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目的:叶酸是一种水溶性B 族维生素,在体内氨基酸与核苷酸代谢中起重要作用, 是胎儿生长发育所必须的营养素。本文通 过建立叶酸缺乏的孕鼠模型,探讨叶酸缺乏对胎鼠宫内发育的影响,并研究胎鼠肝脏组织中胰岛素生长因子(IGF)系统的表达变 化。方法:雌性C57BL/6J 小鼠叶酸缺乏组6 只、正常对照组6 只,分别饲以不含叶酸和含2 mg 叶酸/kg 的纯合饲料。四周后与雄 鼠交配,于怀孕第13.5 天(13.5 dpc)对孕鼠剖腹取胎,观察和评价胎鼠发育指标,并对宫内发育迟缓(IUGR)比率进行统计。用 Real-time PCR 法检测胎鼠肝脏组织中胰岛素生长因子Ⅰ(IGFⅠ)、胰岛素生长因子Ⅰ受体(IGFⅠ R)、胰岛素生长因子Ⅱ(IGF Ⅱ)、胰岛素生长因子Ⅱ受体(IGFⅡR)、胰岛素生长因子结合蛋白1(IGFBP-1)和胰岛素生长因子结合蛋白3(IGFBP-3)mRNA的 相对表达水平。结果:叶酸缺乏组雌鼠合笼前每日体重增长量降低,13.5 dpc胎鼠吸收胎和死胎比率升高,胎重下降,IUGR 比率显 著升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);叶酸缺乏组胎鼠肝脏组织中IGFⅡ和IGFⅡR mRNA 的相对表达水平均低于正常对照组 (P<0.05),IGFⅠ、IGFⅠR、IGFBP-1 和IGFBP-3 mRNA的相对表达水平两组间没有差异(P>0.05)。结论:叶酸缺乏会导致小鼠孕 中期胎鼠IUGR 比率升高及胎肝IGFⅡ和IGFⅡR mRNA 的表达水平降低,提示叶酸缺乏对IGF系统基因的调控,可能与胎鼠IUGR 发生机制有关。  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF1) is a major therapeutic target for cancer. We recently reported that IGF1 directly binds to integrins (αvβ3 and α6β4) and induces ternary complex formation (integrin-IGF1-IGF1 receptor (IGF1R)) and that the integrin binding-defective mutant of IGF1 (R36E/R37E) is defective in signaling and ternary complex formation. These findings predict that R36E/R37E competes with WT IGF1 for binding to IGF1R and inhibits IGF signaling. Here, we described that excess R36E/R37E suppressed cell viability increased by WT IGF1 in vitro in non-transformed cells. We studied the effect of R36E/R37E on viability and tumorigenesis in cancer cell lines. We did not detect an effect of WT IGF1 or R36E/R37E in cancer cells under anchorage-dependent conditions. However, under anchorage-independent conditions, WT IGF1 enhanced cell viability and induced signals, whereas R36E/R37E did not. Notably, excess R36E/R37E suppressed cell viability and signaling induced by WT IGF1 under anchorage-independent conditions. Using cancer cells stably expressing WT IGF1 or R36E/R37E, we determined that R36E/R37E suppressed tumorigenesis in vivo, whereas WT IGF1 markedly enhanced it. R36E/R37E suppressed the binding of WT IGF1 to the cell surface and the subsequent ternary complex formation induced by WT IGF1. R36E/R37E suppressed activation of IGF1R by insulin. WT IGF1, but not R36E/R37E, induced ternary complex formation with the IGF1R/insulin receptor hybrid. These findings suggest that 1) IGF1 induces signals under anchorage-independent conditions and that 2) R36E/R37E acts as a dominant-negative inhibitor of IGF1R (IGF1 decoy). Our results are consistent with a model in which ternary complex formation is critical for IGF signaling.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor I receptor (IGF-1R) signaling is essential for cell, organ, and animal growth. The C-terminal tail of the IGF-1R exhibits regulatory function, but the mechanism is unknown. Here, we show that mutation of Ser-1248 (S1248A) enhances IGF-1R in vitro kinase activity, autophosphorylation, Akt/mammalian target of rapamycin activity, and cell growth. Ser-1248 phosphorylation is mediated by GSK-3β in a mechanism that involves a priming phosphorylation on Ser-1252. GSK-3β knock-out cells exhibit reduced IGF-1R cell surface expression, enhanced IGF-1R kinase activity, and signaling. Examination of crystallographic structures of the IGF-1R kinase domain revealed that the (1248)SFYYS(1252) motif adopts a conformation tightly packed against the kinase C-lobe when Ser-1248 is in the unphosphorylated state that favors kinase activity. S1248A mutation is predicted to lock the motif in this position. In contrast, phosphorylation of Ser-1248 will drive profound structural transition of the sequence, critically affecting connection of the C terminus as well as exposing potential protein docking sites. Decreased kinase activity of a phosphomimetic S1248E mutant and enhanced kinase activity in mutants of its predicted target residue Lys-1081 support this auto-inhibitory model. Thus, the SFYYS motif controls the organization of the IGF-1R C terminus relative to the kinase domain. Its phosphorylation by GSK-3β restrains kinase activity and regulates receptor trafficking and signaling.  相似文献   

Tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs), the endogenous inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases, have been shown to possess biological functions that are independent of their ability to inhibit matrix metalloproteinases. We have previously shown that the C-terminal domain of TIMP-2 and, in particular, Loop 6 inhibit capillary endothelial cell proliferation and angiogenesis both in vitro and in vivo. To elucidate the mechanism by which Loop 6 inhibits angiogenesis, we sought to determine whether its biological effects were the result of a known TIMP-2 protein-protein interaction or of a receptor-mediated event. In this study, we identify insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor as a binding partner of Loop 6/TIMP-2 and characterize this interaction on the endothelial cell surface and the consequences of this interaction on downstream receptor signaling.  相似文献   

IGF2 is an autocrine ligand for the beta cell IGF1R receptor and GLP-1 increases the activity of this autocrine loop by enhancing IGF1R expression, a mechanism that mediates the trophic effects of GLP-1 on beta cell mass and function. Here, we investigated the regulation of IGF2 biosynthesis and secretion. We showed that glutamine rapidly and strongly induced IGF2 mRNA translation using reporter constructs transduced in MIN6 cells and primary islet cells. This was followed by rapid secretion of IGF2 via the regulated pathway, as revealed by the presence of mature IGF2 in insulin granule fractions and by inhibition of secretion by nimodipine and diazoxide. When maximally stimulated by glutamine, the amount of secreted IGF2 rapidly exceeded its initial intracellular pool and tolbutamide, and high K+ increased IGF2 secretion only marginally. This indicates that the intracellular pool of IGF2 is small and that sustained secretion requires de novo synthesis. The stimulatory effect of glutamine necessitates its metabolism but not mTOR activation. Finally, exposure of insulinomas or beta cells to glutamine induced Akt phosphorylation, an effect that was dependent on IGF2 secretion, and reduced cytokine-induced apoptosis. Thus, glutamine controls the activity of the beta cell IGF2/IGF1R autocrine loop by increasing the biosynthesis and secretion of IGF2. This autocrine loop can thus integrate changes in feeding and metabolic state to adapt beta cell mass and function.  相似文献   

Placental cell growth depends on an adaptable combination of an endogenous developmental program and the exogenous influence of maternal growth factors, both of which may be influenced by microRNA (miR)-dependent effects on gene expression. We have previously shown that global miR suppression in placenta accelerates proliferation and enhances levels of growth factor signaling mediators in cytotrophoblast. This study aimed to identify miRs involved in regulating placental growth. An initial array revealed 58 miR species whose expression differs between first trimester, when cytotrophoblast proliferation is rapid, and term, by which time proliferation has slowed. In silico analysis defined potential growth-regulatory miRs; among these, hsa-miR-145, hsa-miR-377, and hsa-let-7a were predicted to target known placental growth genes and were higher at term than in the first trimester, so they were selected for further analysis. Overexpression of miR-377 and let-7a, but not miR-145, in first trimester placental explants significantly reduced basal cytotrophoblast proliferation and expression of ERK and MYC. PCR arrays, in silico analysis, Western blotting, and 3′-UTR luciferase reporter assays revealed targets of miR-145 within the insulin-like growth factor axis. Analysis of proliferation in placental explants overexpressing miR-145 demonstrated its role as a mediator of insulin-like growth factor-induced trophoblast proliferation. These findings identify miR-377 and let-7a in regulation of endogenous cell growth and miR-145 in the placental response to maternal stimulation and will aid the development of therapeutic strategies for problem pregnancies.  相似文献   

