and angular restraints. Two key features of protein NMR data have posed challenges for the routine and automated structure determination of small to medium sized proteins; (1) spectral resolution – especially of crowded nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY) spectra, and (2) the reliance on a continuous network of weak scalar couplings as part of most common assignment protocols. In order to facilitate NMR structure determination, we developed a semi-automated strategy that utilizes non-uniform sampling (NUS) and multidimensional decomposition (MDD) for optimal data collection and processing of selected, high resolution multidimensional NMR experiments, combined it with an ABACUS protocol for sequential and side chain resonance assignments, and streamlined this procedure to execute structure and refinement calculations in CYANA and CNS, respectively. Two graphical user interfaces (GUIs) were developed to facilitate efficient analysis and compilation of the data and to guide automated structure determination. This integrated method was implemented and refined on over 30 high quality structures of proteins ranging from 5.5 to 16.5 kDa in size.  相似文献   

Stereo-array isotope labeling (SAIL) has been combined with the fully automated NMR structure determination algorithm FLYA to determine the three-dimensional structure of the protein ubiquitin from different sets of input NMR spectra. SAIL provides a complete stereo- and regio-specific pattern of stable isotopes that results in sharper resonance lines and reduced signal overlap, without information loss. Here we show that as a result of the superior quality of the SAIL NMR spectra, reliable, fully automated analyses of the NMR spectra and structure calculations are possible using fewer input spectra than with conventional uniformly 13C/15N-labeled proteins. FLYA calculations with SAIL ubiquitin, using a single three-dimensional “through-bond” spectrum (and 2D HSQC spectra) in addition to the 13C-edited and 15N-edited NOESY spectra for conformational restraints, yielded structures with an accuracy of 0.83–1.15 Å for the backbone RMSD to the conventionally determined solution structure of SAIL ubiquitin. NMR structures can thus be determined almost exclusively from the NOESY spectra that yield the conformational restraints, without the need to record many spectra only for determining intermediate, auxiliary data of the chemical shift assignments. The FLYA calculations for this report resulted in 252 ubiquitin structure bundles, obtained with different input data but identical structure calculation and refinement methods. These structures cover the entire range from highly accurate structures to seriously, but not trivially, wrong structures, and thus constitute a valuable database for the substantiation of structure validation methods.  相似文献   

The identification of proton contacts from NOE spectra remains the major bottleneck in NMR protein structure calculations. We describe an automated assignment-free system for deriving proton contact probabilities from NOESY peak lists that can be viewed as a quantitative extension of manual assignment techniques. Rather than assigning contacts to NOESY crosspeaks, a rigorous Bayesian methodology is used to transform initial proton contact probabilities derived from a set of 2992 protein structures into posterior probabilities using the observed crosspeaks as evidence. Given a target protein, the Bayesian approach is used to derive probabilities for all possible proton contacts. We evaluated the accuracy of this approach at predicting proton contacts on 60 15N separated NOESY and 13C separated NOESY datasets simulated from experimentally determined NMR structures and compared it to CYANA, an established method for proton constraint assignment. On average, at the highest confidence level, our method accurately identifies 3.16/3.17 long range contacts per residue and 12.11/12.18 interresidue proton contacts per residue. These accuracies represent a significant increase over the performance of CYANA on the same data set. On a difficult real dataset that is publicly available, the coverage is lower but our method retains its advantage in accuracy over CANDID/CYANA. The algorithm is publicly available via the Protinfo NMR webserver .  相似文献   

Novel algorithms are presented for automated NOESY peak picking and NOE signal identification in homonuclear 2D and heteronuclear-resolved 3D [1H,1H]-NOESY spectra during de novoprotein structure determination by NMR, which have been implemented in the new software ATNOS (automated NOESY peak picking). The input for ATNOS consists of the amino acid sequence of the protein, chemical shift lists from the sequence-specific resonance assignment, and one or several 2D or 3D NOESY spectra. In the present implementation, ATNOS performs multiple cycles of NOE peak identification in concert with automated NOE assignment with the software CANDID and protein structure calculation with the program DYANA. In the second and subsequent cycles, the intermediate protein structures are used as an additional guide for the interpretation of the NOESY spectra. By incorporating the analysis of the raw NMR data into the process of automated de novoprotein NMR structure determination, ATNOS enables direct feedback between the protein structure, the NOE assignments and the experimental NOESY spectra. The main elements of the algorithms for NOESY spectral analysis are techniques for local baseline correction and evaluation of local noise level amplitudes, automated determination of spectrum-specific threshold parameters, the use of symmetry relations, and the inclusion of the chemical shift information and the intermediate protein structures in the process of distinguishing between NOE peaks and artifacts. The ATNOS procedure has been validated with experimental NMR data sets of three proteins, for which high-quality NMR structures had previously been obtained by interactive interpretation of the NOESY spectra. The ATNOS-based structures coincide closely with those obtained with interactive peak picking. Overall, we present the algorithms used in this paper as a further important step towards objective and efficient de novoprotein structure determination by NMR.  相似文献   

