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Intraspecific host discrimination and larval competition were studied forMicroplitis croceipes (Cresson),Microplitis demolitor Wilkinson,Cotesia kazak (Telenga), andHyposoter didymator (Thunberg), solitary endoparasitoids of the tobacco budworm,Heliothis virescens (F.). In ovipositional choice tests between unparasitized and parasitized hosts, the mean number of ovipositions for unparasitized hosts was significantly higher than the mean number of ovipositions for hosts parasitized once by a conspecific female forC. kazak andH. didymator, demonstrating that females of these 2 species discriminate against hosts recently (within a few seconds) parasitized by a conspecific female. No significant difference in oviposition occurred between these 2 kinds of hosts forM. croceipes andM. demolitor. Mean percent parasitization by a 2nd conspecific female was determined at 24, 48, and 72-h delays in time between the 1rst and 2nd female attack, and with no delay. Except for the 0 h time delay forC. kazak andH. didymator, percent parasitization by a 2nd conspecific female generally decreased as the delay in time between the 1rst and 2nd female attack increased. When the 2nd parasitization immediately followed the 1rst, one parasitoid larva always eliminated the other by physical combat. With a 24 or 48 h delay between the 1rst and 2nd parasitization, the younger larva was the victor over the older larva forM. croceipes, M. demolitor andC. kazak in at least 50% of the cases. Elimination of older larvae by younger larvae was by physical attack. However, forH. didymator, the older instar was the victor, and elimination of younger larvae by older larvae was probably through physiological processes. Further, older larvae ofH. didymator apparently killed the eggs of the 2nd female by physiological processes.   相似文献   

Interspecific host discrimination by adults, and larval competition among the endoparasitoidsMicroplitis croceipes (Cresson),Microplitis demolitor Wilkinson,Cotesia kazak (Telenga) andHyposoter didymator (Thunberg) were investigated usingHeliothis virescens (F.) as the host. In ovipositional choice tests, the mean number of encounters and ovipositions for unparasitized hosts was not significantly different from the mean number of encounters and ovipositions for parasitized hosts for each treatment combination (P>0.05). Thus, none of the parasitoid species discriminated between host larvae recently parasitized once by a female of another species und unparasitized hosts. However, in all but two cases, females did discriminate between unparasitized hosts and hosts in which an early first instar of the first-attacking species was developing.Cotesia kazak andH. didymator did not discriminate between unparasitized hosts and hosts parasitized by an early first instar ofM. demolitor. Larval competition among these parasitoid species was studied for three time intervals between the first and second species parasitization: 1) second species attack immediately (5–15 sec) after the first; 2) second species attack 24 h after the first; and 3) second species attack 48 h after the first. Time until egg eclosion was shortest forM. demolitor, thenC. kazak, thenM. croceipes, and longest forH. didymator. When the second parasitoid species attacked a host immediately after the first species, the species in which egg eclosion occurred first was the victor more frequently, except whenM. demolitor competed withC. kazak andH. didymator. With a 24 h delay between the first and second species to attack, the older first instar from the first parasitization usually outcompeted the younger first instar from the second attack. A first instar from the second species to attack generally outcompeted the second instar of the first species when the second parasitization had been delayed 48 h. Competiors were eliminated mainly by physical attack, butC. kazak andM. croceipes apparently also killedH. didymator eggs by physiological processes.  相似文献   

The relative attractiveness of velvet leaf (Abutilon theophrasti Medicus), cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) (host plants) and groundcherry (Physalis angulata L.) (nonhost plant), and cotton plants with or without nectaries and with or without glands to Microplitis croceipes Cresson (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) was determined in a wind tunnel. Female parasitoids flew significantly more to glandless than to glanded cotton; response to nectaried and nectariless cotton was similar. Velvet leaf and cotton were favored significantly over groundcherry; parasitoids being equally responsive to both host plant species. Addition of larval frass alone or in combination with host larvae significantly improved the attractivity of the nonhost plant (groundcherry) to the parasitoids. There was no difference in attractiveness of groundcherry terminals with or without host larvae. Parasitoid search time was significantly increased with addition of larval frass. In the presence of cotton, however, kairomone-treated groundcherry remained unattractive.
Résumé L'influence des nectaires et des glandes du coton, et l'attractivité des feuilles veloutées du coton (plante hôte) et de Physalis angulata sur Microplitis croceipes, ont été déterminées dans des expériences avec tunnel à vent. Les résultats ont montré que les parasitoïdes femelles sont significativement plus attirés par les cotons sans glandes que par les cotons glanduleux, tandis que la présence ou l'absence de nectaires ne modifie pas l'attractivité du coton. Elles réagissent de la même façon aux feuilles veloutées. P. angulata traité avec des crottes de chenilles, présenté seul ou en combinaison avec du coton, attire plus de femelles que des pousses de P. angulata non traitées. L'addition de chenilles hôtes seules n'améliore pas significativement l'attractivité de la plante. P. angulata traité avec des kairomones est demeuré inattractif quand il était proposé en même temps que du coton.

