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The non «B» biotype ofBemisia tabaci (Gennadius) is recorded for the first time in Crete in 1992, in the north east and south east of the island.Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) is the predominant whitefly on plants in the north and west of the island. Three surveys of Crete were made in 1992 and 1993 for natural enemies ofB. tabaci andT. vaporariorum and resulted in the collection of 4 species ofEncarsia, (plus a number of species that are unidentifiable at this time), anEretmocerus sp. (unidentifiable at this time) and a fungal pathogen,Paecilomyces farinosus (Dickson Ex Fries) Brown &; Smith.Encarsia adrianae was identified fromT. vaporariorum; which constitutes its most westerly distribution point and a new host record respectively.B. tabaci andT. vaporariorum were found on horticultural crops, ornamentals and weeds. Populations of both whitefly species were severely depleted on field hosts throughout the island during the winter of 1992/93. Climatic constraints, competition withT. vaporariorum in otherwise suitable niches, effective natural enemies and an observed low level of polyphagy may explain the present limited distribution of the non «B» biotype ofB. tabaci in Crete.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that populations of the parthenogenetic parasitic wasp Encarsia formosa Gahan (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) differed in their ability to use two different host species, Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) and Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). Of the three wasp populations tested, two populations had been reared for many generations on B. tabaci and one population had been reared for many years on T. vaporariorum. Performance was measured by the number of whitefly nymphs that were successfully parasitized by individual wasps, and performance on either host was measured in separate experiments. There was variation between wasp populations in their performance on the host B. tabaci, with one wasp population reared for many years on this host performing considerably better than the other two populations. There were no significant differences between populations in their use of the preferred host, T. vaporariorum. The experiments were conducted in such a way that we could distinguish heritable differences between populations from environmentally-induced conditioning differences due to the immediate host from which an individual wasp enclosed. In either experiment there were no significant effects of conditioning, although there was a trend within each population for wasps conditioned on T. vaporariorum to have higher performance than those conditioned on B. tabaci. Thirdly, we conducted a selection experiment, initiated with wasps from a single population historically reared on T. vaporariorum, to measure the effect of laboratory rearing on different hosts for 17 generations. We did not see any difference in the performance of wasps on B. tabaci after this period of rearing on either of the two hosts. In summary, populations of E. formosa do differ in their relative performance on B. tabaci. The one population that was tested further did not show any response to selection by rearing, but the ability to respond to selection on performance may not be equal for all populations. The possibility that wasp populations have differential performance on particular hosts may affect the use of this species as a biological control agent.  相似文献   

Sublethal effects were evaluated in subsequent generations of whiteflies Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) arising from parental generations exposed in the four nymphal stages to the fungus Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin. Examples of such effects include impaired fertility, production of malformations or external variations, and reduced survival of later generations. Malformations of the head, legs, wings or abdomen were not observed in adults derived from treated nymphs, nor were negative effects observed in the fecundity and fertility of the descendants of the whiteflies treated with the fungus. However, moulting problems were observed in insects descended from B. bassiana-treated whiteflies. This is the first time that such effects have been reported, with almost 30% of imagos resulting from treated nymphs unable to detach completely from the exuvia. A gradual reduction in mortality rates between subsequent generations was observed. The importance of these results is discussed in the light of findings from other studies into the effects of entomopathogenic fungi on pest insects.  相似文献   

