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大鼠脑缺血诱导的细胞色素c的释放和Bcl-2表达的上调   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Zhang CY  Shen WH  Zhang GY 《生理学报》2004,56(2):147-152
利用全脑缺血模型,采用免疫印迹和免疫沉淀方法,探讨N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸受体和L-型电压门控钙通道拮抗剂对细胞色素c从线粒体中的释放和Bcl-2的表达变化影响。缺血/复灌后24h,线粒体中细胞色素c明显降低而胞浆中细胞色素c的成分相应增加。Bcl-2的表达呈时间依赖性,其表达在缺血/复灌后6h达到最大。在所有样品中,线粒体呼吸链蛋白细胞色素氧化酶没有变化,表明线粒体的制备方法是可靠的。线粒体中Bcl-2的表达减少和细胞色素c的释放可以被NMDA受体拮抗剂氯胺酮和L-型电压门控钙通道拮抗剂尼氟地平抑制。结果表明,N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸受体和L-型电压门控钙通道可能介导了脑缺血后细胞色素c从线粒体中的释放和Bcl-2的上调表达。缺血诱导的细胞色素c释放具有损伤作用而Bcl-2的上调表达则对脑缺血具有一定的保护作用。  相似文献   

PSD-95(突触后密度蛋白-95)在突触后密度区含量丰富,具有复杂的结构域,与膜受体、离子通道、细胞粘附因子和信号分子 等相互作用聚集成大分子复合物,在突触的可塑性、学习记忆、大脑的病理生理紊乱等起重要作用。PSD-95 与脑缺血神经元损伤 和凋亡的分子机制有密切联系。脑缺血再灌注后PSD-95 在缺血侧皮层的变化表现为PSD-95 阳性细胞数的减少和细胞形态的受 损改变。抑制NMDA 受体活性的治疗策略包括破坏受体本身、钙离子通道阻滞剂、破坏PSD-95/NMDAR 相互作用、破坏 PSD-95/nNOS相互作用、nNOS抑制剂药物干预。已有研究发现在大鼠大脑中动脉栓塞模型中抑制PSD-95 复合体之间的相互作 用可以改善脑缺血。实验性的PSD-95 抑制剂减少了短时间和长时间局部脑缺血大鼠的梗死面积、并恢复相应的运动功能治疗脑 缺血。本文重点研究PSD-95 与脑缺血的关系及其调控机制。  相似文献   

电压门控性钙通道是一类广泛分布在中枢神经系统和外周神经系统中功能结构不同的离子通道家族.这类通道参与痛觉的调制,并且在神经元递质的释放、动作电位的激发和神经元的兴奋性改变中发挥着重要的作用,本文就各类钙通道在痛觉机制中的作用做一综述.  相似文献   

中枢神经系统中,丝氨酸消旋酶是5'吡哆醛依赖性酶,通过合成调控D型丝氨酸,参与N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸受体介导的神经发生、突触可塑性及学习记忆的调节。丝氨酸消旋酶表达与活性可以通过转录、翻译、翻译后修饰,小分子配基与蛋白相互作用,亚细胞分布多种方式调节。丝氨酸消旋酶失调影响了精神分裂症、脑损伤及神经退行性疾病等多种中枢神经系统疾病。本文简要介绍丝氨酸消旋酶的结构、分布、调节因素和在中枢神经系统中的生理病理功能,为神经及精神疾病的治疗和药物开发提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

为鉴定大鼠胚胎海马神经干细胞(NSCs)是否表达功能性的L-型钙通道,L-型钙通道是否参与了对大鼠胚胎NSCs增殖和分化调控.分离孕15天Wistar大鼠胚胎海马组织,制成单细胞悬液,利用无血清培养技术,在添加bFGF、EGF、N-2和B27 supplement的DMEM/F12培养液中进行培养.采用细胞免疫荧光法对原代至第5代细胞进行鉴定,均有巢蛋白(nestin)的表达,第3代nestin阳性细胞比例达97%.把培养的细胞诱导分化5天后,这些细胞表现为神经元和星形胶质细胞的形态,且分别呈Ⅲ型β-微管蛋白(Tuj1)阳性和胶质纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP)阳性;细胞免疫印迹结果显示,NSCs表达L-型钙通道的Cav1.2α1C亚单位,而无Cav1.3α1D亚单位的表达;利用全细胞膜片钳技术在NSCs上记录到了L-型钙电流,证明了NSCs所表达的L-型钙通道具有功能.进一步对细胞进行药理学干预,发现L-型钙通道的激活不仅可以促进胚胎NSCs的增殖,而且使增殖的NSCs向神经元分化的比例显著增加.以上结果表明,Wistar大鼠胚胎海马NSCs表达功能性的L-型钙通道;L-型钙通道参与了胚胎NSCs增殖和分化的调控.  相似文献   