Females of the solitary aphid parasitoids Aphidius ervi Haliday and A. smithi Sharma & Subba Rao (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) discriminated between unparasitized pea aphids and those parasitized by the other species. Oviposition restraint varied with the attack sequence and the length of the interval between successive attacks. The tendency to reject a previously parasitized host increased with interval length; A. smithi females rarely oviposited in aphids that had been parasitized 30 h earlier by A. ervi. Early first-instar larvae of A. ervi physically attacked and killed older A. smithi larvae, and older A. ervi larvae killed younger A. smithi, possibly by physiological suppression. Neither species appeared to have a competitive advantage when their eggs hatched at the same time. The evolution of heterospecific host discrimination in A. ervi and A. smithi is discussed. It is suggested that avoidance of multiparasitism is adaptive for both parasitoid species: for A. smithi because it is the inferior larval competitor, and for A. ervi because immatures develop more slowly in multiparasitized than in initially unparasitized hosts.
Compétition interspécifique et discrimination des hôtes chez deux parasitoïdes de pucerons: Aphidius ervi et A. smithi
Résumé Les femelles des parasitoïdes de pucerons: Aphidius ervi Haliday et A. smithi Sharma & Subba Rao (Hyméno. Aphidiidae) distinguent les pucerons du pois sains des parasités par d'autres espèces. La rétention de la ponte dépend de la séquence de l'attaque et du temps écoulé entre des attaques successives. La tendance au rejet d'un puceron précédemment parasité augmente avec l'importance du délai; A. smithi a rarement pondu dans des pucerons qui avaient été parasités 30 h avant par A. ervi. Les jeunes larves de premier stade de A. ervi ont attaqué physiquement et tué les larves plus âgées de A. smithi, et les larves plus âgées de A. ervi ont tué des larves plus jeunes de A. smithi par élimination physiologique. Aucune espèce ne semble avoir un avantage quand les oeufs ont éclos en même temps. L'évolution de la discrimination interspécifique de l'hôte chez A. ervi et A. smithi est discutée. On estime que la tendance à éviter le multiparasitisme est adaptative chez les 2 espèces: pour A. smithi parce qu'il est dominé dans la compétition larvaire et pour A. ervi parce que les larves se développent plus lentement dans un hôte multiparasité que dans un hôte initialement sain.

To compare host-searching and ovipositional behavior of Cardiochiles nigriceps Viereck (CN) in tobacco and cotton, behavior of CN females was observed on Hellothis virescens (Febricius)-infested plants and recorded using a Psion Organizer II with Observer software. Hover, search, oviposit, preen, rest, walk, agony-search, drop-search, and miss-search were the nine behaviors observed for each plant species. Agony-search was a searching behavior exhibited when CN females were prevented from ovipositing in a host because they were unable to reach the host. Drop-search and miss-search were the searching behaviors that occurred by CN females after a host dropped from the plant and when CN females missed ovipositing in a host, respectively. Hovering, searching, oviposition, miss-search, resting, and walking were equally common for CN on tobacco and cotton. Agony-search was exhibited more on tobacco than cotton, while drop-search and preening occurred more on cotton than tobacco. Female CN spent more time hovering in tobacco than in cotton, indicating that these females preferred tobacco to cotton. Female parasitoids also spent more time in the main ovipositional sequence, hover–search–oviposit, in tobacco than in cotton, mainly because females hovered more in tobacco than in cotton. Frequency and time of behavioral sequences associated with experiencing frustration in ovipositing due to difficulty in reaching or finding a host and subsequent level of success in ovipositing in a new host were determined. Overall, the rate of successful oviposition by CN females was significantly higher in tobacco (87.7%) than in cotton (79.5%). For cotton and tobacco, the rate of successful oviposition by CN females was significantly reduced (ca. 40.0%) when they experienced frustration in ovipositing compared to the rate of ovipositional success (100%) for CN females when hosts were present and easily accessible. Encountering ovipositional frustration also increased the duration of time for successful oviposition in comparison to the time spent for problem-free oviposition in cotton and tobacco. Interestingly, with successful oviposition, the amount of time spent in a behavioral sequence was not significantly different for tobacco and cotton regardless of whether females experienced ovipositional frustration or not. However, female CN invested more time in tobacco than in cotton when they were unsuccessful in ovipositing due to the inaccessibility or disappearance of hosts. CN females' preference for tobacco over cotton probably gave them more motivation to continue searching for hosts, especially those not easily attained, on tobacco than on cotton. Nevertheless, CN females readily searched in cotton for HV even in the presence of host-infested tabacco. CN females possibly could be successful in maintaining levels of HV below an economic threshold when using a tobacco trap crop to protect cotton as the main crop.  相似文献   