Ginsenoside Rg5 is a compound newly synthesized during the steaming process of ginseng; however, its biological activity has not been elucidated with regard to endothelial function. We found that Rg5 stimulated in vitro angiogenesis of human endothelial cells, consistent with increased neovascularization and blood perfusion in a mouse hind limb ischemia model. Rg5 also evoked vasorelaxation in aortic rings isolated from wild type and high cholesterol-fed ApoE−/− mice but not from endothelial nitric-oxide synthase (eNOS) knock-out mice. Angiogenic activity of Rg5 was highly associated with a specific increase in insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1R) phosphorylation and subsequent activation of multiple angiogenic signals, including ERK, FAK, Akt/eNOS/NO, and Gi-mediated phospholipase C/Ca2+/eNOS dimerization pathways. The vasodilative activity of Rg5 was mediated by the eNOS/NO/cGMP axis. IGF-1R knockdown suppressed Rg5-induced angiogenesis and vasorelaxation by inhibiting key angiogenic signaling and NO/cGMP pathways. In silico docking analysis showed that Rg5 bound with high affinity to IGF-1R at the same binding site of IGF. Rg5 blocked binding of IGF-1 to its receptor with an IC50 of ∼90 nmol/liter. However, Rg5 did not induce vascular inflammation and permeability. These data suggest that Rg5 plays a novel role as an IGF-1R agonist, promoting therapeutic angiogenesis and improving hypertension without adverse effects in the vasculature.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II) is a major embryonic growth factor belonging to the insulin-like growth factor family, which includes insulin and IGF-I. Its expression in humans is tightly controlled by maternal imprinting, a genetic restraint that is lost in many cancers, resulting in up-regulation of both mature IGF-II mRNA and protein expression. Additionally, increased expression of several longer isoforms of IGF-II, termed “pro” and “big” IGF-II, has been observed. To date, it is ambiguous as to what role these IGF-II isoforms have in initiating and sustaining tumorigenesis and whether they are bioavailable. We have expressed each individual IGF-II isoform in their proper O-glycosylated format and established that all bind to the IGF-I receptor and both insulin receptors A and B, resulting in their activation and subsequent stimulation of fibroblast proliferation. We also confirmed that all isoforms are able to be sequestered into binary complexes with several IGF-binding proteins (IGFBP-2, IGFBP-3, and IGFBP-5). In contrast to this, ternary complex formation with IGFBP-3 or IGFBP-5 and the auxillary protein, acid labile subunit, was severely diminished. Furthermore, big-IGF-II isoforms bound much more weakly to purified ectodomain of the natural IGF-II scavenging receptor, IGF-IIR. IGF-II isoforms thus possess unique biological properties that may enable them to escape normal sequestration avenues and remain bioavailable in vivo to sustain oncogenic signaling.  相似文献   

Adipose tissue expansion requires growth and proliferation of adipocytes and the concomitant expansion of their stromovascular network. We have used an ex vivo angiogenesis assay to study the mechanisms involved in adipose tissue expansion. In this assay, adipose tissue fragments placed under pro-angiogenic conditions form sprouts composed of endothelial, perivascular, and other proliferative cells. We find that sprouting was directly stimulated by insulin and was enhanced by prior treatment of mice with the insulin sensitizer rosiglitazone. Moreover, basal and insulin-stimulated sprouting increased progressively over 30 weeks of high fat diet feeding, correlating with tissue expansion during this period. cDNA microarrays analyzed to identify genes correlating with insulin-stimulated sprouting surprisingly revealed only four positively correlating (Fads3, Tmsb10, Depdc6, and Rasl12) and four negatively correlating (Asph, IGFbp4, Ppm1b, and Adcyap1r1) genes. Among the proteins encoded by these genes, IGFbp4, which suppresses IGF-1 signaling, has been previously implicated in angiogenesis, suggesting a role for IGF-1 in adipose tissue expandability. Indeed, IGF-1 potently stimulated sprouting, and the presence of activated IGF-1 receptors in the vasculature was revealed by immunostaining. Recombinant IGFbp4 blocked the effects of insulin and IGF-1 on mouse adipose tissue sprouting and also suppressed sprouting from human subcutaneous adipose tissue. These results reveal an important role of IGF-1/IGFbp4 signaling in post-developmental adipose tissue expansion.  相似文献   

