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PrimPol is a DNA damage tolerance enzyme possessing both translesion synthesis (TLS) and primase activities. To uncover its potential role in TLS-mediated IgVλ hypermutation and define its interplay with other TLS polymerases, PrimPol?/? and PrimPol?/?/Polη?/?/Polζ ?/? gene knockouts were generated in avian cells. Loss of PrimPol had no significant impact on the rate of hypermutation or the mutation spectrum of IgVλ. However, PrimPol?/? cells were sensitive to methylmethane sulfonate, suggesting that it may bypass abasic sites at the IgVλ segment by repriming DNA synthesis downstream of these sites. PrimPol?/? cells were also sensitive to cisplatin and hydroxyurea, indicating that it assists in maintaining / restarting replication at a variety of lesions. To accurately measure the relative contribution of the TLS and primase activities, we examined DNA damage sensitivity in PrimPol?/? cells complemented with polymerase or primase-deficient PrimPol. Polymerase-defective, but not primase-deficient, PrimPol suppresses the hypersensitivity of PrimPol?/? cells. This indicates that its primase, rather than TLS activity, is pivotal for DNA damage tolerance. Loss of TLS polymerases, Polη and Polζ has an additive effect on the sensitivity of PrimPol?/? cells. Moreover, we found that PrimPol and Polη-Polζ redundantly prevented cell death and facilitated unperturbed cell cycle progression. PrimPol?/? cells also exhibited increased sensitivity to a wide variety of chain-terminating nucleoside analogs (CTNAs). PrimPol could perform close-coupled repriming downstream of CTNAs and oxidative damage in vitro. Together, these results indicate that PrimPol's repriming activity plays a central role in reinitiating replication downstream from CTNAs and other specific DNA lesions.  相似文献   

Although antiviral nucleoside analog therapy successfully delays progression of HIV infection to AIDS, these drugs cause unwelcome side-effects by inducing mitochondrial toxicity. We and others have demonstrated that the mitochondrial polymerase, DNA polymerase gamma (pol gamma), participates in mitochondrial toxicity by incorporating these chain-terminating antiviral nucleotide analogs into DNA. Here, we explore the role of three highly conserved amino acid residues in the active site of human pol gamma that modulate selection of nucleotide analogs as substrates for incorporation. Sequence alignments, crystal structures and mutagenesis studies of family A DNA polymerases led us to change Tyr951 and Tyr955 in polymerase motif B to Phe and Ala, and Glu895 in polymerase motif A was changed to Ala. The mutant polymerases were tested for their ability to incorporate natural nucleotides and the five antiviral nucleoside analogs currently approved for antiviral therapy: AZT, ddC, D4T, 3TC and carbovir. Steady-state kinetic analysis of the pol gamma derivatives with the normal and antiviral nucleotides demonstrated that Tyr951 is largely responsible for the ability of pol gamma to incorporate dideoxynucleotides and D4T-MP. Mutation of Tyr951 to Phe renders the enzyme resistant to dideoxynucleotides and D4T-TP without compromising the activity of the polymerase. Alteration of Glu895 and Tyr955 to Ala had the largest effect on overall polymerase activity with normal nucleotides, producing dramatic increases in K(m(dNTP)) and large decreases in k(cat). Mutation of Tyr955 in pol gamma causes the degenerative disease progressive external ophthalmoplegia in humans, and we show that this residue partially accounts for the ability of pol gamma to incorporate D4T-MP and carbovir. Alteration of Glu895 to Ala slightly increased discrimination against dideoxynucleotides and D4T-TP. The mechanisms by which pol gamma selects certain nucleotide analogs are discussed.  相似文献   

Formation of primed single‐stranded DNA at stalled replication forks triggers activation of the replication checkpoint signalling cascade resulting in the ATR‐mediated phosphorylation of the Chk1 protein kinase, thus preventing genomic instability. By using siRNA‐mediated depletion in human cells and immunodepletion and reconstitution experiments in Xenopus egg extracts, we report that the Y‐family translesion (TLS) DNA polymerase kappa (Pol κ) contributes to the replication checkpoint response and is required for recovery after replication stress. We found that Pol κ is implicated in the synthesis of short DNA intermediates at stalled forks, facilitating the recruitment of the 9‐1‐1 checkpoint clamp. Furthermore, we show that Pol κ interacts with the Rad9 subunit of the 9‐1‐1 complex. Finally, we show that this novel checkpoint function of Pol κ is required for the maintenance of genomic stability and cell proliferation in unstressed human cells.  相似文献   

