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The present paper deals with age characteristics of EEG reactions, at the level of integral cues, to functional loads in children of 7-14 years and juveniles. Modelling of tense and emotional states leads to a reconstruction of the organization of the EEG of quiet waking state, with formation of integral characteristics specific for these states and reflecting various mechanisms of the brain activity. At the age of 9-12 years emotional loads bring about disturbances of EEG integral characteristics, testifying to a lowering of brain reactivity.  相似文献   

Relaxation-induced changes in characteristics of the functional state of the nervous system (EEG parameters and electrodermal resistance (EDR)) were studied in 30 schoolchildren aged 9–10 years. A multichannel EEG was recorded from the occipital, parietal, temporo-parieto-occipital, central, and frontal areas of both brain hemispheres in three test conditions: quiet wakefulness, R, and recovery of the initial state. Simultaneously, the EDR was monitored. EEG amplitude spectra and coherence were calculated. Prior to and after relaxation, a cognitive test to determine the extent of short-term auditory verbal memory was performed. While changes in the EDR were reversible, relaxation-induced changes in the EEG parameters persisted after relaxation in many subjects. Changes in EEG coherence between distant derivations were most stable. Since short-term auditory verbal memory improved after relaxation, the postrelaxation changes in the EEG parameters were considered to reflect positive changes arising in the brain function and increasing the efficiency of cognitive processes.  相似文献   

We studied the age- and sex-related functional characteristics of the central nervous system (CNS), cardiovascular system (CVS), lability of the visual sensory system, and mental capacity before and after a continuous computer work for 15 min in children aged 7, 8, 9, and 10 years. The results of the research showed that the resistance of the physiological systems of the body to loads associated with computer work increases in primary school children with age. We also observed sex-related differences: many parameters of functional performance during computer work at the age of 8 years were better in girls than in boys, which was due to a higher rate of development; at the age of 10 years, girls had a larger number of adverse changes in the functional state of the body compared with boys, which is possibly due to the onset of puberty.  相似文献   

Adolescence is characterized by an intense formation of interregional interaction of cortical areas. In this period, the activity of deep brain structures is significantly reorganizing and cortical-subcortical interaction is augmenting. Our objective was to assess the pattern of changes in the spatial structure of brain bioelectric potentials with age and characteristics of these structures in adolescents. For this purpose, studies of EEG were conducted in 230 subjects of both sexes aged 4 to 35 years. We quantified the interconsistent changes in correlations of oscillations of bioelectric potentials in 20-lead EEG, using the integrated index VOL. Age-related changes in the consistency of EEG correlations were analyzed both in the background state and during verbal activity (comprehension of texts in Russian and in English). Cognitive tasks were performed by subjects older than 8 years. It was discovered that spatial synchronization of EEG processes both in the background state and during cognitive tasks increased with age, but, after 20 years, the rate of changes decreases significantly. In adolescence (12–17 years), sex differences appear in the correlation of EEG processes between the left and right hemispheres in subjects performing verbal tasks. We observed saltatory changes in VOL indices in 12- to 14-year-old boys, whereas in girls of the same age, reorganization of systemic brain activity goes more gradually 1.5–2 years in advance.  相似文献   

Dynamics of brain signals such as electroencephalogram (EEG) can be characterized as a sequence of quasi-stable patterns. Such patterns in the brain signals can be associated with coordinated neural oscillations, which can be modeled by non-linear systems. Further, these patterns can be quantified through dynamical non-stationarity based on detection of qualitative changes in the state of the systems underlying the observed brain signals. This study explored age-related changes in dynamical non-stationarity of the brain signals recorded at rest, longitudinally with 128-channel EEG during early adolescence (10 to 13 years of age, 56 participants). Dynamical non-stationarity was analyzed based on segmentation of the time series with subsequent grouping of the segments into clusters with similar dynamics. Age-related changes in dynamical non-stationarity were described in terms of the number of stationary states and the duration of the stationary segments. We found that the EEG signal became more non-stationary with age. Specifically, the number of states increased whereas the mean duration of the stationary segment decreased with age. These two effects had global and parieto-occipital distribution, respectively, with the later effect being most dominant in the alpha (around 10 Hz) frequency band.  相似文献   

