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The number of germ cells reaches the maximum just prior to entry into meiosis, yet decreases dramatically by a few days after birth in the female mouse, rat, and human. Previous studies have reported a major loss at the pachytene stage of meiotic prophase during fetal development, leading to the hypothesis that chromosomal pairing abnormalities may be a signal for oocyte death. However, the identification as well as the quantification of germ cells in these studies have been questioned. A recent study using Mouse Vasa Homologue (MVH) as a germ cell marker reached a contradictory conclusion claiming that oocyte loss occurs in the mouse only after birth. In the present study, we established a new method to quantify murine germ cells by using Germ Cell Nuclear Antigen-1 (GCNA-1) as a germ cell marker. Comparison of GCNA-1 and MVH immunolabeling revealed that the two markers identify the same population of germ cells. However, nuclear labeling of GCNA-1 was better suited for counting germ cells in histological sections as well as for double labeling with the antibody against synaptonemal complex (SC) proteins in chromosome spreading preparations. The latter experiment demonstrated that the majority of GCNA-1-labeled cells entered and progressed through meiotic prophase during fetal development. The number of GCNA-1-positive cells in the ovary was estimated by counting the labeled cells retained in chromosome spreading preparations and also in histological sections by using the ratio estimation method. Both methods demonstrated a continuous decline in the number of GCNA-1-labeled cells during fetal development when the oocytes progress through meiotic prophase. These observations suggest that multiple causes are responsible for oocyte elimination.  相似文献   



The vast majority of oocytes formed in the fetal ovary do not survive beyond birth. Possible reasons for their loss include the elimination of non-viable genetic constitutions arising through meiosis, however, the precise relationship between meiotic stages and prenatal apoptosis of oocytes remains elusive. We studied oocytes in mouse fetal and neonatal ovaries, 14.5–21 days post coitum, to examine the relationship between oocyte development and programmed cell death during meiotic prophase I.  相似文献   

In a study of the early meiotic prophase stages of mouse oogenesis from d12 of gestation to 10d post-partum the patterns of RNA synthesis during these stages of oogenesis using H3-uridine incorporation as visualized by light microscope autoradiography are reported. We find that chromosomal RNA synthesis occurs in all stages except early to mid-pachytene, the time of maximum chromosome condensation. Diplotene and dictyate nuclei are the most heavily labelled stages. Nucleolar labelling ceases before leptotene and reappears in late pachytene or early diplotene, even though nucleoli can be identified in all stages except early to mid-pachytene.  相似文献   

Rat oocytes in the meiotic prophase are studied by means of classical techniques of electron microscopy, preferential staining methods for DNA and RNA and specific enzymatic hydrolysis. The axial cores in leptotene and the lateral arms in the pachytene synaptonemal complex are composed by fibrils that keep a positive contrast after the application of the ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid staining method. They disappear with RNAse treatment, which reveals the presence of chromatin fibrils in the zone occupied by the cores. Preferential staining for DNA corroborates this evidence. Medial arm and lateral-medial fibrils are formed by ribonucleoproteic filaments that form bridges between pairing homologues in the zygotene. In the advanced pachytene stage, the RNA becomes scarce in these structures. No DNA can be detected either in the lateral-medial fibrils or in the medial arm. During diplotene the synaptonemal complex loses its individually and the synaptic space becomes wider and irregular. At the same time, loss of chromatin and a large increase of RNA-containing particles occur. These processes lead to the typical interphasic arrangement of nuclear components seen in the dictyate stage.  相似文献   

Oogenesis of Tilapia mossambica. I. Oogonia and meiotic prophase oocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using light and electron microscopy and autoradiography, the morphology and synthesis of DNA, RNA and proteins in oogonia and early meiotic prophase oocytes in Tilaria mossabique were studied. According to dimensions and morphological features observed it is possible to distinguish between two groups of oogonia: large oogonia corresponding to type A spermatogonia of mammals, and small actively dividing oogonia, located in groups and identical to type B spermatogonia. The morphology of oogonia and of the early meiotic prophase oocytes well compares with the pattern described for other species of bony fishes. In the cytoplasm of these cells dense bodies, nuage-material, free ribosomes, large mitochondria with lamellar cristae and Golgi cisterns are available. In the oocyte nuclei at zygotene and pahytene stages 3H-thymidine incorporation was seen mainly into the nucleolus-associated chromatin. Besides, the formation of a heterochromatin cape and the synaptonemal complex was observed. Incorporation of 3H-uridine and 3H-leucine in the nuclei of these cells was very poor.  相似文献   

