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Levels of basal chitin synthetase in cell-free extracts from Phycomyces blakesleeanus were reduced by breakage of cells in the presence of EDTA or EGTA. Addition of Ca2+ to these extracts activated chitin synthetase. Maximal activation was obtained after 2 h at a Ca2+ concentration of 2–5 mM. Activation by calcium was not reduced by any protease inhibitor tested but benzamidine, whereas the weak proteolytic activity of the extracts was inhibited by antipain. Larger levels of chitin synthetase activation were obtained by the simultaneous addition of calcium and calmodulin in most, but not all extracts. This further activation by calmodulin was prevented by TFP. ATP or cAMP did not stimulate activation by calcium or calcium-calmodulin.Abbreviations EGTA ethylene glycol-bis(B-aminoethylether)-N,NN-tetraacetic acid - GlcNAc N-acetyl-d-glucosamine - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride - SBTI soybean trypsin inhibitor - TFP trifluoperazine - TLCK N-p-tosyl-l-lysine choromethyl ketone - UDPGlcNAc uridine diphosphate N-acetyl-d-glucosamine  相似文献   

Evidence is obtained for the existence of two different localizations of trehalase (,-trehalose glucohydrolase, EC in Phycomyces spores: one inside the cell, and one in the periplasmic region. The latter enzyme is sensitive to 0.1 mol l-1 HCl treatment and its activity can be regulated by external pH changes. The periplasmic form of the enzyme is involved in the metabolism of added labelled trehalose. This sugar is hydrolyzed externally to glucose which is found mainly in the incubation medium and which is partly absorbed by the spores. During incubation trehalose leaks out from both dormant and activated spores and is subsequently hydrolyzed to glucose. The intracellular trehalase is probably involved in the breakdown of endogenous trehalose in spores. After heat activation the hydrolysis of endogenous trehalose is stimulated even without an important increase in activity of intracellular trehalase. Additional treatments which break dormancy of spores without a significant activation of trehalase are the following: heating of HCl-treated spores and treatment of spores with reducing substances (e.g. Na2S2O4 and NaHSO3).  相似文献   

Spores of the Phycomyces blakesleeanus strain S440 germinated only for some 4 to 7% when activated with a heat treatment or with ammonium acetate. Contrary to wild type spores, they showed no increase in trehalase activity during or after the activating treatment. This was not due to a variant trehalase or a defective protein kinase but rather to the absence of an increase in cellular cyclic AMP which normally occurs in the wild type. Phosphodiesterase activity in the mutant was comparable to wild type activity and in both strains phosphodiesterase was inactivated by a heat treatment. The phosphodiesterase inhibitor 1-isobutyl, 3-methyl xanthine caused germination and trehalase activation in the wild type but not in the mutant. The results corroborate the importance of cyclic AMP in the breaking of dormancy and the activation of trehalase in this fungus.  相似文献   

Summary Complementation tests among Phycomyces auxotrophic strains revealed the existence of four genes with mutants requiring riboflavin, three genes with purine auxotrophs, two with nicotinic acid auxotrophs, and two with lysine auxotrophs. A total of 134 sexual crosses between strains carrying mutations affecting phototropism (madA-madE), carotenoid biosynthesis (carA), auxotrophy (ribA-ribD, purA-purC, lysA and lysB, nicA and nicB, and leuA) and resistance to 5-fluorouracil (furA and furB) were studied; mating type (sex) was also included as a marker. The results from random spore analysis, tetrad analysis, and gene-centromere distances shows that these markers are distributed into 11 linkage groups.  相似文献   

Koga  K.  Sato  T.  Ootaki  T. 《Planta》1984,162(2):97-103
The sporangiophore (spph) of a piloboloid mutant, genotype pil, of Phycomyces ceases elongation and expands radially in the growth zone shortly after reaching the developmental stage IV b. The pil spph is always negatively phototropic to unilateral visible light when its diameter exceeds 210 m. Photoinduction of spph initiation, light-growth response, threshold of light energy fluence rate for the negative phototropism, avoidance and gravitropism in the pil mutant are all normal. In liquid paraffin, the pil spph shows negative phototropism as does the wild-type spph. Genetic analyses indicate that the negative phototropism of the pil mutant is governed by the phenotypic characteristics of pil but not by specific gene(s) responsible for negative phototropism. These facts imply that the reverse phototropism of the pil mutant results from a loss of the convergent lens effect of the cell because of the increase in cell diameter.Abbreviations spph(s) sporangiophore(s) - wt(s) wild type(s)  相似文献   

