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在我国农业生产中,有机磷农药大量用于果蔬中,成为广谱、高效的病虫害防治手段.然而,由于有机磷农药长期不合理及过量使用,造成农作物、土壤和水等环境介质中出现有机磷农药或是其代谢物的残留,对消费者的健康产生极大威胁,农药残留问题已成为威胁食品安全的重大隐患.开发检测环境介质中有机磷农药残留的高灵敏和高准确性的方法具有极其重...  相似文献   

农用化学品污染对土壤微生物群落DNA序列多样性影响研究   总被引:34,自引:2,他引:32  
姚健  杨永华  沈晓蓉  陆维忠 《生态学报》2000,20(6):1021-1027
采用RAPD分子遗传标记技术研究了农用化学品不同使用环境下的4种土壤微生物群落DNA序列多样性的变化。结果表明,4种土壤微生物群落DNA序列在其丰富度、多样性指数、均匀度等方面均存在差异;农用化学品的使用会对土壤微生物群落在DNA分子水平上的多样性产生影响;而冰同的农用化学品对土壤微生物群落DNA序列多样性影响各不相同:化肥污染会引起某些土壤微生物的富集和一些微生物物种的丧失;农药杂会引起土壤微生  相似文献   

40年代化肥和化学合成农药兴起后,人们过多的寄托于化肥和农药,忽略了生物防治工作。当前延边地区绝大部分水稻田,由于多年来有机肥施用量很少,而单纯增施氮素化肥,使土壤硬化,肥力趋于下降。为消灭稻田杂草,使用多种化学除草剂,造成环境污染,破坏了生态平衡,对农业生产产生新的危害。我们通过几年的试验表明,稻田养萍可增加土壤的营养物质和抑制稻田杂草,也是防治环境污染的有效办法。一、养萍对稻田土壤的影响根据珲春县镇郊公社英子大队第二生产队稻田养萍的调  相似文献   

1 引  言在农业生态系统中 ,农业管理 (如化肥、农药等农用化学品的施用等 )对土壤线虫群落组成及多样性产生了显著影响[2~ 4,7] .线虫是农田土壤中的生物因子 ,对植物的生长可以产生直接或间接的影响 .植物寄生线虫对植物的影响主要包括 3种方式 :1)通过在植物的根部取食 ,直接影响植物的营养状况 ,造成植物营养不良 ;2 )通过其口针的穿刺过程 ,传播植物病毒 ,引起植物病毒病 ;3)通过线虫取食植物根部造成的伤口 ,引起与其它植物病原物的复合侵染 .非植物寄生线虫多数是自由生活的线虫 ,在有人为影响的农田中主要是腐生线虫参与土壤中…  相似文献   

我国农业环境问题及其防治对策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从农业自然资源、生态环境破坏现状及环境污染3方面对我国农业环境问题现状进行了系统的总结,并对其产生原因进行了初步分析,在此基础上提出防治对策。总体上看,我国农业自然资源短缺且受污染严重;农业生态破坏较为严重;由化肥、农药和农膜等农业投入品造成的面源污染日趋严重;秸秆处置不当、畜禽养殖污染、农村生活污染控制不力造成的环境污染日益严重,乡镇企业及城镇污染向农村的转移又进一步使农业环境恶化。我国农业环境问题的产生很大程度上与部分农业政策的实施有关;此外,农业环境保护立法不完善、执法不力以及农村环境保护意识淡薄、环境管理体系不完善等也是其产生的主要原因。基于以上原因,提出解决农业环境问题的如下对策措施:开展农业政策战略环境评价;重视生态建设,推动资源高效利用,发展生态农业;合理控制农用化学品投入,实施种植业清洁生产;加强畜禽养殖污染控制监管;制定激励机制,减轻农业面源污染;建立健全农村环境污染监管机制;加强宣传教育,增强农民环境保护意识。  相似文献   

农药的发展与人类的健康   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
农药与人类的健康密切相关,它是造成人类疾病增多的原因之一,也是人们谈论的热点话题之一,人们往往把“农药”视为“毒药”。本文通过介绍常用农药给环境和人类健康造成的危害,提出在“白色农业”的发展下,应大力开发和使用微生物农药,逐步消除农药产生的公害问题,以纠正人们对农药的片面认识。  相似文献   