NMR studies of large proteins have gathered much interest in recent years, especially after methyl-transverse relaxation optimized spectroscopy was successfully applied to systems as large as ~1 MDa in molecular weight. However, to fully take advantage of these spectra, there is a need for convenient and robust methods for making resonance assignments rapidly. Here, we present an improved version of our program MAP-XS (methyl assignment prediction from X-ray structure) for the automatic assignment of methyl peaks, based on nuclear Overhauser effects (NOE) correlations and chemical shifts together with available structures. No manual analysis of the NOE data is needed in this new version, which helps to further accelerate the assignment process. A refined algorithm as well as more efficient sampling produces results from single runs of MAP-XSII using unanalyzed NOE data are comparable to those achieved by the old version using manually curated data with every NOE peak correctly attributed to the two related methyl peaks; in addition, checking the results from multiple parallel runs against each other provides an effective mechanism for getting rid of the wrong assignments while keeping the correct ones, which significantly improves the reliability of final assignments. The new program is tested against three different proteins and delivers ~95 % correct assignments; positive results are also achieved for tests using different cut-off distances for NOEs, structures of lower resolutions, and ambiguous residue types.  相似文献   

We have developed an approach for simultaneous structure calculation and automatic Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE) assignment to solve nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) structures from unassigned NOESY data. The approach, autoNOE-Rosetta, integrates Resolution Adapted Structural RECombination (RASREC) Rosetta NMR calculations with algorithms for automatic NOE assignment. The method was applied to two proteins in the 15–20 kDa size range for which both, NMR and X-ray data, is available. The autoNOE-Rosetta calculations converge for both proteins and yield accurate structures with an RMSD of 1.9 Å to the X-ray reference structures. The method greatly expands the radius of convergence for automatic NOE assignment, and should be broadly useful for NMR structure determination.  相似文献   

One bottleneck in NMR structure determination lies in the laborious and time-consuming process of side-chain resonance and NOE assignments. Compared to the well-studied backbone resonance assignment problem, automated side-chain resonance and NOE assignments are relatively less explored. Most NOE assignment algorithms require nearly complete side-chain resonance assignments from a series of through-bond experiments such as HCCH-TOCSY or HCCCONH. Unfortunately, these TOCSY experiments perform poorly on large proteins. To overcome this deficiency, we present a novel algorithm, called Nasca (NOE Assignment and Side-Chain Assignment), to automate both side-chain resonance and NOE assignments and to perform high-resolution protein structure determination in the absence of any explicit through-bond experiment to facilitate side-chain resonance assignment, such as HCCH-TOCSY. After casting the assignment problem into a Markov Random Field (MRF), Nasca extends and applies combinatorial protein design algorithms to compute optimal assignments that best interpret the NMR data. The MRF captures the contact map information of the protein derived from NOESY spectra, exploits the backbone structural information determined by RDCs, and considers all possible side-chain rotamers. The complexity of the combinatorial search is reduced by using a dead-end elimination (DEE) algorithm, which prunes side-chain resonance assignments that are provably not part of the optimal solution. Then an A* search algorithm is employed to find a set of optimal side-chain resonance assignments that best fit the NMR data. These side-chain resonance assignments are then used to resolve the NOE assignment ambiguity and compute high-resolution protein structures. Tests on five proteins show that Nasca assigns resonances for more than 90% of side-chain protons, and achieves about 80% correct assignments. The final structures computed using the NOE distance restraints assigned by Nasca have backbone RMSD 0.8–1.5 Å from the reference structures determined by traditional NMR approaches.  相似文献   