Mutants resistant to nikkomycin, an inhibitor of chitin biosynthesis, were isolated after exposure of wild-type spores of the fungus Phycomyces blakesleeanus to N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. Genetic analysis revealed that nikkomycin resistance was due to mutations in a single gene, chsA. Mutants and wild type grew equally well in the absence of nikkomycin. In contrast to the wild type, whose spore germination and mycelial growth were inhibited by 5 M nikkomycin, chsA mutants grew reasonably well in the presence of 50 M nikkomycin. Chitin synthesis in vivo was much less affected by the drug in the mutants than in the wild type. Resistance was not due to impaired uptake or detoxification of the drug. Analysis of the kinetics of chitin synthesis in vitro showed that the mutants had a decreased Ka for the allosteric activator, N-acetylglucosamine, and gross alterations in nikkomycin inhibition kinetics. These results indicate that chsA is the structural gene for chitin synthetase, or at least for the polypeptide that bears the catalytic and allosteric sites.  相似文献   

The carbohydrate composition of the cell walls from spores, mycelium and sporangiophores of Phycomyces blakesleeanus was analyzed. Spore wall polysaccharides contained over 50% glucose, about 20% uronic acids, 10% mannose and 10% amino-sugars. During the growth of the hyphae amino-sugars became the main carbohydrate (45%); uronic acids contributed some 25%, glucose and fucose 10% and galactose nearly 6%. Sporangiophores contained almost 90% aminosugars and some 6% uronic acids. Traces of rhamnose were found in all wall preparations. A similar picture emerged from studies on the incorporation of [U-14C]-glucose into wall materials.Furthermore we looked for a GDP-fucose synthesizing system and found an increasing activity during early germination. This rise in activity was inhibited by cycloheximide but not by 5-fluorouracil.  相似文献   

Spores harvested by conventional methods could be cleaned up considerably using discontinuous density gradients. This method yielded a population of almost entirely viable spores. Germination of the spores resulted in density changes probably due to spore swelling. These changes could be observed as early as 15 min after activation. The usefulness of this method in the study of spore activation was shown by its application to spores germinating after a heat treatment at various temperatures, or to spore reacquiring dormancy by incubation in water after activation at different temperatures. Dormant and activated spores can quickly and easily be separated from mixed populations.  相似文献   

Chitin synthetase activity was analyzed in vitro and in vivo in two morphogenetic stages, namely, dormant spore cells and germlings of the wild type strain and the developmental mutant S356 of Phycomyces blakesleeanus. In vitro experiments showed a much higher specific activity in dormant spores of the mutant strain than in those of the wild-type. This difference was restricted to the dormant spore phase since germlings exhibited comparable levels of activity to those detected in the wild-type strain. Although no correlation was observed between chitin synthesis in vitro and in vivo in mutant spores, germination of these cells was accompanied by an earlier expression of chitin synthetase in vivo. Germination of mutant spores in liquid medium produced morphologically aberrant germlings. Contrary to the extended mycelial growth of the wild-type strain in solid medium, the mutant grew with a typical colonial morphology. Results are discussed in relation to the possible basis of the mutant phenotype.  相似文献   

Summary A plasmid, carrying the Tn5 gene for kanamycin resistance lacking its own promoter, has successfully been used in the selection of DNA sequences of the fungus Phycomyces blakesleeanus having promoter activity in Escherichia coli. Many of these sequences were also effective in promoting resistance to kanamycin when the corresponding chimeric plasmids were introduced in the fungus via spheroplast transformation. The selected phenotype was easily propagated through vegetative spores and behaved as a stable character since it was not appreciably lost in the absence of selection.  相似文献   

