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Seaweed flies (Coelopa frigida) inhabit piles of decaying seaweed on the seashore. All populations so far studied have been found to be polymorphic at the alcohol dehydrogenase locus (Adh). This article reports an attempt to identify some of the forces of natural selection that may be maintaining this polymorphism. First, the genetic determination of the rather complex isozyme system is described. Several inbred lines homozygous at the Adh locus were derived and the biochemical properties of their allozymes compared. Significant differences in both specific activities and thermal stabilities were found between ADH allozymes. A simple experiment is reported in which individuals with different Adh genotypes were cultured in competition with each other in the presence of elevated levels of ethanol. Although the presence of ethanol resulted in greater mortality, there is no evidence that it was selective with respect to the Adh genotypes. The possible relevance of these results to the maintenance of the Adh polymorphism is discussed.This work was supported by a grant to T. H. D. from the Science Research Council.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict is a fundamentally important aspect of male–female interactions. In this opinion piece, we emphasize two approaches that warrant significantly greater attention. First, we review the importance of understanding the ‘economics’ (costs and benefits) of sexual interactions and note surprisingly large, unrecognized gaps in our knowledge. Second, we highlight the novel obstacles and opportunities afforded by the dependence of sexually antagonistic (SA) selection on both the local environment and condition of the interacting individuals. We conclude that more research in these two areas is essential to fully understand the evolution of SA interactions and will provide significant new insights into the extent to which coevolution of the sexes is shaped by conflict. We argue that these approaches, although not new to the field, are undervalued and under-represented.  相似文献   

Interlocus sexual conflict theory predicts that some male adaptations are harmful to their mates. Females are therefore expected to evolve resistance to this harm. Using cytogenetic cloning techniques, we tested for heritable genetic variation among females for resistance to harm from males and determined whether propensity to remate, female body size, and intralocus conflict contributes to this variation. We found low but significant heritability for female resistance, but this variation accounted for more than half of the standing genetic variation for net fitness among females. We found no association between female resistance and female body size or level of intralocus sexual conflict. Reluctance to remate was found to be an important factor contributing to the female resistance phenotype, and we found a positive selection gradient on this trait. However, we observed only a nonsignificant positive correlation between a female's resistance and her net fitness. One factor contributing to the observed nominal level of selection on female resistance was that males cause the greatest amount of harm to females with the highest intrinsic fecundity.  相似文献   

As the evolutionary interests of males and females are frequently divergent, a trait value that is optimal for the fitness of one sex is often not optimal for the other. A shared genome also means that the same genes may underlie the same trait in both sexes. This can give rise to a form of sexual antagonism, known as intralocus sexual conflict (IASC). Here, a tug‐of‐war over allelic expression can occur, preventing the sexes from reaching optimal trait values, thereby causing sex‐specific reductions in fitness. For some traits, it appears that IASC can be resolved via sex‐specific regulation of genes that subsequently permits sexual dimorphism; however, it seems that whole‐genome resolution may be impossible, due to the genetic architecture of certain traits, and possibly due to the changing dynamics of selection. In this review, we explore the evolutionary mechanisms of, and barriers to, IASC resolution. We also address the broader consequences of this evolutionary feud, the possible interactions between intra‐ and interlocus sexual conflict (IRSC: a form of sexual antagonism involving different loci in each sex), and draw attention to issues that arise from using proxies as measurements of conflict. In particular, it is clear that the sex‐specific fitness consequences of sexual dimorphism require characterization before making assumptions concerning how this relates to IASC. Although empirical data have shown consistent evidence of the fitness effects of IASC, it is essential that we identify the alleles mediating these effects in order to show IASC in its true sense, which is a “conflict over shared genes.”  相似文献   