Poor chemical shift referencing, especially for 13C in protein Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) experiments, fundamentally limits and even prevents effective study of biomacromolecules via NMR, including protein structure determination and analysis of protein dynamics. To solve this problem, we constructed a Bayesian probabilistic framework that circumvents the limitations of previous reference correction methods that required protein resonance assignment and/or three-dimensional protein structure. Our algorithm named Bayesian Model Optimized Reference Correction (BaMORC) can detect and correct 13C chemical shift referencing errors before the protein resonance assignment step of analysis and without three-dimensional structure. By combining the BaMORC methodology with a new intra-peaklist grouping algorithm, we created a combined method called Unassigned BaMORC that utilizes only unassigned experimental peak lists and the amino acid sequence. Unassigned BaMORC kept all experimental three-dimensional HN(CO)CACB-type peak lists tested within ±?0.4 ppm of the correct 13C reference value. On a much larger unassigned chemical shift test set, the base method kept 13C chemical shift referencing errors to within ±?0.45 ppm at a 90% confidence interval. With chemical shift assignments, Assigned BaMORC can detect and correct 13C chemical shift referencing errors to within ±?0.22 at a 90% confidence interval. Therefore, Unassigned BaMORC can correct 13C chemical shift referencing errors when it will have the most impact, right before protein resonance assignment and other downstream analyses are started. After assignment, chemical shift reference correction can be further refined with Assigned BaMORC. These new methods will allow non-NMR experts to detect and correct 13C referencing error at critical early data analysis steps, lowering the bar of NMR expertise required for effective protein NMR analysis.  相似文献   

Combined automated NOE assignment and structure determination module (CANDID) is a new software for efficient NMR structure determination of proteins by automated assignment of the NOESY spectra. CANDID uses an iterative approach with multiple cycles of NOE cross-peak assignment and protein structure calculation using the fast DYANA torsion angle dynamics algorithm, so that the result from each CANDID cycle consists of exhaustive, possibly ambiguous NOE cross-peak assignments in all available spectra and a three-dimensional protein structure represented by a bundle of conformers. The input for the first CANDID cycle consists of the amino acid sequence, the chemical shift list from the sequence-specific resonance assignment, and listings of the cross-peak positions and volumes in one or several two, three or four-dimensional NOESY spectra. The input for the second and subsequent CANDID cycles contains the three-dimensional protein structure from the previous cycle, in addition to the complete input used for the first cycle. CANDID includes two new elements that make it robust with respect to the presence of artifacts in the input data, i.e. network-anchoring and constraint-combination, which have a key role in de novo protein structure determinations for the successful generation of the correct polypeptide fold by the first CANDID cycle. Network-anchoring makes use of the fact that any network of correct NOE cross-peak assignments forms a self-consistent set; the initial, chemical shift-based assignments for each individual NOE cross-peak are therefore weighted by the extent to which they can be embedded into the network formed by all other NOE cross-peak assignments. Constraint-combination reduces the deleterious impact of artifact NOE upper distance constraints in the input for a protein structure calculation by combining the assignments for two or several peaks into a single upper limit distance constraint, which lowers the probability that the presence of an artifact peak will influence the outcome of the structure calculation. CANDID test calculations were performed with NMR data sets of four proteins for which high-quality structures had previously been solved by interactive protocols, and they yielded comparable results to these reference structure determinations with regard to both the residual constraint violations, and the precision and accuracy of the atomic coordinates. The CANDID approach has further been validated by de novo NMR structure determinations of four additional proteins. The experience gained in these calculations shows that once nearly complete sequence-specific resonance assignments are available, the automated CANDID approach results in greatly enhanced efficiency of the NOESY spectral analysis. The fact that the correct fold is obtained in cycle 1 of a de novo structure calculation is the single most important advance achieved with CANDID, when compared with previously proposed automated NOESY assignment methods that do not use network-anchoring and constraint-combination.  相似文献   

The NMR structure of the 206-residue protein NP_346487.1 was determined with the J-UNIO protocol, which includes extensive automation of the structure determination. With input from three APSY-NMR experiments, UNIO-MATCH automatically yielded 77 % of the backbone assignments, which were interactively validated and extended to 97 %. With an input of the near-complete backbone assignments and three 3D heteronuclear-resolved [1H,1H]-NOESY spectra, automated side chain assignment with UNIO-ATNOS/ASCAN resulted in 77 % of the expected assignments, which was extended interactively to about 90 %. Automated NOE assignment and structure calculation with UNIO-ATNOS/CANDID in combination with CYANA was used for the structure determination of this two-domain protein. The individual domains in the NMR structure coincide closely with the crystal structure, and the NMR studies further imply that the two domains undergo restricted hinge motions relative to each other in solution. NP_346487.1 is so far the largest polypeptide chain to which the J-UNIO structure determination protocol has successfully been applied.  相似文献   

