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Background and AimsUnderstanding how plant allometry, plant architecture and phenology contribute to fruit production can identify those plant traits that maximize fruit yield. In this study, we compared these variables and fruit yield for two shrub species, Vaccinium angustifolium and Vaccinium myrtilloides, to test the hypothesis that phenology is linked to the plants’ allometric traits, which are predictors of fruit production.MethodsWe measured leaf and flower phenology and the above-ground biomass of both Vaccinium species in a commercial wild lowbush blueberry field (Quebec, Canada) over a 2-year crop cycle; 1 year of pruning followed by 1 year of harvest. Leaf and flower phenology were measured, and the allometric traits of shoots and buds were monitored over the crop cycle. We hand-collected the fruits of each plant to determine fruit attributes and biomass.Key ResultsDuring the harvesting year, the leafing and flowering of V. angustifolium occurred earlier than that of V. myrtilloides. This difference was related to the allometric characteristics of the buds due to differences in carbon partitioning by the plants during the pruning year. Through structural equation modelling, we identified that the earlier leafing in V. angustifolium was related to a lower leaf bud number, while earlier flowering was linked to a lower number of flowers per bud. Despite differences in reproductive allometric traits, vegetative biomass still determined reproductive biomass in a log–log scale model.ConclusionsGrowing buds are competing sinks for non-structural carbohydrates. Their differences in both number and characteristics (e.g. number of flowers per bud) influence levels of fruit production and explain some of the phenological differences observed between the two Vaccinium species. For similar above-ground biomass, both Vaccinium species had similar reproductive outputs in terms of fruit biomass, despite differences in reproductive traits such as fruit size and number.  相似文献   

Abstract: During a warm period after the last glaciation the fleshy-fruited shrub, Prunus mahaleb, extended its area of distribution from the Mediterranean basin towards central Europe. Under a subsequent cooler climate, and probably increased competition from trees, the species became restricted to steep, south-facing cliffs and scree slopes with a particularly sunny and warm microclimate. Thus, the small relict populations in central Europe have been isolated for about 5000 - 6000 years. To investigate whether or not reproductive traits of P. mahaleb are affected by isolation and population size, several flower and fruit characteristics were sampled in ten populations in Switzerland. A Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) based on these reproductive characteristics differentiated the populations. The first CCA axis was determined by flower size, pollination frequency, pulp and seed mass. This ran parallel to increasing precipitation and decreasing altitude. The second axis correlated with the number of fruits per raceme and seed viability, and ran parallel to increasing sunshine. None of the six flower and fruit variables correlated with population size or with the degree of isolation. However, flower size, pollination frequency, pulp and seed mass showed a negative correlation with altitude. The results suggest that, in populations of P. mahaleb in central Europe, climatic conditions explain more of the observed variation in flower and fruit characteristics than population size or degree of isolation.  相似文献   

Abstract We investigated whether the New Zealand pigeon Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae (Columbidae) exhibits size‐based preferences for fruits. We tested the hypothesis that in small‐fruited species, pigeons would prefer larger fruits, but in larger‐fruited species, this preference would reverse as the pigeons become increasingly limited by their gape size. We collected undispersed fruits and bird‐dispersed seeds of 10 plant species, some over several sites or years (13 datasets in total). We estimated the fruit size of dispersed seeds by fitting regressions of fruit diameter to seed diameter in intact fruits. We were able to predict fruit diameter from seed diameter in 12 of the 13 populations, although the relationship was stronger in single‐seeded species than in multi‐seeded species. Seven of the 12 populations tested showed a significant difference in seed diameter among undispersed and dispersed seeds. However, our results showed no consistent pattern in fruit size preference by the New Zealand pigeon and did not support our hypothesis. The large‐bodied New Zealand pigeon is generally not gape limited and fruit size preferences appear to be independent of mean fruit size.  相似文献   

We assume that multivariate observational data are generated from a distribution whose conditional independencies are encoded in a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). For any given DAG, the causal effect of a variable onto another one can be evaluated through intervention calculus. A DAG is typically not identifiable from observational data alone. However, its Markov equivalence class (a collection of DAGs) can be estimated from the data. As a consequence, for the same intervention a set of causal effects, one for each DAG in the equivalence class, can be evaluated. In this paper, we propose a fully Bayesian methodology to make inference on the causal effects of any intervention in the system. Main features of our method are: (a) both uncertainty on the equivalence class and the causal effects are jointly modeled; (b) priors on the parameters of the modified Cholesky decomposition of the precision matrices across all DAG models are constructively assigned starting from a unique prior on the complete (unrestricted) DAG; (c) an efficient algorithm to sample from the posterior distribution on graph space is adopted; (d) an objective Bayes approach, requiring virtually no user specification, is used throughout. We demonstrate the merits of our methodology in simulation studies, wherein comparisons with current state‐of‐the‐art procedures turn out to be highly satisfactory. Finally we examine a real data set of gene expressions for Arabidopsis thaliana.  相似文献   