Absence epilepsy is an important epileptic syndrome in children. Multiscale entropy (MSE), an entropy-based method to measure dynamic complexity at multiple temporal scales, is helpful to disclose the information of brain connectivity. This study investigated the complexity of electroencephalogram (EEG) signals using MSE in children with absence epilepsy. In this research, EEG signals from 19 channels of the entire brain in 21 children aged 5-12 years with absence epilepsy were analyzed. The EEG signals of pre-ictal (before seizure) and ictal states (during seizure) were analyzed by sample entropy (SamEn) and MSE methods. Variations of complexity index (CI), which was calculated from MSE, from the pre-ictal to the ictal states were also analyzed. The entropy values in the pre-ictal state were significantly higher than those in the ictal state. The MSE revealed more differences in analysis compared to the SamEn. The occurrence of absence seizures decreased the CI in all channels. Changes in CI were also significantly greater in the frontal and central parts of the brain, indicating fronto-central cortical involvement of “cortico-thalamo-cortical network” in the occurrence of generalized spike and wave discharges during absence seizures. Moreover, higher sampling frequency was more sensitive in detecting functional changes in the ictal state. There was significantly higher correlation in ictal states in the same patient in different seizures but there were great differences in CI among different patients, indicating that CI changes were consistent in different absence seizures in the same patient but not from patient to patient. This implies that the brain stays in a homogeneous activation state during the absence seizures. In conclusion, MSE analysis is better than SamEn analysis to analyze complexity of EEG, and CI can be used to investigate the functional brain changes during absence seizures.  相似文献   

The possibilities of biofeedback training for improvement of the self-control of the functional state (relaxation) were studied in 9- to 10–year-old children. At the first stage, under conditions of electrophysiological experiment, relaxation shifts were assessed in the cycle quiet wakefulness–relaxation–recovery of the initial state by autonomic (skin resistance) and EEG (spectra and coherence) indices. The children were then trained to control their functional state with a computer game including a feedback loop by skin temperature. After the training cycle, children were repeatedly examined in electrophysiological experiment with the instruction to control their state. Comparative analysis of self-induced relaxation changes before and after a successful training course revealed greater shifts of skin resistance and an increase in the number of distant functional connections (especially, in the intermediate and high-frequency EEG subbands), with a significantly increased coherence level during relaxation. A correlation was found between the efficiency of self-regulation training and some individual psychophysiological characteristics (simple motor reaction time, autonomic coefficient, resting EEG). Low efficiency of self-control training was observed in younger schoolchildren with a sharply deviant (from the mean group values) reaction time and autonomic coefficient, as well as with EEG manifestations of functional immaturity of the upper brain regulatory structures. The dependence of the EEG changes on the self-regulation strategy is discussed on the basis of obtained evidence and data in the literature.  相似文献   

Spectral characteristics of the EEG were analyzed in three types of psychogenic disorders: depressive states and hysterical and anxiety disorders. In all patients examined, the common feature was a predominant activation of the right hemisphere. In each type of psychogenic disorder, characteristic features, i.e., EEG correlates of functional changes in diencephalic and ventrobasal brain structures, were found.  相似文献   

Psychophysiological features of schoolchildren seven to eight and nine to ten years of age (their autonomic balance and brain functional state) were studied; the effect of biofeedback (BFB) training on the regulatory influence of relaxation was evaluated (BFB signal—electrical skin resistance). Before and after BFB training, the electrophysiological experiment, i.e., relaxation testing, was performed without BFB in three situations: background, relaxation, and the state after relaxation. The EEG of various cortical areas was recorded, and the electrical skin resistance was determined. The short-term memory test was used to determine changes in the functional state at the behavioral level. Short-term training (five sessions) often enhanced the efficiency of voluntary relaxation and improved the postrelaxation mnestic function only in the group of 9- to 10-year-old children. The effect of training on the relaxation of the regulation depended on the individual psychophysiological features of children.  相似文献   

