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The sequence of the gene iaaL of Pseudomonas savastanoi EW2009 was used to design primers for PCR amplification. The iaaL-derived primers directed the amplification of a 454-bp fragment from genomic DNA isolated from 70 strains of P. savastanoi, whereas genomic DNA from 93 non-P. savastanoi isolates did not yield this amplified product. A previous bacterial enrichment in the semiselective liquid medium PVF-1 improved the PCR sensitivity level, allowing detection of 10 to 100 CFU/ml of plant extract. P. savastanoi was detected by the developed enrichment-PCR method in knots from different varieties of inoculated and naturally infected olive trees. Moreover, P. savastanoi was detected in symptomless stem tissues from naturally infected olive plants. This enrichment-PCR method is more sensitive and less cumbersome than the conventional isolation methods for detection of P. savastanoi.  相似文献   

A collection of strains of Pseudomonas syringae pv. savastanoi was subjected to numeric phenetic analysis of 60 characters using unweighted average linkage on the simple matching coefficient. Most strains recovered by washing random leaves in April and October shared lower similarity values between themselves than with the majority of those isolated from 6-month-old knots in October and April, respectively.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi strains harbor native plasmids belonging to the pPT23A plasmid family (PFPs) which are detected in all pathovars of the related species Pseudomonas syringae examined and contribute to the ecological and pathogenic fitness of their host. However, there is a general lack of information about the gene content of P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi plasmids and their role in the interaction of this pathogen with olive plants. We designed a DNA macroarray containing 135 plasmid-borne P. syringae genes to conduct a global genetic analysis of 32 plasmids obtained from 10 P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi strains. Hybridization results revealed that the number of PFPs per strain varied from one to four. Additionally, most strains contained at least one plasmid (designated non-PFP) that did not hybridize to the repA gene of pPT23A. Only three PFPs contained genes involved in the biosynthesis of the virulence factor indole-3-acetic acid (iaaM, iaaH, and iaaL). In contrast, ptz, a gene involved in the biosynthesis of cytokinins, was found in five PFPs and one non-PFP. Genes encoding a type IV secretion system (T4SS), type IVA, were found in both PFPs and non-PFPs; however, type IVB genes were found only on PFPs. Nine plasmids encoded both T4SSs, whereas seven other plasmids carried none of these genes. Most PFPs and non-PFPs hybridized to at least one putative type III secretion system effector gene and to a variety of additional genes encoding known P. syringae virulence factors and one or more insertion sequence transposase genes. These results indicate that non-PFPs may contribute to the virulence and fitness of the P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi host. The overall gene content of P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi plasmids, with their repeated information, mosaic arrangement, and insertion sequences, suggests a possible role in adaptation to a changing environment.  相似文献   

A nested-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been set up to be performed in a single closed tube for the detection of Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi. Nested-PCR coupled with dot-blot hybridization was able to detect up to one cell of the target per ml of olive extract, showing the greatest sensitivity compared with all previously reported detection assays. Validation of the developed procedure for diagnosis and epidemiological purposes was achieved by testing ca. 240 asymptomatic plant samples from olive trees. When performing the other previously reported techniques (bacterial isolation and single PCR), P. savastanoi was detected in 50 of the analyzed samples, while with the new developed nested-PCR assay, the bacterium was detected in 82 samples.  相似文献   

In a number of compatible plant-bacterium interactions, a rise in apoplastic Ca2+ levels is observed, suggesting that Ca2+ represents an important environmental clue, as reported for bacteria infecting mammalians. We demonstrate that Ca2+ entry in Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi (Psav) strain DAPP-PG 722 is mediated by a Na+/Ca2+ exchanger critical for virulence. Using the fluorescent Ca2+ probe Fura 2-AM, we demonstrate that Ca2+ enters Psav cells foremost when they experience low levels of energy, a situation mimicking the apoplastic fluid. In fact, Ca2+ entry was suppressed in the presence of high concentrations of glucose, fructose, sucrose or adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Since Ca2+ entry was inhibited by nifedipine and LiCl, we conclude that the channel for Ca2+ entry is a Na+/Ca2+ exchanger. In silico analysis of the Psav DAPP-PG 722 genome revealed the presence of a single gene coding for a Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (cneA), which is a widely conserved and ancestral gene within the P. syringae complex based on gene phylogeny. Mutation of cneA compromised not only Ca2+ entry, but also compromised the Hypersensitive response (HR) in tobacco leaves and blocked the ability to induce knots in olive stems. The expression of both pathogenicity (hrpL, hrpA and iaaM) and virulence (ptz) genes was reduced in this Psav-cneA mutant. Complementation of the Psav-cneA mutation restored both Ca2+ entry and pathogenicity in olive plants, but failed to restore the HR in tobacco leaves. In conclusion, Ca2+ entry acts as a ‘host signal’ that allows and promotes Psav pathogenicity on olive plants.  相似文献   

