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This survey of the acoustic characteristics of howling monkey loud calls, covering six of the seven members of the genus Alouattaand presenting audiospectrograms of roars from two species for the first time, suggests that the genus consists of at least two groups: a monotypic palliatagroup, including all subspecies, and a non-palliatagroup, including belzebul, caraya, fusca, pigra,and seniculus.The non-palliatagroup vocalizes continuously for sustained periods of time;their loud calls exhibit a wide bandwidth relative to the calls of the palliatagroup, with emphasized frequencies generally in the range 300- 2000 Hz. The palliatagroup does not vocalize continuously, their vocal bouts being significantly shorter than those of the non-palliataforms. The emphasized frequencies are normally restricted to 300- 1000 Hz, with little acoustic energy in higher frequencies. This bipartite classification places pigrawithin the non-palliatagroup father than with parapatric palliata,which may have important phylogenetic implications. Further, the classification suggests two modes of employing the highly derived howler vocal tract to produce loud calls within the portion of the ambient noise spectrum favorable to long- distance transmission of sound. Finally, I discuss the constraints placed by environmental acoustics on strategies for long- distance communication, hypothesized modes of vocal production, and the use of acoustic studies for phylogenetic reconstruction. Each discussion suggests projects, some already under way, that could elucidate the determinants of variations in communicative patterns within specific social and physical environments.  相似文献   

Many nonhuman primates produce species-typical loud calls used to communicate between and within groups over long distances. Given their observed spacing functions, primate loud calls are likely to show acoustic adaptations to increase their propagation over distance. Here we evaluate the hypothesis that primates emit loud calls at relatively low sound frequencies to minimize their attenuation. We tested this hypothesis within and between species. First, we compared the frequencies of loud calls produced by each species with those of other calls from their vocal repertoires. Second, we investigated the relationship between loud call frequency and home range size across a sample of primate species. Comparisons indicated that primates produce loud calls at lower frequencies than other calls within their vocal repertoires. In addition, a significant negative relationship exists between loud call frequency and home range size among species. The relationship between call frequency and range size holds after controlling for the potentially confounding effects of body size and phylogeny. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that nonhuman primates produce loud calls at relatively low frequencies to facilitate their transmission over long distances.  相似文献   

Male chimpanzees produce a species‐typical call, the pant hoot, to communicate to conspecifics over long‐distances. Calls given by males from the well‐known Gombe and Mahale populations typically consist of four different phases: an introduction, build‐up, climax, and let‐down. Recent observations suggest that chimpanzees living in the Kibale National Park, Uganda, consistently give calls that lack a build‐up and are thus qualitatively distinguishable acoustically from those made by other East African conspecifics. We analyzed additional recordings from Mahale and Kibale to re‐examine geographic variation in chimpanzee calls. Results indicate that males from both sites produce pant hoots containing all four parts of the call. Calls made by chimpanzees from the two populations, however, differ in quantitative acoustic measures. Specifically, males at Kibale initiate their calls with significantly longer elements and build‐up over briefer periods at slower rates than individuals from Mahale. Kibale males also deliver acoustically less variable calls than chimpanzees at Mahale. Although climax elements do not differ between populations in any single acoustic feature, discriminant function analysis reveals that acoustic variables can be used in combination to assign calls to the correct population at rates higher than that expected by chance. Ecological factors related to differences in habitat acoustics, the sound environment of the local biota, and body size are likely to account for these observed macrogeographic variations in chimpanzee calls. Am. J. Primatol. 47:133–151, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study is a preliminary assessment of the potential of long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) calls to operate in systems of within-group spacing. Covariation in the rate of occurrence of calls with party spread, size, and activity among wild individuals of one group suggested that four classes of calls may function in intragroup spacing. Two of them are “clear” calls of long duration and pronounced frequency modulation. Calling rate increased with party spread for low- and high-frequency variants of these calls during resting and feeding respectively, suggesting possible utility in maintenance of spatial relations over moderately long distances. A third “harsh” call was negatively correlated with party spread during foraging and may thus function to increase dispersion among foraging individuals. Another harsh call with a tonal onset was unique among all calls in the vocal repertoire in being more frequently performed by lone, isolated individuals than by macaques accompanied by others, suggesting a possible function in reestablishing contact that has been severed. The functional significance of these calls with respect to their acoustic structures is discussed. Macaques that use calls to regulate intragroup spacing can control communication distance and direction by their choice of acoustically different vocalizations. This choice may be affected not only by varying environmental constraints on sound transmission, but also by social and ecological factors such as intragroup competition.  相似文献   