Nitrogen/phosphorus leaf stoichiometry and the scaling of plant growth   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
We adopted previous N : P stoichiometric models for zooplankton relative growth to predict the relative growth rates of the leaves μ L of vascular plants assuming that annual leaf growth in dry mass is dictated by how leaf nitrogen N L is allocated to leaf proteins and how leaf phosphorus P L is allocated to rRNA. This model is simplified provided that N L scales as some power function of P L across the leaves of different species. This approach successfully predicted the μ L of 131 species of vascular plants based on the observation that, across these species, N L scaled, on average, as the 3/4 power of P L, i.e. N L ∝  P     . When juxtaposed with prior allometric theory and observations, our findings suggest that a transformation in N : P stoichiometry occurs when the plant body undergoes a transition from primary to secondary growth.  相似文献   

为了深入了解啮齿动物在不同种子丰富度条件下对不同大小和单宁含量种子的觅食行为策略及其与植物种群更新的关系,在宁夏六盘山区的华北落叶松人工林,研究了不同大小和单宁含量[0%Tannin(T)、2%T、8%T和15%T]的人工种子在模拟结实小年和结实大年对啮齿动物取食和扩散行为的影响.结果表明: 啮齿动物消耗种子速度在结实小年更快,结实大年的种子消耗速度相对缓慢. 种子就地取食率(ISPR)在不同结实年份间无显著差异,扩散后取食率(PRAD)在结实小年显著高于结实大年,但前者的扩散后贮藏率(HRAD)显著低于后者;种子扩散后的取食距离(PDAD)和贮藏距离(HDAD)在结实小年均显著大于结实大年.在结实小年,大种子的PDAD和HDAD均大于小种子,前者在不同大小种子间均差异显著,而后者仅在2%T和15%T的不同大小种子间差异显著;在结实大年,除0%T外的其他单宁含量种子的PDAD和HDAD在不同大小种子间均差异显著.ISPR在中等单宁含量种子最大,高单宁含量种子最小;PRAD分别在结实小年的高单宁含量种子和结实大年的无单宁种子最大;不论在结实大年还是结实小年,HRAD均在高单宁含量种子最大,中等单宁含量种子最小.这说明结实大年可延缓啮齿动物对种子的消耗速率,提高种子的HRAD,但种子扩散距离减小;啮齿动物在结实大年和小年均表现出对大种子的扩散偏好,且大种子被扩散的距离更远;啮齿动物在不同结实年份均偏好于就地取食中等单宁含量种子,而扩散高单宁含量种子.  相似文献   

Background: It is critical to understand the ecological factors shaping seed dispersal in plant communities in order to predict their fate in the face of global change. Communities restricted to patchy habitats may contain more species with ‘directed’ dispersal syndromes that facilitate successful seed dispersal to other patches; however, habitat quality may constrain the presence of and efficiency of dispersal syndromes found within those habitats.

Aims: The aim of this study was to hypothesise that if habitat patchiness is an important filter on dispersal syndromes, ‘directed’ vertebrate dispersal should be more prevalent in serpentine habitats because of their patchiness. Alternatively, if habitat quality is more important, wind dispersal should be more prevalent in serpentine habitats because of their low fertility.

Methods: Using three datasets representing grassland, chaparral and forest vegetation types, we analysed differences in the composition of dispersal syndromes (vertebrate, wind, passive, water and ant) between communities on patchy infertile serpentine soils and on continuous, fertile non-serpentine soils. Our analyses also accounted for correlated functional traits and phylogenetic relatedness.

Results: Across and within all three vegetation types, serpentine communities had significantly higher proportions of wind dispersed and lower proportions of vertebrate-dispersed species. These patterns were not independent of functional traits. Proportions of the other dispersal syndromes did not differ.

