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Prolactin-stimulated adult neurogenesis in the subventricular zone (SVZ) and olfactory bulb (OB) mediates several reproductive behaviors including mating/pregnancy, dominant male pheromone preference in females, and paternal recognition of offspring. However, downstream signaling mechanisms underlying prolactin-induced adult neurogenesis are completely unknown. We report here for the first time that prolactin activates extracellular signal-regulated kinase 5 (ERK5), a MAP kinase that is specifically expressed in the neurogenic regions of the adult mouse brain. Knockdown of ERK5 by retroviral infection of shRNA attenuates prolactin-stimulated neurogenesis in SVZ-derived adult neural stem/progenitor cells (aNPCs). Inducible erk5 deletion in adult neural stem cells of transgenic mice inhibits neurogenesis in the SVZ and OB following prolactin infusion or mating/pregnancy. These results identify ERK5 as a novel and critical signaling mechanism underlying prolactin-induced adult neurogenesis.  相似文献   

Excessive proliferation and stabilization of the microtubule (MT) array in cardiac myocytes can accompany pathological cardiac hypertrophy, but the molecular control of these changes remains poorly characterized. In this study, we examined MT stabilization in two independent murine models of heart failure and revealed increases in the levels of post-translationally modified stable MTs, which were closely associated with STAT3 activation. To explore the molecular signaling events contributing to control of the cardiac MT network, we stimulated cardiac myocytes with an α-adrenergic agonist phenylephrine (PE), and observed increased tubulin content without changes in detyrosinated (glu-tubulin) stable MTs. In contrast, the hypertrophic interleukin-6 (IL6) family cytokines increased both the glu-tubulin content and glu-MT density. When we examined a role for ERK in regulating cardiac MTs, we showed that the MEK/ERK-inhibitor U0126 increased glu-MT density in either control cardiac myocytes or following exposure to hypertrophic agents. Conversely, expression of an activated MEK1 mutant reduced glu-tubulin levels. Thus, ERK signaling antagonizes stabilization of the cardiac MT array. In contrast, inhibiting either JAK2 with AG490, or STAT3 signaling with Stattic or siRNA knockdown, blocked cytokine-stimulated increases in glu-MT density. Furthermore, the expression of a constitutively active STAT3 mutant triggered increased glu-MT density in the absence of hypertrophic stimulation. Thus, STAT3 activation contributes substantially to cytokine-stimulated glu-MT changes. Taken together, our results highlight the opposing actions of STAT3 and ERK pathways in the regulation of MT changes associated with cardiac myocyte hypertrophy.  相似文献   

