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Production of astaxanthin by sequential heterotrophic-photoautotrophiccultivation of a green alga, Haematococcus pluvialis was investigated.This involved cultivating the cells heterotrophically to high cellconcentration, followed by illumination of the culture for astaxanthinaccumulation. The optimum pH and temperature for heterotrophic biomassproduction were 8 and 25 °C, respectively. There was no significantdifference in the specific growth rate of the cells when acetateconcentration was varied between 10 mM and 30 mM. However, cellgrowth was inhibited at higher acetate concentrations. A pH stat methodwas then used for fed-batch heterotrophic culture, using acetate as theorganic carbon source. A cell concentration of 7 g L-1 wasobtained. Higher cell concentration could not be obtained because the cellschanged from vegetative to cyst forms during the heterotrophic cultivation.However, by using repeated fed-batch processes, the cells could bemaintained in the vegetative form, leading to more than two times increasein cell number output rate. When the vegetative cells were transferred tophotoautotrophic phase, there was a sharp decrease in the cell number andonly very few cells encysted and accumulated astaxanthin. On the otherhand, when the shift from heterotrophic to photoautotrophic condition wasdone when most of the cells had encysted, there was still a decrease in cellnumber but astaxanthin accumulation was very high. The astaxanthinconcentration (114 mg L-1) and productivity (4.4 mg L-1d-1) obtained by this sequential heterotrophic-photoautotrophiccultivation method are very high compared to the data in the literature.  相似文献   

The effects of light intensity, inoculum volume, sodium nitrate and carbon dioxide concentrations on the growth of Haematococcus pluvialis were investigated using response surface methodology (RSM). All the four variables exhibited significant effects on growth and can be related (r 0.926, P 0.01) by a second-order polynomial consisting of linear, quadratic and interaction terms. The total quadratic effect (P 0.01) dominates over the total linear effect (P 0.01) but the role of interaction terms (P 0.10) is marginal. The optimum values of these variables were: carbon dioxide 1.54%, sodium nitrate 1.06 g/l, inoculum volume 24.97% and light intensity 2.42 klux; the predicted maximum value for the yield of biomass was 0.51 g/l (dry weight).  相似文献   

Carotenoid accumulation in Haematococcus pluvialis in mixotrophic growth   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The microalga Haematococcus pluvialis was cultured with NaNO3 from 0 to 1 g l–1 and optimal growth was obtained at 0.15 g l–1. Sodium acetate and malonate (from 0 to 2% w/v) enhanced the accumulation of astaxanthin three and five times higher, respectively, than in autotrophic control cultures. However, high concentration of those compounds strongly inhibited growth. The ratio chlorophyll a/total carotenoids was a good indicator of the extent of nitrogen deficiency in the cells.  相似文献   

Choi YE  Yun YS  Park JM  Yang JW 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(24):11249-11253
The two-stage culture system consisting of green vegetative growth and reddish inductive production stages has been widely accepted for the production of astaxanthin using Haematococcuspluvialis. However, little has been known about the appropriate cellular phase of H.pluvialis for transferring into the astaxanthin inductive conditions. In this study, we determined the optimal growth phase of H.pluvialis for transferring into the second production stage. Astaxanthin productivities were correlated with growth phases, as senescent green phases could increase more than 10-fold greater than juvenile green phases. Our results clearly demonstrated the appropriateness of the senescent vegetable cells for transferring into the production stage, due to the increased capacity to accumulate astaxanthin.  相似文献   

Eom H  Lee CG  Jin E 《Planta》2006,223(6):1231-1242
The unicellular green alga Haematococcus pluvialis (Volvocales) is known for the ketocarotenoid astaxanthin (3, 3′-dihydroxy-β, β-carotene-4, 4′-dione) accumulation, which is induced under unfavorable culture conditions. In this work, we used cDNA microarray analysis to screen differentially expressed genes in H. pluvialis under astaxanthin-inductive culture conditions, such as combination of cell exposure to high irradiance and nutrient deprivation. Among the 965 genes in the cDNA array, there are 144 genes exhibiting differential expression (twofold changes) under these conditions. A significant decrease in the expression of photosynthesis-related genes was shown in astaxanthin-accumulating cells (red cells). Defense- or stress-related genes and signal transduction genes were also induced in the red cells. A comparison of microarray and real-time PCR analysis showed good correlation between the differentially expressed genes by the two methods. Our results indicate that the cDNA microarray approach, as employed in this work, can be relied upon and used to monitor gene expression profiles in H. pluvialis. In addition, the genes that were differentially expressed during astaxanthin induction are suitable candidates for further study and can be used as tools for dissecting the molecular mechanism of this unique pigment accumulation process in the green alga H. pluvialis. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Chen Y  Li D  Lu W  Xing J  Hui B  Han Y 《Biotechnology letters》2003,25(7):527-529
Haematococcus pluvialis was mutated by UV or ethyl methanesulphonate. Mutants resistant to nicotine, diphenylamine, fluridone or norflurazon were then selected. Several nicotine-resistant mutants showed increased (1.9% to 2.5% vs. 1.2% w/w) astaxanthin production. Mutants maintained high astaxanthin production over 4 months of repeated culture.  相似文献   