Fatty Acid Composition of Pseudomonas syringae pv. savastanoi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over 85% of total cellular fatty acids of 30 strains of P. syringae pv. savastanoi, grown for one day at 28 °C on King's medium B (KB) agar, were 12:0 (5.0%), 16:0 (27.5%), 16:1 (36.7%) and 18:1 (16.8%). Three hydroxy-substituted fatty acids comprised 7.2% of the total and 22 other minor components, each occurring at concentrations of less than 1%, comprised an additional 4%. Three percent were unidentified components. Cells grown for 3 and 6 days on KB agar contained lower concentrations of the unsaturated 16:1 (30.4 and 21.1%, respectively), and higher concentrations of branched-chain and cyclopropane fatty acids than one-day old cells. No consistent differences in fatty acid composition could be detected between virulent and avirulent strains, nor between pv. savastanoi and other pathovars of P. syringae. However, when cells were grown on a chemically-defined medium for 6 days, concentrations of 16:0 and a tentatively-identified 17-carbon hydroxy fatty acid were higher, and those of 12:0 and 16:1 were lower in strains from Fraxinus than from Olea. P. fluorescens (7 strains) and P. viridiflava (6 strains) could be differentiated from each other but not from P. syringae.  相似文献   

The structure of a new cytokinin, isolated from the culture filtrate of Pseudomonas syringae pv. savastanoi, is assigned on the basis of spectroscopic data including its tetracetyl derivative and comparison with related adenine derivatives. It was identified as 6-(4-hydroxy-1,3-dimethylbut-trans-2-enylamino-9-β-D-ribofuranosyl)purine.  相似文献   

The sequence of the gene iaaL of Pseudomonas savastanoi EW2009 was used to design primers for PCR amplification. The iaaL-derived primers directed the amplification of a 454-bp fragment from genomic DNA isolated from 70 strains of P. savastanoi, whereas genomic DNA from 93 non-P. savastanoi isolates did not yield this amplified product. A previous bacterial enrichment in the semiselective liquid medium PVF-1 improved the PCR sensitivity level, allowing detection of 10 to 100 CFU/ml of plant extract. P. savastanoi was detected by the developed enrichment-PCR method in knots from different varieties of inoculated and naturally infected olive trees. Moreover, P. savastanoi was detected in symptomless stem tissues from naturally infected olive plants. This enrichment-PCR method is more sensitive and less cumbersome than the conventional isolation methods for detection of P. savastanoi.  相似文献   

Aims:  To investigate the genetic diversity of Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi strains and to look whether these strains were distributed to geographical location.
Methods and Results:  Random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) was used to discriminate between 58 Tunisian strains and 21 strains from various other countries of P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi , the causal agent of olive knot disease. Isolates were separated into three groups by cluster analysis and principal coordinate analysis of RAPD fingerprint data obtained with three primers (OPR-12, OPX-7 and OPX-14). Group 1 contained isolates from the southeast of Tunisia and European strains. Group 2 comprised strains isolated from the north of Tunisia exclusively while group 3 encompassed the majority of isolates obtained from five orchards located in the centre of Tunisia.
Conclusions:  The results indicated that isolates of P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi were genetically distinct according to geographic regions. RAPD grouped isolates derived from the same orchard as identical.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  This is the first application of RAPD in the delineation of P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi strains.  相似文献   