The acquisition of an invasive phenotype is a critical turning point for malignant tumor cells. CMTM8, a potential tumor suppressor, is frequently down-regulated in solid tumors, and its overexpression induces tumor cell apoptosis. Here, we identify a new role for CMTM8 in regulating tumor cell migration. Reducing CMTM8 expression in HepG2 hepatocellular carcinoma cells results in the acquisition of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) features, including a morphological change from organized epithelial sheets to scattered fibroblast-like shapes, reduction of the epithelial marker E-cadherin, and an increased invasive and migratory ability. These phenotypic changes are mediated in large part by the ERK-MAPK pathway, as the MEK inhibitor U0126 and shRNA-mediated knockdown of ERK2 significantly reversed these phenotypes. Hepatocyte growth factor binding to the c-MET receptor is known to induce EMT in HepG2 cells. We found that CMTM8 knockdown in HepG2 cells induced c-MET signaling and ERK activation. Inhibition of c-MET signaling with the small molecule inhibitor SU11274 or c-MET RNAi blocked the EMT-like changes following CMTM8 knockdown. CMTM8 overexpression in HepG2 cells inhibited hepatocyte growth factor-induced EMT-like morphological changes and cell motility. Down-regulation of CMTM8 also promoted an EMT-like change in MCF-10A cells, indicating a broader role for CMTM8 in regulating cellular transformation.  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 3 (PDE3) is an important regulator of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) signaling within the cardiovascular system. In this study, we examined the role of PDE3A and PDE3B isoforms in regulation of growth of cultured vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) and the mechanisms by which they may affect signaling pathways that mediate mitogen-induced VSMC proliferation. Serum- and PDGF-induced DNA synthesis in VSMCs grown from aortas of PDE3A-deficient (3A-KO) mice was markedly less than that in VSMCs from PDE3A wild type (3A-WT) and PDE3B-deficient (3B-KO) mice. The reduced growth response was accompanied by significantly less phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) in 3A-KO VSMCs, most likely due to a combination of greater site-specific inhibitory phosphorylation of Raf-1Ser-259 by protein kinase A (PKA) and enhanced dephosphorylation of ERKs due to elevated mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase 1 (MKP-1). Furthermore, 3A-KO VSMCs, compared with 3A-WT, exhibited higher basal PKA activity and cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) phosphorylation, higher levels of p53 and p53 phosphorylation, and elevated p21 protein together with lower levels of Cyclin-D1 and retinoblastoma (Rb) protein and Rb phosphorylation. Adenoviral overexpression of inactive CREB partially restored growth effects of serum in 3A-KO VSMCs. In contrast, exposure of 3A-WT VSMCs to VP16 CREB (active CREB) was associated with inhibition of serum-induced DNA synthesis similar to that in untreated 3A-KO VSMCs. Transfection of 3A-KO VSMCs with p53 siRNA reduced p21 and MKP-1 levels and completely restored growth without affecting amounts of Cyclin-D1 and Rb phosphorylation. We conclude that PDE3A regulates VSMC growth via two complementary pathways, i.e. PKA-catalyzed inhibitory phosphorylation of Raf-1 with resulting inhibition of MAPK signaling and PKA/CREB-mediated induction of p21, leading to G0/G1 cell cycle arrest, as well as by increased accumulation of p53, which induces MKP-1, p21, and WIP1, leading to inhibition of G1 to S cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

The serine/threonine kinase RAF is a central component of the MAPK cascade. Regulation of RAF activity is highly complex and involves recruitment to membranes and association with Ras and scaffold proteins as well as multiple phosphorylation and dephosphorylation events. Previously, we identified by molecular modeling an interaction between the N-region and the RKTR motif of the kinase domain in RAF and assigned a new function to this tetrapeptide segment. Here we found that a single substitution of each basic residue within the RKTR motif inhibited catalytic activity of all three RAF isoforms. However, the inhibition and phosphorylation pattern of C-RAF and A-RAF differed from B-RAF. Furthermore, substitution of the first arginine led to hyperphosphorylation and accumulation of A-RAF and C-RAF in plasma membrane fraction, indicating that this residue interferes with the recycling process of A-RAF and C-RAF but not B-RAF. In contrast, all RAF isoforms behave similarly with respect to the RKTR motif-dependent dimerization. The exchange of the second arginine led to exceedingly increased dimerization as long as one of the protomers was not mutated, suggesting that substitution of this residue with alanine may result in similar a structural rearrangement of the RAF kinase domain, as has been found for the C-RAF kinase domain co-crystallized with a dimerization-stabilizing RAF inhibitor. In summary, we provide evidence that each of the basic residues within the RKTR motif is indispensable for correct RAF function.  相似文献   

We established a new in vivo arrestin-3-JNK3 interaction assay based on bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) between JNK3-luciferase and Venus-arrestins. We tested the ability of WT arrestin-3 and its 3A mutant that readily binds β2-adrenergic receptors as well as two mutants impaired in receptor binding, Δ7 and KNC, to directly bind JNK3 and to promote JNK3 phosphorylation in cells. Both receptor binding-deficient mutants interact with JNK3 significantly better than WT and 3A arrestin-3. WT arrestin-3 and Δ7 mutant robustly promoted JNK3 activation, whereas 3A and KNC mutants did not. Thus, receptor binding, JNK3 interaction, and JNK3 activation are three distinct arrestin functions. We found that the KNC mutant, which tightly binds ASK1, MKK4, and JNK3 without facilitating JNK3 phosphorylation, has a dominant-negative effect, competitively decreasing JNK activation by WT arrestin-3. Thus, KNC is a silent scaffold, a novel type of molecular tool for the suppression of MAPK signaling in living cells.  相似文献   