We present a novel automated strategy (PISTACHIO) for the probabilistic assignment of backbone and sidechain chemical shifts in proteins. The algorithm uses peak lists derived from various NMR experiments as input and provides as output ranked lists of assignments for all signals recognized in the input data as constituting spin systems. PISTACHIO was evaluate00000000d by comparing its performance with raw peak-picked data from 15 proteins ranging from 54 to 300 residues; the results were compared with those achieved by experts analyzing the same datasets by hand. As scored against the best available independent assignments for these proteins, the first-ranked PISTACHIO assignments were 80–100% correct for backbone signals and 75–95% correct for sidechain signals. The independent assignments benefited, in a number of cases, from structural data (e.g. from NOESY spectra) that were unavailable to PISTACHIO. Any number of datasets in any combination can serve as input. Thus PISTACHIO can be used as datasets are collected to ascertain the current extent of secure assignments, to identify residues with low assignment probability, and to suggest the types of additional data needed to remove ambiguities. The current implementation of PISTACHIO, which is available from a server on the Internet, supports input data from 15 standard double- and triple-resonance experiments. The software can readily accommodate additional types of experiments, including data from selectively labeled samples. The assignment probabilities can be carried forward and refined in subsequent steps leading to a structure. The performance of PISTACHIO showed no direct dependence on protein size, but correlated instead with data quality (completeness and signal-to-noise). PISTACHIO represents one component of a comprehensive probabilistic approach we are developing for the collection and analysis of protein NMR data.Electronic Supplementary Material Electronic Supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

Recently developed methods to measure distances in proteins with high accuracy by “exact” nuclear Overhauser effects (eNOEs) make it possible to determine stereospecific assignments, which are particularly important to fully exploit the accuracy of the eNOE distance measurements. Stereospecific assignments are determined by comparing the eNOE-derived distances to protein structure bundles calculated without stereospecific assignments, or an independently determined crystal structure. The absolute and relative CYANA target function difference upon swapping the stereospecific assignment of a diastereotopic group yields the respective stereospecific assignment. We applied the method to the eNOE data set that has recently been obtained for the third immunoglobulin-binding domain of protein G (GB3). The 884 eNOEs provide relevant data for 47 of the total of 75 diastereotopic groups. Stereospecific assignments could be established for 45 diastereotopic groups (96 %) using the X-ray structure, or for 27 diastereotopic groups (57 %) using structures calculated with the eNOE data set without stereospecific assignments, all of which are in agreement with those determined previously. The latter case is relevant for structure determinations based on eNOEs. The accuracy of the eNOE distance measurements is crucial for making stereospecific assignments because applying the same method to the traditional NOE data set for GB3 with imprecise upper distance bounds yields only 13 correct stereospecific assignments using the X-ray structure or 2 correct stereospecific assignments using NMR structures calculated without stereospecific assignments.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: PONDEROSA (Peak-picking Of Noe Data Enabled by Restriction of Shift Assignments) accepts input information consisting of a protein sequence, backbone and sidechain NMR resonance assignments, and 3D-NOESY ((13)C-edited and/or (15)N-edited) spectra, and returns assignments of NOESY crosspeaks, distance and angle constraints, and a reliable NMR structure represented by a family of conformers. PONDEROSA incorporates and integrates external software packages (TALOS+, STRIDE and CYANA) to carry out different steps in the structure determination. PONDEROSA implements internal functions that identify and validate NOESY peak assignments and assess the quality of the calculated three-dimensional structure of the protein. The robustness of the analysis results from PONDEROSA's hierarchical processing steps that involve iterative interaction among the internal and external modules. PONDEROSA supports a variety of input formats: SPARKY assignment table (.shifts) and spectrum file formats (.ucsf), XEASY proton file format (.prot), and NMR-STAR format (.star). To demonstrate the utility of PONDEROSA, we used the package to determine 3D structures of two proteins: human ubiquitin and Escherichia coli iron-sulfur scaffold protein variant IscU(D39A). The automatically generated structural constraints and ensembles of conformers were as good as or better than those determined previously by much less automated means. AVAILABILITY: The program, in the form of binary code along with tutorials and reference manuals, is available at http://ponderosa.nmrfam.wisc.edu/.  相似文献   