Blue light stimulates the accumulation of beta-carotene (photocarotenogenesis) in the fungus Phycomyces blakesleeanus. To be effective, light must be given during a defined period of development, which immediately precedes the cessation of mycelial growth and the depletion of the glucose supply. The competence periods for photocarotenogenesis and photomorphogenesis in Phycomyces are the same when they are tested in the same mycelium. Photocarotenogenesis exhibits a two-step dependence on exposure, as if it resulted from the additon of two separate components with different thresholds and amplitudes. The low-exposure component produces a small beta-carotene accumulation, in comparison with that of dark-grown mycelia. The high-exposure component has a threshold of about 100 J· m–2 blue light and produces a large beta-carotene accumulation, which is not saturated at 2·106 J·m–2. Exposure-response curves were obtained at 12 wavelengths from 347 to 567 nm. The action spectra of the two components share general similarities with one another and with those of other Phycomyces photoresponses. The small, but significant differences in the action spectra of the two components imply that the respective photosystems are not identical. Light stimulates the carotene pathway in the carB mutants, which contain the colourless precursor phytoene, but not beta-carotene. Carotenogenesis is not photoinducible in carA mutants, independently of their carotene content. This and other observations on various car mutants indicate that light prevents the normal inhibition of the pathway by the carA and carS gene products. The chromophore(s) for photocarotenogenesis are presumably flavins, and not carotenes.We thank Dr. A. Palit, C. Chmielewicz and D. Durant (same address as E.D.L.) and L.M. Corrochano, A. Fernández Estefane, and J. Córdoba López (same address as E.R.B.) for their help. This work was supported by grants from Comisión Asesora para Investigación Científica y Técnica and Comisión Interministerial para Ciencia y Tecnología to E.C.O.; from the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation to E.D.L.; and from the U.S.-Spain Joint Committee for Scientific and Technological Cooperation to E.C.O. and E.D.L.  相似文献   

Addition of cycloheximide rapidly inhibited protein synthesis in Phycomyces blakesleeanus. In contrast, chitin biosynthesis decreased with biphasic kinetics displaying a slow and a rapid decay phases. Electron microscopic studies revealed a decrease in the number of apical vesicles and chitosomes after cycloheximide addition; and no change in wall thickness. It is proposed that the slow phase of decay in chitin biosynthesis represents the exhaustion of the pool of chitosomes which transport the chitin synthase necessary to maintain apical wall growth; whereas the second one corresponds to inactivation of the enzyme, which is short lived in vivo. Data also rule out a change in the polarization of wall synthesis induced by cycloheximide, as suggested in other systems.  相似文献   

The growth rate of Phycomyces blakesleeanus sporangiophores was found to be very sensitive to sudden changes in the oxygen concentration. A change from 20% to 15% oxygen elicits a transient decrease in the growth rate which returns to normal 10 min after altering the concentration. After a step change to 10% oxygen, the growth rate shows two minima at 6–8 and 30–35 min and it reaches about 80% of its original value 50 min after this change. A threshold curve for this negative growth response shows that sporangiophores begin to sense a decrease in the oxygen concentration from 20% to 17%. Seven phototropically abnormal mutants with defects in the genes madA to madG were tested for the oxygen response. Two strains, C149madD120 and C316madF48, were found to have recoveries different from those of the wild type after step changes from 20% to 10% oxygen.  相似文献   

The development of germinating Phycomyces spores was not inhibited by 5-fluorouracil (1 mM) until the emergence of the germination tube. Fluorouracil was incorporated into RNA as efficiently as uracil; it did not inhibit the synthesis of proteins and the increase in respiratory activity during early develpment. Cycloheximide inhibited development as well as the increase in respiration and protein synthesis. This suggested that protein synthesis or some other cycloheximide dependent process, but no mRNA synthesis, was needed for the first developmental stages. The activity of two enzymes involved in the synthesis of N-acetylglucosamine increased markedly during germination. This increase was inhibited by both 5-fluorouracil and cycloheximide; this suggested that those enzymes were synthesized on mRNA formed during germination.  相似文献   

During early germination, the sporangiospores of Phycomyces blakesleeanus synthesized large amounts of glycerol. Glycerol started leaking out of the spores after some 20 min germination. Simultaneously the water content of the spores greatly increased. Water uptake was accompanied by disapperance of the phase contrast halo and an increase in spore cross-sectional area which all occurred during the same period between 10 and 30 min germination. When spores were incubated in 0.5 or 1 M sucrose, glycerol accumulated in the spores to much higher concentrations and the increase in cellular water content was greatly reduced and retarded. Glycerol synthesis and the concomitant lowering of spore osmotic potential was not the only mediator of spore swelling since equally important glycerol concentrations loaded into dormant spores did not cause spore water uptake or swelling. Also the swelling of the spores was less affected than water uptake by decreases in ambient water potential. Apparently also cell wall loosening was involved in the swelling phenomenon which might have important implications for cellular metabolism.  相似文献   