A recent report (Zhong, D., Xiong, L., Liu, T., Liu, X., Liu, X., Chen, J., Sun, S. Y., Khuri, F. R., Zong, Y., Zhou, Q., and Zhou, W. (2009) J. Biol. Chem. 284, 23225-23233) details that 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG), a well known inhibitor of glycolysis and a candidate antineoplastic agent, also induces insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF-1R) signaling through the inhibition of insulin-like growth factor 1-insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 3 (IGF-1-IGFBP-3) complex formation. Zhong et al. hypothesized that disrupted IGF-1/IGFBP-3 binding by 2-DG led to increased free IGF-1 concentrations and, consequently, activation of IGF-1R downstream pathways. Because their report suggests unprecedented off-target effects of 2-DG, this has profound implications for the fields of metabolism and oncology. Using ELISA, surface plasmon resonance, and novel "intensity-fading" mass spectrometry, we now provide a detailed characterization of complex formation between IGF-1 and IGFBP-3. All three of these independent methods demonstrated that there was no effect of glucose or 2-DG on the interaction between IGF-1 and IGFBP-3. Furthermore, we show examples of 2-DG exposure associated with reduced rather than increased IGF-1R and AKT activation, providing further evidence against a 2-DG increase in IGF-1R activation by IGF-1-IGFBP-3 complex disruption.  相似文献   

Neurotensin (NT) is a gastrointestinal neuropeptide that modulates intestinal inflammation and healing by binding to its high-affinity receptor NTR1. The dual role of NT in inflammation and healing is demonstrated in models of colitis induced by Clostridium difficile toxin A and dextran sulfate sodium, respectively, and involves NF-κB-dependent IL-8 expression and EGF receptor-mediated MAPK activation in human colonocytes. However, the detailed signaling pathways involved in these responses remain to be elucidated. We report here that NT/NTR1 coupling in human colonic epithelial NCM460 cells activates tyrosine phosphorylation of the insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1R) in a time- and dose-dependent manner. NT also rapidly induces Src tyrosine phosphorylation, whereas pretreatment of cells with the Src inhibitor PP2 before NT exposure decreases NT-induced IGF-1R phosphorylation. In addition, inhibition of IGF-1R activation by either its specific antagonist AG1024 or siRNA against IGF-1 significantly reduces NT-induced IL-8 expression and NF-κB-dependent reporter gene expression. Pretreatment with AG1024 also inhibits Akt activation and apoptosis induced by NT. Silencing of Akt expression by siRNA also substantially attenuates NT-induced IL-8 promoter activity and NF-κB-dependent reporter gene expression. This is the first report to indicate that NT transactivates IGF-1R and that this response is linked to Akt phosphorylation and NF-κB activation, contributing to both pro-inflammatory and tissue repair signaling pathways in response to NT in colonic epithelial cells. We propose that IGF-1R activation represents a previously unrecognized key pathway involved in the mechanisms by which NT and NTR1 modulate colonic inflammation and inflammatory bowel disease.  相似文献   

We have recently discovered that the insulin-like growth factor receptor I (IGF-IR) is up-regulated in human invasive bladder cancer and promotes migration and invasion of transformed urothelial cells. The proteoglycan decorin, a key component of the tumor stroma, can positively regulate the IGF-IR system in normal cells. However, there are no available data on the role of decorin in modulating IGF-IR activity in transformed cells or in tumor models. Here we show that the expression of decorin inversely correlated with IGF-IR expression in low and high grade bladder cancers (n = 20 each). Decorin bound with high affinity IGF-IR and IGF-I at distinct sites and negatively regulated IGF-IR activity in urothelial cancer cells. Nanomolar concentrations of decorin promoted down-regulation of IRS-1, one of the critical proteins of the IGF-IR pathway, and attenuated IGF-I-dependent activation of Akt and MAPK. This led to decorin-evoked inhibition of migration and invasion upon IGF-I stimulation. Notably, decorin did not cause down-regulation of the IGF-IR in bladder, breast, and squamous carcinoma cells. This indicates that decorin action on the IGF-IR differs from its known activity on other receptor tyrosine kinases such as the EGF receptor and Met. Our results provide a novel mechanism for decorin in negatively modulating both IGF-I and its receptor. Thus, decorin loss may contribute to increased IGF-IR activity in the progression of bladder cancer and perhaps other forms of cancer where IGF-IR plays a role.  相似文献   

