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Mononuclear phagocyte (macrophages and microglia) dysfunction plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) associated dementia (HAD) through the production and release of soluble neurotoxic factors including glutamate. The mechanism of glutamate regulation by HIV-1 infection remains unclear. In this report, we investigated whether the enzyme glutaminase is responsible for glutamate generation by HIV-1 infected monocyte-derived macrophages. We tested the functionality of novel small molecule inhibitors designed to specifically block the activity of glutaminase. Glutaminase inhibitors were first characterized in a kinetic assay with crude glutaminase from rat brain revealing an uncompetitive mechanism of inhibition. The inhibitors were then tested in vitro for their ability to prevent glutamate generation by HIV-infected macrophages, their effect upon macrophage viability, and HIV infection. To validate these findings, glutaminase specific siRNA was tested for its ability to prevent glutamate increase during infection. Our results show that both glutaminase specific small molecule inhibitors and glutaminase specific siRNA were effective at preventing increases in glutamate by HIV-1 infected macrophage. These findings support glutaminase as a potential component of the HAD pathogenic process and identify a possible therapeutic avenue for the treatment of neuroinflammatory states such as HAD.  相似文献   

HIV-1 viral protein R (Vpr) is one of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 encoded proteins that have important roles in viral pathogenesis. However, no clinical drug for AIDS therapy that targets Vpr has been developed. Here, we have established a screening system to isolate Vpr inhibitors using budding yeast cells. We purified a Vpr inhibitory compound from fungal metabolites and identified it as fumagillin, a chemical already known to be a potent inhibitor of angiogenesis. Fumagillin not only reversed the growth inhibitory activity of Vpr in yeast and human cells, but also inhibited Vpr-dependent viral gene expression upon the infection of human macrophages.  相似文献   

Viruses have developed various strategies to protect infected cells from apoptosis. HIV-1 infected macrophages are long-lived and considered reservoirs for HIV-1. One significant deciding factor between cell survival and cell death is glucose metabolism. We hypothesized that HIV-1 protects infected macrophages from apoptosis in part by modulating the host glycolytic pathway specifically by regulating hexokinase-1 (HK-1) an enzyme that converts glucose to glucose-6-phosphate. Therefore, we analyzed the regulation of HK-1 in HIV-1 infected PBMCs, and in a chronically HIV-1 infected monocyte-like cell line, U1. Our results demonstrate that HIV-1 induces a robust increase in HK-1 expression. Surprisingly, hexokinase enzymatic activity was significantly inhibited in HIV-1 infected PBMCs and in PMA differentiated U1 cells. Interestingly, we observed increased levels of mitochondria-bound HK-1 in PMA induced U1 cells and in the HIV-1 accessory protein, viral protein R (Vpr) transduced U937 cell derived macrophages. Dissociation of HK-1 from mitochondria in U1 cells using a pharmacological agent, clotrimazole (CTZ) induced mitochondrial membrane depolarization and caspase-3/7 mediated apoptosis. Dissociation of HK-1 from mitochondria in Vpr transduced U937 also activated caspase-3/7 activity. These observations indicate that HK-1 plays a non-metabolic role in HIV-1 infected macrophages by binding to mitochondria thereby maintaining mitochondrial integrity. These results suggest that targeting the interaction of HK-1 with the mitochondria to induce apoptosis in persistently infected macrophages may prove beneficial in purging the macrophage HIV reservoir.  相似文献   

