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Coordination between cell fate specification and cell cycle control in multicellular organisms is essential to regulate cell numbers in tissues and organs during development, and its failure may lead to oncogenesis. In mammalian cells, as part of a general cell cycle checkpoint mechanism, the F-box protein β-transducin repeat-containing protein (β-TrCP) and the Skp1/Cul1/F-box complex control the periodic cell cycle fluctuations in abundance of the CDC25A and B phosphatases. Here, we find that the Caenorhabditis elegans β-TrCP orthologue LIN-23 regulates a progressive decline of CDC-25.1 abundance over several embryonic cell cycles and specifies cell number of one tissue, the embryonic intestine. The negative regulation of CDC-25.1 abundance by LIN-23 may be developmentally controlled because CDC-25.1 accumulates over time within the developing germline, where LIN-23 is also present. Concurrent with the destabilization of CDC-25.1, LIN-23 displays a spatially dynamic behavior in the embryo, periodically entering a nuclear compartment where CDC-25.1 is abundant.  相似文献   

The heterochronic pathway in C. elegans controls the relative timing of cell fate decisions during post-embryonic development. It includes a network of microRNAs (miRNAs), such as let-7, and protein-coding genes, such as the stemness factors, LIN-28 and LIN-41. Here we identified the acn-1 gene, a homologue of mammalian angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), as a new suppressor of the stem cell developmental defects of let-7 mutants. Since acn-1 null mutants die during early larval development, we used RNAi to characterize the role of acn-1 in C. elegans seam cell development, and determined its interaction with heterochronic factors, including let-7 and its downstream interactors – lin-41, hbl-1, and apl-1. We demonstrate that although RNAi knockdown of acn-1 is insufficient to cause heterochronic defects on its own, loss of acn-1 suppresses the retarded phenotypes of let-7 mutants and enhances the precocious phenotypes of hbl-1, though not lin-41, mutants. Conversely, the pattern of acn-1 expression, which oscillates during larval development, is disrupted by lin-41 mutants but not by hbl-1 mutants. Finally, we show that acn-1(RNAi) enhances the let-7-suppressing phenotypes caused by loss of apl-1, a homologue of the Alzheimer's disease-causing amyloid precursor protein (APP), while significantly disrupting the expression of apl-1 during the L4 larval stage. In conclusion, acn-1 interacts with heterochronic genes and appears to function downstream of let-7 and its target genes, including lin-41 and apl-1.  相似文献   

In Caenorhabditis elegans, Wnt signaling regulates many asymmetric cell divisions. During embryogenesis, the C. elegans Dishevelled (Dsh) homolog, DSH-2, regulates asymmetric neuroblast division of the ABpl/rpppa blast cell. Dsh is a key intracellular component of both β-catenin dependent and β-catenin independent Wnt pathways. In C. elegans, most of the well-characterized asymmetric cell divisions regulated by Wnts are dependent on β-catenin. In the ABpl/rpppa neuroblast division, however, we determined that DSH-2 regulates cell polarity through a β-catenin independent Wnt pathway. We also established that the C. elegans Wnt homolog, cwn-1, functions to regulate asymmetric division of the ABpl/rpppa blast cell. Our results indicated that cwn-1 does not act alone in this process, and it functions with another redundant ligand that appears not to be a Wnt. Finally, we show widespread requirements for DSH-2 during embryogenesis in the generation of many other neurons. In particular, DSH-2 function is necessary for the correct production of the embryonic ventral cord motor neurons. This study demonstrates a role for DSH-2 and Wnt signaling in neuronal specification during C. elegans embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Cdc25 phosphatases are key positive cell cycle regulators that coordinate cell divisions with growth and morphogenesis in many organisms. Intriguingly in C. elegans, two cdc-25.1(gf) mutations induce tissue-specific and temporally restricted hyperplasia in the embryonic intestinal lineage, despite stabilization of the mutant CDC-25.1 protein in every blastomere. We investigated the molecular basis underlying the CDC-25.1(gf) stabilization and its associated tissue-specific phenotype. We found that both mutations affect a canonical beta-TrCP phosphodegron motif, while the F-box protein LIN-23, the beta-TrCP orthologue, is required for the timely degradation of CDC-25.1. Accordingly, depletion of lin-23 in wild-type embryos stabilizes CDC-25.1 and triggers intestinal hyperplasia, which is, at least in part, cdc-25.1 dependent. lin-23(RNAi) causes embryonic lethality owing to cell fate transformations that convert blastomeres to an intestinal fate, sensitizing them to increased levels of CDC-25.1. Our characterization of a novel destabilizing cdc-25.1(lf) intragenic suppressor that acts independently of lin-23 indicates that additional cues impinge on different motifs of the CDC-25.1 phosphatase during early embryogenesis to control its stability and turnover, in order to ensure the timely divisions of intestinal cells and coordinate them with the formation of the developing gut.  相似文献   

