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We have found a 14 kbp double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) in many cultivars of japonica rice (Oryza sativa L.) but not in any cultivars of indica rice. This dsRNA is an RNA replicon with plasmid-like properties and is proposed to be a novel dsRNA virus, Oryza sativa endornavirus (OSV). Reciprocal crosses between the OSV-carrier japonica variety (Nipponbare) and the OSV-free indica variety (IR 26 or Kasalath) were performed to investigate whether OSV can be transmitted to F1 hybrids. When IR 26 and Nipponbare were used, efficient transmission of OSV from ova (93%) and pollen (89%) was observed. When Kasalath and Nipponbare were used, the OSV transmission efficiency to F1 progeny was 68% from ova and 20% from pollen. The transmission of OSV to F2 progeny plants was also complicated, showing non-Mendelian inheritance. These results suggest that the dsRNA replicon (OSV) is unstable in indica rice plants.  相似文献   

Gao LZ  Innan H 《Genetics》2008,179(2):965-976
The origins of the Asian cultivated rice Oryza sativa from its wild ancestor O. rufipogon have been debated for decades. The question mainly concerns whether it originated monophyletically or polyphyletically. To shed light on the origins and demographic history of rice domestication, we genotyped a total of 92 individual plants from the two O. sativa subspecies and O. rufipogon for 60 microsatellites. An approximate Bayesian method was applied to estimate demographic parameters for O. rufipogon vs. O. sativa ssp. indica and O. rufipogon vs. O. sativa ssp. japonica. We showed that the japonica subspecies suffered a more severe bottleneck than the indica subspecies and thus a greater loss of genetic variation during its domestication. Across microsatellite loci there is a significant positive correlation in the reduction of genetic diversity between the two subspecies. The results suggest that completely independent domestication of indica and japonica subspecies may not explain our data and that there is at least partial sharing of their ancestral populations and/or recent gene flow between them.  相似文献   

Nodal explants of rice cultivar Pathumthani 1 (PT1; short-day photoperiod insensitive) were collected, surface-disinfected, and cultured on modified MS medium under in vitro conditions for 90 d. A total of 60% nodal explants generated flowering plantlets (with one inflorescence per cluster). The net photosynthetic rate was greater, and soluble sugars (including glucose, fructose, and sucrose) accumulated to higher levels in the leaves of flowering as compared to non-flowering plants. In contrast, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, and total carotenoid content were enriched to a greater degree in the leaves of non-flowering as compared to flowering plants. Also, growth performance parameters, including plant height, number of leaves per plant, leaf area, fresh weight, and dry weight of plantlets derived from seedlings were superior to those of plantlets derived from nodal explants. In addition, the protocol proved to successfully induce flowering in KDML 105, a short-day photoperiod-sensitive rice cultivar.  相似文献   

In order to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for leaf senescence and related traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.), we developed two backcross populations, indica/japonica// japonica and indica/japonica//indica, using IR36 as the indica parent and Nekken-2 as the japonica parent. The QTLs were mapped using a set of simple sequence-repeat markers (SSRs) in the BC1F1 population. Senescence was characterized in these plants by measuring the leaf chlorophyll content 25 days after flowering (DAF), the reduction in chlorophyll content (the difference between the chlorophyll content at flowering and at 25 DAF), and the number of late-discoloring leaves per panicle at 25 DAF in five plants from each BC1F2 line. These plants were moved into a temperature-controlled growth cabinet at the time of flowering and allowed to mature under identical conditions. Eleven QTLs were detected in the two populations. The major of QTLs for senescence were found on the short arm of chromosome 6 and on the long arm of chromosome 9. Of these, one QTL on chromosome 6 and two on chromosome 9 were verified by confirming the effects of the genotypes on the phenotypes of the BC1F3 lines. The japonica parent was found to contribute to late senescence at all but one QTL. Based on a comparison of the effects of heterozygotes and homozygotes on the phenotypic values of each QTL genotype, we concluded that the differential senescence observed in the indica-japonica hybrid was not due to over-dominance; rather, it was the result of partial-dominance genes that were donated from either of the parents.  相似文献   

