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目的 探讨Toll样受体2(TLR2)在白念珠菌支气管肺感染大鼠肺组织模型中的表达及意义.方法 建立白念珠菌支气管肺感染大鼠模型,观察感染后肺组织病理形态学改变,采用免疫组织化学法观察感染后不同时间(第3天、第7天)白念珠菌支气管肺感染大鼠肺组织TLR2的表达,并与未感染组进行比较.结果 大鼠白念珠菌支气管肺感染后肺组织TLR2表达水平明显升高.结论 白念珠菌支气管肺感染肺组织TLR2表达增高可能参与感染的炎症反应.  相似文献   

Lasioglossins are a group of peptides with identified antimicrobial activity. The inhibitory effects of two synthetic lasioglossin derivatives, LLIII and D‐isomeric variant LLIII‐D, on morphological changes in Candida albicans in vitro and the effect of local administration of LLIII during experimental murine candidiasis were investigated. C. albicans blastoconidia were grown in the presence of lasioglossin LLIII or LLIII‐D at concentrations of 11.5 μM and 21 μM, respectively, for 1, 2 and 3 days and their viability determined by flow cytometry using eosin Y staining. Morphological changes were examined by light and fluorescent microscopy. The Candida‐inhibitory effect of daily intravaginal administration of 0.7 or 1.4 μg of LLIII was assessed in mice with experimentally‐induced vaginal candidiasis. LLIII and LLIII‐D lasioglossins exhibited candidacidal activity in vitro (>76% after 24 hr and >84% after 48 hr of incubation). After 72 hr incubation of Candida with low concentration of lasioglossins, an increase in viability was detected, probably due to a Candida antimicrobial peptides evasion strategy. Furthermore, lasioglossins inhibited temperature‐induced morphotype changes toward hyphae and pseudohyphae with sporadic occurrence of atypical cells with two or enlarged nuclei, suggesting interference with mitosis or cytokinesis. Local application of LLIII reduced the duration of experimental candidiasis with no evidence of adverse effects. Lasioglossin LLIII is a promising candidate for development as an antimicrobial drug for treating the vaginal candidiasis.

白念珠菌是引起浅部、深部真菌感染常见的病原菌.先天免疫反应在宿主抗系统性白念珠菌感染中起主导作用.介导宿主抗念珠菌感染的先天性免疫包括一系列真菌识别受体及免疫效应细胞.宿主对系统性白念珠菌感染的免疫反应是决定患者预后的关键.本文就宿主抗系统性白念珠菌感染的先天性免疫机制进行综述.  相似文献   

Nikawa  H.  Nishimura  H.  Hamada  T.  Sadamori  S. 《Mycopathologia》1997,138(1):13-19
To quantify the thigmotropism, we adapted the our previous method using a chemotaxifilter system in combination with a bioluminescent adenosine triphosphate (ATP) assay based on firefly luciferase-luciferin system and analyzed the relationship between the ability of germ tube formation and thigmotropism of C. albicans and C. tropicalis. Both the ability to form germ tube and the amount of hyphae exhibiting thigmotropism varied depending upon both the species and strains of Candida. C. albicans formed more germ tubes than C. tropicalis. A good correlation was observed between the ability to form a germ tube and the capacity for thigmotropism, and the results gave a level of significance (p<0.05). Further, SEM observation revealed that relatively long hyphae of C. tropicalis with penetrated through the pores of filter membrane. This phenomenon may be of importance in the development of pathogenesis of C. tropicalis as well as C. albicans. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Abstract In the present study, we assessed the influence of three culture media on the susceptibility 'in vitro' of twenty four clinical strains belonging to Candida albicans against three imidazole-derivatives and also, we investigated the situation of azole sensitivity in three of these strains.  相似文献   

白念珠菌是与人类共生的条件致病真菌,能引起免疫力低下患者皮肤黏膜和全身系统性持续感染.系统性念珠菌病是引起免疫力低下患者死亡的主要原因之一.由于临床缺乏念珠菌病的早期诊疗手段、可用的抗真菌药物种类有限且毒副作用大、耐药菌株越来越普遍、新药研发难度大等因素,抗真菌治疗依然面临着严峻挑战.目前有较多研究者致力于阐明白念珠菌感染的宿主免疫应答机制,并试图研发抗白念珠菌感染的免疫治疗方法,使免疫治疗有望成为预防和治疗真菌感染的有效手段.该文将几种抗白念珠菌感染的疫苗和抗体研究进展作简要概述,旨在为新型抗白念珠菌感染疫苗及抗体的研究提供参考.  相似文献   