Predation by a predator complex consisting of adults of the lygaeidGeocoris punctipes (Say), the nabidsNabis roseipennis Reuter and/orTropiconabis capsiformis Germar and the coccinelids,Hippodamia convergens Guerin-Meneville andColeomegilla maculata (DeGeer) onHeliothis virescens (F.) eggs, 1st-instar larvae or both on late pinhead square and early bloom stage cotton was evaluated in field cages in Mississippi. Prey densities of 4 (11, 512/ha) or 8 per cage and predator: prey (P:p) ratios of 1∶1, 2∶1, 3∶1, 4∶1 and 5∶1 were used. Prey were labeled with phosphorus-32 or carbon-14 to determine predator ingestion and effectiveness. Average percent egg predation as a function of P:p ratio ranged from 2.1 to 12.1 for a 48 h period. The average percent predation on larvae as a function of P:p ratio ranged from 5.3 to 22.0. The hemiptera fed more than the coleoptera on larvae, andG. punctipes was the best egg predator. For the range of predator densities used, the average area of discovery for the predator complex was 6.98 × 10−3 m/day and 2.34 × 10−2 m/day when exposed to eggs and larvae, respectively. Publication No 5936-Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, Mississippi State, MS 39762.  相似文献   

Adults ofGeocoris punctipes (Say),Tropiconabis capsiformis Germar,Nabis roseipennis Reuter andColeomegilla maculata (DeGeer) were confined inside petri dishes and fed phosphorus-32 (32p)-labeledHeliothis virescens (F.) eggs. Observations of bioelimination of32p over a 72 h period allowed derivation of equations for predicting the number ofH. virescens eggs ingested by each species. Twenty-four to 72 h after eggs were eaten, the percentages of32p eliminated ranged from ca. 14% forG. punctipes to 42 % forT. capsiformis. Cautious use of the results will aid researchers in assessing predation on32p labeledHeliothis. Publication No 5935. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, Mississippi State, MS 39762.  相似文献   

The detection of, and response to, parasitized hosts by female parasitoids can involve a number of complex phenomena, including the ability of females to discriminate between unparasitized and parasitized hosts, the physiological state of females, and the nature and longevity of the cues they are detecting. The discriminatory ability of Opius dimidiatus,a solitary endoparasitoid of Liriomyza trifoliiwas examined. Experiments showed, first, that when presented with a choice of unparasitized hosts and hosts which they had previously parasitized, O. dimidiatusfemales could discriminate between them, both upon encounter (before probing) and after probing with the ovipositor. It was further demonstrated that the detection of parasitized hosts was time dependent: females could discriminate on the basis of antennal examination for up to 2.5 h after the first egg was laid. Postprobing discrimination lasted for up to 3.5 h. Some of the causal and evolutionary factors resulting in superparasitism are discussed.  相似文献   

