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The Hill reaction of chloroplasts. Action spectra and quantum requirements   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
K Sauer  R B Park 《Biochemistry》1965,4(12):2791-2798

Addition of 1mM ascorbate to isolated chloroplasts with methyl viologen (MV) as electron acceptor trebled the rate of oxygen uptake and decreased the ADPO ratio to a third of that with no ascorbate present. These effects of ascorbate were reversed by superoxide dismutase (SOD), which in the absence of ascorbate had little effect on O2 uptake or ADPO ratio. A chloroplast-associated SOD activity equivalent to 500 units/mg chlorophyll was detected. The effects of ascorbate and SOD on O2 uptake were similar in both coupled and uncoupled chloroplasts. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that ascorbate stimulates O2 uptake by reduction of superoxide, which is formed by autoxidation of the added electron acceptor (MV), and which dismutates in the absence of ascorbate. Ascorbate does not seem to stimulate O2 uptake by replacing water as the photosystem II donor.  相似文献   

In addition to an inhibitory effect on the photoreduction of NADP+ by isolated spinach chloroplasts ( Spinacea oleracea L. cv. Melody Hybrid), sulfide initiated oxygen uptake by chloroplasts upon illumination, both in presence and absence of an electron acceptor. Sulfide-induced oxygen uptake was sensitive to DCMU demonstrating the involvement of photosynthetic electron transport. Addition of superoxide dismutase to the chloroplast suspension prevented the sulfide-induced oxygen uptake, which indicated that sulfide may be oxidized by the chloroplast, its oxidation being initiated by superoxide formed upon illumination (at the reducing side of PSI). Tris-induced inhibition of NADP+ photo-reduction could not be abolished by sulfide, which indicated that sulfide could not act as an electron donor for PSI.  相似文献   

The Hill reaction of chloroplasts was inhibited by washing themwith 0.8 M Tris buffer. This inhibition was further promotedby adding ferricyanide in the washing medium. When a reducingreagent, such as the 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol (DCPIP)-ascorbatesystem or the hydroquinone (HQJ-ascorbate system, had been addedto the Tris buffer, Hill reaction activity was unaffected. Hill reaction activity of Tris-washed chloroplasts recoveredup to 70% of the initial level by re-washing the chloroplastswith a preparation medium containing theabove reducing reagents. Photobleaching of carotenoid and chlorophyll is characteristicof Tris-washed chloroplasts. However, reactivated chloroplastsshowed no photobleaching as in the case with intact chloroplasts. (Received April 20, 1970; )  相似文献   

Light induced modulated signal of oxygen uptake by isolated chloroplasts in the presence of methyl viologen, when Photosystem II activity was inhibited and in the absence of any electron donors, was detected by a modulated oxygen Pt electrode, polarized negatively. Evidence is brought to show that an electrochemical process which takes place on the surface of the negatively polarized Pt-cathode produces an intermediate which serves as an electron donor to Photosystem I. Atempts to identify this intermediate show that it may be very probably the superoxide radical generated by the electrochemical reduction of oxygen which continuously diffuses from the external circulating medium to the electrode.  相似文献   


1. 1. A simple kinetic analysis of light-induced proton uptake into chloroplasts is presented. It is derived from a model of the reaction in which the incoming proton is obligatorily bound by an intra-chloroplast component, and allows quantitative analysis of the effect into parameters of light and dark rate constants and the availability of the chloroplast component.

2. 2. The effect of the following agents on the derived parameters has been measured: electron and energy transfer inhibitors, uncouplers, NaCl concentration, light intensity and pH.

3. 3. A maximal ratio of 4 protons taken up per electron transported has been observed, using ferricyanide as an electron acceptor.

4. 4. A stimulation of light-induced proton uptake by phosphate or arsenate, ADP and Mg has been observed. It was not sensitive to concentrations of Dio-9, which eliminated ATP synthesis.

5. 5. The results are seen as inconsistent with the chemiosmotic theory of energy coupling as presently presented. It is suggested that they may be interpreted in terms of a model in which the function of the proton pump is to enable co-transport into the chloroplasts of the negatively charged complex of phosphate, ADP and Mg.

