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A 2:1 molar ratio preparation of bismuth with a lipophilic dithiol (3-dimercapto-1-propanol, BAL) significantly reduced extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) expression by Brevundimonas diminuta in suspended cultures at levels just below the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). Total polysaccharides and proteins secreted by B. diminuta decreased by approximately 95% over a 5-day period when exposed to the bismuth-BAL chelate (BisBAL) at near MIC (12 microM). Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) suggested that a possible mechanism of biofilm disruption by BisBAL is the inhibition of carbohydrate O-acetylation. FTIR also revealed extensive homology between EPS samples with and without BisBAL treatment, with proteins, polysaccharides, and peptides varying predominantly only in the amount expressed. EPS secretion decreased following BisBAL treatment as verified by atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Without BisBAL treatment, a slime-like EPS matrix secreted by B. diminuta resulted in biofouling and inefficient hydrodynamic backwashing of microfiltration membranes.  相似文献   

The roles of extracellular polymer substances (EPS) in the shear stability of aerobic and anaerobic flocs were investigated. Both pH and EDTA concentration had a significant effect on the floc stability. The sludge flocs became much weaker as the solution pH increase to above 10. Addition of 1 mM EDTA or more could cause considerable cell erosion and deflocculation of the anaerobic flocs, whereas more than 3 mM EDTA was needed to show its adverse effect on the stability of aerobic flocs. A fraction of the EPS, around 10 mg/g SS for the aerobic flocs and 15 mg/g SS for the anaerobic flocs, could be extracted by fluid shear when the dispersed mass concentration approached the equilibrium. This suggests that most of the dispersed particles were glued by a small amount of readily-extractable EPS fraction. In addition to the abundance of this EPS fraction, its proteins/carbohydrates ratio, about 0.22:1 for the aerobic flocs and 2.66:1 for the anaerobic flocs, also appeared to be an important factor governing the microbial floc stability. A lower content of the readily-extractable EPS fraction and a lower ratio of proteins/carbohydrates were responsible for the greater stability of microbial flocs. The total content of the EPS, however, did not show a direct correlation with the floc stability. A hypothesis about biological flocs with two distinct structural regions was proposed. The outer part contained dispersible cells loosely entangled by the readily-extractable EPS fraction. This part was layered and would become completely dispersed at an infinite shear intensity. On the other hand, the inner part contains biomass in a stable structure tightly glued by EPS, which could not be dispersed by shear except under unfavorable conditions.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to investigate the production of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) by Aeromonas hydrophila grown under anaerobic conditions. EPS composition was studied for planktonic cells, cells attached to carbon fibre supports using a soluble ferric iron source and cells grown with a solid ferric iron mineral (gossan). Conventional spectrophotometric methods, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) were used to determine the main components in the biofilm extracted from the cultures. The key EPS components were proteins, indicating their importance for electron transfer reactions. Carbohydrates were observed mostly on the mineral and contained terminal mannosyl and/or terminal glucose, fucose and N-acetylgalactosamine residues.  相似文献   

The complexing agent Newport Green fluoresces upon binding of nickel, zinc or cobalt. It was used to detect nickel or zinc in MOPS buffer, in gel-like matrices, and in natural biofilms and microbial flocs cultivated in the laboratory. The response curves for increasing nickel concentrations indicated an equimolar binding capacity of Newport Green for nickel in MOPS buffer, whereas zinc fluorescence reached saturation in the presence of a 10-fold excess of zinc ions relative to Newport Green molecules. The maximum fluorescence intensity as determined by luminometry was 8-fold and 4-fold above background for nickel and zinc, respectively. The response of Newport Green to either nickel or zinc in the presence of the other metal is consistent with a different binding affinity of Newport Green for the two metals. Zinc binds more strongly to the complexing agent than nickel but it leads to a weaker fluorescent signal which was detectable by luminometry but not by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Newport Green was able to complex nickel in the presence of 1% gelatin or agarose as determined by CLSM and image processing. Its application to fully hydrated bacterial biofilms or microbial flocs revealed the presence of nickel outside of cells. The results suggest that in addition to cellular sorption, metals are bound extracellularly by extracellular polymeric substances in intact and undisturbed microbial aggregates. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2000) 24, 116–123. Received 11 June 1999/ Accepted in revised form 04 November 1999  相似文献   

Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) was investigated in the single aeration tank of a municipal wastewater treatment plant. Microelectrode measurements and batch experiments were performed to test for the presence of SND. Microelectrodes recorded the presence of O(2) concentration gradients in individual activated sludge flocs. When the O(2) concentration in the bulk liquid was <45 microM, anoxic zones were detected within flocs with a larger diameter (approximately 3000 microm). The O(2) penetration depth in the floc was found to be dependent on the O(2) concentration in the bulk liquid. Nitrification was restricted to the oxic zones, whereas denitrification occurred mainly in the anoxic zones. The nitrification rate of the activated sludge increased with increasing O(2) concentration in the bulk liquid, up to 40 microM, and remained constant thereafter. SND was observed in the aerated activated sludge when O(2) concentration was in the range of 10 to 35 microM.  相似文献   

Biofilms coat the exterior of most water-exposed interfaces, from the surfaces of sediments and rocks to the interior walls of fluid transport systems and even medical and dental apparatus. Composed of a diverse assemblage of microbial species growing in a matrix of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), biofilms are well-known for their ability to sorb metals and nucleate mineral phases. In this study, purified alginate, a major polysaccharide component of some algal and bacterial EPS, was studied to ascertain its chemical reactivity towards dissolved cadmium and protons, and thus better constrain its role in overall EPS reactivity. FTIR analysis and compositional constraints based on known molecular structure indicate that alginate’s geochemical behaviour is dominated by a single carboxyl functional group. Correspondingly, potentiometric titration data were best fit using a single functional group acidity constant (pKa) and site concentration of 3.98 ± 0.01 and 1.728 ± 0.02 mol/kg, respectively, which are in agreement with typical carboxyl acidity (pKa 3–6) and carboxyl functional group concentration based on alginate polymer composition. The logarithm of the Cd-carboxyl complexation constant (log K) was determined to be ?0.52 ± 0.22, lower than carboxyl-Cd stability constants reported from independent studies of isolated microbes. Together, these results place important constraints on organic matrix contributions to overall biofilm reactivity.  相似文献   

This work characterises the mineral fraction of EPS extracts obtained using eight different methods from two activated sludges by total mineral content determination, Fourier Transformed Infrared spectrometry and with scanning electron microscopy coupled with an EDX probe. Despite EPS dialysis, the EPS extracts displayed a mineral fraction between 2% and 40% of the EPS dry weight depending on the extraction method used. The main mineral elements found in the EPS extract were Ca, Mg, Na, K, Al, Fe, Mn, P, Si and S, but their contents were strongly affected by the extraction method used. Some of the minerals are associated with the organic molecules within the EPS. The presence of mineral particles of various compositions and structures (clays, quartz or carbonate) in the EPS extract with a wide range in size was clearly demonstrated. Moreover, the association of metallic elements with the mineral particles in the EPS extract was highlighted.  相似文献   

The precise identification of the cyanobacteria that comprise an endolithic biofilm is hindered by difficulties in culturing the organisms found in these biofilms and a lack of previous molecular and ultrastructural data. This study characterizes, both at the ultrastructural and molecular level, two different cyanobacterial biofilms found in fissures of granite from continental Antarctica. Electron microscopy revealed structural differences between the two biofilms. One was only loosely adhered to the substrate, while the other biofilm showed a closer association between cells and rock minerals and was tightly attached to the substrate. Cells from both biofilms where ultrastructurally distinct, displaying, for instance, clear differences in their sheaths. The amounts of EPS and their organization associated with the cyanobacteria may determine the differences in adhesion and effects on the lithic substrate observed in the biofilms. By sequencing part of the 16S rRNA gene, the two cyanobacteria were also genetically characterized. The gene sequence of the cells comprising the biofilm that was tightly attached to the lithic substrate showed most homology with that of an endolithic cyanobacterium from Switzerland (AY153458), and the cyanobacterial type loosely adhered to the rock, clustered with Acaryochloris marina, the only organism unequivocally known to contain chlorophyll d. This study reveals the presence of at least two different types of endolithic biofilm, dominated each by a single type of cyanobacterium, able to withstand the harsh conditions of the Antarctic climate.  相似文献   