A new computerized method for EEG rhythms extraction is proposed as a development of the idea of adjustable boundaries of frequency components that was put forward in previous investigations. Principle component analysis of the correlation matrix of EEG spectra with subsequent rotation of factor solutions was used for decomposition of a spectrum into physically meaningful spectral components. The method was tested on EEG of 14 healthy subjects recorded in 17 functional waking states. Fourteen independent spectral components in the spectral range from 0 to 100 Hz were extracted and their frequency boundaries were consistent with the current knowledge on frequency components of EEG oscillations. Main advantage of the described method is the adjustable estimation of EEG frequency oscillators taking into account characteristic properties of individual EEGs. Possible area of application might be the correct evaluation of spectral power of the EEG rhythms, EEG coherence and other spectral characteristics in clinical and experimental research, studies of the frequency characteristics of the EEG rhythms in different human functional states, changes in frequency characteristics of the EEG rhythms during maturation and in mental pathology.  相似文献   

Power spectra and coherence function of EEG of various cortical areas of both hemispheres were analyzed in 9 patients with extremely protracted loss of consciousness. Five patients were in the state of posttraumatic apallic syndrome lasting for more than 4 years in one patient, and 4-9 months with successive lethal outcome in 4 patients. One patient for more than 2 years was in a state of areactivity to external signals. In 3 patients the process of recovery of consciousness and speech began in 1-2 months. At the apallic syndrome, only low-frequency EEG components were present in spectrograms, and the values of coherence function were sharply decreased. With recovering consciousness and speech, a gradual appearance of alpha-activity was observed as well as an increase of coherence values at the frequency of the alpha-rhythm. The recovery of intercentral EEG relations in the motor-verbal cortical area was shown to play a special role in further normalization of connections in the cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

Spectral EEG characteristics were studied in 12 six-month healthy children in a state of attention, attracted by visual stimuli and also at lowering of the level of visual afferentation and in drowsiness. 12 parts of EEG records free from artefacts were used, with analysis epoch 5 s and discretion frequency 100 counts/s. Three independent rhythmic EEG components have been revealed in alertness state, corresponding by criteria of functional reactivity and topographic localization to theta, alpha and mu EEG rhythms of the adult man. It is suggested that formation of dominating EEG rhythm with age occurs due to changes in dominant relations of the key rhythmic successions with independent genesis.  相似文献   

Frequency characteristics of EEG-reaction have been analysed in children of 3-10 years in the process of realization of the orienting reflex to sound stimuli. An enhancement of theta- and alpha-oscillations has been found in such conditions which becomes less pronounced to 9-10 years. In the last age group, the reaction of blockade of the basic rhythm of the background EEG (alpha-oscillations of 10 Hz) is formed, combined with local enhancement of other rhythmic components of this frequency range. Functional significance of different forms of EEG activation reaction has been determined. The question is discussed of functional heterogeneity of rhythmic components of the alpha-range and their differential involvement in the reaction reflecting complex mechanisms of cortical activation.  相似文献   