Theoretical models predict that sexual conflict can drive reproductive isolation by decreasing the probability of matings between individuals from allopatric populations. A recent study in dung flies supported this prediction. To test the generality of this finding we used replicate lines of Drosophila melanogaster that had been selected under high, medium and low levels of sexual conflict, in which the females had evolved differences in their level of resistance to male-induced harm. We compared the proportion of virgin pairs that mated by set time points, for flies from the same replicate within each sexual conflict level vs. flies from different replicates within each sexual conflict level. The results did not support the prediction that, in D. melanogaster, sexual conflict drives population divergence via changes in female willingness to mate. The results were unlikely to be explained by differential inbreeding or by a lack of response to sexual conflict.  相似文献   

Blyth JE  Gilburn AS 《Heredity》2005,95(2):174-178
The seaweed fly, Coelopa frigida, exhibits LMSP. A large chromosomal inversion system affects many traits including egg-to-adult viability via heterosis. Consequently, there is also considerable potential for cryptic female mate choice to operate on the basis of sperm karyotype. Here, we investigated the effect of time interval and chromosomal inversion karyotype on postcopulatory sexual selection. Homokaryotypic females were mated with a male of the same and a male of the opposite homokaryotype. The order of the matings was varied so cryptic female mate choice could operate either in concert or antagonistically with LMSP. LMSP was found when there was a 24 h time interval between matings, irrespective of the order in which the males were mated. However, when the males were mated in quick succession the order of mating was important. When LMSP and cryptic female mate choice work in concert a high level of LMSP was found. However, when the male of opposite homokaryotype mated first, then first male sperm precedence was observed. This suggests that polyandrous females might be able to bias paternity but only when matings occur in quick succession. Consequently, population density is likely to affect the operation of postcopulatory sexual selection.  相似文献   

R. K. Butlin  T. H. Day 《Oecologia》1984,63(1):122-127
Summary The effect of larval competition on adult size and egg to adult development time has been investigated in laboratory populations of the seaweed fly, Coelopa frigida. Increased larval density results in longer development times and smaller adults, suggesting a strong interference element to the competition. This may be due to a limiting rate of food supply rather than interactions between larvae. The relationship between development time and size suggests that both these characters are involved in control of the onset of pupation. C. frigida is polymorphic for an inversion on chromosome I. Differences in relative viability between the karyotypes are not related to the development time or size differences.  相似文献   

Cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) form the boundary between insects and their environments and often act as essential cues for species, mate, and kin recognition. This complex polygenic trait can be highly variable both among and within species, but the causes of this variation, especially the genetic basis, are largely unknown. In this study, we investigated phenotypic and genetic variation of CHCs in the seaweed fly, Coelopa frigida, and found that composition was affected by both genetic (sex and population) and environmental (larval diet) factors. We subsequently conducted behavioral trials that show CHCs are likely used as a sexual signal. We identified general shifts in CHC chemistry as well as individual compounds and found that the methylated compounds, mean chain length, proportion of alkenes, and normalized total CHCs differed between sexes and populations. We combined these data with whole genome resequencing data to examine the genetic underpinnings of these differences. We identified 11 genes related to CHC synthesis and found population‐level outlier SNPs in 5 that are concordant with phenotypic differences. Together these results reveal that the CHC composition of C. frigida is dynamic, strongly affected by the larval environment, and likely under natural and sexual selection.  相似文献   

The interests of males and females over reproduction rarely coincide and conflicts between the sexes over mate choice, mating frequency, reproductive investment, and parental care are common in many taxa. In Drosophila melanogaster, the optimum mating frequency is higher for males than it is for females. Furthermore, females that mate at high frequencies suffer significant mating costs due to the actions of male seminal fluid proteins. Sexual conflict is predicted to lead to sexually antagonistic coevolution, in which selection for adaptations that benefit males but harm females is balanced by counterselection in females to minimize the extent of male-induced harm. We tested the prediction that elevated sexual conflict should select for increased female resistance to male-induced harm and vice versa. We manipulated the intensity of sexual conflict by experimentally altering adult sex ratio. We created replicated lines of D. melanogaster in which the adult sex ratio was male biased (high conflict lines), equal (intermediate conflict lines), or female biased (low conflict lines). As predicted, females from high sexual conflict lines lived significantly longer in the presence of males than did females from low conflict lines. Our conclusion that the evolutionary response in females was to the level of male-induced harm is supported by the finding that there were no female longevity differences in the absence of males. Differences between males in female harming ability were not detected. This suggests that the response in females was to differences between selection treatments in mating frequency, and not to differences in male harmfulness.  相似文献   