The Woodcock Scolopax rusticola is a difficult species to survey in the breeding season because of its cryptic plumage and, with the exception of courtship flights, secretive behaviour. Sparse data from general bird surveys prohibit reliable estimation of population sizes and trends, and a new species-specific method to provide baseline information on population status and to enable reliable future monitoring is required. Counts of displaying, or 'roding', males at dawn or dusk potentially provide such a method but their value is unclear because it is impossible for an observer to distinguish different birds. We examined the vocal individuality of 39 roding males and were able to attribute calls to individuals correctly in 95% of cases on the basis of five parameters measured from spectrograms. Using calls, we determined the number of individual males at 43 sites. Roding activity differed between males at one site, with the two most active birds accounting for, on average, 55 and 27% of passes. There was no evidence of sequential roding by different males. We quantified the relationship between numbers of males and numbers of passes of roding birds during a 1-h period at dusk. This relationship was not affected by region, month, habitat or woodland size class. We conclude that counts of roding males provide a suitable index for monitoring populations of this species.  相似文献   

Acoustic communication in burrowing petrels has been poorly studied. However, as for many other bird species, acoustic communication seems to play an essential role in social interactions during the breeding season of these seabirds. Bachelor males call from their burrow, likely to attract females, but also when vocally challenged by other males. Calling in the breeding colony exposes petrels to high predation risks and thus it should provide an important benefit. The present study focuses on the informative content of males’ calls in the blue petrel Halobaena caerulea and the Antarctic prion Pachyptila desolata, two monogamous petrel species producing a single egg per year. We tested the hypotheses that acoustic parameters of a male's calls 1) reflect phenotypic characteristics, and 2) bear an individual vocal signature. To do so, we first tested on both species the relationships between seven morphometric measurements and 11 acoustic parameters using multivariate analyses. Second, we performed a between‐class analysis and calculated the potential of individuality coding (i.e. the ratio between intra‐ and inter‐individual variabilities) for acoustic parameters in both spectral and temporal domains. Results show acoustic parameters (especially energy quartiles, call duration, and syllable or phrase rate) reflect the caller's body size, bill morphology and wing morphology in both species. Considering the seeming pertinence of wing morphology, we suggest wing area may be a more relevant trait to consider than wing length when studying soaring birds. The results support the idea that energy quartiles, phrase rate and call duration also code for individual identity. Information carried by males’ calls might play a role in social interactions, such as burrow defence (e.g. male‐male competition, neighbour‐stranger discrimination) and/or female mate choice.  相似文献   

Potential resource overlap between howling monkeys and other arboreal mammals was studied in the rain forest of Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico. Eight species of mammals belonging to the orders Primates, Carnivora, Rodentia, and Marsupialia were found to share the canopy and to overlap trophically with howling monkeys. These mammals made up 77% and Alouatta 23% of the arboreal mammalian biomass under consideration. The arboreal porcupine and spider monkey were the only mammals that also fed on leaves. However, in this feeding niche, Alouatta is the only important mammalian folivore in Los Tuxtlas, and resource depression derived from leaf-eating insects is more important. The eight arboreal mammals may exert more pressure upon fruit resources, for they consumed 75% of the estimated total dry weight of fruit/ha/yr consumed by arboreal mammals.  相似文献   

Both C  Grant T 《Biology letters》2012,8(5):714-716
Invasive species are known to affect native species in a variety of ways, but the effect of acoustic invaders has not been examined previously. We simulated an invasion of the acoustic niche by exposing calling native male white-banded tree frogs (Hypsiboas albomarginatus) to recorded invasive American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) calls. In response, tree frogs immediately shifted calls to significantly higher frequencies. In the post-stimulus period, they continued to use higher frequencies while also decreasing signal duration. Acoustic signals are the primary basis of mate selection in many anurans, suggesting that such changes could negatively affect the reproductive success of native species. The effects of bullfrog vocalizations on acoustic communities are expected to be especially severe due to their broad frequency band, which masks the calls of multiple species simultaneously.  相似文献   

