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遗传密码和DNA序列的高维空间数字编码   总被引:6,自引:7,他引:6  
二进制数字化编码是信息科学最基本的编码方式。用0(00)、1(01)、2(10)和3(11)4个数码对4种碱基(C、T、A、G)进行二进制数字编码,共有24种可能的编码组合,其中8种满足碱基到补法则,它们是拓扑等价的。按碱基分子量大小排列的编码格式:0123/CTAG是最理想的编码格式。用二进制数对DNA的字符序列进行编码,有以下优点:1)压缩信息冗余度,提高编码效率;2)可以对碱基的结构、功能基  相似文献   

遗传密码子的设定表现出令人困惑的多态性特点 :不同氨基酸拥有的密码子的数目 ,除 5个外 ,从 1个到 6个都有 .这种特点显示出密码子无论在翻译行为还是进化轨迹上 ,都存在诸多的异质性 .因此 ,简并性一词的收敛含义 ,并不能表征这种多态性的进化内涵 .没有同义密码子的AUG(Met)和UGG (Trp)并无简并现象 .其余的密码子则可分为两大类 :一类是 ,4个同义密码子为 1组 ,具有相同的第 1、2位碱基 ,并遵循“3中读 2”的读出规则 .同组的 4个同义密码子 ,不过是来自同一个双字母原始密码子 (XYN)的孑遗物 ,从这个意义上讲 ,也不宜视为简并现象 ;另一类则主要是 ,2个同义密码子为一组 ,并遵循“3中读 3”读出规则 .它们是由编码 2个氨基酸的双义原始密码子 ,第 3位的未定碱基N进一步设定形成 .至于有 6个同义密码子的 ,特别令人困感不解的组别 ,实际上是 4 + 2个 ,这启示它们可能源于上述两大类 .遗传密码子多态性的起源 ,可能始于最初阶段 ,氨基酸同某类寡核苷酸的起始二联体的相互作用 ,而完成于所有的双义原始密码子的第 3位碱基的分化 .这种进化轨迹被传统的简并性一词所模糊 ,并导致鉴定各有关理论可信性的坚实依据和令不同观点取得共识的基础被掩盖起来 .这可能就是在遗传密码子起源领域里 ,长期存在着众  相似文献   

DNA序列高维空间数字编码的运算法则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DNA序列的高维空间二进制数字编码,除可以对DNA序列的碱基结构、功能基团、碱基互补、氢键强弱等性质进行编码之外,还可以方便地进行 数学运算和逻辑运算。DNA序列高维空间数字编码的运算法则是:(1)根据DNA序列数码的奇偶性质,可以推导出其与末位碱基的对应关系。当DNA序列S的数值X(S)=4n,4n 1,4n 2,4n 3时,其末位碱基依次为C,T,A,G(n=0,1,2,…)。(2)提出DNA序列高维空间的表观维数Nv,数值维数Nx及差异维数Nd的概念。当Nd=0时,首位碱基为A或G,当Nd=2n或2n 1(n=1,2,…)时,首痊碱基为(C)^n或(C)^nT。(3)推导出DNA序列点突变(单核苷酸多态性SNP)的运算法则。(4)推导出DNA重复序列(Tandem repeat)的运算法则。(5)提出DNA子序列(subsequence)的概念并定义DNA子序列的定值部Xi(digital value)和定位部Qi(location value)及其计算公式。(6)推导出DNA序列的延长运算、删除运算、缺失运算、插入运算、转位运算、换位运算和置换运算等的运算法则。(7)通过按位加运算求得DNA序列的汉明距离dh,碱基距离dh‘,基团距离dh″和共轭距离dG以及这些距离的意义与联系。(8)分析结果表明DNA序列的数字编码比常规的字符编码在数学运算上具有明显的优越性。  相似文献   

Horizontal starch-gel electrophoresis was used to measure variability at 14 enzyme loci from 13 natural populations of the dioecious moss Plagiomnium ciliare. Overall levels of genetic polymorphism were unexpectedly high for a haploid organism. Using a 1% frequency criterion, 71% of the loci surveyed were polymorphic for the species as a whole. The number of alleles per polymorphic locus for the species as a whole was 2.82 ± 0.34 (mean ± standard error), and mean gene diversity per locus was 0.078 ± 0.035. While total gene diversity (HT = 0.178) was similar to that observed for highly outcrossed diploid plants such as pines, the variance within (HS = 0.098 ± 0.027) and among (DST = 0.080 ± 0.033) populations was more evenly distributed than that reported for populations of conifers. Genetic distances between populations ranged from 0.0002 to 0.2064, with mosses from the Piedmont region of the southeastern United States showing less differentiation among populations than did mosses from the Appalachian Mountains. Gene diversity was much reduced in populations from disturbed, secondary forests in the Piedmont (0.058 ± 0.018) relative to those from minimally disturbed, primary forests in the mountains (0.146 ± 0.048). Intensive sampling within populations revealed heterogeneity even within small (5 × 5 cm) clumps. The discovery of high levels of genetic variability in a plant with a dominant haploid life cycle challenges the traditional view of bryophytes as a genetically depauperate group. Multipleniche selection is proposed as a possible explanation for this anomaly, but the data are also consistent with the view that allozyme polymorphisms are selectively neutral.  相似文献   

