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Genome mapping,molecular markers and marker-assisted selection in crop plants   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:20  
Molecular Breeding -  相似文献   

The benefits of marker assisted selection (MAS) are evaluated under realistic assumptions in schemes where the genetic contributions of the candidates to selection are optimised for maximising the rate of genetic progress while restricting the accumulation of inbreeding. MAS schemes were compared with schemes where selection is directly on the QTL (GAS or gene assisted selection) and with schemes where genotype information is not considered (PHE or phenotypic selection). A methodology for including prior information on the QTL effect in the genetic evaluation is presented and the benefits from MAS were investigated when prior information was used. The optimisation of the genetic contributions has a great impact on genetic response but the use of markers leads to only moderate extra short-term gains. Optimised PHE did as well as standard truncation GAS (i.e. with fixed contributions) in the short-term and better in the long-term. The maximum accumulated benefit from MAS over PHE was, at the most, half of the maximum benefit achieved from GAS, even with very low recombination rates between the markers and the QTL. However, the use of prior information about the QTL effects can substantially increase genetic gain, and, when the accuracy of the priors is high enough, the responses from MAS are practically as high as those obtained with direct selection on the QTL.  相似文献   

A Monte Carlo simulation was used to investigate the potential of Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) in a multiple-trait situation. Only additive effects were considered. The base population was assumed to be in linkage equilibrium and, next, the population was managed over 15 discrete generations, 10 males and 50 females were chosen out of the 100 candidates of each sex. Performance for two traits was simulated with an overall heritability of a given trait equal to 0.25 or 0.10 and the overall genetic correlation between traits was generally equal to -0.4 except in one case where it was equal to 0. The model involved one biallelic QTL, accounting for 10 or 20% of the genetic variance of a given trait, plus polygenes. Initial allelic frequencies at the QTL were generally equal to 0.5 but in one case were equal to 0.1 and 0.9. A marker with 120 different alleles in the 60 founder parents was simulated in the vicinity of the QTL. Two values of the recombination rate between these two loci were considered, 0.10 and 0.02. The genetic evaluation was based on a multiple-trait BLUP animal model, accounting (MAS) or not (conventional BLUP) for marker information. Two sets of simulations were run: (1) a "missing data"case, with males having no record for one of the traits, and (2) a "secondary trait"case, with one trait having a weight in the aggregate genotype 4 times less than the other trait and the QTL acting only on this secondary trait. In the first set, evaluation methods were found to mainly affect the accuracy of overall genetic values prediction for the trait with missing data. In comparison with BLUP, MAS led to an extra overall genetic response for the trait with missing data, which was strongly penalised under the conventional BLUP, and to a deficit in response for the other trait. This more balanced evolution of the two traits was obtained, however, at the expense of the long-term overall cumulated response for the aggregate genotype, which was 1 to 2.5% lower than the one obtained under the conventional BLUP. In the second set of simulation, in the case of low initial frequency (0.1) of the QTL allele favourable to the secondary trait, MAS was found to be substantially more efficient to avoid losing this allele than BLUP only when the QTL had a large effect and the marker was close. More benefits should be expected from MAS with more specific applications, such as early selection of animals, or by applying dynamic procedures i.e. letting the respective weights to QTL and polygenic values in the selection criterion vary across generation.  相似文献   

Marker assisted selection of bacterial blight resistance genes in rice   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Bacterial leaf blight caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae is one of the most important diseases affecting rice production in Asia. We were interested in surveying rice genotypes that are popularly used in the Indian breeding program for conferring resistance to bacterial blight, using 11 STMS and 6 STS markers. The basis of selection of these DNA markers was their close linkage to xa5, xa13, and Xa21 genes and their positions on the rice genetic map relative to bacterial blight resistance genes. Eight lines were found to contain the xa5 gene while two lines contained Xa21 gene and none of the lines contained the xa13 gene with the exception of its near-isogenic line. Using the polymorphic markers obtained in the initial survey, marker-assisted selection was performed in the F3 population of a cross between IR-64 and IET-14444 to detect lines containing multiple resistance genes. Of the 59 progeny lines analyzed, eight lines contained both the resistance genes, xa5 and Xa4.  相似文献   

Two decades of investigations on maize resistance to Mediterranean corn borer (Sesamia nonagrioides Lefebvre; MCB) have shown that breeding for increased resistance to stem tunnelling by MCB often resulted in reduced yield because significant genetic correlation between both traits exists in some backgrounds. Unlike phenotypic selection, marker‐assisted selection (MAS) could differentiate markers linked only to one trait from those linked simultaneously to yield potential and susceptibility to the pest. In the current study, the suitability of MAS for improving resistance to stem tunnelling without adverse effects on yield has been tested. The unfavourable genetic relationship between yield potential and susceptibility could be overcome using MAS. Gains obtained using MAS were weak, because genetic variance explained by the quantitative trait loci (QTL) was low but results encourage us to persevere in using marker information for simultaneous improvement of resistance and yield especially if genome‐wide approaches are applied. Approaches to detect QTL are widely used, but studies on the suitability of markers linked to QTL for performing MAS have been mostly neglected.  相似文献   