Abbreviations: BDHB, n-butyl-3,5-diiodo-4-hydroxybenzoate; DCMU, (3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea; diquat, 1,1′-ethylene-2,2′-dipyridylium dibromide; FCCP, carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoro-methoxy-phenylhydrazone; HQNO, 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide; PMS, phenazine methosulfate  相似文献   

Multi-temperature effects on Hill reaction activity of barley chloroplasts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

1. 1. The relationship between temperature and Hill reaction activity has been investigated in chloroplasts isolated from barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Abyssinian).

2. 2. An Arrhenius plot of the photoreduction of 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol (DCIP) showed no change in slope over the temperature range 2–38 °C. The apparent Arrhenius activation energy (Ea) for the reaction was 48.1 kJ/mol.

3. 3. In the presence of an uncoupler of photophosphorylation, methylamine, the Ea for DCIP photoreduction went through a series of changes as the temperature was increased. Changes were found at 9, 20, 29 and 36 °C. The Ea was highest below 9 °C at 63.7 kJ/mol. Between 9 and 20 °C the Ea decreased to 40.4 kJ/mol and again to 20.2 kJ/mol between 20 and 29 °C. Between 29 and 36 °C there was no further increase in activity with increasing temperature. The temperature-induced changes at 9, 20 and 29 °C were reversible. At temperatures above 36 °C (2 min) a thermal and largely irreversible inactivation of the Hill reaction occurred.

4. 4. Temperature-induced changes in Ea were also found when ferricyanide was substituted for DCIP or gramicidin D for methylamine. The addition of an uncoupler of photophosphorylation was not required to demonstrate temperature-induced changes in DCIP photoreduction following the exposure of the chloroplasts to a low concentration of cations.

5. 5. The photoreduction of the lipophilic acceptor, oxidized 2, 3, 5, 6-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine, also showed changes in Ea in the absence of an uncoupler.

6. 6. The temperature-induced changes in Hill activity at 9 and 29 °C coincided with temperature-induced changes in the fluidity of chloroplast thylakoid membranes as detected by measurements of electron spin resonance spectra. It is suggested that the temperature-induced changes in the properties and activity of chloroplast membranes are part of a control mechanism for regulation of chloroplast development and photosynthesis by temperature.

Abbreviations: DADox, oxidized 2,3,5,6-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine; DCIP, 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol; 16NS, 3-oxazolidenyloxy-2-(14-carbmethoxytetradecyl)-2-ethyl-4,4-dimethyl; Ea, Arrhenius activation energy  相似文献   

The concentration and absorption of methylphenazinium cations (MP+) in suspensions of pea chloroplasts are simultaneously lowered during rapid (approximately 10s) illumination. The light-induced changes of absorption and concentration of MP+ reveal similar sensitivity towards some inhibitors and uncouplers and are determined by MP+ uptake by the thylakoids. The time-course of light-induced MP+ uptake was found to be modified in the presence of dithioerythritol, Mg2+ and ATP, i. e. under conditions which induce the ATPase activity and ATP hydrolysis in chloroplasts. The kinetic curve of light-induced MP+ uptake under these conditions consists of a relatively fast (approximatley 10 s) and a slow (approximately 10 min) components. The slow ATP-dependent component of MP+ uptake is enhanced by low concentrations of gramicidin and is completely inhibited by the energy transfer inhibitor--dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. The data obtained suggest that the light-induced energization of the chloroplast membrane is accompanied by the transport of MP+ into the thylakoids against the electrical potential and concentration gradients.  相似文献   

Suspensions of isolated pine needle chloroplasts were shown to incorporate galactose from UDP galactose-[14C] into galactolipids. The incorporation of the label among galactolipids was always considerably higher in the monogalactosyl diglycerides than in the digalactosyl diglycerides. The galactosyl incorporation into both galactolipid fractions was optimal at pH 8.0 and was inhibited by sulphydryl reagents (p-chloromercuribenzoate, N-ethyl maleimide and CdCl2). The chloroplast preparations were also able to biosynthesize various phospholipids and galactolipids from palmitoyl-[1-14C]-CoA; the major portion of the label appeared in phosphatidyl choline. The incorporation of palmitic-[1-14C] acid into various lipids was very poor compared to that of palmitoyl-[1-14C]-CoA. However, addition of ATP and CoA markedly stimulated lipid biosynthesis from palmitic-[1-14C] acid, suggesting the presence of activating enzymes. These chloroplast suspensions did not show any de novo fatty acid synthesis.  相似文献   