害虫防治的重要性和艰巨性害虫给农作物和人类健康所造成的危害是巨大的。在长期生产实践中,人们已经发展了各种方法来控制害虫,其中包括农业防治、化学药剂防治、生物防治(应用微生物杀虫剂和天敌昆虫)、物理防治和遗传防治等防治和技术。但是这些方法的使用都有一定的局限性和副作用,有的甚至造成了严重后果。例如作为目前生产中占主导地位的化学药剂防治,已给人类带来了很大麻烦,害虫对化学农药产生抗性,导致农药的  相似文献   

近几年来,随着人们环境保护意识的增强,对食品卫生也更为重视。很多人在谈论食品的污染问题,认为引起蔬菜水果等农产品污染的主要原因是农药和化肥的大量使用。希望蔬菜、水果、茶等入口的农作物不打农药、不施化肥。农药的问题是严  相似文献   

农业活动对生物多样性的影响   总被引:43,自引:3,他引:40  
农业生产活动如土地的农业利用、耕作、作物间套种植方式、放牧、农药化肥的使用以及农业动植物遗传改良(包括外来种引入)等是农业生产力提高的重要途径,同时也是影响生物多样性的重要因素之一。土地的不合理开发利用易导致生境破碎、生物多样性下降;大规模的机械耕作导致土壤动植物区系的变化,甚至某些物种的消失;农药(除草剂、杀虫剂等)的高度使用使非靶标动植物受到伤害;品种改良、外来种的引入以及远缘外源遗传物质的利用(如远缘杂交和DNA导入分子育种)在丰富了遗传多样性的同时导致农作物类型和品种的简单化、一些古老的地方种和农家种等传统资源丢失等;而一些合理的农业措施(间套作、实行有机农场等)将有利于生物多样性的保持。农业活动注重的是农业生产力的提高而往往忽视其对农业系统中野生动植物(包括有害和无害)的影响以及野生动植物在维持系统稳定和平衡的作用。本文论述农业活动对生物多样性的影响以及生物多样性保护对提高农业生产力的作用,启示人们采取合理的农业活动方式,合理管理有害生物,减少农业活动对生物多样性的负面影响。  相似文献   

农药与化肥的大量使用已严重威胁到人类的健康.据统计,每年全世界农药的用量高达23亿公斤,每年死于农药中毒的人数在50万人以上.近年来,随着化肥工业的发展及用量的不断增加,无机肥料对环境的污染日益严重.一般情况下,无机肥料施入土壤之后,氮的利用率为20-50%,磷为10-20%,钾为40%左右,剩余部分,被淋溶到江河湖泊中,残留于土壤或通过化学反应进入大气而造成污染.所以,全人类都在关注这一问题.  相似文献   

Intensive agriculture is spectacularly successful since last couple of decades due to the inputs viz; fertilizers and pesticides along with high yielding varieties. The mandate for agriculture development was to feed and adequate nutrition supply to the expanding population by side the agriculture would be entering to into new area of commercial and export orientation. The attention of public health and proper utilization natural resources are also the main issues related with agriculture development. Concern for pesticide contamination in the environment in the current context of pesticide use has assumed great importance [1]. The fate of the pesticides in the soil environment in respect of pest control efficacy, non-target organism exposure and offsite mobility has been given due consideration [2]. Kinetics and pathways of degradation depend on abiotic and biotic factors [6], which are specific to a particular pesticide and therefore find preference. Adverse effect of pesticidal chemicals on soil microorganisms [3], may affect soil fertility [4] becomes a foreign chemicals major issue. Soil microorganisms show an early warning about soil disturbances by foreign chemicals than any other parameters. But the fate and behavior of these chemicals in soil ecosystem is very important since they are degraded by various factors and have the potential to be in the soil, water etc. So it is indispensable to monitor the persistence, degradation of pesticides in soil and is also necessary to study the effect of pesticide on the soil quality or soil health by in depth studies on soil microbial activity. The removal of metabolites or degraded products should be removed from soil and it has now a day’s primary concern to the environmentalist. Toxicity or the contamination of pesticides can be reduced by the bioremediation process which involves the uses of microbes or plants. Either they degrade or use the pesticides by various co metabolic processes.  相似文献   