Present paper presents proton MRS investigation results. The investigation was carried out with Magnetom Vision device. Twenty-five patients in the age of 20-44 years suffering with generalization epileptic fits validated by EEG (no visible changes on MRT) were examined. In all cases independently on the localization of the changes, decreasing of NAA and increasing of Cho were recorded. At one side temporal lobe injury recorded by EEG at the damaged part decreasing of NAA/Cr and NAA/Cho + Cr ratios were registered. Patients with bilateral changes registered by EEG showed non-equal changes of metabolite concentration on both sides. Examination of patients suffering with distinct symptoms of temple epileptics has shown ipsilaterality decrease of NAA and Cr concentration. But on the injured side NAA/Cr ratio decrease was more distinct. In general, the laterality was recorded in 14 patients out of 22 with pathological changes registered by proton MRS and in 10 patients out of 14 the above mentioned changes corresponds to the side of the fit initiation. In the patients with bilaterality changes NAA/Cr ratio asymmetry was recorded in all cases, but the most distinctly in the medium part of the temple lobe. Comparison of data recorded in 8 patients suffering with one side fit complex has shown significant asymmetry of metabolites which was observed in ipsilaterality and contra laterality NAA ratio obtained in hippocampal areas. Difference in NAA ratio obtained between left and right sides are 19-25%. Left-right ratio of other metabolites corresponded to that ratio in the control group and was symmetrical.  相似文献   

Nine patients (mean age, 23.6 ± 3.15 years) with a severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) associated with a loss of the ability to maintain vertical posture were enrolled in a comprehensive clinical and electroencephalographic study during the spontaneous recovery of vertical posture (VP). The patients were divided into three groups according to their functional deficit assessed on the international MPAI, FIM, and MMSE scales, which was determined by the severity of the TBI. The EEG data were compared to those of ten healthy subjects (mean age, 22.8 ± 0.67 years). In patients with a moderate impairment of the brain and a rapid recovery of VP (over two weeks), a change in the sitting position revealed EEG signs similar to reactive EEG restructurings of healthy individuals during the maintenance of VP in the form of a predominant EEG coherence increase in the right hemisphere for most of the rhythm bands; however, at this stage of VP recovery, the EEG restructurings retained pathological signs. In patients with a more severe functional deficit, spontaneous recovery of VP was accompanied by hyperreactive EEG restructurings for all rhythm bands without regional specificity. This finding showed up irrespective of the lateralization of the brain injury, which could be considered as a marker of positive dynamics of VP recovery. In patients with the most severe impairment and functional deficit and long-term (more than three months) absence of spontaneous VP recovery, the absence of reactive EEG restructurings was revealed in their passive verticalization, which could be used as a marker of negative prognosis.  相似文献   

Down syndrome (DS) is the most common genetic cause of mental retardation. It is estimated that 5-13% of persons affected by DS have seizures. Infantile spasms are the most common type of seizures and usually are well controlled with steroids and antiepileptic drugs. We present 11 children at the age of 3 years and 4 months to 10 years and 7 months with DS and infantile spasms, treated at Children's Hospital Zagreb from January 2000 until July 2009. Infantile spasms began at the age of 5 to 10.5 months in 10 children, in one child at the age of 16 months. Only one child had perinatal risk factors for the development of IS. Changes in EEG correlated to hypsarrhythmia. Infantile spasms were treated initially with antiepileptic drugs, most often with valproic acid. Treatment was inefficient in 10/11 patients. After application of ACTH, infantile spasms stopped between 7 and 15 days in 6 patients, until 28th day in 4 patients. Hypsarrhythmia vanished in all children. During follow-up period (2 years and 7 months to 9 years and 5 months) none of the children developed another type of seizures. No major epileptogenic changes were registered in EEG. Antiepileptic therapy was discontinued in 4 children (aged 4 years and 2 months to 5 years). In this group is the boy who died of heart failure. Infantile spasms associated with DS are categorized into symptomatic group. The existence of cerebral pathology and delayed psycho-motor development precedes occurrence of seizures. It is possible to achieve good control of seizures and disappearance of hypsarrhythmia with application of ACTH and antiepileptic drugs.  相似文献   

Relationships between individual θ and α EEG amplitudes and intelligence were studied in five- to six-year-old children. EEG was recorded in 83 children in three functional states: eyes closed, sustained visual attention, and attention to adult’s speech. Intelligence was assessed using Kaufman’s K-ABC test. Relationships between the EEG parameters and intelligence were studied using correlational and regression analyses. The results suggest that stable individual differences in local spectral amplitudes (SA) in the EEG θ and α bands predict reliably (when the covariant proportions of their variances is controlled) the level of simultaneous data processing in children under the conditions of sustained attention but not at rest. Thus, the individual features of the limbic thalamocortical and corticothalamic attentional systems are expected to influence cognitive abilities at the preschool age.  相似文献   