In wheat, the deployment of marker‐assisted selection has long been hampered by the lack of markers compatible with high‐throughput cost‐effective genotyping techniques. Recently, insertion site‐based polymorphism (ISBP) markers have appeared as very powerful new tools for genomics and genetic studies in hexaploid wheat. To demonstrate their possible use in wheat breeding programmes, we assessed their potential to meet the five main requirements for utilization in MAS: flexible and high‐throughput detection methods, low quantity and quality of DNA required, low cost per assay, tight link to target loci and high level of polymorphism in breeding material. Toward this aim, we developed a programme, IsbpFinder, for the automated design of ISBP markers and adapted three detection methods (melting curve analysis, SNaPshot® Multiplex System and Illumina BeadArray technology) for high throughput and flexible detection of ISBP or ISBP‐derived SNP markers. We demonstrate that the high level of polymorphism of the ISBPs combined with cost‐effective genotyping methods can be used to efficiently saturate genetic maps, discriminate between elite cultivars, and design tightly linked diagnostic markers for virtually all target loci in the wheat genome. All together, our results suggest that ISBP markers have the potential to lead to a breakthrough in wheat marker‐assisted selection.  相似文献   

Plant genome sequencing: applications for crop improvement   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DNA sequencing technology is undergoing a revolution with the commercialization of second generation technologies capable of sequencing thousands of millions of nucleotide bases in each run. The data explosion resulting from this technology is likely to continue to increase with the further development of second generation sequencing and the introduction of third generation single‐molecule sequencing methods over the coming years. The question is no longer whether we can sequence crop genomes which are often large and complex, but how soon can we sequence them? Even cereal genomes such as wheat and barley which were once considered intractable are coming under the spotlight of the new sequencing technologies and an array of new projects and approaches are being established. The increasing availability of DNA sequence information enables the discovery of genes and molecular markers associated with diverse agronomic traits creating new opportunities for crop improvement. However, the challenge remains to convert this mass of data into knowledge that can be applied in crop breeding programs.  相似文献   

山羊经济性状标记辅助选择的遗传效应分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
沈伟  李兰  潘庆杰  秦国庆  耿社民 《遗传》2004,26(5):0-630

本研究以辽宁绒山羊、柴达木绒山羊和柴达木山羊3个群体共147只山羊为研究对象,运用PAGE和RAPD技术对山羊的体重、绒产量和绒细度3个性状进行了与标记基因关系的遗传分析,结果表明:EsD2-2型、LAPBB型和PA-32-2型分别为体重、绒产量和绒细度性状的优势标记基因型;可利用标记辅助预测的方法充分利用多基因座标记基因间的互作效应;在体重上,寻找到有显著选择效应的RAPD条带11个,在绒产量和绒细度上分别为9和6个;在多目标性状选择中,CY0818/A0型和OPW19/C1型为体重和绒产量的双重优势RAPD标记,CY0818/G1型为体重和绒细度的双重优势RAPD标记。Abstract: The genetic relationships between economic traits and genetic markers were studied in 147 goats including Chaidamu goat (CS), Chaidamu Cashmere goat (CRS) and Liaoning Cashmere goat (LRS) in Qinghai province, China. CRS was the population of CS×LRS crossbred. The results showed as follows: the selection reaction of these blood protein polymorphisic loci were great, such as EsD, LAP and PA-3; and EsD2-2, LAPBB and PA-32-2 were the superior marker genotypes on body weight ,Cashmere yield and Cashmere fineness respectively by Least Square method. The interaction between marker genotypes at double loci was found frequently, and their ratio between interaction variance component and genetic variance was higher. With the method of marker assisted prediction( MAP), some interaction effect could be used effectively in the crossbreed population. On the aspect of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), the number of the superior RAPD marker bands were 11 on body weight trait, 9 and 6 RAPD marker bands on Cashmere yield and Cashmere fineness. For multi-goal traits, CY0818/A0 type and OPW19/C1 type were superior RAPD markers of body weight and Cashmere yield, CY0818/G1 type was superior one of body weight and Cashmere fineness.  相似文献   

