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Multiple reactive oxygen/nitrogen species induce oxidative stress. Mammals have evolved with an elaborate defense network against oxidative stress, in which multiple antioxidant compounds and enzymes with different functions exert their respective roles. Radical scavenging is one of the essential roles of antioxidants and vitamin E is the most abundant and important lipophilic radical-scavenging antioxidant in vivo. The kinetic data and physiological molar ratio of vitamin E to substrates show that the peroxyl radicals are the only radicals that vitamin E can scavenge to break chain propagation efficiently and that vitamin E is unable to act as a potent scavenger of hydroxyl, alkoxyl, nitrogen dioxide, and thiyl radicals in vivo. The preventive effect of vitamin E against the oxidation mediated by nonradical oxidants such as hypochlorite, singlet oxygen, ozone, and enzymes may be limited in vivo. The synergistic interaction of vitamin E and vitamin C is effective for enhancing the antioxidant capacity of vitamin E. The in vitro and in vivo evidence of the function of vitamin E as a peroxyl radical-scavenging antioxidant and inhibitor of lipid peroxidation is presented.  相似文献   

Published experimental data pertaining to the participation of coenzyme Q as a site of free radical formation in the mitochondrial electron transfer chain and the conditions required for free radical production have been reviewed critically. The evidence suggests that a component from each of the mitochondrial NADH-coenzyme Q, succinate-coenzyme Q, and coenzyme QH2-cytochrome c reductases (complexes I, II, and III, most likely a nonheme iron-sulfur protein of each complex, is involved in free radical formation. Although the semiquinone form of coenzyme Q may be formed during electron transport, its unpaired electron most likely serves to aid in the dismutation of superoxide radicals instead of participating in free radical formation. Results of studies with electron transfer chain inhibitors make the conclusion dubious that coenzyme Q is a major free radical generator under normal physiological conditions but may be involved in superoxide radical formation during ischemia and subsequent reperfusion. Experiments at various levels of organization including subcellular systems, intact animals, and human subjects in theclinical setting, support the view that coenzyme Q, mainly in its reduced state, may act as an antioxidant protecting a number of cellular membranes from free radical damage.  相似文献   

Antioxidant and prooxidant properties of mitochondrial Coenzyme Q   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Coenzyme Q is both an essential electron carrier and an important antioxidant in the mitochondrial inner membrane. The reduced form, ubiquinol, decreases lipid peroxidation directly by acting as a chain breaking antioxidant and indirectly by recycling Vitamin E. The ubiquinone formed in preventing oxidative damage is reduced back to ubiquinol by the respiratory chain. As well as preventing lipid peroxidation, Coenzyme Q reacts with other reactive oxygen species, contributing to its effectiveness as an antioxidant. There is growing interest in using Coenzyme Q and related compounds therapeutically because mitochondrial oxidative damage contributes to degenerative diseases. Paradoxically, Coenzyme Q is also involved in superoxide production by the respiratory chain. To help understand how Coenzyme Q contributes to both mitochondrial oxidative damage and antioxidant defences, we have reviewed its antioxidant and prooxidant properties.  相似文献   

Recently mitochondria in cancer cells have emerged as the Achilles heel for tumour destruction. Anti-cancer agents specifically targeting cancer cell mitochondria are referred to as ‘mitocans’. These compounds act by destabilising these organelles, unleashing their apoptogenic potential, resulting in the efficient death of malignant cells and suppression of tumour growth. Importantly, at least some mitocans are selective for cancer cells, and these are represented by the group of redox-silent vitamin E analogues, epitomised by α-tocopheryl succinate (α-TOS). This compound has proven itself in pre-clinical models to be an efficient anti-cancer agent, targeting complex II of the respiratory chain to displace ubiquinone binding. We propose that disrupting the electron flow of mitochondrial complex II results in generation of superoxide, triggering mitochondrial destabilisation and initiation of apoptotic pathways. Moreover, α-TOS is selective for cancer cells with their reduced anti-oxidant defenses and lower esterase activity than the normal (non-malignant) counterparts. In this mini-review we discuss the emerging significance of mitocans, as exemplified by α-TOS. Lubomir Prochazka is a visiting student of the Apoptosis Research Group, School of Medical Science, Griffith University, Southport, Qld, Australia.  相似文献   

