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The study of the morphology of orthothecimorph hyoliths from the Atdabanian (Lower Cambrian) of the Siberian Platform allowed the recognition of the new genus and species Spinitheca sysoievi gen. and sp. nov.  相似文献   

A new coelomycetous fungus Exosporodiella phoenixesa gen. et spec, nov., has been described and illustrated from the leaves of Phoenix from India.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of Kinorhyncha, Franciscideres kalenesos gen. et sp. nov., is described from tidal and subtidal sandy habitats in Brazil. The new genus and species is characterized by an extremely flexible trunk without pachycycli that appears perfectly circular in cross-section, segments 1, 2 and 11 consisting of closed rings and 3 to 10 of single, bent plates with midventral articulations, a neck without placids that resembles an additional segment, densely packed scale-like, cuticular hairs, and a terminal segment with a middorsal spine and two sets of lateral terminal spines, but no midterminal spine. Phylogenetic analyses of 18S rRNA of Franciscideres kalenesos gen. et sp. nov. and 47 other kinorhynch ingroup taxa suggest that the new genus is a basal homalorhagid, whereas comparison of morphological characters indicates affinities between the new genus and the peculiar cyclorhagid Cateria.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:64E29D97-DE1D-4511-8683-C969DD2EED43  相似文献   

The view of lichens as a symbiosis only between a mycobiont and a photobiont has been challenged by discoveries of diverse associated organisms. Specific basidiomycete yeasts in the cortex of a range of macrolichens were hypothesized to influence the lichens' phenotype. The present study explores the occurrence and diversity of cystobasidiomycete yeasts in the lichen genus Cladonia. We obtained seven cultures and 56 additional sequences using specific primers from 27 Cladonia species from all over Europe and performed phylogenetic analyses based on ITS, LSU and SSU rDNA loci. We revealed yeast diversity distinct from any previously reported. Representatives of Cyphobasidiales, Microsporomycetaceae and of an unknown group related to Symmetrospora have been found. We present evidence that the Microsporomycetaceae contains mainly lichen-associated yeasts. Lichenozyma pisutiana is circumscribed here as a new genus and species. We report the first known associations between cystobasidiomycete yeasts and Cladonia (both corticate and ecorticate), and find that the association is geographically widespread in various habitats. Our results also suggest that a great diversity of lichen associated yeasts remains to be discovered.  相似文献   

Several samples of microbial mat obtained from soda lakes of the Kunkurskaya steppe (Chita region) abundantly populated by purple bacteria were screened for the presence of heterotrophic alkaliphiles capable of oxidizing sulfur compounds to sulfate. This capacity was found in only one pigmented strain, ALG 1, isolated on medium with acetate and thiosulfate at pH 10. The strain was found to be a strictly aerobic and obligately heterotrophic alkaliphile. Growth on medium with acetate was possible within a narrow pH range from 8.5 to 10.4. The strain formed a reddish orange carotenoid and bacteriochlorophylla. Pigments were synthesized only at high concentrations of nitrogen-containing organic compounds (peptone or yeast extract). The production of bacteriochlorophylla was maximal under microaerobic conditions in darkness. Strain ALG 1 could oxidize sulfide, thiosulfate, sulfite, and elemental sulfur to sulfate. In heterotrophically growing culture (pH 10), thiosulfate was not oxidized until the late logarithmic phase. The sulfur-oxidizing activity was maximal at the most alkaline pH values. The notable increase in the efficiency of organic carbon utilization observed in the presence of thiosulfate suggested that the bacterium was a sulfur-oxidizing lithoheterotroph. The phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene showed strain ALG 1 to be a member of the α-3 subgroup of Proteobacteria and to constitute a distinct branch located between nonsulfur purple bacteriaRhodobacter andRhodovulum. Based on the unique phenotypic properties and the results of phylogenetic analysis, the alkaliphilic isolate ALG 1 was assigned to a new genus and speciesRoseinatronobacter thiooxidans with the type strain DSM-13087  相似文献   