Two dramatic phenomena of human adolescence are sexual maturation and a steep decline in the delta EEG of non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. It has long been speculated that these developmental changes are causally related. Here, we present the first longitudinal data on this issue. Cohorts of 9- and 12-year-old children (n = 31, 38) were studied with in-home sleep EEG recordings at 6-mo intervals over 2 years. Pubertal (Tanner) stage, height, and weight were obtained at each time point. NREM delta power density (DPD) did not change significantly over ages 9-11 years, and its level did not differ in boys and girls. DPD declined by 25% between ages 12 and 14 years. This decline was parallel in the two sexes, but levels were lower in girls, suggesting that their DPD decline began earlier. Mixed effect analyses demonstrated that DPD was strongly related to age with Tanner stage, height, weight and body mass index controlled but that none of these measures of physical and sexual development was related to DPD with age controlled. NREM delta is the sleep EEG component homeostatically related to prior waking duration and the intensity of waking brain activity. We hypothesize that the DPD decline is caused by age-programmed synaptic pruning that decreases waking brain metabolic rate. This reduced rate would decrease the "substrate" for delta homeostasis. Whether or not this interpretation proves correct, these longitudinal data demonstrate that the delta decline in adolescence reflects brain processes that are not predicted by physical growth or sexual maturation.  相似文献   

Spectral correlation analysis of the EEG was used to study the organization of the rhythmic electrical activity (EA) of the cerebral cortex in normal children aged seven to eight and nine to ten years and children with the two types of functional immaturity of cerebral regulatory systems most common at this age, namely, fronto-thalamic regulatory system immaturity (IFTS) and brainstem nonspecific activation system immaturity (deficiency) (DNA). Statistical comparison (ANOVA) of these groups of children with respect to the absolute and relative α-and ?-band spectral powers of the background EEGs of 12 cortical areas showed the specific features of the effects of functional immaturity of regulatory systems at different levels on the cortical rhythmic EA pattern at rest. DNA led to a significant increase in the absolute spectral power of α and ? waves recorded in all derivations in both age groups, which indicated a generalized decrease in cortex activation in these children. IFTS caused a significant decrease in the relative strength of α waves and an increase in the strength of ? waves. Taking into account the results of ontogenetic studies, this may be regarded as evidence for a relative underdevelopment of cortical rhythm-generating networks. The absolute spectral powers of both α and ? waves were decreased in all groups of children by nine to ten years of age, which indicated that nonspecific activation was enhanced in the age interval studied. Significant changes were observed in children with functional immaturity of regulatory systems. In children with DNA, the age-related increase in cortex activation was expressed as a significant increase in the α-rhythm peak frequency. In children with IFTS, by nine to ten years of age, both the absolute and relative strengths of ? waves were decreased in most cortical areas studied, which may be regarded as the progressive formation of cortical rhythm-generating mechanisms.  相似文献   

Special features of morphological functional age development of the brain in children living in difficult climatic-geographical and social-economical conditions of the North (Archangelsk region) were studied. It was found that among 62 examined pupils of middle country school only in 10 persons (16%) amplitude-frequency and temporal-spatial EEG parameters are in accordance with passport age (European standards). 38 pupils (61%) have insignificant deviations such as insufficient regularity of EEG spatial-temporal pattern in frontal and temporal parts of the brain, increased theta- and delta-rhythms, absence of distinct "functional nuclear" in alpha range. In remaining 14 pupils (23%) EEG parameters suggest a more expressed retardation of mental development coupled with problems in the learning and inadequate behavior. Retardation of terms of morphological functional development of the brain in children--northerners equals 1.5 - 2 years, which is in accordance with terms of hormonal and physical development' retardation, described by different authors.  相似文献   

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