Vanadium toxicity is a challenging problem to the health professionals and a cutting-edge medical problem. Vanadium has been recognized as industrial hazards that adversely affect human and animal reproductive health. Since testicular function is exquisitely susceptible to reactive-oxygen species, the present study elucidates the possible involvement of oxidative stress in vanadium-induced testicular toxicity and the prophylactic effects of vitamin E acetate against such adverse effects of vanadium. The study also characterizes the effects of vanadium on rat adrenal steroidogenesis and determines the underlying mechanisms of testicular and adrenal interactions in response to vanadium exposure. Significantly reduced sperm count associated with decreased serum testosterone and gonadotropins level in the vanadium-injected group of rats compared to control substantially proves the ongoing damaging effects of vanadium-induced ROS on developing germ cells. This is in turn reflected in the appreciable increase in testicular lipid peroxidation level and decline in the activities of steroidogenic and antioxidant enzymes. However, oral administration of vitamin E acetate could protect testes from the toxic effects of vanadium. Vanadium also results in adrenocortical hyperactivity, as evidenced by the elevated secretion of glucocorticoids, adrenal gland hypertrophy and increased activity of adrenal Δ53β-HSD. However, reversibility of these alterations in adrenocortical activities was vividly reflected after vitamin E acetate supplementation. All these studies reveal that oxidative stress is the major mechanism of health deterioration and that vanadium can act as a stressor metal causing chronic stress effects through excitation of hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis. However antioxidant support by vitamin E acetate may provide significant protection.  相似文献   

Plasma membranes isolated from wild-type Saccharomyces cerevisiae crude membrane fractions catalyzed NADH oxidation using a variety of electron acceptors, such as ferricyanide, cytochrome c, and ascorbate free radical. Plasma membranes from the deletion mutant strain coq3, defective in coenzyme Q (ubiquinone) biosynthesis, were completely devoid of coenzyme Q6 and contained greatly diminished levels of NADH–ascorbate free radical reductase activity (about 10% of wild-type yeasts). In contrast, the lack of coenzyme Q6 in these membranes resulted in only a partial inhibition of either the ferricyanide or cytochrome-c reductase. Coenzyme Q dependence of ferricyanide and cytochrome-c reductases was based mainly on superoxide generation by one-electron reduction of quinones to semiquinones. Ascorbate free radical reductase was unique because it was highly dependent on coenzyme Q and did not involve superoxide since it was not affected by superoxide dismutase (SOD). Both coenzyme Q6 and NADH–ascorbate free radical reductase were rescued in plasma membranes derived from a strain obtained by transformation of the coq3 strain with a single-copy plasmid bearing the wild type COQ3 gene and in plasma membranes isolated form the coq3 strain grown in the presence of coenzyme Q6. The enzyme activity was inhibited by the quinone antagonists chloroquine and dicumarol, and after membrane solubilization with the nondenaturing detergent Zwittergent 3–14. The various inhibitors used did not affect residual ascorbate free radical reductase of the coq3 strain. Ascorbate free radical reductase was not altered significantly in mutants atp2 and cor1 which are also respiration-deficient but not defective in ubiquinone biosynthesis, demonstrating that the lack of ascorbate free radical reductase in coq3 mutants is related solely to the inability to synthesize ubiquinone and not to the respiratory-defective phenotype. For the first time, our results provide genetic evidence for the participation of ubiquinone in NADH–ascorbate free radical reductase, as a source of electrons for transmembrane ascorbate stabilization.  相似文献   

The causes and consequences of ageing are likely to be complex and involve the interaction of many processes. It has been proposed that the decline in mitochondrial function caused by the accumulation of oxidatively damaged molecules plays a significant role in the ageing process. In agreement with previous reports we have shown that the activities of NADH CoQ1 reductase and cytochrome oxidase declined with increasing age in both rat liver and gastrocnemius muscle mitochondria. However, only in the liver were the changes in lipid peroxidation and membrane fluidity suggestive of an age-related increase in oxidative stress.

