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As part of an impact assessment of large hydroelectric projects in the James Bay drainage in Northwestern Québec, the aquatic insect communities were studied in a network of rivers, lakes and streams during the summer of 1975. Thirty-eight emergence traps operated over the ice-free season yielded 10 888 insects (5559 Ephemeroptera, 2817 Plecoptera, and 2512 Trichoptera), representing 148 species (respectively 44, 18, and 86), most of temperate and boreal afinities. There was no arctic element.Similarity analyses and clustering procedures on the emergence series revealed the existence of distinct insect communities in the river (fast and slow sections), the streams (fast and slow), the lakes and the bogs, each characterized by a particular assemblage of species. Many of the species were more or less ubiquitous and differences between communities were marked more by changes in the dominance of the species and differences in the frequency distributions, than absolute shifts in the species lists. The yields in the traps set in fast water were much greater than those in slow running water, and these in turn greater than those of standing water.By comparison with more southerly sites, the seasonal succession of species was retarded in the spring and early summer, but was not shortened appreciably in the fall. The usual emergence patterns associated with these taxa was observed, namely those of spring, summer and autumn species.  相似文献   

Summary We studied diel periodicity in activity of Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) during the austral summer solstice and one month later by counting, hourly, numbers of birds leaving colonies to forage, numbers arriving back after foraging, numbers in a colony and numbers resting outside the colonies. During the solstice large numbers of birds were arriving at and departing from the colony at all times of the day although there was a tendency for more birds to be at sea when light intensity was highest at mid-day. Generally, birds not brooding chicks did not rest on land. A month later, when visibility was poor at mid-night, the percentage of birds at sea was highly positively correlated with light intensity. Birds returning from foraging in the evening fed chicks immediately and then either rested in the colonies or on snow patches between the colonies and the sea until the following morning.  相似文献   


Rats exhibit ultradian as well as circadian rhythms in activity. Short‐term activity rhythms appear to result from bouts of feeding‐related behavior interspersed with periods of quiescence. We examined the relationship of activity to feeding in 12 male Long‐Evans derived rats during ad lib and restricted feeding (RF) conditions to determine the effect of RF on both circadian and ultradian activity rhythms. By the end of 20 days of RF all animals exhibited an ultradian periodicity of approximately 12 hours. A twenty‐four hour rhythm in feeding persisted, apparently due to the rats adapting to the diurnal feeding period. General findings were that RF resulted in anticipatory activity prior to feeding and that short‐term activity fluctuations and investigations of the food bin continued during RF even though overall nocturnal activity decreased. The results suggest that male rats of this strain exhibit ultradian activity rhythms that appear to be strongly related to feeding.  相似文献   

In central Chile, Rhagoletis brncici and R. conversa, can be found in sympatry, associated with the fruit of their native host plants: Solanum tomatillo and S. nigrum (Solanaceae), respectively. Third-stage larvae must emerge from its host in search of pupation sites, and during this period larvae must find an appropriate pupation microhabitat while avoiding predation and adverse abiotic factors. In this study, we explored whether these sympatric species differ in terms of the timing of their larval exit from the host fruit in search of pupation sites. Field-collected fruits from host plants were checked daily for larval emergence, within 24 h, under laboratory conditions, in order to determine the time of the event. We found that these species differed significantly in their diel larval emergence. For R. brncici, most larvae left the host fruit between late evening and past midnight, meanwhile larvae from R. conversa concentrated their peak of emergence near midnight and early morning. We discuss these findings in terms of the ecological and evolutionary implications of the temporal separation of larval emergence regarding the use of pupation sites, abiotic stress and risk of predation for these sympatric species.  相似文献   

Various host characteristics (i. e., feeding habits, geographic distribution) and habitat characteristics (i.e., seasonality) influence the structure of parasite assemblages. To compare the parasite assemblages of hosts representatives of two genera of the same fish family, simultaneously occupying a geographic region, and to examine if seasonal variations influence parasite occurrence and abundance, we examined the parasite assemblages of two sympatric marine fish, Pagrus pagrus (n = 308) and Pagellus bogaraveo (n = 315) off the coast of Algeria in the western Mediterranean. Specimens were collected during summer and autumn over three consecutive years (2014–2016). Parasite assemblages were high in species richness and abundance. We compiled an inventory of 40 parasite taxa, including ectoparasitic monogeneans and crustaceans, and endoparasitic trematodes, cestodes, acanthocephalans, and nematodes. Endoparasite taxa primarily consisted of adult gastro-intestinal parasites and long lived larval helminths. Information on the parasite community structure and seasonal variations in parasite populations of these two hosts from the Mediterranean is here provided. Observed patterns of composition, diversity, dominance, and similarity indicate an overall consistency in assemblage structure. Although each host species harbored distinct parasite communities, they shared a high proportion of parasite species suggesting similar use of a common local pool of parasites. However, most shared species did not contribute to structuring the assemblages. Seasonal patterns in parasite abundance were observed for both hosts, with peak prevalence, abundance, and diversity in autumn. Results suggest that, regardless of a common pool of parasites being available to sympatric species, several ecological filters over time, led to distinct, independent variations in the parasite assemblages in each species.  相似文献   

