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中国伞形科天胡荽亚科果实解剖特征及其系统学意义   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
经对中国伞形科天胡荽亚科 (Hydrocotyloideae)中天胡荽属 (HydrocotyleL .)积雪草属 (CentellaL .)和马蹄芹属(DickinsiaFranch .) 10种植物果实解剖结构的观察比较 ,发现 3属的果实横切面以合生面为基准可以分成 2个类型 ,即两侧压扁类型 (天胡荽属和积雪草属 )和背腹压扁类型 (马蹄芹属 )。除此之外 ,中果皮的外侧是否有色素块沉积、内侧是否有木化细胞层或厚壁细胞层以及最内层是否形成晶体细胞层 ,内果皮细胞的层数、排列方向以及有无棱槽油管等性状 ,可以作为区分 3属的重要解剖学特征。在此基础上 ,结合外部形态特征 ,讨论了该亚科及其内部各属的解剖学特征、属间区别及其演化关系。认为马蹄芹属应归属于Mulineae族 ,另外 2个属应归属于天胡荽族(Hydrocotyleae) ;3属中积雪草属原始而马蹄芹属进化 ;天胡荽亚科可能不是自然的类群 ,它的分类系统和演化地位有待深入研究。  相似文献   

东亚和北美当归属(广义)的果实解剖和演化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用比较解剖研究了广义当归属在世界主要分布区-东亚和北美种类的果实结构的特征。根据分生果背腹压扁的程度、棱翅与槽的形状、果皮层次和结构、油管数目、大小和位置等稳定性状,可将果实分为5个类型,与《中国植物志》将其分为5个属,即古当归属,当归属,高山芹属,柳叶芹属和山芹属的意见相一致。古当归属为原始的类型,山芹属具有高度演化的特征。且对一些种类有分类位置提出了调整的意见和各属的演化趋势。  相似文献   

Madagasikaria andersonii is described here as a new genus and species of Malpighiaceae from Madagascar. The phylogenetic placement of Madagasikaria was estimated by using combined data from ndhF and trnL-F chloroplast sequences and phytochrome (PHYC) and ITS nuclear sequences. It forms a strongly supported clade with the Malagasy endemic genera Rhynchophora and Microsteira. Despite nearly identical floral morphology among species in this clade (here called the madagasikarioid clade), these genera are easily distinguishable on the basis of their fruits. The schizocarpic fruits of Madagasikaria have distinctive mericarps. Each mericarp has a lateral wing, which completely encircles the nut, and a peculiar dorsal wing, which folds over on itself. The morphology of this fruit suggests that the homology of the unusual wing in Rhynchophora is lateral in nature and represents a reduced wing similar to the lateral wing in Madagasikaria. Taxa in the madagasikarioid clade all appear to be morphologically androdioecious and functionally dioecious, producing both staminate and "bisexual" (i.e., functionally carpellate) individuals. This condition appears to be exceedingly rare in flowering plants and has important implications for floral evolution within Malpighiaceae. Neotropical Malpighiaceae are pollinated by specialized oil-collecting anthophorine bees of the tribe Centridini and exhibit highly conserved floral morphology despite tremendous diversity in fruit morphology and habit. These oil-collecting bees are absent from the paleotropics, where most members of the Malpighiaceae lack both the oil glands and the typical floral orientation crucial to pollination by neotropical oil-collecting bees. The madagasikarioids represent one shift from the neotropical pollination syndrome among Old World Malpighiaceae.  相似文献   

23种伞形科植物果实形态及其分类学意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张乐  李敏  赵建成 《西北植物学报》2015,35(12):2428-2438
该实验采用徒手切片法对伞形科17属23种植物的果实进行了外部形态和解剖特征的观察,结果表明:伞形科果实有背腹压扁、两侧压扁和不压扁3种类型;侧棱有宽、有窄;油管的分布有棱槽单油管型和棱槽多油管型;花柱基多数为圆锥状,少数种的花柱基为扁平垫状;萼齿明显或不明显。通过进一步对属间和属内果实解剖特征的比较得出:(1)果实表面被钩刺或刚毛及果棱特征在属间差异明显,在属内表现出一致性,可作为伞形科属间分类的依据。(2)果实横切面的形状、胚乳腹面的凹凸以及萼齿的形态特征在属内种间的分类研究中有重要的意义。基于果实形态特征,编制了17属23种植物的分种检索表。  相似文献   