Recent developments in photobioreactor technology havemade the production of astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis commercially viable. The coreof our astaxanthin production chain is the AquasearchGrowth Module (AGM), a 25,000 L enclosed andcomputerized outdoor photobioreactor.At Aquasearch's newly expanded facility (dedicatedJanuary 1999), three AGMs (total volume 75,000 L) areused to produce large amounts of clean, fast growing,H. pluvialis. The H. pluvialis biomassproduced in the AGMs is transferred daily to a pondculture system, where carotenogenesis and astaxanthinaccumulation are induced. Following a 5-dayinduction period, the reddened H. pluvialiscells are harvested by gravitational settling. Theharvested biomass, which averages > 2.5 astaxanthinas percent of the dry weight, is transferred to aprocessing building where a high pressure homogenizeris used to rupture the cells' walls. Once the biomasshas been homogenized, it is dried to less than 5%moisture utilizing proprietary drying technology. Thedried product is then ready to be packaged accordingto customer needs.The photobioreactor research program has almostdoubled the performance of the AGMs in the first ninemonths of operations: standing biomass concentrationincreased from 50 to 90 g m-2 and productionincreased from 9 to 13 g m-2 d-1 during thisperiod. Here, we discuss the significance of thesechanges in production parameters to the viability ofcommercial production of astaxanthin and other highvalue products from microalgae.  相似文献   

The factors controlling biomass production and the synthesis of astaxanthin esters in the microalga Haematococcus pluvialis (CCAP 34/7) have been investigated using a statistical approach employing response surface methodology (RSM). The culture conditions required for optimal growth and carotenogenesis in this alga are very different. Of particular importance is the photon flux density: for growth the optimum is 50–60 μmol m−2 s−1 whereas the optimum for astaxanthin synthesis is much higher at ∼-1600 μmol m−2 s−1. The addition of low levels of NaCl to the medium also stimulates to a small extent synthesis of astaxanthin, but photon flux density remains the overriding factor. The optimal temperature for this strain is quite low at 14–15 °C. RSM has been shown to be a rapid and effective technique leading to the optimisation of algal culture conditions. This statistical approach can be applied readily to the majority of microalgae and their products.  相似文献   

This paper reports for the first time the transient expression of areporter gene, LacZ, in the unicellular green alga Haematococcuspluvialis. By employing the micro-particle bombardment method,motilecells in the exponential phase showed transient expression oflacZ. This was detected in bombarded motile cells undertherupture-disc pressures of 3103 KPa and 4137 KPa.Transient expression of LacZ gene could not be observed in non-motile cells ofthis alga under the same transformation condition. No LacZ background was foundin either the motile cells or the non-motile cells. The study suggests apromising potential of the SV40 promoter and the lacZreporter gene in genetic engineering of unicellular green algae.  相似文献   

Haematococcus pluvialis gave the highest astaxanthin accumulation rate (2.7 mg l–1 day–1) and total astaxanthin content ( 22.7 mg g–1 biomass). Astaxanthin accumulation in Neochloris wimmeri, Protosiphon botryoides, Scotiellopsis oocystiformis, Chorella zofingiensis and Scenedesmus vacuolatus was, respectively, 19.2, 14.3, 10.9, 6.8 and 2.7 mg astaxanthin g–1 biomass, respectively.  相似文献   

In the freshwater ChlorophyceaeHaematococcus pluvialis, precursors of ethylene biosynthesis cycle are the same as those of higher plants: L-methionine S-adenosylmethionine 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid ethylene. However, the enzymatic complex of the last step of ethylene synthesis-ACCoxidase-differs from that of higher plants. It is stimulated by Co2+ (at least 10-5 M), Mn2+ (at least 10-6 M) and Ag2+ (at least 10-4 M), inhibited by Cu2+ (at least 10-5 M) and not affected by Zn2+, Fe2+ or Mg2+. ACCoxidase is also inhibited by salicylhydroxamic acid and by dark. Ethylene production is more important in young, mobile, green cells in active growth phase than in old, encysted and red cells in stationary growth phase. No peaks in ethylene production or respiration were observed during batch culture, as opposed to the situation with climacteric fruits.  相似文献   

