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Protein structure modeling by homology requires an accurate sequence alignment between the query protein and its structural template. However, sequence alignment methods based on dynamic programming (DP) are typically unable to generate accurate alignments for remote sequence homologs, thus limiting the applicability of modeling methods. A central problem is that the alignment that is "optimal" in terms of the DP score does not necessarily correspond to the alignment that produces the most accurate structural model. That is, the correct alignment based on structural superposition will generally have a lower score than the optimal alignment obtained from sequence. Variations of the DP algorithm have been developed that generate alternative alignments that are "suboptimal" in terms of the DP score, but these still encounter difficulties in detecting the correct structural alignment. We present here a new alternative sequence alignment method that relies heavily on the structure of the template. By initially aligning the query sequence to individual fragments in secondary structure elements and combining high-scoring fragments that pass basic tests for "modelability", we can generate accurate alignments within a small ensemble. Our results suggest that the set of sequences that can currently be modeled by homology can be greatly extended.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Protein sequence alignment plays a critical role in computational biology as it is an integral part in many analysis tasks designed to solve problems in comparative genomics, structure and function prediction, and homology modeling. METHODS: We have developed novel sequence alignment algorithms that compute the alignment between a pair of sequences based on short fixed- or variable-length high-scoring subsequences. Our algorithms build the alignments by repeatedly selecting the highest scoring pairs of subsequences and using them to construct small portions of the final alignment. We utilize PSI-BLAST generated sequence profiles and employ a profile-to-profile scoring scheme derived from PICASSO. RESULTS: We evaluated the performance of the computed alignments on two recently published benchmark datasets and compared them against the alignments computed by existing state-of-the-art dynamic programming-based profile-to-profile local and global sequence alignment algorithms. Our results show that the new algorithms achieve alignments that are comparable with or better than those achieved by existing algorithms. Moreover, our results also showed that these algorithms can be used to provide better information as to which of the aligned positions are more reliable--a critical piece of information for comparative modeling applications.  相似文献   

Few sequence alignment methods have been designed specifically for integral membrane proteins, even though these important proteins have distinct evolutionary and structural properties that might affect their alignments. Existing approaches typically consider membrane-related information either by using membrane-specific substitution matrices or by assigning distinct penalties for gap creation in transmembrane and non-transmembrane regions. Here, we ask whether favoring matching of predicted transmembrane segments within a standard dynamic programming algorithm can improve the accuracy of pairwise membrane protein sequence alignments. We tested various strategies using a specifically designed program called AlignMe. An updated set of homologous membrane protein structures, called HOMEP2, was used as a reference for optimizing the gap penalties. The best of the membrane-protein optimized approaches were then tested on an independent reference set of membrane protein sequence alignments from the BAliBASE collection. When secondary structure (S) matching was combined with evolutionary information (using a position-specific substitution matrix (P)), in an approach we called AlignMePS, the resultant pairwise alignments were typically among the most accurate over a broad range of sequence similarities when compared to available methods. Matching transmembrane predictions (T), in addition to evolutionary information, and secondary-structure predictions, in an approach called AlignMePST, generally reduces the accuracy of the alignments of closely-related proteins in the BAliBASE set relative to AlignMePS, but may be useful in cases of extremely distantly related proteins for which sequence information is less informative. The open source AlignMe code is available at https://sourceforge.net/projects/alignme/, and at http://www.forrestlab.org, along with an online server and the HOMEP2 data set.  相似文献   