When the Y chromosome of Mus musculus domesticus (YDOM) was introduced onto the C57BL/6 (B6) mouse background, half of the XY progeny (B6.YDOM) developed bilateral ovaries and female internal and external genitalia. We examined the fertility of the B6.YDOM sex-reversed female mouse. The chromosomal sex of the individual mouse was identified by dot hybridization with mouse Y chromosome-specific DNA probes. The results indicated that all XY females lacked regular estrous cyclicity although most were able to mate and ovulate after treatment with gonadotropins. When they had been ovariectomized and grafted with ovaries from the XX female litter mate, they initiated estrous cyclicity. Reciprocally, the XX female that had received XY ovarian grafts did not resume estrous cyclicity. Development of the XY ovary was morphologically comparable to the XX ovary until 16 day of gestation (d.g.), when most germ cells had reached the zygotene or pachytene stage of meiotic prophase. However, by the day of delivery (19 or 20 d.g.), no oocyte remained in the medullary cords of the XY ovary. In the control XX ovary, the first generation of follicles developed in the medullary region, and 5 delta-3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3 beta-HSDH) activity appeared first in the stromal cells around growing follicles by 10 days after birth. In contrast, in the XY ovary, follicles were not formed in the medullary region, and 3 beta-HSDH activity appeared in epithelial cells of the oocyte-free medullary cords. Primordial follicles in the cortex region continued development in both the XX and XY ovaries. These results suggest that the XY female is infertile due to a defect inside the XY ovary. The prenatal loss of oocytes in the medullary cords may be a key event leading to abnormal endocrine function, and thereby, the absence of estrous cyclicity.  相似文献   

Thomas F. Roth 《Protoplasma》1966,61(3-4):346-386

The study of chromosomes in oocytes of the quail shows, at the pachytene stage, that microchromosomes are made of a euchromatic segment and a heterochromatic juxtacentromeric region. The heterochromatic regions of the microchromosomes amalgamate between themselves so as to constitute bulky chromocentres from which radiate the euchromatic segments which remain free. At late pachytene, nucleoli appear at the contact of these chromocentres. When the oocytes reach the diplotene stage, the nucleoli become quite large. They are stuck against chromocentres and establish a very close relationship with the euchromatic segments of the microchromosomes which surround or penetrate them. These observations lead one to think that the euchromatic segments of microchromosomes could be bearing nucleolar organizers. The close relations that the nucleolar organizers develop with the bulk of the nucleolus could explain its Feulgen-positive character in the quail.  相似文献   

The genes encoding three different mammalian testis-specific nuclear chromatin proteins, mouse transition protein 1, mouse protamine 1, and mouse protamine 2, all of which are expressed postmeiotically, are marked by methylation early during spermatogenesis in the mouse. Analysis of DNA from the testes of prepubertal mice and isolated testicular cells revealed that transition protein 1 became progressively less methylated during spermatogenesis, while the two protamines became progressively more methylated; in contrast, the methylation of beta-actin, a gene expressed throughout spermatogenesis, did not change. These findings provide evidence that both de novo methylation and demethylation events are occurring after the completion of DNA replication, during meiotic prophase in the mouse testis.  相似文献   

When the Y chromosome of a Mus musculus domesticus mouse strain is placed onto the C57BL/6J (B6) inbred background, the XY progeny develop ovaries or ovotestes but never normal testes during fetal life. While some of the hermaphroditic males become fertile, none of the XY females produces litters. Here, we examined the fertility and development of oocytes derived from the XY female mouse. With or without preceding injection of gonadotropins, female mice were mated with normal B6 males, and their embryos were recovered at various developmental stages. In vitro fertilization was performed with the eggs recovered from the oviduct after treatment with go-nadotropins. Development of embryos was examined by both light and electron microscopy. The results indicate that the oocytes released from the B6.YDOM ovary were efficiently fertilized and often initiated the first cell cleavage, but all embryos died during early preimplantation periods. Even when oocytes were fertilized in vitro, minimizing their exposure to the XY oviduct/uterus environment, most embryos died at the 1- or 2-cell stage. A few exceptional embryos reached the 4- or 8-cell stage, but abnormalities were evident in both nuclear and cytoplasmic structures of all embryos. After cleavage, neighbouring blastomeres were only loosely associated, and microvilli were abundant at the intercellular interfaces. We postulate that oocytes of the B.6.YDOM female mouse become defective during XY ovarian differentiation, and, hence, fail to proceed through normal embryonic development. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



The nuclear architecture of meiotic prophase spermatocytes is based on higher-order patterns of spatial associations among chromosomal domains from different bivalents. The meiotic nuclear architecture depends on the chromosome characteristics and consequently is prone to modification by chromosomal rearrangements. In this work, we consider Mus domesticus spermatocytes with diploid chromosome number 2n = 40, all telocentric, and investigate a possible modification of the ancestral nuclear architecture due to the emergence of derived Rb chromosomes, which may be present in the homozygous or heterozygous condition.