离子通道是细胞膜上特殊跨膜蛋白构成的亲水孔道,越来越多的证据表明其与兴奋性,腺体分泌、机体运动、甚至学习和记忆行为等重要生理现象密切相关,由此该领域成为当今年生命学科广为注目的前沿之一。本将简要介绍离子通道的分类和功能,并侧重阐明通道压控原理有压控通道的跨膜拓扑结构和功能分子模型。  相似文献   

采用全细胞膜片钳技术观察不同浓度葡萄糖对新生Wister大鼠胰岛β细胞膜上电压依赖性L-型钙离子通道门控特性的影响,即分别用2.8、5.5、16.7和22.2 mmol/L的葡萄糖刺激单个贴壁胰岛β细胞,以Ba2+作为载流子,分析比较葡萄糖对L-型钙通道电流的影响。结果显示:在低糖(2.8 mmol/L)情况下,大鼠胰岛β细胞电压依赖性L-型钙离子通道电流静息膜电位约为-70 mV,钙离子内流不明显,且无明显的时间依赖性关系。在葡萄糖浓度为5.5 mmol/L的条件下,大鼠胰岛β细胞电压依赖性L-型钙离子通道电流在-40 mV激活, +20 mV左右达峰值;高糖(16.7 mmol/L)作用胰岛β细胞后,电压依赖性L-型钙离子通道电流约-40 mV激活,+10 mV左右达峰值,即峰值电位向负方向移动约10 mV;葡萄糖浓度达22.2 mmol/L时,电活动呈持续性去极化,峰值电位增加不明显,提示葡萄糖降低胰岛β细胞电压依赖性L-型钙通道电流的激活电位阈值,促进其开放,钙电流峰值电位增加,随着高糖作用时间的延长,胰岛β细胞容积变大,细胞膜破坏。提示高浓度葡萄糖在一定范围内可以刺激胰岛素的分泌,但浓度过高则可抑制胰岛素的分泌,通过观察葡萄糖刺激的胰岛β细胞胰岛素第一时相分泌的变化,在一定程度上对高糖毒性作用的可能提供了证据。  相似文献   

心脏压力负荷导致心肌肥厚的过程是心衰发生的关键环节。已有研究表明,控制心脏收缩的细胞钙致钙释放过程在心肌肥厚及心衰状态下发生缺损,但分子机制尚未阐明。我们以主动脉结扎手术建立压力负荷的大鼠心肌肥厚模型:实验组分为假手术组、代偿性肥厚组(CHT)和失代偿性肥厚组(DHT),以松钳一共聚焦成像技术研究单个L-型钙通道(LCC)与ryanodine受体(RyR)间的钙信号耦联。我们发现DHT中LCC—RyR分子耦联潜伏期延长49%,耦联成功率降低47%,失败概率提高72%,证明DHT进入了一种“分子间衰退”状态。出人意料的是,心功能正常的CHT也发生分子间衰退,并与锚定肌质网与细胞膜的junctophilin蛋白表达下降有关,表明分子间耦联衰退在细胞功能变化显现之前已经潜性地发生。与此一致,细胞兴奋期钙释放同步性降低,但钙释放总量和细胞钙瞬变在CHT并无变化。这些结果提示,在一个我们称为“稳定余量”(stability margin)的范围内,分子间耦联衰退不会影响细胞兴奋收缩耦联能力,只有分子间耦联衰退超出稳定余量,心衰才会发生。潜性的分子间耦联衰退的发现对早期防治心衰有重要意义。  相似文献   

三羟异黄酮对豚鼠心室肌细胞L-型钙通道电流的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ji ES  Yin JX  Ma HJ  He RR 《生理学报》2004,56(4):466-470
本实验用全细胞膜片钳技术观察三羟异黄酮(genistein,GST)对豚鼠心室肌细胞L-钙通道电流(ICa、L)的影响。结果如下:(1)GST(10、50、100 μmol/L)可浓度依赖性地降低ICa,L(n=6,P<0.01)。GST的非活性结构类似物daidzein(100μmol/L),在同一浓度范围对ICa,L没有影响(n=5,P>0.05)。(2)GST使I-V曲线上移,但对ICa,L的电压依赖特征和最大激活电压无明显影响。(3)GST对ICa,L的激活动力学特性也无影响,但可使钙电流稳态失活曲线左移。V0.5从对照的-28.6±0.6 mV变为-32.8±1.1mV,κ值从对照的5.8±0.5 mV升至6.5±0.9 mV(n=6,P<0.05)。(4)GST明显使复活曲线右移,从而使ICa,L从失活状态下恢复明显减慢(n=7,P<0.01)。(5)酪氨酸磷酸酶抑制剂正钒酸钠(1 mmol/L)显著对抗GST引起的ICa,L抑制效应(n=6,P<0.01)。根据以上结果得出的结论是:GST抑制ICa,L加速钙通道失活和钙通道在失活状态下恢复减慢;GST对ICa,L的这种抑制作用与蛋白酪氨酸激酶(PTK)抑制有关。  相似文献   