Under additive inheritance, the Henderson mixed model equations (HMME) provide an efficient approach to obtaining genetic evaluations by marker assisted best linear unbiased prediction (MABLUP) given pedigree relationships, trait and marker data. For large pedigrees with many missing markers, however, it is not feasible to calculate the exact gametic variance covariance matrix required to construct HMME. The objective of this study was to investigate the consequences of using approximate gametic variance covariance matrices on response to selection by MABLUP. Two methods were used to generate approximate variance covariance matrices. The first method (Method A) completely discards the marker information for individuals with an unknown linkage phase between two flanking markers. The second method (Method B) makes use of the marker information at only the most polymorphic marker locus for individuals with an unknown linkage phase. Data sets were simulated with and without missing marker data for flanking markers with 2, 4, 6, 8 or 12 alleles. Several missing marker data patterns were considered. The genetic variability explained by marked quantitative trait loci (MQTL) was modeled with one or two MQTL of equal effect. Response to selection by MABLUP using Method A or Method B were compared with that obtained by MABLUP using the exact genetic variance covariance matrix, which was estimated using 15 000 samples from the conditional distribution of genotypic values given the observed marker data. For the simulated conditions, the superiority of MABLUP over BLUP based only on pedigree relationships and trait data varied between 0.1% and 13.5% for Method A, between 1.7% and 23.8% for Method B, and between 7.6% and 28.9% for the exact method. The relative performance of the methods under investigation was not affected by the number of MQTL in the model.  相似文献   

作物主要农艺性状和经济性状大多属于数量性状。传统数量遗传学采用数理统计方法,把控制数量性状的多基因系统作为一个整体进行研究。DNA分子标记技术的出现和发展,为数量性状研究提供了重要工具。自20世纪80年代以来,QTL定位的统计分析方法发展很快,先后提出单标记分析法、区间作图法及复合区间作图法等。目前,作物QTL研究取得了重要进展,一些重要作物、重要农艺性状的主效QTL基因已被相继克隆成功,作物数量性状的研究已经成为一个具有勃勃生机的热门领域。  相似文献   

Bulked segregant analysis was used to identify RAPD markers in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) that were linked to a male fertility restorer gene for Ogura cytoplasmic male sterility. After screening for polymorphisms using 960 primers, 14 RAPD markers were mapped to a 25 cM region including the restorer locus, a mapping population of 242 F2 individuals being employed. The map was used to select 11 markers that were investigated for polymorphisms between the restorer donor line and 46 recipient lines. A set of four RAPD markers, one in coupling phase with the restorer allele and three with the non-restorer allele, which were informative in all 46 combinations, were used in marker assisted selection of plants homozygous for the restorer allele. A total of 906 homozygous restored plants were found among the 4605 BC1F2 plants analysed. Phenotypic data of a subset of the classified plants was compared with the RAPD data and the expected number of recombinants was calculated from the map data. A close correspondence between the expected and observed numbers of plants with a deviating phenotype was found. Thus, use of a set of dominant RAPD markers provides a way obtaining reliable data for marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

A fast, partly recursive deterministic method for calculating Identity-by-Descent (IBD) probabilities was developed with the objective of using IBD in Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) mapping. The method combined a recursive method for a single marker locus with a method to estimate IBD between sibs using multiple markers. Simulated data was used to compare the deterministic method developed in the present paper with a stochastic method (LOKI) for precision in estimating IBD probabilities and performance in the task of QTL detection with the variance component approach. This comparison was made in a variety of situations by varying family size and degree of polymorphism among marker loci. The following were observed for the deterministic method relative to MCMC: (i) it was an order of magnitude faster; (ii) its estimates of IBD probabilities were found to agree closely, even though it does not extract information when haplotypes are not known with certainty; (iii) the shape of the profile for the QTL test statistic as a function of location was similar, although the magnitude of the test statistic was slightly smaller; and (iv) the estimates of QTL variance was similar. It was concluded that the method proposed provided a rapid means of calculating the IBD matrix with only a small loss in precision, making it an attractive alternative to the use of stochastic MCMC methods. Furthermore, developments in marker technology providing denser maps would enhance the relative advantage of this method.  相似文献   

From crop domestication to super-domestication   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Research related to crop domestication has been transformed by technologies and discoveries in the genome sciences as well as information-related sciences that are providing new tools for bioinformatics and systems' biology. Rapid progress in archaeobotany and ethnobotany are also contributing new knowledge to understanding crop domestication. This sense of rapid progress is encapsulated in this Special Issue, which contains 18 papers by scientists in botanical, crop sciences and related disciplines on the topic of crop domestication. One paper focuses on current themes in the genetics of crop domestication across crops, whereas other papers have a crop or geographic focus. One feature of progress in the sciences related to crop domestication is the availability of well-characterized germplasm resources in the global network of genetic resources centres (genebanks). Germplasm in genebanks is providing research materials for understanding domestication as well as for plant breeding. In this review, we highlight current genetic themes related to crop domestication. Impressive progress in this field in recent years is transforming plant breeding into crop engineering to meet the human need for increased crop yield with the minimum environmental impact - we consider this to be 'super-domestication'. While the time scale of domestication of 10 000 years or less is a very short evolutionary time span, the details emerging of what has happened and what is happening provide a window to see where domestication might - and can - advance in the future.  相似文献   