Although Haematococcus pluvialis is one of the most importantnatural sources of the carotenoid astaxanthin as a pigmentor for theaquaculture industry, the thick sporopollenin cell wall in the cysts hindersastaxanthin extraction and its subsequent bio-availability to fish. A rangeof physical and chemical processes were tested to promote the disruptionof the encysted cells. The efficacy of these processes was evaluated interms of astaxanthin recovery, which was assessed by determining theextent of leaching of astaxanthin into an organic solvent. The processestested were: autoclave 30 min, 121 °C, 1 atm; HCl 0.1 M, 15min and 30 min; NaOH 0.1 M, 15 min and 30 min; enzymatictreatment with a mixture of 0.1% protease K and 0.5% driselase in aphosphate buffer, pH 5.8, 30 °C, for one hour; spray drying, inlet180 °C, outlet 115 °C; and mechanical disruption, with acell homogeniser developed for this purpose. The mechanical(homogenisation) and autoclave treatments were the most effective in termsof extraction and availability.  相似文献   

Cultures of Haematococcus pluvialis were exposed to mutagens like u.v. and EMS (ethyl methanesulphonate). The results showed that the survival rate decreased with the increase in u.v. exposure time and increase in EMS concentration. These mutants were further screened using inhibitors of the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway viz. diphenylamine (15–90 M), nicotine (160–320 M) and compactin (1.5–3.0 M). The mutants thus obtained showed early enhanced (2.2–3.2-fold) astaxanthin accumulation and also exhibited higher lycopene cyclase activity.  相似文献   

The transfer of laboratory cultures of H. pluvialis to high irradiance outdoors caused a substantial decline in the maximum quantum yield of photosystem II (PSII), from 0.65 in the morning to 0.45 at midday, as measured by the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence yields (Fv/Fm), and a steep rise in non-photochemical quenching (NPQ). Chlorophyll fluorescence induction curves of morning samples showed a clear I-step, reflecting a certain PSII heterogeneity. Single turnover flash measurements on samples taken from the outdoor photobioreactor in the middle of day showed an increase in the reoxidation time constant of the reduced plastoquinone QA , i.e., the time required for electron transfer from the primary plastoquinone acceptor of PSII QA to the secondary plastoquinone acceptor QB. Photosynthesis rates were almost constant during the day. Along with the increase in non-photochemical quenching, there was a slight increase in zeaxanthin and antheraxanthin contents and decrease in violaxanthin, showing the presence of an operative xanthophyll cycle in this microalga. A marked increase of secondary carotenoids was found at the end of the first day of exposure to sunlight, mainly astaxanthin monoester, which reached 15.5% of the total carotenoid content. Though cells turned reddish during the second day, the decline in the fluorescence parameter Fv/Fm in the middle of the day was less than during the first day, and there was no further increase in the value for NPQ. Similar behaviour was observed during the third day when the culture was fully red. After four days of exposure to sunlight, the dry weight reached 800 mg L–1 and the concentration of secondary carotenoids (81% astaxanthin monoester) reached 4.4% dry weight.  相似文献   

虾青素具有多种生物学活性,雨生红球藻为天然虾青素的最佳来源,缺氮胁迫会导致雨生红球藻积累虾青素。为了解缺氮条件下雨生红球藻虾青素积累的分子机制,该研究通过对雨生红球藻进行缺氮胁迫,结合MSAP法,研究了雨生红球藻在缺氮胁迫下虾青素积累过程中基因组甲基化水平的变化,结果表明:缺氮胁迫0~72 h期间,雨生红球藻生长速度减慢,而虾青素积累主要发生在缺氮处理12~24 h期间,随后积累速度减慢。同时,对缺氮胁迫0、24、72 h的雨生红球藻基因组DNA进行甲基化敏感扩增多态性分析,共得到了291个甲基化多态性位点,其中发生甲基化变化的位点在0~24 h和24~72 h分别占总位点的29.90%和53.95%。在缺氮胁迫24 h处DNA半甲基化率最大(为12.71%),全甲基化率最低(为26.80%);缺氮胁迫72 h处DNA全甲基化率最高(为28.52%),半甲基化率最低(为1.72%)。这表明DNA甲基化调节方式的改变是虾青素积累过程中的一种重要调控模式。  相似文献   