Constructing a model of a query protein based on its alignment to a homolog with experimentally determined spatial structure (the template) is still the most reliable approach to structure prediction. Alignment errors are the main bottleneck for homology modeling when the query is distantly related to the template. Alignment methods often misalign secondary structural elements by a few residues. Therefore, better alignment solutions can be found within a limited set of local shifts of secondary structures. We present a refinement method to improve pairwise sequence alignments by evaluating alignment variants generated by local shifts of template‐defined secondary structures. Our method SFESA is based on a novel scoring function that combines the profile‐based sequence score and the structure score derived from residue contacts in a template. Such a combined score frequently selects a better alignment variant among a set of candidate alignments generated by local shifts and leads to overall increase in alignment accuracy. Evaluation of several benchmarks shows that our refinement method significantly improves alignments made by automatic methods such as PROMALS, HHpred and CNFpred. The web server is available at http://prodata.swmed.edu/sfesa . Proteins 2015; 83:411–427. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Structural alignments often reveal relationships between proteins that cannot be detected using sequence alignment alone. However, profile search methods based entirely on structural alignments alone have not been found to be effective in finding remote homologs. Here, we explore the role of structural information in remote homolog detection and sequence alignment. To this end, we develop a series of hybrid multidimensional alignment profiles that combine sequence, secondary and tertiary structure information into hybrid profiles. Sequence-based profiles are profiles whose position-specific scoring matrix is derived from sequence alignment alone; structure-based profiles are those derived from multiple structure alignments. We compare pure sequence-based profiles to pure structure-based profiles, as well as to hybrid profiles that use combined sequence-and-structure-based profiles, where sequence-based profiles are used in loop/motif regions and structural information is used in core structural regions. All of the hybrid methods offer significant improvement over simple profile-to-profile alignment. We demonstrate that both sequence-based and structure-based profiles contribute to remote homology detection and alignment accuracy, and that each contains some unique information. We discuss the implications of these results for further improvements in amino acid sequence and structural analysis.  相似文献   

The accuracy of protein structures, particularly their binding sites, is essential for the success of modeling protein complexes. Computationally inexpensive methodology is required for genome-wide modeling of such structures. For systematic evaluation of potential accuracy in high-throughput modeling of binding sites, a statistical analysis of target-template sequence alignments was performed for a representative set of protein complexes. For most of the complexes, alignments containing all residues of the interface were found. The full interface alignments were obtained even in the case of poor alignments where a relatively small part of the target sequence (as low as 40%) aligned to the template sequence, with a low overall alignment identity (<30%). Although such poor overall alignments might be considered inadequate for modeling of whole proteins, the alignment of the interfaces was strong enough for docking. In the set of homology models built on these alignments, one third of those ranked 1 by a simple sequence identity criteria had RMSD<5 Å, the accuracy suitable for low-resolution template free docking. Such models corresponded to multi-domain target proteins, whereas for single-domain proteins the best models had 5 Å<RMSD<10 Å, the accuracy suitable for less sensitive structure-alignment methods. Overall, ∼50% of complexes with the interfaces modeled by high-throughput techniques had accuracy suitable for meaningful docking experiments. This percentage will grow with the increasing availability of co-crystallized protein-protein complexes.  相似文献   

Sequence alignment profiles have been shown to be very powerful in creating accurate sequence alignments. Profiles are often used to search a sequence database with a local alignment algorithm. More accurate and longer alignments have been obtained with profile-to-profile comparison. There are several steps that must be performed in creating profile-profile alignments, and each involves choices in parameters and algorithms. These steps include (1) what sequences to include in a multiple alignment used to build each profile, (2) how to weight similar sequences in the multiple alignment and how to determine amino acid frequencies from the weighted alignment, (3) how to score a column from one profile aligned to a column of the other profile, (4) how to score gaps in the profile-profile alignment, and (5) how to include structural information. Large-scale benchmarks consisting of pairs of homologous proteins with structurally determined sequence alignments are necessary for evaluating the efficacy of each scoring scheme. With such a benchmark, we have investigated the properties of profile-profile alignments and found that (1) with optimized gap penalties, most column-column scoring functions behave similarly to one another in alignment accuracy; (2) some functions, however, have much higher search sensitivity and specificity; (3) position-specific weighting schemes in determining amino acid counts in columns of multiple sequence alignments are better than sequence-specific schemes; (4) removing positions in the profile with gaps in the query sequence results in better alignments; and (5) adding predicted and known secondary structure information improves alignments.  相似文献   

Protein structure alignment methods are used for the detection of evolutionary and functionally related positions in proteins. A wide array of different methods are available, but the choice of the best method is often not apparent to the user. Several studies have assessed the alignment accuracy and consistency of structure alignment methods, but none of these explicitly considered membrane proteins, which are important targets for drug development and have distinct structural features. Here, we compared 13 widely used pairwise structural alignment methods on a test set of homologous membrane protein structures (called HOMEP3). Each pair of structures was aligned and the corresponding sequence alignment was used to construct homology models. The model accuracy compared to the known structures was assessed using scoring functions not incorporated in the tested structural alignment methods. The analysis shows that fragment‐based approaches such as FR‐TM‐align are the most useful for aligning structures of membrane proteins. Moreover, fragment‐based approaches are more suitable for comparison of protein structures that have undergone large conformational changes. Nevertheless, no method was clearly superior to all other methods. Additionally, all methods lack a measure to rate the reliability of a position within a structure alignment. To solve both of these problems, we propose a consensus‐type approach, combining alignments from four different methods, namely FR‐TM‐align, DaliLite, MATT, and FATCAT. Agreement between the methods is used to assign confidence values to each position of the alignment. Overall, we conclude that there remains scope for the improvement of structural alignment methods for membrane proteins. Proteins 2015; 83:1720–1732. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