太湖流域粳稻地方品种遗传多样性研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
太湖流域稻作历史悠久,是我国粳稻高产地区之一。但育成品种的遗传基础日趋狭窄,将会给农业生产带来潜在风险。为了有效利用地方水稻资源以扩大改良品种的遗传基础,作者通过调查19个农艺性状,对823个太湖流域粳稻地方品种的遗传多样性进行了研究。结果表明:15个数量性状的变异系数(CV)范围在4.6%(结实率)和33.7%(单株产量)之间。颖壳色、稃尖色、芒型和粒型4个质量性状分别有10、6、5、4种表现型。19个农艺性状的多样性指数(H′)变化范围在0.757(粒型)和1.930(每穗实粒数)之间,平均为1.540。9月10日以后抽穗的品种比9月10日及其以前抽穗的品种具有更丰富的表型变异。主成分分析表明,株高、单株有效穗、每穗总粒数、每穗实粒数、着粒密度、千粒重、单株产量和穗颈长等8个性状是解释太湖流域粳稻地方品种多样性的重要性状。  相似文献   

We have recently cloned a pathogen inducible blast resistance gene Pi-kh from the indica rice line Tetep using a positional cloning approach. In this study, we carried out structural organization analysis of the Pi-kh locus in both indica and japonica rice lines. A 100 kb region containing 50 kb upstream and 50 kb down- stream sequences flanking to the Pi-kh locus was selected for the investigation. A total of 16 genes in indica and 15 genes in japonica were predicted and anno- tated in this region. The average GC content of indica and japonica genes in this region was 53.15% and 49.3%, respectively. Both indica and japonica sequences were polymorphic for simple sequence repeats having mono-, di-, tri-, tetra-, and pentanucleotides. Sequence analysis of the specific blast resistant Pi-kh allele of Tetep and the susceptible Pi-kh allele of the japonica rice line Nipponbare showed differences in the number and distribution of motifs involved in phosphorylation, resulting in the resistance phenotype in Tetep.  相似文献   

Summary Inheritance of waxy locus was studied in crosses of a waxy variety with four non-waxy parents having high-, intermediate-, low- or very low-amylose content. The analysis for amylose content was done on a single grain basis in parents, F1, F2, B1F1, and B2F1 seeds. The waxy parent lacking synthesis of amylose content was found to differ from the ones having high-, intermediate-, low- or very low-amylose content by one gene with major effect. Dosage effects for amylose content were observed to have great influence on segregation pattern and efficiency of selection. Selection efficiency for amylose content can be enhanced by selecting for endosperm appearance in early segregating generations.  相似文献   

Magnaporthe grisea causes rice blast, the most important fungal disease of rice. The segregation of genes controlling virulence of M. grisea on rice was studied to establish the genetic basis of cultivar specificity in this host-parasite interaction. Full-sib progeny and parent isolates Guy11 and 2539 of M. grisea were inoculated onto rice (Oryza sativa) cultivar CO39 and five near-isogenic lines (NILs) of CO39. Each NIL contained a different single gene affecting resistance to specific isolates of M. grisea. No differential interactions between NILs and progeny or parents were observed; parents and progeny pathogenic on CO39 were pathogenic on all five NILs. Segregation ratios of 101 full-sib progeny, 117 progeny from full-sib parents, and 109 backcross progeny, indicated a common single gene affecting pathogenicity on CO39 and the five NILs. A subset of the above 327 isolates (43 fullsib progeny, 37 progeny from full-sib parents, and 32 backcross progeny) were inoculated onto rice cultivar 51583; all were pathogenic, indicating that cultivar specificity to CO39 was segregating in this population of isolates. The locus controlling cultivar specificity, named avrCO39, was mapped to chromosome 1 using a subset of the progeny previously used to construct an RFLP map of M. grisea. The closest reported RFLP markers were 11.8 (estimated 260 kb) and 17.2 cM (estimated 380 kb) away and provide starting points on either side of the locus for a chromosome walk to clone the locus.  相似文献   