Developing fragrant rice through marker‐assisted/aided selection (MAS) is an economical and profitable approach worldwide for the enrichment of an elite genetic background with a pleasant aroma. The PCR‐based DNA markers that distinguish the alleles of major fragrance genes in rice have been synthesised to develop rice scent biofortification through MAS. Thus, the present study examined the aroma biofortification potential of these co‐dominant markers in a germplasm panel of 189 F2 progeny developed from crosses between a non‐aromatic variety (MR84) and a highly aromatic but low‐yielding variety (MRQ74) to determine the most influential diagnostic markers for fragrance biofortification. The SSRs and functional DNA markers RM5633 (on chromosome 4), RM515, RM223, L06, NKSbad2, FMbadh2‐E7, BADEX7‐5, Aro7 and SCU015RM (on chromosome 8) were highly associated with the 2AP (2‐acetyl‐1‐pyrroline) content across the population. The alleles traced via these markers were also in high linkage disequilibrium (R2 > 0.70) and explained approximately 12.1, 27.05, 27.05, 27.05, 25.42, 25.42, 20.53, 20.43 and 20.18% of the total phenotypic variation observed for these biomarkers, respectively. F2 plants harbouring the favourable alleles of these effective markers produced higher levels of fragrance. Hence, these rice plants can be used as donor parents to increase the development of fragrance‐biofortified tropical rice varieties adapted to growing conditions and consumer preferences, thus contributing to the global rice market.  相似文献   

Japanese chestnut (Castanea crenata Sieb. et Zucc.), unlike other Castanea species, is resistant to most diseases and wasps. However, genomic data of Japanese chestnut that could be used to determine its biotic stress resistance mechanisms have not been reported to date. In this study, we employed long-read sequencing and genetic mapping to generate genome sequences of Japanese chestnut at the chromosome level. Long reads (47.7 Gb; 71.6× genome coverage) were assembled into 781 contigs, with a total length of 721.2 Mb and a contig N50 length of 1.6 Mb. Genome sequences were anchored to the chestnut genetic map, comprising 14,973 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and covering 1,807.8 cM map distance, to establish a chromosome-level genome assembly (683.8 Mb), with 69,980 potential protein-encoding genes and 425.5 Mb repetitive sequences. Furthermore, comparative genome structure analysis revealed that Japanese chestnut shares conserved chromosomal segments with woody plants, but not with herbaceous plants, of rosids. Overall, the genome sequence data of Japanese chestnut generated in this study is expected to enhance not only its genetics and genomics but also the evolutionary genomics of woody rosids.  相似文献   

Selection and use of molecular markers for evaluation of DNA polymorphism in plants are couple of the most important approaches in the field of molecular genetics. The assessment of genetic diversity using morphological markers is not sufficient due to little differentiating traits among the species, genera or their individuals. Morphological markers are not only highly influenced by environmental factors but skilled assessment is also prerequisite to find the variations in plant genetic resources. Therefore, molecular markers are considered as efficient tools for detailed DNA based characterization of fruit crops. Molecular markers provide new directions to the efforts of plant breeders particularly in genetic variability, gene tags, gene localization, taxonomy, genetic diversity, phylogenetic analysis and also play an important role to decrease the time required for development of new and excellent cultivars. The success of molecular markers technology in genetic improvement programs depends on the close relationship among the plant breeders, biotechnologists, skilled manpower and good financial support. The present review describes application and success of molecular markers technology used for genetic improvement in different fruit crops.  相似文献   

Engineering cold stress tolerance in crop plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

We prevent an ultra-simple DNA extraction method for microsatellite analysis of rice. Each extraction requires only one microtube, one disposable pipette tip, TE buffer and few pieces (about 5 mm) of rice leaf tissue. This is sufficient for 200 PCR reactions. The extract can be kept in the freezer for long-term storage. Also, DNA can be extracted from 200–300 individuals in a few hours. These features enabled us to perform rapid largescale seedling genotyping required for marker-assisted selection. We have also examined the applicability of this method for other PCR-based markers: RAPDs, nuclear STS, chloroplast STS and chloroplast microsatellites.  相似文献   

利用微卫星标记鉴定水稻的稻瘟病抗性   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
应用水稻稻瘟病抗性基因Pid(t)紧密连锁的微卫星标记RM262对含有该抗病基因的品种地谷与感病品种江南香糯和8987的杂交F2群体进行遗传分析和抗性鉴定,结果表明,RM262的PCR扩增物在抗、感品种之间的多态性较好;在2个F2群体中,RM262和抗病基因间的重组率分别为5.74%和8.17%,应用该标记的抗性纯合和杂合带型选择抗性植株,其准确率可达98%以上。此外,还就分子标记辅助育种进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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