The volvocalean microalga Haematococcus pluvialis is used as a sourceof the ketocarotenoid astaxanthin for applications in aquaculture and thepharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. This green alga accumulatesastaxanthin, mostly esterified, canthaxanthin and echinenone in lipid vesiclesoutside the chloroplast. This accumulation process normally but notexclusively accompanies formation of the resting state in the developmentalcycle. With regard to increased bioavailability of the accumulated secondarycarotenoids, the fragility of the extracellular matrix makes the flagellatedstate of H. pluvialis an interesting alternative to the thick-walledaplanospore state. A two-step batch cultivation scheme was developed thatleads to accumulation of secondary carotenoids in flagellated cells of H. pluvialis (strain 192.80, Göttingen, Germany). Germination ofgreen aplanospores during the first step of cultivation proceeded optimallyunder 30 mol photon m-2 s-1 of whitefluorescent light at 20 °C. For optimal induction and enhancementof carotenoid biosynthesis, the flagellated cells formed were then exposedto a decreased level of nitrate (0.4 mM KNO3) and to enhancedirradiance (150 mol photon m-2 s-1). Under theseconditions, which still permitted cell division and chlorophyll synthesisduring the first two days of exposure, carotenoid accumulation in theflagellated cells reached 2° of dry mass at the fourth day of exposure. Asa mixotrophic carbon source, addition of acetate at a concentration nothigher than 10 mM increased carotenoid synthesis only slightly whereaspartial or complete phosphate deficiency or salt stress (40 mM NaCl) didnot.  相似文献   

Under stress conditions of high light andnitrogen starvation the green motile cellsof the unicellular green algaHaematococcus pluvialis are known tocease growing and transform into inert redcysts, in which the secondary carotenoidastaxanthin accumulates. A study wastherefore made on other effects of suchconditions. A number ofprotease-resistant, heat-stable proteinswith apparent molecular masses of 38 kDa,50 kDa, 62 kDa and 63 kDa accumulated. Thisprotein fraction was effective in theprotection of horseradish peroxidase frominactivation, suggesting a role for theseproteins in H. pluvialis subjected toa stress event.  相似文献   

Cyst cells of the green alga Haematococcus pluvialis accumulate astaxanthin with maturation of the resting stage. To study the protective role of astaxanthin against u.v. damage, both immature (astaxanthin-poor) and mature (astaxanthin-rich) cyst cells were exposed to u.v.-A or u.v.-B irradiation, and the residual cell viability and astaxanthin levels were determined. u.v.-B decreased both cell viability and astaxanthin level of cyst cells to a greater extent than u.v.-A. Tolerance of mature cyst cells to u.v.-B was 6-fold higher than that of immature cyst cells. These results indicated that astaxanthin in cyst cells functions as a protective agent against u.v.-B irradiation.  相似文献   

We succeeded in isolating a novel cDNA involved in astaxanthin biosynthesis from the green alga Haematococcus pluvialis, by an expression cloning method using an Escherichia coli transformant as a host that synthesizes -carotene due to the Erwinia uredovora carotenoid biosynthesis genes. The cloned cDNA was shown to encode a novel enzyme, -carotene ketolase (-carotene oxygenase), which converted -carotene to canthaxanthin via echinenone, through chromatographic and spectroscopic analysis of the pigments accumulated in an E. coli transformant. This indicates that the encoded enzyme is responsible for the direct conversion of methylene to keto groups, a mechanism that usually requires two different enzymatic reactions proceeding via a hydroxy intermediate. Northern blot analysis showed that the mRNA was synthesized only in the cyst cells of H. pluvialis. E. coli carrying the H. pluvialis cDNA and the E. uredovora genes required for zeaxanthin biosynthesis was also found to synthesize astaxanthin (3S, 3S), which was identified after purification by a variety of spectroscopic methods.  相似文献   

A gradient reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method using a C30 column was developed for the simultaneous determination of astaxanthin, astaxanthin monoesters and astaxanthin diesters in the green algae Chlorococcum sp., Chlorella zofingiensis, Haematococcus pluvialis and the mutant E1, which was obtained from the mutagenesis of H. pluvialis by exposure to UV-irradiation and ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS) with subsequent screening using nicotine. The results showed that the contents of total astaxanthins including free astaxanthin and astaxanthin esters ranged from 1.4 to 30.9 mg/g dry biomass in these green algae. The lower total astaxanthin levels (< 2 mg/g dry biomass) were detected in the green algae Chlorococcum sp. and C. zofingiensis. The higher total astaxanthin levels (>16 mg/g dry biomass) were found in the green alga H. pluvialis and its mutant E1. It is notable that the mutant E1 is found to have considerably higher amounts of total astaxanthin (30.9 mg/g) as compared to the wild strain of H. pluvialis (16.1 mg/g). This indicates that UV-irradiation and EMS compound mutagenesis with subsequent screening using nicotine is an effective method for breeding of a high-producing astaxanthin strain of H. pluvialis. In addition, the green alga C. zofingiensis had a remarkably higher percentage of astaxanthin diesters (76.3% of total astaxanthins) and a remarkably lower percentage of astaxanthin monoesters (18.0% of total astaxanthins) in comparison with H. pluvialis (35.5% for diesters and 60.9% for monoesters), the mutant E1 (49.1% and 48.1%) and Chlorococcum sp. (18.0% and 58.6%). Supported by the Frontier Research Grant of the SCSIO, the Hundred Talents program of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and National Natural Sciences of China projects (Grant No. 40776087)  相似文献   

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