电压门控性K 通道是由4个相同亚单位构成的四聚体通道,其中每个亚单位都含有1个电压感受器,并且4个亚单位合起来组成1个中央孔.电压门控性通道蛋白具有3种主要功能,一是离子通透功能,二是门控蛋白构象改变,三是门控与感知机制的偶联.通道具有高通透速率和高选择性,通过构象改变的门控机制有3种,一是S6束交叉门控,二是球链门控,三是选择性滤器的门控.  相似文献   

The importance of voltage-gated calcium channels is underscored by the multitude of intracellular processes that depend on calcium, notably gene regulation and neurotransmission. Given their pivotal roles in calcium (and hence, cellular) homeostasis, voltage-gated calcium channels have been the subject of intense research, much of which has focused on channel regulation. While ongoing research continues to delineate the myriad of interactions that govern calcium channel regulation, an increasing amount of work has focused on the trafficking of voltage-gated calcium channels. This includes the mechanisms by which calcium channels are targeted to the plasma membrane, and, more specifically, to their appropriate loci within a given cell. In addition, we are beginning to gain some insights into the mechanisms by which calcium channels can be removed from the plasma membrane for recycling and/or degradation. Here we highlight recent advances in our understanding of these fundamentally important mechanisms.  相似文献   

Wang MC  Dolphin A  Kitmitto A 《FEBS letters》2004,564(3):245-250
L-type voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) are multisubunit membrane proteins that regulate calcium influx into excitable cells. Within the last two years there have been four separate reports describing the structure of the skeletal muscle VGCC determined by electron microscopy and single particle analysis methods. There are some discrepancies between the structures, as well as reports for both monomeric and dimeric forms of the channel. This article considers each of the VGCC structures in terms of similarities and differences with an emphasis upon translation of data into a biological context.  相似文献   

The modulation of presynaptic voltage-dependent calcium channels by classical second messenger molecules such as protein kinase C and G protein betagamma subunits is well established and considered a key factor for the regulation of neurotransmitter release. However, little is known of other endogenous mechanisms that control the activity of these channels. Here, we demonstrate a unique modulation of N-type calcium channels by farnesol, a dephosphorylated intermediate of the mammalian mevalonate pathway. At micromolar concentrations, farnesol acts as a relatively non-discriminatory rapid open channel blocker of all types of high voltage-activated calcium channels, with a mild specificity for L-type channels. However, at 250 nM, farnesol induces an N-type channel-specific hyperpolarizing shift in channel availability that results in approximately 50% inhibition at a typical neuronal resting potential. Additional experiments demonstrated the presence of farnesol in the brain (rodents and humans) at physiologically relevant concentrations (100-800 pmol/g (wet weight)). Altogether, our results indicate that farnesol is a selective, high affinity inhibitor of N-type Ca(2+) channels and raise the possibility that endogenous farnesol and the mevalonate pathway are implicated in neurotransmitter release through regulation of presynaptic voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels.  相似文献   

beta subunits of voltage-gated calcium channels influence channel behavior in numerous ways, including enhancing the targeting of alpha1 subunits to the plasma membrane and shifting the voltage dependence of activation and inactivation. Of the four beta subunits that have been identified, beta 4 is of particular interest because mutation of its alpha1 subunit interaction domain produces severe neurological defects. Its differential distribution in the hippocampus prompted us to examine whether this subunit was responsible for the heterogeneity of hippocampal L-type calcium channels. To study the functional effects of the beta 4 subunit on native L-type calcium channels, we transfected beta 4 cDNA subcloned out of embryonic hippocampal neurons into PC12 cells, a cell line that contains the beta 1, beta 2, and beta 3 subunits but not the beta 4 subunit. Cell-attached single-channel recordings of L-type channel activity from untransfected and transfected PC12 cells compared with recordings obtained from hippocampal neurons revealed an effect of the beta 4 subunit on single-channel conductance. L-type channels in untransfected PC12 cells had a significantly smaller conductance (19.8 picosiemens (pS)) than L-type channels in hippocampal neurons (22 pS). After transfection of beta 4, however, L-type single-channel conductance was indistinguishable between the two cell types. Our data suggest that calcium channel beta 4 subunits affect the conductance of L-type calcium channels and that native hippocampal L-type channels contain the beta 4 subunit.  相似文献   