The genus Billburttia is described to include two new species endemic to Madagascar, B. capensoides and B. vaginoides. Both species were tentatively placed within the problematic genus Peucedanum L. (as Peucedanum sp. A and Peucedanum sp. B) based on their dorsally compressed fruits lacking prominent dorsal ribs and with winged marginal ribs. Recently, however, the African members of Peucedanum have been shown to be only distantly related to the type of the genus and have therefore been segregated into six African endemic genera. While the Malagasy species appear superficially similar to members from one of these segregate genera, viz. Notobubon, they differ markedly in their fruit anatomical characters, notably a narrower commissure, six commissural vittae, vascular tissue in the tip of the ribs and sphaerocrystals distributed in and around the epidermis. The latter two characters apparently represent apomorphies for Billburttia. The non-peucedanoid affinity of the genus, as suggested by the fruit anatomical data, was confirmed using ITS and rps16 intron sequences. Both parsimony and Bayesian analyses of these data place Billburttia within the tribe Apieae of subfamily Apioideae and not closely related to either Peucedanum (Selineae) or the African peucedanoid genera (Lefebvrea clade of Tordylieae).  相似文献   

Erpetoichthys calabaricus has unusual cranio‐vertebral anatomy, with an occipital centrum forming a component part of the compound basiexoccipital bone, and a ‘free‐floating’ occipital neural arch that differs from accessory arches found in some teleosts. The occipital neural arch bears autapomorphic lateral projections that articulate with small rod‐like bones resembling the spatial relationship of parapophyses and ribs, a feature normally restricted to vertebral centra. Based on analyses of cleared and stained specimens, computed tomography and histology, it is hypothesized that the lateral projections and associated rod‐shaped bones are structures that share developmental homologies to the unique ‘dorsal ribs’ of Polypteridae.  相似文献   

Somites are transient mesodermal structures giving rise to all skeletal muscles of the body, the axial skeleton and the dermis of the back. Somites arise from successive segmentation of the presomitic mesoderm (PSM). They appear first as epithelial spheres that rapidly differentiate into a ventral mesenchyme, the sclerotome, and a dorsal epithelial dermomyotome. The sclerotome gives rise to vertebrae and ribs while the dermomyotome is the source of all skeletal muscles and the dorsal dermis. Quail-chick fate mapping and diI-labeling experiments have demonstrated that the epithelial somite can be further subdivided into a medial and a lateral moiety. These two subdomains are derived from different regions of the primitive streak and give rise to different sets of muscles. The lateral somitic cells migrate to form the musculature of the limbs and body wall, known as the hypaxial muscles, while the medial somite gives rise to the vertebrae and the associated epaxial muscles. The respective contribution of the medial and lateral somitic compartments to the other somitic derivatives, namely the dermis and the ribs has not been addressed and therefore remains unknown. We have created quail-chick chimeras of either the medial or lateral part of the PSM to examine the origin of the dorsal dermis and the ribs. We demonstrate that the whole dorsal dermis and the proximal ribs exclusively originates from the medial somitic compartment, whereas the distal ribs derive from the lateral compartment.  相似文献   

Structure of the gynoecium is described in two species of Bakeridesia, subgenus Bakeridesia (Malvaceae, tribe Malveae). The dorsal wall of each carpel bears a winglike projection with a marginal pair of pubescent, bluntly dentate wings. The projection arises as a single, solid ridge of tissue after the ovules are initiated and after the ventral carpellary margins are fused with the receptacle. Two multiseriate layers of fiber-sclereids line each locule and continue into the winglike projection where they are separated by parenchyma. Gynoecial vascularization is described in detail. The richly vascularized carpels are supplied by five traces: a median dorsal trace, which bifurcates into two dorsal bundles; two lateral traces; and two ventral traces. Adjacent ventral traces, lateral traces, and septal bundles are fused—i.e., they are held in common by neighboring carpels. The presence of lateral carpellary traces may be a primitive character in the tribe Malveae.  相似文献   