CDC37基因编码的产物是一个参与蛋白激酶折叠成熟的分子伴侣蛋白,存在于多种真核生物中。在利用酵母双杂交系统筛选白念珠菌蛋白激酶Crk1相互作用蛋白时,获得一个CDC37同源基因。该基因编码区全长1524bp,编码一含508个氨基酸的蛋白质。其氨基酸序列与酿酒酵母Cdc37蛋白的序列同源性达41%。该基因在酿酒酵母中的表达能回复cdc37-1突变株的温度敏感表型,表明它能互补ScCDC37的功能。该基因命名为CaCDC37。Northern杂交显示,该基因在白念珠菌中呈组成型表达,转录水平不受形态转变和生长条件的影响;在crk1缺失株和CRK1高表达菌株中或者在cph1efg1双缺失株中,CaCDC37基因的转录水平没有明显变化。利用酵母双杂交系统分析CaCdc37与另外两个预测的白念珠菌分子伴侣蛋白CaSti1和CaHsp90的相互作用,结果表明CaCdc37能与CaSti1相互作用,而与CaHsp90的相互作用未能检测到。根据这些结果推测了CaCdc37可能的作用机制。  相似文献   

目的探讨大鼠支气管肺白念珠菌感染后血清白细胞介素17(IL-17)的变化及意义。方法将24只Sprague Dawley(以下简称SD)健康雄性鼠随机分为3组,每组8只,免疫低下+白念珠菌感染组(阳性对照组);免疫低下+生理盐水组(阴性对照组);免疫正常+白念珠菌感染组(实验组)。因为实验过程中存在大鼠死亡,最终每组各有6只大鼠完成实验。系统应用糖皮质激素建立免疫低下的大鼠模型;实验组及阳性对照组使用标准白念珠菌菌株混悬液经气管插管注入而建立感染模型;阴性对照组使用生理盐水作对照。感染后第1、3、5、7天使用尾静脉取血分离血清;酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)检测血清IL-17水平;第7天取血后处死大鼠,取右肺下叶组织进行HE染色观察。结果第3、5天实验组血清IL-17水平高于对照组,而第1、7天3组间无差异;两对照组IL-17水平无差异。肺组织病理:实验组呈明显炎症反应;阳性对照组呈轻微炎症反应;阴性对照组未见明显炎性细胞浸润。结论大鼠白念珠菌支气管肺感染后,免疫正常的大鼠在感染中期血清IL-17水平升高,IL-17可能通过促进中性粒细胞在气道的聚集而参与炎症反应;IL-17的水平与机体炎症反应呈正相关;IL-17在气道白念珠菌感染后炎症介导及机体防御机制的调动中起一定作用。  相似文献   

白念珠菌是临床最常见的条件致病真菌,V-ATPase是真核生物中高度保守的质子泵转运复合物,可以维持液泡和细胞质pH稳态.近年来,V-ATPase作为一个抗白念珠菌感染的潜在靶点为人们所关注,本文就V-ATPase抑制剂、相关的其他靶点及抑制剂筛选等方面的研究进展作一综述.  相似文献   

Candida albicans and Candida dubliniensis are the only Candida sp. that have been observed to produce chlamydospores. The function of these large, thick-walled cells is currently unknown. In this report, we describe the production and purification of chlamydospores from these species in defined liquid media. Staining with the fluorescent dye FUN-1 indicated that chlamydospores are metabolically active cells, but that metabolic activity is undetectable in chlamydospores that are >30 days old. However, 5–15-day-old chlamydospores could be induced to produce daughter chlamydospores, blastospores, pseudohyphae and true hyphae depending on the incubation conditions used. Chlamydospores that were preinduced to germinate were also observed to escape from murine macrophages following phagocytosis, suggesting that these structures may be viable in vivo . Mycelium-attached and purified chlamydospores rapidly lost their viability in water and when subjected to dry stress, suggesting that they are unlikely to act as long-term storage structures. Instead, our data suggest that chlamydospores represent an alternative specialized form of growth by C. albicans and C. dubliniensis .  相似文献   

Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), caused by Candida species, is a fungal infection of the lower female genital tract that affects approximately 75% of otherwise healthy women during their reproductive years18,32-34. Predisposing factors include antibiotic usage, uncontrolled diabetes and disturbance in reproductive hormone levels due to pregnancy, oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapies33,34. Recurrent VVC (RVVC), defined as three or more episodes per year, affects a separate 5 to 8% of women with no predisposing factors33.An experimental mouse model of VVC has been established and used to study the pathogenesis and mucosal host response to Candida3,4,11,16,17,19,21,25,37. This model has also been employed to test potential antifungal therapies in vivo13,24. The model requires that the animals be maintained in a state of pseudoestrus for optimal Candida colonization/infection6,14,23. Under such conditions, inoculated animals will have detectable vaginal fungal burden for weeks to months. Past studies show an extremely high parallel between the animal model and human infection relative to immunological and physiological properties3,16,21. Differences, however, include a lack of Candida as normal vaginal flora and a neutral vaginal pH in the mice.Here, we demonstrate a series of key methods in the mouse vaginitis model that include vaginal inoculation, rapid collection of vaginal specimens, assessment of vaginal fungal burden, and tissue preparations for cellular extraction/isolation. This is followed by representative results for constituents of vaginal lavage fluid, fungal burden, and draining lymph node leukocyte yields. With the use of anesthetics, lavage samples can be collected at multiple time points on the same mice for longitudinal evaluation of infection/colonization. Furthermore, this model requires no immunosuppressive agents to initiate infection, allowing immunological studies under defined host conditions. Finally, the model and each technique introduced here could potentially give rise to use of the methodologies to examine other infectious diseases of the lower female genital tract (bacterial, parasitic, viral) and respective local or systemic host defenses.  相似文献   

Aim: The purpose of this work was to evaluate the size‐dependent antifungal activity of different silver nanoparticles (SN) colloidal suspensions against Candida albicans and Candida glabrata mature biofilms. Methods and Results: The research presented herein used SN of three different average sizes (5, 10 and 60 nm), which were synthesized by the reduction of silver nitrate through sodium citrate and which were stabilized with ammonia or polyvinylpyrrolidone. Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) assays were performed using the microdilution methodology. The antibiofilm activity of SN was determined by total biomass quantification (by crystal violet staining) and colony forming units enumeration. MIC results showed that all SN colloidal suspensions were fungicidal against the tested strains at very low concentrations (0·4–3·3 μg ml?1). With regard to biomass quantification, SN colloidal suspensions were very effective only against C. glabrata biofilms, achieving biomass reductions around 90% at a silver concentration of 108 μg ml?1. In general, all SN suspensions promoted significant log10 reduction of the mean number of cultivable biofilm cells after exposure to silver concentrations at or higher than 108 μg ml?1. Moreover, the results showed that the particle size and the type of stabilizing agent used did not interfere in the antifungal activity of SN against Candida biofilms. Conclusions: This study suggests that SN have antifungal therapeutic potential, but further studies are still required namely regarding formulation and delivery means. Significance and Impact of the Study: SN may contribute to the development of new strategies for the improvement of oral health and quality of life particularly of the complete denture wearers.  相似文献   

Abstract A total of 130 isolates of Candida albicans obtained from oral, vaginal and skin sites, were biotyped using the API 20C sugar assimilation system. One major biotype accounted for 75% of the isolates, while 12 minor biotypes accounted for the rest. The API 20C system may therefore be useful in supplementing other biotyping schemes of C. albicans available at present.  相似文献   

Surface hydrophobic and hydrophilic protein alterations in Candida albicans   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract Cell surface hydrophobicity influences pathogenesis of Candida albicans . Previous studies suggested that stationary-phase hydrophilic and hydrophobic cells, obtained by growth at 37 and 23°C, respectively, may have similar hydrophobic proteins. However, whether hydrophilic and hydrophobic surface proteins differ during the growth cycle at 37°C is unknown. Freeze-fracture analysis revealed surface fibrillar layer differences between hydrophobic late-lag and hydrophilic stationary-phase yeast cells grown at 37°C. Hydrophilic protein differences were also observed between these populations. However, similar hydrophobic proteins were detected among the late-lag and stationary phase cells grown at 37°C and hydrophobic stationary-phase cells grown at 23°C. These results suggest that hydrophobic proteins remain constant but hydrophilic proteins vary during growth. Thus, conversion from surface hydrophilicity to hydrophobicity by C. albicans may only require alterations in the hydrophilic fibrillar protein components.  相似文献   