Successful cell division requires proper assembly, placement and functioning of the spindle apparatus that segregates the chromosomes. The Caenorhabditis elegans gene lin-5 encodes a novel coiled-coil component of the spindle required for spindle positioning and chromosome segregation. To gain further insights into lin-5 function, we screened for dominant suppressors of the partial loss-of-function phenotype associated with the mutation lin-5(ev571ts), and isolated 68 suppressing mutations. Eight out of the ten suppressors sequenced contained intragenic missense mutations immediately upstream of the lesion in lin-5(ev571ts). These probably help to stabilize protein-protein interactions mediated by the coiled-coil domain. This domain was found to be required for binding to several putative LIN-5 interacting (LFI) proteins identified in yeast two-hybrid screens. Interestingly, interaction with the coiled-coil protein LFI-1 was specifically reduced by the lin-5(ev571ts) mutation and restored by a representative intragenic suppressor mutation. Immunostaining experiments showed that LIN-5 and LFI-1 may co-localize around the kinetochore microtubules during metaphase, indicating potential interaction in vivo. The coiled-coil domain of LIN-5 was also found to mediate homodimerization, while the C-terminal region of LIN-5 was sufficient for interaction with GPR-1, a recently identified component of a LIN-5 spindle-regulatory complex. A single amino-acid substitution in the N-terminal region of LIN-5, encoded by the e1457 allele, abolished all LIN-5 interactions. Taken together, our results indicate that the spindle functions of LIN-5 depend on interactions with multiple protein partners, and that these interactions are mediated through several different domains of LIN-5.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at Communicated by C. P. Hollenberg  相似文献   

G protein signaling pathways regulate mitotic spindle positioning during cell division in many systems. In Caenorhabditis elegans embryos, Gα subunits act with the positive regulators GPR-1/2 and LIN-5 to generate cortical pulling forces for posterior spindle displacement during the first asymmetric division. GPR-1/2 are asymmetrically localized at the posterior cortex by PAR polarity cues at this time. Here we show that LIN-5 colocalizes with GPR-1/2 in one-cell embryos during spindle displacement. Significantly, we also find that LIN-5 and GPR-1/2 are localized to the opposite, anterior cortex in a polarity-dependent manner during the nuclear centration and rotation movements that orient the forming spindle onto the polarity axis. The depletion of LIN-5 or GPR-1/2 results in decreased centration and rotation rates, indicating a role in force generation at this stage. The localization of LIN-5 and GPR-1/2 is largely interdependent and requires Gα. Further, LIN-5 immunoprecipitates with Gα in vivo, and this association is GPR-1/2 dependent. These results suggest that a complex of Gα/GPR-1/2/LIN-5 is asymmetrically localized in response to polarity cues, and this may be the active signaling complex that transmits asymmetries to the force generation machinery during both nuclear rotation and spindle displacement.  相似文献   

The C. elegans cell lineage is overall invariant. One rare instance of variability concerns P3.p, the most anterior vulva precursor cell, which may either fuse with the epidermis without dividing, or remain competent to form vulval tissue and divide. Here we examine the evolutionary properties of this stochastic variation in P3.p fate. In the Caenorhabditis genus, high P3.p competence is ancestral and reduction in P3.p competence and division frequency occurred in C. sp. 14 and in a clade of nine species. Within this clade, the frequency of P3.p division further varies within and among species, being intermediate in C. elegans and low in C. briggsae. P3.p fate frequency is sensitive to random mutation accumulation, suggesting that this trait may evolve rapidly because of its sensitivity to mutational impact. P3.p fate depends on LIN-39/Hox5 expression and we find that the peak of LIN-39/Hox5 protein level is displaced posteriorly in C. briggsae compared to C. elegans. However, P3.p fate specification is most sensitive to the dose of EGL-20 and CWN-1, two Wnts that are secreted in a long-range gradient from the posterior end of C. elegans larvae (accompanying article). A half-dose of either of these Wnts is sufficient to affect division frequency in C. elegans N2 to levels similar to those in C. briggsae. Symmetrically, we show that an increase in Wnt dose rescues anterior competence in C. briggsae. We propose that evolutionary variation in the concentration or interpretation of the long-range Wnt gradient may be involved in the rapid evolution of P3.p fate in Caenorhabditis.  相似文献   