Vpr, one of the accessory gene products encoded by HIV-1, is a 96-residue protein with a number of functions, including targeting of the viral pre-integration complex to the nucleus and inducing growth arrest of dividing cells. We have characterized by 2D NMR the solution conformations of bioactive synthetic peptide fragments of Vpr encompassing a pair of H(F/S)RIG sequence motifs (residues 71–75 and 78–82 of HIV-1 Vpr) that cause cell membrane permeabilization and death in yeast and mammalian cells. Due to limited solubility of the peptides in water, their structures were studied in aqueous trifluoroethanol. Peptide Vpr59–86 (residues 59–86 of Vpr) formed an α-helix encompassing residues 60–77, with a kink in the vicinity of residue 62. The first of the repeated sequence motifs (HFRIG) participated in the well-defined α-helical domain whereas the second (HSRIG) lay outside the helical domain and formed a reverse turn followed by a less ordered region. On the other hand, peptides Vpr71–82 and Vpr71–96, in which the sequence motifs were located at the N-terminus, were largely unstructured under similar conditions, as judged by their CαH chemical shifts. Thus, the HFRIG and HSRIG motifs adopt α-helical and turn structures, respectively, when preceded by a helical structure, but are largely unstructured in isolation. The implications of these findings for interpretation of the structure–function relationships of synthetic peptides containing these motifs are discussed. © 1998 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dysfunction in mononuclear phagocyte (MP, macrophages and microglia) immunity is thought to play a significant role in the pathogenesis of HIV-1 associated dementia (HAD). In particular, elevated extracellular concentrations of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate, produced by MP as a consequence of viral infection and immune activation, can induce neuronal injury. To determine the mechanism by which MP-mediated neuronal injury occurs, the concentration and rates of production of extracellular glutamate were measured in human monocyte-derived macrophage (MDM) supernatants by reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). Measurements were taken of supernatants from MDM infected with multiple HIV-1 strains including ADA and DJV (macrophage tropic, M-tropic), and 89.6 (dual tropic). High levels of glutamate were produced by MDM infected with M-tropic viruses. AZT, an inhibitor of HIV-1 replication, inhibited glutamate generation, demonstrating a linkage between HIV-1 infection and enhanced glutamate production. In our culture system, glutamate production was dependent upon the presence of glutamine and was inhibited by 6-diazo-5-oxo-L-norleucine, a glutaminase inhibitor. Supernatants collected from HIV-1-infected MP generated more glutamate following glutamine addition than supernatants isolated from uninfected MP. These findings implicate the involvement of a glutamate-generating enzyme, such as phosphate-activated mitochondrial glutaminase (PMG) in MP-mediated glutamate production.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) synthesizes its genomic DNA in cytoplasm as soon as it enters the cell. The newly synthesized DNA remains associated with viral/cellular proteins as a high molecular weight pre-integration complex (PIC), which precludes passive diffusion across intact nuclear membrane. However, HIV-1 successfully overcomes nuclear membrane barrier by actively delivering its DNA into nucleus with the help of host nuclear import machinery. Such ability allows HIV-1 to productively infect non-dividing cells as well as dividing cells at interphase. Further, HIV-1 nuclear import is also found important for the proper integration of viral DNA. Thus, nuclear import plays a crucial role in establishment of infection and disease progression. While several viral components, including matrix, viral protein R, integrase, capsid, and central DNA flap are implicated in HIV-1 nuclear import, their molecular mechanism remains poorly understood. In this review, we will elaborate the role of individual viral factors and some of current insights on their molecular mechanism(s) associated with HIV-1 nuclear import. In addition, we will discuss the importance of nuclear import for subsequent step of viral DNA integration. Hereby we aim to further our understanding on molecular mechanism of HIV-1 nuclear import and its potential usefulness for anti-HIV-1 strategies.  相似文献   

The emergence of compensatory drug-resistant mutations in HIV-1 protease challenges the common view of the reaction mechanism of this enzyme. Here, we address this issue by performing classical and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations (MD) on a complex between the enzyme and a peptide substrate. The classical MD calculation reveals large-scale protein motions involving the flaps and the cantilever. These motions modulate the conformational properties of the substrate at the cleavage site. The ab initio calculations show in turn that substrate motion modulates the activation free energy barrier of the enzymatic reaction dramatically. Thus, the catalytic power of the enzyme does not arise from the presence of a pre-organized active site but from the protein mechanical fluctuations. The implications of this finding for the emergence of drug-resistance are discussed.  相似文献   

Vpr, an accessory gene product of human immunodeficiency virus type-1, is thought to transport a viral DNA from the cytoplasm to the nucleus in resting macrophages. Previously, we reported that a peptide encompassing amino acids 52-78 of Vpr (C45D18) promotes the nuclear trafficking of recombinant proteins that are conjugated with C45D18. Here, we present evidence that C45D18, when conjugated with a six-branched cationic polymer of poly(N,N-dimethylaminopropylacrylamide)-block-oligo(4-aminostyrene) (SV: star vector), facilitates gene expression in resting macrophages. Although there was no difference between SV alone and C45D18-SV with respect to gene transduction into growing cells, C45D18-SV resulted in more than 40-fold greater expression of the exogenous gene upon transduction into chemically differentiated macrophages and human quiescent monocyte-derived macrophages. The data suggest that C45D18 contributes to improving the ability of a non-viral vector to transduce macrophages with exogenous genes and we discuss its further application.  相似文献   

We describe the construction of a macrophage-tropic HIV-1 molecular clone, pNLAD8-EGFP, which expresses enhanced green fluorescent protein. We show that NLAD8-EGFP can infect monocyte-derived macrophages as well as alveolar macrophages. NLAD8-EGFP-infected macrophages can be easily and sensitively detected based on the visualization of intracellular green fluorescent protein.  相似文献   

TARRNA结合蛋白是细胞中双链RNA结合蛋白家族成员之一.它可以结合HIV-1TARRNA,并与Tat协同作用激活LTR表达,进而促进病毒的转录与翻译.TRBP也是将干扰素抗病毒通路与RNA干扰免疫通路相连的一种细胞蛋白.在干扰素诱生的PKR反应中,TRBP通过直接抑制PKR的自磷酸化、与PKR竞争通用的RNA底物或与PACT形成异源二聚体等机制抑制细胞内的PKR反应,从而降低了PKR介导的对病毒表达的抑制作用.TRBP与Dicer和Ago2等组成的RNA诱导沉默复合体,在RNA干扰中发挥着关键作用并调控随后的序列特异性降解.在HIV-1感染中,TRBP更倾向于促进病毒的表达与复制,因此TRBP也成为控制HIV-1感染的新靶点.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells are critical components of the host defense system that play pivotal role in linking innate immunity to adaptive immune responses. In the role of interfacing with pathogens through the action of surface pattern-recognition receptors, dendritic cells are a potential target for retroviral infection and latency. Dendritic cells are a long-lived reservoir of latent virus in HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)-infected patients. It is hypothesized that HIV-latently infected dendritic cells would be stimulated by oral bacteria leading to reactivation of HIV. In our HIV-latently infected dendritic cell models, of both promoter activation and HIV production, significant differences were observed among the bacterial species in their ability to stimulate HIV reactivation. The experimental data support the hypothesis that oral bacteria related to periodontal infections could trigger latently infected dendritic cells in gingival tissues and contribute to HIV recrudescence and undermining anti-retroviral therapy.  相似文献   