粳稻穗角与稻米品质的相关性及稻米品质遗传分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
测定了粳稻直立穗品种丙8979与弯曲穗品种C堡杂交组合的P1、P2及其重组自交系349个株系的穗角和10个稻米品质性状, 分析了穗角与稻米品质性状之间的相关性, 并运用主基因+多基因混合遗传模型, 对稻米品质10个性状进行了遗传分析。结果表明,穗角与糙米率、整精米率、垩白粒率、垩白度、糊化温度、胶稠度和直链淀粉含量均无显著相关; 与精米率呈显著正相关(r=0.124*); 与粒长和长宽比均呈极显著正相关(相关系数分别为0.470**和0.241**)。糙米率、精米率和直链淀粉含量均受2对主基因+多基因控制, 2对主基因具有累加作用和加性×加性的上位性作用; 整精米率、粒长、长宽比和胶稠度受2对加性-上位性主基因+多基因控制;垩白粒率、垩白度和糊化温度均受3对加性-上位性主基因+多基因控制。糙米率、精米率、整精米率、垩白粒率、垩白度和糊化温度6个品质性状以主基因遗传为主,粒长、长宽比、胶稠度和直链淀粉含量4个性状以多基因遗传为主。  相似文献   

We have used two-dimensional gel electrophoresis with mass spectrometry analysis to study the temporal patterns of protein expression during RYMV (Rice yellow mottle virus) infection in rice cells of two cultivars: IR64, Oryza sativa indica, susceptible, and Azucena, O. sativa japonica, partially resistant to RYMV. Proteomic analysis of nonstressed and RYMV inoculated cells showed statistically significant changes in the relative levels of 40 IR64 proteins and 24 Azucena proteins. Protein identification using mass spectrometry was attempted for all the differentially regulated proteins. This global analysis detected 32 hypothetical "new" proteins. Nineteen differentially regulated proteins were identified for IR64 cultivar, while 13 were identified for Azucena cultivar, including proteins in three functional categories: metabolism, stress-related proteins, and translation. These data revealed that a number of proteins regulated by abiotic stress response pathway were activated by RYMV in both cultivars (such as salt-induced protein, heat shock proteins (HSPs), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and others have functions consistent with the susceptibility or partially resistance trait (such as dehydrin, proteins involved in glycolysis pathway).  相似文献   

Trisiriroj A  Jeyachok N  Chen ST 《Proteomics》2004,4(7):2047-2057
Proteomic approach is applied for the analysis of seed brans of 14 rice varieties (Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica) which can classify to five aromatic rice and nine nonaromatic rice. The two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) protein patterns for 14 rice varieties were similar within pH ranges of 3-10 and 4-7. To characterize aromatic group-specific proteins, we compared 2-D gels of aromatic rice to nonaromatic rice using PDQUEST image analysis. Four out of six differential spots were identified as hypothetical proteins, but one (SSP 7003) was identified by matrix assisted laser desoption/ionization-quardrupole-time of fight (MALDI-Q-TOF) as prolamin with three matching peptides based on NCBI database. Prolamin is a class of storage proteins with three different polypeptides of 10, 13, and 16 kDa. Spot SSP7003 was identified as a 13 kDa polypeptide of prolamin by combination of mass spectroscopy and N-terminal sequence analyses. In contrast, one sulfur-rich 16 kDa polypeptide of prolamin was found in extremely high intensity in brans of deep-water rice compared to nondeep-water rice. Our results suggest that proteomics is a powerful step to open the way for the identification of rice varieties.  相似文献   

 Paste viscosity parameters play an important role in estimating the eating, cooking and processing quality of rice. Four cytoplasmic male-sterile (CMS) lines and eight restorer (R) lines were employed in an incomplete diallel cross to analyze seed effects, cytoplasmic effects and maternal gene effects on the viscosity profiles of indica rice. The results indicated that the viscosity profiles of rice were controlled by the direct effects of the seed, by the cytoplasm and by maternal plant. The seed-direct effects (V A +V D ) accounted for over 51% of the total genetic variances (V A +V D +V C +V Am +V Dm ) for all the traits, suggesting that seed direct effects were more important than maternal effects and cytoplasmic effects. The additive variances (V A +V Am ) were much larger than the dominance variances (V D +V Dm ), which revealed that additive genetic effects were the major contributors of genetic variation for the paste viscosity profiles, and that selection could be applied for viscosity traits in the early generations. Significant cytoplasmic variance (V C ) was detected for hot paste viscosity (HPV), cool paste viscosity (CPV) and consistency viscosity (CSV). The cytoplasmic effects for these three traits can, therefore, not be neglected in rice breeding. It was also shown that seed heritabilities (h 2 o ) tended to be larger than maternal heritabilities (h 2 m ) and cytoplasmic heritabilities (h 2 c ). Prediction of the main genetic effects for 12 parents showed that CMS lines had highly positive effects on all the traits except for the breakdown viscosity (BDV), and that R lines had both positive and negative effects on the paste viscosity characteristics. Received: 3 August 1998 / Accepted: 28 November 1998  相似文献   