Parasitoids can learn to associate information from the host microhabitat with ovipositional experiences. Psyttalia concolor (Szépligeti) is a koinobiont larval-pupal endoparasitoid of many tephritids. In P. concolor, the role of visual cues learning during host microhabitat location has not been greatly explored. Here, the innate preferences of P. concolor for colours, shapes and patterns were investigated, as well as the effects of sensitisation and associative learning regarding female preferences for these visual cues. Na?ve females showed no innate preferences for a particular colour, shape or pattern, and their responses were unaffected by sensitisation. In contrast, P. concolor females developed clear preferences after training on Ceratitis capitata larvae associated with a given colour, but not when they were trained on different shapes or patterns. Our findings on how P. concolor learn to pick up visual cues could help to define its optimal environment, and to predict its natural post-release distribution in biological control programs.  相似文献   


Light and electron microscopy were used to analyze the morphology and ultrastructure of the spermatozoon of Fissurella nigra and Fissurella picta, two sympatric species of keyhole limpets from the southern Chilean coast. The spermatozoa of both species are of the aquasperm type, typical of species with external fertilization. Each species had its own distinctive spermatic morphology, particularly in relation to size. Proceeding from anterior to posterior, the spermatozoa of both species each consists of an elongated head with a conical acrosome having a deep subacrosomal space and truncated conical nucleus, followed by a midpiece containing five mitochondria associated in a compact ring around the proximal and distal centrioles, and, at the end, a flagellum. The spermatozoon head of F. nigra is almost twice as long as that of F. picta. This difference constitutes the first morphological evidence that the size of the spermatozoon could represent a candidate for the maintenance of reproductive isolation between these two sympatric species.  相似文献   

Globally, Euphydryas maturna is a polyphagous butterfly species. At our study sites in Italy and Germany however, the plant used for egg-laying was almost exclusively Fraxinus excelsior. Nevertheless, in Germany, two egg-batches were found on Ligustrum vulgare and one on Viburnum opulus. Females lay their egg-batches at low heights and mostly on small trees (but not <1 m). At the end of the flight season, small egg-batches are laid and we conclude that these are late batches laid by “old females”. Egg-batches and pre-diapause larval webs are often clustered on certain trees and even leaves. This was shown to be a result of female behaviour and not of habitat quality, since the trees chosen were different in subsequent years. Individual females may return for laying further egg-batches to the place of the first egg-deposition and other females follow, since the survival of pre-diapause larvae is higher when more larval webs are on one tree. A further possible advantage during hibernation is discussed. In Italy, post-hibernation larvae form two distinct cohorts: larvae feeding on herbaceous plants (Plantago major, P. minor, Veronica hederifolia), and larvae feeding on Fraxinus excelsior. Although the latter group starts feeding later and pupates later, it reaches the same pupation weight. At our German site, post-hibernation larvae were found almost exclusively on F. excelsior. In fact, we observed larvae searching for food on F. excelsior while the buds of this tree were still closed. We also found larvae searching for food in the herbal layer without finding suitable plants. In some areas, larvae have to wait for the buds of the ash tree to open. Our data suggest that conservation strategies for E. maturna must be site specific according to food plant use of pre- and post-hibernation larvae and habitat type.  相似文献   


The daily variations of locomotor activity, plasma and adrenal corticosterone levels and cholesterol‐LDL were studied in male Wistar rats with food ad libitum and feeding restricted to the first 4 hours of the light phase in LD 12:12..

Under LD 12:12 (light on from 9:00 to 21:00h) rats with food ad libitum were eating and moving during the dark period and the locomotor activity clearly showed a biphasic pattern with three harmonic components. Plasma and adrenal corticosterone levels increased during the light period and reached a maximum value just before the dark period whereas the acrophase of cholesterol‐LDL is found at the beginning of the light phase.

The acrophases of activity, plasma and adrenal corticosterone levels in the restricted feeding schedule rats occurred in the first three hours of lighting and the cholesterol‐LDL acrophase at the beginning of the dark phase.