Acoustic monitoring can provide essential information on marine environments, including insights into ecosystem functioning and marine biodiversity monitoring. However, data on species acoustic behavior and ecoacoustics studies in the Mediterranean Sea are still extremely scarce and this limits our ability to use soundscape features in monitoring studies. Here we present the results of a soundscape investigation conducted on shallow hard bottoms of the Adriatic Sea (Central Mediterranean basin). We report the presence of diverse circadian rhythms recorded in two different months, July and September. A power spectral density (PSD) was used to assess the overall spectral composition over time, and the Acoustic Complexity Index (ACI), was identified as a proxy for marine sounds of biological origin. The dominant component of the biological soundscape was composed of snapping shrimps and fishes. Spectral characteristics varied significantly both daily and between the two months. For frequencies >620 Hz (i.e., associated to snapping shrimp activity), both PSD and ACI were higher in July than in September. The same circadian rhythm was reported in both sampling periods, with the presence of snaps for 24 h a day, but with significantly lower intensity during daylight hours and pitches at the beginning and ending of the night. At lower frequencies (i.e., <620 Hz), fish vocalizations mostly occurred during the night. Higher values of ACI were recorded during the night in both months, whereas the presence of anthropogenic noise caused opposite results in PSD levels. Noise was associated with higher PSD and ACI at the peak frequency of the snaps, suggesting a stimulation in snapping activity. Our findings provide new insights on the marine biological soundscape and on the potential use of ecoacoustics in future monitoring programs.  相似文献   

Truffles (Tuber) are ectomycorrhizal fungi characterized by hypogeous fruitbodies. Their biodiversity, host associations and geographical distributions are not well documented. ITS rDNA sequences of Tuber are commonly recovered from molecular surveys of fungal communities, but most remain insufficiently identified making it difficult to determine whether these sequences represent conspecific or novel taxa. In this meta-analysis, over 2000 insufficiently identified Tuber sequences from 76 independent studies were analysed within a phylogenetic framework. Species ranges, host associates, geographical distributions and intra- and interspecific ITS variability were assessed. Over 99% of the insufficiently identified Tuber sequences grouped within clades composed of species with little culinary value (Maculatum, Puberulum and Rufum). Sixty-four novel phylotypes were distinguished including 36 known only from ectomycorrhizae or soil. Most species of Tuber showed 1-3% intraspecific ITS variability and >4% interspecific ITS sequence variation. We found 123 distinct phylotypes based on 96% ITS sequence similarity and estimated that Tuber contains a minimum of 180 species. Based on this meta-analysis, species in Excavatum, Maculatum and Rufum clades exhibit preference for angiosperm hosts, whereas those in the Gibbosum clade are preferential towards gymnosperms. Sixteen Tuber species (>13% of the known diversity) have putatively been introduced to continents or islands outside their native range.  相似文献   

沧州市郊区蝗虫的初步调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孟德荣  金世雄 《昆虫知识》2002,39(2):120-122
作者于 1 998~ 2 0 0 0年对沧州市郊区的蝗虫资源进行了调查 ,结果显示蝗亚目昆虫 1 9种 ,分隶于 2总科 7科 1 7属 ,分布于芦苇湿地、碱荒地和农耕旱地 3种生态环境。明确了各种生态环境的优势种、常见种和稀少种类 ,其区系为古北界与东洋界过渡地带 ,以古北界为主  相似文献   

利用叶绿体DNA trnL-F序列初步探讨菊科风毛菊属的系统发育   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
风毛菊属Saussurea DC.是菊科物种分化十分剧烈和分类处理十分困难的一个属。该属的单系起源性质、属下分类系统以及一些独特形态物种的系统位置尚不清楚,有待进一步验证。本文测定了代表该属5个亚属37种植物43个样品和川木香属Dolomiaea DC.的1种样品的叶绿体DNA trnL-F序列,并调取菜蓟族Cardueae Cass.与风毛菊属具有一定亲缘关系的13属的该序列,一起进行了分支分析,重点验证该属的属下形态分类系统以及形态特殊、青藏高原地区特有的雪兔子亚属subgen. Eriocoryne  相似文献   

Airborne fungal spores in the coastal plain of Israel: A preliminary survey   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Airborne spores were monitored during the years 1993–1995 in three cities along the coastal plain of Israel: Ramat Gan, Tel Aviv (Ramat Aviv) and Haifa. Seasonal fluctuations in the concentration of airborne spores were recorded. The following genera of fungi were identified:Alternaria, Cladosporium, Coprinus, Curvularia, Drechslera. Diplococcum, Epicoccum, Fusarium, Leptosphaeria, Pithomyces, Puccinia, Sphacelotheca, Stemphylium andUstilago. Unidentified spores were very rare and in negligible numbers. The dominant airborne fungal spores wereCladosporium andAlternaria. The monthly variations in airborne spores, observed among the three cities, seem to be rather minor. The recorded levels of airborne spores were below the concentrations that are accepted as threshold levels for provocation of clinical responses.  相似文献   

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