Conclusions: Our results suggest that on low-fertility soils, habitat quality may outweigh habitat patchiness as a filter on the availability of dispersal syndromes, potentially adding to the vulnerability of such communities to stochastic extinctions and global change.  相似文献   

The mobility hypothesis could explain the evolution of female‐biased size dimorphism if males with a smaller body size and longer legs have an advantage in scramble competition for mates. This hypothesis is tested by performing a selection analysis in the wild on Micrarchus hystriculeus (Westwood) (Phasmatodea), a sexually size dimorphic stick insect endemic to New Zealand. This analysis examined the form and strength of sexual selection on body size, leg lengths (front, mid and hind), and clasper size (a genitalic trait), and also quantified the degree of phenotypic variation and the allometric scaling pattern of these traits. By contrast to the mobility hypothesis, three lines of evidence were found to support significant stabilizing sexual selection on male hind leg length: a significant nonlinear selection gradient, negative static allometry, and a low degree of phenotypic variation. Hind leg length might be under stabilizing selection in males if having average‐sized legs facilitates female mounting or improves a male's ability to achieve the appropriate copulation position. As predicted, a negative allometric scaling pattern and low phenotypic variation of clasper size is suggestive of stabilizing selection and supports the ‘one‐size‐fits‐all’ hypothesis. Opposite to males, the mid and hind leg lengths of females showed positive static allometry. Relatively longer mid and hind leg lengths in larger females might benefit individuals via the better support of their larger abdomens. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 471–484.  相似文献   

We propose a new classification of rain forest plants into eight fruit syndromes, based on fruit morphology and other traits relevant to fruit‐feeding insects. This classification is compared with other systems based on plant morphology or traits relevant to vertebrate fruit dispersers. Our syndromes are based on fruits sampled from 1,192 plant species at three Forest Global Earth Observatory plots: Barro Colorado Island (Panama), Khao Chong (Thailand), and Wanang (Papua New Guinea). The three plots differed widely in fruit syndrome composition. Plant species with fleshy, indehiscent fruits containing multiple seeds were important at all three sites. However, in Panama, a high proportion of species had dry fruits, while in New Guinea and Thailand, species with fleshy drupes and thin mesocarps were dominant. Species with dry, winged seeds that do not develop as capsules were important in Thailand, reflecting the local importance of Dipterocarpaceae. These differences can also determine differences among frugivorous insect communities. Fruit syndromes and colors were phylogenetically flexible traits at the scale studied, as only three of the eight seed syndromes, and one of the 10 colors, showed significant phylogenetic clustering at either genus or family levels. Plant phylogeny was, however, the most important factor explaining differences in overall fruit syndrome composition among individual plant families or genera across the three study sites. Abstract in Melanesian is available with online material.  相似文献   

Myrmecochory, or seed dispersal by ants, occurs widely in angiosperms, and particularly in temperate forest herbs in the northern Hemisphere and sclerophyll shrubs in Mediterranean‐climate landscapes. The lipid‐rich elaiosome on the seed provides nutrition to the ants; however, how the plant benefits from myrmecochory remains unclear. Here, we provide the first comprehensive analysis of the Euphorbiaceae species in the semi‐arid Caatinga vegetation region of northeastern Brazil, and show that myrmecochory strongly associates with small plant stature, even after controlling for seed size. The association of myrmecochory with small stature suggests that the primary benefit to plants concerns distance of dispersal, which reduces parental and sibling competition.  相似文献   

Allometry constitutes an important source of morphological variation. However, its influence in head development in anurans has been poorly explored. By using geometric morphometrics followed by statistical and comparative methods we analyzed patterns of allometric change during cranial postmetamorphic ontogeny in species of Nest‐building frogs Leptodactylus (Leptodactylidae). We found that the anuran skull is not a static structure, and allometry plays an important role in defining its shape in this group. Similar to other groups with biphasic life‐cycle, and following a general trend in vertebrates, ontogenetic changes mostly involve rearrangement in rostral, otoccipital, and suspensorium regions. Ontogenetic transformations are paralleled by shape changes associated with evolutionary change in size, such that the skulls of species of different intrageneric groups are scaled to each other, and small and large species show patterns of paedomorphic/peramorphic features, respectively. Allometric trajectories producing those phenotypes are highly evolvable though, with shape change direction and magnitude varying widely among clades, and irrespective of changes in absolute body size. These results reinforce the importance of large‐scale comparisons of growth patterns to understand the plasticity, evolution, and polarity of morphological changes in different clades.  相似文献   

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