The environmental deteriorating effects arising from the misuse of pesticides and chemical fertilizers in agriculture has resulted in the pursuit of eco-friendly means of producing agricultural produce without compromising the safety of the environment. Thus, the purpose of this review is to assess the potential of bacteria in termite mound soil to serve as biofertilizer and biocontrol as a promising tool for sustainable agriculture. This review has been divided into four main sections: termite and termite mound soils, bacterial composition in termite mound soil, the role of bacteria in termite mound soil as biofertilizers, and the role of bacteria in termite mound soil as biocontrol. Some bacteria in termite mound soils have been isolated and characterized by various means, and these bacteria could improve the fertility of the soil and suppress soil borne plant pathogens through the production of antibiotics, nutrient fixation, and other means. These bacteria in termite mound soils could serve as a remarkable means of reducing the reliance on the usage of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in farming, thereby increasing crop yield.  相似文献   

化肥和农药的过量使用导致的农业面源污染已经成为我国环境污染的重要组成部分,对农业绿色高效安全生产及设施农业带来了巨大挑战。寻找新型的传统化肥替代品、提高化肥使用效率及保护生态环境是亟待解决的重大问题。生物刺激剂是具有调控植物生长作用的成分和(或)微生物的统称,用于农业生产,可改善土壤理化性质与群落微生物,能促进作物的代谢与生长,增强对营养物质的吸收和利用,提升作物抗逆能力及提高作物产量与产品品质。微藻体内具有结构新颖、功能独特的天然活性物质,是制备新型生物刺激剂的理想来源。微藻用于环境治理的同时,可获得足量的微藻生物质来制备生物刺激剂,从而达到治理环境、降低成本及提质增效的目的。就微藻源生物刺激剂的定义及功能、微藻全细胞和天然活性物质生物刺激剂的制备、应用效果及对植物和土壤的作用原理进行综述,以期为微藻源强效生物刺激剂的规模化制备及农业生产应用奠定理论基础和提供生产实践指导。  相似文献   

农业活动及转基因作物对农田生物多样性的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
农田生物多样性是生态系统生物多样性的重要组成部分,但较少受到关注.近50年来,由于农业活动引起的环境污染、生境破碎和单一化种植等严重威胁着农田生物多样性.为了了解各因素对农田生物多样性的影响程度,优化农田管理措施,以提高农作物产量并降低环境影响,本文综述了种植方式、地膜覆盖、农药和化肥使用等农业活动及转基因作物对我国农田生物多样性的影响.农药和化肥的过度使用对农田生物多样性的影响最大;而转基因作物对农田生物多样性的影响受诸多因素影响,如携带的转基因性状等.需要加强转基因作物生态环境影响评价研究,特别是对农田生物多样性的潜在影响.农业生产活动应当与农田生物多样性保护密切结合,不仅有利于提高农作物产量,同时也可减少对环境的负面影响.  相似文献   

Losses of nitrogen from the soil/plant system not only reduce soil fertility and plant yield but can also create adverse impacts on the environment. Ammonia emissions into the atmosphere contribute to acid rain and represent an indirect source of nitrous oxide greenhouse gas emissions. Nitrate leaching losses into rivers and lakes can cause eutrophication resulting in excessive growth of aquatic weeds and algae, which can reduce fish populations and the recreational value of the water. Nitrate contamination of drinking water supplies can cause health risks. Legislation that is designed to limit nitrate leaching losses from land has become a constraint on agricultural land use in many countries. Nitrous oxide emissions into the atmosphere contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer and also make a significant contribution to climate change. This review describes the nitrogen cycle in temperate soil/plant systems, the processes involved in each of the individual nitrogen loss pathways, the factors affecting the amounts of losses and the methods that are available to reduce these losses. The review has shown that careful management of temperate soil/plant systems using best management practices and newly developed technologies can increase the sustainability of agriculture and reduce its impact on the environment.  相似文献   