Abstract. Experiments were conducted in a glasshouse and in the laboratory to determine the environmental and physiological parameters that affect flight behaviour of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). The number of whiteflies taking off and exhibiting a positive response to sky light in the glasshouse was greatest from 08.30 to 10.00 hours. During peak flight activity less than 5% of the population engaged in phototactic orientation. Temperature was the best single predictor for the phototactic response, accounting for 75% of the variability in whitefly ascent. Sex ratios were determined for individuals remaining on poinsettia, Euphorbia pulcherrima (Willd.), and for individuals that exhibited phototactic orientation; both groups deviated from an expected 1:1 ratio. Males were more prevalent on the plants (1:0.76), whereas females were much more prevalent (1:3.02) among the whiteflies responding to sky light. A higher percentage of the females displaying a phototactic response contained eggs when compared to females remaining on poinsettia (87 v 65%). The two groups of females did not differ significantly in their weights, but males that remained on the plants were heavier than males that responded to sky light. Mark–recapture studies and experiments where phototactic individuals were removed from the population established that the response was short-lived. Whiteflies exhibiting a phototactic response in the glasshouse were more likely to exhibit long-duration, phototactic flights in a vertical flight chamber when compared to individuals that remained on poinsettia (80.7 ± 6.7 v 36.0 ± 5.8% phototactic response; 7.0 ±3.2 v 0.7±0.2min flights). There was also less deviation in flight across the horizontal plane among the individuals that exhibited a positive response to sky light in the glasshouse in comparison to individuals that remained on their host. However, initial rates of climb were not significantly different between the two groups of whiteflies.  相似文献   

Esterase profiles were examined for over 40 populations of the whitefly,Bemisia tabaci, obtained from native and cultivated plant hosts worldwide. Twelve unique electromorphs were identified from distinct populations concentrated largely in Central America, Africa, and India. One electromorph, type B, has recently been proposed as a separate species,Bemisia argentifolii, and has recently spread throughout much of the world. When considered with evidence from mating studies and the ability to induce phytotoxic disorders (squash silverleaf disorder), our data suggest that the single taxonBemisia tabaci may actually represent a species complex.  相似文献   

Bemisia tabaci, that were flown for varying lengths of time (1 min-2.5 h), exhibited behavioral, morphological, and physiological differences. When whiteflies that were engaging in phototactic orientation in a vertical flight chamber were presented with a visual cue simulating their host plant (550-nm narrowband interference filter), 76% landed on this cue within three presentations. Another 18% of the whiteflies displayed an intermittent attraction to the host cue, and 6% displayed a response that, historically, has been considered to be indicative of migration. These individuals failed to respond to the target until they had flown for at least 15 min. These three categories of response were observed in both sexes, in all flight-capable individuals from 1 to 5 days old and in two groups of whiteflies that were exhibiting distinct behaviors prior to our tests (i.e., they were either settled on poinsettia or engaging in phototactic orientation). There was a trend for males that engaged in long-distance flight to have smaller wing dimensions than males that engaged in shorter flights; no trend was evident in female whiteflies. High levels of vitellogenin and vitellin did not inhibit flight activity. In fact, we generally found higher levels of egg proteins in long-distance fliers and in premigratory individuals than in short-duration fliers and settled individuals.  相似文献   

A cotton-field population of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) was 3–5 times more resistant to an organophosphorous insecticide than two control populations. Esterase activity levels in individuals from the resistant population were considerable lower than in control individuals. The distribution of activity values of large numbers of adults from the cotton field was strongly skewed to the right, while the control populations had symmetrical distributions. This may reflect selection against individuals with high EST activity. Control populations are almost fixed for a fast esterase allozyme, which preferentially cleaves -Naphthyl Acetate. In field populations the alternative slow allozyme, which prefers the -form of the substrate, is dominant. Low EST activity may be used as a marker for resistant individuals in Israeli B. tabaci.
Résumé La population de l'aleurode, B. tabaci Genn., d'un champ de coton s'est montrée 3 à 5 fois plus résistante aux organophosphorés que 2 populations témoins. Le niveau d'activité des estérases était considérablement plus faible chez les individus de la population résistante que chez les individus des populations témoins. La distribution des activités estérasiques de nombreux adultes du champ de conton étaient biaisée vers la droite, alors qu'elle était symétrique pour les populations témoins, ce qui révèle une sélection à l'encontre des individus ayant une forte activité estérasique. Cette hypothèse est étayée par l'affinité pour le substrat et des preuves électrophorétiques. Une faible activité estérasique peut être utilisée comme marqueur des individus résistants de B. tabaci en Israël.