John B  Sali A 《Nucleic acids research》2003,31(14):3982-3992
Comparative or homology protein structure modeling is severely limited by errors in the alignment of a modeled sequence with related proteins of known three-dimensional structure. To ameliorate this problem, we have developed an automated method that optimizes both the alignment and the model implied by it. This task is achieved by a genetic algorithm protocol that starts with a set of initial alignments and then iterates through re-alignment, model building and model assessment to optimize a model assessment score. During this iterative process: (i) new alignments are constructed by application of a number of operators, such as alignment mutations and cross-overs; (ii) comparative models corresponding to these alignments are built by satisfaction of spatial restraints, as implemented in our program MODELLER; (iii) the models are assessed by a variety of criteria, partly depending on an atomic statistical potential. When testing the procedure on a very difficult set of 19 modeling targets sharing only 4–27% sequence identity with their template structures, the average final alignment accuracy increased from 37 to 45% relative to the initial alignment (the alignment accuracy was measured as the percentage of positions in the tested alignment that were identical to the reference structure-based alignment). Correspondingly, the average model accuracy increased from 43 to 54% (the model accuracy was measured as the percentage of the Cα atoms of the model that were within 5 Å of the corresponding Cα atoms in the superposed native structure). The present method also compares favorably with two of the most successful previously described methods, PSI-BLAST and SAM. The accuracy of the final models would be increased further if a better method for ranking of the models were available.  相似文献   

Zhu M  Li M 《Molecular bioSystems》2012,8(6):1686-1693
G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) are recognized to constitute the largest family of membrane proteins. Due to the disproportion in the quantity of crystal structures and their amino acid sequences, homology modeling contributes a reasonable and feasible approach to GPCR theoretical coordinates. With the brand new crystal structures resolved recently, herein we deliberated how to designate them as templates to carry out homology modeling in four aspects: (1) various sequence alignment methods; (2) protein weight matrix; (3) different sets of multiple templates; (4) active and inactive state of templates. The accuracy of models was evaluated by comparing the similarity of stereo conformation and molecular docking results between models and the experimental structure of Meleagris gallopavo β(1)-adrenergic receptor (Mg_Adrb1) that we desired to develop as an example. Our results proposed that: (1) Cobalt and MAFFT, two algorithms of sequence alignment, were suitable for single- and multiple-template modeling, respectively; (2) Blosum30 is applicable to align sequences in the case of low sequence identity; (3) multiple-template modeling is not always better than single-template one; (4) the state of template is an influential factor in simulating the GPCR structures as well.  相似文献   

An open question in protein homology modeling is, how well do current modeling packages satisfy the dual criteria of quality of results and practical ease of use? To address this question objectively, we examined homology‐built models of a variety of therapeutically relevant proteins. The sequence identities across these proteins range from 19% to 76%. A novel metric, the difference alignment index (DAI), is developed to aid in quantifying the quality of local sequence alignments. The DAI is also used to construct the relative sequence alignment (RSA), a new representation of global sequence alignment that facilitates comparison of sequence alignments from different methods. Comparisons of the sequence alignments in terms of the RSA and alignment methodologies are made to better understand the advantages and caveats of each method. All sequence alignments and corresponding 3D models are compared to their respective structure‐based alignments and crystal structures. A variety of protein modeling software was used. We find that at sequence identities >40%, all packages give similar (and satisfactory) results; at lower sequence identities (<25%), the sequence alignments generated by Profit and Prime, which incorporate structural information in their sequence alignment, stand out from the rest. Moreover, the model generated by Prime in this low sequence identity region is noted to be superior to the rest. Additionally, we note that DSModeler and MOE, which generate reasonable models for sequence identities >25%, are significantly more functional and easier to use when compared with the other structure‐building software.  相似文献   

