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从广州朱槿上分离到病毒分离物G6,全序列测定结果表明,G6 DNA-A全长为2 737个核苷酸.序列比较显示,G6 DNA-A与木尔坦棉花曲叶病毒(CLCuMV)各分离物的同源率均大于89%,其中与CLCuMV-[62]的同源率最高(96.1%),与拉贾斯坦棉花曲叶病毒(CLCuRV)的同源率87.1%~89.8%,而与其他菜豆金色花叶病毒属病毒同源率均在87%以下.DNA-A系统进化关系分析显示,G6与CLCuMV各分离物的亲缘关系最近,聚在一起形成一个分支,而与其他几种双生病毒的亲缘关系相对较远.利用DNAβ特异引物β01和β02,从G6中扩增到卫星DNA分子(DNAβ).序列分析结果表明,G6 DNAβ全长1 346个核苷酸,推导其互补链上编码一个ORF(C1).序列比较结果表明,G6 DNAβ与CLCuMV DNAβ的同源率最高(92.1%),与CLCuRV DNAβ的同源率为88.7%,而与其他已报道的DNAβ的同源率均在80%以下.DNAβ系统进化关系分析显示,G6 DNAβ与CLCuMV DNAβ形成一个独立的分支,再与CLCuRV及MYVV-[Y47]的DNAβ形成一个较大分支.从上述研究结果可以得出,侵染广东朱槿的病毒分离物G6应该是CLCuMV一个分离物.  相似文献   

为明确棉花粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis对扶桑Hibiscus rosa-sinensis感染的木尔坦棉花曲叶病毒(CLCuMV)的传播风险,本文应用PCR方法研究了棉花粉蚧获取、存留和传播CLCuMV的规律和能力。结果表明棉花粉蚧各取食危害虫期均可获取、携带CLCuMV,获取病毒所需时间为2-48 h,虫体内病毒最多可存留312 h;但是,粉蚧体内病毒无法侵染健康扶桑,亦不会经卵或者交配进行垂直和水平传播。本研究证明了棉花粉蚧不能传播CLCuMV,为防治该虫、该病毒病提供了依据。  相似文献   

木尔坦棉花曲叶病毒(Cotton leaf curl Multan virus,CLCu Mu V)是引起世界范围内棉花曲叶病流行的主要病原之一,目前已入侵我国广东、广西、海南、福建、云南等地区。该病害由烟粉虱传播,随着烟粉虱扩散范围增加、危害不断加重,棉花曲叶病对我国棉花生产的潜在危害也日益增加。加强该病毒传播介体携带病毒的快速、特异性检测技术研发,对该病害的有效检疫与防控具有重要意义。本研究基于木尔坦棉花曲叶病毒(CLCu Mu V)的基因序列设计出LAMP检测4条特异性引物,建立LAMP扩增体系并优化扩增条件,扩增试验证明引物组合的特异性高,LAMP检测所需时间短,仅29 min即可定性检测CLCu Mu V扩增产物;该方法较普通PCR的扩增灵敏度高,可用于检测1头烟粉虱体内是否携带CLCu Mu V,简便易行,只通过颜色变绿或浊度变浑浊即可定性判断。建立的LAMP检测技术可被用于苗木上烟粉虱携带CLCu Mu V的早期检测,为介体昆虫带毒的检疫监测提供一种快速、准确和易操作的新技术。  相似文献   