Continuous stimulation of cells with insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) in G(1) phase is a well established requirement for IGF-induced cell proliferation; however, the molecular components of this prolonged signaling pathway that is essential for cell cycle progression from G(1) to S phase are unclear. IGF-I activates IGF-I receptor (IGF-IR) tyrosine kinase, followed by phosphorylation of substrates such as insulin receptor substrates (IRS) leading to binding of signaling molecules containing SH2 domains, including phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) to IRS and activation of the downstream signaling pathways. In this study, we found prolonged (>9 h) association of PI3K with IGF-IR induced by IGF-I stimulation. PI3K activity was present in this complex in thyrocytes and fibroblasts, although tyrosine phosphorylation of IRS was not yet evident after 9 h of IGF-I stimulation. IGF-I withdrawal in mid-G(1) phase impaired the association of PI3K with IGF-IR and suppressed DNA synthesis the same as when PI3K inhibitor was added. Furthermore, we demonstrated that Tyr(1316)-X-X-Met of IGF-IR functioned as a PI3K binding sequence when this tyrosine is phosphorylated. We then analyzed IGF signaling and proliferation of IGF-IR(-/-) fibroblasts expressing exogenous mutant IGF-IR in which Tyr(1316) was substituted with Phe (Y1316F). In these cells, IGF-I stimulation induced tyrosine phosphorylation of IGF-IR and IRS-1/2, but mutated IGF-IR failed to bind PI3K and to induce maximal phosphorylation of GSK3β and cell proliferation in response to IGF-I. Based on these results, we concluded that PI3K activity bound to IGF-IR, which is continuously sustained by IGF-I stimulation, is required for IGF-I-induced cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Recent studies have implicated endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in insulin resistance associated with caloric excess. In mice placed on a 3-day high fat diet, we find augmented eIF2α signaling, together with hepatic lipid accumulation and insulin resistance. To clarify the role of the liver ER stress-dependent phospho-eIF2α (eIF2α-P) pathway in response to acute caloric excess on liver and muscle glucose and lipid metabolism, we studied transgenic mice in which the hepatic ER stress-dependent eIF2α-P pathway was inhibited by overexpressing a constitutively active C-terminal fragment of GADD34/PPP1R15a, a regulatory subunit of phosphatase that terminates ER stress signaling by phospho-eIF2α. Inhibition of the eIF2α-P signaling in liver led to a decrease in hepatic glucose production in the basal and clamped state, which could be attributed to reduced gluconeogenic gene expression, resulting in reduced basal plasma glucose concentrations. Surprisingly, hepatic eIF2α inhibition also impaired insulin-stimulated muscle and adipose tissue insulin sensitivity. This latter effect could be attributed at least in part by an increase in circulating IGFBP-3 levels in the transgenic animals. In addition, infusion of insulin during a hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp induced conspicuous ER stress in the 3-day high fat diet-fed mice, which was aggravated through continuous dephosphorylation of eIF2α. Together, these data imply that the hepatic ER stress eIF2α signaling pathway affects hepatic glucose production without altering hepatic insulin sensitivity. Moreover, hepatic ER stress-dependent eIF2α-P signaling is implicated in an unanticipated cross-talk between the liver and peripheral organs to influence insulin sensitivity, probably via IGFBP-3. Finally, eIF2α is crucial for proper resolution of insulin-induced ER stress.  相似文献   

Monocyte/macrophage accumulation plays a critical role during progression of cardiovascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis. Our previous studies demonstrated that retrovirally mediated expression of the versican V3 splice variant (V3) by arterial smooth muscle cells (ASMCs) decreases monocyte adhesion in vitro and macrophage accumulation in a model of lipid-induced neointimal formation in vivo. We now demonstrate that V3-expressing ASMCs resist monocyte adhesion by altering the composition of the microenvironment surrounding the cells by affecting multiple signaling pathways. Reduction of monocyte adhesion to V3-expressing ASMCs is due to the generation of an extracellular matrix enriched in elastic fibers and depleted in hyaluronan, and reduction of the proinflammatory cell surface vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM1). Blocking these changes reverses the protective effect of V3 on monocyte adhesion. The enhanced elastogenesis induced by V3 expression is mediated by TGFβ signaling, whereas the reduction in hyaluronan cable formation induced by V3 expression is mediated by the blockade of epidermal growth factor receptor and NFκB activation pathways. In addition, expression of V3 by ASMCs induced a marked decrease in NFκB-responsive proinflammatory cell surface molecules that mediate monocyte adhesion, such as VCAM1. Overall, these results indicate that V3 expression by ASMCs creates a microenvironment resistant to monocyte adhesion via differentially regulating multiple signaling pathways.  相似文献   

