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A T Przybylski 《Bio Systems》1985,17(4):281-288
Such phenomena as electrical polarization across the membrane, electrical discharges, current-voltage characteristics, negative resistance and some light characteristics are described for synthetic cells made of thermal proteinoids. The thermal proteinoid cell is considered as a structural and functional model of the excitable natural cell.  相似文献   

Biological control has been attracting an increasing attention over the last two decades as an environmentally friendly alternative to the more traditional chemical-based control. In this paper, we address robustness of the biological control strategy with respect to fluctuations in the controlling species density. Specifically, we consider a pest being kept under control by its predator. The predator response is assumed to be of Holling type III, which makes the system’s kinetics “excitable.” The system is studied by means of mathematical modeling and extensive numerical simulations. We show that the system response to perturbations in the predator density can be completely different in spatial and non-spatial systems. In the nonspatial system, an overcritical perturbation of the population density results in a pest outbreak that will eventually decay with time, which can be regarded as a success of the biological control strategy. However, in the spatial system, a similar perturbation can drive the system into a self-sustained regime of spatiotemporal pattern formation with a high pest density, which is clearly a biological control failure. We then identify the parameter range where the biological control can still be successful and describe the corresponding regime of the system dynamics. Finally, we identify the main scenarios of the system response to the population density perturbations and reveal the corresponding structure of the parameter space of the system. A. Morozov is on leave from Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Science, Nakhimovsky Prosp. 36, Moscow 117218, Russia.  相似文献   

Abstract. The acronym Developmental systems theory (DST) has been introduced into the literature on development in at least three different contexts in recent years – twice for DST, and before that, for Dynamical Systems Theory – and in all cases, to designate a new perspective for understanding development. Subtle but significant differences in argument and aims distinguish these uses, and confound the difficulty of saying just what DST is. My aim in this paper is to disambiguate these different terms – both to call attention to the difference of perspectives, and to carve out a conceptual space for the concrete issues at stake.  相似文献   

The endocytic system acts at the crossroads of different cellular activities to play a central role in the regulation of cell signaling and membrane dynamics. An European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) conference held in October 2013 in Villars‐sur‐Ollon gathered researchers from all over the world to present their latest findings on the endolysosomal system and identify major challenges for the future. The conference covered the entire spectrum of research in this rapidly evolving field ranging from the cellular mechanics of endocytosis to the role of proteins and lipids in the biogenesis and function of endolysosomal organelles and the analysis of higher order system properties in multicellular contexts. In particular, the meeting highlighted current efforts to complement the insights that can be gained by biochemical and cell biological approaches with the use of quantitative biophysics, systems biology and animal model systems to achieve an integrated view of the properties of the endomembrane system and its role in cellular information processing.  相似文献   

Whilst the most obvious mechanism for a biological invasion is the occupation of a new territory as a result of direct ingress by individuals of the invading population, a more subtle “invasion” may occur without significant motion of invading individuals if the population dynamics in a predator prey scenario has an “excitable” character. Here, “excitable” means that a local equilibrium state, either of coexistence of predator and prey, or of prey only, may, when disturbed by a small perturbation, switch to a new, essentially invaded state. In an invasion of this type little spatial movement of individuals occurs, but a wave of rapid change of population level nevertheless travels through the invaded territory. In this article we summarise and review recent modelling research which shows that the macroscopic features of these invasion waves depend strongly on the detailed spatial dynamics of the predator–prey relationship; the models assume simple (linear) diffusion and pursuit-evasion, represented by (non-linear) cross-diffusion, as examples. In the context of plankton population dynamics, such waves may be produced by sudden injections of nutrient and consequent rapid increase in plankton populations, brought about, for example, by the upwelling caused by a passing atmospheric low pressure system.  相似文献   

We investigate the propagation of random fluctuations through biochemical networks in which the number of molecules of each species is large enough so that the concentrations are well modeled by differential equations. We study the effect of network topology on the emergent properties of the reaction system by characterizing the behavior of variance as fluctuations propagate down chains and studying the effect of side chains and feedback loops. We also investigate the asymptotic behavior of the system as one reaction becomes fast relative to the others.  相似文献   