After 12 weeks on a vitamin E deficient diet, vitamin E levels were undetectable in both gastrocnemius muscle and liver. In skeletal muscle, this was associated with a statistically significant increase in lipid peroxidation, a decrease in cytochrome oxidase activity after 48 weeks, and an exacerbation in the age-related rate of decline of NADH CoQ1 reductase activity. This was consistent with the suggestion that an imbalance between free radical generation and antioxidant defence may contribute to the mitochondrial dysfunction with age. In contrast to this, vitamin E deficiency in the liver caused a significant increase in mitochondrial respiratory chain activities with increasing age despite evidence of increased lipid peroxidation. Comparison of other features in these samples suggested vitamin E deficiency; did not have a significant impact upon mtDNA translation; induced a compensatory increase in glutathione levels in muscle, which was less marked in the liver, but probably most interestingly caused a significant decrease in the mitochondrial membrane fluidity in muscle but not in liver mitochondria.

These data suggest that while increased lipid peroxidation exacerbated the age-related decline in muscle respiratory chain function this relationship was not observed in liver. Consequently other factors are likely to be contributing to the age-related decline in mitochondrial function and specific stimuli may influence or even reverse these age-related effects as observed with vitamin E deficiency in the liver.  相似文献   

To investigate the influence and possible interactions of dietary vitamin E and C supplementation on vitamin content of both vitamins and oxidative stability of different pork tissues 40 Large White barrows from 25?kg to 106?kg were allocated to four different cereal based diets: Basal diet (B), dl-α-tocopherylacetate?+?200?mg/kg (E), crystalline ascorbic acid?+?300?mg/kg (C) or both vitamins (EC). At slaughtering samples of liver, spleen, heart, kidney, backfat outer layer, ham and M. longissimus dorsi were obtained. Growth performance of the pigs and carcass characteristics were not influenced by feeding treatments. Dietary vitamin E supplementation had a significant effect on the vitamin E and α-tocopherol concentration in all investigated tissues. Backfat outer layer, liver, spleen, kidney and heart had higher vitamin E concentrations than ham and M. longissimus dorsi. Dietary vitamin C supplementation tended towards enhanced vitamin E levels except for ham samples. Therefore, some synergistic actions without dietary vitamin E supplementation between the two vitamins could be shown. The vitamin C concentration and TBARS were increased or at least equal in all tissues due to vitamin C supplementation. Dietary α-tocopherol supplementation resulted in lower TBARS in backfat outer layer (malondialdehyde 0.35?mg/kg in B vs. 0.28?mg/kg in E), but increased in heart and ham. When both vitamins were supplemented (EC) TBARS were lower in M. longissimus dorsi and backfat outer layer, equal in heart and higher in liver and ham compared to a single vitamin C supplementation. Rancimat induction time of backfat outer layer was 0.3?h higher in C compared to B and 0.17?h higher in EC than in E. Correlations between levels of both vitamins were positive for kidney (r?=?0.169), M. longissimus dorsi (r?=?0.499) and ham (r?=?0.361) and negative for heart (r?=???0.350). In liver and spleen no interaction could be found. In backfat outer layer vitamin E was positively correlated with rancimat induction time (r?=?0.550) and negatively with TBARS (r?=???0.202), but provided no evidence that dietary vitamin E supply led to better oxidative stability.  相似文献   