While primordial life is thought to have been RNA-based (Cech, Cold Spring Harbor Perspect. Biol. 4 (2012) a006742), all living organisms store genetic information in DNA, which is chemically more stable. Distinctions between the RNA and DNA worlds and our views of “DNA” synthesis continue to evolve as new details emerge on the incorporation, repair and biological effects of ribonucleotides in DNA genomes of organisms from bacteria through humans.  相似文献   

Evolution balances DNA replication speed and accuracy to optimize replicative fitness and genetic stability. There is no selective pressure to improve DNA replication fidelity beyond the background mutation rate from other sources, such as DNA damage. However, DNA polymerases remain amenable to amino acid substitutions that lower intrinsic error rates. Here, we review these ‘antimutagenic’ changes in DNA polymerases and discuss what they reveal about mechanisms of replication fidelity. Pioneering studies with bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase (T4 Pol) established the paradigm that antimutator amino acid substitutions reduce replication errors by increasing proofreading efficiency at the expense of polymerase processivity. The discoveries of antimutator substitutions in proofreading-deficient ‘mutator’ derivatives of bacterial Pols I and III and yeast Pol δ suggest there must be additional antimutagenic mechanisms. Remarkably, many of the affected amino acid positions from Pol I, Pol III, and Pol δ are similar to the original T4 Pol substitutions. The locations of antimutator substitutions within DNA polymerase structures suggest that they may increase nucleotide selectivity and/or promote dissociation of primer termini from polymerases poised for misincorporation, leading to expulsion of incorrect nucleotides. If misincorporation occurs, enhanced primer dissociation from polymerase domains may improve proofreading in cis by an intrinsic exonuclease or in trans by alternate cellular proofreading activities. Together, these studies reveal that natural selection can readily restore replication error rates to sustainable levels following an adaptive mutator phenotype.  相似文献   

The genetics and biochemistry of genetic recombination in E. coli has been studied for over four decades and provides a useful model system to understand recombination in other organisms. Here we provide an overview of the mechanisms of recombination and how such processes contribute to DNA repair. We describe the E. coli functions that are known to contribute to these mechanisms, step by step, and summarize their biochemical properties in relation to the role these proteins play in vivo. We feature areas of investigation that are newly emerging, as well as work that provides a historical perspective to the field. Finally, we highlight some of the questions that remain unanswered.  相似文献   

Human cells irradiated with UV light synthesize lower molecular weight DNA than unirradiated cells. This reduction in molecular weight is greater in xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) cells than in normal cells. The molecular weight of DNA is further reduced by the addition of caffeine to XP cells. By several hours after irradiation, DNA fragments are barely detectable. Cells from excision-proficient and excision-deficient XP patients were studied autoradiographically to produce cytological evidence of DNA chain elongation. Replicate cultures with and without caffeine were synchronized and irradiated with UV light during the S phase. Caffeine was removed in G2, and the cells were labeled with 3H-thymidine. Results showed significantly increased labeling during G2 of excision-deficient XP cells. Labeling was dependent on both time of irradiation and presence of caffeine. The XP variant cells had no increase in labeling for any irradiation time.Published with the approval of the Director of the West Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station as Scientific Paper No. 1608. Supported by N.I.C. Grant TO1CA05170-10.  相似文献   

DNA replication is essential for cell proliferation. Any obstacles during replication cause replication stress, which may lead to genomic instability and cancer formation. In this review, we summarize the physiological DNA replication process and the normal cellular response to replication stress. We also outline specialized therapies in clinical trials based on current knowledge and future perspectives in the field.  相似文献   