Acute versus chronic inflammation is controlled by the accurate activation and regulation of interdependent signaling cascades. TNF-receptor 1 engagement concomitantly activates NF-κB and JNK signaling. The correctly timed activation of these pathways is the key to account for the balance between NF-κB-mediated cell survival and cell death, the latter fostered by prolonged JNK activation. Tristetraprolin (TTP), initially described as an mRNA destabilizing protein, acts as negative feedback regulator of the inflammatory response: it destabilizes cytokine-mRNAs but also acts as an NF-κB inhibitor by interfering with the p65/RelA nuclear import pathway. Our biochemical studies provide evidence that TTP contributes to the NF-κB/JNK balance. We find that the MAP 3-kinase MEKK1 acts as a novel TTP kinase that, together with the TNF receptor-associated factor 2 (TRAF2), constitutes not only a main determinate of the NF-κB-JNK cross-talk but also facilitates "TTP hypermodification": MEKK1 triggers TTP phosphorylation as prerequisite for its Lys-63-linked, TRAF2-mediated ubiquitination. Consequently, TTP no longer affects NF-κB activity but promotes the activation of JNK. Based on our data, we suggest a model where upon TNFα induction, TTP transits a hypo- to hypermodified state, thereby contributing to the molecular regulation of NF-κB versus JNK signaling cascades.  相似文献   

Ste4 is the β subunit of a heterotrimeric G protein that mediates mating responses in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here we show that Ste4 undergoes ubiquitination in response to pheromone stimulation. Ubiquitination of Ste4 is dependent on the E3 ligase Rsp5. Disrupting the activity of Rsp5 abolishes ubiquitination of Ste4 in vivo, and recombinant Rsp5 is capable of ubiquitinating Ste4 in vitro. We find also that Lys-340 is a major ubiquitination site on Ste4, as pheromone-induced ubiquitination of the protein is prevented when this residue is mutated to an arginine. Functionally, ubiquitination does not appear to regulate the stability of Ste4, as blocking ubiquitination has no apparent effect on either the abundance or the half-life of the protein. However, when presented with a concentration gradient of pheromone, Ste4(K340R) mutant cells polarize significantly faster than wild-type cells, indicating that ubiquitination limits pheromone-directed polarized growth. Together, these findings reveal a novel stimulus-dependent posttranslational modification of a Gβ subunit, establish Ste4 as a new substrate of the E3 ligase Rsp5, and demonstrate a role for G protein ubiquitination in cell polarization.  相似文献   

Our previous work has shown that the membrane microdomain-associated flotillin proteins are potentially involved in epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor signaling. Here we show that knockdown of flotillin-1/reggie-2 results in reduced EGF-induced phosphorylation of specific tyrosines in the EGF receptor (EGFR) and in inefficient activation of the downstream mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase and Akt signaling. Although flotillin-1 has been implicated in endocytosis, its depletion affects neither the endocytosis nor the ubiquitination of the EGFR. However, EGF-induced clustering of EGFR at the cell surface is altered in cells lacking flotillin-1. Furthermore, we show that flotillins form molecular complexes with EGFR in an EGF/EGFR kinase-independent manner. However, knockdown of flotillin-1 appears to affect the activation of the downstream MAP kinase signaling more directly. We here show that flotillin-1 forms a complex with CRAF, MEK1, ERK, and KSR1 (kinase suppressor of RAS) and that flotillin-1 knockdown leads to a direct inactivation of ERK1/2. Thus, flotillin-1 plays a direct role during both the early phase (activation of the receptor) and late (activation of MAP kinases) phase of growth factor signaling. Our results here unveil a novel role for flotillin-1 as a scaffolding factor in the regulation of classical MAP kinase signaling. Furthermore, our results imply that other receptor-tyrosine kinases may also rely on flotillin-1 upon activation, thus suggesting a general role for flotillin-1 as a novel factor in receptor-tyrosine kinase/MAP kinase signaling.  相似文献   