Seven members of a new group of rod-shaped hyperthermophilic neutrophilic archaebacteria were isolated from boiling neutral to alkaline solfataric waters from the Azores, Iceland, and Italy. The organisms are strict anaerobes, growing optimally at 100°C. The cells are motile due to peritrichous or bipolar polytrichous flagellation. The isolates grow facultatively chemolithoautotrophically or obligately heterotrophically. Molecular hydrogen or complex organic substances are used as electron donors. During heterotrophic growth, elemental sulfur, thiosulfate, sulfite, l(-)cystine and oxidized glutathione may serve as electron acceptors depending on the individual strain. Elemental sulfur is strictly required as an electron acceptor for autotrophic growth. The G+C content of the DNA is around 46 mol%. The isolates represent a new genus which we have named Pyrobaculum (the fire stick). Two species are described: the facultatively autotrophic Pyrobaculum islandicum (DSM 4184), which is the type species, and the obligately heterotrophic Pyrobaculum organotrophum (DSM 4185).  相似文献   

Taxonomic assignments of anaerobic dichloromethane (DCM)-degrading bacteria remain poorly constrained but are important for understanding the microbial diversity of organisms contributing to DCM turnover in environmental systems. We describe the taxonomic classification of a novel DCM degrader in consortium RM obtained from pristine Rio Mameyes sediment. Phylogenetic analysis of full-length 16S rRNA gene sequences demonstrated that the DCM degrader was most closely related to members of the genera Dehalobacter and Syntrophobotulus, but sequence similarities did not exceed 94% and 93%, respectively. Genome-aggregate average amino acid identities against Peptococcaceae members did not exceed 66%, suggesting that the DCM degrader does not affiliate with any described genus. Phylogenetic analysis of conserved single-copy functional genes supported that the DCM degrader represents a novel clade. Growth strictly depended on the presence of DCM, which was consumed at a rate of 160 ± 3 μmol L?1 d?1. The DCM degrader attained 5.25 × 107 ± 1.0 × 107 cells per μmol DCM consumed. Fluorescence in situ hybridization revealed rod-shaped cells 4 ± 0.8 μm long and 0.4 ± 0.1 μm wide. Based on the unique phylogenetic, genomic, and physiological characteristics, we propose that the DCM degrader represents a new genus and species, ‘Candidatus Dichloromethanomonas elyunquensis’.  相似文献   

MaTePHa几oM八月只HaeTo兄以e盆CTaTbHCo6PaHHa只aBToPoMBnoe几y水H几a 60刀b山a月Ko月几eK以H月enHPH中ePH几,C“Hb双sRH KHP. BPaxHono几曰rg,7 ro八y Ha eeBePHoM eK加He xPe6Ta BoPoxoPo npoB“HuHH6仪几”eo6PaH汉xz3丁eMHo一eeP卜Ix丁oHKo3epxlHeT曰x H3BeeTI王只KoB万让1水IJerO116占生物学报7卷RaP6oHa,eo八eP水a以“x由几b比oe Ko几H叨eTBo Pyro3,RoToP曰e 6H几H onPe双e刀eH从T.A.八o6P邸旧6oBo直”H.B.Ka6aKoBHq.Pyro3H nPe八CTaB几eH曰:c侈。inia ex.gr.s夕umo,aGorsky,Ca刀i牡i“…  相似文献   

Summary A new genus under the Exobasidiaceae namelyMuribasidiospora gen. nov.Kamat, M. N. &Rajendren, R. B. has been established to accommodate such species ofExobasidium producing muriform basidiospores in their life cycle. Accordingly the two species viz.Exobasidium hesperidium Maire andE. celtidis Ramakrishnan, T. S. & K. are proposed to be transferred to the new genus under new combinations.  相似文献   

An amoeba strain was isolated from marine sediment taken from the beach near a fumarole in Italy. The trophozoites of this new marine species transforms into flagellates with variable numbers of flagella, from 2 to 10. The strain forms round to oval cysts. This thermophilic amoeboflagellate grows at temperatures up to 54 °C. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of the small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) places the amoeboflagellate in the Heterolobosea. The closest relatives are Stachyamoeba sp. ATCC50324, a strain isolated from an ocean sample, and Vrihiamoeba italica, a recent isolate from a rice field. Like some other heterolobosean species, this new isolate has a group I intron in the SSU rDNA. Because of the unique place in the molecular phylogenetic tree, and because there is no species found in the literature with similar morphological and physiological characteristics, this isolate is considered to be a new genus and a new species, Oramoeba fumarolia gen. nov., sp. nov.  相似文献   