In the 2n = 40 spermatocyte nuclei random associations mediated by pericentromeric heterochromatin among the 19 telocentric bivalents ocurr at the nuclear periphery. The observed frequency of associations among them, made distinguishable by specific probes and FISH, seems to be the same for pairs that may or may not form Rb chromosomes. In the homozygote Rb 2n = 24 spermatocytes, associations also mediated by pericentromeric heterochromatin occur mainly between the three telocentric or the eight metacentric bivalents themselves. In heterozygote Rb 2n = 32 spermatocytes all heterochromatin is localized at the nuclear periphery, yet associations are mainly observed among the three telocentric bivalents and between the asynaptic axes of the trivalents.


The Rb chromosomes pose sharp restrictions for interactions in the 2n = 24 and 2n = 32 spermatocytes, as compared to the ample possibilities for interactions between bivalents in the 2n = 40 spermatocytes. Undoubtedly the emergence of Rb chromosomes changes the ancestral nuclear architecture of 2n = 40 spermatocytes since they establish new types of interactions among chromosomal domains, particularly through centromeric and heterochromatic regions at the nuclear periphery among telocentric and at the nuclear center among Rb metacentric ones.  相似文献   

A J Solari 《Genetics》1969,61(1):Suppl:113-Suppl:120

The arrest of meiotic prophase in mouse oocytes within antral follicles requires the G protein G(s) and an orphan member of the G protein-coupled receptor family, GPR3. To determine whether GPR3 activates G(s), the localization of Galpha(s) in follicle-enclosed oocytes from Gpr3(+/+) and Gpr3(-/-) mice was compared by using immunofluorescence and Galpha(s)GFP. GPR3 decreased the ratio of Galpha(s) in the oocyte plasma membrane versus the cytoplasm and also decreased the amount of Galpha(s) in the oocyte. Both of these properties indicate that GPR3 activates G(s). The follicle cells around the oocyte are also necessary to keep the oocyte in prophase, suggesting that they might activate GPR3. However, GPR3-dependent G(s) activity was similar in follicle-enclosed and follicle-free oocytes. Thus, the maintenance of prophase arrest depends on the constitutive activity of GPR3 in the oocyte, and the follicle cell signal acts by a means other than increasing GPR3 activity.  相似文献   

Maintenance of meiotic prophase arrest in fully grown vertebrate oocytes depends on an elevated level of cAMP in the oocyte. To investigate how the cAMP level is regulated, we examined whether the activity of an oocyte G protein of the family that stimulates adenylyl cyclase, Gs, is required to maintain meiotic arrest. Microinjection of a dominant negative form of Gs into Xenopus and mouse oocytes, or microinjection of an antibody that inhibits the Gs G protein into zebrafish oocytes, caused meiosis to resume. Together with previous studies, these results support the conclusion that Gs-regulated generation of cAMP by the oocyte is a common mechanism for maintaining meiotic prophase arrest in vertebrate oocytes.  相似文献   

A kinetics study has demonstrated histone synthesis occurring at two distinct phases during meiotic prophase of mouse spermatogenesis. These two periods have been delineated by quantifying the synthesis of DNA and basic nuclear proteins in spermatogenic cells at discrete intervals following the intratesticular injection of [3H] thymidine and [14C] arginine, respectively. One phase of histone synthesis occurs coincident with DNA synthesis in preleptotene spermatocytes. By contrast, a second phase of histone synthesis occurs during midprophase of meiosis, independent of semiconservative DNA synthesis. The [14C] arginine incorporated into the basic nuclear proteins of pachytene spermatocytes is conserved during spermiogenesis and then subsequently discarded within the residual bodies, which are formed during late spermiogenesis. Fluorographic analyses of isotopically labeled basic nuclear proteins in pachytene spermatocytes has shown that only the somatic complement of histones are synthesized during the preleptotene period, whereas the second phase involves the synthesis of proteins H1t, H2S, and "A". In addition, several nonhistone basic nuclear proteins are synthesized concomitant with the germ cell-specific histones. Thus, the data clearly demonstrate that pachytene spermatocytes actively synthesize a number of novel chromatin-associated polypeptides.  相似文献   

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