We present a new molecular dynamics method for studying the dynamics of open systems. The method couples a classical system to a chemical potential reservior. In the formulation, following the extended system dynamics approach, we introduce a variable, v to represent the coupling to the chemical potential reservoir. The new variable governs the dynamics of the variation of number of particles in the system. The number of particles is determined by taking the integer part of v. The fractional part of the new variable is used to scale the potential energy and the kinetic energy of an additional particle: i.e., we introduce a fractional particle. We give the ansatz Lagrangians and equations of motion for both the isothermal and the adiabatic forms of grand molecular dynamics. The averages calculated over the trajectories generated by these equations of motion represent the classical grand canonical ensemble (μVT) and the constant chemical potential adiabatic ensemble (μVL) averages, respectively. The microcanonical phase space densities of the adiabatic and isothermal forms the molecular dynamics method are shown to be equivalent to adiabatic constant chemical potential ensemble, and grand canonical ensemble partition functions. We also discuss the extension to multi-component systems, molecular fluids, ionic solutions and the problems and solutions associated with the implementation of the method. The statistical expressions for thermodynamic functions such as specific heat; adiabatic bulk modulus, Grüneissen parameter and number fluctuations are derived. These expressions are used to analyse trajectories of constant chemical potential systems.  相似文献   

Models for Bounded Systems with Continuous Dynamics   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary .  Models for natural nonlinear processes, such as population dynamics, have been given much attention in applied mathematics. For example, species competition has been extensively modeled by differential equations. Often, the scientist has preferred to model the underlying dynamical processes (i.e., theoretical mechanisms) in continuous time. It is of both scientific and mathematical interest to implement such models in a statistical framework to quantify uncertainty associated with the models in the presence of observations. That is, given discrete observations arising from the underlying continuous process, the unobserved process can be formally described while accounting for multiple sources of uncertainty (e.g., measurement error, model choice, and inherent stochasticity of process parameters). In addition to continuity, natural processes are often bounded; specifically, they tend to have nonnegative support. Various techniques have been implemented to accommodate nonnegative processes, but such techniques are often limited or overly compromising. This article offers an alternative to common differential modeling practices by using a bias-corrected truncated normal distribution to model the observations and latent process, both having bounded support. Parameters of an underlying continuous process are characterized in a Bayesian hierarchical context, utilizing a fourth-order Runge–Kutta approximation.  相似文献   

A canonical framework for chiral two–level systems coupled to a bath of harmonic oscillators is developed to extract, from a stochastic dynamics, the thermodynamic equilibrium values of both the population difference and coherences. The incoherent and coherent tunneling regimes are analyzed for an Ohmic environment in terms of a critical temperature defined by the maximum of the heat capacity. The corresponding numerical results issued from solving a non‐linear coupled system of equations are fitted to approximate path–integral analytical expressions beyond the so‐called non‐interacting blip approximation in order to determine the different time scales governing both regimes. Chirality 25:514–520, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Parabolic bursting revisited   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 Many excitable membrane systems display bursting oscillations, in which the membrane potential switches periodically between an active phase of rapid spiking and a silent phase of slow, quasi steady-state behavior. A burster is called parabolic when the spike frequency is lower both at the beginning and end of the active phase. We show that classes of voltage-gated conductance equations can be reduced to the mathematical mechanism previously analyzed by Ermentrout and Kopell in [7]. The reduction uses a series of coordinate changes and shows that the mechanism in [7] applies more generally than previously believed. The key hypothesis for the more general theory is that a certain slow periodic orbit must stay close to a curve of degenerate homoclinic points for the fast system, at least during the active phase. We do not require that the slow system have a periodic orbit when the voltage is held constant. Received 28 March 1995; received in revised form 20 October 1995  相似文献   

Previous game theoretical analyses of vaccinating behaviour have underscored the strategic interaction between individuals attempting to maximise their health states, in situations where an individual's health state depends upon the vaccination decisions of others due to the presence of herd immunity. Here, we extend such analyses by applying the theories of variational inequalities (VI) and projected dynamical systems (PDS) to vaccination games. A PDS provides a dynamics that gives the conditions for existence, uniqueness and stability properties of Nash equilibria. In this paper, it is used to analyse the dynamics of vaccinating behaviour in a population consisting of distinct social groups, where each group has different perceptions of vaccine and disease risks. In particular, we study populations with two groups, where the size of one group is strictly larger than the size of the other group (a majority/minority population). We find that a population with a vaccine-inclined majority group and a vaccine-averse minority group exhibits higher average vaccine coverage than the corresponding homogeneous population, when the vaccine is perceived as being risky relative to the disease. Our model also reproduces a feature of real populations: In certain parameter regimes, it is possible to have a majority group adopting high vaccination rates and simultaneously a vaccine-averse minority group adopting low vaccination rates. Moreover, we find that minority groups will tend to exhibit more extreme changes in vaccinating behaviour for a given change in risk perception, in comparison to majority groups. These results emphasise the important role played by social heterogeneity in vaccination behaviour, while also highlighting the valuable role that can be played by PDS and VI in mathematical epidemiology.  相似文献   


