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Methods of high-speed centrifugation and limited proteolysis were used to probe the interaction of EF-Tu with EF-Ts on the ribosome. It is shown that EF-Ts dissociates from EF-Tu only after EF-Tu-mediated GTP hydrolysis, i.e. EF-Ts within the EF-Tu.ribosome complexes in the pre-GTP-hydrolysis state co-sediments with the ribosomes and its rate of proteolysis is distinct from that of free EF-Ts. Moreover, as seen from the difference in sensitivity to trypsin of ribosomal proteins L19 and L27 EF-Ts affects the interaction of EF-Tu with the ribosome.  相似文献   

Elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) promotes the binding of aminoacyl-tRNA (aa-tRNA) to the acceptor site of the ribosome. During the elongation cycle, EF-Tu interacts with guanine nucleotides, aa-tRNA and its nucleotide exchange factor (EF-Ts). Quantitative determination of the equilibrium dissociation constants that govern the interactions of mammalian mitochondrial EF-Tu (EF-Tu(mt)) with guanine nucleotides was the focus of the work reported here. Equilibrium dialysis with [3H]GDP was used to measure the equilibrium dissociation constant of the EF-Tu(mt) x GDP complex (K(GDP) = 1.0 +/- 0.1 microM). Competition of GTP with a fluorescent derivative of GDP (mantGDP) for binding to EF-Tu(mt) was used to measure the dissociation constant of the EF-Tu(mt) x GTP complex (K(GTP) = 18 +/- 9 microM). The analysis of these data required information on the dissociation constant of the EF-Tu(mt) x mantGDP complex (K(mGDP) = 2.0 +/- 0.5 microM), which was measured by equilibrium dialysis. Both K(GDP) and K(GTP) for EF-Tu(mt) are quite different (about two orders of magnitude higher) than the dissociation constants of the corresponding complexes formed by Escherichia coli EF-Tu. The forward and reverse rate constants for the association and dissociation of the EF-Tu(mt) x GDP complex were determined using the change in the fluorescence of mantGDP upon interaction with EF-Tu(mt). These values are in agreement with a simple equilibrium binding interaction between EF-Tu(mt) and GDP. The results obtained are discussed in terms of the recently described crystal structure of the EF-Tu(mt) x GDP complex.  相似文献   

In this paper we show, that the in vivo methylation of the elongation factor Tu from Escherichia coli is correlated with the growth phase of the bacterium. Methylation occurs at one position only, i.e. Lys-56, and initially results in monomethylation during logarithmic growth. Upon entering the stationary phase of E. coli, monomethyllysine is gradually converted into dimethyllysine. We have undertaken an extensive comparison between the properties of the highly methylated EF-Tu and unmodified EF-Tu. No gross conformational differences, as measured by the rate of mild tryptic cleavage, were observed. The dissociation rates of the nucleotides GDP and GTP appear likewise to be unaffected by the methylation, just as is the stimulatory effect of the elongation factor Ts upon these rates. Whereas tRNA binding at the classical binding site of EF-Tu (site I) also appears not to be affected by the methylation of the protein, tRNA binding at site II is. Although the apparent affinity of tRNA for site II remains unaltered upon methylation of EF-Tu, the conformational effects of tRNA binding at this site become different. Both the GTPase activity of the protein and the reactivity of Cys-81 are significantly less stimulated by the tRNA when EF-Tu is methylated. A possible physiological implication of this phenomenon is discussed.  相似文献   

Wheat protein synthesis elongation factor 1 was tested for binding to GTP analogs, including structures resembling “caps” that are present at the 5′-termini of most eukaryotic mRNAs. The interaction was assayed by determining the capacity of the analogs to inhibit the binding of [3H]GTP to elongation factor 1. Significant interaction of elongation factor 1 with G(5′)ppp(5′)G, G(5′)pppp(5′)G, and G(5′)ppp(5′)A was observed. Methylation of a ribose 2′-hydroxyl had very little effect, but methylation of the 7 position of guanosine greatly diminished the affinity of elongation factor 1 for these compounds. m7G(5′)ppp(5′)Cm, m7G(5′)ppp(5′)Um, and m7G(5′)ppp(5′)Am gave no detectable binding with EF1.  相似文献   