In addition to its role as a component of the mitochondrial respiratory chain and our only lipid-soluble antioxidant synthesized endogenously, in recent years coenzyme Q (CoQ) has been found to have an increasing number of other important functions required for normal metabolic processes. A number of genetic mutations that reduce CoQ biosynthesis are associated with serious functional disturbances that can be eliminated by dietary administration of this lipid, making CoQ deficiencies the only mitochondrial diseases which can be successfully treated at present. In connection with certain other diseases associated with excessive oxidative stress, the level of CoQ is elevated as a protective response. Aging, certain experimental conditions and several human diseases reduce this level, resulting in serious metabolic disturbances. Since dietary uptake of this lipid is limited, up-regulation of its biosynthetic pathway is of considerable clinical interest. One approach for this purpose is administration of epoxidated all-trans polyisoprenoids, which enhance both CoQ biosynthesis and levels in experimental systems.  相似文献   

Bioavailability of vitamin E is influenced by several factors, most are highlighted in this review. While gender, age and genetic constitution influence vitamin E bioavailability but cannot be modified, life-style and intake of vitamin E can be. Numerous factors must be taken into account however, i.e., when vitamin E is orally administrated, the food matrix may contain competing nutrients. The complex metabolic processes comprise intestinal absorption, vascular transport, hepatic sorting by intracellular binding proteins, such as the significant α-tocopherol-transfer protein, and hepatic metabolism. The coordinated changes involved in the hepatic metabolism of vitamin E provide an effective physiological pathway to protect tissues against the excessive accumulation of, in particular, non-α-tocopherol forms. Metabolism of vitamin E begins with one cycle of CYP4F2/CYP3A4-dependent ω-hydroxylation followed by five cycles of subsequent β-oxidation, and forms the water-soluble end-product carboxyethylhydroxychroman. All known hepatic metabolites can be conjugated and are excreted, depending on the length of their sidechain, either via urine or feces. The physiological handling of vitamin E underlies kinetics which vary between the different vitamin E forms. Here, saturation of the side-chain and also substitution of the chromanol ring system are important. Most of the metabolic reactions and processes that are involved with vitamin E are also shared by other fat soluble vitamins. Influencing interactions with other nutrients such as vitamin K or pharmaceuticals are also covered by this review. All these processes modulate the formation of vitamin E metabolites and their concentrations in tissues and body fluids. Differences in metabolism might be responsible for the discrepancies that have been observed in studies performed in vivo and in vitro using vitamin E as a supplement or nutrient. To evaluate individual vitamin E status, the analytical procedures used for detecting and quantifying vitamin E and its metabolites are crucial. The latest methods in analytics are presented.  相似文献   

Vitamin E deficiency in rats led to a sequence of antioxidant defense adaptations in the liver. After three weeks, α-tocopherol concentration was 5% of control, but ascorbate and ubiquinol concentrations were 2- to 3-fold greater than control. During the early phase of adaptation no differences in markers of lipid peroxidation were observed, but the activities of both cytochrome b5 reductase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase were significantly greater in deficient livers. By nine weeks, accumulation of lipid peroxidation end products began to occur along with declining concentrations of ascorbate, and higher NQO1 activities. At twelve weeks, rat growth ceased, and both lipid peroxidation products and cytosolic calcium-independent phospholipase A2 reached maximum concentrations. Thus, in growing rats the changes progressed from increases in both ubiquinol and quinone reductases through accumulation of lipid peroxidation products and loss of endogenous antioxidants to finally induction of lipid metabolizing enzymes and cessation of rat growth.  相似文献   