Artem Y. Sinev 《Hydrobiologia》2004,520(1-3):29-47
The little-known cladoceran Alona macrocopa Sars, 1894 and four related species differ from the majority of the genus Alona by unusual morphology of antenna and postabdomen. Only two species of the five, A. macrocopa Sars, 1894 and A. imitatoria Smirnov, 1989, are found to be valid. The species A. abbreviata Sars, 1895, A. duodontha Henry, 1922 and A. guernei Smirnov, 2001 are proved to be the synonims of A. macrocopa. The detailed morphology of appendages of A. macrocopa and A. imitatoria is studied for the first time. Analysis of morphology of the macrocopa-group reveals numerous characters clearly separating it from other species of Alona despite the wide diversity of this genus. Unusual morphology of the antenna, and the female and male postabdomen does not allow placement of the macrocopa-group in any other genera of Aloninae. So the new genus Armatalona gen. n. is suggested. This new genus is the highly specialized marginal genus of Aloninae, closely related only to the Australian endemic genus Pseudomonospilus Smirnov, 2001. The morphology of Armatalona gen. n. and its place within Aloninae are discussed.  相似文献   

The macromorphology and epidermal anatomy of three Late Carboniferous-Early Permian pteridosperm species, conventionally assigned to the form-genus Pseudomariopteris Danzé-Corsin, are described from the Stephanian of the Blanzy-Montceau Basin (Central France). The generic diagnosis of Pseudomariopteris is emended, and P. busquetii is designated as the type species of the genus. The combination P. cordato-ovata (Weiss) Gillespie et al. is validated to replace the illegitimate name P. ribeyronii (Zeiller) Danzé-Corsin. The species diagnoses of P. busquetii and P. cordato-ovata are emended. On the basis of its epidermal anatomy, P. paleaui, another species orininally described from Central France, is transferred to the newly established genus Helenopteris Krings et Kerp, and the new combination Helenopteris paleaui is introduced. Lectotypes of P. busquetii and H. paleaui are selected. In addition, specimens from other basins are (re-)examined and illustrated. Seeds attached to a P. busquetii specimen suggest a callistophytalean relationship for Pseudomariopteris. Compression fossils and cuticles of Pseudomariopteris and Helenopteris are interpreted in terms of palaeoecology: Pseudomariopteris busquetii and P. cordato-ovata had climbing/scrambling growth habits; specialized climber hooks can be demonstrated for both species, either in compression or in cuticular preservation. Although the growth habit of H. paleaui is not yet entirely clear, the size of its fronds suggests that this taxon most probably was also a scrambler/climber. Finally, based on epidermal features, a tentative reconstruction of stages of the pinnule ontogeny of H. paleaui is provided.  相似文献   

Carayonovus insignis n. gen., n. sp., a remarkable new genus and species of Heteroptera, is described from Reunion Island. It is tentatively placed in the family Anthocoridae (Cimicoidea), but because of its remarkable sexual dimorphism and possession of characters not normally associated with this family or even with Cimicoidea, the genus is discussed in terms of the validity or otherwise of including it in these taxa. Its habitat preference is also examined.  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - A new genus Proeumicrotremus gen. nov. is established for the Soldatov’s lumpsucker Eumicrotremus soldatovi. The new genus differs from Eumicrotremus in a number of...  相似文献   

A novel type of bacterium has been isolated from various geothermally heated locales on the sea floor. The organisms are strictly anaerobic, rod-shaped, fermentative, extremely thermophilic and grow between 55 and 90°C with an optimum of around 80°C. Cells show a unique sheath-like structure and monotrichous flagellation. By 16S rRNA sequencing they clearly belong to the eubacteria, although no close relationship to any known group could be detected. The majority of their lipids appear to be unique in structure among the eubacteria. Isolate MSB8 is described as Thermotoga maritima, representing the new genus Thermotoga.Dedicated to Otto Kandler on the occasion of his 65th birthday Present addresses: University of South Dakota, Vermillion, USA; University of Illinois, Urbana, USA; Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien, Austria  相似文献   

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