Several recent publications illustrated advantages of using sequence profiles in recognizing distant homologies between proteins. At the same time, the practical usefulness of distant homology recognition depends not only on the sensitivity of the algorithm, but also on the quality of the alignment between a prediction target and the template from the database of known proteins. Here, we study this question for several supersensitive protein algorithms that were previously compared in their recognition sensitivity (Rychlewski et al., 2000). A database of protein pairs with similar structures, but low sequence similarity is used to rate the alignments obtained with several different methods, which included sequence-sequence, sequence-profile, and profile-profile alignment methods. We show that incorporation of evolutionary information encoded in sequence profiles into alignment calculation methods significantly increases the alignment accuracy, bringing them closer to the alignments obtained from structure comparison. In general, alignment quality is correlated with recognition and alignment score significance. For every alignment method, alignments with statistically significant scores correlate with both correct structural templates and good quality alignments. At the same time, average alignment lengths differ in various methods, making the comparison between them difficult. For instance, the alignments obtained by FFAS, the profile-profile alignment algorithm developed in our group are always longer that the alignments obtained with the PSI-BLAST algorithms. To address this problem, we develop methods to truncate or extend alignments to cover a specified percentage of protein lengths. In most cases, the elongation of the alignment by profile-profile methods is reasonable, adding fragments of similar structure. The examples of erroneous alignment are examined and it is shown that they can be identified based on the model quality.  相似文献   

Measuring the accuracy of protein three-dimensional structures is one of the most important problems in protein structure prediction. For structure-based drug design, the accuracy of the binding site is far more important than the accuracy of any other region of the protein. We have developed an automated method for assessing the quality of a protein model by focusing on the set of residues in the small molecule binding site. Small molecule binding sites typically involve multiple regions of the protein coming together in space, and their accuracy has been observed to be sensitive to even small alignment errors. In addition, ligand binding sites contain the critical information required for drug design, making their accuracy particularly important. We analyzed the accuracy of the binding sites on two sets of protein models: the predictions submitted by the top-performing CASP7 groups, and the models generated by four widely used homology modeling packages. The results of our CASP7 analysis significantly differ from the previous findings, implying that the binding site measure does not correlate with the traditional model quality measures used in the structure prediction benchmarks. For the modeling programs, the resolution of binding sites is extremely sensitive to the degree of sequence homology between the query and the template, even when the most accurate alignments are used in the homology modeling process.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: NdPASA is a web server specifically designed to optimize sequence alignment between distantly related proteins. The program integrates structure information of the template sequence into a global alignment algorithm by employing neighbor-dependent propensities of amino acids as a unique parameter for alignment. NdPASA optimizes alignment by evaluating the likelihood of a residue pair in the query sequence matching against a corresponding residue pair adopting a particular secondary structure in the template sequence. NdPASA is most effective in aligning homologous proteins sharing low percentage of sequence identity. The server is designed to aid homologous protein structure modeling. A PSI-BLAST search engine was implemented to help users identify template candidates that are most appropriate for modeling the query sequences.  相似文献   

The total number of protein-protein complex structures currently available in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) is six times smaller than the total number of tertiary structures in the PDB, which limits the power of homology-based approaches to complex structure modeling. We present a threading-recombination approach, COTH, to boost the protein complex structure library by combining tertiary structure templates with complex alignments. The query sequences are first aligned to complex templates using a modified dynamic programming algorithm, guided by ab initio binding-site predictions. The monomer alignments are then shifted to the multimeric template framework by structural alignments. COTH was tested on 500 nonhomologous dimeric proteins, which can successfully detect correct templates for 50% of the cases after homologous templates are excluded, which significantly outperforms conventional homology modeling algorithms. It also shows a higher accuracy in interface modeling than rigid-body docking of unbound structures from ZDOCK although with lower coverage. These data demonstrate new avenues to model complex structures from nonhomologous templates.  相似文献   



Accurate sequence alignments are essential for homology searches and for building three-dimensional structural models of proteins. Since structure is better conserved than sequence, structure alignments have been used to guide sequence alignments and are commonly used as the gold standard for sequence alignment evaluation. Nonetheless, as far as we know, there is no report of a systematic evaluation of pairwise structure alignment programs in terms of the sequence alignment accuracy.  相似文献   