【目的】棉花曲叶病是棉花生产上的一种重要的病毒病害,在巴基斯坦和印度等国家地区大面积流行,造成严重的经济损失。近年在中国广西南宁的棉花田间发现了棉花曲叶病害,在广西的黄秋葵中也发生了曲叶病,二者的病原均为木尔坦棉花曲叶病毒(Cotton Leaf Curl Multan Virus,CLCuMV),为了对这2个病害有更深的了解,本文对该双生病毒伴随的DNA小分子进行测序分析。【方法】分别从广西南宁地区感染CLCuMV的3棵棉花和3棵黄秋葵中提取总DNA,用CLCuMV DNAβ的特异引物进行PCR扩增,将产物分离纯化并克隆测序,进行序列比对分析。【结果】从棉花曲叶病害中分离得到了1384 nt的新型重组DNA分子,以及从黄秋葵曲叶病害中分离得到了754 nt的新型缺失型DNA分子。研究结果表明1384 nt重组分子是由CLCuMV GX1的DNA-A和DNAβ重组而成。重组分子大部分来源于CLCuMV的DNA-A,包含基因间隔区,附近的部分AV2和AC1基因,以及反向互补的部分AC3基因。其余部分来源于伴随的DNAβ,包含A-rich区域。分析拼接片段的附近序列,发现接头部分含有2-3个共同碱基,推测为重组作用发生的位点。与以前报道的在实验室中产生的CLCuMV重组分子进行比较显示,DNA-A的基因间隔区和DNAβ的A-rich区在重组过程中非常保守。另外,754 nt的重组小分子是由CLCuMV Okra1 DNAβ缺失突变产生,缺失了大部分的编码C1蛋白开放阅读框(Open Reading Frame,ORF)以及小部分的A-rich区。【结论】本研究在自然条件下分离到了来源于CLCuMV和卫星DNAβ的重组分子,以及DNAβ缺陷型分子。这2种重组小分子以前未见报道,这也是在中国发现的棉花曲叶病毒中首次发现重组分子。这种基因组变异现象在棉花曲叶病毒的进化和寄主适应过程中可能有重要的意义。  相似文献   

双生病毒 (Geminivirus)是一种具有孪生颗粒形态的单链环状DNA植物病毒[1] 。根据基因组结构特征及传播介体 ,双生病毒可分为三个亚组[1] :亚组Ⅰ双生病毒全部为叶蝉传播的单组份基因组病毒 ,基因组大小在 2 .6~ 2 .8kb之间 ,其代表病毒是玉米条纹病毒 (MSV) ;亚组Ⅱ双生病毒是单组份基因组病毒 ,基因组大小在 2 .7~ 3.0kb之间 ;亚组Ⅲ双生病毒全部为粉虱 (Bemisiatabaci)传播 ,基因组大小为 2 .5~ 2 .8kb ,除番茄曲叶病毒TLCV AUS[2 ] 等几个病毒为单组份基因组外 ,大多数亚组Ⅲ双生病病毒…  相似文献   

棉花曲叶病毒启动子在根癌土壤杆菌中的表达活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
棉花曲叶病毒(CLCuV)是一种单链DNA病毒,属于双生病毒亚组Ⅲ,检测了双生病毒双向启动子在根癌土壤杆菌(Agrobacterium turnefaciens(Smith et Townsend) Conn()LBA4404中的活性,研究发现在根癌土壤杆菌中CLCuV双向启动子的互补链启动子活性高于病毒链启动子,其在土壤杆菌中驱动的GUS活性为CaMV 35S启动子驱动的GUS活性的2倍,同时,通过对一系列CLCuV双向启动子的互补链5′端缺失体在土壤杆菌中的活性分析表明-287bp上游可能存在一负调控元件,该元件的缺失可使启动子活性达全长启动子的4倍之多,还讨论了CLCuV互补链启动子所亿的其他顺式元件的功能。  相似文献   