The major aim of this study was to compare the intraspecific variation and genetic structure of the behaviourally distinct British and Swedish populations of the seaweed fly Coelopa frigida. C. frigida has been the subject of intense study into the basis of female choice. The behaviour of British females is consistent with a 'good genes' model, whereas that of the Swedish flies suggests a Fisher process, in which the difference between the former and the latter is defined by female choice increasing offspring viability in 'good genes' models. Through a study of variability in the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase II gene from more than 600 flies, we show that there is clear differentiation at the molecular level between the two countries' populations, with an FST of > 75% and no shared haplotypes. Tajima's test reveals an excess of rare variants relative to expectation, which, if not the result of selective sweep, indicates either a population expansion or purifying selection against weakly deleterious variants. Within the two populations, substantial subpopulation differentiation is observed in the UK, where there is also evidence of isolation by distance. Swedish populations exhibit lower variability, and no evidence of isolation by distance, with the latter result possibly being related to the continuous distribution of suitable habitat. The pattern of intraspecific variation is explainable by a combination of contemporary and also historical factors. British and Swedish populations may have been descended from at least two separate founding populations during the recolonization of these areas following Pleistocene glaciations.  相似文献   

Two species of seaweed fly, Coelopa frigida (Fabricius) and Coelopa pilipes (Halliday) (both Diptera: Coelopidae: Coelopini), compete for resources within deposits of marine algae washed ashore on British beaches. Previous studies report that adult flies exhibit algal‐specific behaviour that may influence interspecific interactions. It is predicted that coelopid larvae may also demonstrate algal‐specific dietary preferences. Larval dietary preferences are investigated by comparing the ratios of 13C/12C and 15N/14N in both wild flies and macroalgae to those of laboratory‐reared flies. Results showed only a small difference between the stable isotope ratios of the most abundant algae, Laminaria spp. (Laminariaceae) and Fucus spp. (Fucaceae), although there were significant differences between wild adult coelopids. This result illustrates different metabolic processes in two closely related species. The stable isotope ratios of wild‐caught coelopids were found to differ significantly from laboratory‐reared coelopids. This is either the result of red algae in the diet of natural populations or a difference in bacterial communities. We suggest that experiments with laboratory‐reared flies/specimens can greatly increase the utility of stable isotope analysis in the investigation of animal food webs, even where potential diets are isotopically similar. However, this approach is dependent on re‐creations that accurately mimic natural conditions.  相似文献   

Intralocus sexual conflict (IaSC) is pervasive because males and females experience differences in selection but share much of the same genome. Traits with integrated genetic architecture should be reservoirs of sexually antagonistic genetic variation for fitness, but explorations of multivariate IaSC are scarce. Previously, we showed that upward artificial selection on male life span decreased male fitness but increased female fitness compared with downward selection in the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus. Here, we use these selection lines to investigate sex‐specific evolution of four functionally integrated traits (metabolic rate, locomotor activity, body mass, and life span) that collectively define a sexually dimorphic life‐history syndrome in many species. Male‐limited selection for short life span led to correlated evolution in females toward a more male‐like multivariate phenotype. Conversely, males selected for long life span became more female‐like, implying that IaSC results from genetic integration of this suite of traits. However, while life span, metabolism, and body mass showed correlated evolution in the sexes, activity did not evolve in males but, surprisingly, did so in females. This led to sexual monomorphism in locomotor activity in short‐life lines associated with detrimental effects in females. Our results thus support the general tenet that widespread pleiotropy generates IaSC despite sex‐specific genetic architecture.  相似文献   

