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嗜卷书虱抗气调品系的选育及其适合度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于恒温条件下以人工饲料饲养的嗜卷书虱Liposcelis bostrychophila,在35% CO2和1% O2组配的气调环境中以50%左右的选择压力处理,以选育其抗气调性。至30代获得抗性品系(CA-R),抗性倍数达5.6倍,且有继续增强的基因潜能。该抗性品系对气调的抗性不太稳定,在无选择压力的情况下经室内5代饲养,抗性衰退了63.2%。CA-R品系与敏感品系在无气调选择压力的条件下相比具有一定程度的繁殖不利性;但没有发现CA-R品系在生长发育特性上的不利性。以净增殖率来衡量,CA-R品系相对于敏感品系具有0.39的适合度。  相似文献   

杀虫剂胁迫下嗜卷书虱和嗜虫书虱能源物质的代谢比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用比色法测定嗜卷书虱(Liposcelis bostrychophila)和嗜虫书虱(L.entomophila)体内甘油三酯、多糖和可溶性蛋白的贮存量。结果表明,嗜虫书虱体内3种物质的贮存量均显著高于嗜卷书虱。在毒死蜱和丁硫克百威的胁迫下,嗜虫书虱体内3种物质的变化幅度均大于嗜卷书虱,其中甘油三酯的含量先增高后降低,整体呈现下口抛物线趋势;多糖和可溶性蛋白的消耗率增加。这些说明在毒死蜱和丁硫克百威的作用下,书虱更多地启动了多糖和可溶性蛋白的代谢,降低了对甘油三酯的利用,以应对杀虫剂的胁迫。  相似文献   

嗜卷书虱实验种群生命表的研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
在不同温度和湿度条件下对嗜卷书虱进行饲养,分别组建春实验种群特定年龄和特定时间生命表,并应用Morris模式及SWeibull频数分布以探讨温、湿度与嗜卷书虱种群数量变动的关系。结果表明,温、湿度对存活率的作用是影响该实验种群趋势指数(I)值最重要的因子,在适宜温、湿度条件下,种群存活曲线属DeeveyⅠ型,而在不太适宜条件下则属DeeveyⅢ型,理论上30.63℃时周限增长率(λ)最大,达1.0628倍/天,该虫发育和繁殖的最适温区为28-30℃,最适相对湿度在80%左右。  相似文献   

不同食物对嗜卷书虱发育和繁殖的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
通过单头饲养方法综合比较了嗜卷书虱取食9种基本食物或食物组合的发育和繁殖情况,结果表明全麦粉最有利于该虫的发育和繁殖;在全麦粉中加入少量酵母粉和脱脂奶粉后,该虫发育明显加快、存活率及繁殖力均显著提高。此外还就该虫嗜食不同食物的原因进行了探讨。  相似文献   

嗜卷书虱的实验生态研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
在8种温度(17.5~35℃)及5种相对湿度(50%、60%、70%、80%和90%)条件下,以全麦粉、酵母粉、脱脂奶粉(10∶1∶1)为食料,系统研究了嗜卷书虱Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel实验种群生态学特性。获得了该虫在不同温、湿度条件下生长发育、生存和繁殖的一系列特性和参数,包括各虫态发育历期、存活率、发育起点温度、有效积温和平均繁殖力等,并建立了发育速率、存活率及繁殖力的理论模型。  相似文献   

室内恒温条件下以人工饲料饲养的嗜卷书虱Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel成虫,分别在0.5%和1%O2组配的气调环境中以7%左右的选择压力处理,以选育其耐低氧气调性。选育至30低氧品系LOC1和LOC2,以LT50为标准其性倍数分别达4.7和3.9倍。整个选育过程中,气调暴露时间对数值与死亡率机率值间的回归直线基本平行,其值均低于敏感基线的斜率值,这表明嗜卷书虱对  相似文献   

电子束辐照对嗜虫书虱存活与繁殖力的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用电子加速器产生电子束辐照处理嗜虫书虱Liposcelis entomophila(Enderlein),分别以0、50、100、200、300、400、500、1000Gy的剂量处理成虫和若虫,观察受辐照后的存活情况和成虫的繁殖情况;以0、25、50、100、200、300、400、500Gy的剂量辐照卵,观察受辐照后卵的孵化情况。结果表明:经50Gy及以上剂量辐照后嗜虫书虱的卵不能孵化,也不能存活;在300Gy及其以上剂量经过不到8周的时间后成虫和若虫都不能存活,且在300、400、500、1000Gy的剂量范围内,嗜虫书虱成虫和若虫受辐照后的剂量越大,存活率降低幅度越大。嗜虫书虱各虫态对电子束辐照的敏感性由高至低依次为卵、若虫、成虫;经300Gy辐照后的成虫和若虫分别在8周和6周内完全死亡,300Gy的剂量可作为电子束有效防治嗜虫书虱的参考剂量。所有50Gy以上剂量下都可明显降低此种害虫的繁殖力,300Gy以上剂量的处理可导致试虫零产卵。  相似文献   