KC1 stimulated the ferricyanide-Hill reaction at pH higher than6.0 and at ferricyanide concentrations lower than 1 mM in sonicatedspinach chloroplasts. However, KCl did not affect on the DCIP-Hillreaction at all. We concluded that Cl- is not an essential factor,but only a stimulator of the oxygen-evolving reaction of chloroplasts. (Received March 7, 1974; )  相似文献   

1. The relationship between temperature and Hill reaction activity has been investigated in chloroplasts isolated from barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Abyssinian). 2. An Arrhenius plot of the photoreduction of 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol (DCIP) showed no change in slope over the temperature range 2--38degreesC. The apparent Arrhenius activation energy (Ea) for the reaction was 48.1 kJ/mol. 3. In the presence of an uncoupler of photophosphorylation, methylamine, the Ea for DCIP photoreduction went through a series of changes as the temperature was increased. Changes were found at 9, 20, 29 and 36degreesC. The Ea was highest below 9degreesC at 63.7 kJ/mol. Between 9 and 20degreesC the Ea decreased to 40.4 kJ/mol and again to 20.2 kJ/mol between 20 and 29degreesC. Between 29 and 36degreesC there was no further increase in activity with increasing temperature. The temperature-induced changes at 9, 20 and 29degreesC were reversible. At temperatures above 36degreesC (2 min) a thermal and largely irreversible inactivation of the Hill reaction occurred. 4. Temperature-induced changes in Ea were also found when ferricyanide was substituted for DCIP or gramicidin D for methylamine. The addition of an uncoupler of photophosphorylation was not required to demonstrate temperature-induced changes in DCIP photoreduction following the exposure of the chloroplasts to a low concentration of cations. 5. The photoreduction of the lipophilic acceptor, oxidized 2, 3, 5, 6-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine, also showed changes in Ea in the absence of an uncoupler. 6. The temperature-induced changes in Hill activity at 9 and 29degreesC coincided with temperature-induced changes in the fluidity of chloroplast thylakoid membranes as detected by measurements of electron spin resonance spectra. It is suggested that the temperature-induced changes in the properties and activity of chloroplast membranes are part of a control mechanism for regulation of chloroplast development and photosynthesis by temperature.  相似文献   

Summary The transient color sensitivity observed earlier in the Hill reaction of disintegrating chloroplasts (red-blue effect) was studied in detail. I. The effect was measured mainly as rates of the reduction of DPIP. It could be followed also by ferricyanide reduction or oxygen evolution. It is independent of the composition of the suspension medium and not influenced by uncouplers like methylamine. 2. Light intensity curves taken before, during and after the development of the blue decay show its presence at all light intensities. The action spectrum shows a loss of efficiency for the region 450–500 nm. 3. A second disintegration step which usually follows an hour later and lowers the rates in red light, has similar kinetic characteristics, but so far no particular spectral region could be implicated. 4. With ultrasonic treatment lasting from a few seconds to several minutes the double sequence of the natural loss of activity in blue and then in red light can be evoked at any time. 5. To explain these observations we assume that initially the transfer of energy from blue absorbing accessory pigments to chlorophyll is interrupted and that the same kind of pigment separation happens a second time, some-what later, among the chlorophyll pigments. The moment the light energy absorbed by the detached pigment cannot be utilized in a normal way, it promotes destructive sensitization processes which attack part of the electron transport system. The damage to the pigment system appears to occur in system II. A preliminary fluorescence curve also supports this assumption. System I (methyl red reduction) suffers through destruction of components of the electron transport chain.These studies were supported by grant No. NGR 10-004-018 from the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.  相似文献   

Ellyard PW  Gibbs M 《Plant physiology》1969,44(8):1115-1121
The inhibition of photosynthetic CO2 fixation by O2, commonly referred to as the Warburg effect, was examined in isolated intact spinach (Spinacia oleracea) chloroplasts. The major characteristics of this effect in isolated chloroplasts are rapid reversibility when O2 is replaced by N2, an increased inhibition by O2 at low concentrations of CO2 and a decreased effect of O2 with increased concentrations of CO2.  相似文献   