The maintenance of obligate sex in animals is a long‐standing evolutionary paradox. To solve this puzzle, evolutionary models need to explain why obligately sexual populations consistently resist invasion by facultative strategies that combine the benefits of both sexual and asexual reproduction. Sexual antagonism and mate availability are thought to shape the occurrence of reproductive modes in facultative systems. But it is unclear how such factors interact with each other to influence facultative invasions and transitions to obligate asexuality. Using individual‐based models, we clarify how sexually antagonistic coevolution and mate availability affect the likelihood that a mutant allele that gives virgin females the ability to reproduce parthenogenetically will invade an obligately sexual population. We show that male coercion cannot stop the allele from spreading because mutants generally benefit by producing at least some offspring asexually prior to encountering males. We find that effects of sexual conflict can lead to positive frequency‐dependent dynamics, where the spread of the allele is promoted by effective (no‐cost) resistance when males are common, and by mate limitation when sex ratios are female‐biased. However, once the mutant allele fixes, effective coercion prevents the complete loss of sex unless linkage disequilibrium can build up between the allele and alleles for effective resistance. Our findings clarify how limitations of female resistance imposed by the genetic architecture of sexual antagonism can promote the maintenance of sexual reproduction. At the same time, our finding of widespread obligate sex when costs of parthenogenesis are high suggests that developmental constraints could contribute to the rarity of facultative reproductive strategies in nature.  相似文献   

Mating systems have a profound influence on the probability of conflict occurring between the sexes. Promiscuity is predicted to generate sexual conflict, thereby driving the evolution of male traits that harm females, whereas monogamy is expected to foster reproductive cooperation, thus rendering such traits redundant. We tested these predictions using experimentally evolved Drosophila pseudoobscura subject to different mating systems. Female survival was not influenced by the mating system treatment of her partner. However, females continuously housed with males evolving under elevated opportunities for female promiscuity produced fewer total progeny, but a relatively greater number of progeny early in their lives, than females housed with males evolving under obligate monogamy. We also found that promiscuous males courted females more frequently than monogamous males. Variation in male courtship frequency and progeny production patterns among treatments reinforces the critical importance of mating system variation for sexual conflict, during both pre‐ and post‐copulatory interactions.  相似文献   

Abstract Is the cost of reproduction different between males and females? On the one hand, males typically compete intensely for mates, thus sexual selection theory predicts higher cost of reproduction for males in species with intense male‐male competition. On the other hand, care provisioning such as incubating the eggs and raising young may also be costly, thus parental care theory predicts higher mortality for the care‐giving sex, which is often the female. We tested both hypotheses of reproductive costs using phylogenetic comparative analyses of sex‐specific adult mortality rates of 194 bird species across 41 families. First, we show that evolutionary increases in male‐male competition were associated with male‐biased mortalities. This relationship is consistent between two measures of mating competition: social mating system and testis size. Second, as predicted by the parental cost hypothesis, females have significantly higher adult mortalities (mean ± SE, 0.364 ± 0.01) than males (0.328 ± 0.01). However, the mortality cost of parental care was only detectable in males, when the influence of mating competition was statistically controlled. Taken together, our results challenge the traditional explanation of female‐biased avian mortalities, because evolutionary changes in female care were unrelated to changes in mortality bias. The interspecific variation in avian mortality bias, as we show here, is driven by males, specifically via the costs of both mating competition and parental care. We also discuss alternative hypotheses for why most birds exhibit female‐biased mortalities, whereas in mammals male‐biased mortalities predominate.  相似文献   