The two genera of Buxbaum's tribe Wurmbaeae, Anguillaria and Wurmbea , have multiovulate carpels. There are deep septal indentations between the carpels of Anguillaria , but the wings of adjoining carpels are fused to solid septa in most species of Wurmbea. In Anguillaria the carpels have open sutures or prominent commissural markings; in Wurmbea the carpels generally lack these characteristics, and some species have a vascularized, columella-like axis in the centre of the pistil. In both genera there are a dorsal bundle, lateral bundles, and two placental bundles in each carpel. At the inner edge of the septum there are one or two septal bundles in Anguillaria and one or none in Wurmbea. The ovules are monotegmic, the integument and funiculus being partly fused in Anguillaria and mostly fused in Wurmbea. An obturator is present in Anguillaria but absent from most species of Wurmbea.  相似文献   

Reports of 129 new chromosome counts are made for the tribe Astereae of Compositae. They are mostly based on determinations of meiotic material, including first counts for one genus and 43 species or subspecies. Counts are now available for more than 63 of the 100-120 genera and 564 of the approximately 2,000 species in the tribe. Three of every four genera with more than one species counted show more than one chromosome number; 15 genera have species with populations with different numbers. Such variation is very high and indicates the need for more detailed cytotaxonomical study in the group.  相似文献   

Traditionally, two types of rib are distinguished in gnathostomes: dorsal (upper) and ventral (lower, pleural) ribs. They are defined according to their position in the connective tissue system of the body: dorsal ribs develop at the intersection of the serially arranged myosepta with the horizontal septum that separates epaxial from hypaxial musculature, whereas ventral ribs develop at the intersection of myosepta with the peritoneum and usually encircle the body cavity. Distribution of rib types among gnathostomes has traditionally been reported as follows: elasmobranchs have dorsal ribs; all Actinopterygii have only ventral ribs with the exception of polypterids, and two subgroups of teleosts, which supposedly also have dorsal ribs; within Sarcopterygii tetrapods have dorsal ribs, whereas dipnoans have ventral ribs. Here, we report the development of ribs in polypterids, a taxon playing a crucial role in discussions on rib homology. We demonstrate that putative dorsal ribs of polypterids have a unique ontogeny and represent an autapomorphy of this taxon. We discuss previous hypotheses of rib homology and offer a more plausible (i.e. more parsimonious) alternative to the conventional interpretation. We conclude that dorsal ribs do not exist and that ribs of gnathostomes are ventral ribs.  相似文献   

Using the classical tribe Festuceae as a frame of reference, 135 grass genera have been examined in an effort to determine natural generic relationships which often have been obscured by parallel and convergent evolution. Studies of embryo and leaf structure, ligules, lodicules, and lemmas have greatly enlarged, verified, and nearly completed existing evidence that the classical concept of the Festuceae is highly artificial and that the tribe contains many genera which are only remotely related. A more nearly phylogenetic system is achieved when more than two-thirds of these genera are distributed among 4 major groups, which may be worthy of subfamily rank: 55 genera are retained in the festucoid group, 46 are moved to the eragrostoid, 2 to the bambusoid, 13 to the arundoid, and 8 to a recently designated group labelled the centothecoid. Three genera remain unplaced; and material was unavailable or insufficient to make accurate determinations for 8 genera.  相似文献   

One hundred and ninety-three new counts are reported for the tribe Heliantheae of Compositae, mostly based on determinations of meiotic material, including first counts for the genera Adenothamnus, Chrysogonum, Enceliopsis, Guardiola, Isocarpha, Lipochaeta, Otopappus, and Oyedaea, as well as first counts for 66 species. The original counts are discussed in relation to those previously reported for the tribe, by genera and subtribe. Two-thirds of the approximately 150 genera and more than a third of the roughly 1500 species have now been examined. The incomplete knowledge of generic relationships in the tribe often make the interpretation of these chromosome numbers difficult. Three observations are documented and discussed: (1) genera with low chromosome numbers are few; (2) genera with aneuploid series are abundant; and (3) the original basic chromosome number in the tribe is probably in the range of x = 8 to x = 12.  相似文献   

A karyomorphological comparison of four genera of the tribe Buchnereae and two genera of the tribe Euphrasieae, root parasites of the subfamily Rhinanthoideae of the Scrophulariaceae, is presented along with 12 new chromosome counts. The interphase nuclei are of the simple chromocenter type. Macranthera and Aureolaria have more subtelocentric chromosomes than those of the other genera studied, which indicates higher asymmetric variation in their karyotypes. In all the karyotypes decrease in size from the longest to the shortest chromosomes is gradual. All the species studied show karyotypic heteromorphology and heteromorphic homologous chromosomes.  相似文献   