云南番茄曲叶病是由烟草曲茎病毒引起的   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
从云南省德宏田间表现曲叶症状的番茄植株上分离到病毒分离物Y41,采集的带病植株在实验室可经烟粉虱(Bemisia tabaci)传播到健康的番茄.用针对非洲木薯花叶病毒(ACMV)、印度木薯花叶病毒(ICMV)及秋葵曲叶病毒(OLCV)的15种单抗对病样进行TAS-ELISA检测,结果表明,番茄曲叶病是由菜豆金色花叶病毒属(Begomovirus)病毒引起的,但其抗原表位型与我国广西报道的中国番茄黄化曲叶病毒(TYLCCV)不同.对Y41进行DNA-A全序列测定和分析表明,Y41 DNA-A全长2743个核苷酸,共编码6个ORF,其中病毒链编码AV1和AV2两个ORF,互补链编码AC1、AC2、AC3和AC4 4个ORF.对Y41及其它双生病毒CP进行同源性比较及系统进化关系分析表明,Y41属于"旧世界"的粉虱传双生病毒,与我国报道的烟草曲茎病毒(TCSV)及印度报道的番茄曲叶Karnataka病毒(ToLCKV)同源性最高,达到98.8%.进一步比较基因组发现,Y41与TCSV AV1、AV2、AC1、AC2、AC3、AC4各ORF同源性分别为98.8%、96.6%、86.4%、93.3%、89.6%和89.7%,基因间隔区(IR)、DNA-A同源性分别为92.1%和93.4%,且在基因间隔区内含有相似的重复子序列及排列方式.这些结果表明:Y41是TCSV在自然条件下侵染番茄的一个分离物.  相似文献   

【背景】2006年我国广东地区发现由木尔坦棉花曲叶病毒(CLCu Mu V)侵染引起的朱槿曲叶病,但有关该病害在朱槿植物上的发病率、传播介体——烟粉虱隐种的组成尚未见报道。【方法】在广东省广州和清远地区对感染CLCu Mu V的朱槿植株进行抽样调查;利用mt COⅠ引物扩增鉴定烟粉虱隐种种群组成。【结果】调查表明,广州和清远地区朱槿上CLCu Mu V的发病率分别为53.98%~71.78%和38.42%~45.27%。烟粉虱种群均为MEAM1和AsiaⅡ7隐种的混合种群;广州地区烟粉虱种群中AsiaⅡ7隐种的比例为6.25%~17.71%,清远地区AsiaⅡ7隐种的比例为76.25%~89.17%。【结论与意义】随着带病植株种植范围的扩大以及可传毒烟粉虱隐种的扩散,CLCu Mu V很有可能大范围扩散流行,应做好防控监测工作。  相似文献   

双生病毒(Geminivirus)是一种具有孪生颗粒形态的单链环状DNA植物病毒[1].根 据基因组结构特征及传播介体,双生病毒可分为三个亚组[1]:亚组Ⅰ双生病毒全 部为叶蝉传播的单组份基因组病毒,基因组大小在2.6~2.8kb之间,其代表病毒是玉米条纹病毒(MSV);亚组Ⅱ双生病毒是单组份基因组病毒,基因组大小在2.7~3.0kb之间;亚组Ⅲ双生病毒全部为粉虱(Bemisiatabaci)传播,基因组大小为2.5~2.8kb,除番茄曲叶病毒TLCV -AUS [2]等几个病毒为单组份基因组外,大多数亚组Ⅲ双生病病毒均为双组份基因组,稍大的组份叫DNA A,一般编码四个基因,稍小的组份叫DNA B,编码二个基因.烟草曲叶病 毒(TbLCV)和番茄黄化曲叶病毒(TYLCV)都属于双生病毒亚组Ⅲ[3,4].  相似文献   

An epidemic outbreak of severe yellow leaf curl disease was reported in field grown tomato within Zhejiang Province of China in the autumn–winter cropping season of 2006. A molecular diagnostic survey was carried out based on comparisons of partial and complete viral DNA sequences. Comparison of partial DNA‐A sequences amplified with degenerate primers specific for begomoviruses confirmed the presence of two types of begomoviruses. The complete DNA sequences of five isolates, corresponding to the two types, were determined. Sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analysis revealed that they correspond to two previously identified begomoviruses, Tomato yellow leaf curl virus and Tomato leaf curl Taiwan virus. The satellite DNAβ molecule was not detected in these samples by either PCR or Southern blot hybridization analysis. There has been no previous report of geminivirus disease incidence in Zhejiang Province, indicating that the introduction of these two tomato infecting geminiviruses into the agro‐ecological zone of South‐eastern China is a fairly recent event. The implications for disease control are discussed.  相似文献   