A detailed ultrastructure study was made of cell division and colony development in Eudorina elegans Ehrenberg. At the onset of cell division and prior to nuclear division the nucleus moved from the cell center to the cell surface. During nuclear division the nuclear membrane remained intact, except for openings occurring at the nuclear poles. The spindle microtubules appeared to arise from a MTOC-like (microtubule organizing centers) structure, while centrioles were absent from the nuclear poles. Following telophase, daughter nuclei formed which were separated by several distinct bands of endoplasmic reticulum. Cytokinesis occurred with formation of a cleavage furrow, associated with a typical phycoplast band of microtubules. However, cytokinesis was incomplete, resulting in formation of cytoplasmic bridges between the plakeal cells. Upon completion of up to five successive cell divisions, the plakea underwent inversion, which appeared to involve the production of colonial envelope material and rearrangement of cytoplasmic bridges. A new hypothesis concerning inversion is postulated based on these observations.  相似文献   

As a fundamental process of development, cell proliferation must be coordinated with other processes such as fate differentiation. Through statistical analysis of individual cell cycle lengths of the first 8 out of 10 rounds of embryonic cell division in Caenorhabditis elegans, we identified synchronous and invariantly ordered divisions that are tightly associated with fate differentiation. Our results suggest a three-tier model for fate control of cell cycle pace: the primary control of cell cycle pace is established by lineage and the founder cell fate, then fine-tuned by tissue and organ differentiation within each lineage, then further modified by individualization of cells as they acquire unique morphological and physiological roles in the variant body plan. We then set out to identify the pace-setting mechanisms in different fates. Our results suggest that ubiquitin-mediated degradation of CDC-25.1 is a rate-determining step for the E (gut) and P3 (muscle and germline) lineages but not others, even though CDC-25.1 and its apparent decay have been detected in all lineages. Our results demonstrate the power of C. elegans embryogenesis as a model to dissect the interaction between differentiation and proliferation, and an effective approach combining genetic and statistical analysis at single-cell resolution.  相似文献   


In this Extra View, we extend our recent work on the protein LIN-28 and its role in adult stem cell divisions. LIN-28 is an mRNA- and microRNA-binding protein that is conserved from worms to humans. When expressed ectopically, it promotes the reprogramming of differentiated vertebrate cells into pluripotent stem cells as well as the regeneration of vertebrate tissues after injury. However, its endogenous function in stem cell populations is less clear. We recently reported that LIN-28 is specifically expressed in progenitor cells in the adult Drosophila intestine and enhances insulin signaling within this population. Loss of lin-28 alters the division patterns of these progenitor cells, limiting the growth of the intestinal epithelium that is ordinarily caused by feeding. Thus, LIN-28 is part of an uncharacterized circuit used to remodel a tissue in response to environmental cues like nutrition. Here, we extend this analysis by reporting that the levels of LIN-28 in progenitor cells are sensitive to nutrient availability. In addition, we speculate about the role of LIN-28 in the translational control of target mRNAs such as Insulin Receptor (InR) and how such translational control may be an important mechanism that underlies the stem cell dynamics needed for tissue homeostasis and growth.  相似文献   

Metazoan stem cells repopulate tissues during adult life by dividing asymmetrically to generate another stem cell and a cell that terminally differentiates. Wnt signaling regulates the division pattern of stem cells in flies and vertebrates. While the short-lived nematode C. elegans has no adult somatic stem cells, the lateral epithelial seam cells divide in a stem cell-like manner in each larval stage, usually generating a posterior daughter that retains the seam cell fate and an anterior daughter that terminally differentiates. We show that while wild-type adult animals have 16 seam cells per side, animals with reduced function of the TCF homolog POP-1 have as many as 67 seam cells, and animals with reduced function of the β-catenins SYS-1 and WRM-1 have as few as three. Analysis of seam cell division patterns showed alterations in their stem cell-like divisions in the L2-L4 stages: reduced Wnt signaling caused both daughters to adopt non-seam fates, while activated Wnt signaling caused both daughters to adopt the seam fate. Therefore, our results indicate that Wnt signaling globally regulates the asymmetric, stem cell-like division of most or all somatic seam cells during C. elegans larval development, and that Wnt pathway regulation of stem cell-like behavior is conserved in nematodes.  相似文献   

Summary Somatic embryos initiate and develop directly from single mesophyll cells in in vitro-cultured leaf segments of orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.). Embryogenic cells establish themselves in the predivision stage by formation of thicker cell walls and dense cytoplasm. Electron microscopy observations for embryos ranging from the pre-cell division stage to 20-cell proembryos confirm previous light microscopy studies showing a single cell origin. They also confirm that the first division is predominantly periclinal and that this division plane is important in establishing embryo polarity and in determining the embryo axis. If the first division is anticlinal or if divisions are in random planes after the first division. divisions may not continue to produce an embryo. This result may produce an embryogenic cell mass, callus formation, or no structure at all.  相似文献   