Changes in the level of endogenous formaldehyde (HCHO), some N-methylated compounds (choline and trigonelline) and peroxidase activity were examined in the leaves of bean genotypes (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) with different disease-sensitivity during ontogenesis in the stressfree condition and after natural infection by Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola (until the appearance of lesions). HCHO, as its dimedone adduct, and fully N-methylated compounds were determined by overpressured layer chromatography (OPLC) in different developmental stages and in the infected leaves/leaf discs. Peroxidase activity was measured by a spectrophotometric method. HCHO level decreased with ageing of the primary leaf and accordingly in the leaves at different developmental stages, then increased again in both cases due to the demethylation and methylation processes. Concentration of choline and trigonelline as potential HCHO generators decreased considerably while peroxidase activity increased with ageing of the plants. Comparing the symptomless and the Pseudomonas infected leaf discs (with watersoaked lesions) we found a decrease in the level of HCHO, choline and trigonelline and there was detectable increase in the peroxidase activity in the infected leaf tissues. Our findings are in accordance with previously published results that peroxidases play an important role in oxidative demethylation processes. Our hypothesis is that the high level of HCHO in the old leaves can originate from methylated components as the result of peroxidase activity and this high level may lead to the old leaf being resistant to pathogen. This conclusion is supported by the fact that the leaves of susceptible bean genotypes became resistant to Pseudomonas while growing older.  相似文献   

A bacteriocin produced by Pseudomonas syringae pv. ciccaronei, used at different purification levels and concentrations in culture and in planta, inhibited the multiplication of P. syringae subsp. savastanoi, the causal agent of olive knot disease, and affected the epiphytic survival of the pathogen on the leaves and twigs of treated olive plants. Treatments with bacteriocin from P. syringae pv. ciccaronei inhibited the formation of overgrowths on olive plants caused by P. syringae subsp. savastanoi strains PVBa229 and PVBa304 inoculated on V-shaped slits and on leaf scars at concentrations of 10(5) and 10(8) CFU ml(-1), respectively. In particular, the application of 6,000 arbitrary units (AU) of crude bacteriocin (dialyzed ammonium sulfate precipitate of culture supernatant) ml(-1) at the inoculated V-shaped slits and leaf scars resulted in the formation of knots with weight values reduced by 81 and 51%, respectively, compared to the control, depending on the strains and inoculation method used. Crude bacteriocin (6,000 AU ml(-1)) was also effective in controlling the multiplication of epiphytic populations of the pathogen. In particular, the bacterial populations recovered after 30 days were at least 350 and 20 times lower than the control populations on twigs and on leaves, respectively. These results suggest that bacteriocin from P. syringae pv. ciccaronei can be used effectively to control the survival of the causal agent of olive knot disease and to prevent its multiplication at inoculation sites.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi NCPPB 3335 is a model for the study of the molecular basis of disease production and tumor formation in woody hosts, and its draft genome sequence has been recently obtained. Here we closed the sequence of the plasmid complement of this strain, composed of three circular molecules of 78,357 nt (pPsv48A), 45,220 nt (pPsv48B), and 42,103 nt (pPsv48C), all belonging to the pPT23A-like family of plasmids widely distributed in the P. syringae complex. A total of 152 coding sequences were predicted in the plasmid complement, of which 38 are hypothetical proteins and seven correspond to putative virulence genes. Plasmid pPsv48A contains an incomplete Type IVB secretion system, the type III secretion system (T3SS) effector gene hopAF1, gene ptz, involved in cytokinin biosynthesis, and three copies of a gene highly conserved in plant-associated proteobacteria, which is preceded by a hrp box motif. A complete Type IVA secretion system, a well conserved origin of transfer (oriT), and a homolog of the T3SS effector gene hopAO1 are present in pPsv48B, while pPsv48C contains a gene with significant homology to isopentenyl-diphosphate delta-isomerase, type 1. Several potential mobile elements were found on the three plasmids, including three types of MITE, a derivative of IS801, and a new transposon effector, ISPsy30. Although the replication regions of these three plasmids are phylogenetically closely related, their structure is diverse, suggesting that the plasmid architecture results from an active exchange of sequences. Artificial inoculations of olive plants with mutants cured of plasmids pPsv48A and pPsv48B showed that pPsv48A is necessary for full virulence and for the development of mature xylem vessels within the knots; we were unable to obtain mutants cured of pPsv48C, which contains five putative toxin-antitoxin genes.  相似文献   

