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A rapid, sensitive method to detect peptidase activity which utilizes an amino acid oxidase-coupled reaction adapted for microassay in wells of disposotrays is described. Susceptible amino acids in the presence of oxidase produce hydrogen peroxide, which combines with dianisidine to give a colored product. Immediately following column chromatography effluent fractions can be scanned simultaneously for peptidase activity toward several substrates. Color production enables direct visualization of relative rates of peptide cleavage as hydrolysis proceeds. This microassay enables one to simultaneously localize peptidases in effluent fractions following chromatography, gain information concerning substrate specificity of each peptidase eluted, and estimate the relative rates of hydrolysis of a given peptide by several enzymes.  相似文献   

P Marcotte  C Walsh 《Biochemistry》1976,15(14):3070-3076
Proparglyglycine (2-amino-4-pentynoate) and vinylglycine (2-amino-3-butenoate) have been examined as substrates and possible inactivators of two flavo enzymes, D-amino acid oxidase from pig kidney and L-amino acid oxidase from Crotalus adamanteus venom. Vinylglycine is rapidly oxidized by both enzymes but only L-amino acid oxidase is inactivated under assay conditions. The loss of activity probably involves covalent modification of an active site residue rather than the flavin adenine dinucleotide coenzyme and occurs once every 20000 turnovers. We have confirmed the recent observation (Horiike, K, Hishina, Y., Miyake, Y., and Yamano, T. (1975) J, Biochem. (Tokyo), 78, 57) that D-proparglglycine is oxidized with a time-dependent loss of activity by D-amino acid oxidase and have examined some mechanistic aspects of this inactivation, The extent of residual oxidase activity, insensitive to further inactivation, is about 2%, at which point 1.7 labels/subunit have been introduced with propargly[2-14C]glycine as substrate. L-Proparglyclycine is a substrate but not an inactivator of L-amino acid oxidase and the product ahat accumulats in the nonnucleophilic N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N'-2-ethanesulfonic acid buffer is acetopyruvate. In the presence of butylamine HCl, a species with lambdaman 317 nm (epsilon = 15 000) accumulates that may be a conjugated eneamine adduct. The same species accumulates from D-amino acid oxidase oxidation of D-propargylglycine prior to inactivation; the inactivated apo D-amino acid oxidase has a new peak at 317 nm that is probably a similar eneamine. A likely inactivating species is 2-keto-3,4-pentadienoate arising from facile rearrangement of the expected initial product 2-keto 4 pentynoate. Vinylglycine and proparglyglycine show inactivation specificity, then, for L-and D-amino acid oxidase, respectively.  相似文献   

L-amino acid oxidase (L-AAO) from Rhodococcus opacus is a highly enantioselective enzyme with a broad substrate specificity that catalyses the oxidation of L-amino acids to keto acids. The lao-gene (AY053450) from R. opacus was cloned into different Escherichia coli and Streptomyces lividans expression vectors. Expression in E. coli resulted in the accumulation of insoluble protein, but S. lividans was a suitable host for the heterologous production of L-AAO. When using the thiostrepton-inducible vector pIlaao, a specific activity of 0.18 Umg(-1) was obtained in the crude extract of S. lividans 1326. For the vector pUlaao, which contains the constitutive ermEp(*) promoter, a specific activity of 0.05 Umg(-1) was reached. Both the wild type and the recombinant L-AAO were purified to homogeneity. The expression systems described here now allow the structural and biochemical analysis of the L-AAO using genetic engineering methods.  相似文献   

An L-amino acid oxidase (LAAO), NA-LAAO, was purified from the venom ofNaja atra. Its N-terminal sequence shows great similarity with LAAOs from other snake venoms. NA- LAAO dose-dependently induced aggregation of washed human platelets. However, it had no activity on platelets in platelet-rich plasma. A low concentration of NA-LAA O greatly promoted the effect of hydrogen peroxide, whereas hydrogen peroxide itself had little activation effect on platelets. NA-LAAO induced tyros'mephosphorylationofanumber ofplatelet proteins including Src kinase, spleen tyrosine kinase, and phospholipase C γ2. Unlike convulxin, Fc receptor γchain and T lymphocyte adapter protein are not phosphorylated in NA-LAAO- activated platelets, suggesting an activation mechanism different from the glycoprotein VI pathway. Catalase inhibited the platelet aggregation and platelet protein phosphorylation induced by NA-LAAO. NA-LAAO bound to fixed platelets as well as to platelet lysates of Western blots. Furthermore, affinity chromatography ofplatelet proteins on an NA-LAAO- Sepharose 4B column isolated a few platelet membrane proteins, suggesting that binding of NA-LAAO to the platelet membrane might play a role in its action on platelets.  相似文献   

A colorimetric nucleic acid sequence-based amplification-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (NASBA-ELISA) was developed for rapid detection and identification of human rotavirus. Oligonucleotide primers targeting gene 9 encoding a serotype-specific antigen VP7 were selected and used for the amplification of viral RNA by the isothermal NASBA process, resulting in the accumulation of biotinylated RNA amplicons. Amplicons were hybridized with a specific amino-linked oligonucleotide probe covalently immobilized on microtiter plates. The DNA-RNA hybrids were colorimetrically detected by the addition of streptavidin-peroxidase conjugate and tetramethylbenzidine substrate. Using the NASBA-ELISA system, as little as 0.2 PFU (4 x 10(1) PFU ml(-1)) and 15 PFU (3 x 10(3) PFU ml(-1)) of rotavirus were detected within 6 h in spiked MQ water and sewage treatment effluent respectively. No interference was encountered in the amplification and detection of rotavirus in the presence of non-target RNA or DNA. Moreover, the presence of non-target bacteria and virus does not generate any non-specific signal, confirming the specificity of the developed NASBA-ELISA system and its effectiveness in specifically detecting rotavirus. The NASBA-ELISA system offers several advantages in terms of sensitivity, rapidity and simplicity. This technique should be readily adaptable for detection of other RNA viruses in both foods and clinical samples.  相似文献   

Boonacker E  Elferink S  Bardai A  Wormmeester J  Van Noorden CJ 《BioTechniques》2003,35(4):766-8, 770, 772 passim
Proteolysis is a regulatory step in many physiological processes, but which proteases in what cellular sites are involved in activation or degradation of which peptides is not well known. We developed a rapid assay consisting of living cells and fluorogenic protease substrates to determine which bioactive peptides are possible natural substrates of a specific protease with the multifunctional or moonlighting protein CD26/dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV) as a model. CD26/DPPIV catalyzes cleavage of peptides from the amino terminus of peptides with proline at the penultimate position. Many biologically active peptides, such as beta-casomorphin1-5, contain proline in the penultimate position. We incubated living Jurkat cells, which are T cells that lack CD26/DPPIV, and CD26/DPPIV-transfected Jurkat cells in the presence of the fluorogenic substrate [Ala-Pro]2-cresyl violet (Magic Red) and beta-casomorphin1-5. Fluorescent cresyl violet was generated by CD26/DPPIV-transfected Jurkat cells but not by wild-type Jurkat cells with a Km of 3.7 microM. beta-Casomorphin1-5 appeared to be a possible natural substrate of CD26/DPPIV, because it inhibited production of fluorescence competitively (Ki = 60 microM). The assay using living cells and a fluorogenic protease substrate is an efficient system to determine whether specific peptides are possible natural substrates of a particular protease.  相似文献   

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