The JNK signaling cascade is critical for cellular responses to a variety of environmental and cellular stimuli. Although gene expression aspects of JNK signal transduction are well studied, there are minimal data on the physiological impact of JNK signaling. To bridge this gap, we investigated how JNK impacted physiology in HeLa cells. We observed that inhibition of JNK activity and JNK silencing with siRNA reduced the level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated during anisomycin-induced stress in HeLa cells. Silencing p38 had no significant impact on ROS generation under anisomycin stress. Moreover, JNK signaling mediated amplification of ROS production during stress. Mitochondrial superoxide production was shown to be the source of JNK-induced ROS amplification, as an NADPH oxidase inhibitor demonstrated little impact on JNK-mediated ROS generation. Using mitochondrial isolation from JNK null fibroblasts and targeting the mitochondrial scaffold of JNK, Sab, we demonstrated that mitochondrial JNK signaling was responsible for mitochondrial superoxide amplification. These results suggest that cellular stress altered mitochondria, causing JNK to translocate to the mitochondria and amplify up to 80% of the ROS generated largely by Complex I. This work demonstrates that a sequence of events exist for JNK mitochondrial signaling whereby ROS activates JNK, thereby affecting mitochondrial physiology, which can have effects on cell survival and death.  相似文献   

Adipose tissue-derived adipokines are an important class of secreted metabolic regulators that mediate tissue cross-talk to control systemic energy balance. We recently described C1q/TNF-related protein-12 (CTRP12), a novel insulin-sensitizing adipokine that regulates glucose metabolism in liver and adipose tissue. However, the biochemical properties of CTRP12 and its naturally occurring cleaved isoform have not been characterized. Here, we show that CTRP12 is a secreted hormone subjected to multiple functionally relevant posttranslational modifications at highly conserved residues. For example, Asn39 is glycosylated, whereas Cys85 mediates the assembly of higher order oligomeric structure. Endopeptidase cleavage at Lys91 generates a cleaved globular gCTRP12 isoform, the expression of which is increased by insulin. PCSK3/furin was identified as the major proprotein convertase expressed by adipocytes that mediates the endogenous cleavage of CTRP12. Cleavage at Lys91 is context-dependent: mutation of the charged Arg93 to Ala on the P2′ position enhanced cleavage, and triple mutations (K90A/K91A/R93A) abolished cleavage. Importantly, the two isoforms of CTRP12 differ in oligomeric structures and are functionally distinct. The full-length protein forms trimers and larger complexes, and the cleaved isoform consisted of predominantly dimers. Whereas full-length fCTRP12 strongly activated Akt signaling in H4IIE hepatocytes and 3T3-L1 adipocytes, gCTRP12 preferentially activated MAP kinase (ERK1/2 and p38 MAPK) signaling. Further, only fCTRP12 improved insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in adipocytes. These results reveal a novel mechanism controlling signaling specificity and function of a hormone via cleavage-dependent alteration in oligomeric state.  相似文献   