These results confirm a previous report that the shift of feeding to the light phase seems to cause a concomitant phase‐shift in all the variables measured.  相似文献   

From 1991–1996, the activity rhythms of 14 radio-collared pine martensMartes martes (Linnaeus, 1758) (6 males and 8 females) were studied in the pristine deciduous and mixed forests of the Białowieża National Park. Tracking data (5823 h) indicated that the activity rhythms of pine martens varied between sexes and seasons. In spring, male activity peaked at 20.00–00.00 h, whereas in summer and autumn-winter, activity was bimodal, peaking at 18.00–22.00 h and 02.00–04.00 h. Female activity in spring was more evenly distributed than that of males, but in summer their activity peaked at 20.00–00.00 h, while in autumn-winter females had a bimodal rhythm with peaks at 18.00–20.00 h and 02.00–06.00 h. In breeding females, activity rhythms changed in the course of pregnancy and nursing. On average, martens started their activity 73±209 (SD) min before sunset and finished 87±245 min after sunrise. Females became active earlier than males but both sexes terminated activity at the same time. For both males and females the daily activity rhythm was not related to the diurnal course of temperature.  相似文献   

The feeding habits of two sympatric squid species, Uroteuthis (Photololigo) chinensis and Uroteuthis (Photololigo) duvaucelii from the southwestern Gulf of Thailand were studied. They fed on low numbers of food types (AF) and had a low diet breadth; 1.18 and 0.01 for U. (P.) chinensis and 1.49 and 0.05 for U. (P.) duvaucelii, respectively. Three major prey types (fishes, crustaceans and molluscs) were always detected and cannibalism was observed. Fish was the greatest contributor to the diet of both species, contributing 89.5% for U. (P.) chinensis and 69.9% for U. (P.) duvaucelii. Fish size significantly affected fullness index (FL) and AF for U. (P.) chinensis (P?<?0.001) and U. (P.) duvaucelii (P?<?0.001). Depth affected the FL of U. (P.) chinensis (P?<?0.001) but not of U. (P.) duvaucelii (P?>?0.05). Maturity stages of both male and female U. (P.) chinensis influenced FL (male: P?<?0.001; female: P?<?0.05) and AF (male: P?<?0.05; female: P?<?0.01). The FL of squid from cast nets was higher than those from trawls. The multivariate results showed dietary grouping between size classes of both species.  相似文献   

Obligate brood parasites only account for 1% of birds in the world, but utilize a great variety of avian species as hosts. Host switch theory predicts that parasites should shift from one host to another during the long‐term arms race with hosts whenever such a shift would be facilitated by similarity in ecology and distribution. However, few studies have been conducted to address this puzzle because it is extremely difficult for humans to witness such host shifts during the long‐lasting process of evolution. Here we adopted an alternative way to understand host switch behaviour of brood parasites by comparing egg colour variation, cuckoo egg mimicry and egg recognition capacity between two sympatric hosts, the Chinese babax (Babax lanceolatus) and the white‐browed laughing thrush (Garrulax sannio), which are both parasitized by the large hawk‐cuckoo (Cuculus sparverioides). The babax lays dark blue eggs whilst the laughing thrush lays white to pale blue eggs, and the large hawk‐cuckoo parasitizes them by laying eggs that optimally match laughing thrush eggs according to avian vision. The laughing thrush possesses a greater capacity of egg recognition than the babax because it rejected all non‐mimetic eggs while the babax is an intermediate rejecter. Furthermore, all the nest characteristics measured were similar in these two host species with no statistical significant differences. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the white‐browed laughing thrush is the original and main host species that has a longer coevolutionary interaction with the large hawk‐cuckoo than the Chinese babax, which is a recent host acquired through a host switch by the hawk‐cuckoo. We discuss the possible outcome of the interaction between the large hawk‐cuckoo and these two host species, and emphasize that host switch behaviour in brood parasites is more likely an adaptation to expand the range of host species rather than a change in host species favoring an increase in reproductive output. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, ●● , ●●–●●.  相似文献   

Three species of chalcidoid parasitoids of scale insects are recorded for the first time in Brazil: Adelencyrtus moderatus, Homalopoda sp., and Diglyphomorpha sp.; and new parasitoid–host associations are recorded between the chalcidoids Encarsia lounsburyi with Hemiberlesia palmae, Encarsia lounsburyi with Melanaspis smilacis, and Diglyphomorpha sp. with Dysmicoccus brevipes.  相似文献   