A fluorescent analog of GTP, tetrazolo-oxo-purine nucleoside triphosphate (TOP2), can partially replace GTP in the reticulocyte eEF1 mediated binding of phenylalanyl-tRNA to polyU: ribosomes. Interaction of tetrazolo-oxo-purine nucleoside triphosphate with eEF1 results in a quenching of the fluorescence of the nucleotide. This quenching follows a Stern-Volmer relationship and may be used to calculate the association constant for the formation of the complex between TOP and eEF1. The results provide information as to the chemical nature of the GTP binding site of eEF1 and the size of the functional unit of eEF1 with respect to the binding of GTP.  相似文献   

The microenvironment of histidine residues located in the binding site of elongation factor EF-Tu from Escherichia coli for the 3' terminus of aminoacyl-tRNA is altered during transition of EF-Tu.GDP to EF-Tu.GTP.  相似文献   

The wheat germ translation initiation factor 2 (WGeIF-2) was isolated in a homogeneous state by an efficient procedure and characterized. Its molecular mass, as determined by a gel-filtration method is approximately 150,000 Da. According to SDS-PAGE WGeIF-2 consists of four subunits with M(r) 37,000 (alpha), 40,000 (beta), 42,000 (gamma) and 52,000 (delta). The beta- and gamma-subunits (but not the alpha-subunit) of WGeIF-2 can be readily phosphorylated by the double-stranded RNA activated kinase isolated from rabbit reticulocytes. Dissociation constants for WGeIF-2 complexes with GDP and GTP were measured. In our evaluation the WGeIF-2 affinity for GDP (KdGDP = 1.5 x 10(-7) M) was only 10 times higher than for GTP (KdGTP = 1.5 x 10(-6) M), while for rabbit reticulocyte eIF-2 (RReIF-2) the difference has been estimated as as much as two orders of magnitude in accordance with the literature. Close values of dissociation constants for WGeIF-2 complexes with guanine nucleotides suggest that at a sufficiently high [GTP]/[GDP] ratio the nucleotide exchange in wheat cells may take place without the participation of specific factor (eIF-2B) which catalyzes the nucleotide exchange on eIF-2 from mammalian cells.  相似文献   

It has recently been shown that the non-formylated initiator Met-tRNAfMet from E. coli can form a stable ternary complex with the elongation factor EF-Tu and GTP. Using the protection of EF-Tu:GTP against spontaneous hydrolysis of the aminoacylester bond of Met-tRNAfMet, we confirm these results, and show that the protection is specific for the non-formylated form of the initiator tRNA. The ternary complex Met-tRNAfMet:EF-Tu:GTP can be isolated by column chromatography in a way similar to that demonstrated previously with EF-Tu complexed to the elongator Met-tRNAmMet. 32P-labeled Met-tRNAfMet within the ternary complex was analyzed by the footprinting technique. The pattern of initiator tRNA protection by EF-Tu against ribonuclease digestion is not significantly different from the one found previously for elongator tRNAs. These results lead us to suggest that the initiator tRNAfMet, under growth conditions which do not permit formylation, may to some extent function as an elongator tRNA.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the rates of tritium-hydrogen exchange in three liganded states of the protein elongation factor Tu (EFTu) reveals a substantial conformational difference between the free (EFTu) or GTP-bound (EFTu·GTP) forms and when GDP is present (EFTu·GDP). This conformational difference is acentuated with short time tritiations. There are 25–35% more very slow hydrogens in EFTu·GDP than in EFTu·GTP, indicating that GDP induces a tighter conformation in EFTu than does GTP. Thus, a rationale is provided for the difference in reactivity of EFTu·GTP and EFTu·GDP for AA-tRNA and a conformational role in regulating protein biosynthesis may be proposed for GTP and GDP. Finally, we demonstrate that nucleoside polyphosphates may cause size-able conformational changes in proteins.  相似文献   