Diverse stimuli can feed into the MAPK/ERK cascade; this includes receptor tyrosine kinases, G protein-coupled receptors, integrins, and scavenger receptors (LDL receptor-related protein (LRP)). Here, we investigated the consequence of concomitant occupancy of the receptor tyrosine kinases (by EGF, basic FGF, VEGF, etc.) and of LRP family members (by LDL or lactoferrin). The simultaneous stimulation of a receptor tyrosine kinase by its cognate ligand and of LRP-1 (by lactoferrin or LDL) resulted in sustained activation of ERK, which was redirected to the cytoplasm. Accordingly, elevated levels of active cytosolic ERK were translated into accelerated adhesion to vitronectin. The sustained ERK response was seen in several cell types, but it was absent in cells deficient in LRP-1 (but not in cells lacking the LDL receptor). This response was also contingent on the presence of urokinase (uPA) and its receptor (uPAR), because it was absent in uPA(-/-) and uPAR(-/-) fibroblasts. Combined stimulation of the EGF receptor and of LRP-1 delayed nuclear accumulation of phosphorylated ERK. This shift in favor of cytosolic accumulation of phospho-ERK was accounted for by enhanced proteasomal degradation of dual specificity phosphatases DUSP1 and DUSP6, which precluded dephosphorylation of cytosolic ERK. These observations demonstrate that the ERK cascade can act as a coincidence detector to decode the simultaneous engagement of a receptor tyrosine kinase and of LRP-1 and as a signal integrator that encodes this information in a spatially and temporally distinct biological signal. In addition, the findings provide an explanation of why chronic elevation of LRP-1 ligands (e.g. PAI-1) can predispose to cancer.  相似文献   

The maternally imprinted Ras-related tumor suppressor gene DiRas3 is lost or down-regulated in more than 60% of ovarian and breast cancers. The anti-tumorigenic effect of DiRas3 is achieved through several mechanisms, including inhibition of cell proliferation, motility, and invasion, as well as induction of apoptosis and autophagy. Re-expression of DiRas3 in cancer cells interferes with the signaling through Ras/MAPK and PI3K. Despite intensive research, the mode of interference of DiRas3 with the Ras/RAF/MEK/ERK signal transduction is still a matter of speculation. In this study, we show that DiRas3 associates with the H-Ras oncogene and that activation of H-Ras enforces this interaction. Furthermore, while associated with DiRas3, H-Ras is able to bind to its effector protein C-RAF. The resulting multimeric complex consisting of DiRas3, C-RAF, and active H-Ras is more stable than the two protein complexes H-Ras·C-RAF or H-Ras·DiRas3, respectively. The consequence of this complex formation is a DiRas3-mediated recruitment and anchorage of C-RAF to components of the membrane skeleton, suppression of C-RAF/B-RAF heterodimerization, and inhibition of C-RAF kinase activity.  相似文献   

We report that Sh3rf2, a homologue of the pro-apoptotic scaffold POSH (Plenty of SH3s), acts as an anti-apoptotic regulator for the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway. siRNA-mediated knockdown of Sh3rf2 promotes apoptosis of neuronal PC12 cells, cultured cortical neurons, and C6 glioma cells. This death appears to result from activation of JNK signaling. Loss of Sh3rf2 triggers activation of JNK and its target c-Jun. Also, apoptosis promoted by Sh3rf2 knockdown is inhibited by dominant-negative c-Jun as well as by a JNK inhibitor. Investigation of the mechanism by which Sh3rf2 regulates cell survival implicates POSH, a scaffold required for activation of pro-apoptotic JNK/c-Jun signaling. In cells lacking POSH, Sh3rf2 knockdown is unable to activate JNK. We further find that Sh3rf2 binds POSH to reduce its levels by a mechanism that requires the RING domains of both proteins and that appears to involve proteasomal POSH degradation. Conversely, knockdown of Sh3rf2 promotes the stabilization of POSH protein and activation of JNK signaling. Finally, we show that endogenous Sh3rf2 protein rapidly decreases following several different apoptotic stimuli and that knockdown of Sh3rf2 activates the pro-apoptotic JNK pathway in neuronal cells. These findings support a model in which Sh3rf2 promotes proteasomal degradation of pro-apoptotic POSH in healthy cells and in which apoptotic stimuli lead to rapid loss of Sh3rf2 expression, and consequently to stabilization of POSH and JNK activation and cell death. On the basis of these observations, we propose the alternative name POSHER (POSH-eliminating RING protein) for the Sh3rf2 protein.  相似文献   

The mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) links the control of mRNA translation, cell growth, and metabolism to diverse stimuli. Inappropriate activation of mTORC1 can lead to cancer. Phorbol esters are naturally occurring products that act as potent tumor promoters. They activate isoforms of protein kinase C (PKCs) and stimulate the oncogenic MEK/ERK signaling cascade. They also activate mTORC1 signaling. Previous work indicated that mTORC1 activation by the phorbol ester PMA (phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate) depends upon PKCs and may involve MEK. However, the precise mechanism(s) through which they activate mTORC1 remains unclear. Recent studies have implicated both the ERKs and the ERK-activated 90-kDa ribosomal S6 kinases (p90(RSK)) in activating mTORC1 signaling via phosphorylation of TSC2 (a regulator of mTORC1) and/or the mTORC1 component raptor. However, the relative importance of each of these kinases and phosphorylation events for the activation of mTORC1 signaling is unknown. The recent availability of MEK (PD184352) and p90(RSK) (BI-D1870) inhibitors of improved specificity allowed us to address the roles of these protein kinases in controlling mTORC1 in a variety of human and rodent cell types. In parallel, we used specific shRNAs against p90(RSK1) and p90(RSK2) to further test their roles in regulating mTORC1 signaling. Our data indicate that p90(RSKs) are dispensable for the activation of mTORC1 signaling by phorbol esters in all cell types tested. Our data also reveal striking diversity in the requirements for MEK/ERK in the control of mTORC1 between different cell types, pointing to additional signaling connections between phorbol esters and mTORC1, which do not involve MEK/ERK. This study provides important information for the design of efficient strategies to combat the hyperactivation of mTORC1 signaling by oncogenic pathways.  相似文献   

Recent studies highlight the existence of a nuclear lipid metabolism related to cellular proliferation. However, the importance of nuclear phosphatidylcholine (PC) metabolism is poorly understood. Therefore, we were interested in nuclear PC as a source of second messengers and, particularly, nuclear localization of PC-specific phospholipase D (PLD). In the present study we have identified the nuclear localization sequence (NLS) of PLD1 whose mutation abolished its nuclear import. Recently, we reported that caspase-mediated cleavage of PLD1 generates the N-terminal fragment (NF-PLD1) and C-terminal fragment (CF-PLD1). Here we show that CF-PLD1 but not NF-PLD1, is exclusively imported into the nucleus via its functional NLS, whereas only some portions of intact PLD1 were localized into the nucleus. The NLS of intact PLD1 or CF-PLD1 is required for interaction with importin-β, which is known to mediate nuclear import. The amount of intact PLD1 or CF-PLD1 translocated into nucleus is correlated with its binding affinity with importin-β. Ultimately, nuclear localization of intact PLD1 but not CF-PLD1 mediates the activation of nuclear protein kinase Cα and extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling pathways. Taken together, we propose that nuclear localization of PLD1 via the NLS and its interaction with importin-β may provide new insights on the functional role of nuclear PLD1 signaling.  相似文献   

The involvement of macrophages (Mφs) as host, accessory, and effector cells in the development of infectious diseases, together with their central role in iron homeostasis, place these immune cells as key players in the interface between iron and infection. Having previously shown that the functional expression of NRAMP-1 results in increased protein phosphorylation mediated in part by an iron-dependent inhibition of Mφ protein-tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) activity, we sought to study the mechanism(s) underlying this specific event. Herein we have identified the mononuclear dicitrate iron complex [Fe(cit)2H4-x](1+x)− as the species responsible for the specific inhibition of Mφ PTP activity. By using biochemical and computational approaches, we show that [Fe(cit)2]5− targets the catalytic pocket of the PTP SHP-1, competitively inhibiting its interaction with an incoming phosphosubstrate. In vitro and in vivo inhibition of PTP activity by iron-citrate results in protein hyperphosphorylation and enhanced MAPK signaling in response to LPS stimulation. We propose that iron-citrate-mediated PTP inhibition represents a novel and biologically relevant regulatory mechanism of signal transduction.  相似文献   

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