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1. Mutant mice lacking D-amino-acid oxidase activity were examined as to whether they possessed the enzyme protein. 2. Immunoblotting using an antibody against hog kidney D-amino-acid oxidase showed that kidney homogenates of the mutant mice as well as that of the normal mice had proteins reactive to the antibody. 3. Peroxisomal proteins of the kidney cells of the mutant mice were not different from those of the normal mice. 4. The peroxisomes of the mutant mice possessed a protein reactive to the antibody in the immunoblotting whose size was the same as the D-amino-acid oxidase protein present in the peroxisomes of the normal mice. 5. These results suggest that the mutant mice synthesize the D-amino-acid oxidase protein and integrate it into peroxisomes, though it is a nonfunctional enzyme.  相似文献   

Immunochemical properties of D-amino-acid oxidase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Antiserum against homogeneous hog kidney D-amino-acid oxidase (D-amino-acid: oxygen oxidoreductase (deaminating), EC was elicited in rabbits, and monospecific antibodies were prepared by affinity chromatography. The antibodies inhibited up to 90% of hog D-amino-acid oxidase activity, and 100% of the enzyme could be immunoprecipitated. The antibodies inhibited both holoenzyme and reconstituted apoprotein to a similar degree, indicating that they did not interfere with the FAD-binding site of the protein. The antibodies inhibited D-amino-acid oxidase activity from other mammalian species to a similar degree, while the enzyme activities from birds, amphibians, fishes and yeast were inhibited and immunoprecipitated to lower extents. In immunoblotting experiments, after SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the antibodies recognized a single band of about 40 kDa in all the species analyzed, and the entity of the signal was inversely related to the phylogenetic distance from mammals. The antibodies did not inhibit D-alanine dehydrogenase activity from Escherichia coli, but gave positive bands in immunoblotting.  相似文献   

Summary.  The nucleotide sequence of cDNA that encodes hamster d-amino-acid oxidase (DAO) was determined. The cDNA consisted of 1,590 nucleotides and a poly(A) tail. It had an open reading frame for a protein consisting of 346 amino acid residues. The number of the amino acid residues is the same as that of the rat DAO. However, the hamster DAO has one residue more than mouse DAO and one residue less than human, pig, rabbit, and guinea pig DAOs. Amino acid sequence of the hamster DAO was highly similar to those of mouse and rat DAOs: 89% and 88% of the amino acid residues were identical between the hamster and mouse DAOs and between the hamster and rat DAOs, respectively. The homology was slightly less between the hamster DAO and the human (81%), pig (78%), rabbit (78%), or guinea pig DAO (82%). It has been proposed that the mouse and rat DAOs lack an amino acid residue corresponding to the 25th residue of the DAOs of other mammals. However, a detailed comparison of the amino acid sequences as well as the underlying nucleotide sequences by inclusion of the hamster ones revealed that the rodent DAOs does not lack the 25th, but the 27th residue. Received January 16, 2002 Accepted June 20, 2002 Published online November 14, 2002 Authors' address: Dr. Ryuichi Konno, Department of Microbiology, Dokkyo University School of Medicine, Mibu, Tochigi 321-0293, Japan, Fax: +81-282-86-5616  相似文献   

Chemical modification of the arginines in transferrins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

On the catalytic mechanism of D-amino-acid oxidase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Time-resolved spectroscopic techniques, including optical flash photolysis and electron spin resonance (ESR), have been used in conjunction with fluorescence-induction and dye-reduction assays to monitor electron transport in Photosystem II (PS II) subchloroplast particles incubated with the covalent modifier, phenylglyoxal. Phenylglyoxal-modified digitonin (D-10) particles from spinach are characterized by a high initial fluorescence yield (Fi) and an abolition of the variable component of fluorescence (Fv); an inhibition of PS-II-mediated reduction of dichlorophenol indophenol (DPIP) by sym-diphenylcarbazide; an abolition of flash-induced absorption transients (t1/2 greater than 2 microseconds) at 820 nm attributed to the primary electron donor, P-680+; the inhibition of photoreduction of the acceptor Qa; and the elimination of the ESR Signal 2s and Signal 2f. These observations suggest the critical participation of specific arginine residues on both the oxidizing and reducing sides of Photosystem II and also implicate phenylglyoxal as a quinone-binding site inhibitor (Golbeck, J.H. and Warden, J.T. (1984) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 767, 263-271).  相似文献   