Abstract. The free-flight behaviour of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae), the sweet potato whitefly, was investigated in a vertical flight chamber. A mercury-vapour lamp presented from above induced a phototactic flight response. Although flight propensity was comparable from 06.00 to 19.00 hours, flight duration was maximum between 06.00 and 10.00 hours. Males flew longer than females and their mean flight duration remained constant throughout the day. Females flew longer from 06.00 to 13.00 hours than from 13.00 to 19.00 hours. Both sexes were capable of sustaining flight for more than 2h, although less than 5% of those tested did so.
Flight activity also was influenced by age and by host quality. The propensity to take off, proportion exhibiting phototactic orientation and flight duration varied with the age of the whitefly. Host quality influenced the timing of flight behaviour. Whiteflies reared on senescing plants exhibited greater take-off rates and initiated longer phototactic flights up to 4 days following adult eclosion when compared to individuals reared on vegetative plants. Thereafter, individuals reared on vegetative plants exhibited greater response levels. Whiteflies reared on vegetative plants weighed more and survived longer than did individuals reared on senescing plants.
Whiteflies that responded to the overhead light initially exhibited a strong photokinetic and phototactic response. Over the course of the flight, these responses declined and flight instability increased, as indicated by an overall decrease in the mean rate of climb, accompanied by an increase in the variability of this parameter and an increase in horizontal displacement. Although males and females displayed similar flight characteristics, females exhibited a greater rate of climb than did males, and for both sexes, individuals that flew longer than 25 min had a greater rate of climb than did individuals that flew for less than 25 min.  相似文献   

本文报道了我国高纬度地区(黑龙江哈尔滨)烟粉虱和温室白粉虱的全年发生过程。连续2年调查结果显示,粉虱在哈尔滨地区只能在温室中越冬,于来年5月大棚的第一茬蔬菜上首先发生,至7月第二茬大棚作物时才在大田有少量(低于300头/百叶)出现,在7月末的部分保护地作物上,粉虱种群密度可达到6000头/百叶;而大棚蔬菜中则以番茄和黄瓜上发生最为严重,少量大棚因此绝收;入秋后又从大田消失。结果显示,我国高纬度省份的保护地(温室和大棚)粉虱为害仍然严重,迫切需要从切断源头和迁移扩散路线进行有效防治。  相似文献   

B型烟粉虱和温室白粉虱在温度逆境下的生存特性比较   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
崔旭红  陈艳华  谢明  万方浩 《昆虫学报》2007,50(12):1232-1238
为了明确B型烟粉虱和温室白粉虱在温度逆境下的生存特性对其种群发展的影响,通过进行高温和低温暴露试验,研究了B型烟粉虱和温室白粉虱卵、伪蛹、成虫在37℃,39℃,41℃,43℃,45℃下暴露1~2 h后的存活率,以及这两种粉虱卵、2~3龄若虫、伪蛹和成虫在2℃下暴露1~12 d后的存活率。结果表明:两种粉虱的卵、伪蛹和成虫在37℃~45℃下暴露1~2 h,其存活率均随着温度的上升而降低;但在相同处理条件下B型烟粉虱3种供试虫态的存活率要高于温室白粉虱。B型烟粉虱在2℃下暴露2~12 d,各供试虫态的存活率迅速下降,卵、2~3龄若虫、伪蛹在2℃下暴露12 d后均不能存活,成虫在2℃下暴露4 d后也全部死亡;而温室白粉虱卵、伪蛹在2℃下暴露12 d后其存活率还能超过45%,成虫在2℃下暴露7 d后仍有80.9%能够存活。结果说明,B型烟粉虱和温室白粉虱对温度逆境的适应性存在差异,B型烟粉虱对高温的适应性要高于温室白粉虱;温室白粉虱对高温敏感,但对低温的适应性要显著高于B型烟粉虱。据此推测,两种粉虱对温度逆境适应性的差异是导致其种群发生存在差异的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