The competition between Gyranusoidea tebygi Noyes and Anagyrus mangicola Noyes (both Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), exotic parasitoids of the mango mealybug, Rastrococcus invadens Williams (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae) was studied in the laboratory. No significant differences were found in the way each parasitoid species examined, attacked, stung, and oviposited into hosts, unparasitized, or previously parasitized by the other species. This suggests that neither species discriminates against each other. The total number of parasitoids of either species emerging did not significantly differ between competition experiments. When A. mangicola was the first parasitoid to attack a host, it had no significant advantage over G. tebygi. However, when A. mangicola followed G. tebygi by either 4 or 24 h, it clearly won. Overall A. mangicola won the competition in 70.9% of all cases. The level of the competition, either at the egg or larval stage, and factors responsible for the elimination of older larvae by younger ones could not be assessed in these experiments. The coexistence of the two parasitoids as complementary for the biological control of the mango mealybug is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of maternal age and hostHeliothis virescens (F.) deprivation on egg production and allocation byMicroplitis croceipes (Cresson) was determined in the laboratory on 0.5, 1.0, 3.0, 6.0, 9.0, and 12.0 days old parasitoids. In host-deprived parasitoids, newly-emerged (0.5-day old) females produced significantly fewer eggs than older ones; egg production peaked 3 to 6 days after emergence and declined thereafter. However, the number of eggs found in undeprived parasitoids at various ages suggested a cyclical pattern of egg production. The rate of parasitization by host-deprivedM. croceipes was higher in 1.0 to 6.0 days old than in newly-emerged or older females and was correlated strongly with egg production (r=0.93). The first observation on premature larval hatching inM. croceipes was documented.   相似文献   

《Biological Control》2007,40(3):375-384
Two parasitoids,Cotesia kazak (Telenga) and Microplitis croceipes (Cresson) have been successfully introduced into New Zealand to improve control of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner), tomato fruitworm. C. kazak has spread throughout the North Island, but M. croceipes is restricted largely to its release areas in crops in the Gisborne and Hawke’s Bay regions in the East Coast of the North Island and in pine plantations in the central North Island. Rates of mortality of H. armigera from parasitism were studied in processing tomato crops where these parasitoids are a key component of an integrated pest management programme, and in sweet corn, lucerne and soybeans. C. kazak was the dominant parasitoid in tomatoes and soybeans. It emerged from small H. armigera larvae and usually killed the host before it caused major damage to fruit. M. croceipes emerged from larger host larvae than C. kazak. Death rates from parasitism of H. armigera larvae in tomatoes increased from less than 1% caused by native parasitoids prior to parasitoid introductions, to 25–45% in 1988 and 70–80% in 1996 following the establishment of both introduced parasitoids. M. croceipes was the most common parasitoid in lucerne and total mortality from all parasitoids was similar to that in tomatoes. Low rates of parasitism by C. kazak in sweet corn were attributed to the reduced penetration of the adult parasitoid into sweet corn fields and to the protection afforded by sweet corn when H. armigera larvae burrowed into corn cobs. The implementation of an IPM programme based partly on the effectiveness of these parasitoids has contributed to a decrease in insecticide applications to processing tomatoes.  相似文献   

Analysis of total aromatic amino acid (free and bound) in some cucumber accessions selected previously for resistance to western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) [Thysanoptera: Thripidae], indicated that low concentrations of these essential nutrients, relative to total leaf protein, were correlated with a reduction in damage by the insect. Further analysis of samples of four important horticultural crops (lettuce, tomato, pepper and cucumber) with unknown levels of resistance to thrips showed a significant genotypic variation in the concentrations of total aromatic amino acids relative to the total leaf protein. Accessions from each crop with low or high concentrations of aromatic amino acids in proteins were exposed to thrips larvae. Regression analysis showed a highly significant positive correlation between aromatic amino acid concentration in leaf protein and thrips damage, regardless of crop species. It is concluded that higher concentrations of aromatic amino acids in plant proteins are important for successful thrips development. These results provide plant breeders with a promising tool for indirect selection without using undesirable insect bioassays.  相似文献   

Wind tunnel experiments were conducted to determine roles of odor learning in food foraging of the larval parasitoid,Microplitis croceipes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Females that had neither fed on sucrose water nor experienced any odor and females that had experienced an odor without feeding failed to respond to any odors in a wind tunnel. Most of the females that had fed without an odor also did not respond to odors. However, most of the females that had experienced an odor during feeding on sucrose water flew to the odor. These results indicate that when females experience an odor during feeding, they learn to associate the odor with food and subsequently respond to the odor. As age of females increased, their response to an experienced odor increased, peaked 2 to 5 days after emergence, and then decreased. With an increasing number of odor experiences while feeding, accuracy of females choosing the experienced odor increased. Females that experienced an odor while feeding three to five times chose the experienced odor 90% of the time. When females experienced an odor while feeding five times, the memory of food associated odor lasted at least 2 days. When they experienced food with two odors successively, they could memorize both odors, and multiple experiences did not cause memory interference. Even when females had learned a food-associated odor, their response to the learned odor ceased after several visits on patches containing the odor but no food. Such negative experience may cause switching of food searching to new odors by females.  相似文献   