Cleavage of human big endothelin-1 by Candida albicans aspartic proteinase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract A Candida albicans aspartic proteinase (CAP), one of the secretory proteinases of Candida albicans , is thought to be a possible virulence factor in Candida albicans infection. Whereas endothelin-1 is found as an endothelium-derived strong vasoconstrictive peptide, it is known to have a role in the maintenance of vascular homeostasis and tissue survival. Endothelin-1 is generated from a precursor form of endothelin-1, the so-called big endothelin-1. It has recently been reported that cathepsin D, E and pepsin, which are aspartic proteinases, convert big endothelin-1 to endothelin-1. In this study, the relationship between CAP and big endothelin-1 was studied. High performance liquid chromatography analysis revealed that big endothelin-1 was cleaved into several amino acid sites by CAP, but endothelin-1 was not converted from big endothelin-1. CAP cleaved big endothelin-1 at different sites when compared with that of other known aspartic proteinases, and it suppressed endothelin-1 production through the degradation of big endothelin-1. CAP may break homeostatic mechanism of endothelin-1 in Candida albicans infectious lesion.  相似文献   

According to different metabolic situations in various stages of Candida albicans pathogenesis the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism was investigated. We report the genetic characterization of all major C. albicans gluconeogenic and glyoxylate cycle genes (fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase, PEP carboxykinase, malate synthase and isocitrate lyase) which were isolated after functional complementation of the corresponding Saccharomyces cerevisiae deletion mutants. Remarkably, the regulation of the heterologously expressed C. albicans gluconeogenic and glyoxylate cycle genes was similar to that of the homologous S. cerevisiae genes. A C. albicans DeltaCafbp1 deletion strain failed to utilize non-fermentable carbon sources but hyphal growth was not affected. Our results show that regulation of gluconeogenesis in C. albicans is similar to that of S. cerevisiae and that the current knowledge on how gluconeogenesis is regulated will facilitate the physiological understanding of C. albicans.  相似文献   

目的 用一种新制备的单克隆抗体MAb03.2Cl-C2鉴别生物学形态相近的白念珠菌和都柏林念珠菌。方法 用小鼠体内诱导法制备抗白念珠菌芽管胞壁外膜单克隆抗体MAb03.2Cl-C2。用不完全RPMI1640培养液、L—DMEM、H—DMEM、完全1640液、小牛血清诱导白念珠菌和都柏林念珠菌芽管及菌丝形成,间接免疫荧光(IIF)方法检测都柏林念珠菌芽管或菌丝表面有无可与该单抗相结合的成分。收集临床口腔念珠菌病标本涂片,直接做IIF试验。结果 用不完全RP-MI1640培养液37℃,6h可同时最高效率地诱导白念珠菌和都柏林念珠菌芽管或菌丝形成。单抗MAb03.2Cl-C2仅与白念珠菌芽管或菌丝特异性地结合,与都柏林念珠菌的孢子和菌丝不能结合。结论 单抗MAh03.2Cl-C2可用于白念珠菌和都柏林念珠菌实验室的速鉴别。  相似文献   

The CSH1 gene product is the first protein implicated to affect the phenotype of cell surface hydrophobicity in Candida albicans. Ablation of expression of CSH1 resulted in a 75% loss of the cell surface hydrophobicity (CSH) phenotype. When the C. albicans csh1 knockout derivative was cultured from frozen stocks, it had reacquired CSH levels similar to the parent strain and isogenic reintegrant in the absence of Csh1p re-expression through an unknown mechanism. Prior to reacquisition of CSH, the knockout was less adherent to fibronectin than the parent. Comparison of the csh1 knockout and CSH1 reintegrant in a hematogenous dissemination model allows analysis of Csh1p contribution to virulence using matched strains with similar levels of CSH. No statistical significance between the knockout and reintegrant was found in virulence based on median day of survival, although a reproducible delay in onset of lethal infection for the knockout was observed. A modest difference in mucosal colonization in a vaginal infection model was also observed between the knockout and reintegrant. The present study demonstrates that Csh1p contributes to virulence of C. albicans in mice, but other gene products also contribute to the CSH phenotype and virulence.  相似文献   

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