The germination of intact, dehusked, and peeled seeds (caryopses) of the japonica rice cultivar Sasanishiki, harvested 30, 40, 47 and 60 days after anthesis, and of the indica rice cultivar Assam IV, harvested 14 and 28 days after anthesis, was examined. Dehusking strongly inhibited germination of Sasanishiki seeds, with the exception that seeds harvested 30 days after anthesis gave minimal germination percentages even when left intact. Peeling (removal of the pericarp and testa) restored or enhanced germination, and 60–100% of seeds germinated after 10 days. By contrast, the rank order of germination of Assam IV seeds was intact, dehusked, and peeled seeds, with peeled seeds yielding germination percentages of 100%. In Sasanishiki, inhibition of germination of peeled seeds was observed at reduced oxygen concentrations (1–4% oxygen). This inhibition might explain the inhibitory effects of dehusking on germination of seeds from the japonica cultivar. It is possible that the testa and pericarp, which cover the embryos of dehusked seeds, acted as a barrier to the diffusion of oxygen to the embryo.  相似文献   

Plant height is an important agronomic trait for crop architecture and yield. Most known factors determining plant height function in gibberellin or brassinosteroid biosynthesis or signal transduction. Here, we report a japonica rice (Oryza sativa ssp. japonica) dominant dwarf mutant, Photoperiod-sensitive dwarf 1 (Psd1). The Psd1 mutant showed impaired cell division and elongation, and a severe dwarf phenotype under long-day conditions, but nearly normal growth in short-day. The plant height of Psd1 mutant could not be rescued by gibberellin or brassinosteroid treatment. Genetic analysis with R1 and F2 populations determined that Psd1 phenotype was controlled by a single dominant locus. Linkage analysis with 101 tall F2 plants grown in a long-day season, which were derived from a cross between Psd1 and an indica cultivar, located Psd1 locus on chromosome 1. Further fine-mapping with 1017 tall F2 plants determined this locus on an 11.5-kb region. Sequencing analysis of this region detected a mutation site in a gene encoding a putative lipid transfer protein; the mutation produces a truncated C-terminus of the protein. This study establishes the genetic foundation for understanding the molecular mechanisms regulating plant cell division and elongation mediated by interaction between genetic and environmental factors.  相似文献   

Embryogenic and non-embryogenic calluses were induced from 3,4,5 and 7d old coleoptile segments of indica rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. CH 1039). Compact, globular, yellow and creamy embryogenic and white friable non-embryogenic callus arose from the cut end and entire length of the coleoptile segments. Murashige and Skoog's (MS) medium supplemented with 2.5mg/1 2,4-D was used as callus induction medium. Plant regeneration from coleoptile segments occurred with the transfer of embryogenic callus to MS basal medium supplemented with 2.0mg/1 BAP and 0.5mg/1 NAA in combination. Average number of regenerated plants from one coleoptile ranged from9.1 to 14.0.Four day old coleoptiles showed the highest frequency of plant regeneration.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962) - NAA 1-naphthalene acetic acid  相似文献   

Summary RAPD analysis was performed among eight rice somaclonal families known to vary for specific characters and four somaclonal families which were phenotypically normal. The parental cultivar,indica rice cv. FR13A, was found to be homogeneous and homozygous at all but one of the 45 RAPD loci. Polymorphisms were found at 28 of the 45 bands among the somaclonal families, including both loss of parental bands, and the appearance of novel non-parental bands. Segregation data revealed both heterozygous and homozygous mutation events, with recessive mutations more prevalent than dominant. All somaclonal families differed significantly from the parental material, indicating that genomic alterations occurred in all families regardless of phenotype. None of the variant families could be regarded as isogenic lines of FR13A at the DNA level. However, some of the DNA level variation may be in highly repeated sequences with no phenotypic effects. The implications for somaclonal breeding and genetic engineering programs are discussed.  相似文献   

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