Cotton leaf curl virus disease reduces the cotton yield significantly every year and is transmitted by Bemisia tabaci. The study was designed to evaluate 15 varieties/lines against the disease. Multiple regression analysis was performed based on a-biotic environmental variables (maximum air temperature, minimum air temperature, relative humidity and rainfall) to predict disease incidence and its vector (Bemisia tabaci). Two bio-products were evaluated against the whitefly population to control the disease. Out of 15 cotton varieties/lines, no one was found highly resistant against the disease. Five varieties/lines (BT BT-980, BT-457, KIRAN, BT-666 and SLH-BT-6) exhibited moderately resistant response. Maximum air temperature (34–35.5 °C), minimum temperature (25.75–26.25 °C), relative humidity (64.14–66%), rainfall (1–2 mm) and wind speed (5.50–5.75 Kmh?1) favoured the disease development. Maximum whitefly population was favoured by maximum air temperature from 34–35.5 °C, 25.8–26.2 °C minimum air temperature, 64.14–66% relative humidity, 1–2 mm from rainfall and 5.50–5.75 Kmh?1 wind speed. Datura stramonium was found more effective as compared to Aviara (Homoeopathic) but not from the positive control (Acetamiprid).  相似文献   

Cotton is an important crop and its production is affected by various disease pathogens. Monopartite begomovirus associated betasatellites cause Cotton leaf curl disease (CLCuD) in Northern India. In order to access the occurrence and genetic variability of Cotton leaf curl betasatellites, an extensive field survey was conducted in states of Rajasthan, Punjab and Haryana. We selected the betasatellite sequence for analysis as they are reported as important for disease severity and sequence variability. Based on the field observations, the disease incidence ranged from 30% to 80% during the survey. Full genome and DNA β were amplified from various samples while no amplicon was obtained in some samples. The nucleotide sequence homology ranged from 90.0% to 98.7% with Cotton leaf curl virus (CLCuV), 55.2–55.5% with Bhendi yellow vein mosaic virus, 55.8% with Okra leaf curl virus and 51.70% with Tomato leaf curl virus isolates. The lowest similarity (47.8%) was found in CLCuV-Sudan isolate. Phylogenetic analysis showed that analyzed isolates formed a close cluster with various CLCuV isolates reported earlier. The analysis results show sequence variation in Cotton leaf curl betasatellite which could be the result of recombination. The results obtained by genome amplification and sequence variability indicate that some new variants are circulating and causing leaf curl disease in Rajasthan, Punjab and Haryana.Abbreviations: CLCuD, Cotton leaf curl disease; CLCuV, Cotton leaf curl virus; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; SCR, satellite conserved region  相似文献   

Two virus isolates (OY77 and OY81B) from okra plants showing yellow vein mosaic, downward curling and vein twisting symptoms were collected from different farmer's fields in Karnal, Haryana state, India. The genomes of the two isolates were amplified, cloned, sequenced and analysed. The analysis indicated that the isolates are similar with 89.2% nucleotide sequence identity. Based on the current threshold cut-off value for taxonomy distinguishing the genus begomoviruses species from strains, the two isolates are designated as strains of Cotton leaf curl Alabad virus (CLCuAV) which shared nucleotide sequence identity of >90% with CLCuAV infecting cotton in Pakistan. Phylogenetic and recombination analyses of the major genome component of OY77 and OY81B is derived from different begomviruses (CLCuAV, BYVMV, CLCuMuV) as the foremost parents for evolution of these new recombinant strains.  相似文献   