The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is essential for skeletal myogenesis through controlling distinct cellular pathways. The importance of the canonical mTOR complex 1 signaling components, including raptor, S6K1, and Rheb, had been suggested in muscle maintenance, growth, and metabolism. However, the role of those components in myogenic differentiation is not entirely clear. In this study we have investigated the functions of raptor, S6K1, and Rheb in the differentiation of C2C12 mouse myoblasts. We find that although mTOR knockdown severely impairs myogenic differentiation as expected, the knockdown of raptor, as well as Rheb, enhances differentiation. Consistent with a negative role for these proteins in myogenesis, overexpression of raptor or Rheb inhibits C2C12 differentiation. On the other hand, neither knockdown nor overexpression of S6K1 has any effect. Moreover, the enhanced differentiation elicited by raptor or Rheb knockdown is accompanied by increased Akt activation, elevated IRS1 protein levels, and decreased Ser-307 (human Ser-312) phosphorylation on IRS1. Finally, IRS1 knockdown eliminated the enhancement in differentiation elicited by raptor or Rheb knockdown, suggesting that IRS1 is a critical mediator of the myogenic functions of raptor and Rheb. In conclusion, the Rheb-mTOR/raptor pathway negatively regulates myogenic differentiation by suppressing IRS1-PI3K-Akt signaling. These findings underscore the versatility of mTOR signaling in biological regulations and implicate the existence of novel mTOR complexes and/or signaling mechanism in skeletal myogenesis.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) expression is frequently suppressed in liver cancers and can be reactivated by histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibition. This study examined the role of IGFBP-3 in mediating the effects of the HDAC inhibitor MS-275 in liver cancer cells and identified IGFBP-3-dependent proteins that regulate proliferation and migration. In HepG2 cells, MS-275 inhibited DNA synthesis, cell cycle activity, and cell viability concomitantly with increased binding of acetylated histone H3 to IGFBP-3 promoter sequences and induction of IGFBP-3 expression. IGFBP-3 down-regulation by siRNA significantly reversed the inhibition of cell viability and DNA synthesis by MS-275, indicating an intermediary role for IGFBP-3. Induction of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 by MS-275 was attenuated by IGFBP-3 down-regulation, providing an explanation for IGFBP-3-dependent effects of MS-275 on cell cycle activity. In contrast, MS-275 stimulated HepG2 cell migration, an effect also inhibited by IGFBP-3 down-regulation. Among genes whose induction by MS-275 was attenuated by IGFBP-3 down-regulation, LYVE1 and THBS2 (thrombospondin-2) were identified as mediators of IGFBP-3-dependent effects of MS-275. Silencing of either protein had no effect on the inhibition of HepG2 viability by MS-275 but reversed its stimulatory effect on cell migration. We conclude that among genes up-regulated by MS-275, IGFBP-3 is a key mediator of effects on hepatoma cell growth and migration, involving IGFBP-3-dependent proteins p21 (proliferation) and LYVE1 and THBS2 (migration). The enhanced cell motility that accompanies reactivation of IGFBP-3 expression in liver cancer by HDAC inhibition suggests the possibility of increased metastatic spread despite inhibited cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Gadd45b has been known as a positive mediator of apoptosis induced by certain cytokines and oncogenes. Here, we identified Gadd45b as an effector of Fas-induced apoptosis and found that p38-mediated Rb hyperphosphorylation is one of the mechanisms of Fas-induced apoptosis in murine hepatocyte AML12 cells. Gadd45b has been shown to activate p38 through its physical interaction with MTK1 and induce apoptosis. However, in this study, we have showed that the function of Gadd45b during Fas-induced apoptosis in AML12 cells is different from that reported in previous studies. Depletion of Gadd45b expression did not inhibit the phosphorylation of p38, but it suppressed p38-mediated Rb phosphorylation and apoptosis in response to Fas stimulation by reducing the interaction between p38 and Rb. Ectopic expression of Gadd45b was sufficient to enhance this interaction. These findings suggest that Gadd45b mediates p38-induced Rb phosphorylation by enhancing the interaction between p38 and Rb during Fas-induced apoptosis in murine hepatocytes.  相似文献   

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