The use of specific activators and inhibitors that penetrate the central nervous system has suggested an essential functional role of L-type calcium channels (LTCC) in several important physiological processes of the brain, including the modulation of the mesoaccumbal dopamine signalling pathway, synaptic transmission of auditory stimuli and synaptic plasticity of neutral and aversive learning and memory processes. However, the lack of selectivity of available pharmacological agents towards the most prominent LTCC isoforms in the brain, namely Cav1.2 and Cav1.3, has hampered the elucidation of the precise contribution made by each specific channel isoform within these specific physiological processes. Modern genetic approaches, both in rodents and in human, have recently enhanced our understanding of the selective functional roles of Cav1.2 and Cav1.3 channels. In rodents, the characterisation of global and conditional isoform-specific knockouts suggests a contribution of Cav1.2 channels in spatial memory formation, whereas Cav1.3 channels seem to be involved in the consolidation of fear memories and in neurodegenerative mechanisms associated with the development of Parkinson’s disease. With regard to the molecular mechanisms underlying drug addiction, Cav1.3 channels are necessary for the development and Cav1.2 channels for the expression of cocaine and amphetamine behavioural sensitisation. In humans, both the identification of naturally occurring LTCC variants (“channelopathies”) and unbiased genome-wide association studies have linked LTCCs to working memory performance in healthy individuals and schizophrenic patients. Individually, CACNA1C polymorphisms and CACNA1D variants have been linked to a variety of psychiatric diseases and to congenital deafness, respectively. However, the contribution of individual LTCCs and their polymorphisms to human brain function and diseases remains unclear, necessitating the use of isoform-specific pharmacological agents.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated calcium channels mediate excitationcontraction coupling in the skeletal muscle. Their molecular composition, similar to neuronal channels, includes the pore-forming alpha(1) and auxiliary alpha(2)delta, beta, and gamma subunits. The gamma subunits are the least characterized, and their subunit interactions are unclear. The physiological importance of the neuronal gamma is emphasized by epileptic stargazer mice that lack gamma(2). In this study, we examined the molecular basis of interaction between skeletal gamma(1) and the calcium channel. Our data show that the alpha(1)1.1, beta(1a), and alpha(2)delta subunits are still associated in gamma(1) null mice. Reexpression of gamma(1) and gamma(2) showed that gamma(1), but not gamma(2), incorporates into gamma(1) null channels. By using chimeric constructs, we demonstrate that the first half of the gamma(1) subunit, including the first two transmembrane domains, is important for subunit interaction. Interestingly, this chimera also restores calcium conductance in gamma(1) null myotubes, indicating that the domain mediates both subunit interaction and current modulation. To determine the subunit of the channel that interacts with gamma(1), we examined the channel in muscular dysgenesis mice. Cosedimentation experiments showed that gamma(1) and alpha(2)delta are not associated. Moreover, alpha(1)1.1 and gamma(1) subunits form a complex in transiently transfected cells, indicating direct interaction between the gamma(1) and alpha(1)1.1 subunits. Our data demonstrate that the first half of gamma(1) subunit is required for association with the channel through alpha(1)1.1. Because subunit interactions are conserved, these studies have broad implications for gamma heterogeneity, function and subunit association with voltage-gated calcium channels.  相似文献   

Photoreceptors are non-spiking neurons, and their synapses mediate the continuous release of neurotransmitters under the control of L-type voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs). Photoreceptors express endogenous circadian oscillators that play important roles in regulating photoreceptor physiology and function. Here, we report that the L-type VGCCs in chick cone photoreceptors are under circadian control. The L-type VGCC currents are greater when measured during the subjective night than during the subjective day. Using antibodies against the VGCCalpha1C and VGCCalpha1D subunits, we found that the immunofluorescence intensities of both VGCCalpha1C and VGCCalpha1D in photoreceptors are higher during the subjective night. However, the mRNA levels of VGCCalpha1D, but not VGCCalpha1C, are rhythmic. Nocturnal increases in L-type VGCCs are blocked by manumycin A, PD98059, and KN93, which suggest that the circadian output pathway includes Ras, Erk, and calcium-calmodulin dependent kinase II. In summary, four independent lines of evidence show that the L-VGCCs in cone photoreceptors are under circadian control.  相似文献   

Nomenclature of voltage-gated calcium channels   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  

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