Carcinogenic effects of arsenic through consumption of contaminated water are an alarming threat and there is an emergent need to reduce extremely high levels of toxic arsenic from environment. Bacterial biofilms produce polyanionic extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) that is considered an excellent biosorbent material for the remediation of toxic metals and metalloids. This study was aimed to investigate the role of bacterial EPS in arsenic bioremediation. EPS was extracted from biofilm forming and arsenic reducer bacterial strains that were isolated from industrial waste water and characterized biochemically. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was also performed to study functional groups. Both Exiguobacterium profundum PT2 and Ochrobactrum ciceri SW1 exhibited enhanced EPS production in the presence of arsenic. Arsenic stress increased protein and carbohydrate contents in the EPS of both bacterial strains as indicated by the peaks of 1363 to 1613 and 1035 to 1218?cm?1 wavenumbers, respectively to cope with arsenic present in the surroundings. Shifting of peaks in As5+ treated samples from 1363 to 1379, 847 to 800 and 1211 to 1134?cm?1 demonstrated the involvement of proteins, carbohydrates and phosphates in the sequestration of arsenic. Scanning electron microscopic examination of EPS revealed structural alterations such as the presence of closely embedded large clumps with interstitial spaces between stacked layers of the EPS of E. profundum PT2 treated with As5+ displayed the enhanced polysaccharide content and arsenic sorption. Therefore, increased production of bacterial EPS with large number of polyanionic functional groups on its surface having tendency to sequester arsenic through electrostatic or covalent interactions presented EPS an excellent biosorbent material for arsenic bioremediation.  相似文献   

Aims: Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) are an important component of microbial biofilms, and it is becoming increasingly apparent that extracellular DNA (eDNA) has a functional role in EPS. This study characterizes the eDNA extracted from the novel activated sludge biofilm process of aerobic granules. Methods and Results: Exposing the sludge to cation exchange resin (CER) was used for the extraction of eDNA and intracellular DNA (iDNA) from aerobic granules. This was optimized for eDNA yield while causing minimal cell lysis. We then compared the DNA composition of these extractions using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprinting and PCR‐based denaturing gradient‐gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Upon the analysis of the genomic DNA and the 16S rRNA genes, differences were detected between the sludge biofilm eDNA and iDNA. Conclusions: Different bacteria within the biofilm disproportionally release DNA into the EPS matrix of the biofilm. Significance and Impact of the Study: The findings further the idea that eDNA has a functional role in the biofilm state, which is an important conceptual information for industrial application of biofilms.  相似文献   

藻类胞外聚合物(extracellular polymeric substances, EPS)是一种复杂的高分子聚合物,主要由多糖、蛋白质等物质组成。由于EPS具有独特的结构、大的比表面积及含有大量官能团等物理-化学特性,使其在污水处理及微藻生物质的絮凝回收等方面都有着非常重要的作用。本文系统介绍了EPS的组成及特性,重点论述了影响藻类EPS产生的生物因素及非生物因素,如光照、营养盐、pH及温度等,并对EPS在污水处理及生物絮凝方面的应用进行了总结。对藻类EPS产生机制及机理的深入研究有望为微藻提供更广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

This study aimed to characterize biofilms from the paper industry and evaluate the effectiveness of enzymatic treatments in reducing them. The extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) extracted from six industrial biofilms were studied. EPS were mainly proteins, the protein to polysaccharide ratio ranging from 1.3 to 8.6 depending on where the sampling point was situated in the paper making process. Eight hydrolytic enzymes were screened on a 24-h multi-species biofilm. The enzymes were tested at various concentrations and contact durations. Glycosidases and lipases were inefficient or only slightly efficient for biofilm reduction, while proteases were more efficient: after treatment for 24 h with pepsin, Alcalase® or Savinase®, the removal exceeded 80%. Savinase® appeared to be the most adequate for industrial conditions and was tested on an industrial biofilm sample. This enzyme led to a significant release of proteins from the EPS matrix, indicating its potential efficiency on an industrial scale.  相似文献   

Laspidou and Rittmann (Water Research 36:2711–2720, 2002) proposed that the soluble extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) are identical to soluble microbial products (SMP) in sludge liquor. In this paper, we compared the physicochemical characteristics of the SMP and soluble EPS from original and aerobically or anaerobically digested wastewater sludge. The surface charges, particle sizes, residual turbidities of polyaluminum chloride (PACl) coagulated supernatant, and chemical compositions of the SMP and soluble EPS containing suspensions were used as comparison index. Experimental results revealed that the particles in SMP and soluble EPS fractions extracted from original wastewater sludge, before and after digestion, were not identical in all physicochemical characteristics herein measured. The current test cannot support the proposal by Laspidou and Rittmann (Water Research 36:2711–2720, 2002) that SMP is identical to the soluble EPS from a wastewater sludge.  相似文献   