为了探明B型烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci B-biotype 和温室白粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum体内的碱性磷酸酶(alkaline phosphatase,ALP)在两者竞争替代中所起的作用,以对硝基苯磷酸二钠 (pNPP)为底物,采用个体测定和群体测定的方法,研究比较了2种粉虱不同虫态中该酶的性质。结果表明:2种粉虱的碱性磷酸酶比活力在整个发育历期均逐渐增加,成虫期达到最大。温室白粉虱2至4龄若虫(伪蛹)期的碱性磷酸酶比活力分别是B型烟粉虱对应龄期酶比活力的2.58、2.68和3.14倍; B型烟粉虱雌雄成虫的碱性磷酸酶比活力分别是温室白粉虱雌雄成虫酶比活力的1.24和1.26倍,且2种粉虱雌虫的酶比活力显著大于其雄虫。2种粉虱2龄若虫到成虫的碱性磷酸酶最适pH均为7.8,最适温度均为47℃;在1龄若虫中均未能检测到该酶活性。测定并比较2种粉虱不同虫态碱性磷酸酶动力学特征参数的结果显示,温室白粉虱碱性磷酸酶在3、4龄若虫的亲和力以及在2, 3, 4龄若虫的酶蛋白浓度均显著大于B型烟粉虱的对应值,而在成虫期2种粉虱的亲和力、酶蛋白浓度无差异,B型烟粉虱的活化能显著小于温室白粉虱。据此推测,B型烟粉虱利用碱性磷酸酶在若虫期进行组织骨化和生长发育不如温室白粉虱,但羽化为成虫后利用其进行解毒代谢则可能强于温室白粉虱。  相似文献   

In order to identify the whitefly molting hormone, whole body extracts of mature 4th instar and newly formed pharate adult Bemisia tabaci (Biotype B) and Trialeurodes vaporariorum were prepared and subjected to reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (RPHPLC). Ecdysteroid content of fractions was determined by enzymeimmunoassay (EIA). The only detectable ecdysteroids that were present in significant amounts in whitefly extracts were ecdysone and 20-hydroxyecdysone. The concentrations of 20-hydroxyecdysone in B. tabaci and T. vaporariorum extracts, respectively, were 40 and 15 times greater than the concentrations of ecdysone. The identity of the two ecdysteroids was confirmed by normal phase high performance liquid chromatography (NPHPLC). When ecdysteroid content of RPHPLC fractions was assayed by radioimmunoassay (RIA), small amounts of polar ecdysteroids were also detected indicating that these ecdysteroids have a very low affinity for the antiserum used in the EIA. Ecdysteroid at 10.4 mM administered by feeding stimulated 2nd instar whitefly nymphs to molt. Based on our results, it appears that 20-hydroxyecdysone is the whitefly molting hormone.  相似文献   

Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) is a species complex that is one of the most devastating agricultural pests worldwide and affects a broad range of food, fiber and ornamental crops. Unfortunately, using parsimony and neighbor joining methods, global phylogenetic relationships of the major races/biotypes of B. tabaci remain unresolved. Aside from the limitations of these methods, phylogenetic analyses have been limited to only small subsets of the global collection of B. tabaci, and thus limited taxon sampling has confounded the analyses. To improve our understanding of global B. tabaci phylogenetic relationships, a Bayesian phylogenetic technique was utilized to elucidate the relationships among all COI DNA sequence data available in GenBank for B. tabaci worldwide (366 specimens). As a result, the first well-resolved phylogeny for the B. tabaci species complex was produced showing 12 major well-resolved (0.70 posterior probability or above) genetic groups: B. tabaci (Mediterranean/Asia Minor/Africa), B. tabaci (Mediterranean), B. tabaci (Indian Ocean), B. tabaci (sub-Saharan Africa silverleafing), B. tabaci (Asia I), B. tabaci (Australia), B. tabaci (China), B. tabaci (Asia II), B. tabaci (Italy), B. tabaci (New World), B. tabaci (sub-Saharan Africa non-silverleafing) and B. tabaci (Uganda sweet potato). Further analysis of this phylogeny shows a close relationship of the New World B. tabaci with Asian biotypes, and characteristics of the major sub-Saharan Africa non-silverleafing clade strongly supports an African origin of B. tabaci due to its position at the base of the global phylogeny, and the diversity of well-resolved sub-clades within this group. Bayesian re-analyses of B. tabaci ITS, COI, and a combined dataset from a previous study resulted in seven major well-resolved races with high posterior probabilities, also showing the utility of the Bayesian method. Relationships of the 12 major B. tabaci genetic groups are discussed herein.  相似文献   

The activities of antioxidative enzymes and the concentration of malondialdehyde were assayed in cucumber leaves (Cucumis sativus L.) 0, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72, and 96 h after the cucumber seedlings were infested by Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius). The results indicated that the activities of antioxidative enzymes were increased after herbivore infestation, including superoxide dismutase (SOD), and peroxidase (POD), and the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), which is a product of membrane lipid peroxidation in the leaves. The enzymes and MDA showed peaks of different activity levels at 24 and 48 h after the infestation. SOD activity reached the highest peak, 10.4% higher than control, at 24 h, POD activity reached the highest peak, 213.2% higher than control, at 6 h, catalase (CAT) activity was not statistically significant compared with the control, and MDA content reached the highest peak, 59.9% higher than control, at 48 h. The results suggested that the enhanced activities of antioxidative enzymes and MDA content may contribute to bioprotection of cucumber plants against B. tabaci infestation. Handling editor: Henryk Czosnek  相似文献   

A series of experiments were conducted to characterize patterns of eclosion by Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) to their adult stage and to determine how these patterns are influenced by certain environmental parameters. Under a constant temperature of 29.5±0.6°C and a photoperiod of 14:10LD, 90% of the adults emerged from their pupal cases between 0600 and 0930 h (with lights on occurring at 0600 h). Few emerged during hours of darkness. The peak time of adult emergence was delayed when temperatures were fluctuated. Under a series of constant temperatures, a significant inverse correlation was found between the time of median emergence (i.e., eclosion of 50% of the total number of adults) and temperature (P<0.001). No emergence was observed at temperatures below 17±0.3°C. Emergence patterns persisted under conditions of continuous light and continuous darkness, suggesting the presence of a circadian system.
Zusammenfassung Um das Verständnis über den Lebenslauf von Bemisia tabaci zu ergänzen, wurde eine Serie von Experimenten durchgeführt, deren Zweck die Charakterisierung des Ausschlüpfvorgangs in das Endstadium war und die Feststellung, wie dieser Vorgang von gewissen Umweltparametern beeinflusst wird. Bei einer konstanten Temperatur von 29.5±0.6°C und einem Beleuchtungszyklus von 14: 10 LD (Licht/Dunkelheit) schlüpften 90% der Ausgewachsenen zwischen 0600 Uhr and 0930 Uhr (ab 0600 Uhr mit Licht) aus ihren Puppenhüllen aus. Wenig Ausschlüpfen geschah während der unbeleuchteten Stunden. Der Höhepunkt des Ausschlüpfens wurde bei wechselnden Temperaturen verschoben. Bei einer Serie von gleichbleibenden Temperaturen wurde eine bedeutende inverse Korrelation zwischen der medianen Ausschlüpfzeit (d.h. 50% der gesamten Ausgewachsenen schlüpften aus) und der Temperatur festgestellt (P<0.001). Kein Ausschlüpfen wurde beobachtet bei Temperaturen unter 17°C. Das Ausschlüpfschema war gleichbleibend bei dauerndem Licht oder dauernder Dunkelheit, was auf das Vorhandensein eines circadianen Systems hinweist.