Six late Rupelian populations of Nephrolepidina praemarginata (Douvillé, 1908) have been isolated from a succession of the Caltavuturo Formation (Madonie Mts, Sicily). A total of 25 embryonal parameters were obtained from oriented equatorial sections of megalospheric specimens; 8 indexes were derived from selected parameters and 9 indexes were considered for the neanic apparatus, out of which 2 are introduced here: N05 (number of annuli in a radius of 0.5 mm) and r5 (distance occupied by the first five annuli). The data show marked deviations from the expected trend of traditional biometric measures; this is interpreted as dependent on environmental factors. Previous studies on the succession evidenced an increase in basin depth; this can be inferred also from the biometric analysis of the inner characters of the allochthonous Nephrolepidina tests. Here, we explore the paleobiological potential of parameters linked to embryo size and wall thickness, and discuss how depth-dependent parameters may affect the interpretation of evolutionary trends and biostratigraphy in radial foraminifers.  相似文献   

Phenotypic integration, defined as the coordinated co-variation of parts of an organism can be an important constraint on phenotypic diversification. Functional factors, by having an heterogeneous impact across the animal body, may reinforce the integration of some parts while causing a perturbation of the integration among other parts. The integration across the locomotor apparatus should thus reflect to a certain extent the locomotor ecology of the animal. Using the mustelids as study group, we track changes in the patterns of co-variation in species belonging to four different locomotor ecologies (terrestrial, semi-arboreal, semi-fossorial, and semi-aquatic). Our results highlight the strong overall integration in mustelid long bones. The main shape changes associated with co-variations between skeletal elements are the bone robustness and proportions of the epiphyses. The pattern of co-variation is, however, only slightly impacted by allometry. Changes in co-variation between species mostly scale with phylogenetic divergence time, except for the (Mustela putorius, M. eversmanni, M. lutreola) clade which, despite a short divergence time, presents strong differences in co-variation. Co-variation patterns differ between locomotor ecologies, but few of these variations match the hypothesis of a reduction of integration due to functional specialization. This may reflect our lack of knowledge on the functional modules in species with locomotor ecologies that differ from terrestrial locomotion rather than invalidate our a priori hypotheses.  相似文献   

Triatoma dimidiata (Latreille) is considered to be one of the primary vectors of Chagas disease in Southern Mexico and Central America. The objective of the present study was to obtain ecological information on T. dimidiata in two rural communities of Campeche, Mexico, where the vector is poorly studied. Our work consisted of monthly samplings carried out during one-year time at three levels: sylvatic, peridomestic and intradomestic, in order to estimate the population abundance of this species and its rate of infection with Trypanosoma cruzi. Triatoma dimidiata was the unique vector of this disease collected in San Juan Bautista Sakcabchen (SJBS) and Crucero San Luis (CSL). The total of 145 individuals were captured in SJBS; from these, 26.9%, 20% and 53.1% were collected in the sylvatic, peridomestic and intradomestic area, respectively. In CSL captures yielded 108 individuals: 40.7% in the sylvatic area, 20.4% peridomestic and 38.9% intradomestic. We found no correlation between climatic variables and population abundance of T. dimidiata. Dataset obtained suggests that individuals from the sylvatic area exhibit a high rate of natural infection by T. cruzi, with monthly percentages up to 61.5% for SJBS and 50% for CSL. At the peri and intradomestic level, the reservoirs apparently play an important role in the transmission, as the seroprevalence in dogs was 61.5% y 65.4%, for SJBS y CSL, respectively. Based on these findings, it was concluded that inhabitants of both communities are at a high risk of Chagas disease infection.  相似文献   

After growth for 17 to 36 days on nutrient solutions with NH4NO3 as nitrogen source (pH 4.2) dry matter of sorghum genotype SC0283 was much less affected by Al (1.5 and 3.0 ppm) than that of genotype NB9040. In the absence of Al both cultivars released protons into the nutrient solution as a result of an excess of cationic nutrients taken up. When Al was present, this proton efflux per unit dry weight increased drastically, especially with the sensitive genotype NB9040. Chemical analysis of plant material and continuous analyses of NO 3 and NH 4 + in the nutrient solution indicated, that the Al-induced shift in H+-balance of both genotypes could almost completely be attributed to a decreased NO 3 /NH 4 + uptake ratio. In vivo nitrate reductase activity (NRA) was reduced in the shoot of NB9040 and to a lesser degree in SC0283. Al-induced decrease in NRA was accompanied by similar percentual decreases in NO 3 tissue concentrations. Therefore this decrease is interpreted as being indirect,i.e., the consequence of the reduced NO 3 uptake of the plants. A direct repression of NRA by Al seems also unlikely because nitrate reductase activity of the roots (where cellular Al-concentrations should be higher than in shoots) was not affected in Al-treated plants of either genotype.  相似文献   

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