Microbial extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) are potential biosorbents for metal remediation and recovery. The Langmuir and Freundlich kinetics of Mn(II) binding by the EPS from a novel Mn(II) oxidising strain of Rhizobium etli were determined. Maximum manganese specific adsorptions (q max) decreased in the sequence: sulphate (62 mg Mn per g EPS) > nitrate (53 mg g–1) > chloride (21 mg g–1). Consideration of the anion during kinetic studies is usually neglected but is important in providing more practical and comparable data between different biosorbent systems.  相似文献   


Biofouling control in reverse osmosis membranes (ROMs) is challenging due to the high cost of treatments, and reduction in the life of ROMs. This study characterizes the biofouling in the ROMs from a desalination plant and reports its effective removal using the supernatant obtained from Alteromonas sp. strain Ni1-LEM. The characterization of the bacterial community revealed that the most abundant taxa in ROMs were the genera Fulvivirga and Pseudoalteromonas, and unclassified species of the families Flavobacteriaceae and Sphingomonadaceae. This bacterial community significantly decreased upon treatment with the supernatant from Alteromonas sp. Ni1-LEM, resulting in the prevalence of the genus Pseudoalteromonas. Furthermore, this bacterial supernatant significantly inhibited cell adhesion of seven benthic microalgae isolated from ROMs as well as promoting cell detachment of the existing microbial biofilms. The study showed that the extracellular supernatant modified the conformation of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in the biofouling of ROMs without any biocidal effects.  相似文献   

【目的】为缓解重金属废水污染对全球食品安全和人类健康的威胁,降低铅(plumbum, Pb)在土壤及动植物体内的积累,借助固定化技术提高菌株的重金属去除效率。【方法】以白腐真菌(white rot fungi)为实验材料,通过混菌兼容性及铅离子(Pb2+)去除能力筛选出吸附效果好且兼容性优的复合菌种,探究最优混菌类型及其比例,优化菌球最佳固定化助剂配方,在此基础上深入探究菌球在实际应用中的最优吸附条件。【结果】黄孢原毛平革菌(Phanerochaete chrysosporium)、云芝(Coriolus versicolor)、凤尾菇(Lentinus sajor-caju)和平菇(Pleurotus ostreatus) 4种菌株兼容效果佳,可进行后续实验;其中云芝和凤尾菇以体积1:1混合后对Pb2+去除效果显著优于各单菌作用;固定化条件优化实验中,20.0 g/L海藻酸钠、15.0 g/L生物炭和2.0×106个/mL白腐真菌组成混菌体系,辅以二氧化硅及沸石制得的固定化菌球在96 h Pb2+...  相似文献   

Ecologically successful algae that colonize natural and artificial substrates in the marine environment have distinct strategies for opportunistic dispersal and settlement. The objective of this research was to visualize molecular architecture of zoospores from Enteromorpha (=Ulva) flexuosa (Wulfen) J. Agardh and Ulva fasciata Delile that coexist but alternate in dominance on an intertidal bench. Multiple fluorescent lectins were used to stabilize and probe for diverse zoospore glycoconjugates (GC) that could be involved in cell and substrate interactions. Results from epifluorescence microscopy showed distinct cellular and extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) domains of GC relative to settlement morphologies. Glycoconjugates were similar for both species with (1) α‐d mannose and/or glucose moieties localized on flagella, the anterior domes and anterior regions, the plasma membranes, and EPS; (2) α‐fucose localized on flagella and anterior regions; (3) N or α,ß‐N acetylglucosamine localized on flagella, the anterior regions, and EPS; and (4) varied N‐acetylgalactosamine and/or galactose moieties localized on each domain for both species excluding the plasma membranes. Some differences in lectin binding were observed for each species at the flagella, the anterior domes, and the plasma membranes. Glycoconjugate distributions shifted with morphological changes that followed initial adhesion. TEM of E. flexuosa zoospore stages following carbohydrate‐stabilizing fixations and gold‐conjugated lectin probes resolved GC with α‐d mannose and/or glucose, and/or N‐acetylglucosamine at the plasma membrane, ER and diverse vesicles of the anterior pole, EPS, and discontinuous regions or knobs associated with flagellar surfaces. The distinct distribution and diversity of zoospore GC may be central to recognition and attachment on diverse substrata by these algae.  相似文献   

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