《Reproductive biology》2020,20(1):63-74
In this study, we investigated the mechanism of oxidative damage induced by nicotine and the efficacy of vitamin E, an integral component of cellular membranes, against the damage in follicular/granulosa cells of rat ovaries. The animals were randomly divided into 4 groups; control, nicotine, nicotine + vitaminE, vitamin E (n = 8, per each group). Nicotine and vitamin E were administrated intraperitoneally 1 mg/kg/day and 200 mg/kg/day, respectively, once daily for 2 weeks. Nicotine increased lipid peroxide levels such as lipid peroxide (LPO) and malondialdehyde (MDA) in serum, 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) in granulosa cells and apoptotic granulosa cells in the ovary. Positive correlation occurred between the findings of LPO markers and TUNEL labeling. Level of 17-β estradiol (E2), number of follicles and granulosa cell proliferation decreased with nicotine treatment and negatively correlated with LPO levels and apoptosis in granulosa cells. Ultrastructural study of nicotine treated rat ovaries showed mitochondrial damage and autophagosomes in the granulosa cells. The administration of nicotine and vitamin E together, revealed an increase in E2 level, granulosa cell proliferation and the number of healthy follicles associated with decrease in LPO, MDA, 4-HNE levels and TUNEL reactivity in a manner correlated with each other, compared to the nicotine group. Vitamin E showed to alleviate mitochondrial damage and decrease the number of autophagosomes in granulosa cells. These results suggest that lipid peroxidation may be one of the nicotine’ damage mechanisms on folliculogenesis and vitamin E may prevent nicotine-induced follicular damage through reducing lipid peroxidation level in granulosa cells.  相似文献   

The oxidative stress possibly resulting from an inherited respiratory chain (RC) deficiency was investigated in a series of human cultured skin fibroblasts presenting either ubiquinone depletion or isolated defect of the various RC complexes. Taken as an index for superoxide overproduction, a significant induction of superoxide dismutase activity was observed in complex V-deficient fibroblasts harboring the NARP-mutation in the ATPase 6 gene. Superoxide dismutase induction was also noticed, albeit to a lesser extent, in complex II-deficient fibroblasts with a mutation in the nuclear gene encoding the flavoprotein subunit of the succinate dehydrogenase. No sign of oxidative stress could be found in ubiquinone-depleted fibroblasts. In all cases but complex IV-defect, increased oxidative stress was associated with increased cell death. In glucose-rich medium, apoptosis appeared as the main cell death process associated with all types of RC defect. However, similar to the great variations in oxidative stress associated with the various types of RC defect, we found that apoptotic features differed noticeably between defects. No indication of increased cell death was found in ubiquinone-depleted fibroblasts.  相似文献   

The oxidative stress possibly resulting from an inherited respiratory chain (RC) deficiency was investigated in a series of human cultured skin fibroblasts presenting either ubiquinone depletion or isolated defect of the various RC complexes. Taken as an index for superoxide overproduction, a significant induction of superoxide dismutase activity was observed in complex V-deficient fibroblasts harboring the NARP-mutation in the ATPase 6 gene. Superoxide dismutase induction was also noticed, albeit to a lesser extent, in complex II-deficient fibroblasts with a mutation in the nuclear gene encoding the flavoprotein subunit of the succinate dehydrogenase. No sign of oxidative stress could be found in ubiquinone-depleted fibroblasts. In all cases but complex IV-defect, increased oxidative stress was associated with increased cell death. In glucose-rich medium, apoptosis appeared as the main cell death process associated with all types of RC defect. However, similar to the great variations in oxidative stress associated with the various types of RC defect, we found that apoptotic features differed noticeably between defects. No indication of increased cell death was found in ubiquinone-depleted fibroblasts.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to summarise our studies, in which the main determinants and absorption of plasma coenzyme Q10 (Q10, ubiquinone) have been assessed, and the effects of moderate dose oral Q10 supplementation on plasma antioxidative capacity, lipoprotein oxidation resistance and on plasma lipid peroxidation investigated. All the supplementation trials carried out have been blinded and placebo-controlled clinical studies. Of the determinants of Q10, serum cholesterol, serum triglycerides, male gender, alcohol consumption and age were found to be associated positively with plasma Q10 concentration. A single dose of 30 mg of Q10, which is the maximum daily dose recommended by Q10 producers, had only a marginal elevating effect on plasma Q10 levels in non-Q10-deficient subjects. Following supplementation, a dose-dependent increase in plasma Q10 levels was observed up to a daily dose of 200 mg, which resulted in a 6.1-fold increase in plasma Q10 levels. However, simultaneous supplementation with vitamin E resulted in lower plasma Q10 levels. Of the lipid peroxidation measurements, Q10 supplementation did not increase LDL TRAP, plasma TRAP, VLDL+LDL oxidation resistance nor did it decrease LDL oxidation susceptibility ex vivo. Q10 with minor vitamin E dose neither decreased exercise-induced lipid peroxidation ex vivo nor muscular damage. Q10 supplementation might, however, decrease plasma lipid peroxidation in vivo, as assessed by the increased proportion of plasma ubiquinol (reduced form, Q10H 2 ) of total Q10. High dose vitamin E supplementation decreased this proportion, which suggests in vivo regeneration of tocopheryl radicals by ubiquinol.  相似文献   