【目的】揭示嗜卷书虱Liposcelis bostrychophila超氧化物歧化酶基因在响应高低温胁迫中的作用。【方法】通过RT-PCR克隆嗜卷书虱3个超氧化物歧化酶基因Cu/Zn-SOD1,Cu/Zn-SOD2和Fe/Mn-SOD cDNA,利用生物信息学方法分析其序列特征;采用RT-qPCR技术检测Cu/Zn-SOD1,Cu/Zn-SOD2和Fe/Mn-SOD在高温(42℃)和低温(4℃)胁迫下0, 1和2 h时成虫中的相对表达量。【结果】克隆获得嗜卷书虱LbCu/Zn-SOD1,LbCu/Zn-SOD2和LbFe/Mn-SOD(GenBank登录号分别为OQ938782, OQ938783和OQ938784),开放阅读框(ORF)分别长465, 630和636 bp,分别编码154, 209和211个氨基酸,编码蛋白质相对分子量分别为15.85, 22.33和23.72 kD,等电点分别为6.17, 7.68和6.79;LbCu/Zn-SOD1和LbCu/Zn-SOD2分别具有1个和2个Cu/Zn超氧化物歧化酶特征,LbFe/Mn-SOD具有1个Fe/Mn超氧化物歧化酶特征。系...  相似文献   

Abstract  One population of Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel (CA selected) was exposed to a controlled atmosphere (CA) (35% CO2+ 1% O2, balance N2) for 30 generations. Another population (control) was reared under natural atmospheric conditions. Reserves of triacylglycerol, polysaccharides and free amino acids were evaluated in adults of the CA selected and the control populations in generations F15 and F30. The utilization rate of triacylglycerol and polysaccharides in the CA exposure were also determined in generation F30. The results indicate that the reserves of triacylglycerol and polysaccharides increased significantly during selection for CA tolerance; the higher the tolerance level, the greater the reserves. A total of 15 free amino acids constituents were detected in both populations. The total amino acid content in the CA selected population was obviously higher than that in the control population. Exposure of this population to a controlled atmosphere was associated with a steady utilization of reserves. In contrast, the unselected population responded to the controlled atmosphere by accelerated utilization of triacylglycerol and polysachharides. Comparison of utilization rates during CA exposure showed that triacylglycerol is the main energy source, and polysaccharides contribute only a small extent to the metabolic energy supply.  相似文献   

Abstract Adults of the psocid Liposcelis bostrychophila were exposed to an atmosphere containing 35% CO2 and 1% O2 for 30 successive generations at 28 C and 70%–80% RH in order to select a resistant strain to controlled atmosphere (CA). At the 30th generation the resistance factor (LT50 for selected generation / LT50 for non-selected generation) reached to 5. 6-folds. The results of biochemical assays showed that the activities of carboxylesterase (CarE) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) in vitro increased considerably from generation to generation during the selection process, and they were closely correlated with the resistance levels. At the 30th generation, the CarE and SOD activities in the resistant strain to CA (CA-R) were 4. 06-and 5. 22-folds as much as those in the susceptible strain to CA (CA-S), respectively. Exposure to CA resulted in decrease in CarE activity; however, the decreasing range for CA-S was significantly greater than that for CA-R. CA had induction effect on SOD within short time, but for CA-R the induction time was longer and activity induced was higher than CA-S. Catalase (CAT) activity was also raised with the resistance development, but no statistical relationship was found between CAT activity and CA resistance. No significant difference of both acid phosphatase (ACP) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) was found in CA-R and CA-S during the selection process. Peroxidase (POD) activity was not detected in L. bostrychophila. These suggest that the major mechanism responsible for CA resistance appears to be the enhanced CarE and SOD activities, and probably CAT plays an additionary role to adopt low O2 concentration in CA resistance.  相似文献   