In bacteria, PriA protein, a conserved DEXH‐type DNA helicase, plays a central role in replication restart at stalled replication forks. Its unique DNA‐binding property allows it to recognize and stabilize stalled forks and the structures derived from them. Cells must cope with fork stalls caused by various replication stresses to complete replication of the entire genome. Failure of the stalled fork stabilization process and eventual restart could lead to various forms of genomic instability. The low viability of priA null cells indicates a frequent occurrence of fork stall during normal growth that needs to be properly processed. PriA specifically recognizes the 3′‐terminus of the nascent leading strand or the invading strand in a displacement (D)‐loop by the three‐prime terminus binding pocket (TT‐pocket) present in its unique DNA binding domain. Elucidation of the structural basis for recognition of arrested forks by PriA should provide useful insight into how stalled forks are recognized in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The DNA damage and replication checkpoints are signaling mechanisms that regulate and coordinate cellular responses to genotoxic conditions. Unlike typical signal transduction mechanisms that respond to one or a few stimuli, checkpoints can be activated by a broad spectrum of extrinsically or intrinsically derived DNA damage or replication interference. Recent investigations have shed light on how the damage and replication checkpoints are able to respond to such diverse stimuli. The activation of checkpoints not only attenuates cell cycle progression but also facilitates DNA repair and recovery of faltered replication forks, thereby preventing DNA lesions from being converted to inheritable mutations. Recently, more checkpoint targets from the cell cycle and DNA replication apparatus have been identified, revealing the increasing complexity of the checkpoint control of the cell cycle. In this article, we discuss current models of the DNA damage and replication checkpoints and highlight recent advances in the field.  相似文献   

Dynamic changes to the genomic structure and to the DNA replication programme are important determinants of normal and abnormal cell development. To understand these changes and how they vary from cell to cell, single DNA molecules from both normal and abnormal cell populations must be examined and compared. Physical characterisation of single genomes at the kilobase level of resolution over large genomic regions is possible with molecular combing technology. An array of combed single DNA molecules is prepared by stretching molecules attached by their extremities to a silanised glass surface with a receding air-water meniscus. By performing fluorescent hybridisation on combed DNA, genomic probe position can be directly visualised, providing a means to construct physical maps and detect micro-rearrangements. Single-molecule DNA replication can also be monitored through fluorescent detection of incorporated nucleotide analogues on combed DNA molecules. These and other single-molecule applications of molecular combing are discussed in this paper and future developments of the technology are considered.  相似文献   

Mex-3C蛋白(又称RKHD2)具备2个串联重复的KH结构域和1个环指结构域,具备结合RNA的能力,同时也是泛素E3连接酶家族的一员.它可以诱导某些mRNA降解,并且这一过程可以被一种去泛素化酶USP7阻断,据此产生了结合RNA的泛素连接酶的概念并暗示泛素化可能与mRNA降解之间存在某种联系. Mex-3C可能通过利用该特性参与调节某些生理功能.另一方面,结直肠癌细胞MEX3C基因缺陷可以导致染色体不稳定性的产生,由此提出了染色体不稳定性抑制基因的观点.DNA复制应激被证实介导了两者之间的相互作用.本文将从这两个新概念出发介绍Mex-3C现有的研究进展,并指出后续的研究方向.  相似文献   

Polyploid cells contain multiple copies of all chromosomes. Polyploidization can be developmentally programmed to sustain tissue barrier function or to increase metabolic potential and cell size. Programmed polyploidy is normally associated with terminal differentiation and poor proliferation capacity. Conversely, non-programmed polyploidy can give rise to cells that retain the ability to proliferate. This can fuel rapid genome rearrangements and lead to diseases like cancer. Here, the mechanisms that generate polyploidy are reviewed and the possible challenges upon polyploid cell division are discussed. The discussion is framed around a recent study showing that asynchronous cell cycle progression (an event that is named “chronocrisis”) of different nuclei from a polyploid cell can generate DNA damage at mitotic entry. The potential mechanisms explaining how mitosis in non-programmed polyploid cells can generate abnormal karyotypes and genetic instability are highlighted.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop specific primers for Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis species identification using PCR. The designed primers (LBF1 and LBR1) were evaluated for sensitivity and specificity using various L. (V.) braziliensis serodemes and various Leishmania species and also using Trypanosoma cruzi. A specific fragment of 536 bp was detected from 50 ng of DNA in a crude extract derived from L. (V.) braziliensis. The DNA fragment was not detected when DNA from other Leishmania species or from T. cruzi was used as template in the PCR. Furthermore, when tested with DNA from cutaneous leishmaniasis the designed primers and reaction gave positive results. Taking into consideration that the primers LBF1 and LBR1 could specifically identify L. (V.) braziliensis, they could be considered for use in L. (V.) braziliensis diagnosis and epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