Wang J  Feng JA 《Proteins》2005,58(3):628-637
Sequence alignment has become one of the essential bioinformatics tools in biomedical research. Existing sequence alignment methods can produce reliable alignments for homologous proteins sharing a high percentage of sequence identity. The performance of these methods deteriorates sharply for the sequence pairs sharing less than 25% sequence identity. We report here a new method, NdPASA, for pairwise sequence alignment. This method employs neighbor-dependent propensities of amino acids as a unique parameter for alignment. The values of neighbor-dependent propensity measure the preference of an amino acid pair adopting a particular secondary structure conformation. NdPASA optimizes alignment by evaluating the likelihood of a residue pair in the query sequence matching against a corresponding residue pair adopting a particular secondary structure in the template sequence. Using superpositions of homologous proteins derived from the PSI-BLAST analysis and the Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP) classification of a nonredundant Protein Data Bank (PDB) database as a gold standard, we show that NdPASA has improved pairwise alignment. Statistical analyses of the performance of NdPASA indicate that the introduction of sequence patterns of secondary structure derived from neighbor-dependent sequence analysis clearly improves alignment performance for sequence pairs sharing less than 20% sequence identity. For sequence pairs sharing 13-21% sequence identity, NdPASA improves the accuracy of alignment over the conventional global alignment (GA) algorithm using the BLOSUM62 by an average of 8.6%. NdPASA is most effective for aligning query sequences with template sequences whose structure is known. NdPASA can be accessed online at http://astro.temple.edu/feng/Servers/BioinformaticServers.htm.  相似文献   

A DNA/protein sequence comparison is a popular computational tool for molecular biologists. Finding a good alignment implies an evolutionary and/or functional relationship between proteins or genomic loci. Sequential similarity between two proteins indicates their structural resemblance, providing a practical approach for structural modeling, when structure of one of these proteins is known. The first step in the homology modeling is a construction of an accurate sequence alignment. The commonly used alignment algorithms do not provide an adequate treatment of the structurally mismatched residues in locally dissimilar regions. We propose a simple modification of the existing alignment algorithm which treats these regions properly and demonstrate how this modification improves sequence alignments in real proteins.  相似文献   

A novel method has been developed for acquiring the correct alignment of a query sequence against remotely homologous proteins by extracting structural information from profiles of multiple structure alignment. A systematic search algorithm combined with a group of score functions based on sequence information and structural information has been introduced in this procedure. A limited number of top solutions (15,000) with high scores were selected as candidates for further examination. On a test-set comprising 301 proteins from 75 protein families with sequence identity less than 30%, the proportion of proteins with completely correct alignment as first candidate was improved to 39.8% by our method, whereas the typical performance of existing sequence-based alignment methods was only between 16.1% and 22.7%. Furthermore, multiple candidates for possible alignment were provided in our approach, which dramatically increased the possibility of finding correct alignment, such that completely correct alignments were found amongst the top-ranked 1000 candidates in 88.3% of the proteins. With the assistance of a sequence database, completely correct alignment solutions were achieved amongst the top 1000 candidates in 94.3% of the proteins. From such a limited number of candidates, it would become possible to identify more correct alignment using a more time-consuming but more powerful method with more detailed structural information, such as side-chain packing and energy minimization, etc. The results indicate that the novel alignment strategy could be helpful for extending the application of highly reliable methods for fold identification and homology modeling to a huge number of homologous proteins of low sequence similarity. Details of the methods, together with the results and implications for future development are presented.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The number of known protein sequences is about thousand times larger than the number of experimentally solved 3D structures. For more than half of the protein sequences a close or distant structural analog could be identified. The key starting point in a classical comparative modeling is to generate the best possible sequence alignment with a template or templates. With decreasing sequence similarity, the number of errors in the alignments increases and these errors are the main causes of the decreasing accuracy of the molecular models generated. Here we propose a new approach to comparative modeling, which does not require the implicit alignment - the model building phase explores geometric, evolutionary and physical properties of a template (or templates). RESULTS: The proposed method requires prior identification of a template, although the initial sequence alignment is ignored. The model is built using a very efficient reduced representation search engine CABS to find the best possible superposition of the query protein onto the template represented as a 3D multi-featured scaffold. The criteria used include: sequence similarity, predicted secondary structure consistency, local geometric features and hydrophobicity profile. For more difficult cases, the new method qualitatively outperforms existing schemes of comparative modeling. The algorithm unifies de novo modeling, 3D threading and sequence-based methods. The main idea is general and could be easily combined with other efficient modeling tools as Rosetta, UNRES and others.  相似文献   

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