d-Amino acids are now recognized to be widely present in mammals. Renal d-amino-acid oxidase (DAO) is associated with conversion of d-amino acids to the corresponding alpha-keto acids, but its contribution in vivo is poorly understood because the alpha-keto acids and/or l-amino acids formed are indistinguishable from endogenous compounds. First, we examined whether DAO is indispensable for conversion of d-amino acids to their alpha-keto acids by using the stable isotope tracer technique. After a bolus intravenous administration of d-[(2)H(7)]leucine to mutant mice lacking DAO activity (ddY/DAO(-)) and normal mice (ddY/DAO(+)), elimination of d-[(2)H(7)]leucine and formation of alpha-[(2)H(7)]ketoisocaproic acid ([(2)H(7)]KIC) and l-[(2)H(7)]leucine in plasma were determined. The ddY/DAO(-) mice, in contrast to ddY/DAO(+) mice, failed to convert d-[(2)H(7)]leucine to [(2)H(7)]KIC and l-[(2)H(7)]leucine. This result clearly revealed that DAO was indispensable for the process of chiral inversion of d-leucine. We further investigated the effect of renal mass reduction by partial nephrectomy on elimination of d-[(2)H(7)]leucine and formation of [(2)H(7)]KIC and l-[(2)H(7)]leucine. Renal mass reduction slowed down the elimination of d-[(2)H(7)]leucine. The fraction of conversion of d-[(2)H(7)]leucine to [(2)H(7)]KIC in sham-operated rats was 0.77, whereas that in five-sixths-nephrectomized rats was 0.25. The elimination behavior of d-[(2)H(7)]leucine observed in rats suggested that kidney was the principal organ responsible for converting d-leucine to KIC.  相似文献   

The high resolution crystal structure of D-amino-acid oxidase (DAAO) from the yeast Rhodotorula gracilis provided us with the tool to engineer the substrate specificity of this flavo-oxidase. DAAO catalyzes the oxidative deamination of D-amino acids, with the exception of D-aspartate and D-glutamate (which are oxidized by D-aspartate oxidase, DASPO). Following sequence homology, molecular modeling, and simulated annealing docking analyses, the active site residue Met-213 was mutated to arginine. The mutant enzyme showed properties close to those of DASPO (e.g. the oxidation of D-aspartate and the binding of l-tartrate), and it was still active on D-alanine. The presence of an additional guanidinium group in the active site of the DAAO mutant allowed the binding (and thus the oxidation) of D-aspartate, but it was also responsible for a lower catalytic activity on D-alanine. Similar results were also obtained when two additional arginines were simultaneously introduced in the active site of DAAO (M213R/Y238R mutant, yielding an architecture of the active site more similar to that obtained for the DASPO model), but the double mutant showed very low stability in solution. The decrease in maximal activity observed with these DAAO mutants could be due to alterations in the precise orbital alignment required for efficient catalysis, although even the change in the redox properties (more evident in the DAAO-benzoate complex) could play a role. The rational design approach was successful in producing an enzymatic activity with a new, broader substrate specificity, and this approach could also be used to develop DAAO variants suitable for use in biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

Properties of D-amino-acid oxidase from Rhodotorula gracilis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The flavoprotein D-amino-acid oxidase was purified to homogeneity from the yeast Rhodotorula gracilis by a highly reproducible procedure. The amino acid composition of the protein was determined; the protein monomer had a molecular mass of 39 kDa and contained one molecule of FAD. The ratio between A274/A455 was about 8.2. D-Amino-acid oxidase from yeast showed typical flavin spectral perturbations on binding of the competitive inhibitor benzoate and was reduced by D-alanine under anaerobiosis. The enzyme reacted readily with sulfite to form a covalent reversible adduct and stabilized the red anionic form of the flavin semiquinone on photoreduction in the presence of 5-deazariboflavin; the 3,4-dihydro-FAD form was not detectable after reduction with sodium borohydride. Thus D-amino-acid oxidase from yeast exhibited most of the general properties of the dehydrogenase/oxidase class of flavoproteins; at the same time, the enzyme showed some peculiar features with respect to the same protein from pig kidney.  相似文献   

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