盔唇瓢虫族昆虫是瓢虫科中一类重要的捕食性天敌,主要捕食介壳虫,是该类害虫的重要生物防治天敌。盔唇瓢虫族昆虫研究历史悠久,目前世界盔唇瓢虫族包括22属超过280种,其中有9属42种分布在中国。该族许多属建立时间早,鉴别特征的原始描述不够详细,导致属间界定模糊,属的地位时常受到质疑且变动频繁。一些种类丰富,形态多变、且分布广泛的属如盔唇瓢虫属、光缘瓢虫属仍缺少世界性的订正研究。随着瓢虫科分子系统发育研究的开展,瓢虫科经典分类系统受到了较大的挑战,而盔唇瓢虫亚科已被证实为非单系起源的类群。目前,将盔唇瓢虫族归入瓢虫亚科得到绝大多数瓢虫科分子系统发育研究的支持,但与其它类群的亲缘关系仍存争议。尽管已有研究对盔唇瓢虫族现存所有属的系统发育关系进行了分析,但部分类群缺少分子数据,导致这些类群在该族系统发育关系中的位置并不明确。本文回顾了国内外盔唇瓢虫族的分类历史,记述了目前该族在瓢虫科的分类地位以及族下系统发育关系进展,最后对盔唇瓢虫族分类研究存在的问题及未来研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

A total of 56 morphological characters were analyzed for 53 cirrospiline species that represent all of the 17 described genera of the tribe. The other taxa of the Eulophinae included in the analysis were six species of six representative genera in the tribe Eulophini, a species of Elasmus (the only genus comprising the tribe Elasmini), and a species of Trichospilus (unplaced). Trichospilus and two of the six genera of Eulophini examined were placed within Cirrospilini. Monophyly of Cirrospilini (when these two genera of Eulophini and Trichospilus are included) and of the cirrospiline genera for which more than one species were examined was supported, but the relationships between the genera were poorly resolved. An exception was Cirrospilus, the largest genus in the Cirrospilini, monophyly of which was not supported to any extent.  相似文献   

Two species ofCymopterus are described as new:Cymopterus douglassi from the Lost River and Lemhi ranges of central Idaho and the closely relatedC. williamsii from the southern half of the Big Horn Mountains, Wyoming. Both are diploid on the basex=11 and occur on calcareous or dolomitic substrates. The mature fruit ofCymopterus williamsii differ from those ofC. douglassii in the absence of a functioning carpophore and in having 1, not 3–5 oil tubes in the intervals. Both species are unusual in the genus, though not unique, in that the dorsal ribs of the mericarps are not winged.  相似文献   

光镜、电镜下观察了天南星科天南星族下斑龙芋属2 个种及近缘属13 个种植物的叶表皮形态特征。实验结果显示, 4 属植物的叶表皮组成及其形态特征较相似, 属间不存在明显差异, 但某些特征在种间存在差异, 可作为种的鉴别特征。叶表皮特征支持将单籽犁头尖和昆明犁头尖两个种合并为一个种。15 个种的气孔器均具有2 个副卫细胞, Stebbins and Khush 认为这是气孔器类型中较具2 个以上副卫细胞更进化的一种类型, 而天南星科大多数族的气孔器都具有2 个以上的副卫细胞, 这也证明了天南星族是天南星科较进化的族。  相似文献   

Sections through the petiole and blade midrib and sometimes the node of 20 genera of Luxemburgieae have revealed variations in vascularization which appear significant in determining the phylogeny of the tribe. The most primitive group are the pentacarpellate genera; they are characterized by multilacunar nodes and numerous leaf traces which mostly remain free to the leaf apex; some of these become medullary bundles in the petiole. The more advanced bicarpellate genera have multilacunar or trilacunar nodes, still with many leaf traces in the case of Wallacea. These traces fuse in the blade, resulting in a siphonostele. The most advanced genera are tricarpellate and have trilacunar nodes with only three traces; these traces fuse, forming a siphonostele. There are no medullary bundles present in this last group of genera.  相似文献   

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