After entry of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) into T cells and the subsequent synthesis of viral products, viral proteins and RNA must somehow find each other in the host cells and assemble on the plasma membrane to form the budding viral particle. In this general review of HIV-1 assembly, we present a brief overview of the HIV life cycle and then discuss assembly of the HIV Gag polyprotein on RNA and membrane substrates from a biochemical perspective. The role of the domains of Gag in targeting to the plasma membrane and the role of the cellular host protein cyclophilin are also reviewed.  相似文献   

Enhanced apoptotic action of trichosanthin in HIV-1 infected cells   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Trichosanthin (TCS) is a type 1 ribosome-inactivating protein (RIP) effective against HIV-1 replication. The mechanism is not clear. Present results suggested that the antiviral action may be partly mediated through enhanced apoptosis on infected cells. TCS induced apoptosis in normal H9 cells and this action was more potent in those infected with HIV-1. In flow cytometry study, TCS induced larger population of apoptotic H9 cells chronically infected with HIV-1 in a dose-dependent manner. At TCS concentration of 25 microg/ml, 8.4% of normal H9 cells were found to be apoptotic whereas the same concentration induced 24.5% in HIV-1 chronically infected cells. Such difference was not found in the control experiments without TCS treatment. Two other studies supported this action. Cytotoxic study showed that cell viability was always lower in HIV-1 infected cells after TCS treatment, and DNA fragmentation study confirmed more laddering in infected cells. The mechanism of TCS induced apoptosis in normal or infected H9 cells is not clear. Results in this study demonstrated that TCS is more effective in inducing apoptosis in HIV-1 infected cells. This may explain in part the antiviral action of TCS.  相似文献   

Active host-pathogen interactions take place during infection of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Outcomes of these interactions determine the efficiency of viral infection and subsequent disease progression. HIV-infected cells respond to viral invasion with various defensive strategies such as innate, cellular and humoral immune antiviral mechanisms. On the other hand, the virus has also developed various offensive tactics to suppress these host cellular responses. Among many of the viral offensive strategies, HIV-1 viral auxiliary proteins (Tat, Rev, Nef, Vif, Vpr and Vpu) play important roles in the host-pathogen interaction and thus have significant impacts on the outcome of HIV infection. One of the best examples is the interaction of Vif with a host cytidine deaminase APOBEC3G. Although specific roles of other auxiliary proteins are not as well described as Vif-APOBEC3G interaction, it is the goal of this brief review to summarize some of the preliminary findings with the hope to stimulate further discussion and investigation in this exhilarating area of research.  相似文献   

Active host-pathogen interactions take place during infection of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1).Outcomes of these interactions determine the efficiency of viral infection and subsequent disease progression. HIV-infected cells respond to viral invasion with various defensive strategies such as innate, cellular and humoral immune antiviral mechanisms. On the other hand, the virus has also developed various offensive tactics to suppress these host cellular responses. Among many of the viral offensive strategies, HIV- 1 viral auxiliary proteins (Tat, Rev, Nef, Vif, Vpr and Vpu) play important roles in the host-pathogen interaction and thus have significant impacts on the outcome of HIV infection. One of the best examples is the interaction of Vif with a host cytidine deaminase APOBEC3G. Although specific roles of other auxiliary proteins are not as well described as Vif-APOBEC3G interaction, it is the goal of this brief review to summarize some of the preliminary findings with the hope to stimulate further discussion and investigation in this exhilarating area of research.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION In addition to the prototypical retroviral Gag, Pol, and Env proteins, HIV-1 produces six additional proteins, i.e., Tat, Rev, Nef, Vif, Vpr and Vpu (Fig. 1, adapted from [1]). While Tat and Rev are required for viral replication, Nef, Vif, V…  相似文献   

We have examined the frequency of infection of monocyte-derived and alveolar macrophages isolated from rhesus macaques inoculated with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIVmac) utilizing a semiquantitative PCR methodology. Animals were inoculated with either pathogenic (SIVmac239) or nonpathogenic (SIVmac1A11) molecularly cloned viruses of SIVmac, or with uncloned pathogenic SIVmacBIOL. The frequency of SIV DNA in macrophages was highest early after infection and at terminal stages of disease, whereas during the asymptomatic period, SIV DNA was present at very low levels in macrophages.  相似文献   

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