We have developed a novel and robust approach for automatic and unsupervised simultaneous nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) assignment and structure determination within the CS-Rosetta framework. Starting from unassigned peak lists and chemical shift assignments, autoNOE-Rosetta determines NOE cross-peak assignments and generates structural models. The approach tolerates incomplete and raw NOE peak lists as well as incomplete or partially incorrect chemical shift assignments, and its performance has been tested on 50 protein targets ranging from 50 to 200 residues in size. We find a significantly improved performance compared to established programs, particularly for larger proteins and for NOE data obtained on perdeuterated protein samples. X-ray crystallographic structures allowed comparison of Rosetta and conventional, PDB-deposited, NMR models in 20 of 50 test cases. The unsupervised autoNOE-Rosetta models were often of significantly higher accuracy than the corresponding expert-supervised NMR models deposited in the PDB. We also tested the method with unrefined peak lists and found that performance was nearly as good as for refined peak lists. Finally, demonstrating our method’s remarkable robustness against problematic input data, we provided correct models for an incorrect PDB-deposited NMR solution structure.  相似文献   

Selective methyl labeling is an extremely powerful approach to study the structure, dynamics and function of biomolecules by NMR. Despite spectacular progress in the field, such studies remain rather limited in number. One of the main obstacles remains the assignment of the methyl resonances, which is labor intensive and error prone. Typically, NOESY crosspeak patterns are manually correlated to the available crystal structure or an in silico template model of the protein. Here, we propose methyl assignment by graphing inference construct, an exhaustive search algorithm with no peak network definition requirement. In order to overcome the combinatorial problem, the exhaustive search is performed locally, i.e. for a small number of methyls connected through-space according to experimental 3D methyl NOESY data. The local network approach drastically reduces the search space. Only the best local assignments are combined to provide the final output. Assignments that match the data with comparable scores are made available to the user for cross-validation by additional experiments such as methyl-amide NOEs. Several NMR datasets for proteins in the 25–50 kDa range were used during development and for performance evaluation against the manually assigned data. We show that the algorithm is robust, reliable and greatly speeds up the methyl assignment task.  相似文献   

Determination of high-quality small protein structures by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods generally requires acquisition and analysis of an extensive set of structural constraints. The process generally demands extensive backbone and sidechain resonance assignments, and weeks or even months of data collection and interpretation. Here we demonstrate rapid and high-quality protein NMR structure generation using CS-Rosetta with a perdeuterated protein sample made at a significantly reduced cost using new bacterial culture condensation methods. Our strategy provides the basis for a high-throughput approach for routine, rapid, high-quality structure determination of small proteins. As an example, we demonstrate the determination of a high-quality 3D structure of a small 8 kDa protein, E. coli cold shock protein A (CspA), using <4 days of data collection and fully automated data analysis methods together with CS-Rosetta. The resulting CspA structure is highly converged and in excellent agreement with the published crystal structure, with a backbone RMSD value of 0.5 Å, an all atom RMSD value of 1.2 Å to the crystal structure for well-defined regions, and RMSD value of 1.1 Å to crystal structure for core, non-solvent exposed sidechain atoms. Cross validation of the structure with 15N- and 13C-edited NOESY data obtained with a perdeuterated 15N, 13C-enriched 13CH3 methyl protonated CspA sample confirms that essentially all of these independently-interpreted NOE-based constraints are already satisfied in each of the 10 CS-Rosetta structures. By these criteria, the CS-Rosetta structure generated by fully automated analysis of data for a perdeuterated sample provides an accurate structure of CspA. This represents a general approach for rapid, automated structure determination of small proteins by NMR.  相似文献   

A new algorithm, DYNASSIGN, for the automated assignment of NMR chemical shift resonances was developed in which expected cross peaks in multidimensional NMR spectra are represented by peak-particles and assignment restraints are translated into a potential energy function. Molecular dynamics simulation techniques are used to calculate a trajectory of the system of peak-particles subjected to the potential function in order to find energetically optimal configurations that correspond to correct assignments. Peak-particle dynamics-based simulated annealing was combined with the Hungarian algorithm for local optimization, and a residue-based score was introduced to distinguish between reliable assignments and “unassigned” resonances for which no reliable assignment can be established. The DYNASSIGN algorithm was implemented in the program CYANA and tested with data sets obtained from the experimental NMR data of nine small proteins. With a set of 10 commonly used NMR spectra, on average 82.5% of all backbone and side-chain 1H, 13C and 15N resonances could be assigned with an average error rate of 3.5%.  相似文献   

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