The death and lysis of microbial cells leads to the release of cytoplasmic contents, many of which are rapidly degraded by enzymes. However, some macromolecules survive intact and find new functions in the extracellular environment. There is now strong evidence that DNA released from cells during lysis, or sometimes by active secretion, becomes a key component of the macromolecular scaffold in many different biofilms. Enzymatic degradation of extracellular DNA can weaken the biofilm structure and release microbial cells from the surface. Many bacteria produce extracellular deoxyribonuclease (DNase) enzymes that are apparently tightly regulated to avoid excessive degradation of the biofilm matrix. Interfering with these control mechanisms, or adding exogenous DNases, could prove a potent strategy for controlling biofilm growth.  相似文献   

Speciation of Taenia in human stool is important because of their different clinical and epidemiological features. DNA analysis has recently become possible which overcomes the problems of differentiating human taeniid cestodes morphologically. In the present study, we evaluated PCR coupled to restriction fragment length polymorphism to differentiate Taenia solium from Taenia saginata eggs present in fecal samples from naturally infected patients. A different DraI-RFLP pattern: a two-band pattern (421 and 100 bp) for T. saginata and a three-band pattern (234, 188, and 99 bp) for T. solium was observed allowing the two species to be separated. The lower detection limit of the PCR-RFLP using a non-infected fecal sample prepared with a given number of T. saginata eggs was 34 eggs in 2 g stool sediment. The 521 bp mtDNA fragment was detected in 8 out of 12 Taenia sp. carriers (66.6%). Of these, three showed a T. solium pattern and five a T. saginata pattern.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that reduction/loss of very long chain PUFAs (VLC-PUFAs) due to mutations in the ELOngase of very long chain fatty acid-4 (ELOVL4) protein contributes to retinal degeneration in autosomal dominant Stargardt-like macular dystrophy (STGD3) and age-related macular degeneration; hence, increasing VLC-PUFA in the retina of these patients could provide some therapeutic benefits. Thus, we tested the efficiency of elongation of C20-C22 PUFA by the ELOVL4 protein to determine which substrates are the best precursors for biosynthesis of VLC-PUFA. The ELOVL4 protein was expressed in pheochromocytoma cells, while green fluorescent protein-expressing and nontransduced cells served as controls. The cells were treated with 20:5n3, 22:6n3, and 20:4n6, either individually or in equal combinations. Both transduced and control cells internalized and elongated the supplemented FAs to C22-C26 precursors. Only ELOVL4-expressing cells synthesized C28-C38 VLC-PUFA from these precursors. In general, 20:5n3 was more efficiently elongated to VLC-PUFA in the ELOVL4-expressing cells, regardless of whether it was in combination with 22:6n3 or with 20:4n6. In each FA treatment group, C34 and C36 VLC-PUFAs were the predominant VLC-PUFAs in the ELOVL4-expressing cells. In summary, 20:5n3, followed by 20:4n6, seems to be the best precursor for boosting the synthesis of VLC-PUFA by ELOVL4 protein.  相似文献   

We used the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and direct DNA sequencing to study genetic variation within and among populations of Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua , in the western North Atlantic. In a 307 bp region of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene, 24 variable nucleotide positions define 24 genotypes, which differ by from one to six nucleotide substitutions. Greenland cod ( G. ogac ) differs from the most similar G. morhua genotype by an additional 12 nucleotide substitutions. Silent transitions dominate both intra- and interspecific comparisons, however four nucleotide substitutions within morhua result in amino acid replacements. Direct sequencing of DNA reveals substantially more of the genetic variation that exists within and between species than do previous indirect methods based on restriction fragment length polymorphisms, and thus has far greater potential to quantify such differences as may exist among fish stocks. Preliminary experiments also indicate that automation of DNA sequencing provides an efficient, rapid, and accurate means for detection of genetic variation in natural populations offish.  相似文献   

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