微生物发酵法是生产辅酶Q10的最佳工艺.辅酶Q10的生物合成途径包括异戊二烯焦磷酸合成、聚十异戊二烯焦磷酸合成、苯环修饰等过程.1-脱氧-D-木酮糖-5-磷酸合成酶、聚十异戊二烯焦磷酸合成酶、对羟基笨甲酸聚十异戊二烯焦磷酸转移酶等是Q10合成的关键酶.生产辅酶Q10的菌种可通过诱变、基因重组和支路敲除等方法获得.氧化还原电位控制、pH控制补料分批发酵、发酵萃取耦合技术等新工艺逐浙应用于辅酶Q10生产.  相似文献   

Erythrocytes are a convenient model to understand oxidative damage to the membranes induced by various xenobiotics. The objective of the present study was to investigate the propensity of atrazine to induce oxidative stress and its possible attenuation by vitamin E. Experimental animals were orally administered atrazine (300 mg kg(-1) body weight, daily) and vitamin E (100 mg kg(-1) body weight, daily) for a period of 7, 14, and 21 days. Erythrocyte membranes were prepared and analyzed for acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity, lipid peroxidation (LPO), and lipid composition. Susceptibility of erythrocytes to atrazine exposure was further investigated in terms of morphological alterations by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results indicate that atrazine exposure caused a significant inhibition of AChE activity and induction of oxidative stress in terms of increased malondialdehyde (MDA) levels. Atrazine treatment significantly decreased total lipid, cholesterol, and phospholipid content of erythrocyte membranes. SEM revealed varying degrees of distortion depending on duration of atrazine exposure. However, administration of vitamin E ameliorated the oxidative stress and changes in the erythrocyte membranes induced by atrazine.  相似文献   

Background Newborn birth weight has been shown to significantly correlate with the blood levels of vitamin C. Objective This study was planned to answer the question of why vitamin C levels correlate with birth weight; does such correlation reflect a protective effect of vitamin C on fetal growth, by its antioxidant characteristics or does it correspond to the nutritional status of both the mother and the fetus. We examined the hypothesis that maternal blood levels of vitamin C, but not vitamin E influence newborn birth weight. We determined maternal and newborn blood levels of vitamin C, vitamin E, and lipid peroxides (an index of oxidative insult) and the birth weights of full-term newborns delivered at our hospital. Results Compared with maternal blood levels, newborns have higher levels of vitamin C and lipid peroxides, but lower levels of vitamin E. There was a significant correlation in levels between mothers and their newborns for blood levels of vitamin C (r = 0.82, P < 0.01) and vitamin E (r = 0.61, P < 0.02) but not for lipid peroxides (r = 0.001). This suggests that maternal vitamin C and vitamin E intake can influence fetal vitamin C and vitamin E levels. Linear regression analysis shows a significant positive relationship between newborn birth weight and maternal plasma vitamin C (r = 0.51, P < 0.02). Similarly, there was a modest but significant positive relationship between newborn birth weights and newborn vitamin C levels (r = 0.61, P < 0.05). However, there was no relationship between maternal or fetal vitamin E or lipid peroxides levels and the newborn birth weight. Conclusions This study with a small number of subjects suggests a significant association between newborn birth weight and maternal and newborn plasma vitamin C levels. Lack of relationship between birth weight and vitamin E and lipid peroxides suggest that antioxidant function of vitamin C does not appear to have a major role in the effect of vitamin C on birth weight.  相似文献   

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