Leaf curl disease caused by Cotton Leaf Curl Burewala virus (CLCuBuV) has been recognized as serious threat to cotton in Indian subcontinent. However, information about cotton–CLCuBuV interaction is still limited. In this study, the level of phenolic compounds, total soluble proteins, and malondialdehyde (MDA) and the activities of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), peroxidase (POX), catalase (CAT), proteases, superoxide dismutase (SOD), and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) were studied in leaves of two susceptible (CIM-496 & NIAB-111) and two resistant (Ravi and Co Tiep Khac) cotton genotypes. Disease symptoms were mild in the resistant genotypes but were severe in highly susceptible genotypes. The results showed that phenolic compounds, proteins, PAL, POX, CAT, proteases, SOD, PPO, and MDA play an active role in disease resistance against CLCuBuV. The amount of total phenols, proteases, MDA, and PPO was significantly higher in leaves of CLCuBuV-inoculated plants of both resistant genotypes as in non-inoculated plants, and decreased in CLCuBuV-inoculated plants of both susceptible genotypes over their healthy plants. POX, protein content, SOD, and PAL activities showed lower values in resistant genotypes, while they decreased significantly in susceptible genotypes as compared to the noninoculated plants except PAL, which showed non-significant decrease. CAT was found to be increased in both susceptible and resistant genotypes with maximum percent increase in resistant genotype Ravi, as compared to non-inoculated plants. The results showed significantly higher concentrations of total phenols and higher activity of protease, MDA, SOD, and PPO in resistant genotype Ravi after infection with CLCuBuV, suggesting that there is a correlation between constitutive induced levels of these enzymes and plant resistance that could be considered as biochemical markers for studying plant-virus compatible and incompatible interactions.  相似文献   

Cultures of Bemisia tabaci from Ivory Coast (IC), Pakistan (PK) and USA (US B-type) were compared for the frequency with which they transmitted three tomato geminivirus isolates: Indian tomato leaf curl virus from Bangalore (ITmLCV), and tomato yellow leaf curl viruses from Nigeria (TYLCV-Nig) and Senegal (TYLCV-Sen). Frequency of transmission from tomato to tomato depended both on the whitefly culture and the virus isolate. US B-type and IC whiteflies transmitted TYLCV-Sen more frequently than ITmLCV whereas PK whiteflies transmitted ITmLCV more frequently than TYLCV-Sen. US B-type whiteflies transmitted both viruses four to nine times more frequently than IC whiteflies. TYLCV-Nig was transmitted rarely by US B-type and not at all by IC whiteflies. Previous work indicates that the geminivirus coat protein controls vector transmissibility. The differential adaptation of TYLCV-Sen to transmission by US B-type whiteflies and of ITmLCV to PK whiteflies was associated with a large difference in epitope profile of the coat proteins of the two viruses. Also, the readily transmissible TYLCV-Sen differed appreciably in epitope profile from the poorly transmissible TYLCV-Nig, which reached a consistently greater concentration in source tissues but lacked epitope 18. However, the lack of epitope 18 in ITmLCV did not prevent its transmission by US B-type whiteflies. Differences in frequency and specificity of geminivirus transmission by whitefly cultures from different countries therefore were associated with differences among epitope profiles of the coat proteins of the viruses, but the structural features of the proteins that control transmission remain to be determined.  相似文献   

番茄黄化曲叶病毒的快速分子检测   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Li CB  Cui YL  Zhang LY  Li CY 《遗传》2012,34(3):366-370
番茄黄化曲叶病毒是当前世界范围内危害番茄生产的毁灭性病害。文章针对番茄黄化曲叶病毒全基因组序列的特异区段自主设计了1对特异性PCR引物(上游引物TYLCV-F:5′-ACGCATGCCTCTAATCCAGTGTA-3′,下游引物TYLCV-R:5′-CCAATAAGGCGTAAGCGTGTAGAC-3′),依据PCR扩增特异片段543 bp的有无可以快速、准确、高效、特异地检测出是否感染了TYLCV病毒,这项技术可以方便地应用到工厂化育苗的带毒性检测、蔬菜大规模生产中植株发病情况的快速检测以及抗病毒育种,从而为蔬菜安全可持续生产提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

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