During protein synthesis, translation elongation factor Tu (Ef-Tu) is responsible for the selection and binding of the cognate aminoacyl-tRNA to the acceptor site on the ribosome. The activity of Ef-Tu is dependent on its interaction with GTP. Posttranslational modifications, such as phosphorylation, are known to regulate the activity of Ef-Tu in several prokaryotes. Although a study of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis phosphoproteome showed Ef-Tu to be phosphorylated, the role of phosphorylation in the regulation of Ef-Tu has not been studied. In this report, we show that phosphorylation of M. tuberculosis Ef-Tu (MtbEf-Tu) by PknB reduced its interaction with GTP, suggesting a concomitant reduction in the level of protein synthesis. Overexpression of PknB in Mycobacterium smegmatis indeed reduced the level of protein synthesis. MtbEf-Tu was found to be phosphorylated by PknB on multiple sites, including Thr118, which is required for optimal activity of the protein. We found that kirromycin, an Ef-Tu-specific antibiotic, had a significant effect on the nucleotide binding of unphosphorylated MtbEf-Tu but not on the phosphorylated protein. Our results show that the modulation of the MtbEf-Tu-GTP interaction by phosphorylation can have an impact on cellular protein synthesis and growth. These results also suggest that phosphorylation can change the sensitivity of the protein to the specific inhibitors. Thus, the efficacy of an inhibitor can also depend on the posttranslational modification(s) of the target and should be considered during the development of the molecule.  相似文献   

Elongation factor Tu from Thermus thermophilus was treated successively with periodate-oxidized GDP or GTP and cyanoborohydride. Covalently modified cyanogen bromide or trypsin fragments of the protein were isolated, and the position of their modification was determined. Lysine residues 52 and 137 were heavily labeled, lysine-137 being considerably more reactive in the GTP form as compared to the GDP form of the protein. These residues are in the proximity of the GDP/GTP binding site. Lys-325 was also labeled, but to a lower extent. The part of the EF-Tu containing residue 52 is missing in crystallized EF-Tu.GDP from Escherichia coli [Jurnak, F. (1985) Science (Washington, D.C.) 230, 32-36]. These results place the part of T. thermophilus EF-Tu corresponding to the missing fragment in E. coli EF-Tu in the vicinity of the nucleotide binding site and allow its role in the interaction with aminoacyl-tRNA and elongation factor Ts to be evaluated. Cross-linking of EF-Tu.GDP by irradiation at 257 nm showed that a sequence of 10 amino acids residues which is found in the Thermus thermophilus elongation factor Tu but not in other homologous bacterial proteins is located in the vicinity of the GDP/GTP binding site.  相似文献   

Elongation factor (EF) Tu undergoes profound nucleotide-dependent conformational changes in its functional cycle. The thermodynamic parameters of the different Thermus thermophilus EF-Tu forms, its domains I, II/III and III, were determined by microcalorimetry. Thermal transitions of the EF-Tu.GDP and EF-Tu.guanosine-5'-[beta,gamma-imido]triphosphate have a cooperative two-state character. Nucleotide removal affected the cooperativity of the thermal transition of EF-Tu. Microcalorimetric measurements of nucleotide-free EF-Tu and its separated domains showed that domains II/III have the main stabilizing role for the whole protein. Despite the fact that strong interactions between elongation factors Tu and Ts from T. thermophilus at 20 degrees C exist, the thermal transition of neither protein in the complex was significantly affected.  相似文献   