We tested the hypothesis that two populations of the parasitoid Encarsia formosa Gahan (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) differed in their behavioral interactions with the whitefly host Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). The two wasp populations were studied because previous work suggested large differences between the populations in performance on this host. In this study the populations differed behaviorally in both the number of hosts encountered and their reactions to hosts once encountered. The population reared for many years on Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) that previously performed more poorly on B. tabaci had a higher host encounter rate but rejected hosts more frequently. The population reared for a number of years on B. tabaci encountered fewer hosts but accepted a higher percentage of hosts for oviposition. The number of parasitized hosts did not differ between the two populations, however. These data demonstrate that there are heritable differences between these two populations of asexual wasps in host-associated behavioral traits. These behavioral differences in host acceptance do not explain performance differences seen in the earlier study, however, possibly due to different conditions between the two experiments.  相似文献   

Gerling  D. 《BioControl》1985,30(2):163-165
BioControl - Parasitoids ofBemisia tabaci were collected in Kenya, Malawi and Zimbabwe. The 2 principal species encountered wereEretmocerus mundus andEncarsia sublutea. Rates of parasitism varied,...  相似文献   

Laboratory bioassays were conducted to determine host plant effect on pathogenicity of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuill. (Ascomycota: Hypocreales) to the sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). Fourth instar B. tabaci reared on cucumber, tomato, melon, green pepper, potato, eggplant, marrow, cabbage, bean or cotton, were treated with 1 × 107 conidia/ml B. bassiana EABb 93/14-Tp isolate. Mortality caused by B. bassiana significantly increased with time and it was significantly affected by the host plant on which the nymphs were reared. Mean mortality of nymphs 8 days after inoculation ranged between 52.3±7.3 for nymphs reared on cotton and 91.8±5.8 for nymphs reared on cucumber. Average survival times of nymphs treated with the fungal suspensions were also significantly influenced by the host plant, with a mean of 4.7±0.1 days for nymphs reared on cucumber, 6.6±0.2 days for cotton and 6.9±0.1 days for green pepper. The production of newly formed conidia was also affected by host plant and varied from 111000±8600 conidia/cadaver for nymphs reared on cotton to 597000±28000 conidia/cadaver for those reared on melon.  相似文献   

Five different primer combinations were used for the analysis of 152 B biotype Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) individuals and five Trialeurodes vaporairiorum individuals collected from 19 counties and seven host plants in Shanxi province in China, respectively. The main objective of the present study was to use AFLP markers to determine the genetic diversity of B. tabaci populations collected from Shanxi Province. The use of these primer combinations allowed the identification of 127 polymorphic bands (52.26%) from 60 to 500 bp. The average number of polymorphic bands per primer was 25.4 while the range for the five primers was 20–32. The average degree of heterozygosity was 0.251, while the range for the five primers was 0.204–0.289. The results suggested definite genetic diversity among different B. tabaci populations. Cluster analysis showed that B. tabaci populations were firstly scattered to three genetic groups according to the regions, then every genetic group was scattered to several subgroups according to the host plants, which revealed the genetic variability of B biotype B. tabaci populations has been not only among different regions, but also among different host plants in Shanxi Province.  相似文献   

褚栋  王斌  张四海  陶云荔  刘国霞 《昆虫知识》2008,45(1):154-155,F0002
介绍能够快速鉴别2种形态相似的重要农业害虫即烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)和温室白粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum(Westwood)成虫的方法——复眼镜检法及其应用。复眼镜检法研究表明,烟粉虱成虫上部复眼、下部复眼之间有一个小眼连接,而温室白粉虱成虫上部复眼、下部复眼是完全分离的。  相似文献   

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