Water deficit severely decreases maize (Zea mays L.) kernel growth; the effect is most pronounced in apical regions of ears. The capacity for accumulation of storage material in endosperms is thought to he partially determined by the extent of cell division and endoreduplication (post-mitotic nuclear DNA synthesis). To gain a better understanding of the regulatory mechanisms involved, we have examined the effect of water deficit on cellular development during the post-fertilization period. Greenhouse-grown maize was subjected to water-limited treatments during rapid cell division [from 1 to 10days after pollination (DAP)] or rapid endoreduplication (9 to 15 DAP). The number of nuclei and the nuclear DNA content were determined with flow cytometry. Water deficit from 1 to 10 DAP substantially decreased the rate of endosperm cell division in apical-region kernels, but had little effect on middle-region endosperms. Rewatcring did not allow cell division to recover in apical-region endosperms. Water deficit from 9 to 15 DAP also decreased cell division in apical-region endosperms. Endoreduplication was not affected by the late treatment in either region of the car, but was inhibited by the early treatment in the apical region. In particular, the proportion of nuclei entering higher DN A-content size classes was reduced. We conclude that cell division is highly responsive to water deficit, whereas endoreduplication is less so. We also conclude that the reduced proportion of nuclei entering higher DNA-content size classes during endoreduplication is indicative of multiple control points in the mitotic and endoreduplication cycles.  相似文献   

The cdc25 gene, which is highly conserved in many eukaryotes, encodes a phosphatase that plays essential roles in cell cycle regulation. We identified a cdc25 ortholog in the pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. The B. xylophilus ortholog (Bx-cdc25) was found to be highly similar to Caenorhabditis elegans cdc-25.2 in sequence as well as in gene structure, both having long intron 1. The Bx-cdc25 gene was determined to be composed of seven exons and six introns in a 2,580 bp region, and was shown to encode 360 amino acids of a protein containing a highly-conserved phosphatase domain. Bx-cdc25 mRNA was hardly detectable throughout the juvenile stages but was highly expressed in eggs and in both female and male adults. Functional conservation during germline development between C. elegans cdc25 and Bx-cdc25 was revealed by Bx-cdc25 RNA interference in C. elegans.  相似文献   

During the first embryonic division in Caenorhabditis elegans, the mitotic spindle is pulled toward the posterior pole of the cell and undergoes vigorous transverse oscillations. We identified variations in spindle trajectories by analyzing the outwardly similar one-cell stage embryo of its close relative Caenorhabditis briggsae. Compared with C. elegans, C. briggsae embryos exhibit an anterior shifting of nuclei in prophase and reduced anaphase spindle oscillations. By combining physical perturbations and mutant analysis in both species, we show that differences can be explained by interspecies changes in the regulation of the cortical Gα–GPR–LIN-5 complex. However, we found that in both species (1) a conserved positional switch controls the onset of spindle oscillations, (2) GPR posterior localization may set this positional switch, and (3) the maximum amplitude of spindle oscillations is determined by the time spent in the oscillating phase. By investigating microevolution of a subcellular process, we identify new mechanisms that are instrumental to decipher spindle positioning.  相似文献   

Plants of the stalked, net-forming green alga Struvea plumosa Sender, the type species of the genus Struvea, divide segregatively at every stage of their multicellular differentiation. The segregative process results in virtually simultaneous internal cleavage of the cytoplasts of parent axes or laterals into uniseriate series of nearly identically sized daughter cells m which intercalary cross-wall formation never takes place. Several branch orders result through a repeated process by which each daughter cell produces a pair of opposite protrusions at its distal end; the protruded arms subsequently undergo segregative divisions themselves after reaching a sufficient length. Struvea elegans Børgesen is seemingly the only other member of the genus in which the thallus divides by this segregative process. The remaining species appear to lack segregative cell division, their septation resulting from non-synchronous, centripetal wall ingrowths that divide parent cells into more or less equal halves. Intercalary cell divisions are common, this process being easily seen in the most widely distributed member of the genus, Struvea anastomosans (Harv.) Pice, et Grunov ex Pice. Phyllodictyon J. E. Gray, based on Phyllodictyon putcherrimum. is currently considered a synonym of Struvea but should be reinstated to accommodate those former species of Struvea that have Cladophoratype. as opposed to segregative, cell division. Although the two genera thus differ substantially in their modes of cytokinesis and are assumed to represent independent developmental lines, both Struvea and Phyllodictyon are assigned to the Cladophorales on the basis of molecular studies by others showing that recognition of the separate order Siphonocladales renders the Cladophorales paraphyletic.  相似文献   

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