Phycomyces blakesleeanus sporangiospores responded differently to activation by physical and chemical stimuli. Spores that were physically (heat shock) activated or chemically (ammonium acetate) activated germinated and grew at pH 4.5 with the hexoses glucose, fructose, galactose, andN-acetylglucosamine, and with glycerol and amino acids. Under these conditions, physically activated spores showed a lower, although significant growth with the hexoses fructose, galactose,N-acetylglucosamine and with glycerol. On the other hand, physically activated spores incubated at alkaline pH (pH 7.3) required glucose to germinate; a requirement not observed with chemically activated spores, which showed significant growth in the other hexoses tested. Both physically and chemically activated spores incubated at pH 7.3 were unable to germinate and grow with amino acids and glycerol. These results suggest that there are different targets for activation of the spores by physical and chemical treatments. The levels of the fermentative enzymes alcohol dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase and of the oxidative enzyme NAD+-isocitrate dehydrogenase were higher in cells grown at pH 4.5 in medium containing glucose; however, alcohol dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase appear not to be affected by a change in the pH of the growth medium.  相似文献   

Dormant sporangiospores of Phycomyces blakesleeanus were activated by Cs-137 gamma rays. After a dose of about 300 krad, between 80 and 90% of the spores germinated normally. However, further development of the mycelium was inhibited. Even with dry spores a partial activation was obtained. Activation by gamma rays was not accompanied by an increase in trehalase activity.  相似文献   

P. Galland  A. Palit  E. D. Lipson 《Planta》1985,165(4):538-547
The relationship between phototropism and the light-growth response of Phycomyces blakesleeanus (Burgeff) sporangiophores was investigated. After dark adaptation, stage-IVb sporangiophores were exposed to short pulses of unilateral light at 450 nm wavelength. The sporangiophores show a complex reaction to pulses of 30 s duration: maximal positive bending at 3·10-4 and 10-1 J m-2, but negative bending at 30 J m-2. The fluence dependence for the light-growth response also is complex, but in a different way than for phototropism; the first maximal response occurs at 1.8·10-3 J m-2 with a lesser maximum at 30 J m-2. A hypertropic mutant, L85 (madH), lacks the negative phototropism at 30 J m-2 but gives results otherwise similar to the wild type. The reciprocity rule was tested for several combinations of fluence rates and pulse durations that ranged from 1 ms to 30 s. Near the threshold fluence (3·10-5 J m-2), both responses increase for pulse durations below 67 ms and both have an optimum at 2 ms. At a fluence of 2.4·10-3 J m-2, both responses decrease for pulse durations below 67 ms. The hypertropic mutant (madH), investigated for low fluence only, gave similar results. In both strains, the time courses for phototropism and light-growth response, after single short pulses of various durations, show no clear correlation. These results imply that phototropism cannot be caused by linear superposition of localized light-growth responses; rather, they point to redistribution of growth substances as the cause of phototropism.  相似文献   

A. Palit  P. Galland  E. D. Lipson 《Planta》1989,177(4):547-553
Sporangiophores of Phycomyces blakesleeanus Burgeff that have been grown in darkness and are then suddenly exposed to unilateral light show a two-step bending response rather than a smooth, monotonic response found in light-adapted specimens (Galland and Lipson, 1987, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84, 104–108). The stepwise bending is controlled by two photosystems optimized for the low-and high-intensity ranges. These two photosystems have now been studied in phototropism mutants with defects in genes madA, madB, and madC. All three mutations raise the threshold of the low-intensity (low-fluence) photosystem by about 106-fold and that of the high-intensity (high-fluence) system by about 103-fold. Estimates for the light-adaptation time constants of the low-and high-intensity photosystems show that the mutants are affected in adaptation. In the mutants, the light-adaptation kinetics are only slightly affected in the low-intensity photosystem but, for the high-intensity photosystem, the kinetics are considerably slower than in the wild type.Abbreviations WT wild type  相似文献   

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