Encapsulation and development of the endoparasitoid,Microplitis croceipes (Cresson), were studied in six atypical lepidopteran host species whose usual host isHelicoverpa zea (Boddie). The candidate hosts examined were: the fall armywormSpodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith); the beet armyworm,Spodoptera exigua (Hübner); the cabbage looper,Trichoplusia ni (Hübner); the greater wax moth,Galleria mellonella (L.); the Indian meal moth,Plodia interpunctella (Hübner); and the diamondback moth,Plutella xylostella (L.). BothS. exigua andT. ni were completely unsuitable forM. croceipes development due to the high rate of eggs that were encapsulated within three days after parasitism. Encapsulation inS. frugiperda included mainly parasitoid eggs and was first detected six days after parasitization at 25°C and two days at 30°C. Encapsulation inG. mellonella occurred only in the larval stage of the parasitoid. InP. interpunctella, parasitoid larvae reached the 3rd stadium, but none of them pupated. OnlyS. frugiperda andG. mellonella supported successful development ofM. croceipes from egg to adult. The percentage of parasitoids reaching the adult stage in these hosts was higher at 30°C than at 25°C (13% vs. 4% inS. frugiperda, and 21% vs. 3% inG. mellonella, respectively). However, these percentages were too low to substitute them as a more economical host for rearingM. croceipes. This biological information will be useful in additional laboratory studies directed toward reducing the rate of encapsulation (e.g., manipulation of host rearing temperature) to increase production ofM. croceipes on these hosts.  相似文献   

种内竞争是实蝇的重要生态学特性。本文研究比较了近缘种桔小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)和番石榴实蝇B.correcta(Bezzi)在幼虫人工饲料中种内竞争的密度效应。研究结果显示,桔小实蝇和番石榴实蝇都有密度过低效应,均表现出发育历期较长、蛹较轻和成活率较低;结合蛹重和成活率两个重要参数指标,明确了桔小实蝇和番石榴实蝇的最宜密度均在5-20头虫/10 g饲料;不同生长参数之间的变化均有一定的正负相关性。当种群密度超过最宜密度,桔小实蝇和番石榴实蝇均有明显的种内竞争现象,随着种群密度的升高,种内竞争越激烈。其主要表现为化蛹率和羽化率不断下降、幼虫历期逐渐缩短、蛹历期不断延长和蛹逐渐变小;当100头虫/10 g饲料时,桔小实蝇和番石榴实蝇成活率从86.00%±4.2688%和86.00%±4.1096%分别下降到60.08%±2.5166%和76.33%±2.2333%。桔小实蝇和番石榴实蝇的种内竞争的密度效应极具相似性,推测这两种实蝇有类似的种群调节机制,但番石榴实蝇的幼虫比桔小实蝇的拥有更强的抗拥挤能力。  相似文献   

Aspects of the intermittent fine structure of an odor plume were mimicked and experimentally modified in the wind tunnel using an air-pulsing device. Filaments of a behaviorally active blend of six sex-pheromone components created by the device in a temporally regular fashion elicited sustained upwind flight and source location in male Heliothis virescens.Males did not exhibit sustained upwind flight in significant numbers until a frequency of 4 filaments/s was delivered, at a loading of 1 g of the major component, Z11-16: Ald, with the other components loaded at their appropriate ratios. A loading of 10 g Z11-16: Ald was found to be optimal at this filament delivery rate. Electroantennogram recordings to different filament delivery rates of the complete blend indicated that a stationary male antenna can respond to the pulse rates used in this study. Importantly, when a main component necessary for upwind flight, Z9-14:Ald, was isolated into its own filaments and pulsed alternately against filaments of the five other components (including the other component essential for upwind flight, Z11-16: Ald), upwind flight to the source was significantly reduced (9%) compared to upwind flight and source location in response to filaments composed of the entire blend (30%), indicating that the complete pheromone blend must arrive on the antenna simultaneously for optimal evocation of sustained upwind progress. Neurophysiological evidence from other studies suggests that higher-order interneurons whose phasic response is enhanced when the entire blend is presented simultaneously may be of importance in explaining this behavioral difference stemming from synchronous vsasynchronous arrival of the components.  相似文献   