Aurodox is a member of the family of kirromycin antibiotics, which inhibit protein biosynthesis by binding to elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu). We have determined the crystal structure of the 1:1:1 complex of Thermus thermophilus EF-Tu with GDP and aurodox to 2.0-A resolution. During its catalytic cycle, EF-Tu adopts two strikingly different conformations depending on the nucleotide bound: the GDP form and the GTP form. In the present structure, a GTP complex-like conformation of EF-Tu is observed, although GDP is bound to the nucleotide-binding site. This is consistent with previous proposals that aurodox fixes EF-Tu on the ribosome by locking it in its GTP form. Binding of EF-Tu.GDP to aminoacyl-tRNA and mutually exclusive binding of kirromycin and elongation factor Ts to EF-Tu can be explained on the basis of the structure. For many previously observed mutations that provide resistance to kirromycin, it can now be understood how they prevent interaction with the antibiotic. An unexpected feature of the structure is the reorientation of the His-85 side chain toward the nucleotide-binding site. We propose that this residue stabilizes the transition state of GTP hydrolysis, explaining the acceleration of the reaction by kirromycin-type antibiotics.  相似文献   

Protein translation in the plastid (apicoplast) of Plasmodium spp. is of immense interest as a target for potential anti-malarial drugs. However, the molecular data on apicoplast translation needed for optimisation and development of novel inhibitors is lacking. We report characterisation of two key translation elongation factors in Plasmodium falciparum, apicoplast-encoded elongation factor PfEF-Tu and nuclear-encoded PfEF-Ts. Recombinant PfEF-Tu hydrolysed GTP and interacted with its presumed nuclear-encoded partner PfEF-Ts. The EF-Tu inhibitor kirromycin affected PfEF-Tu activity in vitro, indicating that apicoplast EF-Tu is indeed the target of this drug. The predicted PfEF-Ts leader sequence targeted GFP to the apicoplast, confirming that PfEF-Ts functions in this organelle. Recombinant PfEF-Ts mediated nucleotide exchange on PfEF-Tu and homology modeling of the PfEF-Tu:PfEF-Ts complex revealed PfEF-Ts-induced structural alterations that would expedite GDP release from PfEF-Tu. Our results establish functional interaction between two apicoplast translation factors encoded by genes residing in different cellular compartments and highlight the significance of their sequence/structural differences from bacterial elongation factors in relation to inhibitor activity. These data provide an experimental system to study the effects of novel inhibitors targeting PfEF-Tu and PfEF-Tu.PfEF-Ts interaction. Our finding that apicoplast EF-Tu possesses chaperone-related disulphide reductase activity also provides a rationale for retention of the tufA gene on the plastid genome.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional models of the GDP and GTP forms of the guanine nucleotide domain of Escherichia coli elongation factor Tu have been derived from the atomic coordinates of the trypsin-modified form of EF-Tu-GDP and by comparison with the ras p21 structures. The significance of the differences in the guanine nucleotide binding sites of EF-Tu and ras p21 are discussed. Crystallization of the EF-Tu-GMPPNP complex is reported.  相似文献   

The intrinsic fluorescence properties of elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) in its complexes with GDP and elongation factor Ts (EF-Ts) have been investigated. The emission spectra for both complexes are dominated by the tyrosine contribution upon excitation at 280 nm whereas excitation at 300 nm leads to exclusive emission from the single tryptophan residue (Trp-184) of EF-Tu. The fluorescence lifetime of this tryptophan residue in both complexes was investigated by using a multifrequency phase fluorometer which achieves a broad range of modulation frequencies utilizing the harmonic content of a mode-locked laser. These results indicated a heterogeneous emission with major components near 4.8 ns for both complexes. Quenching experiments on both complexes indicated limited accessibility of the tryptophan residue to acrylamide and virtually no accessibility to iodide ion. The quenching patterns exhibited by EF-Tu-GDP and EF-Tu X EF-Ts were, however, different; both quenchers were more efficient at quenching the emission from the EF-Tu x EF-Ts complex. Steady-state and dynamic polarization measurements revealed limited local mobility for the tryptophan in the EF-Tu x GDP complex whereas formation of the EF-Tu x EF-Ts complex led to a dramatic increase in this local mobility.  相似文献   

The fluorescence polarization technique has been used to study the interaction of the EF-Ts dansyl derivative with EF-Tu after nucleotide exchange and binding of the aminoacyl-tRNA to EF-Tu.GTP. It is shown that the ternary complex formation results in the increase of EF-Ts affinity to EF-Tu and EF-Ts remains bound to EF-Tu up to the GTP hydrolysis stage on the ribosome.  相似文献   