Intralocus sexual conflict generates a cost to mate choice: high‐fitness partners transmit genetic variation that confers lower fitness to offspring of the opposite sex. Our earlier work in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, revealed that these indirect genetic costs were sufficient to reverse potential “good genes” benefits of sexual selection. However, mate choice can also confer direct fitness benefits by inducing larger numbers of progeny. Here, we consider whether direct benefits through enhanced fertility could offset the costs associated with intralocus sexual conflict in D. melanogaster. Using hemiclonal analysis, we found that females mated to high‐fitness males produced 11% more offspring compared to those mated to low‐fitness males, and high‐fitness females produced 34% more offspring than low‐fitness females. These direct benefits more than offset the reduction in offspring fitness caused by intralocus sexual conflict, creating a net fitness benefit for each sex to pairing with a high‐fitness partner. Our findings highlight the need to consider both direct and indirect effects when investigating the fitness impacts of mate choice. Direct fitness benefits may shelter sexually antagonistic alleles from selection, suggesting a novel mechanism for the maintenance of fitness variation.  相似文献   

Genital coevolution is a pervasive phenomenon as changes in one sex tend to impose fitness consequences on the other, generating sexual conflict. Sexual conflict is often thought to cause stronger selection on males due to the Darwin–Bateman's anisogamy paradigm. However, recent studies have demonstrated that female genitalia may be equally elaborated and perform diverse extra‐copulatory functions. These characteristics suggest that female genitals can also be primary targets of selection, especially where natural selection acts on female‐exclusive functions such as oviposition. Here, we test this hypothesis in a statistical phylogenetic framework across the whole beetle (Coleoptera) phylogeny, investigating whether coevolution of specific genital traits may be triggered by changes in females. We focus on traits of the proctiger, which composes part of the male terminalia and the female ovipositor. Our results present a comprehensive case of male–female genital coevolution and provide solid statistical evidence for a female‐initiated coevolutionary process where the vast majority of evolutionary transitions in males have occurred only after changes in females. We corroborate the hypothesis that female traits may change independently and elicit counter‐adaptations in males. Furthermore, by showing a consistent pattern across the phylogeny of the most diverse group of animals, our results suggest that this female‐driven dynamics may persist through long time scales.  相似文献   

Heritable and visually detectable polymorphisms, such as trophic polymorphisms, ecotypes, or colour morphs, have become classical model systems among ecological geneticists and evolutionary biologists. The relatively simple genetic basis of many polymorphisms (one or a few loci) makes such species well-suited to study evolutionary processes in natural settings. More recently, polymorphic systems have become popular when studying the early stages of the speciation process and mechanisms facilitating or constraining the evolution of reproductive isolation. Although colour polymorphisms have been studied extensively in the past, we argue that they have been underutilized as model systems of constraints on speciation processes. Colouration traits may function as signalling characters in sexual selection contexts, and the maintenance of colour polymorphisms is often due to frequency-dependent selection. One important issue is why there are so few described cases of female polymorphisms. Here we present a synthetic overview of female sexual polymorphisms, drawing from our previous work on female colour polymorphisms in lizards and damselflies. We argue that female sexual polymorphisms have probably been overlooked in the past, since workers have mainly focused on male-male competition over mates and have not realized the ecological sources of genetic variation in female fitness. Recent experimental evolution studies on fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) have demonstrated significant heritable variation among female genotypes in the fitness costs of resistance or tolerance to male mating harassment. In addition, female-female competition over resources could also generate genetic variation in female fitness and promote the maintenance of female sexual polymorphisms. Female sexual polymorphisms could subsequently either be maintained as intrapopulational polymorphisms or provide the raw material for the formation of new species.  相似文献   

Coevolution between the sexes is often considered to be male-driven: the male genome is constantly scanned by selection for traits that increase relative male fertilization success. Whenever these traits are harmful to females, the female genome is scanned for resistance traits. The resulting antagonistic coevolution between the sexes is analogous to Red Queen dynamics, where adaptation and counteradaptation keep each other in check. However, the underlying assumption that male trait evolution precedes female trait counteradaptation has received few empirical tests. Using the gonochoristic nematode Caenorhabditis remanei, we now show that 20 generations of relaxed versus increased sexual selection pressure lead to female, but not to male, trait evolution, questioning the generality of a male-driven process.  相似文献   

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