Populations ofPseudomonas syringae pv.savastanoi on the surface of olive leaves were monitored quarterly from 1974 to 1981. Seven microbiological parameters were measured: the density of the bacteria on the leaves unfolded in March, in June, and in September; the density of the bacteria on random leaves; the mean vigor of bacterial isolates obtained at each sampling time; and the similarity between the isolates, based on both the simple matching coefficient and the pattern coefficient. Seven environmental parameters were also recorded: the mean temperature, the rainfall, and the frequency and velocity of east and west winds during a period of 30 days before each sampling; the rate of turnover of the leaves during the same period; the number of pollen grains on the leaves at the time of sampling; and the 5-day biochemical oxygen demand of the wash water of leaves in each sample. Factor analysis led to extraction of 7 factors that accounted for 70.69%–92.80% of the maximum variance of every microbiological parameter and 68.92%–96.62% of the maximum variance of every environmental parameter. The factors were identified as cambial activity, leaf age, summertime, time of blossoming, summer rains, winter rains, and warm weather fronts. More than 43% of the total parameter variance was loaded in the first 2 factors. Higher communality values (>86% of maximum variance) were obtained for the microbiological parameters based on the distribution of phenotypic characters among the bacterial isolates than for those based on bacterial densities on the phylloplane.  相似文献   

The endophytic bacterium Pantoea agglomerans DAPP-PG 734 was previously isolated from olive knots caused by infection with Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi DAPP-PG 722. Whole-genome analysis of this P. agglomerans strain revealed the presence of a Hypersensitive response and pathogenicity (Hrp) type III secretion system (T3SS). To assess the role of the P. agglomerans T3SS in the interaction with Psavastanoi pv. savastanoi, we generated independent knockout mutants in three Hrp genes of the P. agglomerans DAPP-PG 734 T3SS (hrpJ, hrpN, and hrpY). In contrast to the wildtype control, all three mutants failed to cause a hypersensitive response when infiltrated in tobacco leaves, suggesting that P. agglomerans T3SS is functional and injects effector proteins in plant cells. In contrast to P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi DAPP-PG 722, the wildtype strain Pagglomerans DAPP-PG 734 and its Hrp T3SS mutants did not cause olive knot disease in 1-year-old olive plants. Coinoculation of Psavastanoi pv. savastanoi with P. agglomerans wildtype strains did not significantly change the knot size, while the DAPP-PG 734 hrpY mutant induced a significant decrease in knot size, which could be complemented by providing hrpY on a plasmid. By epifluorescence microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy, we found that the localization patterns in knots were nonoverlapping for Psavastanoi pv. savastanoi and P. agglomerans when coinoculated. Our results suggest that suppression of olive plant defences mediated by the Hrp T3SS of P. agglomerans DAPP-PG 734 positively impacts the virulence of Psavastanoi pv. savastanoi DAPP-PG 722.  相似文献   

Injection into tobacco leaves of biotype 1 Agrobacterium tumefaciens or of Pseudomonas savastanoi inhibited the development of a visible hypersensitive response to the subsequent injection at the same site of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola. This interference with the hypersensitive response was not seen with injection of bacterial growth medium or Escherichia coli cells. Live A. tumefaciens cells were required for the inhibitory effect. Various mutants and strains of A. tumefaciens were examined to determine the genes involved. Known chromosomal mutations generally had no effect on the ability of A. tumefaciens to inhibit the hypersensitive response, except for chvB mutants which showed a reduced (but still significant) inhibition of the hypersensitive response. Ti plasmid genes appeared to be required for the inhibition of the hypersensitive response. The bacteria did not need to be virulent in order to inhibit the hypersensitive response. Deletion of the vir region from pTi had no effect on the inhibition. However, the T region of the Ti plasmid was required for inhibition. Studies of transposon mutants suggested that the tms but not tmr or ocs genes were required. These genes were not acting after transfer to plant cells since they were effective in strains lacking vir genes and thus unable to transfer DNA to plant cells. The results suggest that the expression of the tms genes in the bacteria may inhibit the development of the hypersensitive response by the plant. An examination of the genes required in P. savastanoi for the inhibition of the hypersensitive response suggested that bacterial production of auxin was also required for the inhibition of the hypersensitive response by these bacteria.  相似文献   

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