Isobaric molecular dynamics simulations were carried out for diatomic systems using different algorithms available in the literature. Two-centered Lennard-Jones potentials with and without quadrupolar interactions were used. Thermodynamic properties obtained from the isobaric algorithms compared very well with those of an equivalent simulation in the microcanonical ensemble; however, some differences were observed when similar comparisons were carried out for dynamic properties. More specifically, the constant pressure constraint affects the translational dynamics of the system because of the non-negligible differences between the momenta and the instantaneous velocities of the molecules.

Furthermore, the following studies were carried out using isobaric MD simulations: 1. Low temperature spontaneous FCC-orthorhombic (and vice versa) transition of a diatomic system with quadrupolar interactions as a function of the molecular bond length. 2. Effect of quadrupolar interaction on isobaric melting of a model diatomic system. 3. Effect of pressure on melting properties of a model diatomic system with quadrupolar interactions.  相似文献   


The accuracy and efficiency of the direct Ewald summation are discussed in terms of the size of a Molecular Dynamics (MD) ionic system and the ranges of the r-space and q-space summations. The dependence of the convergence parameter α on the size of the system and on the choice of cut-off radius for the short-range potential is given. The possibility of neglecting the q-space term for large ionic systems is discussed in terms of the accuracy and efficiency of the simulation.  相似文献   

本文给出了一类具有随机周期移民扰动的非线性m增生人口发展方程随机周期解的存在性和唯一性结论。  相似文献   


A survey is given of methods for simulation of molecular systems on a computer. The various assumptions, approximations and limitations are discussed and the possibility of making comparisons with experimental quantities is assessed. Finally, a number of practical applications of molecular dynamics simulation techniques in chemistry are reviewed.  相似文献   

This article presents a framework to evaluate emerging systems in life cycle assessment (LCA). Current LCA methods are effective for established systems; however, lack of data often inhibits robust analysis of future products or processes that may benefit the most from life cycle information. In many cases the life cycle inventory (LCI) of a system can change depending on its development pathway. Modeling emerging systems allows insights into probable trends and a greater understanding of the effect of future scenarios on LCA results. The proposed framework uses Bayesian probabilities to model technology adoption. The method presents a unique approach to modeling system evolution and can be used independently or within the context of an agent‐based model (ABM). LCA can be made more robust and dynamic by using this framework to couple scenario modeling with life cycle data, analyzing the effect of decision‐making patterns over time. Potential uses include examining the changing urban metabolism of growing cities, understanding the development of renewable energy technologies, identifying transformations in material flows over space and time, and forecasting industrial networks for developing products. A switchgrass‐to‐energy case demonstrates the approach.  相似文献   

How do systems respond to disturbances? The capacity of a system to respond to disturbances varies for different types of disturbance regimes. We distinguish two types of responses: one that enables the system to absorb disturbances from an existing disturbance regime, and one that enables a system to reconstruct itself after a fundamental change in a disturbance regime. We use immune systems as a model for how systems can deal with disturbances, and use this model to derive insights in adaptive capacity of social-ecological systems. We identify a tension between the two types of responses where one benefits from learning and memory while the other requires fast-turnover of experience. We discuss how this may affect building up adaptive capacity of social-ecological systems.  相似文献   


A third-order algorithm for stochastic dynamics (SD) simulations is proposed, identical to the powerful molecular dynamics leap-frog algorithm in the limit of infinitely small friction coefficient γ. It belongs to the class of SD algorithms, in which the integration time step Δt is not limited by the condition Δt ≤ γ?1, but only by the properties of the systematic force. It is shown how constraints, such as bond length or bond angle constraints, can be incorporated in the computational scheme. It is argued that the third-order Verlet-type SD algorithm proposed earlier may be simplified without loosing its third-order accuracy. The leap-frog SD algorithm is proven to be equivalent to the verlet-type SD algorithm. Both these SD algorithms are slightly more economical on computer storage than the Beeman-type SD algorithm.  相似文献   

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