John Sinclair 《BBA》1984,764(2):247-252
A study has been made of the onset of chloride deprivation on the oxygen-evolving characteristics of isolated spinach chloroplasts. Using a modulated oxygen electrode it is found that the type of inhibition depends on the anion replacing chloride in the bathing medium. With nitrate a large increase in phase lag accompanies a relatively small inhibition which can be shown to be consistent with a decrease in the rate constant of the reaction which limits the rate of electron transport between water and Photosystem II. With sulphate there is a very small phase change but a larger inhibition which suggests that replacing chloride with sulphate in an electron-transport chain shuts off that chain. With acetate there is a moderate increase in phase lag and the largest inhibitory effect. The phase-lag increase suggests that acetate is affecting the same chloride-sensitive site as nitrate. However, the inhibition cannot be explained by this effect alone and points to the existence of a second chloride-sensitive site. Of the four forward reactions associated with the Kok model of oxygen evolution (Kok, B., Forbush, B. and McGloin, M. (1970) Photochem. Photobiol. 11, 457–475) only S13 → S0 is slowed down when chloride is replaced by nitrate. This reaction is not slowed down by replacing chloride with sulphate.  相似文献   

The time course of light-induced O(2) exchange by isolated intact chloroplasts and cells from spinach was determined under various conditions using isotopically labeled O(2) and a mass spectrometer. In dark-adapted chloroplasts and cells supplemented with saturating amounts of bicarbonate, O(2) evolution began immediately upon illumination. However, this initial rate of O(2) evolution was counterbalanced by a simultaneous increase in the rate of O(2) uptake, so that little net O(2) was evolved or consumed during the first approximately 1 minute of illumination. After this induction (lag) phase, the rate of O(2) evolution increased 3- to 4-fold while the rate of O(2) uptake diminished to a very low level. Inhibition of the Calvin cycle, e.g. with dl-glyceraldehyde or iodoacetamide, had negligible effects on the initial rate of O(2) evolution or O(2) uptake; both rates were sutained for several minutes, and about balanced so that no net O(2) was produced. Uncouplers had an effect similar to that observed with Calvin cycle inhibitors, except that rates of O(2) evolution and photoreduction were stimulated 40 to 50%.These results suggest that higher plant phostosynthetic preparations which retain the ability to reduce CO(2) also have a significant capacity to photoreduce O(2). With near-saturating light and sufficient CO(2), O(2) reduction appears to take place primarily via a direct interaction between O(2) and reduced electron transport carriers, and occurs principally when CO(2)-fixation reactions are suboptimal, e.g. during induction or in the presence of Calvin cycle inhibitors. The inherent maximum endogenous rate of O(2) reduction is approximately 25 to 50% of the maximum rate of noncyclic electron transport coupled to CO(2) fixation. Although the photoreduction of O(2) is coupled to ion transport and/or phosphorylation, this process does not appear to supply significant amounts of ATP directly during steady-state CO(2) fixation in strong light.  相似文献   

Loss in the content of pigments and decline in the efficiency of thylakoid membranes to reduce 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol (DCPIP) have been investigated during dark induced senescence of attached leaves of maize seedlings. The chlorophyll degradation during senescence is differentially inhibited by indoleacetic acid (IAA), gibberellic acid (GA) and kinetin. IAA and GA behave as mild senescence inhibitors in comparison to kinetin. However, in comparison to light, kinetin is relatively less efficient in counteracting senescence. Dark-induced loss in chlorophyll content is fully recovered by light when the dark incubation period is relatively short. The pattern of light recovery of loss in photoelectron transport during dark-aging is similar to the recovery kinetics of chlorophyll. Continuous kinetin treatment of dark-incubated seedlings inhibits the chlorophyll degradation but with decreased duration of kinetin treatment, the efficiency of the hormone to inhibit chlorophyll loss is reduced. The kinetin-induced inhibition of pigment loss is small in comparison with the effect of light.  相似文献   

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