In modern agriculture, natural plant communities may be replaced by a single crop species. Weeds, some microorganisms, and viruses, as well as some herbivores are organisms that should be eliminated. Pesticides and fertilizers not only affect the pests and crops, but soil, non-pest species, water, food, and humans. In traditional agriculture weeds are components with an important ecological role in the maintenance of the system. Some weeds have been used as tools to control the growth of other weeds in traditional agroecosystems. Researchers on sustainable and organic agriculture get valuable information from traditional agriculture and currently are conducting research on plant breeding, soil fertility and tillage, crop protection, and cropping systems. Allelopathy and chemical ecology are directly involved in each of these fields and can play an important role in crop productivity, conservation of genetic diversity, and maintenance of ecosystems stability. Allelopathy has been shown to be related with problems of chemical interference between crops and weeds, crops and crops, toxicity of crops and weeds residues, and/or crops and weeds exudates. Problems of autotoxicity, orchard replanting, and forest regeneration are also referred as allelopathic. Allelopathy is strongly coupled with other stresses of the environment, including insects and disease, temperature extremes, nutrient and moisture variables, radiation, and herbicides. These stress conditions often enhance allelochemical production and increase the potential for allelopathic interference. Allelopathy offers potential for weed control through the production and release of allelochemicals from plants. Allelochemicals may impact the availability of nutrients through effects on the symbiotic microbes. Destruction and changes in the use of soils in the tropics have decreased biodiversity, bringing about the loss of valuable natural products. Many different types of useful products such as natural pesticides and drugs can arise from allelopathy studies. New methods must be generated for allelopathy as a part of the biotic resources management strategies.  相似文献   

周松秀  田亚平  刘兰芳 《生态学报》2015,35(6):1991-2002
全球变化背景下的适应性研究引起了广泛关注。南方丘陵区是典型的水稻农业区,研究其农业生态系统适应性尤为重要。采用主成分分析法对衡阳盆地农业生态系统适应能力进行了定量研究,分析不同适应能力区的适应性主要驱动因子。结果表明:适应能力的分布规律为衡阳市区最高,各县域适应能力呈现出盆地中部低、四周高的分布规律。不同适应能力区适应性驱动因子各异,高适应能力区主要驱动因子是经济条件,水热配合条件和灌溉设施是较高适应能力区的主要驱动因子,低适应能力区的主要驱动因子是人口规模和水土保持,热量和地形条件是极低适应能力区的主要驱动因子。高适应能力区因以农药和化肥的施用量为主要驱动因子具有短暂性,较高适应能力区以良好的水热配合条件和灌溉设施作为驱动因子具有可持续性,因而较高适应能力区的发展潜力超过高适应能力区。  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is a critical nutrient that plays an essential role in improving soil fertility for optimum plant growth and productivity. It is one of the most deficient macro-nutrients in agricultural soils after nitrogen and is considered inadequate for plant growth and production. To P availability in soils, the farmers are applying huge amounts of synthetic P fertilizers that adversely affect the wider environment, groundwater, soil fertility and microbial population. Many beneficial microbes are known to release and supply soluble P for improving growth and yield of a variety of plants in a sustainable manner in P deficient soils. Thus, inoculation of these microbes, including arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) to soil to enhance crop production without harming the environment, is an alternative approach to chemical fertilizers. The combined role of AMF and PSB in P solubilization is not well understood and the application and mode of action of these microbial groups are often naive due to variation in the environment. Therefore, the current review article would develop a better understanding of the interactive role and mechanisms of AMF and PSB in improving P availability from both organic and inorganic sources in a sustainable crop production system. Finally, the current review would loop out further avenues for researchers interested to commercially produce effective AMF and PSB-based biofertilizers for sustainable management of phosphorus over a wide range of agricultural crops worldwide.  相似文献   

生物多样性控制作物病害研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨静  施竹凤  高东  刘林  朱有勇  李成云 《遗传》2012,34(11):1390-1398
自然资源的合理利用和生态环境保护是人类实现可持续发展的基础, 生物多样性的研究和保护已成为世界各国普遍关注的重大问题。农作物病害是农业生产上重要的生物灾害, 是制约农业可持续发展的主要因素之一, 抗病品种大面积单一化种植导致了农业生物多样性水平严重降低, 因而农业生物多样性的过度丧失已成为可持续农业所面临的主要难题。利用生物多样性持续控制作物病害能减轻作物病害发生和作物产量损失, 达到保护作物多样性, 减少农药过量施用给农业生态环境造成破坏的最终目的, 而揭示生物多样性控制作物病害的机制能有效地指导生产上对不同作物进行合理布局和轮换, 建立作物不同组合的优化搭配和种植模式。文章从分子、生理和生态水平研究农业生物多样性控制作物病害的机制、以及影响作物多样性控制病害的因素、覆盖作物等几方面对生物多样性控制作物病害的研究进展进行概述, 同时对今后生物多样性控制作物病害机制还需加强的研究部分进行了展望。  相似文献   

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