Kothe U  Rodnina MV 《Biochemistry》2006,45(42):12767-12774
The dissociation of inorganic phosphate (P(i)) following GTP hydrolysis is a key step determining the functional state of many GTPases. Here, the timing of P(i) release from elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) and its implications for the function of EF-Tu on the ribosome were studied by rapid kinetic techniques. It was found that P(i) release from EF-Tu is >20-fold slower than GTP cleavage and limits the rate of the conformational switch of EF-Tu from the GTP- to the GDP-bound form. The point mutation Gly94Ala in the switch 2 region of EF-Tu abolished the delay in P(i) release, suggesting that P(i) release is controlled by the mobility of the switch 2 region with Gly94 acting as a pivot. The rate of P(i) release or the conformational switch of EF-Tu does not affect the selection of aminoacyl-tRNA on the ribosome. Rather, the slow P(i) release may be a consequence of the tight interaction of the switch regions of EF-Tu with the gamma-phosphate and the ribosome in the GTPase activated state of the factor.  相似文献   

Elongation factor (EF) Tu promotes the binding of aminoacyl-tRNA (aa-tRNA) to the acceptor site of the ribosome. This process requires the formation of a ternary complex (EF-Tu.GTP.aa-tRNA). EF-Tu is released from the ribosome as an EF-Tu.GDP complex. Exchange of GDP for GTP is carried out through the formation of a complex with EF-Ts (EF-Tu.Ts). Mammalian mitochondrial EF-Tu (EF-Tu(mt)) differs from the corresponding prokaryotic factors in having a much lower affinity for guanine nucleotides. To further understand the EF-Tu(mt) subcycle, the dissociation constants for the release of aa-tRNA from the ternary complex (K(tRNA)) and for the dissociation of the EF-Tu.Ts(mt) complex (K(Ts)) were investigated. The equilibrium dissociation constant for the ternary complex was 18 +/- 4 nm, which is close to that observed in the prokaryotic system. The kinetic dissociation rate constant for the ternary complex was 7.3 x 10(-)(4) s(-)(1), which is essentially equivalent to that observed for the ternary complex in Escherichia coli. The binding of EF-Tu(mt) to EF-Ts(mt) is mutually exclusive with the formation of the ternary complex. K(Ts) was determined by quantifying the effects of increasing concentrations of EF-Ts(mt) on the amount of ternary complex formed with EF-Tu(mt). The value obtained for K(Ts) (5.5 +/- 1.3 nm) is comparable to the value of K(tRNA).  相似文献   

A fluorescent derivative of GDP was prepared by the reaction of 2'-amino-2'-deoxy-GDP with fluorescamine. This derivative binds tightly (KD approximately 4.5 X 10(-8) M) to elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) from Escherichia coli. The emission properties, including spectra, polarizations, and lifetimes, for fluorescamine-GDP free in solution and bound to EF-Tu are presented. Emission data on the fluorescamine-ethylamine conjugate are also given. A multifrequency phase and modulation lifetime study (using nine modulation frequencies over the range of 2-80 MHz) indicated that the emissions of these three systems were well characterized by single exponential decays corresponding to 1.45 ns for the fluorescamine-ethylamine derivative in buffer and to 7.74 and 11.03 ns for the fluorescamine-GDP derivative free in buffer and bound to EF-Tu, respectively. Multifrequency differential polarized phase fluorometry results indicated a rotational relaxation time of the protein-probe complex of approximately 88 ns; these data also indicated the lack of significant local motion for the probe. Addition of excess GDP to the EF-Tu-probe complex led to displacement of the fluorescamine-GDP derivative as evidenced by the change in both the steady-state and dynamic polarization values. The observed increase in fluorescence intensity upon displacement allowed us to follow the kinetics of the dissociation reaction; a dissociation rate constant of 5.0 X 10(-3) S-1 was determined. These results demonstrate the utility of this 2'-amino-2'-deoxy-GDP analogue as a probe of guanosine nucleotide dependent systems.  相似文献   

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