Oviposition by a parasitoid wasp in an already parasitized host (= superparasitism) may result in larval competition and the loss of offspring. Consequently, in solitary species, the decision to superparasitize should be based on the probability of offspring survival. Females of Aphidius ervi Haliday and A. smithi Sharma & Subba Rao (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae), two parasitoids of the pea aphid, discriminated between conspecific-and heterospecific-parasitized hosts. Both species showed partial preference for aphids previously attacked by A. smithi, a result predicted from the fact that A. ervi is superior to A. smithi in larval competition under most conditions. Females of A. smithi selectively attacked conspecific-parasitized pea aphids when given a choice between these and self-parasitized hosts. Results indicated that females of both species responded to an external pheromone-like marker to discriminate between selfconspecific-and heterospecific-parasitized aphids. In addition, A. smithi may use internal cues to recognize, and avoid oviposition in, aphids previously parasitized by A. ervi.
Résumé L'oviposition par une guêpe parasite dans un hôte qui a déjà été parasité (= superparasitisme) pourrait conduire à une compétition entre larves et à une perte de progéniture. Par conséquent, dans les espèces solitaires, la décision de superparasiter devrait être basée sur la probabilité de survie de la progéniture. Les femelles de Aphidius ervi Haliday et de A. smithi Sharma & Subba Rao (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae), deux parasites du puceron du pois, ont discriminé entre les hôtes parasités par des individus de la même espèce et ceux parasités par des individus d'une espèce différente. Les deux espèces de parasite ont montré une préférence partielle pour les pucerons préalablement parasités par A. smithi, résultat qui était prévisible du fait que, dans la majorité des cas, A. ervi est supérieur à A. smithi dans la compétition entre larves. Les femelles de A. smithi ont sélectivement attaqué les pucerons parasités par un individu de la même espèce lorsqu'il leur était donné de choisir parmi ceux-ci et ceux parasités par les même individu. Les résultats indiquaient que les femelles des deux espèces répondaient à une sorte de phéromone externe pour distinguer les pucerons parasités par le même individu de ceux parasités par un individu de la même espèce et ceux parasités d'une autre espèce. En plus, A. smithi pourrait utiliser des signaux internes pour reconnaître et éviter l'oviposition dans les pucerons préalablement parasités par A. ervi.

The solitary endoparasite,Cotesia rubecula, was superior to the gregarious endoparasite,Cotesia glomeratus, in tests of intrinsic competition for their hostArtogeia rapae. When an egg ofC. rubecula was oviposited in the host prior to those ofC. glomeratus, C. rubecula always won the ensuing competition. When an egg ofC. rubecula was laid in the same host within 48 h after oviposition byC. glomeratus, C. rubecula was successful in more than 90% of the interactions. Even when the egg ofC. rubecula was oviposited in the same host 72 to 96 h after oviposition byC. glomeratus, C. rubecula won the competition approximately 33% of the time. The implications of intrinsic competition are discussed in relation to the establishment ofC. rubecula in an ecosystem containingA. rapae andC. glomeratus.   相似文献   

Summary Intraspecific interference competition in the harvester ant,Messor aciculatus, was studied. Colonies of this species were found not to have territories. Some nests were located very close to each other, and the foraging areas of the neighbors usually overlapped. Even though the frequency with which alien and resident ants met was very high in the vicinity of the nest entrances, aggressive interactions between them rarely occurred. However, when hostile workers encountered each other, they exhibited a kind of ritualized combat and the winner ejected, but did not injure the loser. If any aliens entered the nest, some of them were pulled out, mainly by the residents.Aliens roaming near a neighbor's nest entrance ferociously attacked the residents carrying seeds in their mandibles and robbed them. On other occasions, aliens entered the nest and stole the collected seed. Although seed robbing and stealing occurred among neighboring colonies, there were remarkable differences in the frequency of their occurrence. The results of field observations and experiments suggest the existence of a dominance order among the neighbors. In one instance, extermination of an inferior colony by its neighbor was observed. The raider colony transferred the stored seeds from the nest of the inferior colony to its own and deposited the larvae and workers some distance away from the nest.The influence of ritualized combat and food robbing on colony activities, and the ecological significance of this interference behavior in terms of spatial distribution and temporal persistence of the nest sites, is discussed.  相似文献   

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