We demonstrate how a genetic polymorphism of distinctly different alleles can develop during long-term frequency-dependent evolution in an initially monomorphic diploid population, if mutations have only small phenotypic effect. As a specific example, we use a version of Levene's (1953) soft selection model, where stabilizing selection acts on a continuous trait within each of two habitats. If the optimal phenotypes within the habitats are sufficiently different, then two distinctly different alleles evolve gradually from a single ancestral allele. In a wide range of parameter values, the two locally optimal phenotypes will be realized by one of the homozygotes and the heterozygote, rather than by the two homozygotes. Unlike in the haploid analogue of the model, there can be multiple polymorphic evolutionary attractors with different probabilities of convergence. Our results differ from the population genetic models of short-term evolution in two aspects: (1) a polymorphism that is population genetically stable may be invaded by a new mutant allele and, as a consequence, the population may fall back to monomorphism, (2) long-term evolution by allele substitutions may lead from a population where polymorphism is not possible into one where polymorphism is possible.  相似文献   

Information on genetic composition of past and present populations may be obtained by analyzing DNA from archival samples. A study is presented on the genetic population structure of extant and extinct local populations of Atlantic salmon from 1913 to 1989 using dried scales as a source of DNA. Variation at six microsatellite loci was studied. Tests for differentiation among populations and among time series within populations showed that population structure was stable over time. This was also confirmed by a neighbor-joining dendrogram, which showed a clear clustering of samples from individual rivers that covered a time span of up to 76 years. These results suggest that salmon populations evolve as semi-independent units connected by modest amounts of gene flow. Additionally, a clear association between geographic and genetic distance was found. This relationship has otherwise been difficult to establish in several recent studies. The discrepancy may be due to impact of human activities on the genetic structure of present populations, whereas old samples represent populations in a more unaffected state. However, other explanations related to differences in the sampling of past and present populations may be equally valid.  相似文献   

太空诱变玉米核不育材料花粉败育的细胞学观察(简报)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
玉米是最早利用雄性不育系生产杂交种的作物之一。在玉米T型细胞质雄性不育杂交种遭受毁灭性病害侵袭之后,科学家认识到利用细胞质雄性不育制种存在潜在的遗传脆弱性,从此试图通过多种途径来创造新的雄性不育.并对雄性不育材料的遗传多样性进行研究。空间诱变育种是80年代于我国发展起来的新技术,在农作物品种改良和种质创新上已初见成效。[第一段]  相似文献   

Bierhorst , David W. (Cornell U., Ithaca, N. Y.) Symmetry in Equisetum. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(3) : 170-179. Illus. 1959.—A total of 118 leaf whorls and corresponding nodes from a total of 9 species of Equisetum were studied in serial cross-section. The number of whorls having the same leaf number as the 2 adjacent ones was 67. The size of the arc measured in degrees of circumference occupied by each leaf, as well as its position relative to leaves of adjacent whorls were measured. The disposition of the internodal and trans-nodal vascular strands was determined for each of the nodes. The average per cent deviations from theoretical leaf size within whorls were: whorls not involved in change in leaf number, 3.9; those with fewer leaves than the one below, 9.5; those with more leaves than one above, 7.1; those with more leaves than one below, 9.4; those with different leaf number from the 2 adjacent ones, 12.5. In Equisetum, it is a general rule that (1) a leaf which falls directly above a leaf in the next whorl where the younger whorl possesses fewer leaves than the older one is usually the largest leaf within its whorl, (2) a leaf which falls directly below a leaf in the next younger whorl where the younger whorl possesses fewer leaves than the older one is usually the smallest leaf within its whorl, (3) a leaf which falls directly above a leaf in the next older whorl where the younger whorl possesses a greater number of leaves than the older one is usually the smallest leaf in its whorl, and (4) a leaf which falls directly below a leaf in the next younger whorl where the younger whorl possesses a greater number of leaves than the older one is usually the largest leaf within its whorl. The numerous variations in the disposition of vascular tissue associated with changes in leaf number are described. Double leaf traces which originate in various ways are common, as well as vertical strands traversing the nodes. The leaf trace system is considered to be determined by the number, position, and relative sizes of leaf primordia. The disposition of the trans-nodal protoxylem seems to be determined to a large extent by the proximity of the leaf traces above and below the node.  相似文献   

Patiria miniata, a broadcast‐spawning sea star species with high dispersal potential, has a geographic range in the intertidal zone of the northeast Pacific Ocean from Alaska to California that is characterized by a large range gap in Washington and Oregon. We analyzed spatial genetic variation across the P. miniata range using multilocus sequence data (mtDNA, nuclear introns) and multilocus genotype data (microsatellites). We found a strong phylogeographic break at Queen Charlotte Sound in British Columbia that was not in the location predicted by the geographical distribution of the populations. However, this population genetic discontinuity does correspond to previously described phylogeographic breaks in other species. Northern populations from Alaska and Haida Gwaii were strongly differentiated from all southern populations from Vancouver Island and California. Populations from Vancouver Island and California were undifferentiated with evidence of high gene flow or very recent separation across the range disjunction between them. The surprising and discordant spatial distribution of populations and alleles suggests that historical vicariance (possibly caused by glaciations) and contemporary dispersal barriers (possibly caused by oceanographic conditions) both shape population genetic structure in this species.  相似文献   

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