嗜卷书虱成虫于28°C、70%—80%RH条件下,在35%CO2。和1%O2。组配的气调环境中连续暴露30代,选择压力保持在70%左右,以选育其抗气调性。至第30代,以LT50。为指标衡量其抗性倍数达5.6倍。生化分析表明,抗性选育过程中离体羧酸酯酶(CarE)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活力均随选育代数的增多而显著增强,且酶活力与抗气调水平显著相关。第30代,抗性品系(CA-R)的CarE和SOD活力分别是敏感品系(CA-S)的4.06和5.22倍。两品系暴露于气调环境中,其CarE活力均受抑制,但对CA-S品系的抑制率显著强于CA-R品系。短时间的气调暴露对SOD具有诱导作用,但诱导作用的时间及强度CA-R品系明显长(强)于CA-S品系。离体过氧化氢酶(CAT)活力也随着抗气调性的增强而增强,但两着之间并无显著的相关性。抗性选育过程中离休酸性磷酸酯酶(ACP)和碱性磷酸酯酶(ALP)活力均未发生明显的变化。过氧化物酶(POD)在两品系中均未检测出。由此看出,CarE和SOD活力增强是嗜卷书虱抗气调性形成的主要机制,CAT可能对低氧气调抗性的形成具有辅助作用。  相似文献   

Abstract Adults of the psocid Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel were exposed to atmospheres containing 35% and 55% CO2 for 30 generations to select strains resistant to high CO2 content (HCC). Selection pressure was maintained at around 70% of mortality. At the 30th generation, comparison of sensitivities between the selected strains (HCC1 and HCC2) and the original susceptible strain (MA-S) revealed a resistance factor (RF) at the 50% mortality level (LT50) of 4. 6-and 5. 3-folds, respectively. Throughout the selection process, log-time against probit-mortality lines remained roughly parallel and the slopes remained lower than that of MA-S strain until the last generation. It is inplied that the genetic potential of L. bostrychophila to develop resistance to CO2 was not exhausted until the 30th generation. Removal of selection pressure for 5 generations from 2 sub-populations of two selected strains from the 25th generation caused significant reduction in resistance. In the absence of MAs exposure, the two selected strains (HCC1 and HCC2) possessed the fitness defect. HCC1 and HCC2 were calculated by R0 to have a fitness value of 0. 52 and 0. 45 relative to MA-S.  相似文献   

室内恒温条件下以人工饲料饲养的嗜卷书虱 Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel成虫,分别在35%和55%CO_2。(21%O_2,N_2作为平衡气体使用)组配的气调环境中以70%的选择压力处理,以选育其抗高CO_2气调性。选育至30代获得抗性品系HCC_1和HCC_2,以LT_50为标准,其抗性倍数分别达4.6和5.3倍。整个选育过程中,气调暴露时间对数值与死亡率机率值间的回归直线基本平行,且斜率值均低于敏感基线的斜率值,这表明嗜卷书虱对高CO_2抗性发展的基因潜能至第30代仍未耗尽。两个抗性品系的抗性均不太稳定,去除选择压力后抗性显著下降,且两抗性品系均具有繁殖不利性即适合度缺陷。以净增值率为指标衡量,HCC_1和HCC_2相对于敏感品系分别具有0.52和0.45的适合度。  相似文献   

The evolutionary response of plant populations to selection for increased defense may be constrained by costs of defense. The purpose of this study was to investigate such constraints on the evolution of defense due to a cost of defense manifested as a trade-off between defense and tolerance. Variation in the response to artificial damage (tolerance) among lines of Brassica rapa that had been artificially selected for foliar glucosinolate content (defense) was examined. Leaf area was removed from replicates of three selection lines (high glucosinolates, control, and low glucosinolates) at three damage levels (0%, 20%, and 60% damage). An external cost of defense would result in a statistically significant selection line by damage treatment interaction, with those selected for high defense expressing less tolerance than those selected for low defense. Damage treatment had a significant overall effect on estimated total fitness, with fitness declining with increasing damage level. Further, selection line also had a significant overall effect on estimated total fitness, with low-defense selection lines having higher fitness compared to both control and high-defense selection lines. More importantly, a cost of defense in terms of tolerance was demonstrated by a significant selection line-by-damage treatment interaction. This interaction was in the direction to demonstrate a genetic trade-off between defense and tolerance, with low-defense selection lines decreasing estimated total fitness in response to damage less than both control and high-defense selection lines. Variation in tolerance among selection lines was due to the greater ability of low-defense lines to maintain fruit and seed production despite the presence of damage. In terms of tolerance, this cost of glucosinolate production in B. rapa could constrain the evolution of increased defense and, in so doing, maintain individuals within the population that are poorly defended yet tolerant.  相似文献   

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